

distrib > Mageia > 5 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 7bf104dbf63bf6c91543fb652c9f6b37 > files > 14



Aug, 2010

%!target: man
%!postproc(man): ' \(#\w+\)' ''

%!options(html): --mask-email --toc
%!postproc(html): <HEAD> '<HEAD>\n<STYLE>body{margin:3em;} pre{background:#ffc;}</STYLE>'

%% LOG
%%    sep 2003 jic    : creation
%% 25 sep 2003 anamim : text revision. misspellings, rewording phrases, etc
%% 01 jun 2004 aurelio: updated to v2.0
%% 20 jul 2004 jic    : included: settings area, few marks, areas; reorganizing
%% 22 jul 2004 anamim : revision
%% 30 ago 2004 aurelio: little typos
%% 13 nov 2004 jic    : updated to v2.1
%% 28 dec 2004 aurelio: updated to v2.2
%% 21 may 2005 aurelio: updated to v2.3
%% 12 aug 2010 aurelio: updated to v2.6, rewrite (r250)

% TRANSLATOR: uncomment the next line and fill the right encoding
%%!encoding: utf-8

= NAME =[name]

txt2tags - text formatting and conversion tool

= SYNOPSIS =[synopsis]

**txt2tags** [//options//] [//FILE//...]

= DESCRIPTION =[description]

**txt2tags** reads a text file with minimal markup and convert it to:
//ASCII Art//,
//Google Code Wiki//,
//Man page//,
//Plain Text//,
//Wikipedia// and
% TRANSLATOR: please keep the alphabetical order of this list.

This man page was created by **txt2tags** from a simple text file. The same text file is also converted to HTML for the online version of this manual.

ONE source, MULTI targets -

= MARKUP =[markup]

Headers           First 3 lines of the source file
Title             = words =
Numbered title    + words +
Comment           % comments
Separator line    -----------------------...
Strong line       =======================...
Image             [filename.jpg]
Link              [label url]

Bold              **words**
Italic            //words//
Underline         __words__
Strike            --words--
Monospaced        ``words``
Raw               ""words""
Tagged            ''words''

Paragraph         words
Quote             <TAB>words
List              - words
Numbered list     + words
Definition list   : words
Table             | cell1 | cell2 | cell3...

Verbatim line     ``` words
Raw line          """ words
Tagged line       ''' words

Verbatim block    ```
Raw block         """
Tagged block      '''

= OPTIONS =[options]

:     **--art-chars**=//PATTERN//
Define //PATTERN// as the pattern of characters used to compose the ASCII Art decorations, in the following order: corner, border, side, bar1, bar2, level2, level3, level4, level5. The default pattern value is +-|-==-^". This option is only used by the ASCII Art target.

: **-C**, **--config-file**=//FILE//
Read configuration from the external file //FILE//. The configuration must be on the //%!keyword:value// format. See [SETTINGS #settings] section for details.

:     **--css-sugar**
Improves the generated HTML/XHTML code to be used with CSS files. Tag attributes are removed, presentation tags are avoided, header is composed by H1, H2 and H3 tags, new DIVs are created: //#header//, //#body//, //.toc//.

:     **--css-inside**
Insert CSS file contents inside HTML/XHTML headers. Use ``--style`` to specify a CSS file to be read.

:     **--dump-config**
Print all the configuration found and exit.

:     **--dump-source**
Print the document source, with includes (``%!include``) expanded.

:     **--encoding**=//CODE//
Set the character set (file encoding) used by the source document to //CODE//. Examples are UTF-8 and iso-8859-1.

:     **--gui**
Invoke Graphical Tk Interface.

: **-h**, **--help**
Print help information and exit.

: **-H**, **--no-headers**
Suppress header and footer from the output. Only the contents (body) will be shown.

:     **--headers**
Show header and footer in the output. Default is ON.

:     **--height**=//NUM//
Set the output's height to //NUM// rows. This option is only used by the ASCII Art target, when also using ``--slides``.

: **-i**, **--infile**=//FILE//
Set //FILE// as the input file name, the source document. Use '-' to read the sources from the STDIN.

:     **--mask-email**
Hide emails from spam robots. Removes @ and dots. The address """" turns to <foo (a) bar com>.

: **-n**, **--enum-title**
Turn on automatic numbering for titles. They will be prefixed by 1, 1.1, 1.1.1, ...

:     **--no-dump-config**
Cancel the ``--dump-config`` action.

:     **--no-dump-source**
Cancel the ``--dump-source`` action.

:     **--no-encoding**
Clear the encoding setting.

:     **--no-enum-title**
Turn off the automatic numbering for titles.

:     **--no-infile**
Clear all the previous infile declarations.

:     **--no-targets**
Cancel the ``--targets`` action.

:     **--no-mask-email**
Turn off the email masking feature.

:     **--no-outfile**
Clear the previous outfile declaration.

:     **--no-quiet**
Show messages, turning off the ``--quiet`` option.

:     **--no-rc**
Do not read the user configuration file ~/.txt2tagsrc.

:     **--no-slides**
Turn off the slides feature.

:     **--no-style**
Clear all the style settings.

:     **--no-toc**
Remove the Table of Contents from the output.

:     **--no-toc-only**
Turn off the ``--toc-only`` action.

: **-o**, **--outfile**=//FILE//
Set //FILE// as the output file name. Use '-' to send the results to STDOUT.

: **-q**, **--quiet**
Quiet mode. Suppress all output, except errors.

:     **--rc**
Read the user configuration file ~/.txt2tagsrc. Default is ON.

:     **--slides**
Format output as presentation slides. This option is only used by the ASCII Art target.

:     **--style**=//FILE//
Use //FILE// as the document's style file. Used to define CSS files for HTML/XHTML documents and packages for LaTeX. This option can be used multiple times to include multiple files.

: **-t**, **--target**=//TYPE//
Set the output document format to //TYPE//. Some popular types are: //html//, //xhtml//, //tex//, //man//, //txt//. Use the ``--targets`` option to see all the available formats.

:     **--targets**
Print a list of all the available targets and exit.

:     **--toc**
Include an automatic Table of Contents (TOC) to the output, between the Header and the Body. You can also specify the TOC position using the ``%%TOC`` macro.

:     **--toc-level**=//NUM//
Set the maximum TOC level to //NUM//. All titles deeper than //NUM// will not be included in the Table of Contents.

:     **--toc-only**
Print the Table of Contents and exit.

: **-v**, **--verbose**
Print informative messages during conversion. This option can be used multiple times to increase the number of messages shown.

: **-V**, **--version**
Print program version and exit.

:     **--width**=//NUM//
Set the output's width to //NUM// columns. This option is only used by the ASCII Art target.

= SOURCE FILES =[source]

The source files are usually identified by the //.t2t// extension (such as ``myfile.t2t``). You may have three areas inside your sources:

: **Header** (optional)
The first three lines of the file. Leave the first line blank if you don't need headers. Used for document title, author, version and date information.

: **Settings** (optional)
Begins right after the Header (4th or 2nd line) and ends when the Body area starts.
Used for settings (configurations) in the ``%!keyword:value`` format.

: **Body**
Begins at the first valid text line (not comment or setting) after the Header area and goes until the end of the document. Used for the document contents.

= SETTINGS =[settings]

Settings let you customize **txt2tags**, they're similar to options. They can be used at: source document's Settings area, ``~/.txt2tagsrc`` file, external file called with ``--config-file``.

: **%!target**
Set the output format, just like ``--target``. Example:
``` %!target: html

: **%!options(target)**
Set the default options to each target. You must use the command line options. Example:
``` %!options(html): --toc --toc-level 3 --css-sugar

: **%!includeconf**
Include configurations from an external file into the current, just like ``--config-file``. Example:
``` %!includeconf: myconfig.t2t

: **%!style**
Set a style file for the document, just like ``--style``. Can be used multiple times. Example:
``` %!style: colors.css

: **%!encoding**
Set the character set used by the document, just like ``--encoding``. Example:
``` %!encoding: UTF-8

: **%!preproc**
Input search/replace filter used to change the Body of the source document BEFORE any parsing by txt2tags. Search uses Python regular expressions. Example:
``` %!preproc:  "JJS"  "John J. Smith"

: **%!postproc**
Output search/replace filter used to change the generated document AFTER all the txt2tags processing. Search uses Python regular expressions. Example:
``` %!postproc(html):  "<B>"  "<STRONG>"

If the same keyword appears more than once, the last found will be the one used (except: options, preproc and postproc, which are cumulative). Invalid keywords are ignored. The parsing order is: ``~/.txt2tagsrc``, source document's Config area, ``--config-file`` option.

= COMMANDS =[commands]

Commands perform tasks during conversion time. They must be placed at the source document's Body.

: **%!csv: file.csv**
Includes an external CSV file as a table.

: **%!include: file.t2t**
Includes a txt2tags file in the document.

: **%!include: ""``file.txt``""**
Includes a text file (verbatim) in the document.

: **%!include: ""''file.html''""**
Includes an already tagged file in the document.

= MACROS =[macros]

Macros are handy shortcuts to insert dynamic contents in your document. They must be placed at the source document's Body. Except ``%%toc``, all macros can be customized with special directives, like ``%Y`` and ``%f``. See the txt2tags User Guide for details.

: **""%%date""**
Insert the current date. The default format is ``%%date(%Y%m%d)``, which gives YYYYMMDD.

: **""%%infile""**
Insert the source file path. The default format is ``%%infile(%f)``. Useful for footer links like ``[See source %%infile]``.

: **""%%mtime""**
Insert the source file modification time. The default format is ``%%date(%Y%m%d)``, which gives YYYYMMDD.

: **""%%outfile""**
Insert the output file path. The default format is ``%%outfile(%f)``. Useful for self mentioning like "This is the %%outfile file".

: **""%%toc""**
Specifies where the Table of Contents will be placed. You can even use it multiple times. Note that you must also use the ``--toc`` option.

= EXAMPLES =[examples]

: ``txt2tags -t html file.t2t``

Convert to HTML, saving to file.html.

: ``txt2tags -t html -o - file.t2t``

Convert to HTML, sending results to STDOUT.

: ``txt2tags -t html --toc file.t2t``

Convert to HTML, including automatic Table Of Contents.

: ``txt2tags -t html --toc --toc-level 2 -n file.t2t``

Convert to HTML, with a two level Table of Contents and numbered titles.

: ``txt2tags --toc-only file.t2t``

Just show the Table of Contents, no conversion is done.

: ``txt2tags -t html --css-sugar --style base.css --style ui.css file.t2t``

Convert to HTML, preparing the resulting code to be used with CSS, and also include calls to two external CSS files.

: ``txt2tags -t art --slides --width 80 --height 25 -o - file.t2t | more``

Create ASCII Art presentation slides, ready to be shown in a 80x25 terminal screen/window.

: ``(echo ; echo "**bold**") | txt2tags -t html -H -``

Handy one-liner for quick tests using STDIN.

: ``txt2tags -t html -o - file.t2t | tidy > file.html``

Send results to STDOUT, then fine tune the code with an external program before saving the output file.

= FILES =[files]

: ~/.txt2tagsrc
Default user configuration file.

= ENVIRONMENT =[environment]

If non-null, sets the full pathname for the default user configuration file.

= AUTHOR =[author]

Aurelio Jargas <>

%% TRANSLATOR: Activate the following line and add your language, name and email/site.

% Man page translated to LANGUAGE by YOUR NAME <YOUR EMAIL OR WEBSITE>.

= BUGS =[bugs]

= COPYRIGHT =[copyright]

Copyright (C) 2001-%%date(%Y) Aurelio Jargas, GNU GPL v2