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<title>XV: Modifying xv Behavior, part 2/4</title>
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<h2><a name="bit-options">8/24-Bit Options</a></h2>

<p>See &quot;<a href="control-window-3.html#bit-menu">The 24/8
Bit Menu</a>&quot; for further information about the following

    <dt><a name="8"><b>-</b>/<b>+8</b></a></dt>
    <dd>Locks <i>xv</i> into <b>8-</b> bit <b>Mode</b> . </dd>
    <dd>(Resource name: <tt>force8</tt> . Type: boolean)</dd>
    <dt><a name="24"><b>-</b>/<b>+24</b></a></dt>
    <dd>Locks <i>xv</i> into <b>24-bit Mode</b> . </dd>
    <dd>(Resource name: <tt>force24</tt> . Type: boolean)</dd>

<p>The following three options only come into play if you are
using <i>xv</i> to display 24-bit RGB data (PPM files, color PM
files, JPEG files, the output of <i>bggen</i>, etc.), and you
have <i>xv</i> locked into <b>8-bit Mode</b> , or you save 24-bit
image data into an 8-bit graphics file format (such as GIF). They
have no effect whatsoever on how GIF pictures or 8-bit greyscale
images are displayed.</p>

    <dt><a name="quick24"><b>-quic</b><tt>k24</tt></a></dt>
    <dd>Forces <i>xv</i> to use the 'quick' 24-bit to 8-bit
        conversion algorithm. This algorithm dithers the picture
        using a fixed set of colors that span the entire RGB
        colorspace. In versions of <i>xv</i> prior to 2.10, this
        was the default algorithm. It no longer is. <p>(Resource
        name: <tt>quick24</tt> . Type: boolean)</p>
    <dt><a name="slow24"><b>-sl</b><tt>ow24</tt></a></dt>
    <dd>Forces <i>xv</i> to use the 'slow' 24-bit to 8-bit
        conversion algorithm. This algorithm uses a version of
        Heckbert's median cut algorithm to pick the 'best' colors
        on a per-image basis, and dithers with those. This is the
        current default conversion algorithm. <p>Advantages: The <tt>-slow24</tt>
        algorithm often produces better looking pictures than the
        <tt>-quick24</tt> algorithm.</p>
        <p>Disadvantages: The <tt>-slow24</tt> algorithm is about
        half as fast as the <tt>-quick24</tt> algorithm. Also,
        since the colors are chosen on a per-image basis, it
        can't be used to display multiple images simultaneously,
        as each image will almost certainly want a different set
        of 256 colors. The <tt>-quick24</tt> algorithm, however,
        uses the same exact colors for all images, so it can
        display many images simultaneously, without running out
        of colors.</p>
        <p>(Resource name: <tt>slow24</tt> . Type: boolean)</p>
    <dt><a name="best24"><b>-be</b><tt>st24</tt></a></dt>
    <dd>Forces <i>xv</i> to use the same algorithm used in the
        program <i>ppmquant</i>, written by Jef Poskanzer. This
        algorithm also uses a version of Heckbert's median cut
        algorithm, but is capable of picking 'better' colors than
        the <tt>- slow24</tt> algorithm, and it doesn't dither. <p>Advantages:
        Generally produces slightly better images than the <tt>-slow24</tt>
        algorithm. Also, the images are undithered, so they look
        better when expanded.</p>
        <p>Disadvantages: Much slower than the <tt>-slow24</tt>
        algorithm. Like, 5 to 10 times slower. The images
        produced aren't <i>that</i> much better than those
        produced by the <tt>-slow24</tt> algorithm.</p>
        <p>(Resource name: <tt>best24</tt> . Type: boolean)</p>
    <dt><a name="noqcheck"><b>-noq</b><tt>check</tt></a></dt>
    <dd>Turns off a 'quick check' that is normally made.
        Normally, before running any of the 24-bit to 8-bit
        conversion algorithms, <i>xv</i> determines whether the
        picture to be displayed has more than 256 unique colors
        in it. If the picture doesn't, it will treat the picture
        as an 8-bit colormapped image (i.e., GIF), and won't run
        either of the conversion algorithms. <p>Advantages: The
        pictures will be displayed 'perfectly', whereas if they
        went through one of the conversion algorithms, they'd
        probably be dithered.</p>
        <p>Disadvantages: Often uses a lot of colors, which
        limits the ability to view multiple images at once. (See
        the <tt>-slow24</tt> option above for further info about
        color sharing.)</p>
        <p>(Resource name: <tt>noqcheck</tt>. Type: boolean)</p>

<h2><a name="root-window-options">Root Window Options</a></h2>

<p><i>xv</i> has the ability to display images on the root window
of an X display, rather than opening its own window (the default
behavior). When using the root window, the program is somewhat
limited, because the program cannot receive input events
(keypresses and mouse clicks) from the root window. As a result,
you cannot track pixel values, nor crop, nor can you use keyboard
commands while the mouse is in the root window.</p>

    <dt><a name="root"><b>-</b>/<b>+roo</b><tt>t</tt></a></dt>
    <dd>Directs <i>xv</i> to display images in the root window,
        instead of opening its own window. Exactly how the images
        will be displayed in the root window is determined by the
        setting of the <tt>-rmode</tt> option. Defaults to style
        '0' if <tt>- rmode</tt> is not specified. <p>(Resource
        name: &lt;none&gt;)</p>
    <dt><a name="rmode"><b>-rm</b><tt>ode</tt> <i>mode</i></a></dt>
    <dd>Determines how images are to be displayed on the root
        window, when <tt>-root</tt> has been specified. You can
        find the current list of 'modes' by using a mode value of
        '-1'. <i>xv</i> will complain, and show a list of valid
        modes. The current list at of the time of this writing
        is: <pre>0:  tiling
1:  integer tiling
2:  mirrored tiling
3:  integer mirrored tiling
4:  centered tiling
5:  centered on a solid background
6:  centered on a 'warp' background
7:  centered on a 'brick' background
8:  symmetrical tiling
9:  symmetrical mirrored tiling</pre>
        <p>The default mode is '0'. See &quot;<a
        Display Modes</a>&quot; for a description of the
        different display modes. Also, if you specify a '<tt>-rmode'</tt>
        option on the command line, it is not necessary to also
        specify the '<tt>-root'</tt> option.</p>
        <p>(Resource name: <tt>rootMode</tt> . Type: integer)</p>
    <dt><a name="noresetroot"><b>-</b>/<b>+nore</b><tt>setroot</tt></a></dt>
    <dd>Lets you turn off the clearing of the root window that
        happens when you switch from a 'root' display mode back
        to the 'window' display mode. Handy if you're trying to
        create a neat mirrored root tile, and you have to keep
        adjusting your cropping. Or something like that. <p>(Resource
        name: <tt>resetroot</tt> . Type: boolean)</p>
    <dt><a name="rfg"><b>-rf</b><tt>g</tt> <i>color</i></a></dt>
    <dd>Sets the 'foreground' color used in some of the root
        display modes. </dd>
    <dd>(Resource name: <tt>rootForeground</tt> . Type: string)</dd>
    <dt><a name="rbg"><b>-rb</b><tt>g</tt> <i>color</i></a></dt>
    <dd>Sets the 'background' color used in some of the root
        display modes. </dd>
    <dd>(Resource name: <tt>rootBackground</tt> . Type: string)</dd>
    <dt><a name="max"><b>-</b>/<b>+max</b></a></dt>
    <dd>Makes <i>xv</i> automatically stretch the image to the
        full size of the screen. This is mostly useful when you
        want <i>xv</i> to display a background. While you could
        just as well specify the dimensions of your display
        ('-geom 1152x900' for example), the <tt>-max</tt> option
        is display-independent. If you decide to start working on
        a 1280x1024 display the same command will still work.
        Note: If you specify <tt>-max</tt> when you aren't using <tt>-root</tt>
        , the behavior is slightly different. In this case, the
        image will be made as large as possible while still
        preserving the normal aspect ratio. <p>(Resource name:
    <dt><a name="maxpect"><b>-</b>/<b>+maxp</b><tt>ect</tt></a></dt>
    <dd>Makes the image as large as possible while preserving the
        aspect ratio, whether you're in a 'root' mode or not. </dd>
    <dd>(Resource name: &lt;none&gt;)</dd>
    <dt><a name="quit"><b>-</b>/<b>+quit</b></a></dt>
    <dd>Makes <i>xv</i> display the (first) specified file and
        exit, without any user intervention. Since images
        displayed on the root window remain there until
        explicitly cleared, this is very useful for having <i>xv</i>
        display background images on the root window in some sort
        of start-up script. <p>If you aren't using a 'root' mode,
        this option will make <i>xv</i> exit as soon as the user
        clicks any mouse button in the image window. This is
        useful if you are calling <i>xv</i> from some other
        program to display an image.</p>
        <p>(Resource name: &lt;none&gt;)</p>
    <dt><a name="clear"><b>-</b>/<b>+cle</b><tt>ar</tt></a></dt>
    <dd>Clears the root window of any <i>xv</i> images. Note: it
        is not necessary to do an '<tt>xv -clear'</tt> before
        displaying another picture in the root window. <i>xv</i>
        will detect that there's an old image in the root window
        and automatically clear it out (and free the associated
        colors). <p>(Resource name: &lt;none&gt;)</p>

<h2><a name="window-options">Window Options</a></h2>

<p><i>xv</i> currently consists has several top-level windows,
plus one window for the actual image. These windows (the <i>xv
controls</i> window, the <i>xv info</i> window, the <i>xv color
editor</i> window, the <i>xv comments</i> window, the <i>xv text</i>
<i>viewer</i> window, and the <i>xv visual schnauzer</i>) may be
automatically mapped and positioned when the program starts.</p>

    <dt><a name="cmap"><b>-</b>/<b>+cma</b><tt>p</tt></a></dt>
    <dd>Maps the <i>xv controls</i> window. </dd>
    <dd>(Resource name: <tt>ctrlMap</tt> . Type: boolean)</dd>
    <dt><a name="cgeom"><b>-cge</b><tt>om</tt> <i>geom</i></a></dt>
    <dd>Sets the initial geometry of the <i>xv controls</i>
        window. Note: only the position information is used. The
        window is of fixed size. </dd>
    <dd>(Resource name: <tt>ctrlGeometry</tt> . Type: string)</dd>
    <dt><a name="imap"><b>-</b>/<b>+im</b><tt>ap</tt></a></dt>
    <dd>Maps the <i>xv info</i> window. </dd>
    <dd>(Resource name: <tt>infoMap</tt> . Type: boolean)</dd>
    <dt><a name="igeom"><b>-ig</b><tt>eom</tt> <i>geom</i></a></dt>
    <dd>Sets the initial geometry of the <i>xv info</i> window.
        Note: only the position information is used. The window
        is of fixed size. </dd>
    <dd>(Resource name: <tt>infoGeometry</tt> . Type: string)</dd>
    <dt><a name="cemap"><b>-</b>/<b>+cem</b><tt>ap</tt></a></dt>
    <dd>Maps the <i>xv color editor</i> window. </dd>
    <dd>(Resource name: <tt>ceditMap</tt> . Type: boolean)</dd>
    <dt><a name="cegeom"><b>-ceg</b><tt>eom</tt> <i>geom</i></a></dt>
    <dd>Sets the initial geometry of the <i>xv color editor</i>
        window. Note: only the position information is used. The
        window is of fixed size. </dd>
    <dd>(Resource name: <tt>ceditGeometry</tt> . Type: string)</dd>
    <dt><a name="cmtmap"><b>-</b>/<b>+cmtm</b><tt>ap</tt></a></dt>
    <dd>Maps the <i>xv comments</i> window. </dd>
    <dd>(Resource name: <tt>commentMap</tt> . Type: boolean) </dd>
    <dt><a name="cmtgeom"><b>-cmtg</b><tt>eometry</tt> <i>geom</i></a></dt>
    <dd>Sets the initial geometry of the <i>xv comments</i>
        window. </dd>
    <dd>(Resource name: <tt>commentGeometry</tt> . Type: string)</dd>
    <dt><a name="tgeom"><b>-tg</b><tt>eometry</tt> <i>geom</i></a></dt>
    <dd>Sets the initial geometry for any <i>TextView</i> windows
        (other than the <i>xv comments</i> window). </dd>
    <dd>(Resource name: <tt>textviewGeometry</tt> . Type: string)</dd>
    <dt><a name="vsmap"><b>-</b>/<b>+vsm</b><tt>ap</tt></a></dt>
    <dd>Maps an <i>xv visual schnauzer</i> window. </dd>
    <dd>(Resource name: <tt>vsMap</tt> . Type: boolean)</dd>
    <dt><a name="vsgeom"><b>-vsg</b><tt>eometry</tt> <i>geom</i></a></dt>
    <dd>Sets the initial geometry of the <i>xv visual schnauzer</i>
        windows. </dd>
    <dd>(Resource name: <tt>vsGeometry</tt> . Type: string)</dd>
    <dt><a name="nopos"><b>-</b>/<b>+nop</b><tt>os</tt></a></dt>
    <dd>Turns off the 'default' positioning of the various <i>xv</i>
        windows. Every time you open a window, you will be asked
        to position it. (Assuming your window manager asks you
        such things. <i>mwm</i>, for instance, doesn't seem to
        ask) </dd>
    <dd>(Resource name: <tt>nopos</tt> . Type: boolean)</dd>

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