

distrib > Mageia > 5 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > f01b06f08f925903d32a5570387b4e71 > files > 5


# -*- Mode: rpm-spec -*-
# This Specfile is based on kernel-tmb spec done by
# Thomas Backlund <>
# The mkflavour() macroization done by Anssi Hannula <>
# Note! remember to push kernel-userspace-headers and
# the prebuilt kernel drivers (kmod-<driver>)
# Mageia kernels use versioning
%define kernelversion	4
%define patchlevel	4
# sublevel is now used for -stable patches
%define sublevel	50
# extstable is for extended stable patches
%define extstable	0

# Package release
%define mgarel		2

# kernel Makefile extraversion is substituted by
# kpatch wich are either 0 (empty), rc (kpatch)
%define kpatch		0
# -gitX patch (only the number after "git")
%define kgit		0

# kernel base name (also name of srpm)
%define kname 		kernel

# Patch tarball tag
%define ktag		mga

%define rpmtag		%{distsuffix}%{mgaver}
%if %kpatch
%if %kgit
%define rpmrel		%mkrel 0.%{kpatch}.%{kgit}.%{mgarel}
%define rpmrel		%mkrel 0.%{kpatch}.%{mgarel}
%define rpmrel		%mkrel %{mgarel}

# fakerel and fakever never change, they are used to fool
# rpm/urpmi/smart and ensure the kernels are installed,
# not upgraded so old kernel is not overwritten or removed
%define fakever		1
%define fakerel 	%mkrel 1

# version defines
%if %extstable
%define kversion  	%{kernelversion}.%{patchlevel}.%{sublevel}.%{extstable}
%define kversion  	%{kernelversion}.%{patchlevel}.%{sublevel}
%define kverrel   	%{kversion}-%{rpmrel}

# When we are using a pre/rc patch, the tarball is a sublevel -1
%if %kpatch
%if %sublevel
%define tar_ver   	%{kernelversion}.%{patchlevel}
%define tar_ver		%{kernelversion}.%(expr %{patchlevel} - 1)
%define patch_ver 	%{kversion}-%{kpatch}-%{ktag}%{mgarel}
%define tar_ver   	%{kernelversion}.%{patchlevel}
%define patch_ver 	%{kversion}-%{ktag}%{mgarel}

# Used for not making too long names for rpms or search paths
%if %kpatch
%if %kgit
%define buildrpmrel     0.%{kpatch}.%{kgit}.%{mgarel}%{rpmtag}
%define buildrpmrel     0.%{kpatch}.%{mgarel}%{rpmtag}
%define buildrpmrel     %{mgarel}%{rpmtag}
%define buildrel     	%{kversion}-%{buildrpmrel}

# Having different top level names for packges means that you have to remove
# them by hard :(
%define top_dir_name 	%{kname}-%{_arch}

%define build_dir 	${RPM_BUILD_DIR}/%{top_dir_name}
%define src_dir 	%{build_dir}/linux-%{tar_ver}

# Disable useless debug rpms...
%define _enable_debug_packages 	%{nil}
%define debug_package 		%{nil}

# Build defines
%define build_doc 		1
%define build_source 		1
%define build_devel 		1

%define build_debug 		1

# Build desktop i586 / 4GB
%ifarch %{ix86}
%define build_desktop586	1

# Build desktop (i686 / 4GB) / x86_64
%define build_desktop		1

# Build server (i686 / 64GB)/x86_64 / sparc64 sets
%define build_server		1

# build perf and cpupower tools
%define build_perf		1
%define build_cpupower		1

# compress modules with xz
%define build_modxz		1

# ARM builds
%ifarch %{arm}
%define build_desktop		1
%ifarch armv5tl
%define build_desktop_armv6v7	1
%define build_server		0
%define build_iop32x		0
%define build_versatile		0
# no cpupower tools on arm yet
%define build_cpupower		0
# arm is currently not using xz
%define build_modxz		0
# End of user definitions

# buildtime flags
%{?_without_desktop586: %global build_desktop586 0}
%{?_without_desktop: %global build_desktop 0}
%{?_without_server: %global build_server 0}
%{?_without_doc: %global build_doc 0}
%{?_without_source: %global build_source 0}
%{?_without_devel: %global build_devel 0}
%{?_without_debug: %global build_debug 0}
%{?_without_perf: %global build_perf 0}
%{?_without_cpupower: %global build_cpupower 0}
%{?_without_modxz: %global build_modxz 0}

%{?_with_desktop586: %global build_desktop586 1}
%{?_with_desktop: %global build_desktop 1}
%{?_with_server: %global build_server 1}
%{?_with_doc: %global build_doc 1}
%{?_with_source: %global build_source 1}
%{?_with_devel: %global build_devel 1}
%{?_with_debug: %global build_debug 1}
%{?_with_perf: %global build_perf 1}
%{?_with_cpupower: %global build_cpupower 1}
%{?_with_modxz: %global build_modxz 1}

# ARM builds
%{?_with_iop32x: %global build_iop32x 1}
%{?_with_versatile: %global build_versatile 1}
%{?_without_iop32x: %global build_iop32x 0}
%{?_without_versatile: %global build_versatile 0}

# For the .nosrc.rpm
%define build_nosrc 	0
%{?_with_nosrc: %global build_nosrc 1}

%if %(if [ -z "$CC" ] ; then echo 0; else echo 1; fi)
%define kmake %make CC="$CC"
%define kmake %make
# there are places where parallel make don't work
%define smake make

# Parallelize xargs invocations on smp machines
%define kxargs xargs %([ -z "$RPM_BUILD_NCPUS" ] \\\
	&& RPM_BUILD_NCPUS="`/usr/bin/getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN`"; \\\
	[ "$RPM_BUILD_NCPUS" -gt 1 ] && echo "-P $RPM_BUILD_NCPUS")

# Sparc arch wants sparc64 kernels
%define target_arch    %(echo %{_arch} | sed -e 's/mips.*/mips/' -e 's/arm.*/arm/')

# SRC RPM description
Summary: 	Linux kernel built for Mageia
Name:		%{kname}
Version: 	%{kversion}
Release: 	%{rpmrel}
License: 	GPLv2
Group: 	 	System/Kernel and hardware
ExclusiveArch: %{ix86} x86_64 %{arm}
ExclusiveOS: 	Linux

# Sources
### This is for full SRC RPM
### This is for stripped SRC RPM
%if %build_nosrc
NoSource: 0
# This is for disabling *config, mrproper, prepare, scripts on -devel rpms
Source2: 	disable-mrproper-prepare-scripts-configs-in-devel-rpms.patch

Source4: 	README.kernel-sources

# config and systemd service file from fedora
Source50:	cpupower.service
Source51:	cpupower.config

# our patch tarball
Source100: 	linux-%{patch_ver}.tar.xz

# Patches

# Patch0 to Patch100 are for core kernel upgrades.

# Pre linus patch:

%if %kpatch
%if %sublevel
%if %kgit
%if %sublevel
%if %kpatch
%define prev_sublevel %(expr %{sublevel} - 1)
%if %prev_sublevel
%if %extstable
Patch3:		patch-%{kernelversion}.%{patchlevel}.%{sublevel}.%{extstable}.patch


# Defines for the things that are needed for all the kernels
%define common_desc_kernel The kernel package contains the Linux kernel (vmlinuz), the core of your \
Mageia operating system. The kernel handles the basic functions \
of the operating system: memory allocation, process allocation, device \
input and output, etc.

%define common_desc_kernel_smp This kernel relies on in-kernel smp alternatives to switch between up & smp \
mode depending on detected hardware. To force the kernel to boot in single \
processor mode, use the "nosmp" boot parameter.

### Global Requires/Provides
%define requires1	bootloader-utils >= 1.16-1
%define requires2	dracut >= 038-21
%define requires3	kmod >= 12-2
%define requires4	sysfsutils >= 2.1.0-16
%define requires5	kernel-firmware >= 20160409-1

%define kprovides1 	%{kname} = %{kverrel}
%define kprovides2 	kernel = %{tar_ver}
%define kprovides3 	alsa = 1.0.26
%define kprovides_server drbd-api = 88

%define	kobsoletes1	dkms-r8192se <= 0019.1207.2010-2
%define	kobsoletes2	dkms-lzma <= 4.43-32
%define	kobsoletes3	dkms-psb <= 4.41.1-7
# conflict dkms packages that dont support kernel-4.4
%define kconflicts1	dkms-broadcom-wl <
%define kconflicts2	dkms-fglrx < 15.302-4
%define kconflicts3	dkms-nvidia-current < 352.79-1
%define kconflicts4	dkms-nvidia340 < 340.96-1
%define kconflicts5	dkms-nvidia304 < 304.131-1
%define kconflicts6	dkms-virtualbox < 5.0.6-1
%define kconflicts7	dkms-xtables-addons < 2.10-1
# not supported by x11-server-1.16
%define kconflicts8	dkms-nvidia173 <= 173.14.39
# (tmb) nvidia96xx does not support this kernel or x11-server-1.13
%define kconflicts9	dkms-nvidia96xx <= 96.43.23
# (tmb) conflict too old lvm2 rules to make upgrades work (tv, mga #9536)
%define kconflicts10	lvm2 < 2.02.98-3
# (tmb) conflict too old drakxtools-backend to avoid bogus root=/dev/ (#9536)
%define kconflicts11	drakxtools-backend < 15.37-1
# (tmb) conflict older btrfs-progs to get the new in same transaction and in initrd
%define kconflicts12	btrfs-progs < 4.4.1-1
# (tmb) conflict too old plymouth (mga#15486)
%define kconflicts13	plymouth <
# (tmb) conflict too old radeon-firmware to get the uvd firmwares in initrd
%define kconflicts14	radeon-firmware < 20160920-1
# (tmb) conflict old firmware to get the firmwares in initrd
%define kconflicts15	kernel-firmware-nonfree < 20160914-1
# (tmb) conflict old microcode to get updated ones in initrd for early loading
%define kconflicts16	microcode < 0.20160409-1
# (tmb) conflict old theme to get mga5 theme in initrd
%define kconflicts17	mageia-gfxboot-theme <
# (tmb) conflict too old grub2(-efi)
%define kconflicts18	grub2 < 2.02-0.git9752.18
%define kconflicts19	grub2-efi < 2.02-0.git9752.18
# (tmb) conflict too old efibootmgr
%define kconflicts20	efibootmgr < 0.11.0-7
# (tmb) conflict for vmmouse breakage (mga#16954)
%define kconflicts21	x11-driver-input-vmmouse < 13.1.0-1

Autoreqprov: 		no

BuildRequires: 		gcc
BuildRequires: 		binutils >= 1:2.24-0.20131016.1
BuildRequires: 		kmod >= 12-2
BuildRequires: 		bc
# for cpupower
%if %{build_cpupower}
BuildRequires:		pciutils-devel
# for perf
%if %{build_perf}
BuildRequires:		audit-devel
BuildRequires:		binutils-devel
BuildRequires:		elfutils-devel
BuildRequires:		gtk2-devel
BuildRequires:		libunwind-devel
BuildRequires:		newt-devel
BuildRequires:		python-devel
BuildRequires:		zlib-devel
BuildRequires:		asciidoc
BuildRequires:		bison
BuildRequires:		flex
BuildRequires:		xmlto
BuildRequires:		perl-devel
%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
BuildRequires:		numa-devel

%ifnarch %{arm}

# Define obsolete/provides to help automatic upgrades of old kernel-xen-pvops
%define latest_obsoletes_server kernel-xen-pvops-latest < 3.2.1-1
%define latest_provides_server kernel-xen-pvops-latest = %{kverrel}
%define latest_obsoletes_devel_server kernel-xen-pvops-devel-latest < 3.2.1-1
%define latest_provides_devel_server kernel-xen-pvops-devel-latest = %{kverrel}
# Define obsolete/provides to help automatic upgrades of old kernel-netbook
%define latest_obsoletes_desktop kernel-netbook-latest < 3.7.0-0.rc8.1
%define latest_provides_desktop kernel-netbook-latest = %{kverrel}
%define latest_obsoletes_devel_desktop kernel-netbook-devel-latest < 3.7.0-0.rc8.1
%define latest_provides_devel_desktop kernel-netbook-devel-latest = %{kverrel}

# mkflavour() name flavour processor
# name: the flavour name in the package name
# flavour: first parameter of CreateKernel()
%define mkflavour()					\
%package -n %{kname}-%{1}-%{buildrel}			\
Version:	%{fakever}				\
Release:	%{fakerel}				\
Provides:	%kprovides1 %kprovides2 %kprovides3	\
%{expand:%%{?kprovides_%{1}:Provides: %{kprovides_%{1}}}} \
Provides:	%{kname}-%{1}				\
Requires(pre):	%requires1 %requires2 %requires3 %requires4 \
Requires:	%requires2 %requires5			\
Obsoletes:	%kobsoletes1 %kobsoletes2 %kobsoletes3	\
Conflicts:	%kconflicts1 %kconflicts2 %kconflicts3	\
Conflicts:	%kconflicts4 %kconflicts5 %kconflicts6	\
Conflicts:	%kconflicts7 %kconflicts8 %kconflicts9	\
Conflicts:	%kconflicts10 %kconflicts11 %kconflicts12 \
Conflicts:	%kconflicts13 %kconflicts14 %kconflicts15 \
Conflicts:	%kconflicts16 %kconflicts17 %kconflicts18 \
Conflicts:	%kconflicts19 %kconflicts20 %kconflicts21 \
Provides:	should-restart = system			\
Recommends:	crda iw cpupower			\
Recommends:	%{kname}-%{1}-latest			\
%ifarch %{ix86}						\
Conflicts:	arch(x86_64)				\
%endif							\
Summary:	%{expand:%{summary_%(echo %{1} | sed -e "s/-/_/")}} \
Group:		System/Kernel and hardware		\
%description -n %{kname}-%{1}-%{buildrel}		\
%common_desc_kernel %{expand:%{info_%(echo %{1} | sed -e "s/-/_/")}} \
%ifnarch %{arm}						\
%common_desc_kernel_smp					\
%endif							\
%if %build_devel					\
%package -n	%{kname}-%{1}-devel-%{buildrel}		\
Version:	%{fakever}				\
Release:	%{fakerel}				\
Requires:	glibc-devel ncurses-devel make gcc perl	\
Summary:	The kernel-devel files for %{kname}-%{1}-%{buildrel} \
Group:		Development/Kernel			\
Provides:	%{kname}-devel = %{kverrel} 		\
Provides:	%{kname}-%{1}-devel			\
Recommends:	%{kname}-%{1}-devel-latest		\
%ifarch %{ix86}						\
Conflicts:	arch(x86_64)				\
%endif							\
%description -n %{kname}-%{1}-devel-%{buildrel}		\
This package contains the kernel files (headers and build tools) \
that should be enough to build additional drivers for   \
use with %{kname}-%{1}-%{buildrel}.                     \
If you want to build your own kernel, you need to install the full \
%{kname}-source-%{buildrel} rpm.			\
%endif							\
%if %build_debug					\
%package -n	%{kname}-%{1}-%{buildrel}-debuginfo	\
Version:	%{fakever}				\
Release:	%{fakerel}				\
Summary:	Files with debuginfo for %{kname}-%{1}-%{buildrel} \
Group:		Development/Debug			\
Provides:	kernel-debug = %{kverrel} 		\
%ifarch %{ix86}						\
Conflicts:	arch(x86_64)				\
%endif							\
%description -n %{kname}-%{1}-%{buildrel}-debuginfo	\
This package contains the files with debuginfo to aid in debug tasks \
when using %{kname}-%{1}-%{buildrel}.			\
If you need to look at debug information or use some application that \
needs debugging info from the kernel, this package may help. \
%endif							\
%package -n %{kname}-%{1}-latest			\
Version:	%{kversion}				\
Release:	%{rpmrel}				\
Summary:	Virtual rpm for latest %{kname}-%{1}	\
Group:		System/Kernel and hardware		\
Requires:	%{kname}-%{1}-%{buildrel}		\
%ifarch %{ix86}						\
Conflicts:	arch(x86_64)				\
%endif							\
%{expand:%%{?latest_obsoletes_%{1}:Obsoletes: %{latest_obsoletes_%{1}}}} \
%{expand:%%{?latest_provides_%{1}:Provides: %{latest_provides_%{1}}}} \
%description -n %{kname}-%{1}-latest			\
This package is a virtual rpm that aims to make sure you always have the \
latest %{kname}-%{1} installed...			\
%if %build_devel					\
%package -n %{kname}-%{1}-devel-latest			\
Version:	%{kversion}				\
Release:	%{rpmrel}				\
Summary:	Virtual rpm for latest %{kname}-%{1}-devel \
Group:		Development/Kernel			\
Requires:	%{kname}-%{1}-devel-%{buildrel}		\
%ifarch %{ix86}						\
Conflicts:	arch(x86_64)				\
%endif							\
Provides:	%{kname}-devel-latest			\
%{expand:%%{?latest_obsoletes_devel_%{1}:Obsoletes: %{latest_obsoletes_devel_%{1}}}} \
%{expand:%%{?latest_provides_devel_%{1}:Provides: %{latest_provides_devel_%{1}}}} \
%description -n %{kname}-%{1}-devel-latest		\
This package is a virtual rpm that aims to make sure you always have the \
latest %{kname}-%{1}-devel installed...			\
%endif							\
%posttrans -n %{kname}-%{1}-%{buildrel} -f kernel_files.%{1}-posttrans \
%preun -n %{kname}-%{1}-%{buildrel} -f kernel_files.%{1}-preun \
%postun -n %{kname}-%{1}-%{buildrel} -f kernel_files.%{1}-postun \
%if %build_devel					\
%post -n %{kname}-%{1}-devel-%{buildrel} -f kernel_devel_files.%{1}-post \
%preun -n %{kname}-%{1}-devel-%{buildrel} -f kernel_devel_files.%{1}-preun \
%postun -n %{kname}-%{1}-devel-%{buildrel} -f kernel_devel_files.%{1}-postun \
%endif							\
%files -n %{kname}-%{1}-%{buildrel} -f kernel_files.%{1} \
%files -n %{kname}-%{1}-latest				\
%if %build_devel					\
%files -n %{kname}-%{1}-devel-%{buildrel} -f kernel_devel_files.%{1} \
%files -n %{kname}-%{1}-devel-latest			\
%endif							\
%if %build_debug					\
%files -n %{kname}-%{1}-%{buildrel}-debuginfo -f kernel_debug_files.%{1} \

%ifarch %{ix86}
# kernel-desktop586: i586, smp-alternatives, 4GB
%if %build_desktop586
%define summary_desktop586 Linux kernel for desktop use with i586 and less than 4GB RAM
%define info_desktop586 This kernel is compiled for desktop use, single or \
multiple i586 processor(s)/core(s) and less than 4GB RAM (usually 3-3.5GB \
detected, if you need/want to use all 4GB or more, install kernel-server), \
using HZ_1000, voluntary preempt, CFS cpu scheduler and cfq i/o scheduler.
%mkflavour desktop586

# kernel-desktop: i686, smp-alternatives, 4 GB / x86_64
%if %build_desktop
%ifarch %{ix86}
%define summary_desktop Linux Kernel for desktop use with i686 and less than 4GB RAM
%define info_desktop This kernel is compiled for desktop use, single or \
multiple i686 processor(s)/core(s) and less than 4GB RAM (usually 3-3.5GB \
detected, if you need/want to use all 4GB or more, install kernel-server), \
using HZ_1000, voluntary preempt, CFS cpu scheduler and cfq i/o scheduler.
%define summary_desktop Linux Kernel for desktop use with %{_arch}
%define info_desktop This kernel is compiled for desktop use, single or \
multiple %{_arch} processor(s)/core(s), using HZ_1000, voluntary preempt, \
CFS cpu scheduler and cfq i/o scheduler.
%mkflavour desktop

# kernel-server: i686, smp-alternatives, 64 GB / x86_64
%if %build_server
%ifarch %{ix86}
%define summary_server Linux Kernel for server use with i686 & 64GB RAM
%define info_server This kernel is compiled for server use, single or \
multiple i686 processor(s)/core(s) and up to 64GB RAM using PAE, using \
no preempt, HZ_100, CFS cpu scheduler and cfq i/o scheduler.
%define summary_server Linux Kernel for server use with %{_arch}
%define info_server This kernel is compiled for server use, single or \
multiple %{_arch} processor(s)/core(s), using no preempt, HZ_100, \
CFS cpu scheduler and cfq i/o scheduler.
%mkflavour server

# ARM kernels
%ifarch armv5tl
# kernel-desktop-armv6v7
%if %build_desktop_armv6v7
%define summary_desktop_armv6v7 Linux kernel for desktop use with ARMv6 or ARMv7
%define info_desktop_armv6v7 This kernel is compiled for desktop use, single or \
multiple ARMv6 or ARMv7 processor(s)/core(s), using HZ_1000, voluntary preempt, \
CFS cpu scheduler and cfq i/o scheduler.
%mkflavour desktop-armv6v7
%ifarch %{arm}
%if %build_iop32x
%define summary_iop32x Linux Kernel for Arm machines based on Xscale IOP32X
%define info_iop32x This kernel is compiled for iop32x boxes. It will run on n2100 \
or ss4000e or sanmina boards.
%mkflavour iop32x
%if %build_versatile
%define summary_versatile Linux Kernel for Versatile arm machines
%define info_versatile This kernel is compiled for Versatile boxes. It will run on Qemu for instance.
%mkflavour versatile

# kernel-source
%if %build_source
%package -n %{kname}-source-%{buildrel}
Version: 	%{fakever}
Release: 	%{fakerel}
Requires: 	glibc-devel, ncurses-devel, make, gcc, perl, diffutils
Summary: 	The Linux source code for %{kname}-%{buildrel}
Group: 		Development/Kernel
Autoreqprov: 	no
Provides: 	kernel-source = %{kverrel}
Buildarch:	noarch

%description -n %{kname}-source-%{buildrel}
The %{kname}-source package contains the source code files for the Mageia
kernel. Theese source files are only needed if you want to build your
own custom kernel that is better tuned to your particular hardware.

If you only want the files needed to build 3rdparty (nVidia, Ati, dkms-*,...)
drivers against, install the *-devel-* rpm that is matching your kernel.

# kernel-source-latest: virtual rpm
%package -n %{kname}-source-latest
Version: 	%{kversion}
Release: 	%{rpmrel}
Summary: 	Virtual rpm for latest %{kname}-source
Group:   	Development/Kernel
Requires: 	%{kname}-source-%{buildrel}
Buildarch:	noarch

%description -n %{kname}-source-latest
This package is a virtual rpm that aims to make sure you always have the
latest %{kname}-source installed...

# kernel-doc: documentation for the Linux kernel
%if %build_doc
%package -n %{kname}-doc
Version: 	%{kversion}
Release: 	%{rpmrel}
Summary: 	Various documentation bits found in the %{kname} source
Group: 		Documentation
Buildarch:	noarch

%description -n %{kname}-doc
This package contains documentation files from the %{kname} source.
Various bits of information about the Linux kernel and the device drivers
shipped with it are documented in these files. You also might want install
this package if you need a reference to the options that can be passed to
Linux kernel modules at load time.

# kernel/tools
%if %{build_perf}
%package -n perf
Version:	%{kversion}
Release:	%{rpmrel}
Summary:	perf tool and the supporting documentation
Group:		System/Kernel and hardware

%description -n perf
the perf tool and the supporting documentation.

%if %{build_cpupower}
%package -n cpupower
Version:	%{kversion}
Release:	%{rpmrel}
Summary:	the cpupower tools
Group:		System/Kernel and hardware
Requires(post):  rpm-helper >= 0.24.8-1
Requires(preun): rpm-helper >= 0.24.8-1
Obsoletes:	cpufreq cpufrequtils

%description -n cpupower
the cpupower tools.

%post -n cpupower
%_post_service cpupower

%preun -n cpupower
%_preun_service cpupower

%package -n cpupower-devel
Version:	%{kversion}
Release:	%{rpmrel}
Summary:	devel files for cpupower
Group:		Development/Kernel
Requires:	cpupower = %{kversion}-%{rpmrel}
Conflicts:	%{_lib}cpufreq-devel

%description -n cpupower-devel
This package contains the development files for cpupower.

# End packages - here begins build stage
%setup -q -n %top_dir_name -c
%setup -q -n %top_dir_name -D -T -a100

%define patches_dir ../%{patch_ver}/

cd %src_dir

%if %sublevel
%if %kpatch
%if %prev_sublevel
%patch1 -p1
%patch2 -p1
%patch1 -p1
%if %kpatch
%patch1 -p1
%if %kgit
%patch2 -p1
%if %extstable
%patch3 -p1



# Setup Begin

# Prepare all the variables for calling create_configs

%if %build_debug
%define debug --debug
%define debug --no-debug

%{patches_dir}/scripts/create_configs %debug --user_cpu="%{target_arch}"

# make sure the kernel has the sublevel we know it has...
LC_ALL=C perl -p -i -e "s/^SUBLEVEL.*/SUBLEVEL = %{sublevel}/" Makefile

# get rid of unwanted files
find . -name '*~' -o -name '*.orig' -o -name '*.append' | %kxargs rm -f

# Common target directories
%define _kerneldir /usr/src/kernel-%{kversion}-%{buildrpmrel}
%define _bootdir /boot
%define _modulesdir /lib/modules
%define _efidir %{_bootdir}/efi/mageia

# Directories definition needed for building
%define temp_root %{build_dir}/temp-root
%define temp_source %{temp_root}%{_kerneldir}
%define temp_boot %{temp_root}%{_bootdir}
%define temp_modules %{temp_root}%{_modulesdir}

PrepareKernel() {

	echo "Make config for kernel $extension"

	%smake -s mrproper

	if [ "%{target_arch}" == "i386" -o "%{target_arch}" == "x86_64" ]; then
	    if [ -z "$name" ]; then
		cp ${x86_dir}/%{target_arch}_defconfig-desktop .config
		cp ${x86_dir}/%{target_arch}_defconfig-$name .config
	    if [ -z "$name" ]; then
		cp arch/%{target_arch}/defconfig-desktop .config
		cp arch/%{target_arch}/defconfig-$name .config

	# make sure EXTRAVERSION says what we want it to say
	%if %extstable
	LC_ALL=C perl -p -i -e "s/^EXTRAVERSION.*/EXTRAVERSION = .%{extstable}-$extension/" Makefile
	LC_ALL=C perl -p -i -e "s/^EXTRAVERSION.*/EXTRAVERSION = -$extension/" Makefile

	%smake oldconfig

BuildKernel() {

	echo "Building kernel $KernelVer"

	%kmake -s all

	# Start installing stuff
	install -d %{temp_boot}
	install -m 644 %{temp_boot}/$KernelVer
	install -m 644 .config %{temp_boot}/config-$KernelVer
	xz -c Module.symvers > %{temp_boot}/symvers-$KernelVer.xz

	%ifarch %{arm}
		cp -f arch/arm/boot/zImage %{temp_boot}/vmlinuz-$KernelVer
		install -d %{temp_root}/usr/lib/linux-$KernelVer/
		for d in arch/arm/boot/dts/*.dtb; do \
			install -D -m644 $d %{temp_root}/usr/lib/linux-$KernelVer/$(basename $d); \
		cp -f arch/%{target_arch}/boot/bzImage %{temp_boot}/vmlinuz-$KernelVer

	# modules
	install -d %{temp_modules}/$KernelVer
	%smake INSTALL_MOD_PATH=%{temp_root} KERNELRELEASE=$KernelVer modules_install

	# remove /lib/firmware, we use a separate kernel-firmware
	rm -rf %{temp_root}/lib/firmware

SaveDevel() {


	mkdir -p $TempDevelRoot
	for i in $(find . -name 'Makefile*'); do cp -R --parents $i $TempDevelRoot;done
	for i in $(find . -name 'Kconfig*' -o -name 'Kbuild*'); do cp -R --parents $i $TempDevelRoot;done
	cp -fR Documentation/DocBook/media/*.b64 $TempDevelRoot/Documentation/DocBook/media/
	cp -fR include $TempDevelRoot
	cp -fR scripts $TempDevelRoot
	cp -fR kernel/bounds.c $TempDevelRoot/kernel
	cp -fR tools/include $TempDevelRoot/tools/
	%ifarch %{arm}
		cp -fR arch/%{target_arch}/tools $TempDevelRoot/arch/%{target_arch}/
	%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
		cp -fR arch/x86/kernel/asm-offsets.{c,s} $TempDevelRoot/arch/x86/kernel/
		cp -fR arch/x86/kernel/asm-offsets_{32,64}.c $TempDevelRoot/arch/x86/kernel/
		cp -fR arch/x86/purgatory/* $TempDevelRoot/arch/x86/purgatory/
		cp -fR arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall* $TempDevelRoot/arch/x86/entry/syscalls/
		cp -fR arch/x86/include $TempDevelRoot/arch/x86/
		cp -fR arch/x86/tools $TempDevelRoot/arch/x86/
		cp -fR arch/%{target_arch}/kernel/asm-offsets.{c,s} $TempDevelRoot/arch/%{target_arch}/kernel/
		for f in $(find arch/%{target_arch} -name include); do cp -fR --parents $f $TempDevelRoot; done
	cp -fR .config Module.symvers $TempDevelRoot
	cp -fR 3rdparty/ $TempDevelRoot/3rdparty

	# Needed for truecrypt build (Danny)
	cp -fR drivers/md/dm.h $TempDevelRoot/drivers/md/

	# needed by include/generated/timeconst.h
	cp -fR kernel/time/timeconst.bc $TempDevelRoot/kernel/time/

	# Needed for lguest
	cp -fR drivers/lguest/lg.h $TempDevelRoot/drivers/lguest/

	# Needed for lirc_gpio (#39004)
	cp -fR drivers/media/pci/bt8xx/bttv{,p}.h $TempDevelRoot/drivers/media/pci/bt8xx/
	cp -fR drivers/media/pci/bt8xx/bt848.h $TempDevelRoot/drivers/media/pci/bt8xx/
	cp -fR drivers/media/common/btcx-risc.h $TempDevelRoot/drivers/media/common/

	# Needed for external dvb tree (#41418)
	cp -fR drivers/media/dvb-core/*.h $TempDevelRoot/drivers/media/dvb-core/
	cp -fR drivers/media/dvb-frontends/lgdt330x.h $TempDevelRoot/drivers/media/dvb-frontends/

	# add acpica header files, needed for fglrx build
	cp -fR drivers/acpi/acpica/*.h $TempDevelRoot/drivers/acpi/acpica/

	# aufs2 has a special file needed
	cp -fR fs/aufs/ $TempDevelRoot/fs/aufs

	for i in alpha arc avr32 blackfin c6x cris frv h8300 hexagon ia64 m32r m68k m68knommu metag microblaze \
		 mips mn10300 nios2 openrisc parisc powerpc s390 score sh sparc tile unicore32 xtensa; do
		rm -rf $TempDevelRoot/arch/$i
		rm -rf $TempDevelRoot/tools/arch/$i

	%ifnarch %{arm}
		rm -rf $TempDevelRoot/arch/arm*
		rm -rf $TempDevelRoot/include/kvm/arm*
		rm -rf $TempDevelRoot/include/soc
		rm -rf $TempDevelRoot/tools/arch/arm*
	%ifnarch %{ix86} x86_64
		rm -rf $TempDevelRoot/arch/x86
		rm -rf $TempDevelRoot/tools/arch/x86
		# arch/x86/ras/Kconfig is included by drivers/ras/Kconfig
		# and kconfig's source command seems to be evaluated even under a false conditional
		mkdir -p $TempDevelRoot/arch/x86/ras
		cp -fR arch/x86/ras/{Kconfig,Makefile} $TempDevelRoot/arch/x86/ras

	# Clean the scripts tree, and make sure everything is ok (sanity check)
	# running prepare+scripts (tree was already "prepared" in build)
	pushd $TempDevelRoot >/dev/null
		%smake -s prepare scripts
		%smake -s clean
	popd >/dev/null
	rm -f $TempDevelRoot/.config.old

	# fix permissions
	chmod -R a+rX $TempDevelRoot

	# disable mrproper in -devel rpms
	patch -p1 --fuzz=0 -d $TempDevelRoot -i %{SOURCE2}


### Create the kernel_devel_files.*
cat > $kernel_devel_files <<EOF
%dir $DevelRoot
%dir $DevelRoot/arch
%dir $DevelRoot/include
%ifarch %{arm}
%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
%ifarch %{arm}
%doc README.kernel-sources

### Create -devel Post script on the fly
cat > $kernel_devel_files-post <<EOF
if [ -d /lib/modules/%{kversion}-$devel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel} ]; then
	rm -f /lib/modules/%{kversion}-$devel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/{build,source}
	ln -sf $DevelRoot /lib/modules/%{kversion}-$devel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/build
	ln -sf $DevelRoot /lib/modules/%{kversion}-$devel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/source

### Create -devel Preun script on the fly
cat > $kernel_devel_files-preun <<EOF
if [ -L /lib/modules/%{kversion}-$devel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/build ]; then
	rm -f /lib/modules/%{kversion}-$devel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/build
if [ -L /lib/modules/%{kversion}-$devel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/source ]; then
	rm -f /lib/modules/%{kversion}-$devel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/source
exit 0

### Create -devel Postun script on the fly
cat > $kernel_devel_files-postun <<EOF
rm -rf /usr/src/kernel-%{kversion}-$devel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel} >/dev/null

SaveDebug() {

	install -m 644 vmlinux \
	echo "%{_bootdir}/vmlinux-%{kversion}-$debug_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}" \
		>> $kernel_debug_files

	find %{temp_modules}/%{kversion}-$debug_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/kernel \
		-name "*.ko" | \
		%kxargs -I '{}' objcopy --only-keep-debug '{}' '{}'.debug
	find %{temp_modules}/%{kversion}-$debug_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/kernel \
		-name "*.ko" | %kxargs -I '{}' \
		sh -c 'cd `dirname {}`; \
		       objcopy --add-gnu-debuglink=`basename {}`.debug \
		       --strip-debug `basename {}`'

	pushd %{temp_modules}
	find %{kversion}-$debug_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/kernel \
		-name "*.ko.debug" > debug_module_list
	cat %{temp_modules}/debug_module_list | \
		sed 's|\(.*\)|%{_modulesdir}/\1|' >> $kernel_debug_files
	cat %{temp_modules}/debug_module_list | \
		sed 's|\(.*\)|%exclude %{_modulesdir}/\1|' \
		>> ../kernel_exclude_debug_files.$debug_flavour
	rm -f %{temp_modules}/debug_module_list

CreateFiles() {


### Create the kernel_files.*
cat > $kernel_files <<EOF
%dir %{_modulesdir}/%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/
%doc README.kernel-sources
%ifarch %arm
%dir /usr/lib/linux-%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}

%if %build_debug
    cat ../kernel_exclude_debug_files.$kernel_flavour >> $kernel_files

### Create kernel Posttrans script
cat > $kernel_files-posttrans <<EOF
%if %build_devel
# create kernel-devel symlinks if matching -devel- rpm is installed
if [ -d /usr/src/kernel-%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel} ]; then
	rm -f /lib/modules/%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/{build,source}
	ln -sf /usr/src/kernel-%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel} /lib/modules/%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/build
	ln -sf /usr/src/kernel-%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel} /lib/modules/%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/source
if [ -x /usr/sbin/dkms_autoinstaller -a -d /usr/src/kernel-%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel} ]; then
    /usr/sbin/dkms_autoinstaller start %{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}
%ifarch %{arm}
/sbin/installkernel -i -N %{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}
/sbin/installkernel %{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}
pushd /boot > /dev/null
if [ -L vmlinuz-$kernel_flavour ]; then
	rm -f vmlinuz-$kernel_flavour
ln -sf vmlinuz-%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel} vmlinuz-$kernel_flavour
if [ -L initrd-$kernel_flavour.img ]; then
	rm -f initrd-$kernel_flavour.img
ln -sf initrd-%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}.img initrd-$kernel_flavour.img
if [ -e initrd-%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}.img ]; then
    ln -sf vmlinuz-%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel} vmlinuz
    ln -sf initrd-%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}.img initrd.img
popd > /dev/null

### Create kernel Preun script on the fly
cat > $kernel_files-preun <<EOF
/sbin/installkernel -R %{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}
pushd /boot > /dev/null
if [ -L vmlinuz-$kernel_flavour ]; then
	if [ "$(readlink vmlinuz-$kernel_flavour)" = "vmlinuz-%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}" ]; then
		rm -f vmlinuz-$kernel_flavour
if [ -L initrd-$kernel_flavour.img ]; then
	if [ "$(readlink initrd-$kernel_flavour.img)" = "initrd-%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}.img" ]; then
		rm -f initrd-$kernel_flavour.img
popd > /dev/null
%if %build_devel
if [ -L /lib/modules/%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/build ]; then
	rm -f /lib/modules/%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/build
if [ -L /lib/modules/%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/source ]; then
	rm -f /lib/modules/%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/source
exit 0

### Create kernel Postun script on the fly
cat > $kernel_files-postun <<EOF
/sbin/kernel_remove_initrd %{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}
rm -rf /lib/modules/%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel} >/dev/null
if [ -d /var/lib/dkms ]; then
    rm -f /var/lib/dkms/*/kernel-%{kversion}-$devel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}-%{_target_cpu} >/dev/null
    rm -rf /var/lib/dkms/*/*/%{kversion}-$devel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel} >/dev/null
    rm -f /var/lib/dkms-binary/*/kernel-%{kversion}-$devel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}-%{_target_cpu} >/dev/null
    rm -rf /var/lib/dkms-binary/*/*/%{kversion}-$devel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel} >/dev/null

CreateKernel() {

	PrepareKernel $flavour $flavour-%{buildrpmrel}

	BuildKernel %{kversion}-$flavour-%{buildrpmrel}
	%if %build_devel
		SaveDevel $flavour
	%if %build_debug
		SaveDebug $flavour
	CreateFiles $flavour

# DO it...

# Create a simulacro of buildroot
rm -rf %{temp_root}
install -d %{temp_root}

# make sure we are in the directory
cd %src_dir

%ifarch %{ix86}
%if %build_desktop586
CreateKernel desktop586

%if %build_desktop
CreateKernel desktop

%if %build_server
CreateKernel server

%ifarch armv5tl
%if %build_desktop_armv6v7
CreateKernel desktop-armv6v7

%ifarch %{arm}
%if %build_iop32x
CreateKernel iop32x
%if %build_versatile
CreateKernel versatile

# set extraversion to match srpm to get nice version reported by the tools
%if %extstable
LC_ALL=C perl -p -i -e "s/^EXTRAVERSION.*/EXTRAVERSION = .%{extstable}-%{rpmrel}/" Makefile
LC_ALL=C perl -p -i -e "s/^EXTRAVERSION.*/EXTRAVERSION = -%{rpmrel}/" Makefile
# build perf
%if %{build_perf}
# perf
%smake -C tools/perf -s HAVE_CPLUS_DEMANGLE=1 prefix=%{_prefix} all
%smake -C tools/perf -s prefix=%{_prefix} man

%if %{build_cpupower}
# cpupower
# make sure is executable.
chmod +x tools/power/cpupower/utils/
%make -C tools/power/cpupower CPUFREQ_BENCH=false

# We don't make to repeat the depend code at the install phase
%if %build_source
PrepareKernel "" %{buildrpmrel}custom
%smake -s mrproper

### install
install -m 644 %{SOURCE4}  .

cd %src_dir

# Directories definition needed for installing
%define target_source %{buildroot}%{_kerneldir}
%define target_boot %{buildroot}%{_bootdir}
%define target_modules %{buildroot}%{_modulesdir}

# We want to be able to test several times the install part
rm -rf %{buildroot}
cp -a %{temp_root} %{buildroot}

# Create directories infastructure
%if %build_source
install -d %{target_source}

tar cf - . | tar xf - -C %{target_source}
chmod -R a+rX %{target_source}

# we remove all the source files that we don't ship
# first architecture files
for i in alpha arc avr32 blackfin c6x cris frv h8300 hexagon ia64 m32r m68k m68knommu metag microblaze \
	 mips nios2 openrisc parisc powerpc s390 score sh sh64 sparc tile unicore32 v850 xtensa mn10300; do
	rm -rf %{target_source}/arch/$i
	rm -rf %{target_source}/tools/arch/$i
	rm -rf %{target_source}/tools/testing/selftests/$i
%ifnarch %{arm}
	rm -rf %{target_source}/include/kvm/arm*
	rm -rf %{target_source}/tools/arch/arm*

# other misc files
rm -f %{target_source}/{.config.old,.config.cmd,.lst,.mailmap,.get_maintainer.ignore,.missing-syscalls.d}
rm -rf %{target_source}/.tmp_depmod/

# more cleaning
pushd %{target_source}
# lots of gitignore files
find -iname ".gitignore" -delete
# clean tools tree
%smake -C tools clean
%smake -C tools/build clean
%smake -C tools/build/feature clean

#endif %build_source

# compressing modules
%if %{build_modxz}
find %{target_modules} -name "*.ko" | %kxargs xz -6e
find %{target_modules} -name "*.ko" | %kxargs gzip -9

# We used to have a copy of PrepareKernel here
# Now, we make sure that the thing in the linux dir is what we want it to be
for i in %{target_modules}/*; do
	rm -f $i/build $i/source

# sniff, if we compressed all the modules, we change the stamp :(
# we really need the depmod -ae here
pushd %{target_modules}
for i in *; do
	/sbin/depmod -ae -b %{buildroot} -F %{target_boot}/$i $i
	echo $?

for i in *; do
	pushd $i
	echo "Creating modules.description for $i"
	modules=`find . -name "*.ko.[g,x]z"`
	echo $modules | %kxargs /sbin/modinfo \
	| perl -lne 'print "$name\t$1" if $name && /^description:\s*(.*)/; $name = $1 if m!^filename:\s*(.*)\.k?o!; $name =~ s!.*/!!' > modules.description

# need to set extraversion to match srpm again to avoid rebuild
%if %extstable
LC_ALL=C perl -p -i -e "s/^EXTRAVERSION.*/EXTRAVERSION = .%{extstable}-%{rpmrel}/" Makefile
LC_ALL=C perl -p -i -e "s/^EXTRAVERSION.*/EXTRAVERSION = -%{rpmrel}/" Makefile
%if %{build_perf}
# perf tool binary and supporting scripts/binaries
make -C tools/perf -s V=1 DESTDIR=%{buildroot} HAVE_CPLUS_DEMANGLE=1 prefix=%{_prefix} install

# perf man pages (note: implicit rpm magic compresses them later)
make -C tools/perf  -s V=1 DESTDIR=%{buildroot} HAVE_CPLUS_DEMANGLE=1 prefix=%{_prefix} install-man

%if %{build_cpupower}
make -C tools/power/cpupower DESTDIR=%{buildroot} libdir=%{_libdir} mandir=%{_mandir} CPUFREQ_BENCH=false install
rm -f %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/*.{a,la}
%find_lang cpupower
mv cpupower.lang ../
chmod 0755 %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/*
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_unitdir} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig
install -m644 %{SOURCE50} %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/cpupower.service
install -m644 %{SOURCE51} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/cpupower

### clean
rm -rf %{buildroot}

# We don't want to remove this, the whole reason of its existence is to be
# able to do several rpm --short-circuit -bi for testing install
# phase without repeating compilation phase
#rm -rf %{temp_root}

### source and doc file lists

%if %build_source
%files -n %{kname}-source-%{buildrel}
%dir %{_kerneldir}
%dir %{_kerneldir}/arch
%dir %{_kerneldir}/include
%doc README.kernel-sources

%files -n %{kname}-source-latest

%if %build_doc
%files -n %{kname}-doc
%doc linux-%{tar_ver}/Documentation/*

%if %{build_perf}
%files -n perf
%ifarch x86_64
%dir %{_libdir}/traceevent
%dir %{_libdir}/traceevent/plugins
%dir %{_prefix}/libexec/perf-core

%if %{build_cpupower}
%files -n cpupower -f cpupower.lang
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/cpupower

%files -n cpupower-devel

* Thu Feb 23 2017 tmb <tmb> 4.4.50-2.mga5
+ Revision: 1087535
- dccp: fix freeing skb too early for IPV6_RECVPKTINFO (CVE-2017-6074)
- Fix missing sanity check in /dev/sg
- rtlwifi: rtl_usb: Fix missing entry in USB driver's private data
- scsi: don't BUG_ON() empty DMA transfers
- tcp: fix mark propagation with fwmark_reflect enabled
- update to 4.4.50
  * drop merged patches
- add current -stable queue
- update to 4.4.49
  * drop merged patches
- drm: Fix broken VT switch with video=1366x768 option
- fbdev: color map copying bounds checking (CVE-2016-8405)
- update to 4.4.45
- add current -stable queue
- update rtl8723bs driver
- update to 4.4.44
- netfilter/psd: make defines psd specific to avoid redefines
- add WinTV-soloHD usb support (mga#20051)
- update to 4.4.39
- drm/i915: skip the first 4k of stolen memory on everything >= gen8
- revert 'drm/radeon/si_dpm: workaround for SI kicker' (added in upstream
  4.4.31) as it breaks Dell Precision M4800 (mga#19892)
- zram: restrict add/remove attributes to root only
- update to 4.4.38
  * drop merged patches
- packet: fix race condition in packet_set_ring (CVE-2016-8655)
- net: avoid signed overflows for SO_{SND|RCV}BUFFORCE (CVE-2016-9793)
- add current stable queue
- update to 4.4.36
  * drop merged patches
- add current -stable queue
- fix for HID gamepad DragonRise (mga#19853)
- update to 4.4.35
- update to 4.4.32
  * drop merged patches
- fix amdgpu/radeon DP regressions introduced in 4.4.21 (mga#19707)
  * drm/amdgpu/dp: add back special handling for NUTMEG
  * drm/amdgpu: fix DP mode validation
  * drm/radeon/dp: add back special handling for NUTMEG
  * drm/radeon: fix DP mode validation
- update CVE-2016-7039 fix with last revision merged upstream
- update to 4.4.30
  * drop merged patches
- update to 4.4.26
  * drop merged patches
- net: add recursion limit to GRO (CVE-2016-7039)
- x86/build: Build compressed x86 kernels as PIE
- mm: remove gup_flags FOLL_WRITE games from __get_user_pages()
- update to 4.4.25
  * drop merged bonding crash fix
- dont ship .gitignore files in kernel source
- dont ship tools source for arches we dont support
  (fixes dangling powerpc symlinks, mga#17676)
- bump conflicts on nonfree firmwares to get new ones in initrd
- revert: 'ipv4: reject RTNH_F_DEAD and RTNH_F_LINKDOWN from user space'
  as it breaks bringing up network using bonding driver
- revert: 'fs/cifs: make share unaccessible at root level mountable'
  as it breaks more than it fixes and not all needed fixes are
  upstreamed / verified yet
- bonding: make mii_status sysfs node consistent
- bonding: fix enslavement slave link notifications
- bonding: Fix bonding crash
- drop duplicated Intel ahci ids (merged in 4.4-rc1+)
- update to 4.4.22
- disable FW_LOADER_USER_HELPER_FALLBACK (mga#19390)
- fscrypto: require write access to mount to set encryption policy
- lightnvm: put bio before return
- MIPS: KVM: Check for pfn noslot case
- Revert 'KVM: x86: fix missed hardware breakpoints'
- clocksource/drivers/sun4i: Clear interrupts after stopping timer in probe function
- ext4: use __GFP_NOFAIL in ext4_free_blocks()
- fscrypto: add authorization check for setting encryption policy
- update to 4.4.21
  * drop merged patches
- iwlwifi: add new 8260 PCI IDs
- reiserfs: switch to generic_{get,set,remove}xattr
- update to 4.4.16
  * drop merged patches
- tcp: make challenge acks less predictable (CVE-2016-5389, CVE-2016-5969)
- drm/vmwgfx: Work around mode set failure in 2D VM
- drm/vmwgfx: Add an option to change assumed FB bpp
- drm/ttm: Make ttm_bo_mem_compat available
- drm/vmwgfx: Check pin count before attempting to move a  buffer
- drm/vmwgfx: Delay pinning fbdev framebuffer until after mode set
- drm/vmwgfx: Fix error paths when mapping framebuffer
- add current -stable queue
- update to 4.4.15
- update to 4.4.14-rc1
- use SLUB allocator on server kernels too
- HID: multitouch: enable palm rejection if device implements  confidence usage
- HID: sony: do not bail out when the sixaxis refuses the output report
- PNP: Add Broadwell to Intel MCH size workaround
- PNP: Add Haswell-ULT to Intel MCH size workaround
- scsi: ignore errors from scsi_dh_add_device()
- x86/mm/32: Enable full randomization on i386 and X86_32 (CVE-2016-3672)
- update to 4.4.13
- use final 4.4.11 patch
- update to 4.4.11
- drop merged patches
- fix kernel panic introduced by "videobuf2-v4l2: Verify planes array in
  buffer dequeueing" security fix added in 4.4.9
- ALSA: hda - Fix broken reconfig
- crypto: hash - Fix page length clamping in hash walk
- KEYS: Fix ASN.1 indefinite length object parsing (CVE-2016-0758)
- qla1280: Don't allocate 512kb of host tags
- zsmalloc: fix zs_can_compact() integer overflow
- re-enable VM86 that got disabled in 4.1 -> 4.4 transition
- update to 4.4.10
- perf build: Fix traceevent plugins build race
- update to 4.4.9
  * drop merged patches
- add more fixes from -stable queue
- update firmware and microcode requires/conflicts
- update rtl8723bs wireless driver (mga#17992)
- PM / QoS: Add pm_qos_cancel_request_lazy() that doesnt sleep
- mmc: sdhci: get runtime pm when sdio irq is enabled
- mmc: sdhci: Support maximum DMA latency request via PM QOS
- mmc: sdhci-acpi: Fix device hang on Intel BayTrail
- mmc: sdhci-pci: Fix device hang on Intel BayTrail
- add current -stable queue
- crypto: talitos - fix crash in talitos_cra_init()
- crypto: talitos - fix AEAD tcrypt tests
- drm/i915: constify bxt stepping info
- drm/i915/skl: Fix DMC load on Skylake J0 and K0
- drm/i915/skl: Add missing SKL ids
- x86/mm/kmmio: Fix mmiotrace for hugepages
- ext4: fix NULL pointer dereference in ext4_mark_inode_dirty()
- Revert "drm/radeon: disable runtime pm on PX laptops without
  dGPU power control" (fixes 4.4.7 regression)
- update to 4.4.8
- update to 4.4.7
- update to 4.4.6
  * drop merged patches
- re-enable perf build
- netfilter: x_tables: check for size overflow (CVE pending)
- netfilter: x_tables: deal with bogus nextoffset values (CVE pending)
- pipe: limit the per-user amount of pages allocated in pipes (CVE-2016-2847)
- update to 4.4.5
- x86/mm: Fix slow_virt_to_phys() for X86_PAE again
- Revert "drm/radeon: call hpd_irq_event on resume"
- Revert "drm/radeon/pm: adjust display configuration after powerstate"
- Revert "ipmi: Start the timer and thread on internal msgs"
  (fixes hard lock on Dell R720xd)
- sync with cauldron 4.4.4-1
- netfilter: nf_nat_redirect: add missing NULL pointer check
- KEYS: Fix keyring ref leak in join_session_keyring() (CVE-2016-0728)
- drm/ttm: Fix a read/write lock imbalance (fixes vmgfx hang)
- sata_sil: disable trim
- ahci: Fix softreset failed issue of Port Multiplier
- KEYS: Don't permit request_key() to construct a new keyring (CVE-2015-7872)
- staging/dgnc: fix info leak in ioctl (CVE-2015-7885)
- media/vivid-osd: fix info leak in ioctl (CVE-2015-7884)
- ovl: fix permission checking for setattr (CVE-2015-8660)
- xen/events/fifo: Consume unprocessed events when a CPU dies
- airspy: increase USB control message buffer size
- drm/nouveau/bios/fan: hardcode the fan mode to linear
- paravirtualized drivers incautious about shared memory contents
  (CVE-2015-8550 / XSA-155)
- xen pciback missing sanity checks leading to crash
  (CVE-2015-8551,CVE-2015-8552 / XSA-157)
- md: remove check for MD_RECOVERY_NEEDED in action_store
- add -stable net fixes from DaveM
- add current -stable queue fixes
- update to 4.1.15
  * drop merged patches
- enable DRM_I915_PRELIMINARY_HW_SUPPORT for Skylake support (mga#17174)
- virtio-net: drop NETIF_F_FRAGLIST (CVE-2015-5156)
- rtlwifi: rtl8821ae: Fix lockups on boot
- KVM: x86: work around infinite loop in microcode when #AC is delivered
- KVM: svm: unconditionally intercept #DB (CVE-2015-8104)
- update to 4.1.13
  * drop merged patches
- ath9k: declare required extra tx headroom
- update to 4.1.12
  * drop merged patches
- ath10k: add ATH10K_FW_IE_HTT_OP_VERSION
- ath10k: fix HTT op backwards compatibility for QCA6174
- ath10k: clear htt.freq
- silence DT errors on non-DT 32bit systems (mga#17010)
- alps: Only Dell Latitude D420/430/620/630 have separate stick button bits
- btrfs: fix possible leak in btrfs_ioctl_balance()
- iwlwifi: fix firmware filename for 3160
- x86/efi: Fix multiple GOP device support
- update to 4.1.12-rc1
- ath10k: update MODULE_FIRMWARE definitions for QCA6174
- ath10k: enable channel 144 on 5GHz band
- ath10k: bump up FW API to 5
- ath10k: share board file loading code across FW APIs
- ath10k: add missing firmware declarations
- more stable fixes
- add current -stable queue
- update aufs to 4.1 stable branch
- update to 4.1.11
  * drop merged patches
- conflict too old x11-driver-input-vmmouse (mga#16954)
- cpu/cacheinfo: Fix teardown path (mga#16527)
- aufs3: mmap: Fix races in madvise_remove() and sys_msync() (CVE pending)
- ARM: rockchip: fix broken build
- update to 4.1.8
  * drop merged patches
- add more -stable queue fixes
- Revert "SCSI: Fix NULL pointer dereference in runtime PM"
- SCSI: Fix NULL pointer dereference in RTPM of block layer
- Input: evdev - do not report errors from flush()
- add current -stable queue
- drop merged / obsoleta patches
- update to 4.1.7
- fix dkms-nvidia-current conflict
- add -stable net fixes queue from DaveM
- adjust conflicts on nonfree dkms packages
- add current -stable queue
- Revert "ext4: remove block_device_ejected"
- Revert "libata-eh: Set 'information' field for autosense"
- Revert "libata: Implement support for sense data reporting"
- Revert "libata: Implement NCQ autosense"
- drm/i915: remove HBR2 from chv supported list
- drm/i915: Avoid TP3 on CHV
- SCSI: Fix NULL pointer dereference in runtime PM
- Revert "sched/x86_64: Don't save flags on context switch"
- x86/apic: Fix fallout from x2apic cleanup
- x86/idle: Restore trace_cpu_idle to mwait_idle() calls
- update to 4.1.6
- update 4.1.5 (synced with cauldron)
  * drop merged / obsolete patches
  * fix ndiswrapper build
  * update aufs
  * update defconfigs and filelists
  * update requires and conflicts for 4.1 series kernels

  + alien <alien>
    - Fix touchpad and keyboard for Fujitsu Lifebook E556 after suspend/resume
    - Fix touchpad for Fujitsu Lifebook E556

* Sat Jun 13 2015 tmb <tmb> 3.19.8-3.mga5
+ Revision: 823046
- require fixed dracut, and conflict old firmware-nonfree and gfxboot-theme
- ahci: avoton port-disable reset-quirk
- ALSA: hda - Add Conexant codecs CX20721, CX20722, CX20723 and CX20724
- ALSA: hda - Fix noise on AMD radeon 290x controlle
- block: Make CFQ default to IOPS mode on SSDs
- cfq-iosched: fix the setting of IOPS mode on SSDs
- drm/plane-helper: Adapt cursor hack to transitional helpers
- drm/radeon: add new bonaire pci id
- d_walk() might skip too much
- ext4: check for zero length extent explicitly
- ext4: fix NULL pointer dereference when journal restart fails
- fs/binfmt_elf.c:load_elf_binary(): return -EINVAL on zero-length mappings
- iwlwifi: mvm: clean net-detect info if device was reset during suspend
- iwlwifi: mvm: Free fw_status after use to avoid memory leak
- iwlwifi: pcie: prevent using unmapped memory in fw monitor
- jbd2: fix r_count overflows leading to buffer overflow in journal recovery
- kvm: fix crash in kvm_vcpu_reload_apic_access_page
- libata: Blacklist queued TRIM on all Samsung 800-series
- mm, numa: really disable NUMA balancing by default on single node machine
- rt2x00: add new rt2800usb device DWA 130
- rtlwifi: rtl8192cu: Fix kernel deadlock
- sched: Handle priority boosted tasks proper in setscheduler()
- vfs: read file_handle only once in handle_to_path
- x86/fpu: Disable XSAVES* support for now
- x86/mce: Fix MCE severity messages
- xfs: xfs_attr_inactive leaves inconsistent attr fork state behind
- xfs: xfs_iozero can return positive errno
- kvm: x86: fix kvm_apic_has_events to check for NULL pointer (CVE pending)
- xen/pciback: Don't disable PCI_COMMAND on PCI device reset (CVE-2015-2150)
- ozwpan: Use unsigned ints to prevent heap overflow (CVE-2015-4001)
- ozwpan: Use proper check to prevent heap overflow (CVE-2015-4002)
- ozwpan: unchecked signed subtraction leads to DoS (CVE-2015-4002)
- ozwpan: divide-by-zero leading to panic (CVE-2015-4003)
- disable RT_GROUP_SCHED
- update to v3.19.8-ckt1
  * drop merged patches

* Fri May 22 2015 tmb <tmb> 3.19.8-2.mga5
+ Revision: 822495
- aio: fix serial draining in exit_aio()
- drm/i915: silence PCH transcoder FIFO underrun messages (mga#14869)
- gpio: sysfs: fix memory leaks and device hotplug
- mmc: card: Don't access RPMB partitions for normal read/write
- mmc: core: add missing pm event in mmc_pm_notify to fix hib restore
- mmc: sh_mmcif: Fix timeout value for command request
- mm/memory-failure: call shake_page() when error hits thp tail page
- mm: soft-offline: fix num_poisoned_pages counting on concurrent events
- pinctrl: Don't just pretend to protect pinctrl_maps, do it for real
- RDMA/CMA: Canonize IPv4 on IPV6 sockets properly
- vhost/scsi: potential memory corruption (CVE-2015-4036)
- ACPICA: Tables: Change acpi_find_root_pointer() to use acpi_physical_address
- ACPICA: Utilities: Cleanup to enforce ACPI_PHYSADDR_TO_PTR()/ACPI_PTR_TO_PHYSADDR()
- ACPICA: Utilities: Cleanup to convert physical address printing formats
- ACPICA: Utilities: Cleanup to remove useless ACPI_PRINTF/FORMAT_xxx helpers
- media: Fix regression in some more dib0700 based devices
- md/raid0: fix restore to sector variable in raid0_make_request
- drm: Zero out invalid vblank timestamp in drm_update_vblank_count
- drm/amdkfd: allow unregister process with queues
- drm/radeon: Use drm_calloc_ab for CS relocs
- drm/radeon: adjust pll when audio is not enabled
- drm/radeon: add SI DPM quirk for Sapphire R9 270 Dual-X 2G GDDR5
- drm/radeon: fix lockup when BOs aren't part of the VM on release
- drm/radeon: reset BOs address after clearing it
- drm/radeon: check new address before removing old one
- drm/radeon: disable semaphores for UVD V1 (v2)
- drm/radeon: fix userptr BO unpin bug v3
- drm/radeon: make VCE handle check more strict
- drm/radeon: make UVD handle checking more strict
- drm/radeon: more strictly validate the UVD codec
- drm/i915: Assume dual channel LVDS if pixel clock necessitates it
- drm/i915: Add missing MacBook Pro models with dual channel LVDS
- drm/i915/dp: there is no audio on port A

* Mon May 11 2015 tmb <tmb> 3.19.8-1.mga5
+ Revision: 821867
- mnt: Fail collect_mounts when applied to unmounted mounts
- update to 3.19.8
  * drop merged patches

* Mon May 11 2015 tmb <tmb> 3.19.7-2.mga5
+ Revision: 821775
- update patches to disable async_suspend for Jmicron
- SCSI: add 1024 max sectors black list flag (needed for QNAP)
- xhci: fix isoc endpoint dequeue from advancing too far on transaction error
- xhci: Solve full event ring by increasing TRBS_PER_SEGMENT to 256
- xhci: gracefully handle xhci_irq dead device
- writeback: use |1 instead of +1 to protect against div by zero
- ALSA: emu10k1: Fix card shortname string buffer overflow
- ALSA: emu10k1: Emu10k2 32 bit DMA mode
- uas: Allow uas_use_uas_driver to return usb-storage flags
- uas: Add US_FL_MAX_SECTORS_240 flag
- uas: Set max_sectors_240 quirk for ASM1053 devices
- cdc-acm: prevent infinite loop when parsing CDC headers
- usb: chipidea: otg: remove mutex unlock and lock while stop and start role
- btrfs: unlock i_mutex after attempting to delete subvolume during send
- ext4: move check under lock scope to close a race.
- mnt: Fix fs_fully_visible to verify the root directory is visible
- path_openat(): fix double fput(
- splice: sendfile() at once fails for big files
- blk-mq: fix CPU hotplug handling
- blk-mq: fix race between timeout and CPU hotplug
- blk-mq: fix FUA request hang
- blk-mq: don't lose requests if a stopped queue restarts
- ACPICA: Add "Windows 2015" string to _OSI support
- ACPI / SBS: Enable battery manager when present
- ACPI / table: Use pr_debug() instead of pr_info() for MADT table scanning
- ACPI / video: Allow forcing native backlight on non win8 machines
- pull in upstream fixes/cleanups for rtl8723bs

* Fri May 08 2015 tmb <tmb> 3.19.7-1.mga5
+ Revision: 821480
- ACPI / PNP: add two IDs to list for PNPACPI device enumeration
- ACPI / SBS: Add 5 us delay to fix SBS hangs on MacBook
- ext4: fix data corruption caused by unwritten and delayed extents
- md/raid5: don't record new size if resize_stripes fails.
- x86/efi: Store upper bits of command line buffer address in ext_cmd_line_ptr
- efi: Fix error handling in add_sysfs_runtime_map_entry()
- x86/spinlocks: Fix regression in spinlock contention detection
- ACPI / init: Fix the ordering of acpi_reserve_resources()
- bpf: fix 64-bit divide
- clk: at91: usb: fix determine_rate prototype
- cxgb4: Fix MC1 memory offset calculation
- mlx4: Fix tx ring affinity_mask creation
- net/mlx4_en: Schedule napi when RX buffers allocation fails
- route: Use ipv4_mtu instead of raw rt_pmtu
- add Realtek 8723A/B SDIO / SPI WiFi (mga#15874)
- update to 3.19.7 final

* Sun May 03 2015 tmb <tmb> 3.19.6-2.mga5
+ Revision: 821129
- fix filelists
- net: add sk_fullsock() helpe
- inet: add TCP_NEW_SYN_RECV state
- ipv4: Missing sk_nulls_node_init() in ping_unhash() (CVE-2015-3636)
- PCI: ACS quirks for Intel Lynx Point (9-series) and Wellsburg (X99)
  PCH root ports
- update to 3.19.7-rc1

* Sat May 02 2015 tmb <tmb> 3.19.6-1.mga5
+ Revision: 821037
- conflict old efibootmgr so we use the fixed one
- conflict old kernel-firmware-nonfree to get newest one in initrd
- switch squashfs decompressor from percpu to multi on desktop kernels
- brcmfmac: avoid null pointer access when brcmf_msgbuf_get_pktid() fails
- btrfs: don't accept bare namespace as a valid xattr
- btrfs: fix inode eviction infinite loop after cloning into it
- btrfs: fix inode eviction infinite loop after extent_same ioctl
- btrfs: fix log tree corruption when fs mounted with -o discard
- ip_forward: Drop frames with attached skb->sk
- KVM: x86: Fix MSR_IA32_BNDCFGS in msrs_to_save
- md: fix md io stats accounting broken
- net: add skb_checksum_complete_unset
- net: do not deplete pfmemalloc reserve
- net: fix crash in build_skb()
- net/mlx4_en: Prevent setting invalid RSS hash function
- perf/x86/intel: Fix Core2,Atom,NHM,WSM cycles:pp events
- ppp: call skb_checksum_complete_unset in ppp_receive_frame
- pxa168: fix double deallocation of managed resources
- tcp: avoid looping in tcp_send_fin()
- tcp: fix possible deadlock in tcp_send_fin()
- usb: gadget: printer: enqueue printer's response for setup request
- x86/asm/decoder: Fix and enforce max instruction size in the insn decoder
- update to 3.19.6
  * drop merged patches

* Fri Apr 17 2015 tmb <tmb> 3.19.4-2.mga5
+ Revision: 820405
- update to 3.19.5-rc1
  * drop merged patches
- update conflicts on btrfs-progs
- update conflicts on plymouth
- only change symlinks if initrd creation succeeded to avoid breakage
- take care of vmlinuz and initrd.img symlinks (mga#15710)
- conflict too old grub2(-efi) (mga#15532)

* Tue Apr 14 2015 tmb <tmb> 3.19.4-1.mga5
+ Revision: 820203
- efivarfs: Ensure VariableName is NUL-terminated
- ALSA: hda/realtek - Support Dell headset mode for ALC256
- ALSA: hda/realtek - Support headset mode for ALC286/288
- ALSA: hda/realtek - Support Dell headset mode for ALC288
- ALSA: bebob: fix to processing in big-endian machine for sending cue
- ALSA: hda - Add dock support for Thinkpad T450s (17aa:5036)
- ALSA: hda - Add one more node in the EAPD supporting candidate list
- ALSA: hda - Fix headphone pin config for Lifebook T731
- ALSA: hda/realtek - Make more stable to get pin sense for ALC283
- ALSA: usb - Creative USB X-Fi Pro SB1095 volume knob support
- update to 3.19.4
  * drop merged patches
- btrfs: fix BUG_ON in btrfs_orphan_add() when delete unused block group

* Fri Apr 03 2015 tmb <tmb> 3.19.3-1.mga5
+ Revision: 819581
- IB/uverbs: Prevent integer overflow in ib_umem_get address arithmetic
- drm: Fixup racy refcounting in plane_force_disable
- btrfs: simplify insert_orphan_item
- Input: psmouse - remove hardcoded touchpad size from the focaltech driver
- Input: psmouse - ensure that focaltech reports consistent coordinates
- Input: psmouse - disable changing resolution/rate/scale for FocalTech
- Input: psmouse - disable "palm detection" in the focaltech driver
- Revert "cpufreq: pcc: Enable autoload of pcc-cpufreq for ACPI processors"
  as it slows down atleast affected Proliant servers, so relying on manual
  loading is needed for those that wants this cpufreq function
- iommu/vt-d: Detach domain *only* from attached iommus
- genirq: Set initial affinity in irq_set_affinity_hint()
- video: fbdev: fix sys_copyarea
- video: fbdev: Add additional vesa modes
- video: fbdev: Check Standard Timing against DMT
- video: fbdev: Validate mode timing against monspec
- video: fbdev: Fix sparse warning messages
- video: fbdev: fix CVT vertical front and back porch values
- update to 3.19.3 final

* Tue Mar 24 2015 tmb <tmb> 3.19.2-2.mga5
+ Revision: 819186
- video: fbdev: fix possible null dereference
- ensure new plymouth gets in initrd (mga#15486)
- update to 3.19.3-rc1

* Wed Mar 18 2015 tmb <tmb> 3.19.2-1.mga5
+ Revision: 818836
- update conflicts on radeon-firmware and kernel-firmware-nonfree for latest firmwares in initrd
- conflict old mageia-gfxboot-theme to get mga5 theme in initrd (mga#15486)
- sched/idle/x86: Restore mwait_idle() to fix boot hangs, improve
  power savings and to improve performance
- sched/idle/x86: Optimize unnecessary mwait_idle() resched IPIs
- drm/i915: gen4: work around hang during hibernation
- update to 3.19.2
  * drop merged patches

* Sat Mar 14 2015 tmb <tmb> 3.19.1-2.mga5
+ Revision: 818518
- usb: xhci: apply XHCI_AVOID_BEI quirk to all Intel xHCI controllers
- ACPI / LPSS: provide con_id for the clkdev
- sync in -stable fixes

* Tue Mar 10 2015 tmb <tmb> 3.19.1-1.mga5
+ Revision: 818314
- update requires/conflicts on firmware to ensure latest is added to initrd
- iwlwifi: mvm: BT Coex - fix a NULL pointer exception
- brcmfmac: Add support for bcm43340/1 wireless chipsets
- b43: fix support for 5 GHz only BCM43228 model
- drop 'xhci: Clear the host side toggle manually when endpoint is 'soft
  reset'' as requested by upstream
- usb: xhci: handle Config Error Change (CEC)
- xhci: Workaround for PME stuck issues in Intel xhci
- xhci: fix reporting of 0-sized URBs in control endpoint
- drm/i915/vlv: revert back to legacy turbo (fixes random crashes)
- revert: 'netfilter: xt_recent: relax ip_pkt_list_tot restrictions' as
  it breaks iptables userspace
- update to 3.19.1

* Sat Mar 07 2015 tmb <tmb> 3.19.0-6.mga5
+ Revision: 818005
- sound: Add VT1613 AC97 codec support
- x86/fpu/xsaves: Fix improper uses of __ex_table
- x86/asm/entry/64: Remove a bogus 'ret_from_fork' optimization
- tg3: Hold tp->lock before calling tg3_halt() from tg3_init_one()
- sync in more upstream -stable fixes

* Mon Mar 02 2015 tmb <tmb> 3.19.0-5.mga5
+ Revision: 817298
- disable paravirt spinlock fixes as they need more work
- drm/i915: Push vblank enable/disable past encoder->enable/disable
- sync in stable queue
- require dracut with logitech hid fixes

* Thu Feb 26 2015 tmb <tmb> 3.19.0-4.mga5
+ Revision: 817044
- mm/gup: Replace ACCESS_ONCE with READ_ONCE
- x86/xen/p2m: Replace ACCESS_ONCE with READ_ONCE
- mac80211: Send EAPOL frames at lowest rate
- rtlwifi: Improve handling of IPv6 packets
- ext4: ignore journal checksum on remount, dont fail
- i2c-hid: Limit reads to wMaxInputLength bytes for input events
- kernel: tighten rules for ACCESS ONCE
- kernel: Fix sparse warning for ACCESS_ONCE
- kernel: make READ_ONCE() valid on const arguments
- kvm: ia64: drop kvm.h from installed user headers
- x86, mm/ASLR: Fix stack randomization on 64-bit systems

* Tue Feb 24 2015 tmb <tmb> 3.19.0-3.mga5
+ Revision: 816819
- dont use blk-mq i/o path by default as it still lacks i/o schedulers
- xhci: remove unused parameter 'xhci' in function xhci_handshake()
- xhci: clean up work to remove unused parameters for functions in xhci-mem.c
- xhci: platform: Move the Marvell quirks after the enabling of the clocks
- xhci: Allocate correct amount of scratchpad buffers
- xhci: Clear the host side toggle manually when endpoint is 'soft reset'
- x86/spinlocks/paravirt: Fix memory corruption on unlock
- procfs: fix race between symlink removals and traversals
- drm/i915/bdw: PCI IDs ending in 0xb are ULT
- drm/i915: avoid processing spurious/shared interrupts in low-power states
- drm/i915: Align initial plane backing objects correctly

* Mon Feb 23 2015 tmb <tmb> 3.19.0-2.mga5
+ Revision: 816590
- ntp: Fixup adjtimex freq validation on 32-bit systems
- blk-throttle: check stats_cpu before reading it from sysfs
- btrfs: fix fsync data loss after adding hard link to inode
- drm/radeon: fix 1 RB harvest config setup for TN/RL
- drm/radeon: fix voltage setup on hawaii
- fsnotify: Fix handling of renames in audit
- xhci: use dma_alloc_coherent with fully cleared pages
- update FocalTech patch to final revision merged upstream
- update aufs to 3.19 final
-  x86, irq: Fix regression caused by 'Treat SCI interrupt as normal
   GSI interrupt'

* Mon Feb 09 2015 tmb <tmb> 3.19.0-1.mga5
+ Revision: 814232
- update to 3.19 final
- drm/i915: Improve HiZ throughput on Cherryview
- drm/i915: Enable the HiZ RAW Stall Optimization on Broadwell
- drm/i915: Ensure the HiZ RAW Stall Optimization is on for Cherryview

* Wed Feb 04 2015 tmb <tmb> 3.19.0-0.rc7.3.mga5
+ Revision: 813327
- update to v3.19-rc7-git

* Mon Feb 02 2015 tmb <tmb> 3.19.0-0.rc7.2.mga5
+ Revision: 813107
- temporarily revert 'time: adjtimex: Validate the ADJ_FREQUENCY values'
  as it breaks userspace, atleast chrony (mga#14174)

* Mon Feb 02 2015 tmb <tmb> 3.19.0-0.rc7.1.mga5
+ Revision: 813092
- update to 3.19-rc7

* Mon Jan 26 2015 tmb <tmb> 3.19.0-0.rc6.1.mga5
+ Revision: 812417
- fix perf filelist
- update perf filelist
- update to 3.19-rc6
  * drop merged/obsolete patches
- update filelists
- update defconfigs
- release to testing
- update 3.19-rc5+ git snapshot
- rediff mrproper patch
- dont ship unneeded nios2 files
- update defconfigs
- export d_walk for aufs
- rediff mach64 and haswell speedup patches
- update aufs for kernel 3.19
- update to 3.19-rc5-git
  * drop merged patches

* Wed Jan 21 2015 tmb <tmb> 3.18.3-2.mga5
+ Revision: 811710
- sync in current stable queue

  + pterjan <pterjan>
    - Fix a double up_read
    - Fix SOURCE URLs

* Fri Jan 16 2015 tmb <tmb> 3.18.3-1.mga5
+ Revision: 810999
- update to 3.18.3
  * drop merged patches

* Tue Jan 13 2015 tmb <tmb> 3.18.2-1.mga5
+ Revision: 810438
- iwlwifi: mvm: fix Rx with both chains
- x86, vdso: Use asm volatile in __getcpu
- add current -stable queue
- update to 3.18.2 final
- drop merged patch

* Wed Jan 07 2015 tmb <tmb> 3.18.1-4.mga5
+ Revision: 809032
- update to 3.18.2-rc1
- mm, vmscan: prevent kswapd livelock due to pfmemalloc-throttled process
  being killed
- mm, vmscan: wake up all pfmemalloc-throttled processes at once
- enable SUNRPC_DEBUG (requested by Colin)
- ath9k: Update PCI IDs for AR9565
- Revert 'mac80211: Fix accounting of the tailroom-needed counter'
- update 'rtlwifi: Fix error when accessing unmapped memory in skb' fix
  to last revision merged upstream
- drm/i915: Make sample_c messages go faster on Haswell

* Tue Dec 30 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.18.1-3.mga5
+ Revision: 807477
- psmouse: add support for the FocalTech PS/2 protocol extensions (mga #14897)
- aufs: sync up with 3.18 stable branch
- split out fix for d_child change not in upstream aufs tree
- rcu: Fix rcu_barrier() race that could result in too-short wait
- x86: mm: consolidate VM_FAULT_RETRY handling
- x86: mm: move mmap_sem unlock from mm_fault_error() to caller
- x86: mm: fix VM_FAULT_RETRY handling
- rtlwifi: Fix error when accessing unmapped memory in skb
- mei: clean reset bit before reset
- drm/i915: Ban Haswell from using RCS flips

* Sun Dec 21 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.18.1-2.mga5
+ Revision: 804671
- net/tg3: tg3_disable_ints using uninitialized mailbox value to disable
- drm/i915: Filter gmch fifo underruns (mga#14867)
- drm/nouveau: fix a missed hunk of "fix regression on agp boards"
- drm/radeon: check the right ring in radeon_evict_flags()
- drm/radeon: fix for memory training on bonaire 0x6649
- drm/radeon: fix typo in CI dpm disable
- drm/radeon: work around a hw bug in MGCG on CIK
- btrfs: do not move em to modified list when unpinning
- btrfs: fix fs corruption on transaction abort if device supports discard
- btrfs: fix wrong accounting of raid1 data profile in statfs
- btrfs: make sure we wait on logged extents when fsycning two subvols
- btrfs: make sure logged extents complete in the current transaction
- isofs: Fix infinite looping over CE entries
- x86_64, switch_to(): Load TLS descriptors before switching DS and ES
- x86/tls: Disallow unusual TLS segments
- x86/tls: Validate TLS entries to protect espfix (CVE-2014-8133)
- x86, kvm: Clear paravirt_enabled on KVM guests for espfix32's benefit
- require dracut with fixes for splitted xhci support

* Sun Dec 14 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.18.1-1.mga5
+ Revision: 803178
- fix aufs for d_child changes in 3.18.1
- update to 3.18.1
- drop merged patches
- rtlwifi: rtl8192ce: Set fw_ready flag

* Sun Dec 14 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.18.0-2.mga5
+ Revision: 803031
- require dracut with fixed mgalive module
- clk: Really fix deadlock with mmap_sem
- pull in -stable net fixes from DaveM
- genhd: check for int overflow in disk_expand_part_tbl()
- blk-mq: Avoid that __bt_get_word() wraps multiple times
- blk-mq: Fix a race between bt_clear_tag() and bt_get()
- blk-mq: Fix a use-after-free
- blk-mq: Use all available hardware queues
- blk-mq: use 'nr_cpu_ids' as highest CPU ID count for hwq <-> cpu map

* Mon Dec 08 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.18.0-1.mga5
+ Revision: 802151
- update to 3.18 final

* Fri Dec 05 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.18.0-0.rc7.2.mga5
+ Revision: 801619
- sync in upstream git fixes

* Mon Dec 01 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.18.0-0.rc7.1.mga5
+ Revision: 800144
- update to 3.18-rc7
- drop merged patch

* Sun Nov 30 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.18.0-0.rc6.1.mga5
+ Revision: 799977
- require dracut with fixed mgalive overlay fix
- update git snapshot
- fix broken rtl8192ce
- fix mach64 build with 3.18 series
- update defconfigs
- drop merged patches
- update aufs to 3.18 branch
- drop overlayfs patches (merged upstream)
- update to 3.18-rc6-git

* Fri Nov 21 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.17.4-1.mga5
+ Revision: 798123
- drm/radeon: initialize sadb to NULL in the audio code
- update to 3.17.4

* Sat Nov 15 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.17.3-1.mga5
+ Revision: 797348
- add ahci, alsa, i2c support for Intel Sunrise Point PCH / Skylake
- update to 3.17.3
- drop merged patches

* Mon Nov 10 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.17.2-4.mga5
+ Revision: 796223
- rcu: Provide counterpart to rcu_dereference() for non-RCU situations
- require dracut with fixed mgalive module
- ACPI/osl: speedup grace period in acpi_os_map_cleanup
- disable broken async_suspend on jmicron (korg#81551)
- overlayfs: barriers for opening upper-layer directory
- overlayfs: fix check for cursor
- overlayfs: fix lockdep misannotation
- overlayfs: initialize ->is_cursor
- overlayfs: don't poison cursor
- add current -stable queue (266 fixes all over)

* Tue Nov 04 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.17.2-3.mga5
+ Revision: 795417
- drm/i915: Do not store the error pointer for a failed userptr registration
- drm/i915: Do not leak pages when freeing userptr objects
- drm/radeon/dpm: disable ulv support on SI
- drm/radeon: dpm fixes for asrock systems
- lib/scatterlist: fix memory leak with scsi-mq
- Revert 'block: all blk-mq requests are tagged'
- scsi: set REQ_QUEUE for the blk-mq case
- Revert 'ACPI / EC: Add support to disallow QR_EC to be issued before
  completing previous QR_EC'
- ACPI / EC: Fix regression due to conflicting firmware behavior between
  Samsung and Acer
- re-enable Support for uevent helper

* Sat Nov 01 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.17.2-2.mga5
+ Revision: 795116
- Input: i8042 - touchpad quirks for Fujitsu Lifebook A(H)544
- ext4: fix oops when loading block bitmap failed
- re-add aufs support
- saa7146: Create a device name before it's used

* Thu Oct 30 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.17.2-1.mga5
+ Revision: 794759
- netlink: Re-add locking to netlink_lookup() and seq walker
  (fixes latency regression)
- update to 3.17.2
- drop merged patches
- update to overlayfs code being merged in upstream 3.18

* Sat Oct 25 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.17.1-2.mga5
+ Revision: 793173
- pull in current -stable queue

* Wed Oct 15 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.17.1-1.mga5
+ Revision: 756894
- mnt: Prevent pivot_root from creating a loop in the mount tree (CVE-2014-7970)
- update to 3.17.1 final
- drop merged patches

* Tue Oct 14 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.17.0-5.mga5
+ Revision: 738580
- switch to performance governor by default
- add current -stable queue (from upcoming 3.17.1)

* Fri Oct 10 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.17.0-4.mga5
+ Revision: 737832
- fs: Add a missing permission check to do_umount (CVE-2014-7975)
- irq_work: Introduce arch_irq_work_has_interrupt()
- irq_work: Force raised irq work to run on irq work interrupt
- x86: Tell irq work about self IPI support
- arm: Tell irq work about self IPI support

* Mon Oct 06 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.17.0-3.mga5
+ Revision: 737091
- update to 3.17 final
- drop merged patches

* Fri Oct 03 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.17.0-1.rc7.2.mga5
+ Revision: 736360
- update to 3.17-rc7-git

* Mon Sep 29 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.17.0-1.rc7.1.mga5
+ Revision: 731532
- update to 3.17-rc7
- disable X86_SYSFB as it breaks KMS on some systems (mga#13098)

* Sat Sep 27 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.17.0-1.rc6.2.mga5
+ Revision: 726560
- update to 3.17-rc6-git+
- reset fakerel and update comment about not changing it

* Fri Sep 26 2014 tv <tv> 3.17.0-1.rc6.1.mga5
+ Revision: 725097
- rebuild for bogus file deps

* Tue Sep 23 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.17.0-0.rc6.1.mga5
+ Revision: 720428
- update to 3.17-rc6

* Mon Sep 15 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.17.0-0.rc5.1.mga5
+ Revision: 676781
- BR perl-devel and numa-devel for perf
- define _DEFAULT_SOURCE for perf build
- update to 3.17-rc5

  + tv <tv>
    - s/uggests:/Recommends:/

* Mon Sep 08 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.17.0-0.rc4.1.mga5
+ Revision: 673576
- update to 3.17-rc4-git+
- update to 3.17-rc4

* Wed Sep 03 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.17.0-0.rc3.1.mga5
+ Revision: 671160
- update conflicts on dkms packages, firmwares and tools
- update -devel and -source filelists
- fix mach64 build with 3.17
- update defconfigs
- drop merged patches
- rediff patches so they apply correctly
- temporarily disable aufs support
- update to 3.17-rc3

* Thu Jul 24 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.15.6-1.mga5
+ Revision: 656137
- update to 3.15.6
- x86_32, entry: store badsys error code in eax, fixes
  breakage introduced by CVE-2014-4508 fix

* Sun Jun 29 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.15.2-2.mga5
+ Revision: 641085
- update to 3.15.3-rc1

* Fri Jun 27 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.15.2-1.mga5
+ Revision: 640224
- revert upstream 'Bluetooth: Add a new PID/VID 0cf3/e005 for AR3012'
  as it breaks AR3011 device with same pid/vid (mga#13597)
- update to 3.15.2

* Tue Jun 17 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.15.1-1.mga5
+ Revision: 637740
- make Intel MEI modular so it can be blacklisted on problematic hw
- update to 3.15.1

* Mon Jun 09 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.15.0-1.mga5
+ Revision: 634869
- update dkms conflicts
- update defconfigs
- drop merged patches
- rebase a few patches to apply cleanly
- update aufs patches
- update to 3.15

* Thu Jun 05 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.14.5-3.mga5
+ Revision: 633390
- update to 3.14.6-rc1

* Wed Jun 04 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.14.5-2.mga5
+ Revision: 633010
- require 2014-06-03 firmwares
- add stable queue fixes

* Sun Jun 01 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.14.5-1.mga5
+ Revision: 629869
- update to 3.14.5 final

* Thu May 29 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.14.4-3.mga5
+ Revision: 627504
- ALSA: hda - Fix onboard audio on Intel H97/Z97 chipsets
- md/raid10: call wait_barrier() for each request submitted
- update to 3.14.5-rc1
- disable AUDITSYSCALL as its broken beyond repair
  (avoids CVE-2014-3917, and other upcoming CVEs)

* Wed May 21 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.14.4-2.mga5
+ Revision: 624798
- iwlwifi: mvm: disable beacon filtering
- kernfs: add back missing error check in kernfs_fop_mmap() (mga #13361)
- pull in current -stable queue

* Tue May 13 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.14.4-1.mga5
+ Revision: 622548
- drop merged patches
- update to 3.14.4

* Tue May 06 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.14.3-1.mga5
+ Revision: 620897
- drivers/tty/hvc: don't free hvc_console_setup after init
- n_tty: Fix n_tty_write crash when echoing in raw mode (CVE-2014-0196)
- tty: Fix lockless tty buffer race
- tty: serial: 8250_core.c Bug fix for Exar chips
- drop merged patches
- update to 3.14.3

* Wed Apr 30 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.14.2-2.mga5
+ Revision: 619042
- update conflicts on dkms packages that does not build against 3.14
- fix up duplicated conflicts define
- e1000e: Fix no connectivity when driver loaded with cable out
- iwlwifi: 7000: bump max API to 9
- add r8192ee wireless support
- drm/i915: restore QUIRK_NO_PCH_PWM_ENABLE
- add current -stable queue fixes

* Sun Apr 27 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.14.2-1.mga5
+ Revision: 618352
- update filelists
- fix mach64 build with 3.14
- fix ndiswrapper build with 3.14
- drop mwait_idle patches, fixed differently upstream
- update defconfigs
- drop merged / obsolete patches
- rediff patches to apply cleanly
- update to 3.14.2
- enable Intel P-state driver (mga#13080)
- switch transparent hugepages back to MADVISE
- net: ping: refcount issue in ping_init_sock() function (CVE-2014-2851)

* Fri Apr 11 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.13.10-1.mga5
+ Revision: 613489
- update to 3.13.10

* Fri Apr 04 2014 shlomif <shlomif> 3.13.9-1.mga5
+ Revision: 611702
- New version 3.13.9

* Thu Apr 03 2014 shlomif <shlomif> 3.13.8-1.mga5
+ Revision: 611584
- New version 3.13.8.

* Sat Mar 08 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.13.6-1.mga5
+ Revision: 601359
- update perf filelist
- update defconfigs
- rebase mach64 and shuttle-wmi patches
- update aufs support for kernel-3.13
- resync overlayfs support
- drop merged patches
- update to 3.13.6

* Sun Feb 23 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.12.13-2.mga5
+ Revision: 595735
- ALSA: hda - Add QEMU codec vendor ID
- sata_sil: apply MOD15WRITE quirk to TOSHIBA MK2561GSYN
- ata-pmp: enable quirk from jmicron JMB350 for JMB394
- ahci: disable NCQ on Samsung pci-e SSDs on macbooks
- Revert 'tty: Set correct tty name in 'active' sysfs attribute' as it breaks plymouth

* Sat Feb 22 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.12.13-1.mga5
+ Revision: 595403
- install source and devel as /usr/src/kernel-... to be more consistent with rpm name
- ACPICA: Add 'Windows 2013' string to _OSI support
- net: use __GFP_NORETRY for high order allocations
- enable MEMCG on server kernels (mga#12629)
- drop merged patches
- update to 3.12.13
- drop merged patches
- update to 3.12.12

* Sat Feb 01 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.12.9-1.mga4
+ Revision: 568586
- e1000e: fix compiler warnings
- e752x_edac: Fix pci_dev usage count
- kvm: x86: fix apic_base enable check
- md/raid5: fix long-standing problem with bitmap handling on write failure.
- mm: hugetlbfs: fix hugetlbfs optimization
- mm/mempolicy.c: fix mempolicy printing in numa_maps
- x86, x32: Correct invalid use of user timespec in the kernel (CVE-2014-0038)
- disable broken pci-pciprobe-CardBusNo change, should be done as DMI matching (mga#6077)
- upate to final 3.12.9

* Fri Jan 24 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.12.8-2.mga4
+ Revision: 567732
- fix xen NUMA crash (3.12.7 regression, LKML)
- drm/radeon: add UVD support for OLAND
- update to 3.12.9-rc1
- drop merged patches

* Sun Jan 19 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.12.8-1.mga4
+ Revision: 566911
- revert: usbcore: set lpm_capable field for LPM capable root hubs
  (breaks some usb devices)
- revert: 'ACPI: Add BayTrail SoC GPIO and LPSS ACPI IDs' as it causes boot hangs
- x86, cpu: Add workaround for AMD F16h Erratum 793 (CVE-2013-6885)
- x86, quirks: Add workaround for AMD F16h Erratum 792
- x86 idle: restore mwait_idle()
- b43: fix the wrong assignment of status.freq in b43_rx()
- net, via-rhine: Fix tx_timeout handling
- net: rds: fix per-cpu helper usage
- hwmon: (coretemp) Fix truncated name of alarm attributes
- writeback: Fix data corruption on NFS
- fork: Allow CLONE_PARENT after setns(CLONE_NEWPID)
- vfs: In d_path don't call d_dname on a mount point
- vfs: Fix a regression in mounting proc
- md/raid5: Fix possible confusion when multiple write errors occur
- md/raid10: fix two bugs in handling of known-bad-blocks
- md/raid10: fix bug when raid10 recovery fails to recover a block
- md: fix problem when adding device to read-only array with bitmap
- allow 64 cores/threads on desktop586 kernel too (as its also used in installer and on live i586 images)
- update to 3.12.8
- drop merged patches

* Sun Jan 12 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.12.7-1.mga4
+ Revision: 566385
- add -stable network fixes (DaveM)
- ax88179_178a: Remove AX_MEDIUM_ALWAYS_ONE bit in AX_MEDIUM_STATUS_MODE
  register to avoid TX throttling
- Input: ALPS - add support for Dolphin devices
- Input: ALPS - add support for DualPoint device on Dell XT2
- Input: ALPS - change secondary devices name
- drop merged patch
- update to 3.12.7

* Thu Jan 09 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.12.6-5.mga4
+ Revision: 565949
- xhci: Set scatter-gather limit to avoid failed block writes
- xhci: Avoid infinite loop when sg urb requires too many trbs
- staging: r8712u: Set device type to wlan
- rtlwifi: rtl8192cu: Add new device ID: Sitecom WLA2100V2
- ath9k: Use correct channel for RX packets
- ath9k: Disable cross-band FCC
- sata_sis: add missing PM support
- drm/nouveau: return offset of allocated notifier
- drm/nouveau/bios: make jump conditional
- drm/nouveau/bios: fix offset calculation for BMPv1 bioses
- ahci: add PCI ID for Marvell 88SE9170 SATA controller
- update to 3.12.7-rc2

* Tue Jan 07 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.12.6-4.mga4
+ Revision: 565325
- cpufreq: Fix timer/workqueue corruption by protecting reading governor_enabled
- update to 3.12.7-rc1

* Fri Jan 03 2014 tmb <tmb> 3.12.6-3.mga4
+ Revision: 564316
- switch i586 squashfs to percpu multi-decompressor
- ACPI: Blacklist Win8 OSI for Asus VivoBook X202E (mga#7857)
- ACPI: Blacklist Win8 OSI for some HP laptop 2013 models
- drm/ttm: Fix accesses through vmas with only partial coverage
- drm/radeon: fix asic gfx values for scrapper asics
- drm/radeon: fix UVD 256MB check
- drm/radeon/dpm: disable ss on Cayman
- drm/radeon/dpm: Fix hwmon crash
- drm/radeon: add missing display tiling setup for oland
- drm/edid: add quirk for BPC in Samsung NP700G7A-S01PL notebook
- ACPI / PCI / hotplug: Avoid warning when _ADR not present
- add current -stable queue (49 fixes)
- ACPIPHP / radeon / nouveau: Fix VGA switcheroo problem related to hotplug
- nouveau_acpi: convert acpi_get_handle() to acpi_has_method()

* Sun Dec 29 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.12.6-2.mga4
+ Revision: 563031
- drm/i915: Fix erroneous dereference of batch_obj inside reset_status
- drm/i915: Use the correct GMCH_CTRL register for Sandybridge+
- drm/i915: Take modeset locks around intel_modeset_setup_hw_state()
- x86 idle: Repair large-server 50-watt idle-power regression
- ext4: fix deadlock when writing in ENOSPC conditions
- switch to single squashfs decompressor on i586
- switch to percpu squashfs multi-decompressor on x86_64
- drop parts of Q57 patch already applied upstream (Eugene A. Shatokhin / Rosalab)
- drop 3rdparty heci driver (obsoleted by in-kernel mei driver)
- drm/radeon: fix render backend setup for SI and CIK

* Fri Dec 20 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.12.6-1.mga4
+ Revision: 559211
- update to 3.12.6

* Sun Dec 15 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.12.5-1.mga4
+ Revision: 556853
- xfs: underflow bug in xfs_attrlist_by_handle() (CVE-2013-6382)
- xfs: add capability check to free eofblocks ioctl (CVE pending)
- kvm: rtc_status.dest_map out-of-bounds access (CVE-2013-4587)
- kvm: division by zero in apic_get_tmcct() (CVE-2013-6367)
- kvm: cross page vapic_addr access (CVE-2013-6368)
- kvm: BUG_ON() in apic_cluster_id() (CVE-2013-6376)
- update to 3.12.5

* Wed Dec 04 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.12.3-1.mga4
+ Revision: 555206
- ensure new stable btrfs-progs gets in the initrd when used
- Squashfs: fix failure to unlock pages on decompress error
- update to 3.12.3

* Sat Nov 30 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.12.2-1.mga4
+ Revision: 554298
- update ndiswrapper to 1.59
- add 33 fixes from -stable queue
- update to 3.12.2

* Thu Nov 21 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.12.1-1.mga4
+ Revision: 552194
- update squashfs multi-decompressor to revision being merged in 3.13
- update to 3.12.1

* Sun Nov 17 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.12.0-3.mga4
+ Revision: 551594
- ALSA: hda - hdmi: Fix reported channel map on common default layouts
- cxgb3: Fix length calculation in write_ofld_wr() on 32-bit architectures
- hyperv-fb: add pci stub
- ipv6: ip6_dst_check needs to check for expired dst_entries
- ipv6: reset dst.expires value when clearing expire flag
- net: flow_dissector: fail on evil iph->ihl
- net/mlx4_core: Fix call to __mlx4_unregister_mac
- net: sctp: do not trigger BUG_ON in sctp_cmd_delete_tcb
- tcp: do not rearm RTO when future data are sacked
- tcp: fix SYNACK RTT estimation in Fast Open
- tcp: gso: fix truesize tracking
- tcp: only take RTT from timestamps if new data is acked
- USB: add new zte 3g-dongle's pid to option.c
- virtio-net: correctly handle cpu hotplug notifier during resuming
- xen-netback: use jiffies_64 value to calculate credit timeout
- re-enable FB_SIMPLE

* Fri Nov 08 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.12.0-2.mga4
+ Revision: 550012
- make 'Fast TSC calibration failed' message a debug one to hide it during normal boot (mga#11532)
- pull in network fixes heading for -stable tree
- gpu/drm/i915: add disable_pch_pwm module option (Colin, bko #47941)
- disable FB_SIMPLE

* Mon Nov 04 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.12.0-1.mga4
+ Revision: 549323
- update to 3.12 final

* Sat Nov 02 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.12.0-0.rc7.2.mga4
+ Revision: 549135
- squashfs: Use multiple decompressors for handling parallel I/O
- xfrm: Fix null pointer dereference when decoding sessions
- update to latest 3.12-rc7-git

* Thu Oct 31 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.12.0-0.rc7.1.mga4
+ Revision: 548128
- update to 3.12-rc7 + current git

* Sat Oct 26 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.12.0-0.rc6.2.mga4
+ Revision: 547145
- update to current 3.12-rc6-git
- require dracut-034-4 for fixed /usr mounting

* Mon Oct 21 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.12.0-0.rc6.1.mga4
+ Revision: 540652
- update to 3.12-rc6

* Wed Oct 16 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.12.0-0.rc5.2.mga4
+ Revision: 501511
- build with new gcc & binutils
- update to latest git

* Mon Oct 14 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.12.0-0.rc5.1.mga4
+ Revision: 496717
- update to 3.12-rc5
- drop merged/obsolete patches
- fix ndiswrapper and mach64 drivers build with 3.12
- update aufs patch
- update overlayfs patches
- rediff IFWLOG patch
- update defconfigs
- update dkms conflicts

* Thu Oct 03 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.11.4-1.mga4
+ Revision: 490925
- update to 3.11.4
- drop merged patch

* Mon Sep 30 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.11.2-2.mga4
+ Revision: 489560
- require fixed dracut
- update to 3.11.3-rc1

* Fri Sep 27 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.11.2-1.mga4
+ Revision: 487565
- update dkms conflicts
- update to 3.11.2

* Wed Sep 25 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.11.1-1.mga4
+ Revision: 486267
- temporarily disable broken dothan-3 patch
- net: sync some IP headers with glibc
- update defconfigs
- update filelists
- rebase IBM BladeCenter HS20 hid quirk
- rebase shuttle-wmi driver
- rebase i915 patches for bko#59841
- update aufs for 3.11
- update overlayfs support
- drop merged patches
- update to 3.11.2-rc1
- disable GOLDFISH emulator support (mga #11062)

* Tue Sep 03 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.10.10-3.mga4
+ Revision: 474665
- [SCSI] pm80xx: fix Adaptec 71605H hang
- HID: Revert 'Revert 'HID: Fix logitech-dj: missing Unifying device issue''
- drm/i915: i915.disable_pch_pwm overrides PCH_PWM_ENABLE quirk,
            Allow disabling of eDP BPP overrides (coling, bko#59841)

* Fri Aug 30 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.10.10-2.mga4
+ Revision: 473322
- switch server kernel image compression back to GZIP so it works with
  Amazon EC2 and other older XEN setups
- Input: elantech - fix packet check for v3 and v4 hardware
- Input: wacom - add support for 0x300 and 0x301
- Input: xpad - add signature for Razer Onza Classic Edition
- drm/nouveau/mc: fix race condition between constructor and request_irq()
- jfs: fix readdir cookie incompatibility with NFSv4
- sunrpc: Fix memory corruption issue on 32-bit highmem systems
- workqueue: cond_resched() after processing each work item

* Thu Aug 29 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.10.10-1.mga4
+ Revision: 473059
- drop merged patches
- update to 3.10.10
- enable checkpoint/restore (requested by blino)

* Wed Aug 21 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.10.9-1.mga4
+ Revision: 469169
- mac80211: add a flag to indicate CCK support for HT clients
- ath9k: Enable PLL fix only for AR9340/AR9330
- net_sched: psched_ratecfg_precompute() improvements
- net_sched: restore "linklayer atm" handling
- dtop merged patches
- update to 3.10.9

* Sat Aug 17 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.10.7-1.mga4
+ Revision: 467151
- drm/radeon: fix WREG32_OR macro setting bits in a register
- drm/radeon/r7xx: fix copy paste typo in golden register setup
- add current stable queue (43 fixes)
- drop merged patches
- update to 3.10.7

* Mon Aug 12 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.10.6-1.mga4
+ Revision: 465860
- zram: allow request end to coincide with disksize
- drm/radeon: always program the MC on startup
- drm/radeon: fix halting UVD v2
- drm/radeon: only save UVD bo when we have open handles v2
- drop revert of "SCSI: sd: Update WRITE SAME heuristics" as the breakage
  is now fixed with "SCSI: Don't attempt to send extended INQUIRY command
  if skip_vpd_pages is set"
- add current -stable queue (44 fixes)
- update to 3.10.6 final

* Sun Aug 11 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.10.5-4.mga4
+ Revision: 465432
- update to 3.10.6-rc1
- drop merged patches

* Mon Aug 05 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.10.5-3.mga4
+ Revision: 464025
- atl1c: Fix misuse of netdev_alloc_skb in refilling rx ring
- iwlwifi: dvm: don't send BT_CONFIG on devices w/o Bluetooth
- iwlwifi: mvm: set SSID bits for passive channels
- disable FW_LOADER_USER_HELPER as udev is not doing any fw loading anymore
- fix and enable ndiswrapper with 3.10 series kernels (arch)
- drop 2 broken stable queue fixes

* Mon Aug 05 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.10.5-2.mga4
+ Revision: 463810
- add current stable queue (78 fixes)

* Sun Aug 04 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.10.5-1.mga4
+ Revision: 463583
- disable Initio 162x SATA support as its seriously broken
- drop merged patches
- update to 3.10.5

* Mon Jul 29 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.10.4-1.mga4
+ Revision: 460396
- revert: 'SCSI: sd: Update WRITE SAME heuristics' introduced upstream in
  3.10.3 as it breaks several usb3 connected disks.
- drop merged patches
- update to 3.10.4

* Fri Jul 26 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.10.3-1.mga4
+ Revision: 458375
- md: Remove recent change which allows devices to skip recovery
- md/raid5: fix interaction of 'replace' and 'recovery'
- md/raid10: remove use-after-free bug
- add current -stable queue fixes (44)
- drop merged patches
- update to 3.10.3

* Mon Jul 22 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.10.2-1.mga4
+ Revision: 457038
- suggest cpupower
- update to 3.10.2
- update conflicts on dkms drivers to get 3.10 for better upgrade support
- update conflicts on radeon-firmware to get all uvd and smc in initrd
- iwlwifi/mvm: enable 7000 series devices
- iwlwifi: pcie: don't read INTA register in ICT IRQ handler
- iwlwifi: make TX seqno validation more efficient
- Input: elantech - fix for newer hardware versions (v7)
- cpufreq/intel_pstate: Change to scale off of max P-state
- cpufreq: Revert commit 2f7021a to fix CPU hotplug regression

* Sun Jul 14 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.10.1-1.mga4
+ Revision: 454223
- disable broken ndiswrapper
- disable broken ppscsi driver
- disable parallell build for perf
- cpufreq: Revert commit a66b2e to fix cpufreq regression during suspend/resume
- make each kernel-*(-devel) suggest the matching -latest package
- suggest iw as we also suggest crda
- require new kernel-firmware
- conflict too old radeon-firmware to get the new UVD firmware in initrd
- update filelists
- re-add aufs support (mga#8314)
- update defconfigs
- drop merged patches
- rediff patches to apply cleanly
- update overlayfs patches
- update to 3.10.1
- add support for extended stable builds

* Fri Jun 28 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.9.8-1.mga4
+ Revision: 447730
- bcma: add support for BCM43142 (mga#9378, mga#10611)
- drop merged patches
- add current -stable queue (17 fixes)
- update to 3.9.8

* Fri Jun 21 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.9.7-1.mga4
+ Revision: 445339
- rtlwifi: rtl8192cu: Fix problem in connecting to WEP or WPA(1) networks
- ath9k_htc: Handle IDLE state transition properly
- update to 3.9.7

* Tue Jun 18 2013 tv <tv> 3.9.6-1.mga4
+ Revision: 444605
- new release

* Sun Jun 02 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.9.4-1.mga4
+ Revision: 434738
- fix ndiswrapper build with kernel-3.9
- add current stable queue fixes (82 fixes all over)
- fix -devel filelist
- fix up alx AR8161 breakage (mga #10079)
- conflict too old plymouth to make cleaner upgrades (mga #10128)
- dont package arc and metag arches
- update defconfigs
- drop merged patches
- BR: bc (as has been replaced with a bc script)
- update to 3.9.4

* Tue May 14 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.8.13-1.mga3
+ Revision: 413188
- ACPICA: Fix possible buffer overflow during a field unit read operation
- ALSA: HDA: Fix Oops caused by dereference NULL pointer
- ARM: OMAP: RX-51: change probe order of touchscreen and panel SPI devices
- ASoC: wm8994: missing break in wm8994_aif3_hw_params()
- dm stripe: fix regression in stripe_width calculation
- dm table: fix write same support
- KVM: VMX: fix halt emulation while emulating invalid guest sate
- nfsd4: don't allow owner override on 4.1 CLAIM_FH opens
- nfsd: fix oops when legacy_recdir_name_error is passed a -ENOENT error
- shm: fix null pointer deref when userspace specifies invalid hugepage size
- revert 'drm/i915: set CPT FDI RX polarity bits based on VBT' as it
  triggers OOM on some Cougar Point systems (mga #10056)
- switch to 3.8.13 final (no change from -rc in 3.8.12-2)

* Fri May 10 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.8.12-2.mga3
+ Revision: 412824
- Input: Wacom: add support for DTH-2242 and 0x10d
- Input: ALPS: add Rushmore and Dolphin V1 support (mga #8033)
- Input: synaptics - fix 1->3 contact transition reporting
- Input: synaptics - initialize pointer emulation usage
- Input: Cypress/ps2 - fix trackpad found in Dell XPS12
- Input: Cypress APA - add support for smbus protocol
- add Cypress APA I2C Trackpad support
- update to 3.8.13-rc1
- drop merged patches

* Wed May 08 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.8.12-1.mga3
+ Revision: 412651
- drm/i915: Add no-lvds quirk for Fujitsu Esprimo Q900
- drm/i915: Fixup Oops in the pipe config computation
- drm/i915: set CPT FDI RX polarity bits based on VBT
- drm/cirrus: deal with bo reserve fail in dirty update path
- drm/cirrus: Correct register values for 16bpp
- carl9170: fix frame drop and WARN due to minstrel_ht change
- carl9170: remove fast channel change feature (unreliable)
- drm/i915: Fix detection of base of stolen memory
- drm/i915: Use MLC (l3$) for context objects
- drop merged patch
- update to 3.8.12
- update Atheros alx gigabit ethernet to latest upstream
- add support for Atheros Killer e2200 ethernet (#9979)

* Wed May 01 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.8.11-1.mga3
+ Revision: 411798
- tty: fix up atime/mtime mess, take three (Linus, upstream)
- drop merged patches
- update to 3.8.11
- dont make NLS_CODEPAGE_437 builtin

* Sat Apr 27 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.8.10-1.mga3
+ Revision: 411320
- block: fix max discard sectors limit
- drm/radeon: add some new SI PCI ids
- drm/radeon: add new richland pci ids
- aio: fix possible invalid memory access when DEBUG is enabled
- TTY: do not update atime/mtime on read/write (CVE-2013-0160)
- TTY: fix atime/mtime regression
- update to 3.8.10
- drop merged patches
- update to 3.8.9

* Mon Apr 22 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.8.8-3.mga3
+ Revision: 410885
- ssb: implement spurious tone avoidance (fixes b43 regression)
- more stable queue fixes (arm, ath9k, sched)

* Sat Apr 20 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.8.8-2.mga3
+ Revision: 410585
- kvm: fix cve-2013-1796, cve-2013-1797, cve-2013-1798
- make sure to get latest btrfs-progs in initrd if in use
- add upstream -stable queue (11 fixes)
- intel_idle: add Haswell support
- tg3: Add 57766 device support
- sort posttrans so build and source symlinks are added before calling dkms_autoinstaller
- change kernel post scripts to posttrans (#9536)

* Wed Apr 17 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.8.8-1.mga3
+ Revision: 410270
- drop removal of check in disable-aspm-link as upstream breakage has been reverted
- update to 3.8.8
- bump requires on bootloader-utils, dracut, kmod, sysfsutils, kernel-firmware
- set DEFAULT_NLS to utf8 (#9722)
- conflict too old drakxtools-backend to avoid adding bogus root=/dev/ (#9536)
- enable CONFIG_RELOCATABLE on i586 too (needed for UEFI boot)
- conflict too old lvm2 rules to make upgrades work (tv, mga #9356)

* Sat Apr 13 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.8.7-1.mga3
+ Revision: 409914
- ALSA: usb: Work around CM6631 sample rate change bug (upstream)
- drm/radeon: don't use get_engine_clock() on APUs (mga #8077, fdo #62493)
- add current -stable queue fixes (16 fixes)
- drop merged patches
- update to 3.8.7

  + rtp <rtp>
    - drop uimage support. It's not compatible with dtb usage
    - build dtbs on arm
    - fix usage of udelay() for a msecs delay
    - put zsmalloc as built-in on arm to workaround build failure

* Tue Apr 09 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.8.6-2.mga3
+ Revision: 409204
- make EFI_VARS builtin
- ata_piix: Fix DVD not dectected at some Haswell platforms
- libata: fix DMA to stack in reading devslp_timing parameters
- libata: Set max sector to 65535 for Slimtype DVD A DS8A8SH drive
- libata: Use integer return value for atapi_command_packet_set
- md: raid1,10: Handle REQ_WRITE_SAME flag in write bios
  (fixes raid10 crash on mptsas)
- drop requires on carl9170-firmware as its merged in kernel-firmware

* Sun Apr 07 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.8.6-1.mga3
+ Revision: 408736
- add -stable queue fixes (20 fixes)
- update to 3.8.6

* Sat Mar 30 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.8.5-1.mga3
+ Revision: 406608
- disable efivars as a storage backend for pstore by default
  as it can brick some computers
- SUNRPC: Add barriers to ensure read ordering in rpc_wake_up_task_queue_locked
- update to 3.8.5
- drop merged patches

* Mon Mar 18 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.8.3-2.mga3
+ Revision: 403953
- enable XEN_BALLOON_MEMORY_HOTPLUG on server kernels (#9372)
- more -stable queue fixes
- revert 2 drm/i915 patches introduced in 3.8.3 as they break more than they fix
- PCI: Remove not needed check in disable aspm link (should fix ath5k problems)
- more fixes from -stable queue

* Fri Mar 15 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.8.3-1.mga3
+ Revision: 403296
- net: ax88179_178a: add ASIX AX88179_178A USB 3.0/2.0 to gigabit ethernet
  adapter driver
- net: asix: init ASIX AX88772B MAC from EEPROM
- net: asix: handle packets crossing URB boundaries
- usb/net/asix_devices: Add USBNET HG20F9 ethernet dongle
  (requested by Colin)
- atl1c: restore buffer state
- add current -stable queue fixes (28)
- update to 3.8.3

* Sat Mar 02 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.8.1-1.mga3
+ Revision: 401081
- drm/i915: Fix Haswell/CRW PCI IDs
- update to 3.8.2-rc1
- drop merged patches

* Thu Feb 28 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.8.0-3.mga3
+ Revision: 400575
- sync up with current -stable queue (154 additional fixes all over)
- require fixed dracut

* Fri Feb 22 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.8.0-2.mga3
+ Revision: 399983
- disable 'mac80211: improve latency and throughput while software scanning' for now
- perf hists: Fix period symbol_conf.field_sep display
- perf tools: Fix build with bison 2.3 and older
- x86-32, mm: Remove reference to alloc_remap()
- x86-32, mm: Remove reference to resume_map_numa_kva()
- x86-32, mm: Rip out x86_32 NUMA remapping code
- x86, efi: Make noefi really disable EFI runtime serivces
- btrfs: access superblock via pagecache in scan_one_device
- btrfs: fix crash in log replay with qgroups enabled
- update ndiswrapper to 1.58

* Tue Feb 19 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.8.0-1.mga3
+ Revision: 399296
- update to 3.8 final
- drop merged patches
- add Intel Wellsburg PCH support to ahci, ata_piix, i2c, lpc, sound

* Fri Feb 08 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.8.0-0.rc7.1.mga3
+ Revision: 397185
- r8169: revert: 'enable ALDPS for power saving' as it breaks some hw (#8622)
- r8169: revert: 'enable internal ASPM and clock request settings' as it
  increases boot time
- update to 3.8-rc7

* Fri Feb 08 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.8.0-0.rc6.2.mga3
+ Revision: 397028
- drm/ttm: fix fence locking in ttm_buffer_object_transfer
- mac80211: improve latency and throughput while software scanning
- brcmsmac: double time for timeout
- ath9k: fix DMA idle but MAC is still stuck processing events
- rtlwifi: fix scheduling while atomic bug
- add support for Cypress PS2 Trackpads
- update to rc6-git as of: Wed Feb 6 12:11:10 2013 -0500

* Wed Feb 06 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.8.0-0.rc6.1.mga3
+ Revision: 394927
- disable perf build as it breaks on BS
- add more updates from upstream git
- add support for booting without initrd
  * works on ahci controllers, with ext4 and btrfs filesystems
  * theese options are now builtin: CONFIG_SCSI_MOD, CONFIG_SCSI,
- update to 3.8-rc6-git
- fix perf build

* Sun Jan 27 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.8.0-0.rc5.1.mga3
+ Revision: 392632
- update to 3.8-rc5

* Fri Jan 18 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.8.0-0.rc4.1.mga3
+ Revision: 389476
- update to 3.8-rc4

* Wed Jan 16 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.8.0-0.rc3.2.mga3
+ Revision: 388788
- iwlwifi: audit single frames from AGG queue in RS
- drop __devinit/exit from heci, ndiswrapper, alx, shuttle-wmi
- update to 3.8-rc3-git as of 2013-01-16
- drop build, source symlinking of source package to kernel tree as it
  makes dkms build unusable modules
- rename -debug packages to -debuginfo
- specfile cleanups
- add more dkms conflicts
- conflict dkms packages that does not support kernel-3.8 to help upgrade ordering

* Thu Jan 10 2013 tmb <tmb> 3.8.0-0.rc3.1.mga3
+ Revision: 344645
- disable broken perf build for now
- update defconfigs
- rediff patches to apply cleanly
- drop merged zram patches
- update to 3.8-rc3
- update to 3.8-rc2-git as of 2013-01-04

* Tue Dec 18 2012 tmb <tmb> 3.7.1-1.mga3
+ Revision: 332459
- sync defconfigs
- update to 3.7.1
- fix zram oops (upstream, reported by wally)

* Tue Dec 11 2012 tmb <tmb> 3.7.0-1.mga3
+ Revision: 329575
- drop merged patch
- update to 3.7.0 final

* Thu Dec 06 2012 tmb <tmb> 3.7.0-0.rc8.1.mga3
+ Revision: 327546
- add perf bash_completion
- more filelist updates
- add 3.7 buildfixes for alx, IFWLOG, mach64, ndiswrapper
- pull in more upstream git fixes
- rediff disable-mrproper patch
- update to current rc8+ git
- update filelists
- update defconfigs
- restore patch preferring ata over ide drivers
- rediff patches to apply properly
- drop compress modules at install time patch
  (obsolete as we compress them at rpm build time)
- drop netbook kernel as it has no real advantage over desktop
  kernel anymore
- obsolete kernel-netbook*-latest kernel with the matching
  desktop kernels to keep upgrade path
- drop merged patches
- update to 3.7-rc8

* Wed Oct 31 2012 tmb <tmb> 3.6.5-1.mga3
+ Revision: 311802
- updates from stable queue:
  blkcg: Fix use-after-free of q->root_blkg and q->root_rl.blkg
  ceph: avoid 32-bit page index overflow
  ceph: fix dentry reference leak in encode_fh()
  ceph: Fix oops when handling mdsmap that decreases max_mds
  libceph: avoid NULL kref_put when osd reset races with alloc_msg
  libceph: check for invalid mapping
  floppy: don't call alloc_ordered_workqueue inside the alloc_disk loop
  floppy: do put_disk on current dr if blk_init_queue fails
  floppy: properly handle failure on add_disk loop
  gpio-timberdale: fix a potential wrapping issue
  gpiolib: Don't return -EPROBE_DEFER to sysfs, or for invalid gpios
  md/raid1: Fix assembling of arrays containing Replacements
  rbd: reset BACKOFF if unable to re-queue
- replace 'ext4: revert jbd2: don't write superblock when if its empty'
  with upstream fix: 'ext4: fix unjournaled inode bitmap modification'
  (wich properly fixes the possible data corruption bug)
- drop merged patches
- update to 3.6.5

* Sun Oct 28 2012 tmb <tmb> 3.6.4-1.mga3
+ Revision: 311107
- ext4: revert 'jbd2: don't write superblock when if its empty' (fixes possible data corruption)
- cpufreq / powernow-k8: Remove usage of smp_processor_id() in preemptible code
- add current stable queue fixes (71 fixes all over)
- update to 3.6.4

* Sun Oct 21 2012 tmb <tmb> 3.6.3-1.mga3
+ Revision: 309009
- drop merged patches
- update to 3.6.3
- add Atheros AR8161/8165 PCI-E Gigabit support (#7853)

* Wed Oct 17 2012 tmb <tmb> 3.6.2-1.mga3
+ Revision: 307752
- add mach64 and ipt_IFWLOG buildfixes for kernel-3.6
- sync in current stable queue (53 fixes)
- update defconfigs
- sync overlayfs support with opensuse
- disable acpi-video-add-blacklist-to-use-vendor-driver.patch, needs to be rewritten
- drop tools-perf-fix-strerror_r-usage.patch (merged)
- rediff patches:
- add include/ras/ to -devel and -source filelists
- update to 3.6.2
- move -doc to Documentation group

* Sun Sep 30 2012 tmb <tmb> 3.5.5-0.rc1.1.mga3
+ Revision: 300733
- update to 3.5.5-rc1 (262 fixes all over)

* Sat Sep 15 2012 tmb <tmb> 3.5.4-1.mga3
+ Revision: 294085
- drop merged patches
- update to 3.5.4

  + tv <tv>
    - cpupower obsoletes cpufreq cpufrequtils
    - set default policy as 'ondemand' (like cpufreq)

* Tue Sep 11 2012 tmb <tmb> 3.5.3-3.mga3
+ Revision: 292275
- ext3: Fix fdatasync() for files with only i_size changes (mga #7343)
- udf: Fix data corruption for files in ICB
- update defconfigs for overlayfs
- add overlayfs support (from ubuntu)
- disable broken unionfs
- sync with -stable queue (30 added fixes)

* Thu Aug 30 2012 tmb <tmb> 3.5.3-2.mga3
+ Revision: 285684
- pull in stable queue fixes (55 fixes all over)

* Sun Aug 26 2012 tmb <tmb> 3.5.3-1.mga3
+ Revision: 284238
- update to 3.5.3

* Thu Aug 16 2012 tmb <tmb> 3.5.2-1.mga3
+ Revision: 281575
- update to 3.5.2

* Sat Aug 11 2012 tmb <tmb> 3.5.1-1.mga3
+ Revision: 280494
- adapt unionfs for FD and BITS changes in 3.5.1
- enable CLEANCACHE, FRONTSWAP and ZCACHE (mga #6946)
- update to 3.5.1

* Sat Jul 28 2012 tmb <tmb> 3.5.0-1.mga3
+ Revision: 275103
- fix perf build with glibc-2.16
- fix unionfs build with 3.5 series kernels
- rediff mrproper patch
- update defconfigs
- drop merged patches
- rediff unionfs patch
- add include/memory/ to -devel and -source filelists
- update to 3.5

* Fri Jul 20 2012 tmb <tmb> 3.4.6-1.mga3
+ Revision: 272883
- add fixes from current stable queue (13 fixes)
- update to 3.4.6
- drop merged patch

* Wed Jul 18 2012 tmb <tmb> 3.4.5-1.mga3
+ Revision: 272320
- drop merged patches
- update to 3.4.5
- scsi: Silence unnecessary warnings about ioctl to partition (requested by colin)

* Sun Jul 01 2012 tmb <tmb> 3.4.4-2.mga3
+ Revision: 266170
- block: fix infinite loop in __getblk_slow
- enable EFI_STUB support (#6598)
- cifs: fix parsing of password mount option (requested by blino)
- ARM: Orion: Fix Virtual/Physical mixup with watchdog
- ARM: tegra: make tegra_cpu_reset_handler_enable() __init

* Wed Jun 27 2012 tmb <tmb> 3.4.4-1.mga3
+ Revision: 264235
- Tools: hv: verify origin of netlink connector message (CVE-2012-2669)
- drop merged patches
- update to 3.4.4

* Wed Jun 20 2012 tmb <tmb> 3.4.3-1.mga3
+ Revision: 262305
- pull in current -stable queue (61 fixes all over)
- rediff patch for added Q57 agp id
- drop merged ext4 uninit_bg fix
- update to 3.4.3

* Sat Jun 09 2012 tmb <tmb> 3.4.2-1.mga3
+ Revision: 258990
- ext4: fix the free blocks calculation for ext3 file systems w/ uninit_bg
- drop merged patches
- update to 3.4.2
- BR kmod instead of module-init-tools

* Tue Jun 05 2012 tmb <tmb> 3.4.1-1.mga3
+ Revision: 255531
- add patches from stable queue (66 fixes all over)
- require kmod instead of module-init-tools
- re-enable pwersaving by default on rt2800usb
- disable changing ata/ide link order
- update to 3.4.1 final

* Mon May 28 2012 tmb <tmb> 3.4.1-0.rc1.1.mga3
+ Revision: 247815
- BR bison for kernel utils
- BR flex for kernel utils
- BR pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0) for kernel tools
- disable acpi dsdt and events patches
- update to 3.4.1-rc1
  * drop merged patches
  * rediff IFWLOG, psd, unionfs shuttle-wmi and arm-udelay-fix patches
- add buildfix for unionfs and kernel-3.4
- add buildfix for radio-rttrack
- update defconfigs
- update filelists

* Thu May 17 2012 tmb <tmb> 3.3.6-2.mga2
+ Revision: 235853
- net/e1000: Prevent reset task killing itself (fixes deadlock)
- pull in fixes from stable queue:
  * ALSA: echoaudio: Remove incorrect part of assertion
  * ALSA: HDA: Lessen CPU usage when waiting for chip to respond
  * ALSA: hda/realtek - Add missing CD-input pin for MSI-7350 mobo
  * ALSA: hda/idt - Fix power-map for speaker-pins with some HP laptops
  * usbnet: fix skb traversing races during unlink(v2)
  * namespaces, pid_ns: fix leakage on fork() failure
- ipw2x00: add support for nl80211 clients like Network Manager (#5720)
- disable APM_CPU_IDLE as it causes some hw to hang on boot

* Sat May 12 2012 tmb <tmb> 3.3.6-1.mga2
+ Revision: 235512
- switch server kernels back to SLAB allocator as it performs better on
  bigger server hardware and workloads
- disable memory cgroups on desktop(586) and netbook kernels as it has
  unwanted overhead (server kernels still have it enabled)
- sync defconfigs for 3.3.6
- drop merged patches
- update to 3.3.6

* Thu May 10 2012 tmb <tmb> 3.3.5-1.mga2
+ Revision: 235140
- obsolete dkms-psb (replaced by in-kernel gma500_gfx)
- add current stable queue fixes:
  ARM: 7410/1: Add extra clobber registers for assembly in kernel_execve
  ARM: 7411/1: audit: fix treatment of saved ip register during syscall tracing
  ARM: 7412/1: audit: use only AUDIT_ARCH_ARM regardless of endianness
  ARM: 7414/1: SMP: prevent use of the console when using idmap_pgd
  ARM: OMAP: Revert "ARM: OMAP: ctrl: Fix CONTROL_DSIPHY register fields"
  ARM: orion5x: Fix GPIO enable bits for MPP9
  asix: Fix tx transfer padding for full-speed USB
  asm-generic: Use __BITS_PER_LONG in statfs.h
  ASoC: core: check of_property_count_strings failure
  ASoC: tlv312aic23: unbreak resume
  drm/i915: disable sdvo hotplug on i945g/gm
  drm/i915: Do no set Stencil Cache eviction LRA w/a on gen7+
  drm/i915: enable dip before writing data on gen4
  e1000: fix vlan processing regression
  Fix __read_seqcount_begin() to use ACCESS_ONCE for sequence value read
  fs/cifs: fix parsing of dfs referrals
  netem: fix possible skb leak
  net: Add memory barriers to prevent possible race in byte queue limits
  net: Fix issue with netdev_tx_reset_queue not resetting queue from XOFF state
  net: In unregister_netdevice_notifier unregister the netdevices
  net: l2tp: unlock socket lock before returning from l2tp_ip_sendmsg
  percpu, x86: don't use PMD_SIZE as embedded atom_size on 32bit
  regulator: Fix the logic to ensure new voltage setting in valid range
  sky2: fix receive length error in mixed non-VLAN/VLAN traffic
  sky2: propogate rx hash when packet is copied
  smsc95xx: mark link down on startup and let PHY interrupt deal with carrier changes
  sungem: Fix WakeOnLan
  tcp: change tcp_adv_win_scale and tcp_rmem[2]
  tcp: fix infinite cwnd in tcp_complete_cwr()
  tg3: Avoid panic from reserved statblk field access
  x86, relocs: Remove an unused variable
  xen/pci: don't use PCI BIOS service for configuration space accesses
  xen/pte: Fix crashes when trying to see non-existent PGD/PMD/PUD/PTEs
- drop merged samsung-laptop patches
- drop merged patches
- update to 3.3.5
- dell-laptop: Terminate quirks list properly (mga #5724)

* Sat Apr 28 2012 tmb <tmb> 3.3.4-1.mga2
+ Revision: 233744
- ata_piix: detect IDE mode SATA for Intel DH89xxCC
- ahci detect Marvell 88SE9172 SATA controller
- iwlwifi: use 6000G2B for 6030 device series
- iwlwifi: fix hardware queue programming
- cpupower: Require rpm-helper >= 0.24.8-1 for systemd support
- drop perf revert as it's now fixed upstream
- update to 3.3.4
- require dracut >= 017-9

* Mon Apr 23 2012 tmb <tmb> 3.3.3-1.mga2
+ Revision: 232856
- revert: "perf hists: Catch and handle out-of-date hist entry maps"
  added in stable 3.3.3 as it breaks perf build
- ath5k: do not stop queues for full calibration
- ath5k: do not re-run AGC calibration periodically
- iwlwifi: use correct released ucode version
- disable floppy autoloading as it makes some systems hang (mga #4696)
- drop merged patches
- update to 3.3.3

* Wed Apr 04 2012 tmb <tmb> 3.3.1-2.mga2
+ Revision: 228344
- ACPICA: Fix regression in FADT revision checks
- revert 'gpu/nouveau/bios: Fix tracking of BIOS image data' as it breaks some hw
- clean dkms tree on kernel uninstall
- clean -devel tree on uninstall
- drm/nouveau: create m2mf for nvd9 too
- drm/nouveau: inform userspace of relaxed kernel subchannel requirements
- drm/nouveau: select POWER_SUPPLY
- drm/nouveau: Fix crash when pci_ram_rom() returns a size of 0
- drm/nouveau/bios: Fix tracking of BIOS image data
- drm/radeon/kms: fix fans after resume
- drm/radeon: Don't dereference possibly-NULL pointer
- revert: 'x86/ioapic: Add register level checks to detect bogus io-apic
  entries' as it breaks xen
- revert: 'ath9k: fix going to full-sleep on PS idle' as it breaks atleast 9285

* Tue Apr 03 2012 tmb <tmb> 3.3.1-1.mga2
+ Revision: 228038
- drm/i915: add Ivy Bridge GT2 Server entries
- only server kernel provides drbd-api
- make sure dracut is always installed
- update defconfigs
- drm/nouveau: fix thinko causing init to fail on cards without accel
- drm/nouveau: default to 8bpc for non-LVDS panels if EDID isn't useful
- drm/nouveau/i2c: fix thinko/regression on really old chipsets
- drop merged patches
- resync radeon backport with 3.4-rc1
- update to 3.3.1
- replace kernel-tools package with separate perf and cpupower packages

* Sat Mar 24 2012 tmb <tmb> 3.3.0-2.mga2
+ Revision: 226128
- disable ath9k fix for mga #144 to verify if its still needed
- ata: add ide/ahci/raid mode support for Intel Lynx Point chipset
- nouveau: backport Kepler (GTX6xx) support
- radeon: backport support for Southern Islands (HD7xxx) GPUs and Trinity APUs
- add upstream drm changes to support gpu driver backports
- ata: prefer ata drivers over ide drivers when both are built (Anssi)

* Mon Mar 19 2012 tmb <tmb> 3.3.0-1.mga2
+ Revision: 224352
- disable framebuffer logo to try and reduce screen flickering on boot
- media/tda10071: correct delivery system to DVB-S/S2
- media: fix initialization on Hauppauge WinTV Nova HD-S2 and similar hardware
- update defconfigs
- update to 3.3 final

* Sat Mar 10 2012 tmb <tmb> 3.3.0-0.rc7.1.mga2
+ Revision: 222555
- update to 3.3-rc7
- re-enable some more nics that got disabled by mistake
- re-enable MACVLAN and VETH (#4833)

* Mon Mar 05 2012 tmb <tmb> 3.3.0-0.rc6.1.mga2
+ Revision: 219069
- remove c6x arch from source tarball
- fix mach64 build with 3.3 series
- update defconfigs
- update unionfs to 2.5.11
- fix ndiswrapper build with 3.3 series kernels
- update to ndiswrapper 1.57 final
- update filelists
- rediff patches to apply cleanly
- drop merged patches
- update to 3.3-rc6

* Sat Mar 03 2012 tmb <tmb> 3.2.9-2.mga2
+ Revision: 217219
- rebuild with new gcc
- sync in current -stable queue (14 fixes)

* Thu Mar 01 2012 tmb <tmb> 3.2.9-1.mga2
+ Revision: 216396
- obsolete dkms-lzma
- require dracut >= 017-1
- add another needed fix for r8172u wireless driver in staging (#4491)
- drop merged fixes
- update to 3.2.9

* Sat Feb 25 2012 tmb <tmb> 3.2.7-1.mga2
+ Revision: 214713
- PCI: workaround hard-wired bus number
- mac80211: Fix a rwlock bad magic bug
- fix nonworking r8172u wireless driver in staging (#4491)
- enable PRINTK_TIME by default to help debugging boot delays
- drop merged patches
- update to 3.2.7

* Thu Feb 16 2012 tmb <tmb> 3.2.6-3.mga2
+ Revision: 209763
- rebuild for missing kmod provides
- require dracut >= 016-1 for more needed fixes
- fix modules.description generation with .xz modules

* Tue Feb 14 2012 tmb <tmb> 3.2.6-2.mga2
+ Revision: 208929
- require dracut >= 015-2 to get the latest fixes
- pull in current -stable queue (20 fixes)
- add post and preun service calls for cpupower in kernel-tools package
- require dracut >= 015-1 for support of xz compressed modules
- compress modules with xz
- update to 3.2.6 final
- compress symvers files in /boot with xz

* Sun Feb 12 2012 tmb <tmb> 3.2.6-0.rc1.1.mga2
+ Revision: 207659
- ath9k: stop on rates with idx -1 in ath9k rate control's .tx_status
- ath9k_hw: fix a RTS/CTS timeout regression
- ath9k: fix a WEP crypto related regression (# 4309)
- update to 3.2.6-rc1
- enable PPS_CLIENT_LDISC (mga #4221)

* Mon Feb 06 2012 tmb <tmb> 3.2.5-1.mga2
+ Revision: 205596
- pull in carl9170-firmware too as it's not in upstream kernel-firmware yet (#2386)
- update to 3.2.5
  * drop merged ASPM rework patch
- correct requires: module-init-tools >= 3.16-14 for xz support

* Thu Jan 26 2012 tmb <tmb> 3.2.2-1.mga2
+ Revision: 201806
- drop merged patches
- update to 3.2.2 (CVE-2012-0056)

* Fri Jan 20 2012 tmb <tmb> 3.2.1-2.mga2
+ Revision: 198861
- BR module-init-tools >= 3.6-14 for xz support
- add support for compressing modules with xz (disabled until dracut gets support)
- compress desktop* and server kernels with XZ (even xen supports it since v4.0)
- enable xen support on x86_64 kernel-desktop
- require module-init-tools >= 3.6-14 for xz support
- require dracut instead of mkinitrd

* Sun Jan 15 2012 tmb <tmb> 3.2.1-1.mga2
+ Revision: 196371
- fix groups on on kernel-utils(-devel)
- add BR docbook-style-xsl
- add patches from -stable queue (51 fixes all over the kernel)
- add kernel-tools(-devel) packages providing perf and cpupower tools (#3413)
- drop kernel-xen-pvops flavour as kernel-server provides all that is needed
  * kernel-server-latest now obsoletes kernel-xen-pvops-latest
  * kernel-server-devel-latest now obsoletes kernel-xen-pvops-devel-latest
- sync xen config with fedora
- update to 3.2.1

* Thu Jan 05 2012 tmb <tmb> 3.2.0-1.mga2
+ Revision: 191540
- update to 3.2 final
- require newest kernel-firmware
- obsolete dkms-r8192se as it is merged upstream
- upstream tarball is now compressed with xz

* Wed Dec 28 2011 tmb <tmb> 3.2.0-0.rc7.2.mga2
+ Revision: 188492
- update to latest upstream git including: drm/i915: Disable RC6 on
  Sandybridge by default (371de6e4e0042adf4f9b54c414154f57414ddd37)
- disable SQUASHFS_4K_DEVBLK_SIZE as it breaks livecd builds

* Sun Dec 25 2011 tmb <tmb> 3.2.0-0.rc7.1.mga2
+ Revision: 187363
- ndiswrapper: fix build with 3.2 series kernels
- unionfs: convert ->i_nlink usage to set_nlink()
- drm/mach64: module.h must now be included directly
- update defconfigs
- add fixes for radeon and vmwgfx from upstream git headed for 3.2 final
- update filelists
- rebase patches to apply cleanly
- drop merged patches
- update to 3.2-rc7
- make sure -devel rpm is installed before triggering dkms rebuild

* Sat Dec 24 2011 tmb <tmb> 3.1.6-2.mga2
+ Revision: 187103
- update netbook summary and description too regarding memory usage
- sync with current stable queue (38 fixes to all over the kernel)

* Thu Dec 22 2011 tmb <tmb> 3.1.6-1.mga2
+ Revision: 185703
- update to 3.1.6 final
- enable ISDN in netbook config (#3367)
- switch transparent hugepages from on by default to madvise (only enabled
  for apps that requests it), as it fixes desktop freeze when accessing
  slow media such as usb (thanks to fbui/mdv mail on @cooker ml).
- update desktop(586) summaries and descriptions to point out that only
  3-3.5GB RAM is detected on 32bit, and that server kernel is needed to
  fully support 4GB or more
- drop defattr and buildroot
- trigger dkms build in posttrans so modules get built at kernel install
  instead of at boot (speeds up boot time with new kernel)

* Fri Dec 16 2011 tmb <tmb> 3.1.6-0.rc1.1.mga2
+ Revision: 182783
- bump requires on kernel-firmware
- drop merged drm and xfs patches
- update to 3.1.6-rc1

* Mon Dec 05 2011 tmb <tmb> 3.1.4-2.mga2
+ Revision: 176941
- rebuild with gcc-4.6.2

  + blino <blino>
    - IFWLOG: fix return value of checkentry (not properly modified in 2.6.35+ patch, #3594)

* Tue Nov 29 2011 tmb <tmb> 3.1.4-1.mga2
+ Revision: 174077
- update to 3.1.4
  * reverts usb patch that broke isochronous devices
    (i.e. webcam, audio, or other streaming devices)

* Sun Nov 27 2011 tmb <tmb> 3.1.3-1.mga2
+ Revision: 172918
- xfs fixes from upstream:
  * don't serialise direct IO reads on page cache checks
    (fixes performance regression introduced in 2.6.38)
  * avoid direct I/O write vs buffered I/O race
  * return -EIO when xfs_vn_getattr() failed
  * fix buffer flushing during unmount
  * fix possible memory corruption in xfs_readlink
  * use doalloc flag in xfs_qm_dqattach_one()
- drm fixes from stable queue:
  * fix integer overflow in drm_mode_dirtyfb_ioctl()
  * radeon/kms: fix up gpio i2c mask bits for r4xx for real
  * i915: Ivybridge still has fences
  * i915: Turn on a required 3D clock gating bit on Sandybridge
  * i915: Turn on another required clock gating bit on Sandybridge
- update to 3.1.3

* Sun Nov 20 2011 tmb <tmb> 3.1.2-0.rc1.1.mga2
+ Revision: 170001
- update to 3.1.2-rc1
- pci: rework ASPM disable code
- drm/i915: Fix inconsistent backlight level during disabled
- update to 3.1.1 final

* Thu Nov 10 2011 tmb <tmb> 3.1.1-0.rc1.1.mga2
+ Revision: 166212
- update to 3.1.1-rc1
  * rediff unionfs patch
  * drop merged patches
  * update defconfigs

* Tue Nov 01 2011 tmb <tmb> 3.1.0-2.mga2
+ Revision: 161124
- md/raid10: Fix bug when activating a hot-spare.
- md/raid5: fix bug that could result in reads from a failed device.

* Mon Oct 24 2011 tmb <tmb> 3.1.0-1.mga2
+ Revision: 157691
- update to 3.1 final

* Tue Oct 18 2011 tmb <tmb> 3.1.0-0.rc10.1.mga2
+ Revision: 156037
- update to 3.1-rc10
- drop merged patches
- re-enable usblp as it is needed by both usb-pp adapters and some printers (mga #2240, #2264)
  (cups is patched to work with both usblp and libusb)

* Thu Oct 06 2011 tmb <tmb> 3.1.0-0.rc9.1.mga2
+ Revision: 152256
- fix ndiswrapper Makefile
- remove openrisc arch
- more defconfig updates
- SCSI: libsas: fix panic when single phy is disabled on a wide port
  SCSI: qla2xxx: Fix crash in qla2x00_abort_all_cmds() on unload
- Input: wacom - revert 'Cintiq 21UX2 does not have menu strips'
- update ndiswrapper to 1.57-rc1 and drop merged patches
- update unionfs to 2.5.10
- update defconfigs
- drop merged: media-video-uvc-fix-init-hang.patch
- drop merged patch:
- drop patch: sound-alsa-hda_intel-prealloc-4mb-dmabuffer.patch
  (it's replaced by the upstream SND_HDA_PREALLOC_SIZE config option)
- rediff patches to apply cleanly
- rediff unionfs patch
- update to 3.1-rc9

* Mon Oct 03 2011 tmb <tmb> 3.0.6-1.mga2
+ Revision: 151408
- fix boot hang on uvc webcam init (mga #2425)
- update to 3.0.6
- ndiswrapper: add IoUnregisterPlugPlayNotification symbol (mga #2162)

* Mon Aug 29 2011 tmb <tmb> 3.0.4-1.mga2
+ Revision: 136300
- update to 3.0.4
- headers_install: fix __packed in exported kernel headers
- btrfs: btrfs_calc_avail_data_space: cope with no read/write devices
- update to 3.0.3
- drop merged: net-wireless-iwlagn-5000-do-not-support-idle-mode.patch
- update to 3.0.2-rc1
- update to 3.0.1 final
- enable RT33XX/RT35XX pci/usb support
- iwlagn: 5000 do not support idle mode
- drop debug-latest rpms as they are not really used
- rename debug rpms so the name ends with -debug like all other debug packages
- update to 3.0.1-rc1
- build with -s(ilent) so only warnings and errors gets logged
- fix build with -stable -rc patches
- drop obsolete conflicts/obsoletes
- remove powerpc and sparc support (already disabled)
- convert -source rpm to noarch
- release 3.0 final
- samsung-laptop: add support for NC110, NC210, R700 and X520
- samsung-laptop: fix detection of N150/N210/N220 models (mga #2175)
- disable SOUND_OSS_CORE_PRECLAIM to allow osspd to work (request by Coling Guthrie)
- prepare for 3.0 final
- drop uclevel define as its unused
- drop kstable defines as sublevel will be used for stable patches

* Sun Jul 17 2011 tmb <tmb> 3.0.0-0.rc7.5.1.mga2
+ Revision: 125370
- update to 3.0-rc7-git5 (fixes 32bit sched race/hang and a possible rcu hang/crash)

* Fri Jul 15 2011 tmb <tmb> 3.0.0-0.rc7.2.1.mga2
+ Revision: 124486
- update filelists
- rediff patch disabling mrproper in -devel rpms
- disable acerhk on x86_64 as it contains unsafe asm code
- fix mach64, ndiswrapper, ppscsi, rfswitch and viahss builds for linix-3.0
- update defconfigs
- update unionfs to
- disable aufs2 for now (broken)
- disable framebuffer oops fixes for now to verify if they are still needed
- rediff patches:
- drop merged patch:
- drop obsolete patch:
- update to 3.0-rc7-git2
  * drop merged patches:

* Fri Jul 08 2011 tmb <tmb>
+ Revision: 120242
- rebuild for missing packages

* Thu Jul 07 2011 tmb <tmb>
+ Revision: 119919
- fix non-expanding xen-pvops macros
- net/ipv4: Check for mistakenly passed in non-IPv4 address
- Bluetooth: Prevent buffer overflow in l2cap config request (CVE-2011-2497)
- Bluetooth: l2cap and rfcomm: fix 1 byte infoleak to userspace (CVE-2011-2492)
- proc: restrict access to /proc/PID/io (CVE-2011-2495)
- ext4: init timer earlier to avoid a kernel panic in __save_error_info (CVE-2011-2493)
- nl80211: fix overflow in ssid_len (CVE-2011-2517)
- TOMOYO: Fix oops in tomoyo_mount_acl() (CVE-2011-2518)
- inet_diag: fix inet_diag_bc_audit() (CVE-2011-2213)
- taskstats: don't allow duplicate entries in listener mode (CVE-2011-2484)

* Tue Jun 14 2011 tmb <tmb>
+ Revision: 106310
- add mgaver to 'uname -r'
- ath9k: revert changes that crashes the kernel (mga #144, regression since 2.6.35)
- xen: fix off by one errors in multicalls.c
- video: Fix use-after-free by vga16fb on rmmod
- nl80211: fix check for valid SSID size in scan operations (CVE-2011-2517)
- fat: Fix corrupt inode flags when remove ATTR_SYS flag
- intel-iommu: Flush unmaps at domain_exit
- intel-iommu: Only unlink device domains from iommu
- intel-iommu: Check for identity mapping candidate using system dma mask
- intel-iommu: Speed up processing of the identity_mapping function
- intel-iommu: Dont cache iova above 32bit
- intel-iommu: Use coherent DMA mask when requested
- intel-iommu: Remove Host Bridge devices from identity mapping
- intel-iommu: Add domain check in domain_remove_one_dev_info
- x86/amd-iommu: Fix 3 possible endless loops
- x86/amd-iommu: Use only per-device dma_ops
- x86/amd-iommu: Fix boot crash with hidden PCI devices
- usb: core: Tolerate protocol stall during hub and port status read
- usb-storage: redo incorrect reads
- usbnet/cdc_ncm: add missing .reset_resume hook
- usb: cdc-acm: Adding second ACM channel support for Nokia E7 and C7
- usb: serial: add another 4N-GALAXY.DE PID to ftdi_sio driver
- option: add Zoom 4597 modem USB IDs
- option: add Alcatel X200 to sendsetup blacklist
- option: add Prolink PH300 modem IDs
- option: Add blacklist for ZTE K3765-Z
- Revert "USB: option: add ID for ZTE MF 330" as its a usb hub
- ath9k: fix two more bugs in tx power
- ath9k: Reset chip on baseband hang
- ath9k: set 40 Mhz rate only if hw is configured in ht40
- drm/i915: Add a no lvds quirk for the Asus EeeBox PC EB1007
- drm/radeon/kms: viewport height has to be even
- drm/radeon/kms: fix for radeon on systems >4GB without hardware iommu

* Tue Jun 07 2011 tmb <tmb>
+ Revision: 101625
- block: export blk_{get,put}_queue()
- block: blkdev_get() should access ->bd_disk only after success
- scsi:  Fix oops caused by queue refcounting failure
- hwmon: coretemp: Relax target temperature range check
- ksm: fix race between ksmd and exiting task (CVE-2011-2183)
- update to (CVE-2011-1017)
- drop merged patches

* Sun May 22 2011 tmb <tmb>
+ Revision: 100106
- r8169: add a new chip for RTL8105
- r8169: add a new chip for RTL8168DP
- r8169: add support for RTL8168E/RTL8111E
- update to final (CVE-2011-1770, CVE-2011-1776, CVE-2011-1927, CVE-2011-2496)
- drop merged stable-queue fixes

* Thu May 19 2011 tmb <tmb>
+ Revision: 99781
- watchdog: iTCO_wdt: TCO Watchdog patch for Intel Panther Point PCH
- more stable fixes
  * cifs: clean up various nits in unicode routines
  * cifs: fix cifsConvertToUCS() for the mapchars case
  * iwlegacy: fix IBSS mode crashes
- merge current stable queue:
  * ARM: zImage: make sure the stack is 64-bit aligned
  * ASoC: SSM2602: Fix 'Mic Boost2' control
  * ASoC: UDA134x: Remove POWER_OFF_ON_STANDBY define
  * block: rescan partitions on invalidated devices on -ENOMEDIA too
  * can: fix SJA1000 dlc for RTR packets
  * cdrom: always check_disk_change() on open
  * cifs: add fallback in is_path_accessible for old servers
  * cifs: Fix memory over bound bug in cifs_parse_mount_options
  * clocksource: Install completely before selecting
  * dccp: handle invalid feature options length (CVE-2011-1770)
  * drm/radeon/kms: fix extended lvds info parsing
  * ehea: Fix memory hotplug oops
  * ehea: fix wrongly reported speed and port
  * media: Fix cx88 remote control input
  * hydra: Fix regression caused during net_device_ops conversion
  * ipheth: Properly distinguish length and alignment in URBs and skbs
  * libata: fix oops when LPM is used with PMP
  * libertas: fix cmdpendingq locking
  * megaraid_sas: Sanity check user supplied length before passing it to
  * mm: use alloc_bootmem_node_nopanic() on really needed path
  * ne-h8300: Fix regression caused during net_device_ops conversion
  * net: dev_close() should check IFF_UP
  * net: ip_expire() must revalidate route (CVE-2011-1927)
  * net: slip, fix ldisc->open retval
  * PCH_GbE : Fixed the issue of checksum judgment
  * PCH_GbE : Fixed the issue of collision detection
  * pch_gbe: support ML7223 IOH
  * PM: Fix warning in pm_restrict_gfp_mask() during SNAPSHOT_S2RAM ioctl
  * PM / Hibernate: Fix ioctl SNAPSHOT_S2RAM
  * PM / Hibernate: Make snapshot_release() restore GFP mask
  * rapidio: fix default routing initialization
  * Revert "mmc: fix a race between card-detect rescan and clock-gate work
  * rtc-s3c: fixup wake support for rtc
  * scsi: Revert "[SCSI] Retrieve the Caching mode page"
  * Revert "x86, AMD: Fix APIC timer erratum 400 affecting K8 Rev.A-E
  * slcan: fix ldisc->open retval
  * tick: Clear broadcast active bit when switching to oneshot
  * tmpfs: fix off-by-one in max_blocks checks
  * tmpfs: fix race between swapoff and writepage
  * tmpfs: fix race between umount and swapoff
  * tmpfs: fix race between umount and writepage
  * tmpfs: fix spurious ENOSPC when racing with unswap
  * media/v4l: Release module if subdev registration fails
  * vmxnet3: Consistently disable irqs when taking adapter->cmd_lock
  * vmxnet3: Fix inconsistent LRO state after initialization
  * x86, AMD: Fix ARAT feature setting again
  * x86, apic: Fix spurious error interrupts triggering on all non-boot APs
  * x86: Fix UV BAU for non-consecutive nasids
  * x86, mce, AMD: Fix leaving freed data in a list
  * zorro8390: Fix regression caused during net_device_ops conversion

  + rtp <rtp>
    - Revert to unionfs 2.5.8 until 2.5.9 problems are solved (cf bug #1326 and
      unionfs ml)

* Tue May 10 2011 tmb <tmb>
+ Revision: 97089
- merge current stable queue:
  cifs: change bleft in decode_unicode_ssetup back to signed type
  cifs: check for bytes_remaining going to zero in CIFS_SessSetup
  cifs: handle errors from coalesce_t2
  cifs: refactor mid finding loop in cifs_demultiplex_thread
  cifs: sanitize length checking in coalesce_t2
  drm/radeon/kms: add pci id to acer travelmate quirk for 5730
  drm/radeon/kms: fix gart setup on fusion parts (v2) backport
  drm/i915/dp: Be paranoid in case we disable a DP before it is attached
  drm/i915/lvds: Only act on lid notify when the device is on
  drm/i915: Release object along create user fb error path
  efi: Validate size of EFI GUID partition entries (CVE-2011-1776)
  hw_breakpoints, powerpc: Fix CONFIG_HAVE_HW_BREAKPOINT off-case in ptrace_set_debugreg()
  iwlwifi: add {ack, plpc}_check module parameters
  ptrace: Prepare to fix racy accesses on task breakpoints
  thinkpad-acpi: module autoloading for newer Lenovo ThinkPads
  vm: Don't lock guardpage if the stack is growing up
  vm: fix vm_pgoff wrap in upward expansion
  x86, hw_breakpoints: Fix racy access to ptrace breakpoints
- revert: "dell-laptop: Toggle the unsupported hardware killswitch"
  as it causes regressions on existing hw (reported by Colin Guthrie)
- drop Amd K8 erratum 400 fix (merged)
- update to
- clean /lib/modules tree on uninstall
- disable ACPI_PROCFS_POWER as its obsoleted by the sysfs interface

* Tue May 03 2011 tmb <tmb>
+ Revision: 94519
- update unionfs to 2.5.9
- update to (CVE-2011-2479, CVE-2011-2498)

* Sat Apr 30 2011 tmb <tmb>
+ Revision: 93738
- raise default vmalloc area to 192MB (Anssi, #904)
- r8169: be verbose when unable to load firmware
- samsung-laptop: drop backlight type setting patch as its 2.6.39 specific
- r8169: add support for RTL8105E
- samsung-laptop: set backlight type and add support for N230, R410P
- x86, AMD: K8 Rev.A-E processors are subject to erratum 400
- update to
- hp-wmi: add support for rfkill on HP Mini 5102 (Anssi)

* Fri Apr 22 2011 tmb <tmb>
+ Revision: 89804
- enable radeon kernel modesetting
- add aliases for old ieee1394 modules to the new firewire stack
- add ide/ahci/raid ids for Intel Panther Point
- update ipset to 6.4 (includes ipv6 support)
- intel_ips: fix monitor thread to use TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE
- disable powersaving on rt2800 as it is broken (noted by rtp)
- update aufs to aufs2.1-38 stable branch
- update to (CVE-2011-2496)

* Sat Apr 16 2011 tmb <tmb>
+ Revision: 86561
- drm/radeon/kms: fix suspend on rv530 asics
- drm/radeon/kms: pll tweaks for rv6xx
- vm: fix mlock() on stack guard page
- vm: fix vm_pgoff wrap in stack expansion
- update 'drm/i915: Fix tiling corruption from pipelined fencing'
- drm: Retry i2c transfer of EDID block after failure
- drm/i915/dp: Sanity check eDP existence
- drm/i915: Restore missing command flush before interrupt on BLT ring
- drm/i915: Avoid unmapping pages from a NULL address space
- drm/i915: Enable GPU semaphores by default
- update to final (CVE-2011-2496)
- drop merged xen revert patch
- re-enable debug

* Tue Apr 12 2011 tmb <tmb>
+ Revision: 84037
- add missing virtual provides
- revert: 'x86-64, mm: Put early page table high' as it breaks xen
- rediff HP Compaq DC7900 alsa patch
- update to
- drop merged patches

* Mon Apr 11 2011 tmb <tmb>
+ Revision: 83133
- add xen netdev backend support
- compress patch tarball with xz
- ath9k: fix a chip wakeup related crash in ath9k_start
- add xen-pvops kernel
- spec cleanup

  + rtp <rtp>
    - import arm support. The kernel can build iop32x, kirkwood and versatile (qemu)
      kernels but build only kirkwood and versatile atm.

* Sat Apr 02 2011 tmb <tmb>
+ Revision: 79847
- add module_alias matching old dm-raid45
- ALSA: Fix yet another race in disconnection
- ALSA: hda - Fix SPDIF out regression on ALC889
- ALSA: vmalloc buffers should use normal mmap
- ath9k: Fix kernel panic in AR2427
- cciss: fix lost command issue
- crypto: aesni-intel - fix problem with packets that are not multiple of 64b
- eCryptfs: ecryptfs_keyring_auth_tok_for_sig() bug fix
- eCryptfs: Unlock page in write_begin error path
- mac80211: initialize sta->last_rx in sta_info_alloc
- myri10ge: fix rmmod crash
- PCI/ACPI: Report ASPM support to BIOS if not disabled from command line
- perf: Better fit max unprivileged mlock pages for tools needs
- scsi/ses: Avoid kernel panic when lun 0 is not mapped
- scsi/ses: show devices for enclosures with no page 7
- sound/oss/opl3: validate voice and channel indexes
- x86-64, mm: Put early page table high
- drop -devel provides from -source as dkms fails to build correctly with -source
- Relax si_code check in rt_sigqueueinfo and rt_tgsigqueueinfo
- Revert "x86: Cleanup highmap after brk is concluded",
  as it causes systems to freeze on resume
- restore framebuffer oops and deadlock fixes by Herton as
  they seem to work better than the Ubuntu one (mdv#62864)

* Mon Mar 28 2011 tmb <tmb>
+ Revision: 78347
- update to (CVE-2011-0726)
- add kernel-netbook build (mga #313)

* Thu Mar 24 2011 tmb <tmb>
+ Revision: 76866
- drm/i915: Fix pipelined fencing (colin, fdo bug #34584)
- enable ath9k debugging
- ath9k: Fix a locking related issue
- update to

* Sun Mar 20 2011 tmb <tmb> 2.6.38-1.mga1
+ Revision: 74958
- add 70 fixes from upstream -stable queue
- rediff S2 to apply cleanly
- fix acerhk build with 2.6.38 series kernels
- update filelists
- fix ndiswrapper build with 2.6.38
- update aufs2 to 2.6.38-rc
- update defconfigs
- rediff 3rd-3rdparty-merge.patch
- rediff fs-aufs2.1-for-2.6.37.patch
- rediff platform-x86-add-shuttle-wmi-driver.patch
- rediff char-agp-intel-new-Q57-id.patch
- rediff acpi-video-add-blacklist-to-use-vendor-driver.patch
- rediff acpi-add-proc-event-regs.patch
- rediff x86-pci-toshiba-equium-a60-assign-busses.patch
- update unionfs to 2.5.8
- update samsung-laptop driver
- drop old samsung-backlight driver
- update plymouth framebuffer oops fix (from ubuntu)
- disable broken docomo patches
- update to 2.6.38
   * drop merged patches:

* Tue Mar 15 2011 tmb <tmb>
+ Revision: 71895
- block: fix mis-synchronisation in blkdev_issue_zeroout()
- btrfs: deal with short returns from copy_from_user
- drm/i915: Fix calculation of backlight value in combined mode
- nfs: nfsroot should default to: proto=udp
- nfs: fix compilation warning
- update to

* Tue Mar 08 2011 tmb <tmb>
+ Revision: 66712
- add Mageia framebuffer boot logo
- update to (CVE-2011-1013, CVE-2011-1076)
  * drop merged patches:

* Sat Feb 26 2011 tmb <tmb>
+ Revision: 60143
- fix aufs2 -devel includes
- add aufs2 support
- staging: brcm80211: remove assert to avoid panic since 2.6.37 kernel
- staging: brcm80211: bugfix for softmac crash on multi cpu configurations
- USB: serial/usb_wwan, fix tty NULL dereference
- Revert 'Bluetooth: Enable USB autosuspend by default on btusb'
- mm: prevent concurrent unmap_mapping_range() on the same inode
- tcp: fix inet_twsk_deschedule()
- ath9k: fix race conditions when stop device (#144)
- i586 server kernel and x86_64 kernels needs to be compressed with gzip
  so they work with xen (got broken during lzma -> xz update, noted by
  Guillaume Rousse on mdv kernel-discuss ml)
- update to
  * drop merged patch

* Sat Feb 19 2011 tmb <tmb>
+ Revision: 54140
- xfs: fix dquot shaker deadlock
- drop merged patches:
- rediff patches:
- update to
- intel_idle: update Sandy Bridge core C-state residency targets
- intel_idle: open broadcast clock event to prevent boot hang
              due to local apic stalls
- intel_idle: fix a shutdown regression due to open broadcast fix

* Tue Jan 25 2011 tmb <tmb> 2.6.37-3.mga1
+ Revision: 38796
- drop obsoletes/provides for ancient mandriva releases
- Squashfs: Fix use of uninitialised variable in zlib & xz decompressors
- update defconfigs
- add xz support for kernel, initrd and squashfs
  (from upstream 2.6.38-rc1)
- drop lzma support (obsoleted by xz support)
- disable sparc and powerpc in buildscripts too
- unpack patches tarball
- convert 3rdparty tarballs to patches
- build only for i586 and x86_64 for now

* Sat Jan 08 2011 tmb <tmb> 2.6.37-2.mga1
+ Revision: 1280
- drop SOURCE5, not needed anymore
- imported package kernel
- Created package structure for kernel.

* Sat Jan  8 2011 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.37-2.mga1
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Fix additional oops that can happen with remove_conflicting_framebuffers
      inside framebuffer code, and fix possible deadlock caused by
      fb_set_suspend. Drop original patch for MDV #59260 as this supersedes
      it. Submitted at
    - Apply upstream fixes "sched, autogroup: Fix reference leak",
      "sched: Fix struct autogroup memory leak"

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - initial Mageia import
    - drop rpm tags
    - drop manbo support
    - rename mandriva to mageia
    - rename manbo to mageia
    - update Documentation to match Mageia
    - drop video-mdk-logo.patch

* Wed Jan  5 2011 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.37-1mnb
  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - upgrade to 2.6.37 final
      * drop merged patches:
      * drop unneeded patch:
        fs-dynamic-nls-default.patch (smbfs support is removed)
      * rediff patches:
      * add patches:
        gpu/drm/mach64: 2.6.37 buildfix
        netfilter/IFWLOG: 2.6.37 buildfix
        usb/storage: unusual_devs 2.6.37 buildfix
      * update defconfigs
      * update filelists
      * remove code disabling new firewire stack for backports
        as its now the only firewire stack in the kernel

* Wed Dec 22 2010 Thomas Backlund <>
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Add new shuttle-wmi x86 platform driver. Blacklist backlight
      controls for some shuttle devices in acpi video driver for them
      to work properly with quirk in shuttle-wmi.
    - mac80211: avoid calling ieee80211_work_work unconditionally
    - Add back fix for oops with plymouthd quiting on vesafb after i915
      with modesetting is loaded, fix should be "upstreamed", on todo
      (MDV #59260).

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update "sched: automated per session task groups" patch to
      the final code merged upstream in -tip
    - sched: fix autogroup proc interface potential access to freed memory
    - sched: fix skip_clock_update optimization to be more robust
    - sched: Cure more NO_HZ load average woes
    - drm/kms: remove spaces from connector names
    - drm/radeon/kms: fix vram base calculation on rs780/rs880
    - drm/radeon/kms: don't apply 7xx HDP flush workaround on AGP
    - drm/i915: Always set the DP transcoder config to 8BPC
    - md: fix bug with re-adding of partially recovered device
    - md: protect against NULL reference when waiting to start a raid10
    - bonding: Fix slave selection bug
    - r8169: fix sleeping while holding spinlock

* Fri Dec 10 2010 Thomas Backlund <>
  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update to (CVE-2010-3848, CVE-2010-3849, CVE-2010-3850, CVE-2010-4258)
      * drop merged patches:
    - firewire-ohci: disable MSI on all VIA firewire controllers
    - firewire-ohci: disable MSI on Agere FW643 rev 06 controller
    - af_unix: limit unix_tot_inflight and recursion level (CVE-2010-4249)

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - If building a backport of 2.6.36 for older distros (like 2010.1),
      don't enable new firewire stack, thus avoiding requirement on
      newer module-init-tools, as we enable both stacks for now and
      blacklist the old one in module-init-tools.

* Tue Nov 30 2010 Thomas Backlund <>
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Updated ipset to version 4.4
    - ALSA, hda: fix wrong mixer nids given to alc_auto_create_input_ctls
      for ALC660-VD/ALC861-VD hda codecs (MDV #61159)
    - rtl8187: miscellaneous cleanups and bug fixes.

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - sched, cgroup: Fixup broken cgroup movement (Peter Zijlstra, LKML)
    - sched: automated per session task groups 20101130 (Mike Galbraith, LKML)
    - dm-crypt: scale to multiple CPUs v5

* Mon Nov 22 2010 Thomas Backlund <>
  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update unionfs to v 2.5.7
    - make kernel-source require diffutils as it uses both diff and cmp
      during build (mdv #61719)
    - update to
    - add intel_idle fixes (Len Brown, LKML)
    - ext4: fix NULL pointer dereference in print_daily_error_info()

* Fri Oct 29 2010 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.36-2mnb
  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - microblaze: fix build with make 3.82
    - TOMOYO: Print URL information before panic() (mdv #61723)
    - ALSA: hda - Fix wrong TLV mute bit for STAC/IDT codecs
      (Patch by Clemens Ladisch, requested by Colin Guthrie)
    - ALSA: tlv - Define numbers in sound/tlv.h (Takashi Iwai)
    - ALSA: hda - Disable sticky PCM stream assignment for AD codecs
      (Patch by Takashi Iwai, requested by Colin Guthrie)
    - ALSA: OSS mixer emulation - fix locking (Jaroslav Kysela)
    - ALSA: hda - Add Vortex86MX PCI ids (Otavio Salvador)
    - ALSA: hda - Fix codec muted after rebooting from Windows (Charles Chin)
    - ALSA: hda - Add workarounds for CT-IBG controllers (Takashi Iwai)
    - ALSA: hda - Add some workarounds for Creative IBG (Takashi Iwai)
    - ALSA: hda - Fix wrong SPDIF NID assignment for CA0110 (Takashi Iwai)
    - cfq: improve fsync performance for small files
    - kbuild: do not remove a.out kvm.h and kvm_para.h on headers_install_all
      (Kirill A. Shutemov, LKML)
     - drm/radeon/kms fixes from upstream (Alex Deucher):
       * make sure blit addr masks are 64 bit
       * MC vram map needs to be >= pci aperture size
       * properly compute group_size on 6xx/7xx
       * fix handling of tex lookup disable in cs checker on r2xx
    - firewire (JuJu) fixes from upstream (Clemens Ladisch):
      * firewire: ohci: fix buffer overflow in AR split packet handling
      * firewire: ohci: fix race in AR split packet handling
      * firewire: ohci: avoid reallocation of AR buffers
      * firewire: ohci: fix race when reading count in AR descriptor

* Thu Oct 21 2010 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.36-1mnb
  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update patch:
      ALSA: HDA: Sigmatel: work around incorrect master muting
      (patch by Clemens Ladisch, requested by Colin Guthrie)
    - make doc subpackage noarch
    - make squashfs lzma support coexist with lzo
    - update to 2.6.36 final

* Fri Oct 15 2010 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.36-0.rc8.1.1mnb
  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - fix defconfig creation when enabling debug
    - alsa: patch_sigmatel: fix master playback volume mute
      (patch by Clemens Ladisch, requested by Colin Guthrie)
    - Update to 2.6.36-rc8-git1
      * drop merged patches:

* Thu Oct  7 2010 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.36-0.rc7.1mnb
  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - enable the new firewire stack (juju) so we can start testing apps
      against it (old stack is scheduled for removal around 2.6.37-39)
      (module-init-tools >= 3.6-12 have the new core blacklisted for
       now to avoid breakage)
    - update to 2.6.36-rc7
      * drop merged patch:
    - add fixes queued for 2.6.36 final:
      elevator: fix oops on early call to elevator_change() (upstream git)
      drm: don't drop handle reference on unload (upstream git)
      drm/ttm: Fix two race conditions + fix busy codepaths (upstream git)
      rcu: move check from rcu_dereference_bh to rcu_read_lock_bh_held (upstream git)
      xfs: properly account for reclaimed inodes (upstream git)

* Sun Oct  3 2010 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.36-0.rc6.2.1mnb
  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update to 2.6.36-rc6-git2
      * drop merged patches:
      * rediff patches:
    - add acerhk, heci, mach64 and ndiswrapper buildfixes for 2.6.36
    - add intel drm fixes from upsteam heading for 2.6.36 final
    - update unionfs to 2.5.6
    - revert squashfs lzo support (conflicts with lzma support)
    - remove tile arch from source/devel rpms
    - update defconfigs

* Mon Sep 27 2010 Thomas Backlund <>
  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update to (CVE-2010-2960)
      * rediff char-agp-intel-new-Q57-id.patch

* Tue Sep 21 2010 Thomas Backlund <>
  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update to (CVE-2010-3081, CVE-2010-3301)
    - raise CONFIG_NR_CPUS to 64 on desktop(586) and to 128 on server (mdv #60928)

* Sat Aug 28 2010 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update to (CVE-2010-2803)
      * drop merged patches:
    - fix regression: Kernel panic or instant reboot on udev
      modules loading (intel-agp, i915) (kbz #16612)

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Merge following upstream fixes:
      pci: fix type warnings in intr_remapping.c
      intel-iommu: Fix 32-bit build warning with __cmpxchg()
      Staging: dt3155v4l: correcting a pointer mismatch bug and cleanups
      drivers/video/via/via-gpio.c: fix warning
      x86, kvm: Remove cast obsoleted by set_64bit() prototype cleanup
      um, x86: Cast to (u64 *) inside set_64bit()

* Wed Aug 18 2010 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Update to (CVE-2010-2240), dropped merged patches:
    - Updated ramzswap staging module to latest zram (hg 193, see
    - nfs: fix fsync error with nfs (upstream commit "NFS: fix the
      return value of nfs_file_fsync()")

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - add Lenovo IdeaPad ACPI Laptop Extras support
    - ideapad: Only allow camera state to be set to 0 or 1
    - ideapad: Stop using global variables
    - mm: fix page table unmap for stack guard page properly (kbz #16588)
      (fixes breakage (mostly triggered with PAE / HIGHPTE))
    - mm: fix up some user-visible effects of the stack guard page (kbz #16588)
    - nfs: Fix an Oops in the NFSv4 atomic open code

* Tue Aug 10 2010 Thomas Backlund <>
  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update to
    - sched: Revert nohz_ratelimit(), as it causes excessive wakeups
    - powerpc: fix build breakage with make 3.82 (Sam Ravnborg)
    - md: fix deadlock on raid10 during resync

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Backport "vmscan: raise the bar to PAGEOUT_IO_SYNC stalls" and
      "vmscan: synchronous lumpy reclaim don't call congestion_wait()"
      changes (should fix behaviour reported at

* Mon Aug  2 2010 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.35-1mnb
  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - add back missing Kconfig option so samsung-backlight is built (mdv #60386)
    - upgrade to 2.6.35
      * drop merged patches:
      * rediff patches:
    - rebase unionfs 2.5.4 for 2.6.35
    - adapt unionfs for vfs changes in 2.6.35
    - rebase squashfs lzma support
    - drop ipset-2.4.9 patches (used for backporting 2010.1 kernel to 2010.0)
    - merge source2 and source3 into one patch
    - enable CGROUPS for all kernels, update defconfigs
    - add buildfixes for 2.6.35 for ndiswrapper, viahss, samsung-backlight,
      and netfilter IFWLOG, ipset and psd modules

* Tue Jul 27 2010 Thomas Backlund <>
  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update to
      * drop merged patches:
    - fix rebooting on Dell Precision WorkStation T7400 (#58017)
    - acpi/video: be more liberal in validating _BQC behaviour
    - CIFS: Fix a malicious redirect problem in the DNS lookup code (CVE-2010-2524)
    - x86: Send a SIGTRAP for user icebp traps, fixes Wine apps breakage (mdv #60067)

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - agp/intel: add new host bridge id for Q57 system
    - backport coretemp fixes/updates (new hardware support):
      hwmon: (coretemp) Fix cpu model output
      drivers/hwmon/coretemp.c: detect the thermal sensors by CPUID
      drivers/hwmon/coretemp.c: get TjMax value from MSR
      hwmon: (coretemp) Skip duplicate CPU entries
      hwmon: (coretemp) Properly label the sensors

* Thu Jun 17 2010 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - add upstream fixes for r8169: (fixes #59723)
      * fix rtl8169_rx_interrupt()
      * fix random mdio_write failures
      * fix mdio_read and update mdio_write according to hw specs
    - drm/i915: Fix 82854 PCI ID, and treat it like other 85X
    - V4L/DVB: gspca - stv06xx: Remove the 046d:08da from the stv06xx driver
      (fixes nonworking QuickCam Messenger)
    - libata: disable ATAPI AN by default
      (Fixes issue with ATAPI devices which raise AN when hit by commands issued
       by open(). This leads to infinite loop of AN -> MEDIA_CHANGE uevent ->
       udev open() to check media -> AN)
    - staging: vt6655: Fix kernel BUG on driver wpa initialization
    - ext4: Prevent creation of files larger than RLIMIT_FSIZE using fallocate
      (fixes Ext4 Security Bypass Vulnerability)
    - sctp: Fix skb_over_panic resulting from multiple invalid parameter
      errors (CVE-2010-1173)

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Btrfs: add a permission check for setfacl (CVE-2010-2071)
    - ALSA: hda-intel: add ideapad model for Conexant 5051

* Wed Jun 02 2010 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update to
      * Drop merged patches:
    - drop patch (that got reverted upstream in commit d4b74bf07873da2e94219a7b67a334fc1c3ce649):
    - Prioritize synchronous signals over 'normal' signals
      (fixes Wine deadlocking the kernel (#59545))
    - panic: call console_verbose() in panic to ensure a directly
      called panic will print a backtrace.
    - posix_timer: Fix error path in timer_create
    - powernow-k8: Add core performance boost support
    - x86, cpu: Add AMD core boosting feature flag to /proc/cpuinfo

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Include fix for CVE-2010-1641 (kernel: GFS2: The setflags ioctl()
      doesn't check file ownership).
    - Apply change "ALSA: pcm: fix the fix of the runtime->boundary
      calculation" from upstream kernel, bug fix to previously added
      patch sound-alsa-pcm_native-fix-runtime-boundary-calculation.patch
    - Apply change "ALSA: pcm: fix delta calculation at boundary
      wraparound" from upstream kernel, bug fix to previously added

* Tue May 25 2010 Pascal Terjan <>
  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - firmware_class: fix memory leak introduced by the patch 6e03a201bbe:
      firmware: speed up request_firmware()
    - drm/edid: fix 1024x768@85Hz
    - drm/edid: fix 1600x1200@75Hz
    - drm/radeon/kms/atom: fix typo in LVDS panel info parsing
    - drm/radeon/kms: reset ddc_bus in object header parsing
    - drm/i915: Configure the TV sense state correctly on GM45 to make TV
      detection reliable
    - md: fix read balancing in RAID1 and RAID10 on drives > 2TB
    - md: fix counting of write targets on raid1
    - md: avoid possible oops and array stop on linear layout
    - pci: disable MSI on Via K8M800 (fixes problems with AHCI)
    - pci: disable MSI for MCP55 on P5N32-E SLI (fixes NIC problems)

  o Pascal Terjan <>
    - Add patches to support phy module autoloading (#57958)

* Fri May 21 2010 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - drm/i915: use PIPE_CONTROL instruction on Ironlake and Sandy Bridge
    - drm/i915: fix non-Ironlake 965 class PIPE_CONTROL crashes
    - drm/i915: Disable FBC on 915GM and 945GM as it causes hangs after suspend/resume
    - alsa: hda-intel: Add a PCI controller id found on new Dell laptops
    - x86: cacheinfo: Turn off L3 cache index disable feature in virtualized
      environments, fixes crash on boot on xen.
    - x86, amd: Check X86_FEATURE_OSVW bit before accessing OSVW MSRs, prevents
      GP fault
    - ath9k: revert: "ath9k: fix lockdep warning when unloading module" introduced
      in, as it wasn't meant for kernels <=2.6.34 (fixes warning in #56614)

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Fix oops with plymouthd quiting on vesafb after i915 with
      modesetting is loaded (#59260).
    - Apply "drm/i915: Stop trying to use ACPI lid status to determine
      LVDS connection.", fixes lost display after closing lid on some
      laptops (#59133)
    - Replace "dev_set_drvdata before rtc_device_register in rtc_cmos"
      fix with same solution applied upstream.

* Sat May 15 2010 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Pascal Terjan <>
    - Retry commands with UNIT_ATTENTION sense codes to fix ext3/ext4 I/O error

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Updated to
      * Drop following merged patches:

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - Revert "ALSA: hda/realtek: quirk for D945GCLF2 mainboard" as it's not
      valid for all revisions of the D945GCLF2 mainboard
    - ALSA: hda - fix DG45ID SPDIF output
    - ALSA: hda: Fix 0 dB for Lenovo models using Conexant CX20549 (Venice)
    - ALSA: ice1724 - Fix ESI Maya44 capture source control
    - ALSA: virtuoso: fix Xonar D1/DX front panel microphone
    - ipv4: udp: fix short packet and bad checksum logging
    - p54usb: add USB ID for Thomson SpeedTouch 120g
    - ar9170: add support for NEC WL300NU-G USB dongle
    - ahci: add missing nVidia mcp64-73 ids
    - pata_marvell: fix sata port ahci fallback
    - cifs: guard against hardlinking directories

* Tue May 04 2010 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Pascal Terjan <>
    - Add ispnp async init patch from Ubuntu (requested by fcrozat)
    - Replace fs-btrfs-fix-memory-corruption-on-mount.patch with correct
      one (#59051).

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update to
      * drop merged patches:

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Add elantech patch series for new touchpad versions (found mainly
      on Asus UL{2,3,5,8}0, Asus P-Series, new Dell machines), from
      linux-input ML.
    - Add upstream bug fix for bnx2 timeout with MSI enabled, requested
    - Replace previously added synce 'dirty patch' from John Carr, by
      upstream sent fix "rndis_host: Poll status channel before control
      channel" from Ben Hutchings.
    - Sync advansys fix for MDV #53220 with upstream applied patches.

* Thu Apr 22 2010 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Apply "ALSA: hda - Add position_fix quirk for Biostar mobo", fix
      for issue reported on Cooker ML.
    - Apply updated upstream patch (v2) for bug #27449

  o Arnaud Patard <>
    - Prevent a crash on VirtualBox x86_64 without IO-APIC

* Thu Apr 15 2010 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - wacom: update to version 0.8.5-12 (updated
      hardware support). Reference:
    - Drop hid-usbhid-quirk-multilaser.patch (reset leds quirk): this is
      obsolete, since commit 08ef08e in upstream kernel.
    - Don't create debug packages by default when building backport
      packages for 2010.0
    - Apply change "ALSA: pcm_lib - fix xrun functionality" from
      upstream kernel, bug fix to previously added patch
    - Updated ipset to version 4.2, and keep older version for building
      2010.0 backported packages.
    - Apply fix from bug #27449 (drm/i915: fix tiling
      limits for i915 class hw). Reference:
    - ALSA: hda - via - fix master mute and automute with VT1812/VT2002P

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - apply nouveau git update only for 2010.1
    - restore and apply nouveau ctxprogs generator for nv50/nv8x/nv9x
      only for 2010.0 backports

* Mon Apr 05 2010 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - saa7134: Fix tuner_config setting for Avermedia M733A (from
      Avermedia). Also add new pci id support.

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update to
      * drop merged patch:
      * rediff patch:

* Mon Mar 29 2010 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Fix mach64 to handle drm_ioctl unlocked_ioctl switch in 2.6.33
    - Revert commit which breaks saa7134 tv output ("V4L/DVB (11906):
      saa7134: Use v4l bounding/alignment function").
    - saa7134: add one more remote control type for for Avermedia M135A.
    - Fix advansys regression when firmware files are not found or
      loading fails (MDV #53220).
    - Apply n-trig patches from 2.6.34-rc2 to fix/add hardware support
      on some newer dell notebook models.
    - saa7134: add support for Avermedia M733A. The original version for
      linux 2.6.31 was sent to me from Avermedia, original author is
      unknown, I ported it to 2.6.33.
    - Include more hid drivers from 2.6.34-rc2: hid-3m-pct, hid-mosart,
      hid-quanta, hid-stantum.

* Tue Mar 16 2010 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - security: fix error return path in ima_inode_alloc
    - ahci: disable FPDMA auto-activate optimization on NVIDIA AHCI
    - add HPET Erratum fix for triggering WARN_ON due to mismatch on
      HPET_Tn_CMP readback (replaces HPET: Drop WARN_ON for mismatch
      on HPET_Tn_CMP readback)
    - btrfs: fix memory corruption on mount
    - update unionfs to 2.5.4

  o Pascal Terjan <>
    - update unionfs oops patch

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Updated to
      * drop following merged patches:
      * rediff net-wireless-ath9k-ar2427.patch

  o Anssi Hannula <>
    - update nouveau to git snapshot (allowing and requiring the upgrade
      of nouveau userspace)

* Wed Feb 24 2010 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.33-1mnb
  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - HPET: Drop WARN_ON for mismatch on HPET_Tn_CMP readback
    - b43: convert B43_PIO(_FORCE) to a module option (pio=1)
    - drop patch:
      (not needed anymore, confirmed by Anssi)
    - update to 2.6.33 final
	* drop merged patches:
	* rediff patch:
    - alsa: hda_intel: preallocate 4MB dma buffer (Request by Colin)

* Sat Feb 13 2010 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.33-0.rc8.1mnb
  o Anssi Hannula <>
    - drm: nouveau: add ctxprogs generator for nv50/nv8x/nv9x (fixes
      fd.o bug #23198)

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update ndiswrapper to 1.56
    - update to 2.6.33-rc8
    - drop merged pathces:
    - add support for Atheros AR8151 and AR8152 to atl1c
    - mac80211: fix handling of null-rate control in rate_control_get_rate
    - iwlwifi: fix broken AMSDU Rx functionality

  o Pascal Terjan <>
    - add patches to fix Saitek X52 (#56765)

* Sun Feb  7 2010 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.33-0.rc7.1mnb
  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update to 2.6.33-rc7
    - drop merged patch:
    - alsa: hda-intel: avoid divide-by-zero crash (potential local DoS)

* Sat Feb  6 2010 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.33-0.rc6.6.3mnb
  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - add fixes from drm-intel git queue for 2.6.33

* Sat Feb  6 2010 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.33-0.rc6.6.2mnb
  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update to 2.6.33-rc6-git6
    - drop merged patch:
      * x86-agp-fix-agp_amd64_init-regression.patch
    - update defconfigs:

* Sat Jan 30 2010 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.33-0.rc6.1mnb
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Apply following changes from alsa-kernel tree:
      * ALSA: pcm_core: Fix wake_up() optimization
      * ALSA: pcm_lib: return back hw_ptr_interrupt
      Last one should fix MDV #57010

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update to 2.6.33-rc6
    - Apply following changes from alsa-kernel tree:
      * ALSA: pcm_native: fix runtime boundary calculation
        (additional fix for #57010, requested by Colin)
    - fs: freeze_bdev: dont deactivate successfully frozen MS_RDONLY sb
      (fixes non-bootable dmraid due to oops (#56768))

* Tue Jan 26 2010 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.33-0.rc5.2.1mnb
  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update to 2.6-33-rc5-git2
    - x86/agp: fix agp_amd64_init regression

* Fri Jan 22 2010 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.33-0.rc5.1mnb
  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update to 2.6.33-rc5
      * Dropped merged patches:
        platform-x86-dell-laptop-Fix-rfkill-state-setting.patch (fixed differently)
        staging-et131x-va_phy_alignment.patch (fixed differently)
      * Update patches:
        * unionfs for 2.6.33 series kernels
	* squashfs-lzma for 2.6.33 series kernels
      * Rediff patches:
    * update defconfigs
    * update file lists

* Fri Jan 15 2010 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Set CONFIG_EXT3_DEFAULTS_TO_ORDERED=y, default option was chosen
      on a previous config rebase (follow same recent change on
      kernel-linus and kernel-tmb packages).
    - Apply following change from alsa-kernel tree:
      ALSA: pcm_lib - fix wrong delta print for jiffies check
    - Updated to
      * Dropped merged patches:

* Fri Jan 08 2010 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Apply following change from alsa-kernel tree:
      ALSA: pcm_lib: fix "something must be really wrong" condition

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - fix quota regression introduced in

* Fri Jan 08 2010 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Updated to
    - Apply following changes from alsa-kernel tree:
      ALSA: pcm_lib.c - convert second xrun_debug() parameter to use defines
      ALSA: pcm_lib - add possibility to log last 10 DMA ring buffer positions
      ALSA: pcm_lib - cleanup & merge hw_ptr update functions
      ALSA: pcm_lib - optimize wake_up() calls for PCM I/O

* Wed Jan 06 2010 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Enable namespaces support for all kernel flavours, not only for kernel
      server, as more applications are starting to use it not only in server
      configurations (for example google chrome using PID namespaces for
    - Updated to
      * revert potential quota deadlock on ext4 patch and fix rt61pci
        powersaving disable fix, based on LKML comments.
    - Apply "remove dma mask setting in drm_pci_alloc" fix from, and fix
      mach64 drm driver build with changed drm_pci_alloc.

* Wed Dec 23 2009 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Pascal Terjan <>
    - Add lzma support for squashfs
    - Fix a oops when removing from a flash

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - ath9k: add support for new Atheros device (0x002c).

* Mon Dec 21 2009 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Pascal Terjan <>
    - Switch to unionfs 2.x, it seems to work fine now

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - disable MULTICORE_RAID456, it's not production ready (reported by Anssi)

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Updated to
    - rtl8187: add radio led and fix warnings on suspend.

* Wed Dec 16 2009 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Updated to

* Sat Dec 12 2009 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <> 2.6.32-1mnb
  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - bttv: add missing i2c addr to probe for ir (A. Williamson / J.Wilson)

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Updated to 2.6.32
      * dropped x86-revert-unify-stackprotector-features.patch,
      * dropped merged patches:
      * redid/rediffed patches:
      * moved to patches-broken, to be decided if still needed to keep:
        sound-alsa-hda-add-msi-quirk-list.patch (different fix in alsa now)
      * drop net-wireless-rt2800-use-ralink-staging-driver.patch and
        net-wireless-rt2800usb-move-ids.patch, reenable use of rt2800usb.
      * updated nouveau to latest git snapshot.
      * dropped hid-hid-ntrig-ingnore-HID_DG_INRANGE.patch because of different
        fix upstream in 2.6.32.
      * fixed heci build.
      * updated drbd to version 8.3.6

* Fri Nov 27 2009 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Pascal Terjan <>
    - add samsung backlight driver from lkml

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Disabled CONFIG_USB_PRINTER (usblp), as cups is now using libusb.
    - Many machines with IDT codecs needs GPIO setup to enable sound,
      backported changes from alsa in 2.6.32 which makes GPIO0 enabled
      by default on IDT92HD73xx, STAC927x and IDT92HD71Bxx codecs.
    - Fix rtl8187 oops on device removal (fix from upstream 2.6.32).
    - rtl2800usb isn't in perfect shape in 2.6.31, fallback to ralink
      staging drivers for ids common between them and tested devices
      which work better with the staging drivers (#55527). Also disable
      duplicated ids between rt2870sta and rt3070sta

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - xfs: fix bug in recovering logs when using quota
    - ppp: enlarge upload buffer to support HSUPA upload speeds
    - hostap: Revert a toxic part of the conversion to net_device_ops
      (fixes MDV #55805, KBZ #14000)
    - md: add missing cond_resched to raid1 and raid10

* Mon Nov 16 2009 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update to (CVE-2009-3547, CVE-2009-3612, CVE-2009-3621,
    - wireless: ath9k: fix misplaced semicolon on rate control

* Mon Nov 09 2009 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Anssi Hannula <>
    - include btcx-risc.h and bt848.h in kernel-devel, they are now
      required by bttvp.h which is already included and required by
      dkms-lirc-gpio (fixes #54907)

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Apply "jme: Fix unmatched tasklet_{enable|disable} pair" jme bug
      fix from later kernels.
    - Choose gzip instead of lzma for vmlinux compression of kernel
      flavours with xen enabled, to allow xen to load it (#54775).
    - Update to
      * dropped pci-increase-alignment-to-make-more-space-for-hidden-code.patch

* Thu Oct 22 2009 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Backport "uvcvideo: Handle garbage at the end of streaming
      interface descriptors", fixes bug with newer Bison webcams
      (id 5986:0241).
    - Include patch from Claudio Matsuoka with new hda model for HP DC
      series machines with Analog ad1884a codec.
    - Don't apply compress-kernel-modules-on-installation.patch only at
      kernel-source build, to avoid its extra options being asked when
      building kernel-source using default configs.
    - Drop net-wireless-rt2800usb-comment-duplicated-ids.patch, it's
    - Updated to

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - ahci: Add the generic device ID for NVIDIA AHCI controller
    - revert 'x86: unify stackprotector features', and disable
      CC_STACKPROTECTOR_ALL, as it gives unwanted overhead and
      makes at least xfs blow up some times

* Fri Oct 16 2009 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update to
    - pci: increase alignment to make more space for hidden code (#54137)
    - hwmon: add Asus P7P55D support to asus_atk0110
    - alsa: hda-via: add support for:
      VT1702B-CE, VT1716S, VT1718S, VT1812, VT1828S, VT2002P, VT2020.

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Enable 6pack hamradio driver on i386 configs (#32808).
    - Added atkbd quirk to report release events for mute, volume up and
      volume down keys on Positivo I30.

* Mon Oct 12 2009 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update to (CVE-2009-2903)
    - wireless ath9k: redo patches and add additional ones based on
      fixes merged in 2.6.32-rc1 (closes #52739)
    - e1000e: fix jumbo frame support (kernel bz #14261)
    - dont create -debug rpms by default when backporting
    - kernel-source: compress modules at 'make modules_install' time,
      as it saves space for those building their own kernels (#54028)

  o Pascal Terjan <>
    - add hctosys sysfs attribute 
    - update to

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Small adjustment to allow the package to be released as backports
      for older distro versions.

* Sat Oct 03 2009 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - clean ndiswrapper tarball (remove headers generated at buildtime)
    - replace Intel Atom coretemp patch with patches merged upstream
    - replace Intel Lynnfield coretemp patch with patch merged upstream
    - add Intel Mobile Penryn support in coretemp

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Enable CONFIG_RTC_HCTOSYS and CONFIG_RTC_DRV_CMOS=y, as Mandriva
      userspace will now support this configuration.
    - Staging: rtl8187se/rtl8192su: allow module unload.
    - Add acerhk back, there are still Acer laptops not supported by
      acer-wmi. Reference:
    - Added support to spec to build "stable-review" kernels.
    - Updated to
      * dropped driver-core-add-new-device-to-bus-s-list-before-prob.patch
    - Apply two fixes from acpi upstream tree scheduled to 2.6.31.x
      stable series:
      ACPI: fix Compaq Evo N800c (Pentium 4m) boot hang regression
      ACPI: Clarify resource conflict message
    - Backport Prolink SBTVD DVB adapter support from mainline.
    - Apply ftdi_sio usb serial driver tty->low_latency fix from
    - Fix bug introduced by the change for "[CPUFREQ] Fix
      NULL ptr regression in powernow-k8"

* Thu Sep 24 2009 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - fix build warnings when building without source/debug/devel/doc rpms
    - add back atom coretemp hwmon support that got removed by mistake 
      in the 2.6.31 rebase
    - add Intel Lynnfield (i5/i7) support in coretemp
    - driver core: extend devnode callbacks to provide permissions
    - update to

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - rtc_cmos: avoid oops when ioctl RTC_AIE*/RTC_UIE* is done on
      /dev/rtc* right after it's created.
    - pwc: fix driver name shown in /proc/bus/devices and /sys, remove
      display of list of device names supported in kernel log, from
      Thierry Vignaud.
    - Disable build of aedsp16 oss driver: the snd-sc6000 alsa driver
      should now handle all support for same cards it supports, as
      stated in kernel changelog.
    - Apply upstream commit 70ba2a3 "drm/radeon/kms: add 32/64 ioctl
      support". Only affects radeon with kms enabled. Reference:
    - Apply SCHED_RESET_ON_FORK scheduling policy flag addition from
      mainline. Reference:
    - Disable otus staging driver: ar9170 in wireless tree should
      already handle it. Also Kconfig otus description states that it
      needs a special wpa_supplicant.
    - Apply "Driver core: add new device to bus's list before probing"
      upstream change from mainline (commit 2023c61), fixes race with
      udev/user programs in some cases.

  o Pascal Terjan
    - Add upstream quirks for HP dv5/dv6 laptops (#53858)

* Mon Sep 14 2009 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <> 2.6.31-2mnb
  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - disable radeon kernel modesetting again as it breaks too many systems
    - Add AMD SB900 SATA/IDE controller device IDs

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - More topstar-laptop updates (linux-acpi review).

* Thu Sep 10 2009 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <> 2.6.31-1mnb
  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update to 2.6.31 final
    - enable kernel modesetting by default when using radeon driver

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Updated topstar-laptop driver (bug fix: make autoload of module
      work, latest reviewed and sent upstream version).

* Mon Sep 07 2009 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <> 2.6.31-0.rc9.1mnb
  o Pascal Terjan <>
    - fix video-mdk-logo.patch broken in 2.6.31 rebase

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update to 2.6.31-rc9
    - drop merged patches:

  o Anssi Hannula <>
    - enable kernel modesetting by default when using nouveau driver

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Add new topstar-laptop driver with support for hotkeys on
      Topstar N01.

* Fri Aug 28 2009 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <> 2.6.31-0.rc8.1mnb
  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update to 2.6.31-rc8
    - drop merged patch:
    - enable IWLWIFI_DEBUG
    - fix inotify regression in -rc8 causing boot hang/failure
    - inotify: fix length reporting and size checking
    - inotify: update the group mask on mark addition

* Wed Aug 26 2009 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <> 2.6.31-0.rc7.4.1mnb
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - rtl8187: always set MSR_LINK_ENEDCA flag with RTL8187B.
    - Updated to 2.6.31-rc7-git4
    - Made all agp drivers built in (=y).
    - rtl8187: fix circular locking (rtl8187_stop/rtl8187_work).
    - rtl8187: Implement rfkill support.

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update to 2.6.31-rc7-git1
    - drop merged patches:
    - disable MAC80211_DEFAULT_PS (powersaving) as it's known to cause 
      instabilities and performance regressions on wireless drivers 
      including iwlwifi and p54.
    - add workaround for broken bioses on vt-d enabled hardware
    - initial fixes for ath9k (#52739)
      downgrade ASSERT in ath_clone_txbuf
      manipulate and report the correct RSSI
      RX stucks during heavy traffic in HT40 mode
      handle tx desc shortage more appropriately
      trivial fix in Kconfig
      update beacon RSSI
      fix bug in PCI resume
      set HW state properly
      fix bug in retrieving average beacon rssi

* Fri Aug 14 2009 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <> 2.6.31-0.rc6.1mnb
  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update to 2.6.31-rc6
      - rediff patch:
    - drop merged patches:
    - update nouveau to 2009-08-12 snapshot
    - drop acerhk from 3rdparty. everything it does is now supported by
      acer-wmi and the userspace rfkill utility

  o Bogdano Arendartchuk <>
    - enabled the new subsystem for performance counters

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Fix digital mic recording noise with ALC268 in auto config model,
      when only one digital mic input is available.
    - Enable i915 KMS by default.
    - Apply patch series to make OSS device number claiming optional,
    - Added "ALSA: pcm - Tell user that stream to be rewound is suspended"
      change from sound tree.
    - Enabled (=y) CONFIG_MMIOTRACE, reference:
    - Include patch with new devtmps from greg's tree, for testing.

* Fri Aug 07 2009 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <> 2.6.31-0.rc5.3.1mnb
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Add Sentelic touchpad support, from Dmitry Torokhov's input tree.

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update to 2.6.31-rc5-git3
    - update nouveau to 2009-08-07 snapshot
    - drm: add radeon rs880 pci ids, radeon kms TTM patch,
      radeon kms suspend/resume fix
    - net: core dev lockdep fix

* Sun Aug 02 2009 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <> 2.6.31-0.rc5.2mnb
  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update nouveau to 20090801 git snapshot
    - drop nouveau buildfix
    - fix crash in dvb-usb-af9015

* Sat Aug 01 2009 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <> 2.6.31-0.rc5.1mnb
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - unionfs: use atomic_long_read when reading struct file f_count
      field (f_count is atomic_long_t).

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update to 2.6.31-rc5
      - drop merged patches:
      - add patches:
        - fix nouveau build with 2.6.31-rc5
      - update defconfigs

* Tue Jul 28 2009 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <> 2.6.31-0.rc4.1mnb
  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update to 2.6.31-rc4
      - drop merged patches:
      - rediff patches:
      - add patches:
        fix ndiswrapper build with 2.6.31
        fix mach64 build with 2.6.31
        make hid-ntrig not detect HID_DG_INRANGE as TOUCH (O. Thauvin)
        fix rfkill_set_states to set the hw state
        fix reversed rfkill on acer-wmi
        add nouveau support
        re-export find_task_by_vpid symbol again, needed for Ati fglrx
        fix dell-laptop rfkill state change logic
      - update defconfigs
      - enable Character device in Userpace support (CUSE)

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Disabled on 2.6.31 default configs: CONFIG_CAN_SJA1000_PLATFORM,
      They shouldn't be needed by default pc/x86 hardware.
    - Enabled (=m): CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_QUATECH2, CONFIG_RDC_17F3101X,
    - Enabled (=y): CONFIG_PCIE_ECRC.
    - rt2800usb: disable temporarily usb ids that clash with rt2870sta
      module in staging.

* Mon Jul 20 2009 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - usb: Added A-Link 3GU device id 1e0e:9200 into option driver, from
      Anssi Hannula.
    - USB: option: add ZTE device ids and remove ONDA ids.

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update to (CVE-2009-1895, CVE-2009-1897)

* Sat Jul 04 2009 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update to
      - drop merged patches:
    - update drbd to 8.3.2
      - redo patches:
      - add patch:
    - update ndiswrapper to 1.55
      - rediff patch:
      - drop merged patches:

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Added atkbd quirk to report release events for mute, volume up and
      volume down keys on Philco I4xSI.
    - ALSA, hda: Apply upstream patch with STAC9205 new id 0x83847698
      (#41385). Fixed quirk section mismatch.
    - Enable drbd only in server kernels.
    - Remove comment from drbd Kconfig.
    - Restore 3rd-ndiswrapper-dma_addr_t-print-warn-fix.patch, not
      merged, and fix its changelog.

* Thu Jun 18 2009 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <> 2.6.30-2mnb
  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - fix intel8x0 sound skipping introduced in 2.6.30-rc8

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Disabled CONFIG_COMEDI_PCI_DRIVERS. At least one module built with
      it enabled (s626) claims the pci id 1131:7146 for all subvendors
      and subdevice ids. The problem is that this will clash with many
      media/dvb cards that have the same main pci vendor and device ids,
      but properly specify/check subvendor and subdevice ids. For now
      just disable comedi pci drivers, in this specific case s626
      probably would need a specific subvendor/subdevice restriction in
      its pci id table or additional checks to avoid freezing when it is
      loaded on media/dvb cards with same vendor:device pci id. (#51314)
    - Include WMI stack corruption fix from Arch Linux
    - Include tv/vga load-detect fix for drm/i915 from mainline

* Fri Jun 12 2009 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <> 2.6.30-1mnb
  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update to 2.6.30 final

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Move gpu-drm-i915-disable-gem-on-i8xx.patch to patches-broken:
      reevaluate the situation after the last drm/i915 fixes that went
      in 2.6.30
    - Unset CONFIG_UEVENT_HELPER_PATH, installer was adapted to not need
      this set in kernel config.
    - Update media-video-uvc-workaround-invalid-formats.patch with
      upstream final solution from Laurent Pinchart, "uvcvideo: Ignore
      non-UVC trailing interface descriptors".

* Wed Jun 03 2009 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <> 2.6.30-0.rc8.1mnb
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
      kernel configs.
    - uvcvideo: workaround invalid formats exposed by buggy uvc webcams.
    - Updated to 2.6.30-rc8
      * dropped security-tomoyo-call-cap_bprm_set_creds.patch (merged)

* Mon May 25 2009 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <> 2.6.30-0.rc7.1mnb
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Include drivers/ieee1394 headers in kernel-*-devel packages, used
      by dkms-v4l-dvb-testing. Reference:
    - Updated to 2.6.30-rc6
      * Redid/rediff following patches:
      * Removed merged fixes/additions (same patch or another solution):
      * Moved sound-hda-codec-add-Sony-Vaio-VGN-FZ18M-to-quirk-table.patch
        to patches-broken, the used Vaio quirk was removed.
      * Moved uss725 patches to patches-broken: even fixing some issues
        previously, uss725 isn't working properly from reports received,
        not sure if worked well some point back in time. Stop carrying
        the patches and deprecate them.
      * Moved x86-UBUNTU-SAUCE-fix-kernel-oops-in-VirtualBox-during.patch
        to patches-broken, doesn't apply, possibly not wanted anymore.
      * Added patches with build fixes:
    - Don't allow -devel mrproper patches to be applied if fuzz factor
      is greater than zero in some hunk.
    - Updated ndiswrapper to version 1.54
      * Added following warning/build fixes on top:
      * Dropped merged 3rd-ndiswrapper-wext_compat_2.6.27.patch
    - Add missing call to cap_bprm_set_creds in tomoyo.
    - Renamed security-tomoyo-change-boot-message-to-be-more-user-friendly.patch
      to security-tomoyo-friendly-ccs_loader-msg.patch; rebased to 2.6.30,
      changed boot message and use printk_once instead of printk

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update to 2.6.30-rc7
      * rediffed the following:
      * drop the following merged patches:
    - update defconfigs

* Wed May 13 2009 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Update to
      * rediff usb-storage-unusual_devs-add-id.patch

* Wed May 06 2009 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Update to
      * removed merged patches:

* Mon Apr 20 2009 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Fixed rpm group of debug packages.
    - Back out addition of alsa patches intended for pulseaudio
      enhancements since it's causing regressions (#50120).

  o Pascal Terjan <>
    - Drop sound-alsa-pcm-midlevel-Add-more-strict-buffer-position-checks-based-on-jiffies.patch
      it breaks sound in VirtualBox

* Thu Apr 16 2009 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - i915: disable gem automatically also for i8xx hardware, patch from
      Fedora. Reference:
    - Added back gem_enable parameter to i915 module in case someone
      still needs it to workaround issues with gem.
    - Added patch scheduled for stable 2.6.29.x: "mm: define a UNIQUE
      value for AS_UNEVICTABLE flag".
    - Blacklist acer-wmi on Acer Aspire One, upstream patch scheduled
      for -stable.
    - More upstream ALSA patches which should help in pulseaudio issues.
    - Minor WARN redefine fix in heci 3rdparty driver.

  o Pascal Terjan <>
    - Add upstream ALSA patches to deal with pulseaudio issues (#49826)

* Fri Apr 10 2009 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Pascal Terjan <>
    - Disable CONFIG_AES2501 (#40523)
    - Hide unused interface in option for D-Link DWM-652 and ensure it is ignored
      by usb-storage when in modem mode

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Disable gem automatically if it's not possible to do tiled
      rendering, fixes 3d performance regression on some intel i945
      based machines. Fix/patch made by Ander Conselvan de Oliveira.
      With this remove previous gem_enable parameter added to i915,
      obsolete by this solution.
    - rt2x00: prevent double kfree when failing to register hardware
    - Enable and select minstrel as default mac80211 rate control
      (should behave better than previous pid, 2.6.29 default).

* Tue Apr 07 2009 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Enabled CONFIG_X86_GENERICARCH for all i386 configs, as we set
      NR_CPUS=32 (reported by Pascal Terjan).
    - Disabled CONFIG_WIRELESS_OLD_REGULATORY on all configs.
    - Disabled CONFIG_USB_GADGET on configs where it was enabled.
    - Tomoyo update to 1.6.7-20090401
    - Added parameter gem_enable to i915, based on patch/idea posted by
      Vasily Khoruzhick, for more information see following bug report:
    - Refresh gpu-drm-radeon-r6xx-r7xx.patch with following additional
      radeon: add some new pci ids
      drm/radeon: load the right microcode on rs780
    - Removed pat cleanup (new vm flag to track full pfnmap at mmap),
      keep with 2.6.29 stable series default.
    - elantech: apply upstream patch with workaround for jumpy cursor on
      firmware 2.34
    - Add via card reader support (sd/mmc only) v5 patch from Joseph
    - Removed already applied patches:
      net-sis190-sis966.patch (similar fix merged)
      net-bluetooth-fix-esco-sync.patch (similar fix merged)
    - scripts/apply_patches: use --fuzz=0 for patch (same default as for
      general distro packages).
    - Rediffed all fuzzy patches. Some styling/trailing spacing removal
      fixes were done too.
    - Drop x86-cpufreq-e_powersaver-print-voltage-mult-only-in-debug.patch,
      stick with upstream default after change "[CPUFREQ] Remove
      debugging message from e_powersaver".
    - Renamed acpi-CELVO-M360S-disable_acpi_irq.patch to
      acpi-CLEVO-M360S-disable_acpi_irq.patch, and rediffed.
    - Removed unecessary patches:
      net-bonding-alias.patch (possible easter egg? :-) )
    - Updated acpi-dsdt-initrd patch with enhanced/fixed version.
      (version v0.9c-2.6.28). Added more fixes on top of updated patch.
    - Updated ipset to 2.4.9 (matches current userspace on cooker, and
      fixes oops when running ipset tests).

  o Pascal Terjan <>
    - Add support for Wacom Intuos 4 tablets (based on linuxwacom cvs patches)
    - Add support for D-Link DWM 652 3G modem

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update to
    - update drbd to 8.3.1

* Thu Mar 26 2009 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <> 2.6.29-1mnb
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Backported r6xx/r7xx support from drm-next tree.
    - Updated to 2.6.29
      * dropped following merged patches:
    - Included x86 pat fixes, should fix problems reported at
      bug #12800, and fixes virtualbox regression without the workaround
      setting VBOX_USE_INSERT_PAGE=1
    - Added bug fix for network stuck issue in 2.6.29 final

* Wed Mar 18 2009 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <> 2.6.29-0.rc8.3.1mnb
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Rediff main uss725 patch, fixes In-System Design USS725 USB/IDE
      probe error reported by Sergio Monteiro Basto.
    - Select default CONFIG_SCTP_HMAC_MD5 on all configs (instead of
      CONFIG_SCTP_HMAC_NONE currently selected).
    - Disabled CONFIG_SYSFS_DEPRECATED* on all configs, report/reference:
    - Disabled CONFIG_USB_DEVICE_CLASS on all configs, report/reference:
    - Updated to 2.6.29-rc8-git3

* Fri Mar 13 2009 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <> 2.6.29-0.rc8.1mnb
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - mac80211: deauth before flushing STA information.
      (handles mac80211 userspace notification issue when interface goes
      down pointed at ticket #43441).
    - Enabled (=y) on all kernel configs: CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_STAT_DETAILS,
    - Enabled cpufreq options on powerpc config.
    - Enabled CONFIG_TCP_MD5SIG on server kernels.
    - Updated to 2.6.29-rc8
    - Included following ext4 fixes from Theodore Ts'o git tree:
      * Fixes for 2.6.29-rcX:
      ext4: fix header check in ext4_ext_search_right() for deep extent trees
      ext4: Print the find_group_flex() warning only once
      * ext4+delayed allocation issues solution (reference:
      ext4: add EXT4_IOC_ALLOC_DA_BLKS ioctl
      ext4: Automatically allocate delay allocated blocks on close
      ext4: Automatically allocate delay allocated blocks on rename

* Tue Mar 10 2009 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <> 2.6.29-0.rc7.4.1mnb
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Disabled on all kernel configs: CONFIG_MTD_PHYSMAP,
    - Enabled (=m) on sparc config: CONFIG_PARPORT_SUNBPP,
    - Enabled (=y) on x86_64 config: CONFIG_PARPORT_PC_SUPERIO,
    - Enabled (=y) on i386/x86_64 configs: CONFIG_SONYPI_COMPAT,
    - Change from =m to =y CONFIG_RTC_CLASS/CONFIG_RTC_LIB on powerpc
    - Disabled on i386/powerpc/x86_64 configs: CONFIG_RTC_DRV_BQ4802,
    - Enabled (=y) on sparc/powerpc configs:
    - Disabled on i386/x86_64 configs: CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1307,
    - Enabled (=m) on powerpc config: CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1307,
    - Disabled on i386/sparc/x86_64 configs: CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1374,
    - Enabled (=m) on sparc/powerpc configs: CONFIG_VIDEO_CX88*,
    - Disabled on sparc/powerpc configs: CONFIG_RTC_INTF_PROC,
    - Enabled (=y) on sparc config: CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_EXTENDED,
    - Enabled (=y) on all configs: CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_RSA.
    - Enabled (=m) on i386 config: CONFIG_FB_ARC, CONFIG_EFI_VARS.
    - Enabled (=y) on i386 config: CONFIG_EFI, CONFIG_FB_EFI,
    - n411: add missing Makefile entry.
    - Disabled on x86_64 config: CONFIG_FB_HGA.
    - Enable group cpu scheduler, switch to cgroup scheduler on server
    - Only enable namespaces support for server config.
    - Only enable (=m) virtual ethernet pair device and MAC-VLAN for
      server config.
    - Fixes/enhancements for HP machine/alc888 3stack-hp model:
      * Added additional 4 channel mode
      * Added headphone automute support
      * Map 3stack-hp model (ALC888) for HP
    - ALSA: hda - Cleanup printk from alc888_6st_dell_unsol_event
    - Updated to 2.6.29-rc7-git4
      * dropped w1-slaves-ds2431-kbuild.patch (merged)
    - Turn on DEVPTS_MULTIPLE_INSTANCES for server kernels.
    - Enable Xen guest support by default when available.
    - create_configs: cleanup unused/gone config options, cosmetics,
      enable xen when available (not only when customizing options for
      server kernel).

  o Bogdano Arendartchuk <>
    - Keep Module.symvers as /boot/symvers-$version.gz in order to allow
      partial kernel builds

* Tue Feb 24 2009 Pascal Terjan <> 2.6.29-rc6.1.1mnb
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Tomoyo build patch update for 2.6.29-rc5
    - Disabled on all kernel configs: CONFIG_USB_R8A66597_HCD,
    - Disabled on powerpc config: CONFIG_I2C_ISCH.
    - Disabled on sparc config: CONFIG_I2C_ALI1535, CONFIG_I2C_ALI1563,
    - Enabled on powerpc config: CONFIG_COMPUTONE,
    - Disabled on x86_64 config: CONFIG_LEDS_ALIX2.
    - Enabled on sparc config: CONFIG_NEW_LEDS, CONFIG_LEDS_CLASS,

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update to 2.6.29-rc6-git1
    - add drivers/acpi/acpica header files to -devel rpms, needed by fglrx

* Fri Feb 20 2009 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <> 2.6.29-0.rc5.4.1mnb
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - ALSA/hda changes:
      * Include new SND_PCI_QUIRK_MASK and SND_PCI_QUIRK_VENDOR macros,
        cleanup IDT92HD7x HP quirks and backport SND_PCI_QUIRK_MASK
        cleanup for stac922x ecs202 model from alsa tiwai's sound tree.
      * Fix speaker output on HP DV4 1155-SE
    - Disabled on all kernel configs: CONFIG_MDIO_BITBANG,
    - Disabled on x86_64 config: CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_MK712.
    - Disabled on powerpc config: CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_TOUCHIT213.
    - Disabled on powerpc/sparc: CONFIG_HWMON_VID, CONFIG_SENSORS_AD*,
    - Enabled (=m) on powerpc config: CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_ELO,
    - w1: add missing Kconfig/Makefile entries for DS2431 slave driver.
    - Updated to 2.6.29-rc5-git4
      * fixed drbd build with BIO_RW_SYNC change.

  o Bogdano Arendartchuk <>
      first step towards ABI control

* Mon Feb 16 2009 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <> 2.6.29-0.rc5.1mnb
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Updated to 2.6.29-rc5
      * Removed following merged patches:
      * Rediffed/Redid following patches:
      * Pending/moved to patches-broken:
        - acpi-asus-input.patch: same functionality merged upstream, but
          needs extra checking on some extra/different key codes to be
        - hid-hotplug-racefix.patch: possibly fixed by commit "HID:
          hiddev cleanup -- handle all error conditions properly"
      * Dropped from patches-broken:
        - media-video-uvc-max-iso-pkts.patch: no machine/environment
          available anymore to reproduce the problem.
      * Added alc889 fixes submitted upstream for which
        sound-alsa-hda-add-acer-alc889-model.patch depends:
      * Updated tomoyo to 1.6.6-20090202, 2.6.29-rc3 build and kernel
        log warning patches adapted.
      * Adjusted drbd and unionfs for 2.6.29 changes.
      * Removed rt2860 from additional 3rdparty drivers, it is now
        included in staging.
      * Update ipt_set for netfilter/xtables changes in 2.6.29
    - ALSA/hda/idt: change HP dv7 (103c:30f4) quirk from hp-m4 to hp-dv5
      model, to fix not working internal microphone. References:
    - Fixed build warnings in agnx and rtl8187se staging drivers.

  o Anssi Hannula <>
    - Disable CONFIG_HID_COMPAT (hid-dummy module) as our udev supports
      driver autoloading on all buses.

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update drbd to 8.3.0

* Mon Feb 09 2009 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Anssi Hannula <>
    - Build HID core as modules instead of built-in. Having it built-in
      makes no sense as both USB HID and Bluetooth HIDP are built as
      modules anyway.

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Remove previous applied enhancements/fixes to STAC92HD71Bx and
      STAC92HD75Bx hda codec support, and reapply splitted changes
      submitted upstream. Apply also additional fixes and HP dv quirks
      in sound tree. Added additional quirk for HP dv7 to be submitted
      after I get positive report about it.
    - ALSA/hda: Map new ecs motherboard id 1019:2950 to STAC9221 ecs202
    - Updated to
      * removed input-samsung-nc10.patch (merged)

* Wed Feb 04 2009 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Updated to
      * removed x86-pat-1MB-nonram.patch (merged)
    - Added upstream fixes for the exported userspace headers (build
      with linux/ip.h and linux/serial.h bugs). References:

* Wed Jan 28 2009 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Updated to
      * removed following patches (already applied or obsolete with
        "usb-storage: set CAPACITY_HEURISTICS flag for bad vendors"
      * rediff sound-alsa-hda-enhance_fix_stac92hd71bx_stac92hd75bx.patch
      * cosmetic changes at sound-alsa-hda-add-acer-alc889-model.patch
    - Updates for sreadahead 1.0 support.

* Fri Jan 23 2009 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Fix snd-hda-intel oops with some alc883 models after addition of
      model for Acer Aspire 8930 in previous release.

* Thu Jan 22 2009 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Add Suggests for crda in kernel packages.
    - Updated to
    - Add MSI quirk list for hda devices, to force enable_msi setting
      parameter when needed (#44855).
    - Enhance/fix some aspects related to STAC92HD71Bx and STAC92HD75Bx
      support (#44855).
    - Add hda-intel ALC889 model for Acer Aspire 8930 (#45838).

  o Pascal Terjan <>
    - Disable asus_acpi, we have asus-laptop and eeepc-laptop
    - Add back patch on asus-laptop to convert acpi events to input
      * Update it for 2.6.28
      * Emit the acpi event when the key is unknown
    - Add id for Yuan PD378S DVB receiver (from Arnaud)

* Wed Jan 14 2009 Luiz Capitulino <> 2.6.28-3mnb
  o Pascal Terjan <>
    - Add patch from upstream #12372 to allow X starting on some
      systems (#46384)

  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Update configs to 2.6.28: CONFIG_X86_PTRACE_BTS is being disabled because
      it's marked as broken and as CONFIG_X86_DS depends on it it's also being
    - Make CONFIG_IDE modular in all configs (asked by Thierry Vignaud)
    - Fix rtc-cmos loading on x86_64 machines (patch suggested by Oden Eriksson)

* Tue Dec 30 2008 Pascal Terjan <> 2.6.28-2mnb
  o Pascal Terjan <>
    - Support fn+* in Samsung NC10 

* Mon Dec 29 2008 Pascal Terjan <> 2.6.28-1mnb
  o Pascal Terjan <>
    - Updated to 2.6.28 final

* Fri Dec 12 2008 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <> 2.6.28-0.rc8.1mnb
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Updated to 2.6.28-rc8
      * Dropped (merged):
      * Moved to patches-broken:
        pci-default-nomsi.patch (continue to disable msi by default?)
        hwmon-applesmc-retry-when-accessing-keys.patch (still needed?)
        hwmon-applesmc_int.patch (useful?)
        apparmor patches
        aufs patches
      * Redid/Rediffed following patches (because of broken apply,
        broken build or other updates for 2.6.28):
      * Update ipt_set for netfilter/xtables changes in 2.6.28
      * Removed kernel-add-mute-events-log-level.patch (not worth/sent
      * Removed fastboot-2.patch (asynchronous stuff not accepted
        into 2.6.28).
      * Removed acpi-asus-laptop-input.patch and acpi-eeepc-input.patch,
        as different input support was merged for eeepc-laptop.
      * Removed net-enic-build-fix.patch, not needed on 2.6.28
      * Removed acpi-dsdt-initrd-fastboot.patch, not needed anymore.
      * Removed net-wireless-at76_usb.patch, at76_usb is now in staging
      * Updated drbd code for 2.6.28 (3rd-drbd-2.6.28.patch).
      * Added patch from squashfs CVS to allow successful build on 2.6.28
      * Removed 3rdparty prism25 and et131x which are now in staging.

* Fri Dec 05 2008 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Changes to eeepc-laptop based on changes made by Matthew Garrett
      and posted on LKML:
      * Backport wireless hotplug support for eeepc-laptop on 2.6.27
        from (#43332).
      * acpi-eeepc-input.patch: add more hotkeys for newer eeepc models,
        keycode references from
    - Upstream alsa bug fixes/updates (1.0.18, 20081130 merge).

  o Pascal Terjan <>

* Wed Nov 26 2008 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Support for broadcom bluetooth dongle 0a5c:2009 in btusb (#44886)

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Sync alsa/uvc updates with kernel-2.6.27-0.uc1mnb2 available in
      main/testing for 2009.0

* Tue Nov 25 2008 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Pascal Terjan <>
    - Disable CONFIG_BLK_DEV_UB (#45599)

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Update to (CVE-2008-5033)
      * dropped input-ALPS-add-signature-for-DualPoint-model-found-in-Dell-Latitude-E6500.patch
    - Apply upstream workaround for #44891 (iwlagn: downgrade BUG_ON in
    - Backport gspca m5602 driver from 2.6.28 (#44898).
    - Add fix for ppscsi module oops (#45393).

* Sat Nov 15 2008 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Include r8169 WoL fixes from 2.6.28, related ticket: #41782
    - i915/drm: backported bug fix for suspend/resume with i915 on some
      configurations (Save/restore MCHBAR_RENDER_STANDBY commit on
    - Update to
      * dropped md-fix-bug-in-raid10-recovery.patch (merged)
      * dropped net-r8169-get-ethtool-settings-through-the-generic-mii.patch
      * dropped net-wireless-iwlwifi-generic-init-calibrations-framework.patch
      * dropped security-keys-request_key-oops.patch (merged)
    - More alsa 1.0.18 updates, snd-hda-intel sigmatel codec fixes
      among others.
    - unusual_ids usb-storage addition for Nokia XpressMusic 5200
    - More unusual_devs additions for Nokia 5610/7610 (sources:
      linux-usb ML and Ubuntu bug #287701).

  o Pascal Terjan <>
    - Enable the Nokia 6300 quirk for new revisions

* Sun Nov 09 2008 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Fix eeepc shutdown hang caused by snd-hda-intel (#44752)

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Backport uvcvideo fixes from 2.6.28 and linux-uvc svn.
    - Update to
      * dropped acpi-ec-fast-transaction.patch (merged)
      * rediffed char-agp-intel-agp-add-support-for-G41-chipset.patch
      * dropped net-restore-ordering-of-tcp-options.patch (merged)
      * dropped sound-alsa-snd-hda-intel-fix-halt-hang.patch (merged)
    - Alsa updates from 2.6.27-git* (2.6.28).
      * fixed Realtek auto-mute bug (#45618)
    - Apply upstream change in acpi "ACPICA: Add function to dereference
      returned reference objects" (#44870).
    - Fix pcspkr disabled in kernel configs (#45319).
    - Add patch to fix oops in prism2_usb (#44612).

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - fix drbd CN_IDX 0x4 conflict with v86d
    - fix md raid10 recovery bug

* Tue Oct 28 2008 Pascal Terjan <>
  o Pascal Terjan <>
    - Fix a oops in request_key when keyring is not already there
      (Happens when mounting CIFS with kerberos)

* Mon Oct 27 2008 Pascal Terjan <>
  o Pascal Terjan <>
     - Fix a oops when reading /proc/megaraid/hba0/diskdrives-ch* (upstream #11792)
     - Add Fastboot patches (raid auto detection is now off by default, you can
       enable it with raid=autodetect boot option)

  o Luiz Capitulino <>
     - Update to
       * Drop usb-atm-speedtch-2.6.27-fix.patch (merged)
     - Restore ordering of TCP options (#43372)

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
     - Alsa fixes from 2.6.27-git* (2.6.28).

* Wed Oct 22 2008 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Update to
    - More alsa updates from 2.6.27-git* (2.6.28).

* Wed Oct 22 2008 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Update .configs
    - Fix USB ATM Speed Touch OOPS (#44803)

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Don't install vmlinux as executable for debug packages to avoid
      strip_and_check_elf_files from spec-helper stripping it.

* Mon Oct 20 2008 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Update alsa 1.0.18rc3 to "final" version included in kernel 2.6.28
      and dropped following patches:
      * sound-alsa-revert-fixes.patch (not needed anymore)
      * sound-hda-codec-add-Foxconn-45CMX_45GMX_45CMX-K-quirk.patch
      * sound-hda-codec-fix-ALC662-auto-config-mixer-mutes.patch
      * sound-hda-codec-slave_dig_outs-oops.patch (merged)
      * sound-hda-codec-add-Gigabyte-945GCM-S2L-quirk.patch (merged)

  o Pascal Terjan <>
    - Drop Acer One alsa quirk, it works now better with "auto" model

* Sat Oct 18 2008 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Enable CONFIG_KPROBES: needed for systemtap

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Create kernel debug packages with vmlinux and debugging symbols
      from modules.
    - Disable CONFIG_KALLSYMS_EXTRA_PASS were it was enabled, as Kconfig
      description states this should only be enabled temporarily as a
      workaround while something is broken in kallsyms.
    - Update to
      * dropped net-wireless-b43legacy-Fix-failure-in-rate-adjustment-mechanism.patch
      * dropped net-wireless-libertas-clear-current-command-on-card-removal.patch

* Fri Oct 10 2008 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <> 2.6.27-1mnb
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Add i8042_nomux quirk for Dell XPS M1530 (#43532).
    - Merge enic, qlge and atl2 fixes from net-next tree.
    - Add p4-clockmod support for Celeron Core processors (#43885).
    - Add Panasonic Let's Note laptop extras driver from acpi-test. Now
      dkms-pcc-acpi packages can be dropped.
    - Added superreadahead ext3 patch for tests to be done with it.

  o Pascal Terjan <>
    - Update to 2.6.27 final
      * Drop x86-enable_mtrr_cleanup-early-boot-param-typo-fix.patch (merged)
      * Drop accessibility-braille-really-disable-by-default.patch (merged)
      * Drop net-e1000e-write-protect-ICHx-NVM-to-prevent-malicious-write_erase.patch

* Wed Oct 01 2008 Pascal Terjan <> 2.6.27-0.rc8.2mnb
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Add fix for e1000e corruption bug and re-enable it
      ( Closes #44147

* Wed Oct 01 2008 Pascal Terjan <> 2.6.27-0.rc8.1mnb
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Fix sis190 ethernet device support on Asus P5SD2-VM motherboard
      ( bug #11073).
    - Add fix for sata_nv regression in latest 2.6.27 rcs (
      bug #11615). Closes: #44287
    - Remove 3rdparty acx driver due to its dubious legal status
      (unanswered questions about reverse engineering process done while
      developing the driver).
    - Enable CONFIG_KARMA_PARTITION, otherwise Rio Karma mp3 player is
    - drbd fixes for Linux 2.6.27
    - 3rdparty/rt2860: Fix x86_64 issues found while inspecting x86_64
      build logs.
    - Add patch from LKML titled "Input: ALPS - add signature for
      DualPoint model found in Dell Latitude E6500" from Elvis
      Pranskevichus, reported/requested by Frederik Himpe.
    - Fix typo in early boot parameter that enables mtrr cleanup, patch
      from J.A. Magallon.
    - p4-clockmod: set reasonable default for scaling_min_freq, to
      prevent too low performance with governors that use the lowest
      frequency. Closes: #43155

  o Pascal Terjan <>
    - Update to 2.6.27-rc8

* Sat Sep 27 2008 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <> 2.6.27-0.rc7.5.1mnb
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Drop acpi-tc1100-wmi* patches, kernel already has all relevant
    - patches-broken: rediff and fix hid-usbhid-IBM-BaldeCenterHS20-HID.patch
      for 2.6.27 (rename also to hid-usbhid-IBM-BladeCenterHS20-quirk.patch)
    - Include patch from linux-acpi to avoid stalls while inside acpi
      code in slow machines, like when reading acpi battery info
      ( A
      workaround could be used too for the problem, using cache_time
      parameter of battery module setting a larger value, but the patch
      to preempt acpi code is a better/definitive solution.
    - Add again Intel ACPI IGD OpRegion support patch and its needed
      patches, but now without the patch that introduced the regression
      found with one 855GM based laptop (the patch that introduced the
      regression was "i915: Initialize hardware status page at device
      load when possible.", turned out also that this patch wasn't
      really needed in the series so it's safely dropped). Closes: #43061
    - Drop Wacom ACPI patches: seems they were forgotten here, same
      functionality should already be provided by drivers/serial/8250_pnp.c
    - ALSA/hda-intel: map proper ALC662 model for Gigabyte 945GCM-S2L
      and Foxconn 45CMX/45GMX/45CMX-K motherboards.

  o Pascal Terjan <>
    - Fix function keys on EeePc, some NEC and some other laptops
    - Fix Wlan and Webcam keyboard switching on EeePc
    - Fix disable camera on EeePc breaking USB

  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Update to 2.6.27-rc7-git5
      * drop net-wireless-ath9k-connectivity-is-lost-after-Group-rekeying-is-done.patch
      * drop USB-revert-recovery-from-transient-errors.patch (merged)
      * Update security-apparmor-2.6.27.patch due to change in mm/tiny-shmem.c
      * Add usb-storage-uss725-build-fixes.patch

* Mon Sep 23 2008 Luiz Capitulino <> 2.6.27-0.rc7.1.1mnb
  o Pascal Terjan <>
    - Support fn key on Apple Wireless keyboards (#44119)

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Update to 2.6.27-rc7-git1
    - Disable e1000e module until a fix for its corruption issue is
      available (#44147).
    - Remove already applied fs-xfs-fix-remount-failure.patch

* Fri Sep 19 2008 Luiz Capitulino <> 2.6.27-0.rc6.5.1mnb
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Revert Intel ACPI IGD OpRegion support patch addition along with
      its needed patch series, we discovered a regression on a laptop
      with 855GM when using kde4 with gfx effects enabled (X hangs in
      session startup). Probably is related to the change "i915: Add
      support for MSI and interrupt mitigation." patch at first look
      after some initial debugging made by Luiz Capitulino (we are not
      sure, needs more investigation and upstream bug report that will
      be done later, but reverting all patches for now works).
    - Remove alternative patch for bug 7694, a proper patch
      is already on mainline.
    - Add Hercules EC-900 mini-notebook to ich_laptop short cable list
      for both ata_piix and piix.
    - ALSA: Fix ALC662 DAC mixer mutes also for auto config model.
    - New/updated ethernet drivers from Jeff Garzik netdev-2.6 tree:
      * updated atl2/jme drivers;
      * enic: Cisco 10G Ethernet NIC driver;
      * qlge: New Qlogic 10Gb Ethernet Driver.
    - Include following bug fixes from linux-wireless ML:
      * ath9k: connectivity is lost after Group rekeying is done
      * b43: Fix Bluetooth coexistence SPROM coding error for Motorola
        7010 variant of BCM4306
    - Add "mute" kernel start-up parameter to disable all log messages,
      from Tiago Salem Herrmann.

  o Pascal Terjan <>
    - Really disable braille console support when it is not used (#41999)
    - Enable CONFIG_CIFS_EXPERIMENTAL to support Kerberos auth (#43933)

  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Update to 2.6.27-rc6-git5
    - Update .configs

* Mon Sep 15 2008 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <> 2.6.27-0.rc6.3.2mnb
  o Pascal Terjan <>
    - Re-enable PROFILING and OPROFILE
    - Changes in build scripts
      * Don't tar .svn to remove it afterwards
      * Don't include *~ in tarball

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Re-include a workaround for a virtualbox bug (#42776) removed in
      previous release, even with Mandriva cooker/2009.0 having a newer
      VirtualBox version that has the bug fixed. Before we had this as a
      revert of both commits e587cadd8f47e202a30712e2906a65a0606d5865
      and 2f1dafe50cc4e58a239fd81bd47f87f32042a1ee, but reverting the
      later reintroduces another bug:
      Reverting the second one is needed when reverting the first one
      that is which caught the bug in VirtualBox versions prior to 2.0.2.
      The problem is that people using other distributions or older
      Mandriva releases that contains old VirtualBox versions will not
      be able to run and test Mandriva 2009.0, so we still need to apply
      a workaround. Ubuntu has a less intrusive one (not using reverts),
      so use it instead of just fully reverting the kernel commits.
    - Added fix for 2.6.27 boot issue with xfs, fs can't be mounted rw
      (, reported by Frederik Himpe.
    - Wireless bugfixes from linux-wireless ML applicable to 2.6.27:
      iwlwifi: generic init calibrations framework
      b43: Fix QoS defaults
      b43legacy: Fix failure in rate-adjustment mechanism
      b43legacy: Fix to enhance TX speed
      libertas: clear current command on card removal

* Mon Sep 15 2008 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <> 2.6.27-0.rc6.3.1mnb
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Added fix to build warnings in rt2860 3rdparty driver.
    - Fixed and added back mach64 drm support.
    - usb-storage: fixed and added back In-System Design USS725 USB/IDE
      bridge support patches.
    - ALSA: update to v1.0.18rc3, and fix oopses from digital slaves
    - Update to 2.6.27-rc5-git3
    - Remove revert patch to workaround VirtualBox bug (#42776),
      VirtualBox 2.0.2 now on cooker has the bug fixed.
    - Add Intel ACPI IGD OpRegion support patch from drm-next, needed to
      enable ACPI backlight control on some newer laptops with Intel
      integrated graphics. Some other patches were needed to be applied
      also because of conflicts, they do some a bit extra changes, not
      something really wanted, but possibly also fixes some stability
      issues when using intel dri. While at it also grabbed some
      minor additional bug fixes only patches from drm-next.
    - Include Intel G41 agpgart support patch posted on LKML.
    - Add patches for detection of northbridge in family 0x11 AMD
      processors from tip/x86/iommu tree.
    - Add compatibility quirk for ALI M5229 patch posted on LKML, needed
      by pata_ali libata driver to work with M5229 in some setups.

  o Pascal Terjan <>
    - Set CONFIG_LEGACY_PTY_COUNT to 0. This can be changed on the command line if
      needed and saves several seconds at boot time.
    - Changes in build scripts
      * Use the to_add value even if it was already in the defconfig

* Wed Sep 10 2008 Luiz Capitulino <> 2.6.27-0.rc6.1mnb
  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Update to 2.6.27-rc6
      * Drop clockevents patch series from Thomas Gleixner (already merged)

* Fri Sep 05 2008 Luiz Capitulino <> 2.6.27-0.rc5.7.1mnb
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Include JMicron JMC2x0 series PCIe Ethernet Linux Device Driver
      from Guo-Fu Tseng, posted on netdev.
    - Move dkms-rt2860 into kernel package.
    - Move dkms-et131x into kernel package.
    - Add aufs into Mandriva kernel, can be used as an unionfs alternative.
      The main patch and code comes from Ubuntu (see main patch file for
      details), as they already made necessary ports to account for
      apparmor patch that we also share.
    - Downgrade unionfs to version 1.4, the main unionfs patch also
      comes from Ubuntu with minor adaptations, for the same reason as
      with aufs: it has already integrated apparmor changes. We are
      downgrading because of newer problems with unionfs 2.3 + linux
      2.6.25+, we will keep it until the problems are sorted out.
      Also backported some fixes from newer unionfs versions that were
      used on dkms-unionfs package.

  o Pascal Terjan <>
    - Include r8169 patches for 8102 (patches 0001 to 0006 from
      Fixes networking on Acer Aspire One and MSI Wind.

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update TomoyoLinux to 1.6.4 final

  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Update to 2.6.27-rc5-git7
    - Fix boottime hang on nvidia C51 mobos (#43475) 

* Sun Aug 31 2008 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <> 2.6.27-0.rc5.2.1mnb
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - apply_patches: fix integrity check of 3rdparty.series/series files
      regarding unlisted patch files.
    - Updated Tomoyo Linux patches to latest version from tomoyo svn
      (r1499). It contains fixed code for locking problems with apparmor
      patches applied (
    - Use git snapshot number in package release like is done currently
      on kernel-linus package.
    - Updated to 2.6.27-rc5-git2

* Fri Aug 29 2008 Luiz Capitulino <> 2.6.27-0.rc5.1mnb
  o Pascal Terjan <>
    - Move EeePc patch to eeepc-laptop

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Updated to 2.6.27-rc5
    - Rediffed/updated patches for 2.6.27:
    - Drop wireless and gspca backport patches for 2.6.26 already
      applied on 2.6.27
    - Drop already applied/obsoleted patches:
    - Remove 3rdparty at76_usb driver, include the version present in
      wireless-testing tree on
    - Fix tomoyo to build under 2.6.27 (vfs changes).
    - Fix ndiswrapper 1.53 to build with 2.6.27
    - Added more fixes to 3rdparty/modules for build with 2.6.27
      (prism25, unionfs, acx, ipset)
    - Removed separated apparmor patches, and include port for 2.6.27
      from Ben Collins (Ubuntu). Also fixed some still present warnings.
    - Added apparmor patch from John Johansen fixing ptrace lsm hooks,
      forwarded by Ben Collins (Ubuntu).
    - Include updated atl2 driver version.
    - Remove unused ppc arch support, unified with powerpc on 2.6.27
    - Re-import alsa 1.0.18rc1 patch, now against 2.6.27 and is a
      snapshot of alsa git repository (with changes after 1.0.18rc1).

  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Fix VirtualBox boot time crash (#42776)
    - Update squashfs to v3.4

* Wed Aug 21 2008 Luiz Capitulino <>
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Remove unused net-wireless-bcm43xx-dont-flood-syslog-with-ifplugd.patch
      (broken), bcm43xx was removed in 2.6.26
    - Backport most of the wireless changes from 2.6.27 (until ath9k
      addition). Applied also a leds subsystem fix for a bug that
      affects the newer b43 version.

  o Pascal Terjan <>
    - Add Atom support in coretemp
    - Map Acer Aspire One to acer model to get internal/external speaker, and
      external mic to work.

  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Revert unionfs v2.4 update: it is buggy and One LiveCD is getting

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - Update Alsa to 1.0.18rc1
    - disable CONFIG_SCHED_HRTICK as it's known to cause boot problems with 
      at least Intel GMA cards, as noted on LKML and kernel BugZilla #10892
    - update to
    - revert rtl8187-fix-lockups-due-to-concurrent-access-to-config-routine
      as it's already included in the wireless backport
* Thu Aug 14 2008 Luiz Capitulino <>
  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Add Atheros L1E Gigabit Ethernet driver from 2.6.27-rc2 (#41551)
    - Drop x86-debug-boot.patch. It is confusing a lot of people, the patch was
      supposed to help rather than causing any harm (#41946)
    - Disable PCI MSI by default, because it is known to cause boot hangs
      (patch from Fedora)

  o Pascal Terjan <>
    - Obsolete dkms-iwlwifi (#42766)

* Thu Aug 07 2008 Luiz Capitulino <>
  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Update unionfs to v2.4

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update TomoyoLinux to 1.6.3 and enable it
    - make TomoyoLinux boot-time message more userfriendly
    - fix TomoyoLinux tomoyo_network build with gcc-4.3.1
    - update to

* Sat Aug 02 2008 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - sis190: fix link status on some devices.
    - Added alsa 1.0.17 fixes/updates from 2008-07-27 LKML submission.
    - Disabled CONFIG_SND_SOC on i386, there is no use for it now.
    - Integrate gspcav2 from kernel 2.6.27
    - Add synce 'dirty patch' from John Carr, fixes support for quite a
      lot of Windows Mobile devices in rndis_host, requested by
      Adam Williamson.
    - Updated to

  o Pascal Terjan <>
    - Fix sound on NEC Versa S9100
    - Add upstream patch to support EeePc P900A and P901

  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Drop video-bootsplash-3.1.6-2.6.25.patch, we use splashy now.

* Wed Jul 23 2008 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <> 2.6.26-2mnb
  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Disable CONFIG_USB_MOUSE and CONFIG_USB_KBD: their usage is only useful
      in embedded systems and are known to cause problems in desktops.

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Disable CONFIG_FIRMWARE_EDID on i386 and x86_64 also on cooker's
      kernel, like on latest 2008.1 kernel update candidate (enhances
      boot time in some cases by a considerable amount).

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - drop spec fix for #29744, #29074 (not needed anymore)
    - support WM6 devices to be used as modems
    - update drbd to 8.2.6

* Mon Jul 14 2008 Luiz Capitulino <> 2.6.26-1mnb
  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update to 2.6.26 final
    - update alsa to 1.0.17 final

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Fix typos from signal_32/64.h merge

  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Update apparmor to r1292 (untested)
    - Remove old apparmor from patches-broken

* Fri Jul 11 2008 Luiz Capitulino <> 2.6.26-0.rc9.1mnb
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Fix regression of fakerel not using anymore mkrel macro (and use
      manbo_mkrel for manbo packages).
    - create_configs: enable CONFIG_HIGHMEM4GB for desktop586 kernel
    - Added fs-squashfs3.3-f_pos-wrong-decrement.patch, small bug fix
      for squashfs.
    - Really don't remove bounds.h and asm-offsets.h with make clean.
    - kernel-source package shouldn't have a prepared environment, user
      is responsible to prepare and configure it for build/external use
      (don't prepare it anymore and clean uneeded files with make
      mrproper). Also, kernel*-devel packages needs a prepared
      environment, this was already assured before by the build, but
      anyway prepare the tree again to check for possible errors.
    - Backport RTL8187B support for rtl8187 from wireless-testing.
    - Disable also *config, prepare and scripts targets on kernel*-devel
      packages (previously we only disabled mrproper).

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update to 2.6.26-rc9
    - update Alsa to 1.0.17rc3
    - update summary and description for desktop586 kernel to reflect
      that they now support 4GB

  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Update to 2.6.26-rc9-git8

* Thu Jul 03 2008 Luiz Capitulino <> 2.6.26-0.rc8.1mnb
  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Update to 2.6.26-rc8-git2
    - net-netfilter-IFWLOG-mdv.patch: export ipt_IFWLOG.h to user-space, iptables
      and any IFWLOG user will need it
    - net-netfilter-psd-mdv.patch: export ipt_psd.h to user-space, iptables
      and any psd user will need it
    - Explicitly enable PARAVIRT_GUEST to fix 2.6.26-rc8 compilation

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update to 2.6.26-rc8
    - update ndiswrapper to 1.53
    - add missing viahss MODULE_LICENSE

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Disable smack due to more issues with unionfs.
    - Updated to 2.6.26-rc8-git3, and removed 3rdparty uvcvideo as it's
      now in upstream kernel.

* Tue Jun 24 2008 Luiz Capitulino <> 2.6.26-0.rc7.1mnb
  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Update to 2.6.26-rc7-git2
      * Drop acpi-video-ignore-unsupported-devices.patch (merged upstream)

* Thu Jun 19 2008 Luiz Capitulino <> 2.6.26-0.rc6.1mnb
  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - disable CONFIG_USB_RIO500, as it will switch to libusb (#41504)
    - update to 2.6.26-rc6-git3
    - drop x86-xen-time-prevent-gcc-4.3-optimizations.patch (fixed differently
      upstream, commit: f595ec964daf7f99668039d7303ddedd09a75142)  
    - update Alsa to 1.0.17rc2
    - add dvb-core header files to -devel rpms so it's possible to build 
      external dvb drivers without needing full source (#41418)

  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Update to 2.6.26-rc6-git6

* Thu Jun 12 2008 Luiz Capitulino <> 2.6.26.rc5-1mnb
  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Update to 2.6.26-rc5-git6
      * Drop smack-fuse-mount-hang-fix.patch (merged upstream)
    - Temporary fix for Smack and unionfs deadlock
    - Boot debug patch for x86 and x86_64: with it it is possible to have
      a good idea of where the boot process has stopped
    - Fix typo in my email address used in the package's changelog
      (caught by Anssi Hannula)

  o Anssi Hannula <>
    - do not remove modules.* before calling depmod in %%install (fixes
      missing modules.order file)

* Tue Jun 03 2008 Luiz Capitulino <> 2.6.26.rc4-2mnb
  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Update to 2.6.26-rc4-git5
      * rediff usb-ehci-hcd-isoc-sync-transfer-fix.patch
    - Update rfswitch to v1.3
    - Update atl2 network driver to v2.0.4
    - Update drbd to v8.0.12
    - Drop fs-ntfs-rw-support-as-module-option.patch, we use ntfs-3g (fuse)
      for ntfs write support
    - Fix fuse hang caused by SMACK (#40620)

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - add unionfs 2.3.3 support back
    - fix unionfs umount_begin for 2.6.26 series kernels
    - drop patch input-tablet-wacom-0.8.0 as it already is in 2.6.26-rc4
    - drop usb-fix-USB-Persist-suspend, it's fixed upstream in 2.6.26-rc1
      (commit 5e6effaed6da94e727cd45f945ad2489af8570b3)
    - update prism25 to 0.2.9-r8159 and enable it
    - add patch to adapt prism25 to new netdev structure
    - fix HD-audio controllers inaccurate IRQ timing of PCM period updates.
      Needed for next version of PulseAudio (requested by Colin Guthrie)
* Mon May 26 2008 Luiz Capitulino <> 2.6.26.rc4-1mnb
  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Update to 2.6.26-rc4
      * Update disable-mrproper-in-devel-rpms.patch
    - Update create_quilt_tree: add support for -rc, -git and -stable patches
    - Fix kernel-devel: we should include the kernel/bounds.c file, otherwise
      it is not possible to run 'make prepare' on kernel-devel and dkmss
      will fail because of the missing bounds.h (which is generated by

  o Anssi Hannula <>
    - Obsolete kernel-laptop-devel-latest

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - drop net-usb-rndis_host-wm5-6.patch, fixed differently upstream

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Fix build with gcc 4.3 when xen guest support is enabled.

* Mon May 19 2008 Luiz Capitulino <> 2.6.26.rc3-1mnb
  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Enable CONFIG_USB_SUSPEND for i386 and x86_64 (#40482)
    - Enable CONFIG_HID_DEBUG for all archs (#40501)
    - 2.6.26-rc3 rebase
      * Broken patches/drivers
        * net-atl2-2.0.3.patch
        * acpi-fix-double-video-proc-entries.patch
        * net-r8169-fix-past-rtl_chip_info-array-size-for-unknown.patch
        * net-wireless-bcm43xx-dont-flood-syslog-with-ifplugd.patch
        * sound-pcsp-Don-t-build-pcspkr-when-snd-pcsp-is-enabled.patch
        * net-r8169-fix-oops-in-r8169_get_mac_version.patch
        * net-atl2-linux-2.6.24.patch
        * usb-fix-USB-Persist-suspend.patch
        * fs-fat-allow-utime.patch
        * input-tablet-wacom-0.8.0.patch
        * fs-unionfs-2.3.3_for_2.6.25.patch
        * march64 drm driver
        * prism25 wifi driver
        * rfswitch driver
      * Dropped (applied upstream)
        * sound-alsa-git-2008-04-24.patch
        * sound-pcsp-Don-t-build-pcspkr-when-snd-pcsp-is-enabled.patch
        * net-r8169-fix-past-rtl_chip_info-array-size-for-unknown.patch
        * net-r8169-fix-oops-in-r8169_get_mac_version.patch
        * fs-fat-allow-utime.patch
      * Updated
        * irq-debug-shared.patch
    - Update all .config files

* Mon May 12 2008 Luiz Capitulino <>
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Fix/update broken patches for 2.6.25:  
      * fixed x86-default_poweroff_up_machines.patch
      * added updated compal-laptop patch
      * ppsci rediff/updates
      * updated mach64 drm support
      * added Phillip Lougher's patch for squashfs 3.3 on 2.6.25
      * updated wacom from (0.8.0)

  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Drop the following patches/drivers from patches-broken
      * acer_acpi: kernel 2.6.25 provides acer_wmi, which should be used
      * kernel-sysctl_check-remove-s390-include.patch (fixed upstream)
    - Fix/update broken patches for 2.6.25:
      * fixed Intel's HECI driver
      * updated netfilter PSD
      * fixed scsi-megaraid-new-sysfs-name.patch

* Tue May 06 2008 Luiz Capitulino <>
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Add max_iso_pkts parameter to uvcvideo, to limit its memory usage on
      memory constrained systems.
    - Removed sound-sigmatel_audio_fix_macbook_v2.patch (it's broken,
      does nothing, where is pin cfg assigment for model it adds?).
    - Rediffed and updated bootsplash patch for 2.6.25
    - Included following r8169 fixes from Linus tree:
      "r8169: fix past rtl_chip_info array size for unknown chipsets"
      "r8169: fix oops in r8169_get_mac_version"
      They were tested by Adam Pigg and fixed an oops with his machine.

  o Pascal Terjan <>
    - Rediffed acpi-asus-eee.patch
    - Obsolete kernel-laptop-latest in kernel-desktop-latest

  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Update package's URL

* Tue Apr 29 2008 Luiz Capitulino <> 2.6.25-1mnb
  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - 2.6.25 rebase
      * Update acpi-dsdt-initrd-v0.8.4-2.6.21.patch (for 2.6.25)
      * Update unionfs to v2.3.2 (for 2.6.25-rc7)
      * Broken drivers
        * drbd-8.0.11
        * squashfs
        * HECI
        * Acer ACPI
        * USB uss725 storage
        * Unicom
        * Apparmor
        * Bootsplash
        * ppscsi
        * Netfilter PSD
        * BadRam
        * Wacom Tablet 0.7.9-8
      * Dropped patches (already merged upstream)
        * usb-atm-cxacru-zte-zxdsl-id.patch
        * acpi-add-aliases-to-toshiba_acpi-module.patch
        * hid-usbhid-blacklist.patch
        * hwmon-applesmc-macbook2.patch
        * char-agp-add-support-for-662-671-to-agp-driver.patch
        * char-i8k-inspiron-e1705-fix.patch
        * char-agp-sis-Suspend-support-for-SiS-AGP.patch
        * char-drm-add-new-rv380-pciid.patch
        * char-i8k-adds-i8k-driver-to-the-x86_64-kconfig.patch
        * char-i8k-allow-i8k-driver-to-be-built-on-x86_64-systems.patch
        * char-i915-Add-chipset-id-for-Intel-Integrated-Graphics-D.patch
        * char-intel-agp-add-new-chipset-ID.patch
        * capabilities-remove-cap-task-kill.patch
        * char-nozomi-driver.patch
        * net-igb.patch
        * net-wireless-rt2500usb-add-id.patch
        * x86-cpufreq-add-missing-printk-levels-to-e_powersaver.patch
        * x86-cpufreq-e_powersaver-add-c7d-support.patch
        * x86-cpufreq-powernow-k8-update-to-support-latest-turion.patch
      * Fix prism25 Kconfig. Keyword 'enable' doesn't exist in 2.6.25
      * Update .configs and create_configs script
    - Enable CONFIG_SMACK for i386 and x86_64
    - Drop -laptop package: as it has been discussed, we are almost sure
      that the -laptop package does not save much power if compared to
      -desktop package with CONFIG_NO_HZ enabled.
    - Minor spec cleanups
       * Break comments in 80 columns
       * Fix typos in comments
       * Use variables for some duplicated paths
    - Change update_configs to exit on failure, useful to catch broken
    - Introduce kcooker-rebase script: helper for the rebase work
    - Drop all patches-broken contents from previous 2.6.24 rebase

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Removed 3rd-uvc-limit-max-iso-packets.patch, I found one type of
      webcam that doesn't like it, so just revert.
    - Updated unionfs to version 2.3.3
    - Updated uvcvideo to r205, and removed already applied
    - Updated alsa to latest LKML submission (git-2008-04-24), and
      removed patches already applied upstream.
    - Add patch from Linus tree: "pcsp - Don't build pcspkr when
      snd-pcsp is enabled". It seems we don't have the full set of
      2.6.26 alsa submission... needed to avoid building pcspkr and
      snd_pcsp as they conflict.

  o Pascal Terjan <>
    - Dropped media-usbvideo-device-link.patch, merged upstream

* Mon Mar 30 2008 Luiz Capitulino <>
  o Pascal Terjan <>
    - iwlwifi: Initialize rf_kill status
    - asus_acpi: Fix brightness handling on EeePc
    - Alsa (snd-hda-intel) : Set correct model for TOSHIBA Satellite Pro A200
      and A210
    - drop ipt_time patch, xt_time was now included
    - fix a crash in uvcvideo on X300 (upstream r199)

  o Olivier Blin <>
    - make kernel-<flavour>-devel-latest provide kernel-devel-latest (#36524)

* Thu Mar 27 2008 Luiz Capitulino <>
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Alsa (snd-hda-intel) bug fixes/additions/cleanups:
      * Added support model for Clevo M720R from upstream alsa
        (by Jiang zhe).
      * Cleanups after DAC assignment order in ALC883.
      * Support mic automute in Clevo M720R, and map Clevo M720SR to use
        the same model (they are identical). Also choose a more generic
        model name ("clevo-m720").
      * Add optimized ALC267 model for Quanta IL1.
    - Fix spec License tag as per current license policy (GPL -> GPLv2),
      reported by Gustavo De Nardin (spuk).
    - ACPI: limit Clevo M720SR to C2 processor idle state (machine
      freezes with C3).

  o Pascal Terjan <>
   - Alsa (snd-hda-intel) : Set correct model for Sony Vaio VGN FZ18M
   - Rewrite patch for Asus ACPI keys (still #23741).
   - Don't break ACPI support when the child of a video bus device is not a
     video device (kernel bug #9761)

  o Luiz Capitulino <>
   - Disable MSI on i386. MSI seems to be still problematic and some
     machines are not booting because of it, so it's better to stay safe
     for now and just disable it again
   - Update to
     * rediff capabilities-remove-cap-task-kill.patch
   - Update unionfs to 2.3.1
     * dropped fs-unionfs-2.2-apparmor-2.1.patch and addded a rediffed
       version named fs-unionfs-2.3-apparmor-2.1.patch

* Thu Mar 20 2008 Luiz Capitulino <>
  o Pascal Terjan <>
    - Generate input events for ACPI hotkeys in asus-laptop and autoload it
      instead of asus_acpi (#23741).

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Include bttv.h and bttvp.h headers in kernel-devel, required by
      dkms-lirc-gpio (#39004, patch by Anssi Hannula <>).
    - Alsa (snd-hda-intel) bug fixes:
      * Fix DAC assignment order in ALC883.
      * Choose correct ALC883 codec model for MSI 945GCM5 V2 (MSI-7267).

  o Shinji Makino <>
    - added video-char-union-bootsplash-unicon.patch (#37928).

  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Fix apparmor OOPS because of FUSE accessing ia_file
      unconditionally (#38688)

* Fri Mar 14 2008 Luiz Capitulino <>
  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Add back cpufreq tables for Centrino Dothan in speedstep-centrino
    - Update fs-fat-allow-utime.patch with a new default initialization,
      which allows all users to use utime() on files if the directory
      is writable

  o Pascal Terjan <>
    - Fix asus_acpi patch, latest commit broke keys handling

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Alsa (snd-hda-intel) bug fixes:
      * Fixed mute switches of ALC662 mixers (generic models).
      * Choose correct ALC662 codec model for Asus P5GC-MX.

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - Fix kernel-source symlinks if the kernel is installed after the
      source and no matching -devel- rpm is installed (#38862)
    - add support for WM5/6 devices (#30128)

* Mon Mar 10 2008 Luiz Capitulino <>
  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Drop tomoyo linux patches from patches-purgatory/, they have been
      merged already
    - Introduce svn-tag-kernel script
    - Add BadRAM
    - Disable BadRAM on x86_64, it doesn't compile if CONFIG_DISCONTIGMEM
      is enabled
    - bluetooth: fix OOPS in l2cap_conn_del()
    - bluetooth: fix eSCO connection (#37272)
    - fat: allow utime() (#26819)

  o Pascal Terjan <>
    - Suggest restarting the system after installing a new kernel
    - Fix sound on NEC S970
    - Update the asus_acpi patch for EeePc :
      * Have the mute and volume keys generate input events
      * Use the [AP] (fn+f6) key to enable/disable the webcam
      * Don't handle wireless switching, we didn't do anything anyway
    - Add a new id for rt2500usb (#38512)
    - Add a device link in /sys/class/video4linux/video*/ else hal don't see
      them (and device does not get the needed acl) 

  o Shinji Makino <>
    - added usb-storage-unusual_devs-add-id.patch 

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Added some x86 cpufreq updates from Linux 2.6.25-rcX:
      * CPUFREQ: Powernow-k8: Update to support the latest Turion
      * CPUFREQ: Support Model D parts and newer in e_powersaver;
      * CPUFREQ: Add missing printk levels to e_powersaver.
    - Added patch to e_powersaver to limit processor voltage/multiplier
      status printed to syslog (avoid flood of messages when we have
      ondemand governor and many P-state changes for example).
    - Backport/add intel igd, sis 662/671, ati rv380 drm/agp support and
      sis-agp suspend support from 2.6.25-rcX.

* Mon Mar  3 2008 Luiz Capitulino <>
  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Drop the following patches: block-scsi_ioctl-GPCMD_SEND_KEY.patch,
      input-export-module_device_tables.patch and
      char-export-module_device_tables.patch from patches-purgatory/.
      According to Shinji Makino this Turbo Linux patch is not needed anymore
    - Remove cap_task_kill() to fix kill() semantic bug (#37328)
    - Enable CONFIG_PCI_MSI on i386: MSI had to be disable in 2.6.22 because
      of a bug which caused PCI to stop working on some machines. It seems
      it's safe to enable again now.

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Drop char-intel-agp-revert-revert-fix-stolen-mem-range-on-G33.patch
      x11-driver-video-intel reverted the change that required this, as
      reported by Colin Guthrie.
    - Added fix from alsa hg tree (5846):
      "hda-codec - Don't create vmaster if no slaves found"
      This should address problems with mixers without any slave control
      defined for models in codecs with vmaster control being used, and
      will fix mandriva bug #37984
    - hda-intel - Fix Oops with ATI HDMI devices, fix from alsa hg
      change 5873
    - Added patch from Alan Stern to fix reported USB-Persist+suspend
      issues (one of the problems found while testing on Intel
    - Updated to
    - Disable control group support and fair group cpu scheduler for
      default configs.
    - scripts/create_configs:
      * enable cgroup/fair group scheduler options for server kernel
      * remove SWAP_PREFETCH and ADAPTIVE_READAHEAD config option uses
        (we don't have them anymore).
    - Added patch from Andrey Borzenkov that add aliases to toshiba_acpi.
      With this module autoloading is possible for devices which aliases
      are added (suggested by Olivier Blin).

  o Pascal "Pixel" Rigaux <>
    - use %%manbo_mkrel for Manbo Core 1
    - rename %%mdvrel into %%mnbrel
    - get rid of %%mkrel usage (using plain release with no distsuffix)
    - replace (old) versioned buildrequires with plain buildrequires
    - %%ktag is now mnb
  o Shinji Makino <>
    - added tomoyolinux-build.patch, tomoyolinux-support.patch and 
    - change to kernel configuration.
      added to i386.config,x86_64.config was enable tomoyolinux.
      added to powerpc.config,ppc.config,sparc64.config was disable tomoyolinux.

  o Pascal Terjan <>
    - added NF_MATCH_TIME support
    - use rpmbuild instead of rpm in our Makefile

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - enable PANTHERLORD_FF and ZEROPLUS_FF (#38213)
    - update ndiswrapper to 1.52
    - add Prism2 support back (#38155)
    - update acer_acpi to 0.11.1
    - update wacom tablet to 0.7.9-8 (#37073)
      * bugfixes, adds support for Wacom Cintiq 20WSX
    - add usb hid quirk for Multilaser USB-PS/2 keyboard adapter (#36870)
    - add fixes and addons from Alsa HG tree:
      * hda-codec fix ALC880 F1734 model
      * hda-codec fix automute of AD1981HD hp model
      * hda-codec fix wrong capture source selection for ALC883 codec
      * hda-codec fix ALC882 capture source selection
      * hda-codec clean up capture source selection of Realtek codecs
      * hda-codec implement auto mic jack-sensing for Samsung laptops with AD1986A
      * hda-codec more auto configuration fixups
      * hda-codec fix auto configuration of realtek codecs
      * hda-codec add IEC958 default PCM switch
      * hda-codec add more names to vendor list
      * hda-codec fix breakage of resume in auto-config of realtek codecs
      * hda-intel add ATI RV7xx HDMI audio support
      * hda-codec fix amp-in values for pin widgets
      * hda-codec fix missing capsrc_nids for ALC262
      * hda-codec add support for AD1883, AD1884A, AD198A, q984B
      * hda-codec add model=mobile for AD1884A
      * intel8x0 add support for 8 channel sound
      * hda-codec fix master volume on HP dv8000
      * bt87X fix freeing of shared interrupt
      * hda-codec fix ALC662 recording
      * hda-codec fix ALC268 capture source
      * hda-codec fix STAC927x power management
      * hda-codec fix STAC927x invalid association value
      * hda add PCI_QUIRKS for laptops with 92HDxxxx codecs
      * hda STAC927x support analog mic
      * seq_oss_synth remove invalid bug()
      * hda-codec add missing descriptions for STAC codec models
      * hda-codec adapt eeepc p701 mixer for virtual master control
      * usb-audio add workaround for broken E-Mu frequency feedback
      * usb-audio sort quirks list
      * sb8 fix sb 1,0 capture DMA programming
      * hda-codec fix AD1988 capture elements
      * hda-codec add Fujitsu Lifebook E8410 to quirk table
      * hda-codec fix initial DAC numbers of 92HD71bxx codecs
      * oxygen add owner field
      * hda-codec add docking station mic input for Thinkpad X61
      * hda-codec fix names of realtek codecs to adapt master controls
      * intel8x0 add quirk for Compaq Deskpro EN
      * hda-sigmatel disable power management on fixed ports
      * hda-sigmatel add verbs for 92hd73xxx laptops
      * hda-codec fix array over-range access with stac92hd71bxx codec

* Thu Feb 21 2008 Luiz Capitulino <>
  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Drop pci-pciaddress-64bit-fix.patch from patches-purgatory/. According to
      Shinji Makino this Turbo Linux patch is not needed anymore
    - Update unionfs to 2.2.4
    - Introduce HECI v3.2.0.24 driver (to support Intel's AMT)

  o Shinji Makino <>
    - fix diff flie video-char-enable-unicon.patch
    - delete patches x86-apm-smp-power_off.patch
    - add patches x86-default_poweroff_up_machines.patch

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - add compal-laptop driver (#37860)
    - disable CONFIG_USB_OHCI_HCD_SSB so ssb wont get loaded even if it
      is blacklisted (reported by AdamW on kernel-discuss)
    - update Wacom tablet support (#37073)
      * adds support for: Bamboo1, BambooFun and Cintiq 12WX
* Mon Feb 18 2008 Luiz Capitulino <>
  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Special release due to compilation problems in the previous one

* Fri Feb 15 2008 Luiz Capitulino <>
  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - scripts/create_quilt_tree: add a hack to support mainline patches
    - scripts/create_quilt_tree: report errors when creating the tree
    - Fix apparmor boottime flag handling
    - Actually move patches into patches-purgatory directory. The following
      patches: block-cciss-ioctlret.patch, block-scsi_ioctl-GPCMD_SEND_KEY.patch,
      pci-pciaddress-64bit-fix.patch, usb-storage-unusual_devs.patch,
      char-export-module_device_tables.patch, input-export-module_device_tables.patch
      were deleted instead of being moved into the purgatory dir. Add them back in
      the expected location
    - Update drbd to v8.0.11
    - Drop input-alps-pad-fix.patch according to Shinji Makino this TL
      patch is not needed anymore

* Mon Feb 11 2008 Luiz Capitulino <>
  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Introduces PATCHES/Documentation directory
    - Introduces kernel-build-svn-checkout.txt, managing-patches.txt,
      patch-format.txt, README documents
    - Introduces create_quilt_tree script
    - Move tomoyo patches into patches-purgatory

 o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update alsa to 1.0.16 final
    - add selected fixes from alsa HG tree:
      * sound-soc-fix-duplicate-rj-master-test.patch
      * sound-hda-intel-Fix-PCM-device-number-assignment.patch
      * sound-hda-codec-Add-ID-for-HDMI-codec-on-Jetway-J9F2.patch
      * sound-ice1712-Fix-hoontech-MIDI-input.patch
      * sound-hda-STAC927x-power-down-inactive-DACs.patch
      * sound-hda-intel-use-SG-buffers.patch
      * sound-hda-intel-support-64bit-buffer-allocation.patch
      * sound-ice1712-add-support-for-Delta1010E.patch
      * sound-ice1712-all-support-for-Delta-66E.patch
      * sound-hda-intel-Fix-compile-error-with-CONFIG_SND_DEBUG_DETECT.patch
      * sound-hda-codec-correct-HDMI-transmitter-names.patch
      * sound-hda-codec-remove-duplicate-controls-in-alc268-test-mixer.patch
    - disable inclusion of s390 file in sysctl_check as we dont ship arch/s390 
      files in our kernel-source (#37388)
    - update to 
      * CVE-2008-0007, CVE-2008-0009/10, CVE-2008-0600
    - drop mm-zerolen-iov-fix.patch (merged upstream)
 o Pascal Terjan <>
    - Add patch by Nick Piggin fixing pan going unkillable (#37050)

 o Shinji Makino <>
    - Initial Turbo Linux patch merge

 o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Added updated AppArmor patches for 2.6.24 (thanks to John Johansen
      at Suse for them).

* Tue Jan 29 2008 Luiz Capitulino <> 2.6.24-1mdv2008.1
  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Update to 2.6.24
    - Dropped kernel-sched-cpu_share-tunable-crash-fix.patch (already in 2.6.24)
    - Dropped net-sis190-sis968.patch (already in 2.6.24)
    - Update unionfs to 2.2.2
    - Remove badram patch from patches-broken (there's no up to date version
      for 2.6.24, we can add it later if needed)
    - Enable all CONFIG_TASKSTATS options for i386 and x86_64
    - Enable TIPC network protocol for i386
    - Enable PREEMPT_BKL for -desktop kernels (i386 and x86_64)
    - Fix unionfs OOPS when umounting root partition when there's a nfs volume
      in the branch

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Updated nozomi driver patch with version added recently to Linus
      tree (pre 2.6.25, commit 20fd1e3bea554620d489f3542496639c1babe0b3,
    - Updated uvcvideo to svn r173 (and removed already applied

* Wed Jan 23 2008 Luiz Capitulino <> 2.6.24-0.rc8.2mdv2008.1
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Added fix for isochronous transfer bug in ehci-hcd, adding patch
      I experienced the same issue but when using uvcvideo with a Syntek
      webcam (174f:5212), after some time the streaming fails with
      -EL2NSYNC. The patch there fixed the problem.
  - Updated uvcvideo to r166.
  - Replaced previously added sync quirk for Syntek webcam with a better
    version, that avoids losing sync of frames by using reported EOF
    marker. For more details see:
    (final patch by Laurent Pinchart)

  o Pascal Terjan <>
    - Added Intel(R) 82575 Gigabit Ethernet driver (igb)

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update to 2.6.24-rc8-git5
    - update alsa to 1.0.16rc1
    - drop sound-Fix-5.1-sound-in-Dell-6stack-ALC888-HDA.patch (merged upstream)
    - add sched cpu_share tunable crash fix (Mingo, LKML)

  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Fix ipt_IFWLOG user-space header (#37082)
    - Fix apparmor disable flag (apparmor doesn't work yet though #36004)

* Thu Jan 17 2008 Luiz Capitulino <> 2.6.24-0.rc8.1mdv2008.1
  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Update to 2.6.24-rc8-git1

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Modified kernel configs:
      * i386.config: enabled USB_EHCI_ROOT_HUB_TT (y) and
                     USB_ISP116X_HCD (m).
      * x86_64.config: likewise, and also enabled
                       CONFIG_USB_SL811_HCD (m) and
                       CONFIG_USB_SL811_CS (m).

 o Thomas Backlund <>
    - make 32bit kernels conflict arch(x86_64) so they cant be installed
      by mistake (#32631)

* Mon Jan 14 2008 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <> 2.6.24-0.rc7.2mdv2008.1
  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - add support for Dell i8k on x86_64 (#32447)
    - disable XEN Guest support on all but server kernels as it breaks 
      AGP support (#36458)

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - 3rdparty addition: AuthenTec AES2501 Fingerprint Sensor Driver for
      Linux. Added in tree build support and oops on module removal fix
      when device isn't available:
    - Added patch from Claudio S. Matsuoka that fix 5.1 sound in Dell
      6stack ALC888 HDA, currently used in Dell Inspiron 530

  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Update to 2.6.24-rc7-git5

* Mon Jan 07 2008 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <> 2.6.24-0.rc7.1mdv2008.1
  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - change url to Mandriva wiki
    - fix build,source symlinks to -source tree to be created only if no
      matching -devel tree is installed, and to be removed only if they
      point at the -source tree
    - move defcofigs to the correct location for i386 and x86_64, prefix 
      them the same way as upstream, and drop defconfig-maximum
    - use make clean on -devel & source tree to not ship unneeded files
    - more spec cleanups
    - update to 2.6.24-rc7

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Updated alsa to latest hg/git tree, mostly because of bug fixes
      and hda-intel updates, so we can test it early. Reverted some
      commits though so we can still use userspace lib/utils from alsa
      1.0.15, if some revert is missing it's a bug.
    - Enabled SND_HDA_POWER_SAVE (Aggressive power-saving feature of
      snd-hda-intel), and keep the default Kconfig choice of automatic
      power-save mode (disabled = 0).

* Fri Jan 04 2008 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <> 2.6.24-0.rc6-3mdv2008.1
  o Pascal Terjan <>
    - Add mactel patches (#35420)
    - Add support for EeePc in asus_acpi

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update unionfs to 2.2
    - update source2 to apply cleanly
    - update alsa krpovides

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Updated to 2.6.24-rc6-git10, rediffed irq-debug-shared.patch
    - Update unionfs again, now to version 2.2.1
    - Added back apparmor for 2.6.24 from Suse (with minor patch changes
      in hunks that touch reiserfs code, as it didn't apply by default
      because our reiserfs differs. Also needed to fix build when
      cgroups is enabled).
    - Brought back and redid patch to fix build of unionfs with

* Fri Dec 28 2007 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <> 2.6.24-0.rc6-2mdv2008.1
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Updated uvcvideo to svn r158
    - Add new sync quirk to uvcvideo and use it (needed by Syntek
      174f:5212 webcam), from Claudio S. Matsuoka <>
    - Prevent uvcvideo to alloc too much memory in usb_buffer_alloc,
      lowering UVC_MAX_ISO_PACKETS. In machines with not much memory +
      webcam that uses isoc transfers, several calls to it can cause
      memory fragmentation or requesting too much memory resulting in an
      Page Allocation Failure (OOM). UVC_MAX_ISO_PACKETS is arbitrary, see
    - Updated to 2.6.24-rc6-git5
    - Build genrtc as module now that Mandriva's udev is now creating
      automatically the /dev/rtc symlink pointing to /dev/rtc0, making
      possible using /dev/rtc from one of the modules from new modular
      rtc framework (Reported/pointed by Dick Gevers and Andrey
      Borzenkov on cooker ML).

* Tue Dec 25 2007 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <> 2.6.24-0.rc6-1mdv2008.1
  o Pascal Terjan <>
    - Switch atl2 to 2.0.3, which is the branch aiming at upstream merge

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update to 2.6.24-rc6-git2
    - add support for upstream -git tarballs
    - update ndiswrapper to 1.51
    - update drbd to 8.0.8
    - update acer_acpi to 0.10
    - prefix 3rdparty tarballs with 3rd- to match the new patch naming scheme
    - update defconfigs
* Wed Dec 12 2007 Luiz Capitulino <> 2.6.24-0.rc5-2mdv2008.1
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Removed already applied upstream alsa quirk for Dell XPS M1330.
    - scripts/apply_patches: usage message fixes.

* Wed Dec 12 2007 Luiz Capitulino <> 2.6.24-0.rc5-1mdv2008.1
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Updated uvcvideo to r149, and removed already applied 

  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Upgrade to 2.6.24-rc5-git2
    - V4L: fix videobuf_read_start() breakage
    - Upgrade unionfs to 2.1.11

* Mon Dec 05 2007 Luiz Capitulino <> 2.6.24-0.rc4-2mdv2008.1
  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Update to 2.6.24-rc4-git2 (#35822)
    - Kill patches-to-drop directory: that directory exists for a long time
      and its patches seems to not be useful
    - New patch naming scheme: now patches have the following format:
      subsystem-description.patch. A detailed documentation will be provided
    - Better names for netfilter patches
    - Reorganize series file

  o Pascal Terjan <>
    - Fix TI PCIxx12 card readers (#35887)

* Mon Dec 04 2007 Luiz Capitulino <> 2.6.24-0.rc4-1mdv2008.1
  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Update to 2.6.24-rc4
    - Update acpi_fix_double_video_proc_entries.patch to latest kernel
    - Merge ipt_psd patches into netfilter-psd-mdv.patch
    - Merge ipt_IFWLOG patches into netfilter-IFWLOG-mdv.patch
    - Update ipt_IFWLOG to v1.1

* Tue Nov 27 2007 Luiz Capitulino <> 2.6.24-0.rc3-2mdv2008.1
  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Update to 2.6.24-rc3-git1

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Added quirk for uvcvideo, needed by the webcam found on Clevo
      M540SR (ALi 5606).
    - Enabled XEN guest, suggested by Olivier Blin
    - Updated ndiswrapper to version 1.50rc3.
    - More netfilter api fixes for ipt_set and ipt_psd for 2.6.23 and
    - Fix return type of write file_operations callback functions in

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - fix -devel rpm breakage due to i386/x86_64 merge into x86
    - add /drivers/lguest/lg.h to -devel rpms

  o Pascal Terjan <>
    - Blacklist in usbmouse/usbkbd devices set to IGNORE in hid quirks
      (fixes Wacom)

* Thu Nov 22 2007 Luiz Capitulino <> 2.6.24-0.rc3-1mdv2008.1
  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Update to 2.6.24-rc3
    - Fix ipt_psd netfilter API usage
    - Kill PATCHES/doc directory
    - Move AppArmor patches to patches-broken directory, the -rc updates
      broke it

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Enabled CONFIG_DEBUG_BUGVERBOSE option on configs where it was
      disabled, it's useful despite some more ram usage, see
      (Suggested by Olivier Blin).
    - Updated to 2.6.24-rc2-git3.
    - scripts/create_configs: updates for i386/x86_64 arch unification;
      kernel-2.6.spec: likewise.
    - package Makefile: deal with kpatch field inside spec, to create
      the patches tarball with the correct name when it's used.
    - Updated acer_acpi to 0.10_rc4, and added needed build
      fixes/updates for 2.6.24-rc2:
    - Removed ipw3945, now use the iwl3945 in upstream kernel, if
      required in the case iwl doesn't work well for some devices we
      can readd it.
    - Updated squashfs to version 3.3, dropped already applied/obsolete
      squashfs-add-missing-include, squashfs-inode-fix,
      squashfs-2.6.23-buildfix patches.
    - Updated 3rdparty_merge patch for 2.6.24-rc2.
    - Updated unionfs to version 2.1.9, builds with new kernel and
      also has a fix for a self deadlock issue reported here:
    - Drop BadRAM patch until we fix it or a new version for 2.6.24 is
    - Made needed fixes for misc build/code issues required now on
      2.6.24-rc2 for extra patches/3rdparty additions:
      * ndiswrapper: ndiswrapper-proc_net-namespace.patch
      * acx: acx-remove-set_module_owner.patch
      * acerhk: acerhk-extra-cflags.patch
      * drbd: drbd-8.0.6-linux-2.6.24-fixes.patch
      * ppscsi: ppscsi-sg-helper-update.patch
      * netfilter_IFWLOG: netfilter_IFWLOG_2.6.24.patch
      * uss725: uss725-sg-helper-update.patch
        the uss725-sg-helper-update.patch makes
        uss725_revert_sg-address_removal.patch unecessary, so it was
      * atl2: atl2-linux-2.6.24.patch
    - Updated mach64 drm support for 2.6.24-rc2.
    - Updated uvc to r141 svn snapshot.
    - Updated apparmor patches to build again with 2.6.24-rc2, but I'm
      not sure if it still works, need more testing and probably more
      changes. I had to revert too some upstream changes that make LSM a
      static interface, it would be good to check the changes more in
      detail and migrate more apparmor bits, seems it can't be a module
    - Dropped ralink legacy drivers, keep now only the mac80211 ones
      integrated in linus kernel, if in the future we see we still need
      them we can readd.
    - Drop already applied patches:
    - Rediffed patches:

* Wed Oct 31 2007 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Parallelize xargs invocations for smp machines on rpm build.
    - apply_patches:
      * remove trailings spaces, fix tabs vs. spaces;
      * introduce a different scheme to process patches: really use
        series file now, taking the patches in their order. With this we
        can drop the confusing prefixes that anyone knows for sure their
        meaning in all cases. Also use 3rdparty.series file to add third
        party additions, in the same way as series, this way we can
        document/comment third party additions inside it. It's separated
        from series file so we can use quilt for the patches;
      * fix usage output;
      * make sure no patches are forgotten in patches directory, if a
        patch or 3rdparty addition isn't listed in
        3rdparty.series/series exit with error;
      * remove reference for Juan Quintela's now invalid email address
        (reported by Thierry Vignaud).
    - Updated to version
    - Added updated BadRam patch for 2.6.23.
    - Updated ndiswrapper to version 1.49.
    - Updated unionfs to 2.1.7; redid fix-unionfs-build-with-AppArmor
      patch because of it, and removed already applied
      unionfs-2.1.3-do-not-update-mtime-if-no-upper-branch patch.
    - Added updated version of nozomi patch from gregkh git repository.
    - Updated tc1100-wmi module patch for 2.6.23, and made fix for acpi
      subsystem updates (tc1100-wmi-2.6.23-fixes patch). Also removed
      uneeded tc1100-wmi-depends-ACPI_INTERPRETER patch.
    - Updated mach64 drm module for 2.6.23.
    - Added updated apparmor patches that apply on 2.6.23 from
    - Redid patches:
    - Added squashfs fix for 2.6.23 from kernel-tmb.
    - Added Revert-Revert-intel_agp-fix-stolen-mem-range-on-G patch, we
      don't need the upstream revert commit because our
      x11-driver-video-intel already has a patch for that change on
    - Added ipset 2.6.23 fixes from kernel-tmb (ipset-2.6.23-buildfix,
      ipset_2.6.23-buildfix2 patches).
    - Fix atl2 module building on 2.6.23 (atl2-linux-2.6.23 patch).
    - Drop already applied changes from ueagle-atm-patches-eagle-iv-support
      patch (and the diff is now from upstream linus git tree).
    - create_configs: update for NOHIGHMEM case, probably there is a bug
      in Kconfig selection now that asks for X86_PAE.
    - Remove already applied patches:
    - Removed hrtimer patches, already applied or not relevant anymore.
    - Removed custom kvm, use the one from 2.6.23.
    - Remove swap prefetch patches, as they don't apply and aren't
      maintained anymore, also dropped on mm (see thread on lkml).
    - Moved marvell-ide to patches-to-drop. Because of many ide
      subsystem changes it doesn't apply anymore, and we have already
      pata_marvell so for now it's not critical. We can fix it later if
    - Removed some mac80211 wireless drivers that were pushed from old
      wireless-dev tree. We will update later to 2.6.24 that have them,
      and if some driver is still missing we just readd them later.
    - Removed CFS v22 patch, 2.6.23 already have CFS, not with all
      changes but we will update later to 2.6.24 that has all features
      from v22 patch.
    - Removed e1000_7.6.5 patch, we need to check later after update to
      2.6.24 if stock e1000/e1000e is sufficient or if we need to add
      back the driver from intel.
    - Switch from SLAB to SLUB on all kernel configs, SLUB is the
      default since 2.6.23.
    - Drop prefixes for all remaining patches that still used them, now
      that we don't need this anymore. Also fix placement of some
      patches inside series file.

* Mon Oct 15 2007 Luiz Capitulino <>
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Updated uvcvideo module to svn-r133 (#34772).
    - Added upstream alsa patch to fix sound issues on Fujitsu-Siemens
      C1410 (#34555).
    - Change laptop flavour to use CONFIG_HZ = 300. Turns out that HZ = 100
      is too low for interactivity, and on laptops it seems it's not worth
      the extra economy of energy (for example, with HZ = 100 there are too
      many audio skips in some applications/games). Reported by Andreas
      Hasenack, and Acked by Luiz Capitulino. We could choose HZ = 250, but
      300 is a bit better in interactivity/less latency and not much a
      difference anyway. And note that accordingly to Len Brown et al paper here:
      CONFIG_HZ has a small impact on power consumption on idle workloads,
      so we could even start to think of selecting a HZ = 1000 value for
      laptops where interactivity/less latency is also important (when
      CONFIG_NO_HZ is also available on x86_64 we can switch).

* Mon Oct 15 2007 Luiz Capitulino <>
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Alsa: fix sound issues on Dell XPS M1210 and M1330 models. The
      oops on M1210 should not happen anymore with upstream alsa hg
      commit 5442 from Takashi Iwai.
    - Fixed mach64 drm support: the existing patch had its build
      disabled because of a bug, and also was broken. Replaced the patch
      with fixed ones (#34473).
    - Updated CFS to version 22.
    - Added Attansic/Atheros(R) L2 Fast Ethernet Adapter driver
    - Added patch from Emmanuel Andry that adds support for OXCB950
      Cardbus 16950 UART (#33821).
    - Add ipg module from netdev tree (IC Plus IP1000 Gigabit Ethernet
    - Added upstream alsa bugfix: hda-codec - Fix input_mux numbers for
      vaio stac92xx.

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update to
    - readd netfilter ipset, psd & ifwlog support
      (fixes kernel part of: #26376, #29800, #29982, #31402, #32399, #33069)
    - update kernel-laptop descriptions and summary (#33518)
    - disable mrproper target on -devel rpms to stop 3rdparty installers from 
      wiping out needed files and thereby breaking builds (#34672, #34669) 
      (based on an initial patch by Danny used in kernel-multimedia series)
    - add support for ENE CB712/4 card readers (#30172)
* Wed Sep 26 2007 Luiz Capitulino <>
  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Revert DU21_remove_anydata_e100a_from_option.patch: just removing the ID
      doesn't fix the real problem and break working devices (see #31631 for more

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - bcm43xx: fix log flooding with ifplugd when firmware is not
      available (#33969)
    - Add quirk to disable ISOC transfers for device
      "ID 1131:1001 Integrated System Solution Corp. KY-BT100 Bluetooth
      Adapter" (#30638)
    - Add upstream fix "libata: clean up horkage handling". Probably
      needed to really fix #32076, and we must apply it anyway after
      adding BROKEN_HPA horkage support patch
    - x86_64 config:
      * enable p4-clockmod module support, reported by Per Øyvind Karlsen;
      * enable abit uguru sensors module.

* Mon Sep 24 2007 Luiz Capitulino <>
  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update drbd to 8.0.6 (#33105)
    - disable the AnyData cdma id from option module as it does not work (#31631)
    - fix AppArmor return-code and rejected_mask (from John Johansen @ suse)
    - have only full kernel-source provide /usr/src/linux symlink

  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - PCI: Fix boot-time hang on G31/G33 PC (#31632 thanks to Pacho Ramos)
    - Enable drbd compilation on kernel-server

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Updated to, security fix only release (CVE-2007-4573).
    - Upstream bugfixes/new ids from 2.6.23-rcX:
      * intel-agp: Fix i830 mask variable that changed with G33 support;
      * pci: fix unterminated pci_device_id lists;
      * i386: Use global flag to disable broken local apic timer on AMD
        CPUs. This seems to fix a real issue here, without this patch
        a turion laptop gets apic/interrupt errors and misc kernel
      * pata_marvell: Add more identifiers;
      * libata: Update the blacklist with a few more devices;
      * ahci: add ATI SB800 PCI IDs;
      * myri10ge: Add support for PCI device id 9.
    - Alsa updates: add missing support for ASUS A7J and nvidia MCP79 to
      hda_intel driver (from alsa repository, reported by Thierry Vignaud).
    - Included ipw3945 in kernel: as reported by many users works better
      than current iwl3945 we use, and we can keep both with current
      mandriva ldetect/module-init-tools (preferred aliases). As talked
      with Olivier Blin seems the better approach right now.
    - Fixed /usr/src/linux symlink check when removing kernel-source
      package, as reported by Andrey Borzenkov on kernel-discuss ML.
    - Enable build of kernel-doc package, reported by Pacho Ramos on
      Cooker ML.

  o Olivier Blin <>
    - enable Conexant 2388x (bt878 successor) support on x86_64

* Wed Sep 19 2007 Luiz Capitulino <>
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - create_configs (config_x86_highmem): implement support for highmem
      64GB setting (closes #33585). Also it's needed to set
      I2O_EXT_ADAPTEC_DMA64 when using it.
    - Added back wireless acx driver (#31539). Thanks to Adam Pigg and
      Adam Williamson for pointers and help.
    - Updated alsa subsystem again, with more bugfixes and new hardware
      support, matches closely alsa 1.0.15rc2 (#33489). Also added some
      more updates after it from hg repository:
      * add support for Asus M2A-VM HDMI and Abit IP35-PRO;
      * sc6000 minor fixes;
      * Dell laptop updates.
    - Upstream bugfixes/enhancements (already in 2.6.23-rcX):
      * ATA device blacklist additions (drives with NCQ/DMA issues);
      * Bugfix for DMA mode on VT6421 PATA port;
      * PATA support for VIA VX800;
      * 945/965GME and G33 intel-agp fixes;
      * Fix broken pata_via cable detection;
      * pata_sis timing fixes;
      * pata_it821x: fix lost interrupt with atapi devices;
      * ata_piix: add sata support for Intel Tolapai;
      * more pata_hpt{37x|3x2n} clock fixes;
      * sata_mv: add pci ids for Hightpoint RocketRaid 1740 and 1742;
      * pata_cs5520: fix probe bug regression introduced in 2.6.22;
      * usb storage: updates/additions to unusual_devs.h;
      * USB: fix support for Dell Wireless Broadband (aka WWAN);
      * forcedeth: add mcp73 support;
      * forcedeth: don't rely on bios to get MAC address order, this
        fixes problems with broken bioses on some Asus boards (like M2N)
        and possibly others;
      * VIA P4M900 support for via-agp;
      * drm/via: Fix dmablit when blit queue is full
      * usb device additions (new id/support): Samsung X180 China
        cellphone, cdc subset support for Mavell vendor/product ID,
        HUAWEI E220 HSDPA modem, ACER S10 palm device (visor), Dell
        HSDPA 5520;
      * fmvj18x_cs, pcnet_cs: new ids of lan&multifunction cards (NEC
        PK-UG-J001, Panasonic CF-VML201 Panasonic TO-PDL9610,
      * sisusbvga: add product ID for Targus ACP50US;
      * run k8t_sound_hostbridge quirk only when needed;
      * unhide SMBus on Compaq Deskpro EP 401963-001 motherboard;
      * ftdi_sio: support new product based on the FTDI 232R USB/Serial;
      * ata_piix: fix pio/mwdma programming;
      * jmicron: PIO fixes (thanks to Thierry Vignaud for pointing
        this), can fix #33043.
    - Fix warning when deregistering acpi dock module (#32337). Added
      patches already upstream, thanks to Danny Tholen for tracking one
      of the commits.

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - Really fix /usr/src/linux symlinking on devel rpms (#33559)
    - update unionfs to 2.1.3

  o Olivier Blin <>
    - unionfs: do not update mtime if there is no upper branch for the inode 
      (fix bug with live systems)

  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - kernel-server: defaults number of uarts to 32 (#24924)

* Thu Sep 06 2007 Luiz Capitulino <>
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Fixed bug in CE02_acpi-dsdt-initrd-v0.8.4-2.6.21.patch: don't load
      initrd twice, as this causes unpredicted behavior
    - Added some fixes for iwlwifi and b43, from wireless-dev
    - Added patch for kvm that fixes solaris guests (upstream
      bug #1773613)
    - Add two more ids for some zd1211rw wireless devices, commits from
      wireless-dev tree
    - Added bugfixes and Eagle IV support to ueagle-atm, as reported by
      Olivier Blin on kernel-discuss ML.

  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - libata: implement BROKEN_HPA horkage and apply it to affected drives
    - pata_hpt37x: Fix 2.6.22 clock PLL regression (thanks to Pacho Ramos)
    - USB: add unusual_devs for Nikon devices D50, D80 and D100
      (thanks to Pacho Ramos)
    - USB: Adding support for HTC Smartphones to ipaq (thanks to Pacho Ramos)
    - Fix prefix on FS4 and FS5 (should be FS04 and FS05 respectively), also
      some minor changes in the series file
    - hda-intel: fix codec detection (thanks to Danny Tholen)

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - fix AppArmor syslog logging (AppArmor svn rev 961)
    - readd linux prefix to kernel source/devel tree in /usr/src (#33239)
    - readd /usr/src/linux symlink pointing at latest installed 
      source/devel rpm (#33239)

* Tue Sep 04 2007 Luiz Capitulino <>
  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - add obsoletes/provides to the -latest virtual rpms to allow automatic
      updating to the new kernel-flavours (Big thanks to Anssi for the help):
      * kernel-desktop586-latest obsoletes/provides kernel-legacy-latest
      * kernel-desktop-latest obsoletes/provides kernel-latest
      * kernel-server-latest obsoletes/provides kernel-enterprise-latest
      * kernel-desktop-devel-latest obsoletes/provides kernel-source-stripped-latest
    - update to
    - update AppArmor to 2.1.0 prerelease (SuSe 10_3 branch, commit 942)
    - redo unionfs AppArmor vfs buildfix (initial patch for 2.1 by 
      John Johansen <>
    - enable USB_SUSPEND only on laptop kernels, as it causes to much
      regressions for normal users, but is a tradeoff for laptop users (#33089)

  o Pixel <>
    - Call installkernel without -L since we are the main kernel

  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - ext3/4 orphan list debug support and corruption fix (#32527)
    - drop lguest: current version is buggy, and it would take sometime to
      get it in good shape (missing user-space support too)

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Disabled ath5k module, doesn't work now for release, conflicts
      with madwifi.

* Thu Aug 30 2007 Luiz Capitulino <>
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Updated to version, drop already applied
      ahci_SB700_support patch
    - Updated alsa to latest 2.6.23 code, dropped already applied
    - Added back legacy ralink drivers (the ones softmac based)
    - Fixup RTC selection in i386/x86_64/alpha configs:
      * Disabled CONFIG_RTC to allow rtc_cmos to be used. Enable generic
        rtc emulation (plus RTC_UIE emulation) in its place
      * Don't enable CONFIG_RTC_INTF_PROC because it conflicts with
        /proc/driver/rtc already provided by CONFIG_GEN_RTC
      * Enable RTC UIE emulation on dev interface for new rtc framework
    - Drop bcm43xx-pci-neuter patch, bcm43xx allowed to all supported
      devices again as module selection will be ldetect's task
    - Removed disable-zd1211rw-mac80211 patch, just disable
      zd1211rw-mac80211 in config instead (zd1211rw more uptodate, no
      need to keep it enabled)
    - Updated wireless subsystem to latest wireless-dev
    - Updated kvm to version 36

  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - USB: add the ZTE ZXDSL 852 device ID for cxacru (#32707)

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - update CFS scheduler to v 20.5
    - update lguest patch for new CFS scheduler
    - drop add-above-background-function patch, merged in CFS
    - update unionfs to 2.1.2
    - update acer_acpi to 0.7
    - use defconfig-desktop as default configs/arch.config, and simplify
      create_configs script accordingly
    - drop xen, xbox and boot support from create_configs as the
      kernel spec does not support them either anymore
    - add virtual kernel rpm for the installer to automatically
      install the default kernel-desktop rpm
    - fix #29744, #29074 in a cleaner way by disabling the sourcing of 
    - update kernel descriptions and summarys
    - make kernel-doc name unversioned
    - spec cleanups and typo fixes
    - drop alpha, ia64 support

* Fri Aug 24 2007 Luiz Capitulino <>
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - More wireless updates, fixes/changes for b43 module and ssb from
    - Don't allow bcm43xx and b43 coexist for same devices, limit the
      set of devices supported to only one module (patch from fedora)
    - Disable zd1211rw-mac80211 module, use only zd1211rw (to avoid the
      same case like b43 x bcm43xx, and zd1211rw probably is more
    - Update ACPI battery and ec with changes that will come in 2.6.23,
      battery update fixes battery reading status deadlock on some
      notebooks when the machine is turned on without ac cable

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - change to kernel-tmb spec and naming and versioning
    - adapt scripts and Makefile to the new naming scheme

* Thu Aug 16 2007 Luiz Capitulino <> 2.6.22-6mdv2008.0
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Updated wireless subsystem to the current state of upstream Linus
      git and wireless-dev, also this obsoletes some previous added
    - Added external ssb support for b44
    - Added patch for
      (don't restore reserved memory after hibernation, otherwise some
       ACPI status changes while suspending to disk couldn't be updated)

  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - HID: fix autocentering of PID devices (Anssi Hannula <>)
    - Really use CFQ as the default I/O scheduler (trem <>)

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - add patch AB03: update to
    - add patch DN03: fix Realtek id due to upstream nVidia PHY renaming.
    - add patch DS02: fix amd sb700 and add sb800 smbus support (#32568)
* Fri Aug 10 2007 Luiz Capitulino <> 2.6.22-5mdv2008.0
  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Updated iwlwifi to the latest git snapshot

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - add patch AB02:
    - drop patches CE07, DI11, HR01, SR01: merged upstream
    - rediff patch SA03 to work with

  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Use CFQ as the default I/O scheduler

* Wed Aug  8 2007 Luiz Capitulino <> 2.6.22-4mdv2008.0
  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - e1000: Update to 7.6.5 (#32324)

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Provide pci_ids.h to user space, needed by ldetect, reported by
      Thierry Vignaud
    - Fix issue of some r8169 boards not activating link, using patch
      posted on netdev ML by Francois Romieu (r8169_link_down_fix patch)
    - Disabled CONFIG_DEBUG_SHIRQ on arches where it was enabled, as
      this can cause problems with some modules, like r8169 (see
    - update_configs: fix usage typo

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - disable DEBUG_SLAB, as it's bad for performance, especially
      under heavier loads
    - add patch AI01: picopower irq router support
    - add patch AI02: Toshiba Equium A60 needs pci=assign-busses (#18989)
    - fix kernel-source-stripped symlinks generation when the -stripped rpm 
      is installed before the kernel (#32236)
    - add patch CE07: fix acpi dock unload oops (#32337)

* Tue Jul 31 2007 Luiz Capitulino <> 2.6.22-3mdv2008.0
  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - x86_64: Enable saa7134 drivers (#16206)
    - SMBus: Support for AMD/ATI SB700 chipset (#31450)
    - AHCI: IDs for ATI SB700 (#31884)

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Fix for 'make prepare' not working anymore on
      kernel-source-stripped after addition of lguest patch (#31958)
    - Added upstream patch "Add a PCI ID for santa rosa's PATA

* Fri Jul 20 2007 Luiz Capitulino <> 2.6.22-2mdv2008.0
  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Usb-audio: another Logitech camera/microphone ID match
      (patch from Daniel Drake <>)
    - hda-codec: Add quirk for Asus P5LD2
      (path from Claudio Matsuoka <>)

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Added SR01_serial_reg-header.patch, to export serial_reg.h to user
      space, needed at least for xosview
    - Added "cherry-picked" upstream hrtimers fixes from

* Sun Jul 16 2007 Luiz Capitulino <> 2.6.22-1mdv2008.0
  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - 2.6.22 rebase
    - lguest
    - CFS process scheduler
    - Lots of 5.1 sound fixes from Claudio Matsuoka (

  o Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <>
    - Added patch with upstream fixes for eeprom 93cx6
    - Rediffed bootsplash patch, while we don't have a definition about
      dropping it or not
    - Added latest patch additions with descriptions (if available, many
      from kernel-tmb) to series file

  o Thomas Backlund <>
    - set PHYSICAL_START=0x200000 on x86_64
    - use readlink instead of ls and awk in scripts, as ls broken in
      current coreutils (#31906), this also makes the scripts nicer
    - add patch AB17: fix lguest build on x86_64
    - add patch AB18: CFS update to v20 (from -rt tree)
    - rediff patch CD02: Mandriva console logo
    - add patch DI10: Wacom Bamboo Tablet support (#31831)
    - update patch MC17: update ndiswrapper to 1.47
    - add patch MC18: fix ndiswrapper Kconfig and Makefile
    - add patches MC21, MC22: squashfs buildfixes from kernel-tmb
    - update patch MC49: unionfs 2.0
    - add patch MC50: fix unionfs build with AppArmor
    - update patch MC54: acer_acpi to v0.6
    - add patches MC60, MC61: drbd v8.0.4
    - add patches MC70-MC74: updated wireless drivers using the new dscape stack
      * ADMtek ADM8211, Broadcom BCM43xx, Iwlwifi, Prism64 PCI, USB
      * Ralink rt2400, rt2500, rt2500 usb, rt61, rt73
      * Realtek 8187 USB, ZyDAS ZD1211/ZD1211B USB
    - drop patch NA01: old drbd version
    - add patches MS01-MS07: Swap Prefetch
    - add patches SA01-SA44: Novell AppArmor 2.0.2 build 755
    - update defconfigs
* Fri Jul 06 2007 Luiz Capitulino <> 2.6.21-4mdv2008.0
  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Makes kernel-source usable again for dkms packages
      (patches from Olivier Blin <>)

* Wed Jul 04 2007 Luiz Capitulino <> 2.6.21-3mdv2008.0
  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - CFS process scheduler v18
    - Fix kernel-stripped package (from Thomas Backlund <>)
    - First round of dropped patches, moved 26 into the 'patches-to-drop' queue
    - Rediffed several patches that doesn't apply cleanly
    - Enabled CONFIG_SECURITY and friends
    - Disabled CONFIG_IRQBALANCE (looks like it drops battery life #31725)
    - Alsa HDA codec fixes: 5.1 output on LG LW20 and HP Spartan quirk
      (from Claudio Matsuoka <>)
    - Alsa usbaudio quirk for Roland Juno-G
      (from Claudio Matsuoka <>)

* Thu Jun 28 2007 Luiz Capitulino <> 2.6.21-2mdv2008.0
  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - (see the patch file for more info)
    - Drop XEN
    - Drop RSBAC
    - Fix drbd provides (we're providing api = 86 now)
    - kernel-source fixes (some bits from Thomas Backlund <>)
    - Drakxtool conflict (patch from Thierry Vignaud <>)

* Wed Jun 20 2007 Arnaud Patard <> 2.6.21-1mdv2008.0
  o Arnaud Patard <>
    - 2.6.21 upgrade

  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Minor build fix
    - Disable XEN build

* Tue Mar 27 2007 Luiz Capitulino <> 2.6.17-14uc1mdv2007.0
  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - PCI: pcieport-driver: remove invalid warning message

  o Arnaud Patard <>
    - Fix error path in usbcore
    - Don't build KVM on Xen kernels

* Fri Mar 23 2007 Luiz Capitulino <> 2.6.17-13mdv2007.0
  o Gwenole Beauchesne <>
    - Improve keyboard handling on Apple MacBooks

  o Arnaud Patard <>
    - Add -latest patch
    - Workaround a possible binutils bug in smp alternatives

  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - MCP61: Add forcedeth support
    - Fix potential deadlock in driver core, this issue seems to cause USB
      hangs at boot time (#24683 Thanks to Danny
    - Security fix:
      * ZZ23_CVE-2007-1592_ipv6_fl_socklist_inadvertently_shared_fix.patch

* Wed Mar 14 2007 Luiz Capitulino <> 2.6.17-12mdv2007.0
  o Arnaud Patard <>
    - Suspend to disk speed improvements
    - Add nmi watchdog support for core2
    - Add atl1 driver
    - Update KVM (rev 4486 + selective changes)
    - Add acer_acpi
    - Update asus_acpi
    - Fix suspend on r8169, i8259A
    - Fix suspend when using ondemand governor
    - Add ide acpi support
    - Add suspend/resume support for sata_nv chipsets.

  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Rename ZZ65 patch to ZZ17 and ZZ99 patch to ZZ18 (just to make my
      scripts' life easier)
    - USB: Let USB-Serial option driver handle anydata devices (#29066)
    - USB: Add PlayStation 2 Trance Vibrator driver
    - Fix bogus delay loop in video/aty/mach64_ct.c (thanks to
      Per Øyvind Karlsen)
    - Add MCP61 support (#29398 thanks to Pacho Ramos
    - USB: fix floppy drive SAMSUNG SFD-321U/EP detected 8 times bug
      (thanks to Ednilson Miura <>)
    - Security fixes:
      * ZZ14_CVE-2007-0958_unreadable_binaries_pt_interp_fix.patch   (#28757)
      * ZZ15_CVE-2007-0772_nfs_free_wrong_pointer_fix.patch          (#28863)
      * ZZ16_CVE-2006-6056_hfs_null_pointer_fix.patch                (#28690)
      * ZZ19_CVE-2007-0005_cm4040_cs_buffer_overflow_fix.patch       (#28634)
      * ZZ20_CVE-2007-1217_capi_debug_buffer_overflow_fix.patch      (#29067)
      * ZZ21_CVE-2007-1388_ipv6_sockglue_null_ptr_fix.patch          (#29400)
      * ZZ22_CVE-2007-1000_ipv6_getsockopt_sticky_null_ptr_fix.patch (#29401)

* Tue Feb 13 2007 Luiz Capitulino <> 2.6.17-11mdv2007.0
  o Arnaud Patard <>
    - Fix SiS sata support for chips on 966/968 bridges
    - Add support for SiS968 bridges to the sis190 bridge
    - Add support for showing blocked tasks through sysrq
    - Add nozomi driver
    - Add UVC driver
    - Fix JMicron cable detection
    - Fix issues in squashfs by updating to 3.2 (#27008)

  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - x86_64: Add /proc/config.gz support (CONFIG_IKCONFIG)
    - x86_64: Add stack overflow support. Disabled by default, but it's
      something good to have at hand
    - x86_64: Enable kexec
    - USB: rndis_host: fix crash while probing a Nokia S60 mobile
    - rt2570 should report itself as "rt2570" instead of "rtusb" (#24461)
    - atiixp.c: sb600 ide only has one channel (#28505 - thanks to
      Wolke <>)
    - PCI: ATI sb600 sata quirk (#28363 - thanks to Wolke <>)
    - read_zero_pagealigned() locking fix (thanks to Hugh Dickins
    - Fix umask when noACL kernel meets extN tuned for ACLs
      (thanks to Hugh Dickins <>)
    - PowerPC: Make current preempt-safe (thanks to Hugh Dickins
    - Security fixes:
      * ZZ12_CVE-2007-0006_key_serial_number_collision_fix.patch (#28636)
      * ZZ13_CVE-2006-5823_cramfs_zlib_inflate.patch             (#28688)

* Fri Feb 02 2007 Luiz Capitulino <> 2.6.17-10mdv2007.0
  o Gwenole Beauchesne <>
    - Add Ralink RT2571W/RT2671 WLAN USB support (rt73 module)

  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Fix sys_msync() to report -ENOMEM as before when an unmapped area falls
      within its range, and not to overshoot (LSB regression)
    - Avoid disk sector_t overflow for >2TB ext3 filesystem
    - USB: workaround to fix HP scanners detection (#26728)
    - USB: unusual_devs.h for Sony floppy          (#28378)
    - Dropped FS06_max-symlink-to-10.patch, this patch adds security issues
      on x86_64 machines and was only needed to create Live CDs (now we
      use unionfs). Thanks to Thomas Backlund, who helped to find the
      patch (#27955)
    - Security fixes:
      * ZZ08_CVE-2006-5749_isdn_ppp_init_reset_state_timer.patch (#27802)
      * ZZ09_CVE-2006-5753_fix_bad_inode_retun_values.patch      (#27958)
      * ZZ10_CVE-2006-6053_ext3_handle_dir_corruption.patch      (#28303)
      * ZZ11_CVE-2006-4814_mincore_fix_user_access_locking.patch (#28373)

  o Arnaud Patard <>
    - Add preliminary ICH9 support
    - Add TI sd card reader support
    - Add RT61 driver
    - KVM update
    - Fix bttv vbi offset
    - Update RT73 and use the firmware class for RT73

* Wed Dec 27 2006 Arnaud Patard <> 2.6.17-9mdv2007.0
  o Arnaud Patard <>
    - ata_piix fix for some ICH8 port configurations.
    - Suspend/resume fixes
    - Add KVM
    - Add flush option for fat filesystems
    - X86_64 core2 rdtsc fix

* Fri Dec 19 2006 Luiz Capitulino <> 2.6.17-8mdv2007.0
  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Dropped DA16_wacom_acpi_enable_future_usage.patch, it does brake
      CONFIG_ACPI=yes compilation seems non-sense and there's no description
      explaining why it's needed
    - Security fixes:
      * ZZ03_CVE-2006-5173_eflags_reset.patch                      (#26535)
      * ZZ04_CVE-2006-5619_ip6_flowlabel_seqfile_fix.patch         (#27034)
      * ZZ05_CVE-2006-5751_bridge_overflow_fix.patch               (#27538)
      * ZZ06_CVE-2006-6106_bluetooth_add_capi_packet_checks.patch  (#27660)
      * ZZ07_CVE-2006-5757_fs_grow_buffers_infinite_loop_fix.patch (#27033)

* Thu Dec 7 2006 Arnaud Patard <> 2.6.17-7mdv2007.0
  o Arnaud Patard <>
    - Add Marvell IDE driver
    - Add a driver for Jmicron chipsets instead of using the generic one
    - Update the sky2 driver to fix some network hang issues

* Tue Oct 24 2006 Luiz Capitulino <> 2.6.17-6mdv2007.0
  o Samir Bellabes <>
    - backport support for network chipset related to r8169 (r8168/r8169SC)

  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Dropped DB40_sd_mmc_2gb.patch (fix also in
    - pccard_store_cis: fix wrong error handling
      (reported by Giuseppe Ghibó <>)
    - x86_64: add NX mask for PTE entry
      (patch from Eduardo Habkost <>)
    - Fix snd-hda-intel OOPS (patch from Eduardo Habkost <>)
    - mach64: Explicit initialize some members of the drm_driver structure,
      otherwise NULL init will have bad side effetcs
      (patch from Couriousous <>)
    - Adds Missing check for CAP_NET_ADMIN in iptables compat layer
    - Support for building .nosrc.rpm
      (patch from Thomas Backlund <>)
    - Security fixes
      * ZZ01_CVE-2006-4997_clip_do_not_refer_freed_skbuff.patch           (#26608)
      * ZZ02_CVE-2006-4572_netfilter_ipv6_fragmention_attacks_fixes.patch (#26745)

  o Arnaud Patard <>
    - Fix pcmcia unplug/eject on cards with r8169 chipsets
    - Fix libata resource conflicts detection (#23279)
    - Fix xenU crash and reenable domU boot logs.
    - Fix refcount error triggered by softwares using /proc/<pid>/auxv

* Wed Sep  6 2006 Arnaud Patard <> 2.6.17-5mdv2007.0
  o Arnaud Patard <>
    - 2.6.17-13
    - RSBAC fixlets
    - Fix JMicron SATA/PATA chipsets support (#25155)
    - Update the at76c503a usb driver (now called at76_usb) (#25278)
    - Fix reversed error test in netif_tx_trylock (#25249)
    - Fix modalias on 64bits (#25431)
    - Fix ipmi_msghandler oops on removal (#25463)
    - Replace DU04 with its upstream version
    - Disable MSI on azalia codecs to prevent IRQ troubles.
    - Disable FN keys in the i8k driver when failing to get the dell smm bios
    version. Patch from Per Oyvind Karlsen. (#21140)

  o Samir Bellabes <> 
    - cosmetic changes from Thomas Backlund <>

* Mon Sep 4 2006 Arnaud Patard <> 2.6.17-4mdv2007.0
  o Samir Bellabes <> 
    - netfilter fix - bug #24252
    - fix netfilter IFWLOG

  o Arnaud Patard <>
    - AHCI suspend
    - Squashfs 3.1r2
    - Fix oops on video.ko rmmod
    - SiS 966 chipsets support
    - Add support for 2Gb memory cards
    - Fix uhci list bug
    - Revert reset changes in the e1000 driver. This should fix
    the e1000 resume issues
    - Fix list usage in the sis190 driver

* Mon Aug 29 2006 Arnaud Patard <> 2.6.17-3mdv2007.0
  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Updates drbd to 8.0pre4
    - Adds drbd-api provides (#24264)
    - Adds support for partitioned loop devices (patch from Flavio
    - Fix double ACPI video /proc entries (patch from Danny

  o Arnaud Patard <>
    - Alsa 1.0.12
    - Enable USB_EHCI_SPLIT_ISO (#24412)
    - Fix sparc build (#24646)
    - Fix Xen on 32bit and workaround Xen bug on 64bit.
    - Fix b44 module (#24312)
    - RSBAC 1.2.8
* Thu Aug 10 2006 Arnaud Patard <> 2.6.17-2mdv2007.0
  o Gwenole Beauchesne <>
    - Enable HUGETLBFS
    - Factor out configs

  o Arnaud Patard <>
    - Alsa 1.0.12rc2
    - Add usb ids for the Testo usb device (bug #23666)
    - Add quickcam messenger driver for 2.6.18-rcX
    - ata_piix/ICH8 fixes
    - ACL support for tmpfs  (bug #24045)
    - Add DI20_initialize_hw_regs_in_setup_ports.patch from 2006-upd
    - i965 support
    - Intel iAMT redirection drivers

  o Samir Bellabes <>
    - Add support for chipset realtek 8168. (bug #23705)
    - Add netfilter ipset patch
    - Add netfilter conntrack/nat sip patch
    - Add netfilter psd patch

* Tue Jun 29 2006 Arnaud Patard <> 2.6.17-1mdk
    - Alsa 1.0.12rc1
    - Rsbac 1.2.8(pre1)
    - New Xen snapshot
    - New wireless-2.6 snapshot (adds zd1211rw driver)
    - KGDB drop
    - e100, e1000 update
    - Via VT8251 sata support
    - vt_ar5k drop. Considered as obselete by upstream.
    - svgalib_helper drop.
    - 3rdparty updates : acerhk, drbd, dxr3, ipw3945, ivtv, lirc,
    mod_marvel, ndiswrapper

* Wed Jun 28 2006 Samir Bellabes <> 2.6.16-3mdk
  o Samir Bellabes <>
    - re-enable supermount (fix bug #23217)
    - ct_sync aka 'howto replicate the firewall'

* Mon May 22 2006 Arnaud Patard <> 2.6.16-2mdk
  o Arnaud Patard <>
    - input.h : move input_device_id to mod_devicetable.h
    - Reenable unintentially disabled unionfs
    - RS02/RS11 cleanup
    - Removed bcm4400. We have the b44 module in the kernel
    - Fix usage of acpi_clear_event() in CE06
    - Enable cpufreq on SMP, disable USB_BANDWIDTH
    - Build smp and up kernel on sparc (Peroyvind)
    - Switch to GENERIC_ARCH on x86 to suppress the false warning
    about the number of cpus when using cpu hotplug
    - Add xen0 support in rhconfig.h
    - Fix freeze when using the 'live' mode of gi (instead of using the 
    clp files)
    - Activate RSBAC_INIT_DELAY to get rsbac working with all kind of
    - Fix fdomain vs x86_64/isa trouble

* Thu May 11 2006 Arnaud Patard <> 2.6.16-1mdk
  o Arnaud Patard <>
    - Wireless update (Adds the bcm43xx driver)
    - mmc layer update (Adds the sdhci driver)
    - e1000 update
    - Xbox support outdated, so (temporary ?) removed
    - Alsa 1.0.11
    - RSBAC 1.2.6
    - New Xen snapshot
    - Updated 3rdparty
    - ipw3945

* Mon Mar 13 2006 Eduardo Pereira Habkost <> 2.6.14-2.1mdk
  o Eduardo Pereira Habkost <>
    - Change kernel-source version field to 1-1mdk, like the rest of
      the versioned packages

* Fri Mar 10 2006 Eduardo Pereira Habkost <> 2.6.14-2mdk
  o Eduardo Pereira Habkost <>
    - Avoid automatic update of kernel-source without updating the kernel:
      - Put package version on package name for kernel-source and
      - Remove Obsoletes: kernel-source from kernel-source* packages
      - Closes: #21345

  o Samir Bellabes <>
    - update ipt_IFWLOG (interactive firewall)

  o Arnaud Patard <>
    - Fix bad update of RS11
* Mon Feb  7 2006 Arnaud Patard <> 2.6.14-1mdk
  o Arnaud Patard <>
    - Alsa 1.0.10 and cvs update.
    - Xen update from the linux-2.6 tree. Build it now as a machine and no more
      as a different architecture.
    - Rsbac 1.2.5
    - Drbd 0.7.15
    - The bcm5700 driver is no more supported by Broadcom, thus dropping it.
    - Dropped the now merged ipw2100, ipw2200, ieee80211, fuse, hostap 3rdparty
    - Changed the eagle-usb driver in favour of the to-be-merged version
    - Use now the acx driver from akpm's tree.
    - Update 3rdparty drivers : lirc, ndiswrapper, rt2400, rt2500 
    - Added rt2570 usb driver.

  o Samir Bellabes <>
    - netfilter update (DN30_netfilter_svn6470.patch)
    - unionfs 1.1.3

* Thu Nov 24 2005 Luiz Capitulino <> 2.6.12-13.1mdk
  o Arnaud Patard <>
    - Fix oops when reading /proc/driver/pktcdvd/pktcdvd0

  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Added DA75_alsa_patch_realtek_fix.patch to fix a bug which makes
      some sound-cards managed by snd-hda-intel useless
* Mon Nov 21 2005 Gwenole Beauchesne <> 2.6.12-13mdk
  o Luiz Capitulino <>
    - Updated pl2303 usb-serial driver to support X75 and SX1 Siemens mobiles

  o Gwenole Beauchesne <>
    - power5 & pmac64 support
    - selected fixes from 2.6.13 and beyond:
      * add r300 drm support
      * fix x86_64 idle=poll
      * fix races in libata core
      * properly fix the radeon IRQ handling code
      * properly fix the errata #122 workaround on x86_64 + add it to i386
      * merge new upstream ioctl32 compat code, thus supporting i915 as well

  o Arnaud Patard <>
    - Fix typo in the SiS965L support. Restore the right address for the other chipsets.

* Thu Sep  8 2005 Gwenole Beauchesne <> 2.6.12-12mdk
  o Arnaud Patard <>
    - Removed lpfc from 3rdparty as it exists in drivers/scsi/ (Thanks Svetljo 
      for pointing out this).
    - Added sata_sil24 module
    - Added SiS182 minimal support.
    - Added SiS190 driver.
    - Added support of the IDE chipset of the SiS965L boards.
    - Added various pciids from 2.6.13
    - Removed patch MD48. Now we're using udev, it breaks the prism2 module
    - Inotify fixlets
    - Removed the patch that disable the smm bios and use usb-handoff by default (Sveltjo)
    - USS725 fixes (Sveltjo)
    - execve LSB test fix (Stew)
    - Via unichrome support update (Danny)

  o Samir Bellabes
    - Add DN34_nf_rsh-conntrack_timeout.patch : 
      Fix timeout for ip_conntrack_rsh (bug #17368)
    - backport fixes for netfilter from 2.6.13-git8: (DN60-DN75 + DN80)
      * check hardware checksum in ECN, queue, TCPMSS
      * fix tcp checksum in ipt_REJECT
      * ipt_CLUSTERING: deletion, ct_related, mangling arp, memcpy_typo
      * ip6table_raw: missing owner
      * race condition in Decnet
      * optimize expected timeout
      * delete reference conntrack in ipmr
      * fix ECN tcp marking
      * fix byteorder in icmp NAT
      * fix ip6t_LOG sit tunnel logging 
      * fix masquerading index for slave connection
      * fix sysctl_tcp_low_latency
      * IFWLOG : fix bad kfree and close bug #18276 (DN33_netfilter_IFWLOG.patch)
    - Fix buffer overflow with module_param (DN76_nf_bad_param_port.patch)
  o Flavio Bruno Leitner <>
    - XEN updated to 2005-08-23

  o Gwenole Beauchesne <>
    - increase number of supported CPUs to 32
    - add workaround for x86_64 errata #122
    - update PowerNow!K8 driver to v1.50.3 for rev.F Opteron support

* Sun Aug 28 2005 Gwenole Beauchesne <> 2.6.12-11mdk
- remove obsolete patches that were fixed differently
- assorted x86_64 fixes from current git tree:
  * fix 32-bit thread debugging
  * fix TASK_SIZE for compatibility mode processes
  * fix overflow in NUMA hash function setup
  * fix bug in csum_partial_copy_generic()
  * fix HPET for systems that don't support legacy replacement
  * add support for more than 8 cores on AMD64 systems
  * tell VM about holes in nodes
  * avoid wasting IRQs

* Mon Aug 15 2005 <> 2.6.12-10mdk
  o Flavio Bruno Leitner <>
    - WARNING: Security
      Hyper-Threading enabled by default. 
      (at boot time use ht=off to disable)
    - applied patch to cpufreq support centrino.
    - updated ibm_acpi to 0.11
    - fixes to NFS
    - ACL support to NFS
    - XEN configs updated (enabled more options)

  o Samir Bellabes <>

  o Gwenole Beauchesne <>
    - fix inotify 0.24 patch
    - fix build of ndiswrapper 1.2 on x86_64
    - only build xen on x86, will enable on x86_64 later

* Thu Jul 28 2005 Arnaud Patard <> 2.6.12-9mdk
  o Arnaud Patard <>
    - 2.6.12-4
    - Advertise the megaraid_mbox as megaraid_mbox (and not megaraid) in sysfs
    - Ndiswrapper 1.2
    - Updated ipw2100 to 1.1.2, ipw2200 to 1.0.6 
    - e100 and e1000 drivers update (e100 to 3.4.8-k2 and e1000 to 6.0.60-k2)
    - inotify 0.24
    - Set the pwc driver to use non compressed mode by default.

  o Samir Bellabes <>
    - Add MD40_rt2500_local_bh_enable_fix.patch
    - Add DN33_netfilter_IFWLOG.patch (Interactive Firewall)

  o Flavio Bruno Leitner <>
    - use mkinitrd without -C to force cramfs, let mkinitrd decide it.
    - add requires to module-init-tools instead of old modutils.
    - added XEN support

  o Gwenole Beauchesne <>
    - resurrect legacy megaraid for { 0x9010, 0x9060, 0x1960 } (Pascal)

* Tue Jul 26 2005 Flavio Bruno Leitner <> 2.6.12-8mdk
  o Flavio Bruno Leitner <>
    - reverted latest standard wireless extensions update to v18
      (v19 isn't compatible with previous and/or maybe incomplete)
    - disabled know broken qlogicisp. (superseded by the qla1280 driver)

  o Arnaud Patard <>
    - Removed the AC01 patch as provide it.

  o Samir Bellabes <>
    - Remove DN31_netfilter-rtsp-20040302.patch (updated in DN32_netfilter_050725.patch)
    - Add DN30_kill_lockhelp.patch (use lock directly)
    - Add DN31_kill_nf_debug.patch (don't use NETFILTER_DEBUG anymore)
    - Add DN32_netfilter_050725.patch (details in svn log)

  o Gwenole Beauchesne <> 
    - merge and fix drm ioctl32 compat code (x86_64)

* Mon Jul 07 2005 Flavio Bruno Leitner <> 2.6.12-7mdk
  o Flavio Bruno Leitner <>
    - WARNING: removed patch to rename kernel modules 
      (Closes ticket #13428)
    - updated standard wireless extensions to v19
      (DN55_iw_we18-5.diff, DN56_iw262_we19-9.diff)
    - added support for Avermedia AVerTV GO 007 FM
    - fix TPM to use BIOS instead of hardcoded memory address.

  o Arnaud Patard <>
    - updated to alsa 1.0.9b
    - Removed DA54_add-to-snd-intel8x0-ac97-quirk-list.patch as it has been merged.
    - inotify update to 0.23-2.6.12-15
    - Reenabled software suspend.
    - Bluez update (to 2.6.12-mh1). It adds a better HID support in bluez
    - Fixed and enable the ppscsi driver.

* Mon Jul 07 2005 Flavio Bruno Leitner <> 2.6.12-6mdk
  o Arnaud Patard <> 
    - Add support for newer versions of wpa_supplicant
    - added fixes for ipw2[12]00 drivers
    - sk98lin v8.23.1.3
    - added USB id of the Gigabyte GN-WLBZ101
    - enabled FATX support for xbox
  o Flavio Bruno Leitner <>
    - updated orinoco to 0.15rc2. 
    - updated to
    - enabled advansys, qlogicisp, eata_pio as module

* Mon Jul 04 2005 Flavio Bruno Leitner <> 2.6.12-5mdk
- updated to
  (added AB02_2.6.12.2.patch)

* Fri Jul  1 2005 Arnaud Patard <> 2.6.12-4mdk
- Ensure that stallion and istallion modules return an error code instead of 0 
  when something goes wrong.

* Thu Jun 23 2005 Flávio Bruno Leitner <> 2.6.12-3mdk
- new kernel version:
- rollback some of removed patches in 2.6.12-1mdk.

* Wed Jun 22 2005 Flávio Bruno Leitner <> 2.6.12-2mdk
- added drbd 0.7.11

* Wed Jun 22 2005 Flávio Bruno Leitner <> 2.6.12-1mdk
- new kernel version: 2.6.12
- updated bootsplash: 3.1.6
- enabled config on /proc. (/proc/config.gz)
- enabled cpufreq conservative module.
- removed ipmi smb support until be fixed for 2.6.12.
- enabled new sensors modules.
- renamed MandrakeSoft to Mandriva. (README.Mandriva too)
- fixed/improved some descriptions.
- don't use tarball for patches and scripts. (svn repos)
- added new patches:
  o MD27_tivatv-agp.patch (agp_copy_info changed)
  o MD56_pci_name-renamed.patch (s/pci->slot_name/pci_name()/)
  o MD55_i2c-client-unused-id.patch (drop unused i2c_client->id)
  o MD54_3rdpart-scsi-legacy.patch (rollback some SCSI defines)
  o JX02_reparent_public.patch (XBOX needs reparent_to_init)
  o MD53_3rdpart-removed-defined-func.patch (gcc4 fix)
  o DV32_via_mach64_drm_fixes.patch (minor field moved)
  o RS13_rsbac-2.6.12.patch (RSBAC needs task_capability_lock)
- removed already applied patches (about 55 patches)

* Mon May 30 2005 Juan Quintela <> 2.6.11-10mdk
- disable HT by default.
- improved xbox support (stew).
- ext3_journal_unmap_buffer_race.
- CAN-2005-0750_af_bluetooth.
- CAN-2005-0400-ext2_leak.
- CAN-2005-0749_load_elf_library_DOS.
- CAN-2005-1263 binfmt_elf.
- CAN-2005-1264 raw_ioctl.
- CAN-2005-1369 sys_rw_files.

* Mon May 23 2005 Arnaud Patard <> 2.6.11-9mdk

- Updates: 
  - Fixed ndiswrapper Makefile

- Fixes:
  - Fix build with gcc 4.0
  - Fix return codes in do_readv_writev

* Tue Apr 26 2005 Arnaud Patard <> 2.6.11-8mdk

- Added:
  - endian patches (Sveltjo)
  - Rename ovcam in 3rdparty to ovcam-alt (Sveltjo)
  - Add build fix for the next binutils
  - Support for sata_sil on rs480 (Gb)

- Updated:
  - Updated to
  - Lirc 0.7.1. Also fix some broken compile options
  - ipw2X00 update. Corrected also monitor mode for ipw2100.
  - saa7134 update for dvb
  - Compile mkiss as module
  - Ndiswrapper 1.2rc1 (NX support)
  - Build saa7174hl in 3rdparty/video-rivatv

* Sun Apr 10 2005 Gwenole Beauchesne <> 2.6.11-7mdk
- sata_sil updates to v0.9
- disable pin1 APIC timer on RS480 based motherboards (e.g. HP DX5150)

* Tue Mar 22 2005 Gwenole Beauchesne <> 2.6.11-6mdk
- enable Intel AGP support for x86-64 again (bk)
- make drm a module on x86_64 for ati drivers to work without hacks
- bring back sheep_net module for raw access to ethernet packets
- fix build on x86_64, aka remove obsolete edid/vbe stuff partly merged

* Mon Mar 21 2005 Juan Quintela <> 2.6.11-5mdk
- several alsa fixes (arnaud).
- ipw2[12]00 wap fix (arnaud).
- disable SELINUX (we use RSBAC).
- xbox build, update spec, JX01 patch, create_configs (stew).

* Mon Mar 21 2005 Juan Quintela <> 2.6.11-4mdk
- disable via on amd64 (for same reason does a malloc way too big).
- really compile mach64 drm.

* Sun Mar 20 2005 Juan Quintela <> 2.6.11-3mdk
- add patch.
- new drm for via-unichrome & ati-match64.
- bttv should work again (it is a bad idea to have two modules with the 
  same name :p ).
- new Chelsio 10GB ethernet.
- new LSI megaraid sas driver.
- compile i686-up-4GB kernel (Dothan don't work with PAE enabled).
- compile BOOT kernel (needed for cdrom yet).

* Thu Mar 10 2005 Gwenole Beauchesne <> 2.6.11-2mdk
- merge with 10.2/x86_64 branch:
  * workaround build with icecream
  * fix ndiswrapper build
  * fix inotify compat32 code
  * fix drm/ioctl32 forward port to 2.6.11
- selected fixes from bitkeeper:
  * make IRDA devices are not really ISA devices not depend on CONFIG_ISA
  * fix boot up SMP race in timer setup on i386/x86-64

* Wed Mar 9 2005 Arnaud Patard <> 2.6.11-1mdk

 * New kernel version
 * Include rtc in the kernel and no more in module.
 * Fixed the dl2k ethtool.

- Added :
 * usbat2 driver

- Updated :
 * Alsa 1.08 (cvs version of 20050308)
 * Ndiswrapper 1.0
 * Inotify 0.20-2 (still activated in the kernel but support
   disabled in gamin due to stability problems)
 * Bootsplash to 3.1.4-2.6.11
 * RSBAC 1.2.4
 * sk98lin 8.14
 * acx100 0.2.0-pre8 + fixes_46
 * qcusb 0.6.2
 * eagle-usb 2.2.0
 * Prevent building scsi_transport_iscsi module from the iscsi-mod
   as it's now in the kernel

- Removed :
 * AA08_isapnp_interwave.patch as it's in the BK01
 * old patches from BK (CA01,DI09,DI10,DI11,DI12,DI13,DI14,DI15,

* Mon Feb 21 2005 Juan Quintela <> 2.6.10-3mdk
- rsbac is compiled but not enabled by default.

* Sun Feb 20 2005 Juan Quintela <> 2.6.10-3mdk
  * Fix ata_piix support for ich6-r drives
  * Add ICH7 support
  * Add support for ICHX watchdog support
  * Adding command line option for a configurable delay before mounting
  * Add support for ULi M5288
- Updated :
  * sk98lin
  * inotify to 0.18-rml-2.6.10-16
  * dxr3
  * ivtv to 0.2.0-rc3f
  * ipw2100 to 1.0.5
  * ipw2200 to 1.0.1
  * eagle-usb 2.1.0rc1
  * wlan-ng (prism2) 0.2.1-pre26
- Removed hpusbscsi module
- Renamed old radeon framebuffer driver to radeonfb_old (Sveltjo)
- Added a missing header in the idsn driver (Sveltjo)
- Corrected linux-mdkconfig.h
- Removed some unusefull built-in modules in the boot kernel
- Fixed config for the acerhk module as it builds only on X86 arch
- Xbox support (Stew)
- Add support for a gigabit card from USRobotic.
- Try to use the old usb enumeration scheme before trying the new one
- Add some keycodes for some keyboards made by Cherry
- Added support for the Uli M5263 network card

* Wed Feb  9 2005 Juan Quintela <> 2.6.10-2mdk
- compile kernels:
  * UP: with NX support
  * SMP: with NX support
  * i586-up-1GB, for machines that don't support PAE.
- kernel-secure is gone, UP & SMP have rsbac as default.
- kernel-BOOT is gone, i586 should be ok for installer
- x86_64 compiles again.
- drm.biarch really integrated, no more symlinks.
- fixed lots of small problems & unused patches.
- create_configs & update_configs work again as expected.

* Mon Jan 10 2005 Arnaud Patard <> 2.6.10-1mdk
- New upstream version
- Updated alsa with alsa CVS and added drivers from the multimedia kernels
- Updated 3rdparty : 
  * hostap
  * ipw2200
  * fuse
  * ipmi_smb and af_ipmi
  * dazuko
  * iscsi to with a patch to rename strdup present in iscsi-session.c
    to iscsi_strdup
  * opengfs with version from 
  exported symbol (sock_getsockopt)
- Added zd1201 driver
- Added inotify
- Dropped MD34_iteraid and DI03_add-support-for-it8212-ide-controllers.patch in favour
  of Alan Cox's version
- Added delkin_cb driver from Alan Cox
- Added some functions that were suppressed from i2c-core as they were not used in 
  vanilla kernel
- Removed all MOD_INC_USE_COUNT and MOD_DEC_USE_COUNT as now it has been 
- Added some missing linux/version.h in alsa drivers in 3rdparty
- Fixed some broken {Kconfig,Makefile} in 3rdparty
- Added a warning when trying to do some scsi command not permitted
- Removed some call to usb_unlink_urb in eagle-usb

* Tue Dec 21 2004 Arnaud Patard <> 2.6.9-1mdk
- Updated 3rdparty/
- Removed merged upstream patches
- Added Ralink drivers
- Updated libata (ahci support added)

* Mon Nov  8 2004 Juan Quintela <>
- fix unitialized skbuf with tso cards.
- CAN-2004-0814 tty_fixes.
- merge again with cooker kernel.
- remove build_acpi (always acpi now).
- fix bug #11262 (alsa mixer oops) (samir).
- Updated ipw2200 (Arnaud).
- Fix Kconfig for qlogic drives (Arnaud).
- Updated libata with fixes from 2.6.10-rc1 to correct cd-rom drives
  detection (arnaud).
- Added a patch to correct multipath problems with qla driver (Arnaud).

* Wed Nov  3 2004 Gwenole Beauchesne <>
- revert TARGET_CPUS change on x86_64
- config updates to x86_64:
  * enable Intel CPU microcode support
  * enable AMD 8111 (new PCI lance) support
  * change enhanced real time clock support to be built-in kernel image
  * enable JFS filesystem support
  * enable Intersil Prism GT/Duette/Indigo PCI/Cardbus support

* Thu Oct 28 2004 Gwenole Beauchesne <>
- add x86_64 rsbac syscalls
- temporarily re-enable IOAPIC workaround on x86_64/VIA
- selected fixes from kernels up to 2.6.10-rc1:
  * try to recover from bugous USB string descriptors (e.g. Freebox USB)
  * fix off-by-one error in TSS limit on x86_64
  * new megaraid v2.20.3.1 driver
  * add Seagate ST3120026AS to SATA SIL mod15 quirks

* Sat Oct 23 2004 Gwenole Beauchesne <>
- selected fixes from 2.6.9:
  * fix pointer dereference before NULL check in ACPI thermal driver
  * change TARGET_CPUS on x86_64 to match x86 mach-default
  * fix the Lindenhurst MSI fix on x86-64 to compile again
  * swsuspend fixes to x86_64
  * fix cardbus card memory assignment on x86_64

* Fri Oct 22 2004 Gwenole Beauchesne <>
- re-enable KALLSYMS on x86_64
- merge x86_64 cpufreq configs with i386
- 64-bit fixes to acpi/processor module (2.6.9)
- keep acpi/processor module loaded for powernow-k8 (SuSE)

* Mon Oct 11 2004 Gwenole Beauchesne <>
- remove devfs automount config
- revert 82801EB ICH5 IDE changes

* Thu Oct  7 2004 Gwenole Beauchesne <>
- enable ACPI and Centrino speedstep for Nocona systems
- selected x86-64 fixes from 2.6.9rc3 tree:
  * don't panic when io apic id cannot be set

* Thu Oct  7 2004 Gwenole Beauchesne <>
- fix speedtouch support on 64-bit platforms
- selected x86-64 fixes from 2.6.9rc3 tree:
  * add support for NUMA discovery on AMD dual core to x86-64
  * fix sibling map for clustered mode
  * report PNI support in recent AMD CPUs

* Wed Oct  6 2004 Gwenole Beauchesne <>
- fix build of ipc32 compat on x86_64
- fix sata_nv on non-CK8-04 systems (Andrew Chew)

* Thu Sep 30 2004 Juan Quintela <>
- Fix Oops on sched_api (fix bug #11322)>
- create i686-up-64GB kernel, idea is having PAE kernels for up & smp 
  (only way to have NX protection).

* Mon Sep 27 2004 Nicolas Planel <>
- cpufreq update.
- cpuid update.
- tcp_default_win_scale fix. 
- fix rsbac printk.
- ipw2200 0.8.
- msdos/vfat sync.

* Tue Sep  7 2004 Nicolas Planel <>
- bootsplash 3.1.6.
- fix bootsplash vt0 display.
- ipw2100 0.54.
- ipw2200 0.7.

* Tue Sep  7 2004 Gwenole Beauchesne <>
- x86_64 2.6.8-1

* Fri Sep  3 2004 Nicolas Planel <>
- remember install use ext2.gz initrd image file.
- don't obsoletes kernel-source-2.6.

* Fri Sep  3 2004 Nicolas Planel <>
- drop 8139too rx fifo.
- eagle-usb 1.9.9.
- lastest scsi ioctl.

* Fri Sep  3 2004 Juan Quintela <>
- fix right Provides/Obsolets for kernel-source*.
- remove dir /usr/src/linux.
- really, really use cramfs for initrd.
- big config clean-up.
- acpi floppy code removal (Oops should have gone).
- orinoco update to 2.4.9-rc1.

* Fri Aug 27 2004 Nicolas Planel <>
- drop atkbd interrupt interaction.
- drop nfs, knfsd patch suites.

* Thu Aug 26 2004 Nicolas Planel <>
- more info on new kernels :
  o BOOT (i586 up 1GB optimize for size)
  o up (i586 up 4GB + selinux)
  o smp (i686 smp 4GB + selinux)
  o enterprise (i686 smp 64GB + selinux)
  o secure (i686 smp 64GB + selinux + rsbac)
  o i586-up-1GB (legacy kernel + selinux)
- selinux=0 as default.
- rename s/kernel-source/kernel-source-2.6/ provide kernel-source
	 s/kernel-source-stripped/kernel-source-stripped-2.6/ provide kernel-source-2.6 kernel-source
- acpi 20040715.
- ipmi v3.2 af_ipmi, smb.
- really do cramfs as static in kernel.
- cpufreq, software suspend, drm, libata updates
- add agpgart i915 support.
- usb updates.
- don't detect wacom tablet as mouse (flepied).
- lots of mm selected patches like:
  o it8212 support.
  o aio/bio updates.
  o ext2/ext3/jffs fixes.
  o software suspend fixes.
  o selinux fixes.
  o i810 audio fixes.
  o cd/dvd packet writing updates.
  o posix locking fix.
  o cciss/i2o updates.
  o via-rhine fixes.
  o nfsd fixes.

* Thu Aug 26 2004 Juan Quintela <>
- used cramfs for initrd instead of ext2.
- weigth reduction program begins.
  * unset PCI_NAMES
  * unset IMSTTT
  * unset all elan options (kernel will not work anywhere).
  * unset IKCONFIG (you have the config file in /boot and in all mandrake 
  * unset EISA.
  * NFS is now a module again (magic in mkinitrd will fix it in next release).
  * now we have:
      - kernel i586 up 1GB (for old machines)
      - kernel up (i686 up 4GB)
      - kernel smp (i686 smp 4GB)
      - kernel p3 smp 64GB
      - kernel secure (i586 smp 4GB)
      - kernel BOOT (i386 up 1GB)
  * plan is remove also BOOT (if weight reduction program has enough success)
    and secure (if options can be integrated without too much fuss in the 

* Wed Aug 18 2004 Olivier Blin <>
- update bootsplash patch (from

* Mon Aug 16 2004 Nicolas Planel <>
- alsa 1.0.6.

* Thu Aug 12 2004 Nicolas Planel <> 2.6.8-0.rc4.1mdk
- rc4 bk3.

* Wed Jul 21 2004 Nicolas Planel <> 2.6.8-0.rc2.2mdk
- fix double EXTRAVERSION in Makefile (introduce by rsbac patch vs specfile)
- add tc1100-wmi/wacom_acpi driver for HP/Compaq TC1100 tabletpc. (aacton)
- add ntfs support in BOOT kernel.
- next is from mm patchset.
- lastest agpgart.
- cpufreq for nforce2.
- enable suspend/resuming of e1000.
- i810_audio mmio support.
- dvdrw/cdrw packet writing.
- update drivers net pcmcia/wireless.
- posix locking fix.
- x86-64 support singlestep into 32bit syscalls
- 3rdparty BIG update :
  o acx100-0.2.0pre8.
  o eagle-usb-1.9.8.
  o hostap-0.2.4.
  o lirc-20040406.
  o qc-usb-0.6.0.
  o dfg1394-1.3.
  o prism25-0.2.1.
  o ov511-2.28.
  o iscsi-mod-4.0.1.
  o bcm5700-7.1.22.
  o at76c503a-cvs20072004.
  o ndiswrapper-0.8.
  o acecad-3.1.
  o squashfs_2.0.
  o ivtv-cvs21072004.
  o rivatv-0.8.5.
  o sn9c102-1.02_beta. (w9968cf alternative)
  o fuse-1.3.
  o iteraid-092005-09.
  o shfs-0.35.
  o ipw2100-0.50.
  o ipw2200-0.2.

* Sun Jul 18 2004 Nicolas Planel <> 2.6.8-0.rc2.1mdk
- rc2.
- really enable codepage 437 in BOOT kernel.
- add rsbac security patch in secure kernel.
- modules.description fix (blino).
- no more modversioning module.
- lufs 0.9.7.
- BadRam.

* Fri Jul 16 2004 Nicolas Planel <> 2.6.8-0.rc1.2mdk
- dazuko 2.0.2.
- codepage 437 module in BOOT kernel.
- kexec is back. 

* Mon Jul 12 2004 Nicolas Planel <> 2.6.8-0.rc1.1mdk
- 2.6.8-rc1.
- bootsplash is back.
- ak series amd64 patchsets (gb).
- piix is back as static.
- ide-generic as module.

* Mon Jun 21 2004 Nicolas Planel <> 2.6.7-2mdk
- bluetooth mh1.
- mppe mppc 1.0. (florin request)

* Thu Jun 17 2004 Nicolas Planel <> 2.6.7-1mdk
- 2.6.7.

* Mon Jun 14 2004 Nicolas Planel <> 2.6.7-0.rc3.1mdk
- rc3.
- bk5.
- kdb 4.4 (i386 ia64 x86_64).
- drop bootsplash for the moment.
- disable pata piix driver, enable generic ide, enable PATA ATAPI in libata.

* Wed Jun 02 2004 Nicolas Planel <> 2.6.7-0.rc2.1mdk
- rc2.
- bk3.

* Tue May 25 2004 Nicolas Planel <> 2.6.7-0.rc1.1mdk
- rc1.
- bootsplash 3.1.5 20040318.
- netfilter (CLASSIFY CONNMARK IPMARK TARPIT addrtype condition connbytes
  h323-conntrack-nat owner-socketlookup pptp-conntrack-nat connlimit
  dstlimit iprange mport nth osf quota random time rtsp-conntrack)

* Wed May 19 2004 Nicolas Planel <> 2.6.6-3mdk
- bk6.
- kexec (do reboot,shutdown -r obselete ;)).
- ramdisk BIG fixes.
- quirks disable usb smm bios only on X86 (svetljo).
- drop kdb.

* Fri May 14 2004 Nicolas Planel <> 2.6.6-2mdk
- raid locking fix.
- r8169 266-mm2 updates.
- nfs long symlinks fix.
- atkbd_interrupt-interaction.
- input tsdev fixes.
- scancode keycode conversion for 265 fix.
- unplug can sleep.
- sata speedup.
- logitech keyboard fix.
- shm do munmap check.
- set_page_dirty nobuffers race fix.
- revert i8042 interrupt handling.
- fealnx fixes.
- kgdb support.
- acpi procfs fix.
- shfs 0.33.
- isdn devfs support.

* Fri May 10 2004 Nicolas Planel <> 2.6.6-1mdk
- 2.6.6.
- DI01 is back, not merged in upstream 
  (ide generic no via8237 sata basic support)

* Fri May  7 2004 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.6-0.rc3.1mdk
- 2.6.6-rc3
- rediffed CK01-5
- drop DI01, ZY60 (merged upstream)
- drop MC06 (3rdparty prism54, merged upstream)
- add DV35: add missing errno to tda1004x
- update configs (new stuff in rc3):

* Fri Apr 23 2004 Nicolas Planel <> 2.6.6-0.rc2.1mdk
- 2.6.6-rc2.
- lirc devfs remove fix.
- ia64 support.
- eagle-usb 1.9.6.

* Mon Apr 19 2004 Nicolas Planel <> 2.6.3-10mdk
- acpi cardbus pci routing fix.
- yenta irq routing fix for TI chipset.
- oss cmpci driver update to 6.64. 
- BIG isdn update.
- set max symlink to 10.
- gzloop (pixel).
- changeloop (pixel).
- vfat nobadchars option.
- supermount no warning when busy.
- sk98lin buggy vpd workaround. (bad eeprom on ASUS K8V)
- psmouse usb quirks fix (svetljo).
- CAN-2004-0003 r128.
- CAN-2004-0075 vicam.
- CAN-2004-0109 isofs fix.
- CAN-2004-0177 ext3.

* Fri Apr 16 2004 Gwenole Beauchesne <> 2.6.3-9mdk
- Merge from AMD64 branch:
  * smaller -BOOT kernel
  * really add /proc/BOOT/{vbe,edid} interfaces
  * update K8 PowerNow!
  * update AMD64 subsystem to selected bits from 2.6.5rc2-1 patchkit
  * workaround VIA IOMMU problems
  * assorted libata fixes (SuSE)
  * enable mga drm & fix 32-bit drm thunks
  * support ITE it8212 RAID chip (Svetljo)
  * update libata core to 2004/03/09 (libata 1.01, sata_promise 0.91)

* Fri Apr 02 2004 Stew Benedict <> 2.6.3-8mdk
- CAN-2004-0109 isofs rockridge issue (ZY58)
- CAN-2004-0133 xfs filesystem issue (ZY59)
- CAN-2004-0177 ext3/jbd filesystem issue (ZY60)
- CAN-2004-0178 sb_audio issue (ZY61)
- CAN-2004-0181 jfs filesystem issue (ZY62)

* Wed Mar 17 2004 Nicolas Planel <> 2.6.3-7mdk
- revert xfs updates
- x86_64 really disable IO-APIC on NVIDIA boards (gb)
- usblp updates.
- sys_alarm return value fix.
- edd get legacy parameters.
- fbcon switch fix.
- ide-scsi error handling fixes.
- tun name fix.
- ehci use dma mapping.
- scsi alignment fix.

* Tue Mar  9 2004 Nicolas Planel <> 2.6.3-6mdk
- at76c503a 0.12 Beta8 with MSI6978 Wlan PC2PC support.
- lsb loop test must be work now.
- d_alloc_root, vma corruption, ramdisk memleak fixes.
- ext2/3 no space left fix.
- ICH6 update/fix ID.
- pdc202xx_old updates.
- loop setup race fix.
- pcnet32 transmit hang fix.
- e1000
- AMD 768MPX bootmem fix.
- floppy oops fix.
- i2o bugfixes.
- netfilter ip-route forget proto fix.
- cryptoloop support in BOOT kernel (pixel request).
- from tmb kernel:
  * remove qla2xxx from 3rdparty as it's already in main
  * add support for mppe (svtljo)
  * pwc 9.0 Beta1.

* Thu Mar  4 2004 Gwenole Beauchesne <> 2.6.3-5mdk
- add 32-bit DRM thunks for AMD64 (Egbert Eich).
- update AMD64 bits to 2.6.3-2 patchkit for ia32e support.

* Mon Mar 01 2004 Nicolas Planel <> 2.6.3-4mdk
- netfilter rtsp.
- dcache security fix.
- usb released wait on deregister bus.
- usb-storage update.
- ICH6 piix/libata support.
- aacraid update.
- sk98lin update.
- mtp fusion update to 3.00.03.
- ext3 fix access POSIX compiliant.
- pm runtime deadlock fix.

* Tue Feb 24 2004 Nicolas Planel <> 2.6.3-3mdk
- sg direct io allowed as default.
- bdclaim security oops fix.
- blacklist Compaq ProLiant DL360 (acpi=off).
- ipmi v30 (erwan request).

* Mon Feb 23 2004 Nicolas Planel <> 2.6.3-2mdk
- bootsplash working now.
- bootsplash compil depend fix (chmou).
- no more ide cdrom use ide-scsi.
- fix libata pci quirks (remove 0x24d1).
- parport updates.
- enable ATM in BOOT kernel (tv request).

* Fri Feb 20 2004 Nicolas Planel <> 2.6.3-1mdk
- acpi 20040211.
- nforce chipset must be working now.
- lirc create good /dev/lirc/0 now.
- alsa ac97, intel8x0, via82xx updates.
- remove udev requires.

* Thu Feb 12 2004 Nicolas Planel <> 2.6.2-3mdk
- ata_piix doesn't probe 8086:24d1 anymore for the moment.
- remove nforce bad patch.

* Wed Feb 11 2004 Nicolas Planel <> 2.6.2-2mdk
- acpi updates 20040211
- usb updates 20040211
- pnpbios=off as default.
- smb3 uid/gid permisions security fix.
- nforce irq setup fix.
- md update from mm.
- remove airo_mpi and mpi350, merged in airo module kernel.
- parallel port SCSI adapter (ppSCSI) support.
- prism54 20040210.
- hostap 0.1.3.
- at76c503 0.12Beta4.

* Thu Feb 05 2004 Nicolas Planel <> 2.6.2-1mdk
- 2.6.2 enjoy ;)
- qla2xxx updates.
- acx100 0.2.0pre7.
- alsa 1.0.2c.
- bttv, saa7134, cx88 updates.
- logitech wheel mouse must be work now.
- usb, input bk updates.
- alsa usx2y nforce3 pdplus PDAudio echoaudio drivers (tmb).

* Mon Feb 02 2004 Nicolas Planel <> 2.6.2-0.rc3.1mdk
- 2.6.2-rc3
- pnp updates.
- aureal sound cards support. (tmb)
- nForce2 apic fixies. (tmb)
- reeanble lirc. (not lirc_mceusb)

* Fri Jan 30 2004 Nicolas Planel <> 2.6.2-0.rc2.2mdk
- amd64 support (gb)
- new wireless drivers : poldhu, mpi350
- drm updates
- reiserfs in non-debug mode

* Mon Jan 26 2004 Nicolas Planel <> 2.6.2-0.rc2.1mdk
- 2.6.2-rc2.
- acpi 20040116.
- somes mm3 patches.
- alsa 1.0.2 (true verison)
- 80x25 mode selected if vesa mode is bad.
- usb gadget updates from David Brownell.
- dmi updates, pnpbios broken on Intel D865GBF and ASUS A7V8X.
- s/adiusbadsl/eagle-usb/ (new version)
- no module rename (s/[-,]/_/) pixel is a happiest man now ;)
- sync 3rd modules from tmb kernel.

* Wed Jan 21 2004 Nicolas Planel <> 2.6.2-0.rc1.1mdk
- 2.6.2. rc1
- agpgart as module now.
- remove drm cvs updates.

* Fri Jan 16 2004 Nicolas Planel <> 2.6.1-1mdk
- 2.6.1. bk4
- force inline memcmp when use Os (gb)
- slim BOOT kernel.
- forcedeth v20.
- ndis wrapper 0.4.
- alsa 1.0.1.
- acpi 20031203.
- raid6 20040107.
- drm 20040108.
- nfs/nfsd updates.

* Thu Dec 18 2003 Nicolas Planel <> 2.6.0-1mdk
- 2.6.0 final version ;)
- ndis wrapper 0.3.
- fix uss725.

* Wed Dec 17 2003 Nicolas Planel <> 2.6.0-0.5mdk
- bk13.
- acecad 1.3.
- uss725.
- bttv videodev i2c videobuf updates 20031216.
- dvb timeout fix.
- mod_marvel (Kevin O'Connor).
- matrox_fb fixes (Kevin O'Connor).
- forcedeth v19.
- kdb build fix.
- add siimage 3114 support.
- prism25 0.2.1-pre16.
- qc-usb cvs20031216.

* Fri Dec 12 2003 Nicolas Planel <> 2.6.0-0.4mdk
- bk8.
- add vt|ar5k wireless chipset support.
- dos partition table consistency.
- warly touch boot logo ;)
- ndis wrapper 0.2. (only for up kernel)
- alsa 1.0.0rc2.
- agpgart and mousedev as built-in.

* Thu Dec 04 2003 Nicolas Planel <> 2.6.0-0.3mdk
- bk1:
  * ide-scsi.c uninitialized variable
  * x86 kernel page fault error codes
  * lost wakeups problem
  * missing initialization of /proc/net/tcp seq_file
- rework merge version.h (now all kernel have UTS_RELEASE defined)
- 2.6.0-test11q2 :
  * libata update
  * pwc 8.12
  * prism54 cvs20031203
  * alsa 1.0.0rc1

* Fri Nov 28 2003 Nicolas Planel <> 2.6.0-0.2mdk
- re-support on the fly module building (great for properitary packages)
- 2.6.0-test11q2 :
  * lots of mm patches
  * import somes 3rdparty and patches : (svetoslav)
    * lirc
    * at76c503a
    * bcm5700
    * dfg1394
    * dxr3
    * iscsi-mod
    * lufs
    * ov511
    * prism25
    * prism54
    * qc-usb

* Mon Nov 24 2003 Nicolas Planel <> 2.6.0-0.1mdk
- First version to move on kernel-2.6.0. (aka: ready for a new age).
- 2.6.0-test10q1 :
  * only i386 config for the moment
  * bootsplash 3.1.3
  * mdk logo
  * forcedeth v18
  * adiusbadsl 1.0.4 (untested)
  * acx100 0.2.0pre6
  * hostap 0.1.2

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# rpm-spec-insert-changelog-version-with-shell: t
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