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<title>XV: Modifying xv Behavior, part 1/4</title>
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<h1>Modifying <em>xv</em> Behavior</h1>

<p><i>xv</i> supports literally dozens of command line options
and X11 resources. Fortunately, it is doubtful that you'll ever
need to use more than a small few. The rest are provided mainly
for that 'one special case' application of <i>xv</i>... Note that
you do not have to specify the entire option name, only enough
characters to uniquely identify the option. Thus, '<tt>-geom</tt>'
is a fine abbreviation of '<tt>-geometry</tt>'.</p>

<h2><a name="command-line-options-overview">Command Line Options

<p>If you start <i>xv</i> with the command '<tt>xv -help</tt>',
the current (wildly out of control) list of options will be

    <p><font size="2"><tt>xv [-] [-/+24] [-/+2xlimit] [-/+4x3]
    [-/+8] [-/+acrop] [-aspect w:h] [-best24] [-bg color] [-black
    color] [-bw width] [-/+cecmap] [-cegeometry geom] [-/+cemap]
    [-cgamma rval gval bval] [-cgeometry geom] [-/+clear]
    [-/+close] [-/+cmap] [-cmtgeometry geom] [-/+cmtmap] [-crop x
    y w h] [-cursor char#] [-DEBUG level] [-dir directory]
    [-display disp] [-/+dither] [-drift dx dy] [-expand exp |
    hexp:vexp] [-fg color] [-/+fixed] [-flist fname] [-gamma val]
    [-geometry geom] [-grabdelay seconds] [-gsdev str] [-gsgeom
    geom] [-gsres int] [-help] [-/+hflip] [-hi color] [-/+hist]
    [-/+hsv] [-icgeometry geom] [-/+iconic] [-igeometry geom]
    [-/+imap] [-/+lbrowse] [-lo color] [-/+loadclear] [-/+max]
    [-/+maxpect] [-mfn font] [-/+mono] [-name str] [-ncols #]
    [-/+ninstall] [-/+nodecor] [-/+nofreecols] [-/+nolimits]
    [-/+nopos] [-/+noqcheck] [-/+noresetroot] [-/+norm]
    [-/+nostat] [-/+owncmap] [-/+perfect] [-/+poll] [-preset #]
    [-quick24] [-/+quit] [-/+random] [-/+raw] [-rbg color] [-rfg
    color] [-/+rgb] [-RM] [-rmode #] [-/+root] [-rotate deg]
    [-/+rv] [-/+rw] [-slow24] [-/+smooth] [-/+stdcmap]
    [-tgeometry geom] [-/+vflip] [-/+viewonly] [-visual type]
    [-/+vsdisable] [-vsgeometry geom] [-/+vsmap] [-/+vsperfect]
    [-wait seconds] [-white color] [-/+wloop] [filename ...]</tt></font></p>

<p>Yes, as a matter of fact, I <i>am</i> a little embarrassed
about it.</p>

<p>One big change starting in <i>xv </i>3.10: In the past, most
of the command-line options were <i>toggles</i>, in that they
would normally turn some feature on, but if you had an X resource
that also turned that feature on, then they would turn that
feature <i>off. </i>Now, they are absolute settings. For
instance, '<tt>-rv'</tt> turns on reverse video mode, regardless
of the setting of the '<tt>xv.reverse'</tt> resource, and '<tt>+rv'</tt>
turns <i>off</i> reverse video mode, regardless of the setting of
the '<tt>xv.reverse'</tt> resource. (Thanks Peder!)</p>

<h2><a name="general-options">General Options</a></h2>

<p>Note: In the following sections, the part of the option name
shown in <b>boldface</b> is the shortest allowable abbreviation
of the option in question.</p>

    <dt><a name="help"><b>-he</b><tt>lp</tt></a></dt>
    <dd>Print usage instructions, listing the current available
        command-line options. Any unrecognized option will do
        this as well. </dd>
    <dt><a name="display"><b>-dis</b><tt>play</tt> <i>disp</i></a></dt>
    <dd>Specifies the display that <i>xv</i> should attempt to
        connect to. If you don't specify a display, <i>xv</i>
        will use the environment variable <tt>$DISPLAY</tt> . </dd>
    <dt><a name="fg"><b>-fg</b> <i>color</i></a></dt>
    <dd>Sets the foreground color used by the windows. </dd>
    <dd>(Resource name: <tt>foreground</tt> . Type: string)</dd>
    <dt><a name="bg"><b>-bg</b> <i>color</i></a></dt>
    <dd>Sets the background color used by the windows. </dd>
    <dd>(Resource name: <tt>background</tt> . Type: string) </dd>
    <dt><a name="hi"><b>-hi</b> <i>color</i></a></dt>
    <dd>Sets the highlight color used for the top-left edges of
        the control buttons. </dd>
    <dd>(Resource name: <tt>highlight</tt> . Type: string)</dd>
    <dt><a name="lo"><b>-lo</b> <i>color</i></a></dt>
    <dd>Sets the lowlight color used for the bottom-right edges
        of the control buttons, and also the background of some
        windows. </dd>
    <dd>(Resource name: <tt>lowlight</tt> . Type: string)</dd>
    <dt><a name="bw"><b>-bw</b> <i>bwidth</i></a></dt>
    <dd>Sets the width of the border on the windows. Your window
        manager may choose to ignore this, however. </dd>
    <dd>(Resource name: <tt>borderWidth</tt> . Type: integer)</dd>

<h2><a name="sizing-options">Image Sizing Options</a></h2>

    <dt><a name="geometry"><b>-ge</b><tt>ometry</tt> <i>geom</i></a></dt>
    <dd>Lets you specify the size and placement of the 'image'
        window. It's most useful when you only specify a
        position, and let <i>xv</i> choose the size. If you
        specify a size as well, <i>xv</i> will create a window of
        that size, unless <tt>-fixed</tt> is specified. The geom
        argument is in the form of a normal X geometry string
        (e.g. &quot;300x240&quot; or &quot;+10+10&quot; or
        &quot;400x300+10+10&quot;) </dd>
    <dd>(Resource name: <tt>geometry</tt> . Type: string)</dd>
    <dt><a name="fixed"><b>-</b>/<b>+fi</b><tt>xed</tt></a></dt>
    <dd>Only used in conjunction with the <tt>-geometry</tt>
        option. If you specify a window size with the <tt>-geometry</tt>
        option, <i>xv</i> will normally stretch the picture to
        exactly that size. This is not always desirable, as it
        may seriously distort the aspect ratio of the picture.
        Specifying the <tt>-fixed</tt> option corrects this
        behavior by instructing <i>xv</i> to use the specified
        geometry size as a maximum window size. It will preserve
        the original aspect ratio of the picture. ( <tt>+fixed</tt>
        turns off this feature, forcing the image to be exactly
        the size specified by the <tt>-geometry</tt> option.) <p>For
        example, if you give a rectangular geometry of '320x240',
        and you try to display a square picture with a size of
        '256x256', the window opened will actually be '240x240',
        which is the largest square that still fits in the
        '320x240' rectangle that was specified.</p>
        <p>(Resource name: <tt>fixed</tt> . Type: boolean)</p>
    <dt><a name="expand"><b>-e</b><tt>xpand</tt> <i>exp</i></a></dt>
    <dd>Lets you specify an initial expansion or compression
        factor for the picture. You can specify floating-point
        values. Values larger than zero multiply the picture's
        dimensions by the given factor. (i.e., an expand factor
        of '3' will make a 320x200 image display as 960x600). <p>Factors
        less than zero are treated as reciprocals. (i.e., an
        expand factor of '-4' makes the picture 1/4 th its normal
        size.). '0' is not a valid expansion factor.</p>
        <p>You can also specify a pair of expansion values,
        separated by a colon, to set different horizontal and
        vertical expansion ratios. For instance, '3:2' would
        expand images 3x horizontally, and 2x vertically.</p>
        <p>(Resource name: <tt>expand</tt> . Type: string) </p>
    <dt><a name="aspect"><b>-as</b><tt>pect</tt> <i>w:h</i></a></dt>
    <dd>Lets you set an initial aspect ratio, and also sets the
        value used by the <b>Aspect</b> command. The aspect ratio
        of nearly every X display (and, in fact, <i>any</i>
        civilized graphics display) is 1:1. What this means is
        that pixels appear to be 'square'. A 100 pixel wide by
        100 pixel high box will appear on the screen as a square.
        Unfortunately, this is not the case with some screens and
        digitizers. The <tt>-aspect</tt> option lets you stretch
        the picture so that the picture appears correctly on your
        display. Unlike the other size- related options, this one
        doesn't care what the size of the overall picture is. It
        operates on a pixel-by-pixel basis, stretching each image
        pixel slightly, in either width or height, depending on
        the ratio. <p>Aspect ratios greater than '1:1' (e.g.,
        '4:3') make the picture wider than normal. Aspect ratios
        less than '1:1' (e.g. '2:3') make the picture taller than
        normal. (Useful aspect ratio: A 512x480 image that was
        supposed to fill a standard 4x3 video screen (produced by
        many video digitizers) should be displayed with an aspect
        ratio of '5:4')</p>
        <p>(Resource name: <tt>aspect</tt> . Type: string)</p>

<h2><a name="color-allocation-options">Color Allocation Options</a></h2>

    <dt><a name="ncols"><b>-nc</b><tt>ols</tt> <i>nc</i></a></dt>
    <dd>Sets the maximum number of colors that <i>xv</i> will
        use. By default, this is 'as many as it can get'.
        However, you can set this to smaller values for
        interesting effect. If you set it to '0', it will display
        the picture by dithering with 'black' and 'white'. (The
        actual colors used can be set by the <tt>- black</tt> and
        <tt>-white</tt> options, below.) <p>The other major use
        of this option is to limit the number of colors used when
        putting up an image that's going to be hanging around for
        a while. (i.e., an image in the root window) You may want
        to limit the number of colors used for such images so
        that other programs will still have some colorcells
        available for their own use.</p>
        <p>(Resource name: <tt>ncols</tt> . Type: integer)</p>
    <dt><a name="rw"><b>-</b>/<b>+rw</b></a></dt>
    <dd>Tells <i>xv</i> to use read/write color cells. Normally, <i>xv</i>
        allocates colors read- only, which allows it to share
        colors with other programs. If you use read/write color
        cells, no other program can use the colors that <i>xv</i>
        is using, and vice-versa. The major reason to do such a
        thing is that using read/write color cells allows the <b>Apply</b>
        function in the <i>xv color editor</i> window to operate
        much faster. ( <tt>+rw</tt> forces <i>xv</i> to use
        read-only color, the default) <p>(Resource name: <tt>rwColor</tt>
        . Type: boolean)</p>
    <dt><a name="perfect"><b>-</b>/<b>+pe</b><tt>rfect</tt></a></dt>
    <dd>Makes <i>xv</i> try 'extra hard' to get all the colors it
        wants. In particular, when <tt>-perfect</tt> is
        specified, <i>xv</i> will allocate and install its own
        colormap if (and only if) it was unable to allocate all
        the desired colors. This option is not allowed in
        conjunction with the <tt>-root</tt> option. <p>(Resource
        name: <tt>perfect</tt> . Type: boolean)</p>
    <dt><a name="owncmap"><b>-</b>/<b>+o</b><tt>wncmap</tt></a></dt>
    <dd>Like '<tt>-perfect'</tt>, only this option forces <i>xv</i>
        to always allocate and install its own colormap, thereby
        leaving the default colormap untouched. <p>(Resource
        name: <tt>ownCmap</tt> . Type: boolean)</p>
    <dt><a name="stdcmap"><b>-</b>/<b>+st</b><tt>dcmap</tt></a></dt>
    <dd>Puts <i>xv</i> into <b>Use Std. Colormap</b> mode. All
        images will be shown dithered using the same set of
        colors. This lets you run multiple copies of <i>xv</i> to
        display multiple images simultaneously, and still have
        enough colors to go around. <p>(Resource name: <tt>useStdCmap</tt>
        . Type: boolean)</p>
    <dt><a name="cecmap"><b>-</b>/<b>+cec</b><tt>map</tt></a></dt>
    <dd>Specifies whether <i>xv</i> installs the image's colormap
        in the <i>xv color editor</i> window, as well as in the
        image's window. By default, the program does not install
        the colormap in the color editor window, as this often
        makes the color editor window unreadable. Note, however
        that the <i>Colormap Editor</i> tool will be appear
        somewhat misleading. (This option only applies when the '<tt>-perfect'</tt>
        or '<tt>-owncmap'</tt> options create their own
        colormaps.) <p>(Resource name: <tt>ceditColorMap</tt> .
        Type boolean)</p>
    <dt><a name="ninstall"><b>-</b>/<b>+ni</b><tt>nstall</tt></a></dt>
    <dd>Prevents <i>xv</i> from 'installing' its own colormap,
        when the <tt>-perfect</tt> or <tt>-owncmap</tt> options
        are in effect. Instead of installing the colormap, it
        will merely 'ask the window manager, nicely' to take care
        of it. This is the correct way to install a colormap
        (i.e., ask the WM to do it), unfortunately, it doesn't
        actually seem to work in many window managers, so the
        default behavior is for <i>xv</i> to handle installation
        itself. However, this has been seen to annoy one window
        manager (<i>dxwm</i>), so this option is provided if your
        WM doesn't like programs installing their own colormaps. <p>(Resource
        name: <tt>ninstall</tt> . Type: boolean)</p>

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