

distrib > Mageia > 5 > x86_64 > media > nonfree-release > by-pkgid > 4f4804bce24dee3cb75e97c7b203ab25 > files > 12


Revision History

XV 3.10a bug-fix release  12/29/94
Bug Fix:  Problems loading JPEG files in 8-bit mode on some systems.
				(Rick Richardson (
				(Chad R. Larson  (

Bug Fix:  Added '-pkludge' command line option and 'popupKludge' boolean 
	resource.  If true, selects the 'old-style' pop-up window positioning
	code.  The various popup windows should appear with the Ok button
	(or whatever) centered around the cursor.  If the windows routinely
	pop up slightly off-center from the cursor, try turning this on.

Bug Fix:  '3' and 'Q' characters in the Text Annotation character set were
	boogered up...		(Sidik Isani (

Bug Fix:  '-iconic' option wasn't working.
				(David Pesetsky  (

Bug Fix:  Didn't properly read greyscale RLE files.
				(Robert Cunningham  (

Bug Fix:  'AutoCrop' on 24-bit images could produce 0x0 images.  A problem!
				(Leon Shaner  (

Bug Fix:  GIF reader would blow up if there were multiple comments.
				(Markus Gyger  (

Bug Fix:  Behavior under virtual window managers may be improved.

Enhancement:  Text in 'temperature gauge' (during slow operations) is now
	XOR'd on, so it isn't obscured by the filled area of the gauge.
				(Jerry Whelan  (

Enhancement:  man page for vdcomp written
				(James Ralston Crawford  (

Enhancement:  PCX code can now read 24-bit PCX files.
				(Dave Cohrs  (

Portability:  Patch for Linux	(David Hankins  (

Portability:  Patches for ISC 4.0 Interactive/SunSoft Unix
				(Jack Bailey  (

Portability:  Compiler noise (from Sun's Professional C compiler) cleaned up.
				(John Fritz  (

Portability:  Many nits picked by Pyramid compiler
				(Chad R. Larson  (

Portability:  Some malloc's in xvfits.c needed casting.
				(Bill Silvert  (

Portability:  Further VMS problems solved.
				(Rick Dyson (

Portability:  select() on HP-UX 9.x expects (int *) instead of (fd_set *)
				(Richard Allen  (

Portability:  Removed 'const' from second parameter in decl. for decode_run()
	in tif_fax3.c.		(Glenn Spargo  (

Portability:  Added 'fcntl.h' to xv.h, as some systems may not have O_RDONLY
	declared elsewhere.	(Mitchell Blank  (

Portability:  Font selection strings in xv.c didn't have enough '*'s in them.
	Would fail on some X servers.
				(Rick Richardson  (

Second XV 3.10 Public Release  12/22/94
Bug Fix: in vms directory wouldn't build xvxpm.c or xvfits.c 
	(and thus, XV!)		(Rick Dyson  (dyson@sunfish.Physics.UIowa.Edu))

Initial XV 3.10 Public Release  12/21/94
Bug Fix:  Greyscale downsampling bug in JPEG code fixed.
				(Tom Lane  (

Enhancement:  Made Grab command trap 'BadMatch' errors and display an
	appropriate error message (rather than exiting with a fatal error).
				(Eric Demerling (

Enhancement:  Cleaned up/reorganized Makefile
				(Tom Lane  (

Portability: BSDI doesn't have malloc.h.  Fixed xv.h and vdcomp.c
				(Chris Ross (

Bug Fix:  Additional VMS schnauzer fixes.	
				(Rick Dyson  (dyson@sunfish.Physics.UIowa.Edu))

Second XV 3.10 Beta Release
Portability:  xvxpm.c module rewritten to include its own hash-table 
	routines, as 'hsearch()' is not available on all systems.
				(Chris Ross (

Bug Fix:  Big stupid mistake in xvtiff.c module.  Too embarrassing to mention.
				(Michael Weller (

Bug Fix:  failing to store clipboard contents in an X property was 
	(incorrectly) exiting the program as a fatal error, rather than 
	falling back to using a '.xvclip' file in your home directory.
				(Eric Demerling (

Docs:  Mentioned 'FITS' format, removed claim that rotate 90-degree commands 
	will rotate selected area, added additional credits.

Bug Fix:  Cleaned up xvxpm.c - potential for infinite loops on broken
	images.  Also, now handles 'None' better, and mentions when it can't
	parse colorspecs.

Bug Fix:  When viewing large images, a rotate may not have properly redrawn
	the image.  Also, it could lose the proper aspect ratio.
				(Michael Weller (

Bug Fix:  'Expansion' and 'Resolution' fields in xv info window weren't
	getting updated when image was rotated.

Bug Fix:  If you were in Perfect or OwnCmap color modes, and switched to a 
	root display mode, it didn't (correctly) switch to Normal colors.
				(Michael Weller (

Added Feature:  XV can now read and write greyscale FITS images
				(David Robinson  (

Enhancement:  XV can now read old Windows and OS/2 BMP files
				(Eric Dumas (

Portability:  now uses the Dec 8 re-release of IJG jpeg software (ver. 5a)
				(Tom Lane  (

Portability:  need to include <sys/select.h> on aix systems ('_AIX')
				(Eric Demerling (

Portability:  NetBSD objects to 'extern char *sys_errlist[];'
				(Chris Ross (

Portability:  CBSIZE (in xvbutt.c) is defined on some systems in param.h.
	Changed to XVCBSIZE.	(Chris Ross (

Portability:  'Makefile' in TIFF directory assumed 'ar' lived in /bin.  This
	isn't necessarily so.  It'll now just search the path.
			(Michael Weller (

Bug Fix:  recursive update on VMS didn't work right
			(Rick Dyson  (

Initial XV 3.10 Beta Release
Added Feature:  XV now comes with 'xvpictoppm' program, which reads XV 
	thumbnail files and converts them to standard PPM format.

Added Feature:  XV can now read the XWD format.  Whether or not this will
	still be an issue, given the whizzo new 'Grab' command, I don't
	know.  XV does *not* write XWD files, as XWD is not a format to be
	encouraged.  	(Markus Baur (

Bug Fix:  'xv -poll -root <filename>' would thrash wildly if the file didn't
	exist, or wasn't loadable.  Now behaves better.

Added Feature:  'Recursive Update' command in visual schnauzer.  Does an 
	'update' command in the current directory, and recursively down into
	all subdirectories.  Keyboard Equivalent:  ^e

Bug Fix:  Potential problem when allocating colors for std colormap.
			(Yasuhiro Imoto  (

Bug Fix:  Cropping a large area while zoomed in could result in enormous,
	potentially off-screen images.  A bad thing.

Added Feature:  Added a 'Select Files' command in the visual schnauzer, 
	which lets you select files by name.  The wildcard character '*'
	(which matches any arbitrary char sequence) is supported.  This 
	gives you an easy way to select all the JPEG files ('*.jpg'), for
	example.  Keyboard Equiv:  ^f

Bug Fix:  Added support for 15-bit-per-pixel displays, and probably fixed
	support for 15/16-bit LSBFirst displays.  At least on 80x86-based
	machines, which is where nearly all 15/16-bit displays have to be.
			(Michael Weller (

Bug Fix:  Somewhere along the line, the file name list (in the controls window)
	was getting redrawn at least one time too many, when you loaded
	files from the schnauzer.

Added Feature:  Added a 'despeckle' algorithm (median filter).
			(Colin Plumb  (

Added Feature:  XV now can read and write the XPM format.  It can read XPM
	images with any number of colors, though it only writes XPM images
	with a maximum of 256 colors.  (If your image has more than 256
	colors, it is automatically quantized.)  While the XPM format lets 
	you do arbitrary-depth images, it's not really well suited for 
	images with more than a small number of colors, so the 256 color 
	limitation shouldn't be a big problem.
			(Chris P. Ross (

Added Feature:  Added a 'Origin' button the the 'Save Postscript...' window.
	Positions the image aligned at the bottom-left corner of the page,
	which is the origin (0,0) in the Postscript world.  May make certain
	desktop-publishing operations easier if you're using XV to generate
	EPS files for incorporation into page-layout software.
			(Michael Lipscomb  (

Enhancement:  Added 'xv.pspaper', 'xv.psorient', and 'xv.psres' options to
	set default behavior in the 'Save Postscript..." window.  
	pspaper sets the default paper type, and can be any of the following:
	        8.5x11 A4 B5 A3 8.5x14 11x17 4x5 35mm

	psorient sets the default paper orientation, can can be either
        'portrait' or 'landscape'

	psres sets the default resolution (dpi) and can be an integer 
        between 10 and 720, though not all values are attainable, as the
	resolution is controlled by the 'scale' dials, which must take on
	integral values.  All the common resolutions are available, however
	(72dpi, 75dpi, 100dpi, 300dpi, 600dpi, etc.)

Added Feature:  Added a '-nodecor' option (and boolean 'xv.nodecor' resource)
	that lets you turn off the window 'decorations' (title bar, menu box,
	minimize and maximize buttons) on the XV image window, in MWM.  
	When these things are on (by default), the prevent the image window
	from being made smaller than some MWM-specified minimum width, which
	can be a real pain when working with tiny (< 100 pixels wide) images.
	Turning this option on disables these decorations, and lets the image
	window be any size whatsoever.  (This only works for MWM.  TWM doesn't
	have this problem, and OLWM doesn't appear capable of doing this
	on the fly, on a per-window basis.  For OLWM, use the 
	'owlm.MinimalDecor: xv' resource.  Note this affects *all* xv windows.)

Bug Fix: Input focus wasn't working out correctly under OLWM.

Bug Fix: "-rotate" command line option was only applied to the first image
	loaded.		(Osama (

Enhancement:  The 'slow' 24->8 algorithm now uses code derived from the IJG
	jpeg distribution, which is a considerably better implementation of
	the median-cut algorithm than XV was using before.

Enhancement:  Version 5 of the jpeg library (which XV now uses) supports
	a quick image subsampling 'thing' which XV now uses when generating
	Visual Schnauzer icons.  Practical upshot:  creating icons from jpeg
	files is now many times faster.

Bug Fix:  'xv -hist -expand <x>' would crash.  Doesn't do that any more.
			(Ulf Cahn von Seelen  (

Enhancment:  XV can now read 16-bit per pixel 'raw' PGM and PPM files.
			(David A. Clunie (

Enhancment:  In the Schnauzer, if you hold 'shift' while hitting the spacebar,
	it will select (and load) the next file, while keeping the previous
	file selected.  This lets you (somewhat more easily) build groups
	of files to be moved or deleted, as you can just hold shift, and
	space your way through all the files.  Shift click to de-select 
	files that should be skipped.

Added Feature:  Added an 'annotate' command that lets you put text on an
	image.  Keyboard Equivalent: 'A'.  To use it, select a drawing color
	using the 'dropper' (middle click on image), and press the 'A' button.
	Enter a string and hit Ok (or return).  If there is a current 
	selection, the text will be scaled to fit the selection.  Otherwise,
	a selection box the size of the text will be created in the middle
	of the image window.  In this case, position and resize the selection,
	as you see fit, and issue a 'Paste' command (meta-v) to place the
	text on the image.  Note:  if you want to change the color of the
	text, choose a new color and do the annotate command again.

	It's somewhat awkward, but it's time for a new release.  It'll probably
	get polished in the next release...

Change:  'AutoCrop' keyboard equivalent is now 'C' instead of 'A'.

Added Feature: Added 'smudging'.  Shift-right click (and drag) on the
	image (it's best if you zoom in first), and you can do a localized 
	blur around the cursor.  Note that this only works on 24-bit images.
	If the current image is a 8 bits deep, it will be converted into 
	a 24-bit image first, automagically.

Added Feature:  Added rudimentary image painting.  You can now paint
	arbitrary curves (or straight lines) by doing a shift-middle click
	(and drag) on the image window.  The pen will draw in whatever the
	last color picked up by the 'dropper' (middle click on image) was,
	(just like the 'clear' command).  Shift-middle will draw curves.
	Shift-ctrl-middle will draw a connected series of line segments.  
	Release and press ctrl to draw unconnected line segments.

	Note: there's no direct way to paint in any arbitrary color.  The paint
	color must exist in the image *first*.  One way of adding colors to
	an image is via the 'Pad' command.  Try padding with 'bggen', using
	the 'Color Assortment' default to get a reasonable collection of
	different colors added to the image.  Later you can pad the image 
	back to its original size to get rid of the colorful borders.  BE SURE
	to switch to 24-bit first...

Change:  Changed 'Standard Colormap' (used whenever viewing 24-bit images on
	a non-TrueColor/DirectColor display) from a 6*6*6 colormap to a 4*8*4
	colormap.  It uses fewer colors (128 instead of 216), and produces
	better looking images (as the 2 extra green values more than make up
	for the 2 fewer red and blue values).  It also looks somewhat better
	when you use '-stdcmap' with '+vsperfect' (ie, have the schnauzer
	share the stdcmap), as the 4*8*4 maps closer to the 8*8*4 used 
	internally by the schnauzer than the 6*6*6 did.

Enhancement:  Added a 'trashcan' to the Visual Schnauzer.  You can now (also)
	delete files by dragging them to a trashcan.  You'll be asked for
	confirmation, the same as the 'Delete' command.

Change: 'unknown' files in the browser are now shown as 'plain' files.

Change: Moved a couple of keyboard equivs.  'p' now pops up the 'go to page'
	dialog (when viewing a multi-page document) (was ^P).  
	^P is the keyboard equiv for the Print command.
	Meta-a is the keyboard equiv for the Apply command (in the color
	editor).  (was ^P)

Added Feature:  Added a 'Print' command.  ("Finally!", I hear many of you
	saying.)  Keyboard equiv '^P'.  Quicker and easier to use than
	the previous method (ie, saving PostScript to "| lpr"), even though
	that's how it still does the trick.  Much more intuitive for 
	Joe User, who wouldn't know a pipe if you hit him over the head with

Enhancement:  When tracking pixel values (dragging the middle button
	around on the image window), it now displays the distance of the
	current point from where you originally clicked in a pair of
	square brackets (ie, '[ -5, 37]') at the end of the line.  Handy
	for measuring image features.

Bug Fix:  XV now supports both the 'cut buffer' and the 'selection' methods
	of doing text cut-and-paste.  (ie, the 'CutRes' command, and 
	tracking pixel values).  Prior to this, pasting either of those
	things into an xterm may or may not have worked, depending on
	whether another xterm had a current selection.

Bug Fix:  (Sort of).  Now that XV tries to grab a good visual, rather than
	just using the default, it may now pick a 24-bit visual on machines
	where the root window can only hold an 8-bit image.  In these cases,
	it will disable the 'root' choices, unless you start XV with
	the '-root' option, in which case it will choose a root-compatible
	visual.  Not optimal, but better than it was...

Enhancement:  XV now displays a 'working' icon when the image window (or 
	the control window, if there is no image window) is iconified and
	XV is in the middle of a long operation (smoothing, loading a jpeg,
	running an algorithm, etc.)  The icon changes back to the normal
	icon when the operation completes.
			(Idea: Bob Boag <>)

Enhancement:  It now displays what mode (8-bit or 24-bit) it's currently
	in, in the controls window and the info window.

Added Feature:  Changed PadImage command to allow 'blended padding' (ie,
	not-fully-opaque), in several modes (RGB, Hue, Sat., Int.,).  
	In the HSV modes, it only pastes/blends the specified component
	of the background fill.  You can get a variety of weird effects.
	Ferinstance, take a grayscale pic, and pad it with a bggen'd
	RGB rainbow, using Hue mode and Opaque=0.

Added Feature:  Added a 'Smear' algorithm.  Keyboard equiv 'meta-S'.  

Added Feature:  Added a 'Sharpen' algorithm.  Keyboard equiv 'meta-s'.

Bug Fix:  Substantially improved performance on DirectColor displays.
	(Read: 'it works at all')  It's been tested on a 24-bit DirectColor,
	and an 8-bit DirectColor visual.  It works on those, at least.
	(TrueColor is still the recommended visual type, though since XV now
	sniffs around for a TrueColor visual, it'll probably Do The Right
	Thing by default.  Certainly that's the design.)

Added Feature:  Added a 'PadImage' command (keyboard equiv: 'P').  Lets you
	make an image larger *without* rescaling it, by creating a new 
	image of the specified size and pasting the original image onto the
	center of the new image.  

	Currently, the new background can either be a solid color, the 
	result of running 'bggen', or an image file in any of the supported
	(loadable) image formats.  The resulting image will be the same 8/24
	bit mode as the original image.  As such, it's generally recommended
	that you switch to 24-bit mode before doing the Pad command, for best

	Also, there are associated X resources:  'xv.pad.TYPE.val[0-9]'
	and '[0-9]', that let you specify the values
	and names of additional entries in the 'Default' menu in the 
	Pad dialog box.  'TYPE' can be either 'color', 'bggen', or 'load',
	depending on which 'method' of background generation you're using.

Added Feature:  In 'bggen', you can now specify colornames as with other
	X programs (ie, by name ('red'), or by value ('#ff00ff')).  Note
	that the '#' character is treated specially in some shells, and
	probably need to be escaped with a '\' (or wrap single-quotes around
	the whole value)

Added Feature:  In 'bggen', added '-G geom' option to specify a 'repeat'
	geometry.  If given, the program generates its gradient into a 
	small (-G geom) image, which is 'center-tiled' into the 
	main (-g geom) image.

Change:  In 'bggen', change '-s' option to '-h'.  Screw backward compatibility,
	it makes more sense.

Enhancement:  Massive reorganization of the 'xv controls' window.  Made room
	for new command buttons (cut, copy , paste, clear, PadImage, About XV,
	etc. simplified appearance by tossing many buttons into new 'menu'
	buttons ('Root', 'Windows', 'Image Size').

Added Feature:  Added a 'show/hide hidden files' toggle in the schnauzer
	windows.  (When enabled (as it is by default), it hides all files 
	beginning with a '.'.  As such, it's Unix-centric, but so is the 
	rest of the program...)

Bug Fix:  When 'dragging' files in the schnauzer windows, the window could
	scroll entirely too quickly (on a fast machine).  Added a limit.

Bug Fix:  Fixed 'window-centering' code (that which pops up windows with
	an appropriate button centered under the mouse, such as the save 
	window), so that it correctly positions the window.  It works on
	a DEC Alpha running OSF 2.0, under Mwm, Olwm, and Twm.  Hopefully,
	it'll work for you!

Enhancement:  Added code to display keyboard equivalents in the various 
	menu buttons.

Enhancement:  Added keyboard equivalents for remaining algorithms, just to be
	consistent.  The equivs are listed in the algorithms menu, and
	all use the meta key.

Enhancement:  Got rid of the 'Blur*' choices on the Algorithms menu,
	and replaced it with a single 'Blur' routine that prompts for a value,
	making it cleaner, and more versatile, with only a slight convenience
	trade-off.  Keyboard equivalent:  'meta-l'

Added Feature:  Added a nifty 'Pixelize' algorithm.  (Keyboard equivalent:
	'meta-p').  Again, operates on the current selection, if any, 
	otherwise it operates on the whole picture.  Now you too can make 
	photos look like their from those 'real-life cop shows'.  
	(Non-U.S. folks can just ignore that cultural reference.)  Anyhow,
	one neat feature is that it the pixels don't have to be square.  
	Try something like '16x1' for a neat effect.

Added Feature:  A 'save selected area' checkbox in the save window.  Lets you
	easily save portions of an image (without cropping, etc).  Two notes:
	if you save 'at displayed size' (the default), only the area of the
	selection that is visible in the image window will be saved.
	Alternately, if you save 'at normal size', you *can* have the selection
	go off the edges of the displayed image (or subimage).

Enhancement:  You can now enter negative values for the Gamma command in
	the graphs in the color editor.  Negative values produce the same
	curve as their corresponding positive values, except that they are
	horizontally flipped.  (ie, the curve starts at the top and goes
	down).		(Alan Blanchard  (

Bug Fix: Memory leak if '-ncols 0' on a > 1-bit display

Change:  In the Save window, moved 'File list' checkbox into the Format	menu.

Enhancement:  You can now type TAB key in Load/Save window to do automatic
	filename completion.  It only for 'simple' filenames (ie, no '/'
	chars, no pipes, no '~', etc.), but it's still a very handy thing.

New Feature:  Added 'Rotate (Copy)' and 'Rotate (Clear)' algorithms (keyboard
	equivalents 'shift-meta-t' and 'meta-t' respectively) that let
	you rotate the image (or the current selection) by any arbitrary
	amount.  The only difference between the algorithms is that the
	second one clears the old selected area first (equivalent to:
	'cut, rotate, paste'), whereas the first algorithm is equivalent
	to 'copy, rotate, paste')

Enhancment:  Added 'meta-u' keyboard equivalent for 'Undo all' algorithm.

Enhancement:  'Flip Horizontal' and 'Flip Vertical' commands now operate on
	selected area, if any.  (Otherwise, they do the whole picture.)

Enhancement:  Put a 'progress meter' into most of the potentially 
	time-consuming functions (algorithms, smooth, resize, etc.)

Bug Fix:  The 'Oil Paint' algorithm now does the Right Thing on color 
	images.  (Simply running the grayscale algorithm on the red, green,
	and blue planes separately was the Wrong Thing, as it introduces
	goofy fringe effects in colors that weren't originally in the image).

Added Feature:  New 'blend' algorithm (keyboard equivalent: Meta-b).  Takes
	the current selection (or the whole pic, if no selection), and clears
	the rectangle such that the edges remain the same color, the center
	becomes the average color of all the edge pixels, and all other 
	pixels get an appropriate color based on their distance from the edge
	and their distance from the center.

Enhancement:  Algorithms (selected from the 'Algorithms' menu) now will only
	affect the selected area, assuming there is a selection.  Otherwise,
	they will affect the entire image, same as they used to.

Change:  After deleting the last file in the 'xv controls' list, it will
	go back to displaying the XV logo.
			(Tom Hinds  (

Bug Fix:  Writing GIF files in the B/W Dithered color mode would result in
	black & white getting reversed.
			(Thomas Braeunl  (

Enhancement:  If you accidentally start tracking a 'zoom in' or 'pan'
	rectangle, releasing the Ctrl key will abort the operation.

Enhancement:  'Meta-8' now toggles between the 8 and 24 bit modes.

Change:  If you specify '<xvlogo>' as the filename in the load window, it will
	re-load the XV title image.

Bug Fix:  If the last file in a list was broken in some way and was either 
	shown as Text, or not shown at all, the Next/Prev buttons weren't 
	getting enabled/disabled appropriately.
				(R.P. Rodgers  (

Enhancement:  Used to be, when you saved a GIF (or other 'simple' format with 
	no format-specific dialog box), XV would stick the 'saved' filename at
	the end of the 'xv controls' list.  However, if you were in the 
	middle of a bunch of files, this would cause you to 'lose your
	place'.  Folks complained.  XV now does the Right Thing (tm).  When
	you save (in *any* format) it adds an entry to the end of the list,
	but does not move your selection.  When you *load* a new file (via
	the load or schnauzer windows), the name also gets stuck at the end 
	of the list *and* the selection is moved.

Change:  As the default cursor in the image window is now the 'arrow' cursor,
	the cursor affected by the '-cursor' option/resource is now the arrow
	cursor used in all windows.

Enhancement:  XV now comes with version 3.30 of the libtiff TIFF library.
	This version should run correctly on 64-bit machines.  Note, however
	that there the TIFF library no longer has any non-ANSI C support,
	meaning you *must* have an ANSI C compiler (ie, gcc) to compile it.
	This should *not* be a big problem in 1994...

Enhancement:  Load and Save 'windows' now point to separate directories.  Such
	a simple, obvious misfeature, I don't know how it's survived this long.
	(Big Hint:  The author doesn't actually *use* the program very much!)

Enhancement:  Modified/improved 'selection' rectangle handling (formerly
	called the 'crop rectangle').  It now flashes, making it much
	easier to find.  It also stays around when you zoom, unzoom,
	pan, or resize the image.  This lets you draw a selection, and
	zoom in on the corners (or whatever), and get the selection positioned
	perfectly before doing the crop (or whatever).

Added Feature:  XV now can read and write uncompressed 24-bit Targa files,
	interlaced or non-interlaced, with the origin in the
	bottom-left or top-left   (by Derek Dongray  (

Change:  Redesigned the load and save windows (okay, so it's really only
	one window...).  The number of radio buttons for different 
	image formats was getting out of hand, and taking up a lot of
	valuable screen real estate.  The new load/save window is smaller
	(well, the save is smaller, the load is now the same size as the
	save), cleaner, has room for 6 more lines in the directory window,
	and has a fish in it.  A win, by my book.

Bug Fix:  Found (and killed) memory leak in the Schnauzer, which would
	occur during icon generation

Bug Fix:  IRIS RGB i/o code didn't work on 64-bit machines.

Added Feature:  '-RM' command line option (no X resource equivalent).
	When specified, upon exit XV will delete *all* files listed on 
	the command line.  Handy if you're writing a program, and you
	want to use XV to display graphics automatically.  You write your
	image(s) out, fork off a background XV to display the image(s),
	and when the user quits XV, the image files will be removed, saving
	you the trouble of cleaning up the files yourself.

Added Feature:  Nifty new 'Grab' dialog box whenever you issue the Grab
	command.  You can now specify a grabDelay from within XV, and you
	can also automagically hide all XV windows during the grab.
	Also, now supports 'autograb' command, which waits the specified
	delay time, and then grabs whatever window the cursor happens
	to be in at the time.  This gives you a way to capture popup menus,
	rubber-band selections, and other things that require the mouse 
	button to be held down.  (Note: AutoGrab searches upward and grabs
	the 'top-level' window that the cursor is in, rather than just the
	immediate child window, as it's far easier to take too much and 
	throw away the extra than to take too little...)

	One note: between the time a Grab or AutoGrab command is issued, 
	from the dialog box, and the time that the command complets, all
	'image file changing' commands ('Next', 'Prev', 'Load', etc.) are
	disabled, (as is Grab), for perfectly good reasons.

Enhancement:  The '-expand' option (and the 'xv.expand' resource) now takes
	either a single value (as it used to), or a pair of values 
	separated by a colon.  This lets you set different horizontal and
	vertical expansion/compression factors.  (eg, '-expand 3:-4' will
	make the displayed width 3 times the image width, and the displayed
	height 1/4th the image height.)

Change:  'Relaxed' floyd-steinberg dithering when displaying 24-bit images
	(in 24-bit mode) on non-truecolor displays.  Fewer goofy artifacts.

Enhancement:  Now (unless '-nostat' is specified) stats filenames specified
	on the command line.  Only 'plain' files will be added to the 
	list of filenames.  This lets you type 'xv *' in a directory
	with subdirectories, and not have the subdirs added as (unloadable)

Change:  Change 'static char' in all bitmap files to 'static unsigned char',
	as some compilers object to values > 0x7f being assigned to signed

Change:  Added 'click right button to open menu' string in the XV logo 
	image, just to make things a little more obvious.

Added Feature:  Changed command-line argument handling.  All of the
	'flag' options (-perfect, -smooth, etc.) now take '+' or '-' as
	the first char of the option name.  If you use '-' (ie, '-perfect')
	it *forces* on the option (it used to toggle the option on or off).
	Similarly, if you use '+' as the first char of the option ('+perfect')
	it forces *off* the option.  This lets you put the program in a known
	state (regardless of what X resource settings you may have set up).
	Handy for sysadmins who want scripts using XV to behave the same
	no matter what X defaults the users may have set up.
			(idea: Peder Langlo  (

Change:  XV no longer looks in '.Xdefaults-machinename' as a place to find
	your X resources.  The 'gethostname()' call was leading to 
	portability problems, and in any event, you should load up your
	resources into the resource database (via 'xrdb') when you log in,
	the way God intended...

Added Feature:  When cropped (or zoomed), ctrl-Middle in the image window
	will let you pan the visible region of the image around, which is
	much cooler than zooming out and zooming back in on a different
	area.		(idea: Peder Langlo  (

Enhancement:  There's now a '..' entry in the load/save window file list,
	to make maneuvering slightly easier.

Added Feature:  XV now can read and write uncompressed 24-bit Targa files
			(by Derek Dongray  (

Enhancement:  XV can now handle 16-bit greyscale TIFF files.
			(Leon Avery  (

Bug Fix:  Memory leak in 24-to-8 bit conversion routines found and removed.
			(Scott D. Heavner  (

Enhancement:  XV now has a 'chdir' button (and menu item) in the Schnauzer
	window.  It lets you directly chdir to some other directory without
	going through the old 'up to the root and then down one dir at a time'

Change:  Typing '^C' in schnauzer windows now does a 'chdir' command, rather
	than opening/closing the 'xv comments' window.  To get the comment
	window, type '^C' in the image window.

Change:  XV now eats BadWindow errors on the X_GetProperty request.
	These happen on certain SGI X servers after the 'snapshot' program
	has been run.  The window hierarchy gets trashed by snapshot.
	(Run 'xlswins' if you want to see this.)
			(Ben Simons  (

Bug Fix:  The 'edge detection' algorithm wouldn't detect edges along the \
	direction.  Better edge detection algorithm has been added.  (Though
	the old is still there for the 'embossing' effect.
			(David Robinson  (

Bug Fix:  A4 and B5 paper sizes in PostScript save dialog were slightly wrong.

Enhancement:  XV now supports 'gzipped' files, as well as 'compressed' files.
	Needless to say, you need to have the 'gunzip' program installed
	on your system for this to work.
				(Jean Liddle  (

Enhancement:  Added 'A3' paper size in 'save as PostScript' dialog box.

Bug Fix:  BMP file reading wasn't working on files created by ImageMagick.
			(Roy Johnson  (

Enhancement:  XV now sniffs out whether or not you have a 24/32 bit 
	TrueColor or DirectColor visual, and if so, uses it by default
	(rather than always using the 'Default Visual' of the display,
	which is generally an 8-bit PseudoColor visual, even on 24-bit

	Also, both the '-visual' option and the 'xv.visual' X resource now
	also take 'default' as a value, which means 'use the default 
	visual of the display', for folks who want 'the old behavior'.

Change:  Modified the 'Timer()' function in xvmisc.c to use select() instead
	of 'setitimer()', which let me get rid of all the FOO_SIG macros
	and such in xv.h, and basically get rid of one of the primary
	portability annoyance.

Bug Fix:  In the Schnauzer, when generating icons, if it decides a file
	is potentially an XBM file, loads it, finds out it isn't, it will
	be displayed as an UNKNOWN icon (?), instead of an ERROR icon.

Change:  When tracking pixel values in the image window, it now displays
	the color of the pixel in Hex, as well as in decimal, so that you
	can use this value directly in X color specifications, without
	needing to do the dec->hex conversion by hand.

Bug Fix:  In the 'xv load' window, if you clicked below the 'Load All' button,
	you could get a 'Prev Name' button to appear.
				(Erwan Moysan  (

Bug Fix:  .xvpics subdirectories are now created with the same permissions
	as their parent directories.  Likewise, thumbnail files (in .xvpics
	dirs) are now written with the same permissions as the original

Bug Fix:  In XV 3.00, the PDS/VICAR module got screwed up somehow, and 
	no longer worked correctly.  Fixed.

Change:  Stuck SysV-style signal handler definitions and rand/srand defs in
	xv.h, for better compatibility	(David Brooks (

Bug Fix:  'Pass 2 color allocation' could potentially be performed on a
	visual type with no colormap, which would be a bad thing, believe me.

Bug Fix:  '-loadclear' wasn't working correctly

Bug Fix:  Potential segmentation fault when Uncompressing files fixed.
		(Dana Jacobsen  (

Bug Fix:  If printing XV-generated Color PS files on a Grey/BW PS printer,
	the printer may have run out of memory, due to a memory leak in the
	color->gray PS code.	(Klaus Schnepper  (

Bug Fix:  The '-hist' and '-norm' options weren't actually working.

Bug Fix:  If you loaded a GIF89 file with a lot of ignored-by-xv extensions,
	and you didn't have the info or controls windows up, the constant
	popping up of 'warning' messages was real annoying.  They don't
	do that anymore.

Enhancement:  If you specify the '-quit' option, XV turns off any '*map' 
	options (-cmtmap, -cemap, -imap, etc.) you may have turned on,
	as you won't have an opportunity to *use* any of the windows before
	the program exits.  No need to map them.

Bug Fix:  XV now correctly positions the window on initial load (ie, 
	'xv -max' will now work again)

Bug Fix:  When you loaded a new image, if XV felt a need to move the window,
	it would draw the new image at the old window size, and then draw
	it again at the new image size.  This was a major inefficiency with
	24-bit images.

Enhancement:  'Remove' key on DEC keyboards now functions like '^D', so it
	can be used to delete files, etc.

Added Feature:  XV can now read a variety of Amiga IFF ILBM formats.
			(Thomas Meyer  (

Change:  XV should now recognize PS files that start with '%!' (as it did) and 
	with '^D%!' (as generated by MS-Windows 3.1)

Bug Fix:  If you use '-poll' and '-maxpect', only the first image would be
	shown 'big'.   (Bruce Labow  (

Change:  'Relaxed' getwd handling.  You can now maneuver through directories
	even if you can't read the contents of one of the parent 
	directories (ie, mode 'rwx--x--x').  All parent directories must
	have execute permission, however.
		(Andrew Brooks  (

Change:  Cleaned up 'file type' handling code in source, which should make
	it easier to build XV on 'non-standard' platforms.
			(Cameron Simpson  (

Enhancement:  XV previously only recognized files that began with '#define'
	as being (potentially) XBM files.  It now also will treat files
	that start with '/*' as potential XBM files, which should cover 
	nearly all the XBM files out there.

Bug Fix:  If you moved or copied files from one schnauzer window to another,
	and for some reason the files failed (ie, 'moving' from a write-
	protected directory), the icons that failed to move would still be
	lit (as they should be), but they didn't *think* they were lit!

Bug Fix:  When moving/copying files via the schnauzer, it would always 
	create '.xvpics' subdirectories in the destination folder, instead
	of "only when the source folder has a .xvpics subdirectory", as
	was intended.

Enhancement:  'relaxed' the AutoCrop algorithm for 24-bit images.  Since
	24-bit images (JPEG, in particular) tend to have some noise in
	them, the 'everything must be equal' criteria of the normal autocrop
	algorithm would prevent any cropping from happening.  The new 
	algorithm (which only affects 24-bit images) crops lines if all
	the pixels are within a certain percentage of one and other.
			(Paul Close  (

Bug Fix:  BMP file i/o fixed.  24-bit files weren't done correctly, and
	certain files would blow up that Windows-based programs would 
	handle correctly.  (Pesky vague format specifications...)
			(John Walker  (

Bug Fix:  Unified 'cursor keys' into one function.  Certain keyboards 
	generate an interesting variety of keysyms when you hit the 'pageup'
	'pagedown', 'home', and 'end' keys (and shifted arrow keys), and 
	I had code to deal with that problem scattered around the source.
	Practical upshot:  'pageup/down' might work in certain controls/
	windows, and not others.

Bug Fix:  XV would crash if you tried to grab a rectangular region of the
	root window (and both the starting and ending points of the rect
	were in the root window).

Bug Fix:  Memory leak in xvpbm.c	(Joe Peterson (

Bug Fix:  XV would crash if you used '-nopos'
			(Nick Sayer  (

Change:  All files in the distribution should be 14 chars or less (to
	avoid SysV name-length limitations on some systems)

Change:  Broke up exceedingly large functions in xv.c and xvevent.c,
	as they tended to annoy compilers and optimizers...

Bug Fix:  Use of GS_LIB in Makefile broke if folks had it defined in their
	environment already.

Bug Fix:  XV assumed that 24-bit deep visuals had 32 bits per pixel.  While
	this is generally true, apparently there are some servers that only
	want 24-bit pixel values.
			(Steven Schoch  (

Bug Fix:  It would crash if it tried to draw an MenuButton that had no menu
	associated with it yet.  (A timing issue that occurred on some 

Bug Fix:  If you tried to use '-root' and '-gamma' simultaneously, it'd
	crash.  Now it doesn't.

Bug Fix:  On some systems, XV would crash when clearing an old root image
	and installing a new one.  

Added Feature:  Additional options to 'bggen'.  You can now specify the
	size of the generated image with '-g geometry'.  The generated
	images are now by default in PPMRAW format.  You can generate
	'ascii' images by using the '-a' flag.  You can now ROTATE the
	generated image by any arbitrary amount with the '-r rot' flag,
	where rot as a (counter-clockwise) rotation, in degrees.

Enhancement:  'bggen' has been fixed.  It now automatically senses
	the display size, and by default, generates an image of that
	size.	(PeterVG (

Change: In XV 3.00, I went to a somewhat faster (serpentine) color dithering
	algorithm (used in conjunction with Smoothing on non-TrueColor
	displays, when in 8-bit mode).  No one much noticed the speed 
	improvement, and several people complained that images now looked 
	worse than they used to, so I've put it back the way it was.
		(Kenny Zalewski (

Enhancement:  If you are running XV in 'locked 8-bit mode', and you load a
	JPEG image, XV will now use the JPEG quantizer, which produces better
	results than the normal XV quantizers.  This makes XV 3.00 behave 
	like it did in XV 2.21.
		(Jim Lick  (

Bug Fix:  xvsunras.c still had some problems on 64-bit machines.
		(Dave Hill  (

Change:  Twiddled code in xvsmooth.c.  Certain compilers complained about a
	potential divide-by-zero (not that it could ever happen, but try
	telling the compiler that...)

Change:  Twiddled code in xvps.c.  Optimizer in IRIX-4.0.5 broke a 
	calculation.  Expression has been simplified.

Bug Fix:  YCbCr->RGB conversion in xvtiff.c wasn't being done correctly,
	according to the TIFF 6.0 standard.
			(Karsten Spang  (

Portability:  Added explicit typecasting to a few lines of xvtiff.c (HP 
	compilers objected.)

Portability:  Changed intances of '#ifdef macII' in xv.h to '#ifdef aux'
			(Declan A. Rieb  (

Bug Fix:  XV wouldn't correctly read XBM files with 1-digit-long values
	(ie, '0x9' instead of '0x09').  Fixed.
	(spotted by: Berthold Dettlaff  (

Bug Fix:  xvtiffwr.c now writes out XRESOLUTION and YRESOLUTION flags, which
	are apparently required by some other tiff-readers
			(Larry W. Virden  (

XV 3.00a intermediate bug-fix release
Bug Fix:  core dumps in schnauzer fixed.  (br->lit wasn't getting zeroed 
	when you moved files to another directory)

Bug Fix:  To vdcomp.c.  Strings buffers to hold filenames were too short.
		(Anthony A. Datri <>)

Bug Fix:  If you put an image using the Std. Colormap into the root window
	(ie, a 24-bit image on an 8-bit display), and exited XV, the colors
	were freed (and would get overwritten)

Bug Fix:  'Update' command in Schnauzer now checks both 'mtime' and 'ctime'
	fields when comparing dates of a file and its thumbfile.

Bug Fix:  XV load window didn't correctly handle 1-character top level 
	directory names (ie, '/u').

XV 3.00 Release
Enhancement:  Faster 332 dither algorithm when displaying 24-bit images on
	non-TrueColor/DirectColor displays.

Added Feature:  'trimming keys'.  You can now easily trim off one pixel from
	any edge of an image by pressing Ctrl and one of the arrow keys while
	inside the main window.  Now you can use the cropping rectangle for a 
	first 'rough cut', and do the precision work with the trimming keys.

Enhancement:  Added '-grabdelay' command line option (no resource), which
	lets you specify a delay between the time the 'Grab' command is issued,
	and the time that the cursor changes becomes owned by XV, regardless of
	what window it's in.  This lets you hide the XV windows (or whatever)
	before the actual screen grab takes place.  The delay can be set 
	to 0 (the default) up to 15 seconds.
				(Jason Berri  (

Bug Fix:  Was crashing if you handed it a gif with multiple images in it.

Change:  Switched it back so that when you Delete a file in the xv controls
	list, the next file in the list (if any) is automagically loaded.

Change:  Broke huge series of 'else if's in xv.c into two halves.  Broke some
	compilers (on VMS and some PC Unixes)	
			(Rick Dyson  (

Change:  Improved resource-handling code.  No longer necessary to 
	define X11R5, and should work on certain HP/Apollo workstations
	where it didn't used to.

Change:  Modifications to make XV somewhat more POSIX compliant.
			(Mark W. Snitily (

Bug Fix:  Changes to xvgrab.c to make it work on 64-bit machines.
			(Matt Thomas  (

Change:  migrated all memcpy(), memcmp(), memset(), and bcopy(),
	bcmp(), bzero() calls to xvbcopy(), xvbcmp(), and xvbzero()
	functions in xvmisc.c.  Necessary because the b*() routines
	don't exist in Solaris, and not everyone has the mem*() routines
	(and besides, memcpy() doesn't even work correctly)

Added Feature: Added '-icgeometry' cmd-line option (and 'iconGeometry' 
	resource) to specify initial position of the icon when you 
	start XV in '-iconic' mode

Added Feature:  XV can now display multi-page (currently only PostScript)
	files.  If you are viewing a multi-page file, the title of the image
	window will show 'page 1 of 37' (or whatever) as an indication.
	You can use the PageUp and PageDown keys (Next and Prev on some)
	on your keyboard to do page through the file, and you can type ctrl-P
	to pop-up a 'go to page #' dialog box.  These keys must be typed in
	the image window.

Enhancement:  Added '-name' command line option (no corresponding resource)
	that lets you specify the string to be displayed in the image window's
	titlebar.  Useful if you're calling XV from some other program,
	and you don't want the titlebar to say 'xv /tmp/prog2315a' or something
	like that.	(Idea from:  Bill Silvert (

Added Feature:  XV can now read and display PostScript files, as long as you
	have the 'Ghostscript' package installed.  
	Added '-gsdev str', '-gsgeom geom' and '-gsres int' command-line
	options (and gsDevice, gsGeometry, and gsResolution X resources).
	Thanks to Michael Gleicher ( for the idea, 
	and thanks to Harald Hanche-Olsen ( 
	and L. Peter Deutsch ( for PostScript help.

Bug Fix:  Minor memory leak in xvgrab.c fixed.
			(Tony Sweeney  (

Added Feature:  Added '-drift dx dy' option (and 'driftKludge' resource)
	for the benefit of folks who experience a 'drifting' of the
	image window whenever it's resized, etc.  If the window drifts down
	and to the right, use negative values to compensate.  If the window
	drifts up and to the left, use positive values to compensate...

Change:  Changed 'schauzer' cmd-line opts and resources to:
	'-vsdisable' '-vsgeometry' '-vsmap', '-vsperfect' and
	vsDisable, vsGeometry, vsMap, vsPerfect

Added Feature:  XV now reads some of the more common types of PCX files
	(1-bit-per pixel, 1-8 planes and 8-bits-per-pixel, 1-plane).
	(thanks to Eckhard Rueggeberg  (

Added Feature:  Added a 'file list' check box in the Save window.  When
	selected, XV will write out the list of file names currently
	loaded into the 'xv controls' window, for use with the '-flist'
	option described below.

Added Feature:  Added the '-flist' option and 'fileList' resource.  Both
	let you hand XV a textfile that contains a list of image filenames,
	one per line.  When using the fileList resource, be sure to specify
	the complete pathname to the filelist file, so that XV will be able
	find it no matter what directory you start XV from.
				(Brian Gregory  (
Enhancement:  When '-quit' option specified, and you *aren't* using
	the root window, *any* button press or key press inside the 
	main image window will exit the program.  Use this if you're 
	calling XV from some other program, and only wish to view a 
	single image, and be donw with it...
				(Stephen Mautner (

Enhancement:  Added semi-useful '-nofreecols' option.  Only has an effect
	when running a slideshow (with the '-wait' option).  Prevents
	the freeing of colors between images, thereby avoiding ugly
	effects on PseudoColor displays.  Of dubious merit, as later images
	will look worse (if they use different colors than the first 
	images), and XV *REALLY* isn't meant for doing animation.  For low-
	speed slideshows, you're best off *not* using this option, because
	every image will get the 'right' colors.  See the '-loadclear' option
	to avoid nasty color-reallocation effects...

Bug Fix:  When polling, if the file doesn't exist, XV will wait for it to
	be created.

Bug Fix:  Auto-apply while dragging didn't work the 'first' time you tried
	to use it.

Change:  When running XV in -ncols 0 mode (or, running on a 1-bit display),
	the default image (the XV logo) is generated differently, so as to
	be easier to read.

Enhancement:  New version of JPEG library (version 4a) hooked into XV.  JPEG
	Save dialog now has a 'smoothing' dial.  JPEG files now
	support comments.

Enhancement:  New version of TIFF library (version 3.2) hooked into XV.

Bug Fix:  When you're doing a slideshow (with the '-wait' option), XV will
	now determine if the image window is iconified.  If it is, it *won't*
	wait for the window to be drawn before starting the 'wait' period.
	Previously, if the window was iconified, XV would sit there (and not
	move on) until you deiconified it.  Needless to say, I'm sure *someone*
	perferred the previous behavior...  Oh well!

Added Feature:  Added '-mfn' and 'monoFont' string resource.  Lets the user
	specify what font to use for TextView windows, and other places where
	the mono-spaced font is used.

Enhancement: GIF, and PBM should now have slightly more informative info 
	when you build icons in the schnauzer 
	(ie, GIF87/89 and Raw/Ascii PBM/PGM/PPM)

Added Feature:  'License' button now hooked up.  Gives you the current
	licensing info on XV.

Enhancement:  When opening up a schnauzer window that will be displaying the
	same data as an already existing schnauzer window (ie, when using
	the Open Win command in the schnauzer), the icon data and such
	is just copied, rather then being re-read from disk.  MUCH faster.

Enhancement:  Comments are now written in formats that support comments

Added Feature:  Two new 'root' display modes, symmetrical tiled, and
	symmetrical mirrored.		(Dave Lampe  (

Change:	You can now TextView a compressed file, and it'll display the
	uncompressed data.

Bug Fix: TextView windows now show correct # of lines (in ASCII mode) for
	files/comments/whatever that end with a \n character

Enhancement:  XV should now work on 5-bit displays.  Not that there should
	*be* 5-bit displays, but that's not my problem...

Change: 'Expansion' field in info window is now shown in terms of 
	percentages, rather than factors, in keeping with the SetSize

Change:  Stopped making the pop-up dialog windows be transient windows
	of some other XV window, as (what with the keyboard equivalents
	and such), it's very difficult to determine which is the
	appropriate 'parent' window.  Given the mwm restacks windows
	so that the parent is right below the pop-up, this is very
	annoying when you issue a command in some window, and some other
	window leaps in front of you.  

Added Feature:  Added 'SetSize' command ('S' shortcut).  Pops up a dialog
	box that asks you what the displayed image size should be
	(in pixels, or expansion percentages)

Enhancement:  Whenever you create or delete a file the browser and 
	Load/Save windows will automatically rescan (if necessary)

Added Feature:  Added '-cmtgeometry' option and 'commentGeometry' resource
	to specify size/position of 'comments' window.  Added '-cmtmap' 
	option and boolean 'commentMap' resource to specify whether comment
	window should be mapped when XV is started.

Added Feature:  Added a 'comments' window to display any comments that might
	be found in the current loaded image file 

Added Feature:  Added '-tgeometry' and 'textviewGeometry' resource to control
	size and positioning of textview window(s)

Enhancement:  'compress'ed file handling improved somewhat.  Can now deal
	with piped-in compressed files, or compressed files that don't 
	end with '.Z'

Enhancement:  You can now (probably) use shift-up-arrow and shift-down-arrow
	on keyboards that don't have 'PgUp' and 'PgDn' keys, and use
	shift-PgUp and shift-PgDn on keyboards that don't have 'Home' and
	'End' keys.

Rev: 12/7/92	(version 2.36)
Bug Fix:  Bug found in GIF file output, involving suboptimal hash tables,
	or something like that.		(Tom Lane  (

Bug Fix:  If a failure occurred while writing a GIF file, XV would exit with
	a fatal error.  It'll now just complain, but continue to run.
			(Spotted by Chris Newman (

Added Feature:  Now reads and writes both Grayscale and TrueColor IRIS 'rgb'
	files.  Can read both normal and rle-encoded images, always writes
	rle-encoded images.	
		(Thanks, Paul Haeberli  (

Change:  Deleteing a file from the control window now no longer loads the
	next image in the list.  As a result, '-keeparound' (and the 
	resource) has been removed, no longer having an effect.

Bug Fix:  '-polled' was occasionally loading a 'blank' image.

Bug Fix:  saving 'smoothed' or 'dithered' images was saving 'raw' images 

Bug Fix:  fixed insidious little color freeing problem that would occur
	whenever XV loaded a 'failed' picture (and hence, brought up the
	default pic...

Bug Fix:  Various things were depending on the 'current working directory',
	which is now a fairly vague concept, what with a load/save window
	and several schnauzers, all of which can be pointing at different

Enhancement:  When dragging a selection rectangle in the schnauzer, if you
	move the cursor far enough above or below the icon window, the window
	will start scrolling in 'pages' rather than a line at a time.

Rev: 11/9/92    (version 2.33)
Enhancement:  The Update button in the Schnauzer now calls 'scanDir()' first,
	and also displays new icons as it generates them.

Bug Fix:  Smoothing wasn't automatically happening if the image was
	initially displayed shrunk/expanded (for whatever reason).

Change:  Let the titles in the Schnauzer get a little longer before '...'ing

Enhancment:  Much improved 'Grab' command handling.  You can now grab windows
	that have a private colormap, and it also works with windows of
	varying depths (handy if you have one of those X servers (like an
	Iris) that is normally in 8-bit pseudocolor mode, but *can* open
	24-bit windows simultaneously.)

Bug fix:  '<stdio>' was getting put in the control window's name list, which
	was sort of pointless, since it can never be reloaded or anything.

Change:  Now, displays both the filename and the parent directory's name on
	the image window and icon to help you differentiate between two images
	with the same name.  (ie, you're comparing the images
	"/my_archives/gif/naughty.gif" and "/tmp/incoming/naughty.gif".  
	XV will now display 'gif/naughty.gif' and 'incoming/naughty.gif' in
	the two window's titlebars.  Assuming, of course, that your WM *does*

Change:  Put back the 'auto-install' colormap on load behavior when running
	in '-perfect' or '-owncmap' modes.

Bug fix:  it was apparently possible to get double-slashes in the control
	window name list.  Hopefully less so now.

Bug Fix:  xv now fills in the 'WM_COMMAND' property of the main window,
	in accordance with the ICCCM.  (Eric Rescorla  (

Added Feature:  Added '-bperfect' and boolean 'browsePerfect' resource to
	control whether or not the visual browser should install it's own,
	private colormap.  By default, it *does*.

Added Feature:  Added a 'Load All' button to the Load window.  Copies the names
	of all 'regular' files in the current directory into the control window
	list, for e-z viewing.

Added Feature:  Multiple browser windows.

Added Feature:  Added a cool 'auto-apply while dragging' check button in
	the color editor.  It can only be turned on while you're in
	'read/write' color mode, and is by default.  When enabled, image
	colors are twiddled *while* you operate the various controls in the
	color editor window, not just after you release the controls.

	There's a 'dragApply' boolean resource that lets you turn off such
	behavior (if, for whatever, it's *still* too slow on your machine).
		(Major League Thanks to Chris Weikart  (
Enhancement:  In the visual browser, now attempts to load executable files
	as well, when generating icons.  If the file is a known format that
	just happens to have it's executable bit turned on, an icon is
	generated.  Otherwise, the icon is left the default 'application'

Bug Fix:  Loading '~/whatever' in the Load window was putting a bogus
	(un-globified) string in the Control window list

Enhancement:  Whenever you successfully 'save' a file (in the Save window),
	the written file's name is added to the Control window list, for 
	e-z reloading...

Enhancement:  The infamous (to me, at least) 'purple problem' on HP's and
	some other things has probably been fixed.  I can't test it, so
	I can't verify this.  If you don't know what the problem was, don't
	worry, you didn't have it.

Change:	Added 'version #' string to image window titlebar.

Enhancement:  Pop-Up warning/confirmation windows are now 'attached' to the
	correct windows, for the most part.

Added feature:  Dopey 'warning message' pops up when you switch from 24 to 8
	and subsequently from 8 to 24.

Added feature:  When allocating colors in 'stdcmap' modes, it now tries a
	little harder...

Added feature:  You can now specify a specific visual to use by using
	'-visual <vid>' where vid is the hexadecimal visual ID.  You
	can get visualID's by running 'xdpyinfo'.  (Formerly, you could
	only specify a class of visual (eg, TrueColor), and XV would pick
	the 'deepest' one of those available.)

	Note: If your root window and specified visual have different
	depths, you will *not* be able to display images in the root

Bug Fix:  'Landscape' postscript had its preview incorrectly generated.

Bug Fix:  Grayscale compressed postscript wasn't quite correct.
				(John P. Nelson  (

Bug Fix:  Postscript 'bounding box' comment was incorrect when writing in
	landscape mode.		(John Amanatides (

Added:	'-8' and '-24' options (and boolean 'force8' and 'force24' resources)
	to force XV to remain in either 8- or 24-bit mode.

Bug Fix:  Patches two 2-bit X support for NeXT machines.
		(Werner Randolf  (

Rev: 10/8/92   (unreleased version 2.29)
Added:  '-dir' (and 'searchDirectory' string resource) to specify a
	default place to look for files.  When you start XV, it will 'cd' to
	this directory, so it will be the default directory for the Load,
	Save, and Visual Browser windows.  Also, you can (on the command line)
	specify 'simple' names.  It will first look for the file in the 
	directory that you were in when you started XV, and (if not found
	there) it will look for the file in the specified search directory.

Added:  '-hist' and '-norm' options (and boolean 'autoHistEq' and 'autoNorm'
	resources) to automatically perform Histogram Equalization and
	Normalization whenever an image is loaded.

Added:  A '-viewonly' option that disables *ALL* user input, and as a
	consequence, prevents the user from opening any of the various
	XV windows.  They'll only see the image window, and they won't
	be able to do anything with it.  Useful in the case that you
	may want to use XV in some sort of canned demo (or other 
	environment in which you don't want people to have access to the
	file system (the load/save window) and such.)

	Note that it isn't possible for the user to Quit the program, either,
	so you'll almost certainly always want to use the '-wait' option to
	make the program exit after some amount of time.  (Or, alternately,
	you can just kill the XV process from whatever program started it.)
				(idea from Larry W. Virden (
Added:	When using XV for format conversion, it can be darned annoying that
	whenever you load a file, it sets the format/colors controls in
	the Save window to appropriate values for the loaded image.
	Likewise, if you're printing images, or piping them to some program,
	it's annoying that everytime you load an image, the default 'save as'
	filename gets put back to the loaded image's filename.

	The fix:  two new buttons in the Save window, 'Prev Set' which
	restores the format/color settings that were used on the last save
	operation, and 'Prev Name', which restores the name that was used
	on the last save operation.

Change:	IntSize button now shrinks things to integer compressions, as
	well as integer expansions.  For example, if the current 
	expansion ratios were .70 x .80, and you hit IntSize, the new
	ratios would be .50 x 1.00 (as .70 is closer to 1/2 than it is to 1,
	and .80 is closer to 1).  Likewise, it will shrink things to 1/3,
	1/4, 1/5, and so on.

Added '-rotate deg' and 'autoRotate: int' options to automatically rotate
	images (in 90-degree steps) when they are loaded.  Valid values
	are 0, +-90, +-180, and +-270.

Added '-hflip' and '-vflip' (and boolean 'autoHFlip' and 'autoVFlip' 
	resources) to automatically flip images horizontally and vertically
	when loaded.

Change:  Now, when 'large' images (larger than the screen) are loaded, 
	they are shown at 'MaxPect' size, rather than being halved or

Added a new '-crop x y w h' option that lets you automatically crop to some
	specified rectangle when an image is loaded.  Note that the entire
	image is still loaded, and available, and you can hit 'UnCrop' to 
	display the whole image.  Mainly useful to view a small section of
	the weather maps, or something like that.  Note that there is no 
	corresponding resource for this option.

Renamed the old '-crop' option (which automatically did an 'AutoCrop' 
	operation) to '-acrop'.  The boolean resource 'xv.autoCrop' still
	specifies whether or not to automatically do an AutoCrop.

Added a '-raw' option (and 'autoRaw' boolean resource) basically to complete
	the '-dith' and '-smooth' options.  Can be used to turn off the 
	default automatic dithering that takes place when you're using 
	the 'standard colormap'
Added '-4x3' option (and 'auto4x3' boolean resource) to automatically do a 4x3
	command on any loaded pictures.

Added '-preset' option and 'defaultPreset: int' resource that lets you
	make one of the four presets in the color editor window temporarily
	be the 'default' preset.  Useful if you set the presets up to 
	correct the colors for various monitors that you use, or alternately,
	if you set the presets up to 'do' something useful...
			(idea from Ricky KeangPo Ho (

Bug Fix:  Whenever you load a file, its name gets put into the Control
	Window's list.  XV now checks to see if the name is already *in*
	the list, and thus avoids putting duplicate names in the list.
				(Rod Summers  (rsummers@ard.fbi.GOV))

Added stuff to the Display Modes button.  You can now turn on/off these 
	options, interactively,  while running the program:
		-perfect, -owncmap, -stdcmap, -rw

	It's pretty cool, since if you're like me, you just normally run
	XV in its default mode (read-only color cells, no colormap 
	installation).  If you suddenly decide you want to extensively
	putz around in the color editor, you can, on-the-fly, turn on
	read-write colorcells, which makes things *much* faster.

Added '-stdcmap' option and 'useStdCmap' resource.  Instead of allocating a 
	custom set of colors for each image, it will instead allocate a 
	general set of colors once, and display all subsequent images using
	these colors.  

	The images don't look as good as if they used image-specific colors,
	but it avoids the ugly rainbow effects between images, since all
	images use the same colors.  Important if you're doing 'animations'
	using '-wait'.  Also, it speeds things up slightly.

	Note:  normally when you load images while using the StdCmap, they
	will be automatically dithered for you, as they look pretty nasty
	when they aren't dithered.  The exception:  If you're viewing an
	animation (which is one of the main reasons for the '-stdcmap'
	option), and you've said '-wait 0' (which means 'display as fast
	as possible), the auto dithering is turned off, to increase the
	speed of the animation.  You can still manually turn it on in this
	case by using the '-dith' option, or just using '-wait 1'.

	Note:  There are a couple different sizes of 'standard' colormaps.
	If you're on a TrueColor/DirectColor display, it will use a 3/3/2
	colormap.  Otherwise, it will try to use a 6*6*6 colormap, a 2/2/2
	colormap, or a 1/1/1 colormap, based on '-ncols' (or the depth of
	your display, if it's less than 8 bits).  You can manually force
	it to use a smaller colormap than it would normally use by setting
	'-ncols'.  (ncols < 216 will keep it from using the 6*6*6 cmap, and
	ncols < 64 will keep it from using the 2/2/2 cmap...)

	Other note:  normally, the use of the -stdcmap option will *not*
	affect how the image is saved (should you decide to Save an image).
	You can, however, write out images using the standard cmap by 
	selecting the 'Reduced Color' option in the Save box.

Deleted '-nglobal' option and resource.

Bug fix:  'Maxpect' button in PostScript window wasn't working correctly
	in landscape mode.  (Jim Belonis  (

Turned off 'ceditColorMap'.  Now, by default, the color editor will be shown
	in the 'normal' colormap, rather than the image's colormap (when using
	'-perfect' or '-owncmap).  This can be confusing when using the 
	colormap editor, as the cells will *not* be shown in their correct
	colors, but it gets around the problem of not being able to *use*
	the color editor because it's being displayed in non-contrasting

Added feature:  Now, when you save a file, it prints the # of bytes written.
		Useful, if you want to know how well your image was compressed.

Bug fix:	Wasn't correctly displaying on LSBFirst 16-bit displays
		(Stardent)   (Arman Rivard (frog!

Added some 'useful' default settings for the Color Editor presets (1-4).
	#1 is a 2-intensity setting.  Image will be shown in black and fully-
		intense colors.  Sort of makes pictures look like the 
		credits to 'Saturday Night Live' did at some point in the
	#2 is a 8-color setting.  Image will be shown in black, blue, green,
		cyan, red, magenta, yellow, and white
	#3 is a 'temperature' pseudo-color mapping for grayscale images.
	#4 is a 'geographic map' pseudo-color mapping for grayscale images.

Added '-bdisable' option (and browseDisable resource).

Turned off the 'autoClose' behavior, by default.  Iconifying the image window
	will *not* affect the other windows.  To get the old behavior (where
	iconfiying the image window iconified everything else), just specify
	the '-close' option, or set the 'xv.autoClose' resource to 'True'.

Change:  Changed '-browse' option to '-lbrowse' (and '.browseMode' resource
	to '.loadBrowse'), so as not to conflict with new 'visual browser
	related options/resources. ('-bmap' and '-bgeom' options and
	'.browseMap' and '.browseGeometry' resources)

Added Feature:  a '-poll' option.  If turned on, XV will (attempt) to 
	recognize when (if) the currently displayed file changes, and if
	so, it will reload it.  This should let you easily use XV to monitor
	ALL SORTS OF THINGS, such as the progress of slow ftp transfers,
	the weather map (assuming you have the thing installed to 
	automagically download the things and put the latest one in some
	standard place, say "current_weather.gif" or whatever...).

	You could even use XV as a sort of framebuffer, to allow otherwise
	non-X programs to display graphics.  Just have your program draw on
	its own internal 'frame buffer' (just a hunk of memory), and 
	periodically write it out to a file.  (As I've mentioned to
	anyone who'd let me, "The PBM/PGM/PPM file formats are *trivial* to
	write.  Any program that manipulates images should be able to
	write a PBM/PGM/PPM file...").  Anyhow, periodically write stuff
	to a file, and have XV display the file with the '-poll' option
	turned on, and voila!, an output-only framebuffer for X workstations.

Added Feature:  Added an 'oilpaint' function to the 'Algorithms' menu.
	I got the basic idea from 'pgmoil.c', written by Wilson Bent', who
	in turn got it from this book called "Beyond Photography", written
	by some dude named 'Holzmann'.  

Bug fix:  if your image only had two colors in it, and you wrote it out as
	a Sun Rasterfile, it would turn out in black and white, regardless
	of the 'FullColor/Greyscale/B&W Dither' setting.

Added Feature:	'Algorithms' menu.  Now you can run blurring algorithms,
	edge detection, 'tinfoil' effect, and such on an image.  Note that
	these algorithms generate a new 'image', rather than just playing
	around with the way that the image is displayed.

Enhancement:  Timer() function should work better on SGI machines.
			(Fernando D. Mato Mira  (

Added Feature:  '-gamma gval' option and '-cgamma rval gval bval' for 
	setting gamma values in the Color Editor graphs from the command

Added Feature:  'IntExpnd' button (keyboard equivalent 'I') rounds the 
	width and height expansion factors to the nearest integer.  

Bug Fix:  GIF87 files with an aspect ratio in them weren't being parsed 

Enhancement:  Many cleanups and the Imakefiles for the JPEG and TIFF subdirs
				(Jonathan I. Kamens  (

Enhancement:  Modifications for compiling on ODT 2.0 systems.
				(Mike Patnode  (

Enhancment:  If using '-root -maxpect' you can now use '-rmode' to specify
	how it will be displayed (though it will still default to the
	'root, centered' style).
				(Ted Grzesik  (

Enhancement:  Modifications to get XV to compile on the Interactive Unix System
				(Eam Lo  (

Feature:  Added '-random' command line option.  Mainly used in conjunction
	with '-wait' to produce 'random' slideshows.  Rather than running
	through the files in the order that they were specified on the
	command line, it will order them into a random sequence.  Each file
	will only be displayed once.  (Unless '-wloop' is also turned on,
	in which case each file will be displayed once per 'loop'.)

	If used without '-wait', it will randomly pick one of the specified
	files to be displayed first.
				(Tim Ayers  (

Bug Fix:  Wasn't properly truncating leading path off of names displayed
	in control panel (after 'Load'ing a new file).
				(Elaine Chen  (eychen@Athena.MIT.EDU))

Fixed bug in writing compressed PostScript.
				(Bill Hess  (

Fixed bug that would crash on certain systems when trying to display a root
	image.			(Eam Lo  (

Fixed bug that caused XV 2.21 (in 'root' modes) to eventually crash 
	the OpenWindows	X Server.
			(thanks to Jeremy Lawrence (
			 for his help in tracking the problem down)

Added BMP (Microsoft Windows 3.x) format, for both reading and writing.
	Note:  while it reads RLE4 and RLE8 compressed formats, it only
	writes in the uncompressed format.  Given how few RLE4/RLE8 
	BMP files I've seen out there (read: 'none'), this shouldn't be a big

Certain warning messages are now printed to stderr if neither the control or
	info windows are open.

RLE file reading was busted.  Wouldn't read colormapped RLE files, nor
	would it read RLE files that didn't have a background color
	specified.	(reported by Peter Miller (

added window classes 'XVps', 'XVjpeg', 'XVtiff', 'XVconfirm'
	for the postscript, jpeg, tiff, and popup windows, respectively,
	so Motif users can do things like this:

	Mwm*XVroot*clientDecoration:            none
	Mwm*XVcontrols*clientDecoration:        -resizeh

XV should stop 'homing' windows into the top-left corner of virtual root
	windows.		(Daren W. Latham  (

Support for 2-bit MSBFirst machines.
				(Dale Luck  (

1-bit Sun Rasterfiles weren't being written correctly.
				(Lars Bo Nielsen  (

Image colors are now preserved 'as long as possible' when in '-perfect' or
	'-owncmap' modes and changing images, thus minimizing the amount of
	time the image is shown with the 'rainbow effect' and maximizing the
	amount of time the image is shown with the correct colors.

Image was being unnecessarily cleared when in '-perfect' or '-owncmap' modes.

When saving images in B/W stippled format, *and* the image only has two colors
	in it, XV no longer does an explicit (and unnecessary) call to the
	the Floyd-Steinberg ditherizing routine.  Not only will saved images
	be *exactly* what was on the screen (which wasn't necessarily the
	case, before), but it also saves a tremendous amount of work if you're
	huge b/w scanned image, which more and more folks seem to be
	doing.		(Thanks to Lester Ingber (
			 for complaining about this misfeature)

Added '-iconic' option, to start program with image window iconified.

Gratuitous three-d-ification of most of the doo-dads, at least on color 

Changed mouse button usage in Grab command.  Button1 grabs a window,
	Button2 grabs an arbitrary rectangle, and Button3 cancels.
	(To be consistent with 'Button2' dragging a cropping rectangle in
	the image.)

Bug fix:  Shifted-arrow keys didn't work in Postscript window on OpenWindows
	servers.		(Lester Ingber  (

Bug fix:  Cleaned up some potential memory leaks.

Bug fix:  "xv -rw -mono" was coming out somewhat more colorful than might be

The Load/Save window file list now automagically positions itself so that
the filename is 'centered' in the file list region.

Also, there's a new icon for executable files (in the Load/Save window)

Now the 'Zoom In' rectangle is tracked until you release the mouse button.

Fixed 'Timer()' function to use 'sginap()' on SGI machines.
				(James Nugent  (

Improved Expose event handling (groups multiple exposes, and requests
	BackingStore on the ctrl, coledit, and image windows)
				(Robert Forsman  (

YCBCR-encoded TIFF images didn't work
				(Bill Barabash  (

If you entered a directory name and pressed 'Ok' in the load/save
	windows, XV would try to treat it as a plain file.
				(Bill Barabash  (

Postscript 'previews' were generated 'inverted' (white-on-black instead of
	black-on-white)		(Vivek Khera  (

Minor memory leak in ColorDither()

Configuration fix for 386's running SVR4
				(Andy Michael  (

Bug Fix:  If you opened the ColEdit Window, clicked on 'Norm', then
	clicked on 'Gam' in the Intensity graph, you'd get a nice random
	string of uninitialized data...
				(Michael Pall  (

It'll now pop up a nice, friendly "Can't CD to that directory" dialog box 
	if you try to cd to a directory that you don't have proper permissions
	to read.		(idea:  Peder Langlo  (

The selection and position of the directory list (in the Load/Save window) is
	now remembered, instead of being cleared each time you open the
	window.			(idea:  Peder Langlo  (

You can now switch color editor 'presets' by typing Meta-1, Meta-2, Meta-3,
	or Meta-4 in any XV window.  Handy if you have a couple of 'standard
	modifications', and you don't want to bring up the big ol' 
	color editor window just to click a single button.  Also, just to be
	convenient, you can also press Meta-R (or Meta-0) to Reset the 
	color editor.
				(idea:  Phil Richards  (

Tweaks to xv.h to make it compile without modification on an HP running
	HPUX 8.*, in theory anyhow.
				(thanks:  Tony Clark (

Rev: 4/28/92    (version 2.21)
Since XDestroyImage() seems to fail to destroy the actual image data on
	some systems, I've replaced all calls to XDestroyImage() with
	xvDestroyImage(), which explicitly kills both the image data and
	the image structure.

Added '-close' option (and 'autoClose' boolean resource) to toggle the
	"automatically close all windows when you iconify the image window"
	behavior.  By default, this behavior is turned *on*.

You can now specify just a width *or* a height in the '-geometry' spec.
	The other dimension will be calculated to preserve the aspect ratio.

Makefile.std was *not* up to date.

Various prototype fixes, Imakefile changed, etc.
				(David Brooks  (

Conflict with constant 'BITS' (defined in xvgifwr.c) on some systems.
			(Bernd Mohr (

'xwd.c' seems to have snuck into the 2.20 distribution.  It has been excised.

The '-expand' option didn't work with negative numbers, as it should.  Also,
	'-e' didn't work, even though there are no other '-e*' options.
				(Marcel Wijkstra  (

Minor AIX tweakage

Some calls to rd_str() should have been rd_str_cl(), and other minor probs.
				(Andreas Stolcke  (

Rev: 4/24/92    (version 2.20)
Enhancement:  In the color editor, you can now 'Set' the 'Reset' button,
	as well as presets 1-4.  This is useful if you've like to temporarily
	set your 'default' settings for the remainder of the current XV
	session, without having to play around with 'xrdb'.  For example,
	you might temporarily be using XV on a monitor with different 
	color characteristics than the one you normally use.  You could 
	deal with this problem by playing with the r,g,b graphs, and then,
	once the image looks 'right' again, setting the 'Reset' button, so
	that all subsequent images will have this same modification applied 
	to them.

Enhancement:  The '-wait' option works better.  It now waits until the
	image has been fully drawn before starting the timer.  Now, you're
	guaranteed that your images will be up at least as long as you
	specify with the '-wait' option (plus whatever time it takes to
	load and prepare the next image for display).

	Also, you can now specify '-wait 0' to mean 'as fast as possible'.
	Handy if you're doing the weather map trick described below.

Enhancement:  The '-visual' option seems to actually *work* now.  It only
	'theoretically' worked before (read: "didn't work at all"), as my 
	X server only supports one visual, making testing impossible.
	Since then I've gotten my hands on a DecStation, which has an X 
	server that supports several different 8-bit visuals.  It should
	work with visuals of different depths, as well, but it might

Enhancement:  All places in the code that were hard-coded to use the directory
	"/tmp" (when creating temp files) now use the value of the environment
	variable TMPDIR, if defined, and "/tmp" if not.

Added Feature: '-loadclear' command-line option (and 'clearOnLoad' boolean
	resource) lets you turn on the clearing of the image window
	(or root window) done whenever you load an image on a PseudoColor
	(or Grayscale) display.  This clearing USED to be done by default, 
	to hide	the temporary 'rainbow' effect caused when colormap 
	entries are freed and reallocated.  This is no longer the case.
	I've decided that I find the effect vaguely entertaining (something
	to look at while waiting for the next image to load), and more 
	importantly, if you have a series of images that use the same 
	colors, you can now use	XV to animate them (albeit no faster than 
	a frame every 1-2 seconds).

	Ferinstance, get the satallite radar images from,
	(in the directory 'phil.515'), and run 'xv -wait 0 -wloop SA*'.
	Just like the evening news!

Added Feature: There's now a 'compressed' checkbox in the Postscript window.
	When enabled, XV will generate RLE-compressed Postscript files.  Also,
	the images will be written as 8-bit data with a colormap.  The
	practical upshot is that color PS files can now be *much* smaller.
	(Resource name: 'pscompress', type: boolean)

	One note:  Compressed images may take considerably longer to print
	than uncompressed images.  As an example, the default XV pic took
	(on a LaserWriter II NTX):
		Color, Compressed:	(87k)	4:00  (4 minutes, not hours!)
		Color, Uncompressed:	(391k)	2:30
		Gray,  Compressed:	(85k)	1:40
		Gray,  Uncompressed:	(130k)	 :20

	The lesson is: unless you're printing to a color printer, you're
	probably best off sending uncompressed grayscale Postscript.

Added Feature: whizzo new 'Grab' command.  Lets you grab any
	rectangular section of the screen into XV.  To use, click on
	the Grab button (or type ctrl-G).  The display will beep, and
	the cursor will change.  Press the LEFT mouse button and draw
	a rectangle, or press the RIGHT mouse button to abort the
	grab.  The grabbed portion of screen will be automatically
	loaded into XV for manipulation.

	Alternately, you can click the MIDDLE mouse button on a window.
	The window (and its frame) will be snarfed into XV.

	Used in conjunction with XV's extensive color manipulation thingys,
	you can now figure out the 'perfect' colors for your xterms, icons,
	xclocks, or any other thing you can get up on your X display.  Finally,
	a replacement for the program 'pikapix' from the ol' X10 days!

	For what it's worth, the Grab command doesn't work on Mac's
	running MacX in a 'rootless' mode, for semi-obvious reasons.
		(idea from: Arvind Sabharwal (

Added Feature:  XV can now read RLE files (Utah Raster Toolkit format).

Added Feature:  'HistEQ' button in Color Editor window.  Performs 
	intensity histogram equalization on the CURRENTLY VIEWED
	PORTION OF THE IMAGE.  Occurs between the colormap editor and the 
	HSV modifier (in terms of the color editor data flow).  This
	command has the general effect of balancing the overall contrast
	of the image (increasing contrast on washed-out images, and 
	decreasing the contrast	on overly-sharp images, so to speak...)  
	It works best on grayscale images.  

	The keyboard equivalent is 'H' (capital 'h').

Change:	The 'MaxCn' (maximum contrast) button has been changed to a 
	'Norm' (normalize) button.  It expands the intensity range of
	an image so that the darkest pixels will be have an intensity
	of '0' and the brightest pixels will have an intensity of '255'.
	This is *almost*, but not quite, what it used to do.
	The keyboard equivalent is now 'N' (capital 'n').

Added Feature: You can now Load files from a pipe by having the first 
	character in the Load box filename thingy be a '!' (or a '|').
	For example, you can Load "! bggen -s 400 -w 400 0 0 255".  
	XV will run the	specified command, saving its standard output to 
	a file, and then load this file.  (The stdout produced must still 
	be in one of the recognized image formats.)  You could use this get 
	an image from a	video digitizer or scanner, assuming you have the 
	appropriate filter program written.

	You can pipe multiple commands together, as well.  For example, 
	you can Load "! xwd | xwdtopnm" to take a snapshot of a window
	and display it, though given the new Grab command, this isn't
	such a great example...
			(idea:  Marty Leisner  (

Change:	The 'Save to pipe' feature is now specified by starting the 
	filename with *either* a '!' or a '|' character, to 
	be consistent with the 'Load from pipe' command.

Added Feature: exciting new 'zoom' and 'unzoom' commands!  To use
	them, hold down the 'control' key, and move the mouse into the
	image window.  A Left click will zoom in by a factor of two,
	centered on the mouse position.  A right click will zoom out
	by a factor of two (if possible), centered around the
	currently displayed subimage.  These commands can easily
	replace the Crop/UnCrop commands for casual users.
			(idea from: Dan Zehme  (

Added Feature:  'include preview' check box added to postscript dialog
	box.  Let's you write ps files without the preview, to save
	some space.  (resource name: 'pspreview', type boolean)
Added Feature:  all xv windows are closed if you iconify the image window
	(or the controls window if you're in a 'root' display mode).
	All closed windows will be reopened when you deiconify the image
	window (or controls window).  One misfeature:  only the 'main'
	xv windows (image, controls, info and color editor) will retain their
	screen position.  The various 'pop-up' windows will not.  To be
	dealt with at a later time.

Enhancement: Support for 4" x 5" and 35mm postscript film recorders added

Enhancement: Increased size of control window to make room for 
	'24-bit conversion' menu button.  List now displays 11 names
	instead of 9.

Enhancement: Hooked in the new version (3.0) of the TIFF library.

Bug fix:  more bug fixes to the 'slow' 24-to-8 algorithm

Bug fix:  if loading a truncated interlaced GIF file (not that I recommend it),
	XV will no longer clear from the 'current line' to the bottom of the
	image, which would overwrite valid image data
				(Dean Elhard  (

Bug fix:  memory leak in the '-slow24' code discovered and fixed.
				(Dean Elhard  (

Rev: 3/17/92    (version 2.12)
Added Feature: 'save at normal size' checkbox in save window.  When
	turned on, images will be saved at their normal, unexpanded
	(and *unshrunk*) size, subject to the current cropping and
	rotation.  Note: The Dither and Smooth commands operate on
	expanded images.  (In fact running Smooth on a 1:1 image
	should have no effect.)  AS SUCH, images saved at 'normal size' 
	will be saved 'Raw'.  (Resource name: saveNormal  type: boolean)

Added Feature:  You can now change 24-to-8-bit algorithms 
	(ie, quick24, slow24, best24) while running the program 
	(via a pop-up menu button).

Added Feature: '-nolimits' option (and 'nolimits' resource).  If set, there 
	are no limits on the size of the image (beyond the X-imposed 64K 
	by 64K).  WARNING:  Be *very* careful when using this option and 
	playing	with cropping, as it's dangerously easy to accidentally 
	generate a HUGE image, and crash XV, the host machine, your X server, 
	or all three.  USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!
				(Tero Kivinen  (

Enhancement: X images (on 8-bit displays) are now generated so that
	scanlines are a multiple of 32 bits long.  This should avoid 
	problems with certain broken X libraries and/or servers that 
	weren't doing the image format translation correctly.
		 		(Jeff Coffler  (

Enhancement: Changed scrollbar behavior: Now, when you drag the
	indicator, the list that the scrollbar controls is updated
	while you drag.

Enhancement: when choosing a new directory (in the save menu), xv now remembers
	the 'suggested' filename to save under, instead of clearing the 
	text entry doodad.

Enhancement: Upped maximum number of files in control window list (and
	therefore, on the command line) to 4096 (from 1024).

Enhancement: Hooked in the new version (3.0) of the JPEG libraries.  Most
	relevant change: when loading JPEG files ONLY, the 'quick' and
	'slow' 24-to-8	algorithms are now performed by the JPEG
	software.  They seem to be every bit as good or better than
	the XV algorithms.  The 'best' algorithm still falls through
	to using the ppmquant-based algorithm in XV.
				(Tom Lane	 (

Change:	by default, the 'keepAround' flag is now set to 'true'.
	Now, xv will hang around if you delete the last file in the
	controls list.  (-keeparound toggles this flag on and off, and
	the keepAround resource still behaves the same way.)

Bug fix:  Compound resources (eg 'xv.preset1.satval') weren't getting properly
	set on certain systems.
				(Dean Elhard  (
Bug fix: XV will now (potentially) run 'better' under DXWM.

Bug fix: 'Reduced Color' images weren't saving as such in either the
	PPM or TIFF formats.  (They won't in JPEG, either, but trust
	me, you don't want to save reduced color images in the JPEG

Bug Fix:  numerical inaccuracies in HSV modification part of color
	editor were causing certain colors to be lost  (eg, an input of
	(254,254,254) was coming out (253,253,253), even when everything 
	was set up to do a 1:1 mapping.)

Bug Fix:  minor memory leak in KillOldRootInfo() fixed.

Rev: 3/4/92    (version 2.11)
Problems with Imakefile fixed.		(David Brooks  (

Problems with SetISTR() function declaration fixed.
					(David Brooks  (

Compiler noise shut up		(Phil Karlton  (

Rev: 2/26/92   (version 2.10)
Generate updated documentation, this time on a Mac running System 7.  The
	generated postscript *may* be cleaner.  I hope...

Incorporated Anthony Datri's PDS/VICAR file reading code

Added '-rv' option (and 'reverse' resource).  Displays 'negative' images
	(white becomes black, black becomes white, and colors do 
	interesting things).  

Bug fix:  shifted arrow keys (for adjusting cropping rectangle size) didn't
	work on Sparcstations running OpenWindows.

Rev: 2/22/92   (version 2.06)
Added whizzo new colormap editing feature.  Click on a color cell with the 
	left mouse button.  Now click on another color cell with the middle
	mouse button.  All colorcells in between these two colorcells will
	be interpolated between these two colors.

	For example, view the 'default' image by just running 'xv' without
	any options.  Open the color editor window, left-click on the first
	colorcell, and turn it 'red'.  Left-click on the 64th colorcell
	(the rightmost cell on the last complete line of the colorcell grid),
	and turn this colorcell yellow.  Now, middle click on the first
	colorcell.  Voila!  Niftily interpolated reddish yellows.  Neato!

Added 'reload on signal' feature.  If you send the XV process a 'QUIT' signal
	('kill -QUIT <pid>', or 'kill -3 <pid>' on most systems), the program
	will reload the currently selected file.  (The one that is currently
	highlighted in the xv controls window filename list.)  This behavior
	is exactly the same as hitting '<return>' in the xv controls window.
	If XV is currently in a state where hitting '<return>' in the 
	controls window won't load an image (ie, some pop-up dialog box is
	grabbing all such events), then sending this signal won't work either.

	Note:  it also won't work if the current file was read from <stdin>

Changed way 'uncrop' works to limit 'drifting' of windows when cropping and
	uncropping.  Also, puts window back where it belongs when you load
	a new image.

When cropping, Raw/Dithered/Smooth status of image will remain the same.
	When uncropping, however, it will revert to 'raw', given how long
	the dither/smooth operations can take on a potentially large image.

Now tracks x,y coordinates of handles in the 'graph' windows of the color
	editor window, for precise placement.  Also, you can now move a
	handle through all 256 x and y positions, not just the 'even' values.

Bug fix to 24-to-8 code.  (Would crash on a 1-bit display.)

Rev: 2/13/92   (version 2.04)
tracked pixel values strings are now put in the 'cut buffer' with a trailing 
	'\n' character

'-black' and '-white' options now affect how all 1-bit b/w images are 
	displayed, no longer just used in conjunction with '-ncols 0'

Added command line options '-quick24', '-slow24', and '-best24' to select
	different 24-to-8 conversion algorithms.  'slow24' is the default.
	(Also, 'quick24' and 'best24' boolean resources)

Added the 'ppmquant' 24-to-8 bit algorithm ('-best24' option).  Note that 
	this algorithm is *much* slower than the so-called '-slow24' algorithm.
	The major difference is that this algorithm will produce good-looking
	undithered images, whereas the 'slow24' algorithm dithers.

Fixed various bugs in the '-slow24' 24-to-8 bit algorithm.

Added '-cecmap' option (and 'ceditColorMap' resource) to specify whether or 
	not to install the image's colormap in the color editor window

TIFF i/o routines added		(Sam Leffler  (

Added a 'browse' button in the Load window.  Lets you change the 'browse mode'
	interactively, while the program is running.  (See '-browse' option

Added 'autoApply', 'displayMods' and 'autoReset' resources to control initial
	settings of respective checkboxes in the color editor window.

Program is less likely to gratuitously clear the image/root window if you are
	on a non-PseudoColor/GrayScale display

increased size of 'OutCode[]' array in gif reader.
				(Rolf Mayer  (

load/save window used to crash if you had a directory with 'too many' files
				(Craig McGregor (CRAIG@csdvax.csd.unsw.EDU.AU))

Rev: 1/24/92  (version 2.01)
Added '-crop' option (and 'autoCrop' resource) to do the 'autocrop' command
	automatically whenever an image is loaded.

Added '-browse' option (and browseMode resource).  Keeps the Load window
	from being closed after succesfully loading a file.  

Added '-nostat' option (and 'nostat' resource) to speed up Load/Save
	windows.  Prevents the program from doing 'stat()' calls when you
	change directories.  (Useful for systems with a lot of remote
	files, where doing the stat() calls takes 'too long')
	Downside:  it won't be able to mark directories with a 'folder'
	icon, as it won't *know* that they're directories.

added '-noresetroot' option (and 'resetroot' resource).  Let you turn off
	the 'clear the root when switching from a root mode back to 
	window mode in the display modes menu' behavior.  Useful for checking
	your cropping, if you're working on a 'mirrored' root background
	(or something)		(David Elliot  (

added a 'rescan' button in the Load and Save windows.  Rescans the current

fixed up GIF89 parsing somewhat.

fixed bugs in xvAllocColor() that would show up if running XV on a TrueColor

PostScript files written in B/W Stipple weren't correct
			(Peter Glassenbury  (

SortColormap() function in xvcolor.c sped up 
			(Dave Jones  (

fixed problem with 'cropping rectangle' not being drawn correctly.

Loads current directory only when opening the Load/Save windows, not 
	when the program starts up.  This is to improve startup time.

Reloads current directory when you do a 'Delete file' command, just in
	case you deleted a file in the current directory.

'hints' handling improved.  When controls/info/coledit windows are closed
	and reopened, they reappear where they *were*, not where the 
	original geometry spec put them.

FREAD and FWRITE macros in jinclude.h renamed, to avoid conflicts.

problems with 'XLookupString()' on VMS and AIX fixed
				(Dave Jones  (

patches for Sequent machines	(Scott Erickson (

Added 'fsQuick' code.  Dithers (on 1-bit displays) 2 to 3 times faster
	than the old code.  Looks about as good.
				(David B. Rosen  (

code for 2-bit displays (so to speak :-) added
				(Marc Kossa  (

bug in parsing '-dither'/'-display' fixed
				(Nigel Pearson  (

Fixed crash if you hit 'return' while xv was running with no file names.

fixed potential memory leak on systems where XDestroyImage() doesn't
	free the image data, only the structure.

fixed '-fixed' option

fixed bogus Macintosh prolog file in PS documentation.

8-bit characters in PS documentation turned into properly-escaped
	7-bit characters.	(Reg Clemens  (

minor mods for RS6000		(Tom McConnel  (

new (still unsupported) version of VICAR/PDS file handler added to 
	unsupt/ directory	(Anthony Datri  (

fixed segmentation fault in openPic()	(Jimmy Aitken  (

fixes for Pyramid BSD machines		(Jimmy Aitken  (

fixed 'tolower' bug in lower_str function (Rich Thomson (

patches for AUX systems

some ANSI C complaints quieted 	   	(Jamie Zawinski (

fixed WM_DELETE property problems  	(Jamie Zawinski (

Changed occurrences of string 'basename' to 'basefname' to avoid conflict on
	certain systems, and fixed a bug in rd_int()
					(David Elliot  (

fixed bug that could cause window to move bizarrely on a 'Max Size' command

make 'clean' dependancy added to Imakefile  
			(Rainer Klute (

Rev: 1/2/92  (version 2.00)
*** SUN Rasterfile support         (Dave Heath  (

fixed unclosed comment in xv.h	   (Paul Close (

fixed infinite loop in Imakefile   (Kjetil Jorgensen  (

fixed problems in Imakefile (bitmaps.h wasn't being rebuilt)
				(Jonathan Kamens  (

additional bug fixes/workarounds for 24/32-bit TrueColor displays
				(Dave Gregorich (

include string.h or strings.h based on 'SYSV' flag
				(Kevin Brown  (

bogus command line parsing ('-autogamma' wouldn't work)
				(Doug Washburn  (

fixed 4-bit X code to work on MSBFirst machines
				(Stefan Esser  (se@ikp.Uni-Koeln.DE))

mods for HPUX 7.0		(Jan D.  (

added window classes 'XVroot', 'XVcontrols', 'XVdir', 'XVinfo', and 'XVcedit',
	so Motif users can do things like this:

	Mwm*XVroot*clientDecoration:            none
	Mwm*XVcontrols*clientDecoration:        -resizeh
	Mwm*XVdir*clientDecoration:            -resizeh -maximize
	Mwm*XVcedit*clientDecoration:           -resizeh -maximize
	Mwm*XVinfo*clientDecoration:            -resizeh -maximize

	Also, WM_DELETE_WINDOW is now set up in the WM_PROTOCOLS 
	property, allowing the 'close' menu selection under MWM to
	close an XV window without terminating the application.
				(Jan D.  (

slow 24-to-8 conversion was moving the image down 1 scan-line
				(Satoshi Asami  (

mods for MIPS machines	  (David Boulware  (

Ability to LOAD pictures that weren't specified on the command line

fixed bug in CheckForConfig()

twm workaround from patchlevel 2 now only turned on if '-twmkludge' option is
	specified.  Was causing problems on OpenLook 2.0 systems

directories and symbolic links are now sorted together at the top of
	the 'xv directory' list

fixed crashes when 'AutoCropping' in conjunction with '-root' option

file format/color buttons in Directory window are now set whenever an image
	is loaded.  (Set to the format/color of the loaded image.)

clicking anywhere inside the Info box will now close it

added support for up/down arrows, page up/down, home, and end keys when
	mouse is in control window or directory window (for operating
	the scrollable list thingy)

changed 'Return' key binding to mean 'display currently selected picture'
	rather than 'Next'

added binding of Tab key to 'Next' function

'-wait' now waits until picture is fully up on screen before starting timer

'-wloop' option added.  Causes '-wait' slideshow to loop at end

added 'hagan-style' tiling on the root window.  '-root', '-center', and
	'-rpat 0'  (the default) will now draw an image centered on the
	root window, with images going off the screen in all 4 directions

	(Unlike 'normal' ('-root' only) tiling, which has one image
	pinned in the top-left corner of the screen, and subsequent
	images going off the screen ONLY on the bottom and right sides)

added '-maxpect' option.  (An abbreviation for '-center -fixed -max')
	makes the image as large as possible, without changing the
	aspect ratio.  Only relevant when used in conjunction with 
	'-root'.  (When not using '-root', both '-max' and '-maxpect' do
	the same thing (as large as possible without changing the aspect).
	When USING '-root', '-max' makes the image the size of the screen,
	in all likelyhood changing the aspect ratio)

added '-olwm' option (and xv.olwm resource) for people using Sun's OpenLook
	window manager.  Makes the window behave correctly when resized via
	any of the xv resizing commands.

added new, slicker-looking icon.  The old one was outside Motif's accepted
	range of icon sizes.

SMOOTHING controls (Smooth, Dither, and Raw buttons) added

added '-cursor' option (and xv.cursor resource).  Allows you to pick a 
	different cursor for the image window (instead of the 
	default crosshair cursor)

various modifications to work somewhat better with tvtwm (or other
	virtual window managers)
		Hitoshi Saji
		Tetsuya Ikeda
		Satoshi Asami

fixed up some multiple-redraw bugs, for improved speed

Added spiffy 'hue' and 'saturation' dials to cedit box

New format for '-GAMMA' command line option and gamma resources.  Fully
	specifies state of gamma controls, including 'lines/spline' and
	'rgb/hsv' modes

Improved 'undo' handling in Gamma box.

Added 'reduced' color save.  Used in conjunction with the '-nc' command
	line option.  Saves the image more-or-less 'as shown', rather than
	"as it's supposed to be".  For example, you can now save bizarrely
	stippled pictures by doing something like '-nc 0 -wh red -bl blue'
	on the command line, and then saving the image in 'reduced color'.

added '-adither', '-asmooth' options (and 'xv.autoDither', 'xv.autoSmooth'
	resources) to automatically dither or smooth the image upon 
	loading it.  Mainly for use the case where you want XV to 
	load an image onto the root window and go away without any user
	intervention.  (Like you might put in a startup script.)

added some X error handling so that XV doesn't blow up (ungraciously) when
	you're using '-root' on an X terminal that doesn't have enough
	memory to do a full-screen root image

code reorganization:  xv.c and xvmisc.c have been split into (xv.c, xvevent.c,
	xvroot.c) and (xvmisc.c, xvimage.c, xvcolor.c, xvsmooth.c) 
	respectively.  The files were getting annoyingly large.

added colormap editing capabilities to the gamma box
	Colors can be edited in either HSV mode or RGB mode
	You are modifying the original colormap of the image, BEFORE
		the '-mono' or '-rv' options are applied, BEFORE
		any GAMMA correction is applied, and before it's
		determined how to get the image on the screen.
		As a result, it's best to edit colors when the GAMMA
		controls are set to 'Linear'
	You can select the color to be edited by clicking in the colormap
		area of the GAMMA box, or by clicking in the image window
		(in which case the color selected will match the last pixel
		value you displayed)
	Using '-rw' mode will generally speed things up, but isn't

added colormap 'grouping'.  Use Button3 to add/delete color cells from the
		current group.  Hold shift key down and the image regeneration
		will be delayed until you let go of the shift key.  (normally
		the image would be redrawn every time you released Button3.)
		This allows you you quickly group multiple pixels.

added 'cut buffer' usage.  Whenever you track pixel values (by clicking the
	left button in the image window), the last pixel values are put in 
	the X cut buffer, so that you can paste them into your own program,
	an xterm window, or whatever.  Useful if you're using XV to choose
	'points-of-interest' to be used as input to another program.

	Also, if you click on the gamma values (above the graph in the 
	gamma window), those values will be put in the cut buffer as well.
	(Handy for setting default values for the Gamma resources.)

added a slightly-improved 'cropping' rectangle.  Should show up better on some

added hsv pixel display.  When tracking pixel values in the image window
	(with the left mouse button), the values will either be displayed
	as R,G,B components (0-255), or as HSV components (0-359, 0-100, 0-100)
	This is based on the setting of the HSV/RGB switch in the Gamma box.

added a 'Randomize Colors' button.  (keyboard equiv: 'R').
	Causes the entire colormap of the current picture to be
	randomized.  Groupings *will* be respected, however.  (ie, all pixels
	in a group will still have the same color, albeit a new one).  For
	amusing effects, do some by-hand color reduction (by grouping all
	similar colors), then do the randomize function.  

added an 'Undo All' button in the Gamma box.  Undoes all changes made to the
	image's colormap and clears all groupings.

added '-hsv' and '-rgb' switches (and xv.hsvmode resource (boolean)) to
	allow user to set initial hsv/rgb mode.  By default, program uses

fixed 'shift key' bug with regards to entering filenames in dir window

'enter' in file i/o window now opens the currently selected directory

fixed bugs on 1-bit displays (fish cursor didn't flap during re-ditherization,
	CMap wasn't properly refreshed after loading new pic)

Smooth/Dither now sets 'Current Size' RButt in file i/o box.  (Need to save
	at current size to save 'smoothed' picture.)

BadAccess errors cause by XFreeColors are now ignored, as this is simply a 
	sign of a busted X server, and happens when multiply-allocated 
	colors are freed more than once.  (like they're supposed to be)
	Should make '-bfc' option obsolete.

Current Size RButt ripped out.  (Always saves at current size)

flapping fish cursor added during PBM/PGM/PPM file i/o

created GRAF type

MASSIVE modifications to GAMMA box

Gamma box renamed 'Color Editor' box ('cedit')

Added direct numeric gamma input to GRAF boxes

Created HDIAL controls

Changed non-range HDIAL to be a hue/saturation control

Created CBUTT check boxes

Added 'drag the whole range around' feature in range HDIALs

Added -nopos, -fgeom, and -fmap command line options (and resources)

Fixed 'crop near corner' graphics bug

Fixed multiple redraw bug, with any luck.

Added '-2xlimit' option and resource.  Allows the image window to be larger
	than the screen (up to 2x).  *NOT* recommended unless your WM
	is capable of operating windows without visible borders.  (ie, you'll
	need some meta-mouse-button action, ala twm/uwm...)

Added rudimentary GIF89 reading.  (Jon Brinkmann, jvb7u@astro.Virginia.Edu)

Changed ISTR_INFO to be more to Hagan's liking.  
	(eg  "320x200 GIF87.  Got all 37 colors.")

Fixed some probs in xvsunras.c
	(didn't understand RT_FORMAT_RGB, and RT_BYTE_ENCODED 8-bit
	 rasterfiles didn't load correctly, nor did it handle odd-width
	 24-bit images correctly)

Added POSTSCRIPT OUTPUT and PostScript Box  (7/6/91)
	Drag the image window around on the page with the mouse.  The scale
	controls are used for stretching.  Note:  if you use the arrow keys
	(regular and shifted), you can get precise positioning control.

Added GIF89 aspect ratio handling, warning message about skipped extensions,
	PlainText block handling (doesn't do anything with it)

Ripped out the '-fish' option and related code.  Never worked right anyway.

Added ability to type long strings in 'filename' field of dir box.

Split 'file i/o' button into two buttons 'Load' and 'Save'.  Directory box
	is now either a 'Load box' or a 'Save box', depending.  (^L and ^S
	are the accelerators).

Added ability to type pathnames in 'filename' field.  And 'cd-ing' to different
	directories directly without going through pesky UI.

Added 'popup' windows.  (The computer seems to be on fire.  <Ok> )

Stretched ctrlW so that 'helvetica' font would still fit (Ultrix 4.2 doesn't
	include 'lucida' still...)

Added 'close' (via mwm menu) handling to PostScript window and PopUp window.

Added wait cursor during directory-reading (whenever you change directories)

Fixed PostScript file output (to have correct comments)

Added 'maxpect' button in PS window.

Hooked up remaining buttons in ColEdit window  (undo, redo, 
	brite, dim, sharp, dull)

Got rid of 'recolor' operations when non-visible changes made to Graf's
	(changes of less than '2' aren't visible due to coordinate halving)

Added 'max contrast' button to gamma window

Added 'C' and 'R' keyboard equivs for 'MaxCnt' and 'Reset' respectively

Added 'default' picture (xvdflt.c)

Added 'Flip H' and 'Flip V' buttons ('h' and 'v' keyboard equivs)

Redesigned ctrl window somewhat

When you 'Load' files (via the Load dialog box), the file names are stuck
	in the 'ctrlW' list for E-Z Re-Viewing...

Added ability to 'reload' current picture (by double clicking on its entry
	int the ctrl window list)

Added 'Delete' command.  ('^D' keyboard equiv)

Mods to work (better) on Apollo systems
				(Robert Goodwill (

Added support for 16-bit displays
				(David Elliot    (

Improved 24-to-8 color compression routines
				(Tom Lane	 (

Improved color selection algorithm
				(Tom Lane	 (

Flag resources now accept 'on', '1', 'true', 'yes' in either u/l case
				(Chris Weikart   (

Fixed potential overflow bug in linear interpolation code
				(Chris Weikart   (

Added Motif-Style 3-d buttons

Added 'Auto-Reset' check box in ColEdit window

Optimization to ColEdit:  if changing a control hasn't actually
	affected the 'desired colormap', don't bother applying the change

Changed 'graf' controls:  you can now hold down the shift key and modify them
	to your hearts content.  The image is not actually recomputed until
	you let go of the shift key.

Added '-hi' and '-lo' options ('highcolor' and 'lowcolor' resources) for 
	setting the 'other' two colors on the buttons.

Added '-v' option ('visual' resource) to allow the user to force XV to use a
	specific visual type, rather than the server default.

Added gamma resources.  Hooked up 'Get Resources' button (copies current
	gamma settings into the cut buffer)

Ripped out '-tile', '-center', and '-rpat' options.  Replaced them with 
	'-rmode' option ('rootMode' resource)

Added mirrored tiling and integer mirrored tiling root modes.

PopUp window now pops up with the right-most button centered under the mouse,
	rather than in the middle of the screen.

Added '^D' accellerator key (for 'Disk File') in the 'Delete What' PopUp box.

Changed '-asmooth' and '-adither' to '-smooth' and '-dither', respectively.

Added stricter command line argument matching.  '-snausage' no longer would
	match the '-s' flag.

Changed way '-expand' (and 'expand' resource) works.  Now takes floating
	point number.  For backwards compatibility, negative numbers are 
	still treated as reciprocals.  (ie, both '-2' and '.5' will halve 
	the image)

Created 'MBUTT' pop-up menu widget.

Added 'Display Modes' popup button.

Fixed bug when using '-perfect'.  The XCopyColormapAndFree() function had the
	rather undesirable side effect of getting rid of the allocated
	colors used for the various windows, etc. (ie, more than the
	image colors)

Made 'Hagan-Style' tiling (aka, Centered Tiling) much more efficient
				(Robert Potter  (

Made the 'directory' listing in the load/save box use an MBUTT.

Added JPEG support.		(Markus Baur  (
				(and, of course, the Independent JPEG Group)

Added '-keeparound' flag (and 'keepAround' resource).  By default, if you
	'delete' the last file remaining in the ctrl window list, 
	the program will auto-exit.  This option overrides that behavior.

Ripped out '-fgeom' and '-fmap' options (and 'fileGeometry' resource).
	Load/Save boxes now come up wherever the mouse is.

Wrote OpenOutFile() and CloseOutFile() routines to unify redundant code
	in 'DoSave()' and 'writePS()'

Added 'piped' output.  (ie, save file "| lpr")

Added 'Alert' boxes (button-less PopUp's)

Bug fixes when loading/saving '~' files

Fixed PS output to be Encapsulated PostScript compatible

Added a faked 'colorimage' procedure for grayscale PS printers.
	(Color postscript files will print on non-color printers, albeit in

New Window positioning code.  Should work for (nearly) all WMs.
				(Matthew Stier  (matthew@sunpix.East.Sun.COM))

Automatically smooths images that were 'shrunk' (2x, 4x, etc...)

Bug fixes to the JPEG i/o code.	(Tom Lane  (Tom_Lane@G.GP.CS.CMU.EDU))

Fixed problem in xv24to8.c with the Floyd-Steinberg dithering code.
				(Charles Hannum  (

Modified 'Delete' behavior.  Only loads an image if you deleted the
	currently-viewed image.

Changes the suffix of the filename in the 'save window' when you change 
	file formats.

Got rid of 'Quit XV' buttons in load and save windows

Added extra verbiage to JPEG save window.

Dicked around some more with window positioning code.  Seems to work
	correctly in TWM and MWM.  Hopefully, it'll work in OLWM as well.

Added Makefile options and xv.h #ifdefs for Encore's UMAX 
	version of Unix System V.	(Drew Watson  (

Added '-owncmap' option (and 'ownCmap' resource) to make XV *always*
	use/install its own colormap.	(Bill Turner  (

Rev: 11/29/90  (version 1, patchlevel 3)

Changed 'CCOPTIONS' to 'DEFINES' in Imakefile

Fixes for use with virtual root window managers (ie, tvtwm)
	(only cares about virtual root when using '-root' option,
	 negative geometry's correctly handled.)
			(Andreas Stolcke   (stolcke@ICSI.Berkeley.EDU))

Modifications for Sequent machines (no 'mem*() routines)
			(Daniel Pommert    (

Modifications to avoid bug in certain optimizers, most notably the default
optimization (-O) in Sun's C compiler.  (Incorrectly handles lines of the
sort "*p = array[*p]")

Modification to get around 'when I shift my arrow keys (to adjust the
cropping rectangle), my keyboard generates numbers instead' problem
			(Mark Horstman     (

Modification to allow 'xsetroot' and 'xloadimage' to cleanup any
xv-displayed images in the root window, and vice-versa.
			(Richard Bingle    (

Rev: 11/26/90  (version 1, patchlevel 2)
added workaround for 'X Protocol Errors' on broken servers (XFreeColors())
	(see the '-bfc' option)
fixed core dump when cropping on certain displays
misc. #ifdefs for HPs
fixed problem with fish cursor remaining around too long
more SVR4 #ifdefs			(David Elliott,
fixed bug in tracking pixel values	(Bob Finch,
misc #ifdefs for ISC 386/ix 2.0.2	(Mark Snitily    mark@zok.uucp)
misc #ifdefs for AT&T machines	 	(Eric Raymond
misc #ifdefs for Silicon Graphics       (Paul Close
Added POSIX signal handling		(Mike Patnode   (
Port to SCO UNIX/ODT			(Mike Patnode   (

fixed problem with using '-max' and '-fixed' at same time
			(Greg Spencer
modification to work with Virtual Root Windows (ala swm and tvtwm)
			(Bill Kucharski

the 'save-as' filename is now set to the 'current' filename

Also, if you double click on 'plain' files in the directory box,
	it will set the 'save-as' filename accordingly.

Added ability to view images centered on the root window, without
	any tiling.  Added associated options ('-center', '-rfg', '-rbg',
	and '-rpat')

Workaround for twm 'No title bars' bug  
			 (Steve Swales

Bidirectional Rotate commands added

Maxpect command added:  (Maximum size, but preserve aspect ratio)

AutoCrop command added:  (Crops out solid borders.)

Potential support for 32-bit displays.  (Hasn't been tested.  Don't have one.)

Rev: 10/17/90   (version 1, patchlevel 1)
Imakefile added			(David Elliot    (
System V release 4 mods		(David Elliot    (
Bug in 'quick check' fixed	(Arthur Olson    (
Mods for Convex machines	(Anthony Datri   (
'vprintf' module added 		(Jonathan Kamens (
window creation bug fixed
added icon
fixed 'Input Focus' probs
added '-w' flag to bggen
various cleanups to shut up 'noisy' compilers

Rev: 10/9/90    (version 1, patchlevel 0  -  initial release)