

distrib > Mageia > 5 > i586 > media > core-release > by-pkgid > d38b97c69a3fd47b351add70f89a7ab5 > files > 13



## Form generated from reading UI file 'chatmainwindow.ui'
## Created: Wed Dec 3 23:12:51 2014
##      by: Qt User Interface Compiler version 4.8.6
## WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost when recompiling UI file!

package Ui_ChatMainWindow;

use strict;
use warnings;
use QtCore4;
use QtGui4;

sub actionQuit {
    return shift->{actionQuit};

sub actionAboutQt {
    return shift->{actionAboutQt};

sub actionChangeNickname {
    return shift->{actionChangeNickname};

sub centralwidget {
    return shift->{centralwidget};

sub hboxLayout {
    return shift->{hboxLayout};

sub vboxLayout {
    return shift->{vboxLayout};

sub chatHistory {
    return shift->{chatHistory};

sub hboxLayout1 {
    return shift->{hboxLayout1};

sub label {
    return shift->{label};

sub messageLineEdit {
    return shift->{messageLineEdit};

sub sendButton {
    return shift->{sendButton};

sub menubar {
    return shift->{menubar};

sub menuQuit {
    return shift->{menuQuit};

sub menuFile {
    return shift->{menuFile};

sub statusbar {
    return shift->{statusbar};

sub setupUi {
    my ( $class, $chatMainWindow ) = @_;
    my $self = bless {}, $class;
    if ( !defined $chatMainWindow->objectName() ) {
        $chatMainWindow->setObjectName( "chatMainWindow" );
    $chatMainWindow->resize( 800, 600 );
    my $actionQuit = Qt::Action($chatMainWindow);
    $self->{actionQuit} = $actionQuit;
    $actionQuit->setObjectName( "actionQuit" );
    my $actionAboutQt = Qt::Action($chatMainWindow);
    $self->{actionAboutQt} = $actionAboutQt;
    $actionAboutQt->setObjectName( "actionAboutQt" );
    my $actionChangeNickname = Qt::Action($chatMainWindow);
    $self->{actionChangeNickname} = $actionChangeNickname;
    $actionChangeNickname->setObjectName( "actionChangeNickname" );
    my $centralwidget = Qt::Widget( $chatMainWindow );
    $self->{centralwidget} = $centralwidget;
    $centralwidget->setObjectName( "centralwidget" );
    my $hboxLayout = Qt::HBoxLayout( $centralwidget );
    $self->{hboxLayout} = $hboxLayout;
    $hboxLayout->setSpacing( 6 );
    $hboxLayout->setMargin( 9 );
    $hboxLayout->setObjectName( "hboxLayout" );
    my $vboxLayout = Qt::VBoxLayout(  );
    $self->{vboxLayout} = $vboxLayout;
    $vboxLayout->setSpacing( 6 );
    $vboxLayout->setMargin( 0 );
    $vboxLayout->setObjectName( "vboxLayout" );
    my $chatHistory = Qt::TextBrowser( $centralwidget );
    $self->{chatHistory} = $chatHistory;
    $chatHistory->setObjectName( "chatHistory" );
    $chatHistory->setAcceptDrops( 0 );
    $chatHistory->setAcceptRichText( 1 );

    $vboxLayout->addWidget( $chatHistory );

    my $hboxLayout1 = Qt::HBoxLayout(  );
    $self->{hboxLayout1} = $hboxLayout1;
    $hboxLayout1->setSpacing( 6 );
    $hboxLayout1->setMargin( 0 );
    $hboxLayout1->setObjectName( "hboxLayout1" );
    my $label = Qt::Label( $centralwidget );
    $self->{label} = $label;
    $label->setObjectName( "label" );

    $hboxLayout1->addWidget( $label );

    my $messageLineEdit = Qt::LineEdit( $centralwidget );
    $self->{messageLineEdit} = $messageLineEdit;
    $messageLineEdit->setObjectName( "messageLineEdit" );

    $hboxLayout1->addWidget( $messageLineEdit );

    my $sendButton = Qt::PushButton( $centralwidget );
    $self->{sendButton} = $sendButton;
    $sendButton->setObjectName( "sendButton" );
    my $sizePolicy = Qt::SizePolicy( 1, 0 );
    $self->{$sizePolicy} = $sizePolicy;
    $sizePolicy->setHorizontalStretch( 0 );
    $sizePolicy->setVerticalStretch( 0 );
    $sizePolicy->setHeightForWidth( $sendButton->sizePolicy()->hasHeightForWidth() );
    $sendButton->setSizePolicy( $sizePolicy );

    $hboxLayout1->addWidget( $sendButton );

    $vboxLayout->addLayout( $hboxLayout1 );

    $hboxLayout->addLayout( $vboxLayout );

    $chatMainWindow->setCentralWidget( $centralwidget );
    my $menubar = Qt::MenuBar( $chatMainWindow );
    $self->{menubar} = $menubar;
    $menubar->setObjectName( "menubar" );
    $menubar->setGeometry( Qt::Rect(0, 0, 800, 31) );
    my $menuQuit = Qt::Menu( $menubar );
    $self->{menuQuit} = $menuQuit;
    $menuQuit->setObjectName( "menuQuit" );
    my $menuFile = Qt::Menu( $menubar );
    $self->{menuFile} = $menuFile;
    $menuFile->setObjectName( "menuFile" );
    $chatMainWindow->setMenuBar( $menubar );
    my $statusbar = Qt::StatusBar( $chatMainWindow );
    $self->{statusbar} = $statusbar;
    $statusbar->setObjectName( "statusbar" );
    $chatMainWindow->setStatusBar( $statusbar );
    $label->setBuddy( $messageLineEdit );
    Qt::Widget::setTabOrder( $chatHistory, $messageLineEdit );
    Qt::Widget::setTabOrder( $messageLineEdit, $sendButton );

    $menubar->addAction( $menuFile->menuAction() );
    $menubar->addAction( $menuQuit->menuAction() );
    $menuQuit->addAction( $actionAboutQt );
    $menuFile->addAction( $actionChangeNickname );
    $menuFile->addAction( $actionQuit );

    $self->retranslateUi( $chatMainWindow );
    Qt::Object::connect($messageLineEdit, SIGNAL 'returnPressed()' , $sendButton, SLOT 'animateClick()' );
    Qt::Object::connect($actionQuit, SIGNAL 'triggered(bool)' , $chatMainWindow, SLOT 'close()' );

    Qt::MetaObject::connectSlotsByName( $chatMainWindow );
    return $self;
} # setupUi

sub setup_ui {
    my ( $chatMainWindow ) = @_;
    return setupUi( $chatMainWindow );

sub retranslateUi {
    my ( $self, $chatMainWindow ) = @_;
    $chatMainWindow->setWindowTitle( Qt::Application::translate( 'ChatMainWindow', "QtDBus Chat", undef, Qt::Application::UnicodeUTF8() ) );
    $self->{actionQuit}->setText( Qt::Application::translate( 'ChatMainWindow', "Quit", undef, Qt::Application::UnicodeUTF8() ) );
    $self->{actionQuit}->setShortcut( Qt::KeySequence( Qt::Application::translate( 'ChatMainWindow', "Ctrl+Q", undef, Qt::Application::UnicodeUTF8() ) ) );
    $self->{actionAboutQt}->setText( Qt::Application::translate( 'ChatMainWindow', "About Qt...", undef, Qt::Application::UnicodeUTF8() ) );
    $self->{actionChangeNickname}->setText( Qt::Application::translate( 'ChatMainWindow', "Change nickname...", undef, Qt::Application::UnicodeUTF8() ) );
    $self->{actionChangeNickname}->setShortcut( Qt::KeySequence( Qt::Application::translate( 'ChatMainWindow', "Ctrl+N", undef, Qt::Application::UnicodeUTF8() ) ) );
    $self->{chatHistory}->setToolTip( Qt::Application::translate( 'ChatMainWindow', "Messages sent and received from other users", undef, Qt::Application::UnicodeUTF8() ) );
    $self->{label}->setText( Qt::Application::translate( 'ChatMainWindow', "Message:", undef, Qt::Application::UnicodeUTF8() ) );
    $self->{sendButton}->setToolTip( Qt::Application::translate( 'ChatMainWindow', "Sends a message to other people", undef, Qt::Application::UnicodeUTF8() ) );
    $self->{sendButton}->setWhatsThis( '' );
    $self->{sendButton}->setText( Qt::Application::translate( 'ChatMainWindow', "Send", undef, Qt::Application::UnicodeUTF8() ) );
    $self->{menuQuit}->setTitle( Qt::Application::translate( 'ChatMainWindow', "Help", undef, Qt::Application::UnicodeUTF8() ) );
    $self->{menuFile}->setTitle( Qt::Application::translate( 'ChatMainWindow', "File", undef, Qt::Application::UnicodeUTF8() ) );
} # retranslateUi

sub retranslate_ui {
    my ( $chatMainWindow ) = @_;
    retranslateUi( $chatMainWindow );
