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<h2><a name="color-editor-resources">Color Editor Resources</a></h2>

<p>You can set default values for all of the HSV and RGB
modification controls in the x <i>v color editor</i> window via X
resources. The easiest way to explain this is with an example.</p>

    <li>Start <i>xv</i> and put it in the background by typing '<tt>xv
    <li>Type the command '<tt>cat &gt;foo'</tt> in an active <i>xterm</i>
    <li>Bring the <i>xv color editor</i> window up.</li>
    <li>Issue the <b>Cut Resources</b> command.</li>
    <li>Click your middle mouse button in the <i>xterm</i>
        window. A set of resource lines describing the current
        state of the <i>xv color editor</i> controls will be
        'pasted' into the window. </li>
    <li>You could type <b>&lt;ctrl-D&gt;</b> in the <i>xterm</i>
        to complete the <i>cat</i> command, edit this file, and
        put it in your <tt>.Xdefaults</tt> or <tt>.Xresources</tt>

<p>The lines generated by Cut Resources will look like this:</p>

    <pre><font size="2">xv.default.huemap1: 330  30  CW 330  30  CW
xv.default.huemap2:  30  90  CW  30  90  CW
xv.default.huemap3:  90 150  CW  90 150  CW
xv.default.huemap4: 150 210  CW 150 210  CW
xv.default.huemap5: 210 270  CW 210 270  CW
xv.default.huemap6: 270 330  CW 270 330  CW
xv.default.whtmap:  0 0 1
xv.default.satval:  0
xv.default.igraf: S 4 : 0,0 : 64,64 : 192,192 : 254,254
xv.default.rgraf: S 4 : 0,0 : 64,64 : 192,192 : 254,254
xv.default.ggraf: S 4 : 0,0 : 64,64 : 192,192 : 254,254
xv.default.bgraf: S 4 : 0,0 : 64,64 : 192,192 : 254,254</font></pre>

<p>These lines completely describe one state of the <i>xv color
editor</i> controls. There are five different states that you can
specify via X resources. The '<tt>default'</tt> state (as shown)
holds the settings used whenever the program is first started,
and whenever the <b>Reset</b> command is used. You can also store
settings in one of the four <i>xv</i> presets (accessed via the <b>1,
2, 3, </b>or <b>4</b> buttons in the <i>xv color editor</i>) by
changing the string '<tt>default'</tt> in the above lines to '<tt>preset1'</tt>,
'<tt>preset2'</tt>, '<tt>preset3'</tt>, or '<tt>preset4'</tt>

<p>There are four types of resource described in these lines: <tt>huemap</tt>
, <tt>whtmap</tt> , <tt>satval</tt> , and <tt>graf</tt> .</p>

<h3><a name="huemap-resources">Huemap Resources</a></h3>

<p>The <tt>huemap</tt> resources describe the state of the hue
remapping dials. There are six huemap resources per state of the <i>xv
color editor</i>. These huemap resources are numbered '<tt>huemap1'</tt>,
through '<tt>huemap6'</tt>, and correspond to the '<b>1'</b>-'<b>6</b>'
radio buttons under the hue remapping dials.</p>

<p>Each huemap resources takes six parameters:</p>

    <li>The 'starting' angle of the <i>From</i> range, in degrees
    <li>The 'ending' angle of the <i>From</i> range, in degrees
    <li>The direction of the <i>From</i> range. Either '<tt>cw'</tt>
        (clockwise) or '<tt>ccw'</tt> (counter-clockwise).</li>
    <li>The 'starting' angle of the <i>To</i> range, in degrees
    <li>The 'ending' angle of the <i>To</i> range, in degrees
    <li>The direction of the <i>To</i> range. Either '<tt>cw'</tt>
        or '<tt>ccw'</tt>.</li>

<h3><a name="whtmap-resources">Whtmap Resources</a></h3>

<p>The <tt>whtmap</tt> resource describes the state of the white
remapping control. There is one whtmap resource per state of the <i>xv
color editor</i> controls. The whtmap resource takes three

    <li>The hue to remap 'white' to, in degrees (integer).</li>
    <li>The saturation to give to the remapped 'white', in
        percent (integer).</li>
    <li>A boolean specifying whether the white remapping control
        is enabled. If '1', the control is enabled. If '0', the
        control is disabled. </li>

<h3><a name="satval-resource">Satval Resource</a></h3>

<p>The <tt>satval</tt> resource describes the value of the
Saturation dial. There is one satval resource per state. The
satval resource takes a single integer value, in the range 100,
which specifies how much to add or subtract to the overall image
color saturation.</p>

<h3><a name="graf-resources">Graf Resources</a></h3>

<p>The <tt>graf</tt> resources describe the state of the four
'graph' windows in the <i>xv color editor</i> window ( <i>Intensity</i>,
<i>Red</i>, <i>Green</i>, and <i>Blue</i>). The graf resources
can be in one of two formats, 'gamma' and 'spline/line'.</p>

<p>In 'gamma' format, the graf resource takes two parameters:</p>

    <li>The letter 'G', specifying 'gamma' mode</li>
    <li>A single floating point number specifying the gamma

<p>In 'spline/line' mode, the graf resource takes a variable
number of parameters:</p>

    <li>The letter 'S' specifying 'spline' mode, or the letter
        'L' specifying 'line' mode.</li>
    <li>An integer number indicating the number of handles
        (control points) that this graph window will have. (Must
        be in the range 2-16, inclusive.)</li>
    <li>For each handle, there will be a ':', and the <i>x</i>
        and <i>y</i> positions of the handle, separated by a
        comma. The <i>x</i> and <i>y</i> positions can be in the
        range 0-255 inclusive.</li>

<h3><a name="resources">Other Resources</a></h3>

    <dd>A boolean resource that sets the default condition of the
        <b>Auto-Apply HSV/RGB Mods</b> checkbox in the <i>xv
        color editor</i> window.</dd>
    <dd>A boolean resource that sets the default condition of the
        <b>Display With HSV/RGB Mods</b> checkbox in the <i>xv
        color editor</i> window.</dd>
    <dd>A boolean resource that sets the default condition of the
        <b>Auto-Apply While Dragging</b> checkbox in the <i>xv
        color editor</i> window.</dd>
    <dd>A boolean resource that sets the default condition of the
        <b>Auto-Reset On New Image</b> checkbox in the <i>xv
        color editor</i> window.</dd>
    <dd>A boolean resource that sets the default condition of <b>Normal
        Size</b> checkbox in the <i>xv save</i> window.</dd>
    <dd>A boolean resource that sets the default condition of <b>Preview</b>
        checkbox in the <i>xv postscript</i> window.</dd>
    <dd>A boolean resource that sets the default condition of <b>Compress</b>
        checkbox in the <i>xv postscript</i> window.</dd>
    <dd>A string resource that sets the default command that
        shows up in the <b>Print</b> dialog box.</dd>
    <dd>A string resource that sets the default paper size
        selected in the <i>xv postscript</i> window. Valid
        settings are: <tt>8.5x11, 8.5x14, 11x17, 4x5 35mm a3 a4
    <dd>A string resource that sets the default image orientation
        in the <i>xv postscript</i> window. Valid settings are: <tt>portrait</tt>
        and <tt>landscape</tt> </dd>
    <dd>An integer resource that sets the default image
        resolution in the <i>xv postscript</i> window. Valid
        settings are in the range 10 through 720 dpi.</dd>

<h2>Window Classes</h2>

<p><i>xv</i> defines the following 'class' names for its various
top-level windows:</p>

<dl compact>
    <dd>for the <i>xv image</i> window</dd>
    <dd>for the <i>xv controls</i> window</dd>
    <dd><dl compact>
            <dt>for the <i>xv load</i> and <i>xv save</i> windows</dt>
            <dt>for the <i>xv info</i> window</dt>
    <dd><dl compact>
            <dt>for the <i>xv color editor</i> window</dt>
    <dd><dl compact>
            <dt>for the <i>xv postscript </i>window</dt>
            <dt>for the <i>xv jpeg</i> window</dt>
            <dt>for the <i>xv tiff</i> window</dt>
            <dt>for all the pop-up windows</dt>

<p>You may be able to use these class names to do something nifty
with your window manager. For instance, with <i>mwm</i> you can
control which controls you'll get in the window frame, on a
per-window basis. For example, to turn off all the <i>mwm</i>
doodads that normally are tacked onto the <i>xv image</i> window,
you could put this in your .Xdefaults file:</p>

    <p><tt>Mwm*XVroot*clientDecoration: none</tt></p>

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