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<title>XV: The Save Window, part 1/2</title>
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<h1>The Save Window</h1>

<table border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="4">
        <td valign="top"><a name="save-window"><img
        src="images/fig-170.gif" width="364" height="430"></a></td>
        <td valign="top">Damned if it doesn't look suspiciously
        like the <i>xv load </i>window! The <i>xv save</i> window
        lets you write images back to disk, presumably after
        you've modified them. You can write images back in many
        different formats, not just the original format.<p><b>Warning!</b>
        <i>Images are saved as they are currently shown!</i>
        (i.e. At the current size, with the current color
        modification, rotation, cropping, etc. applied.) The only
        exceptions to this rule are if you are displaying images
        on a 1-bit B/W display, or displaying 24-bit images on a
        non-24-bit display. The fact that such images have to be
        dithered in order to be displayed doesn't count as
        'modification', and the file won't be saved 'as
        displayed'. As such, you can manipulate and save color
        images on a 1-bit display, and 24-bit images on <i>any</i>
        type of display, even if you can't really see them 'as
        they are'.</p>

<p>For the most part, the <i>xv save</i> window operates exactly
like the <i>xv load</i> window. (See &quot;<a
href="load-window.html">The Load Window</a>&quot; for details.)
Only the differences are listed here.</p>

<p>When the window is opened, it should have the filename of the
currently loaded file already entered into the text entry region.
If you click on a file name in the list window, this name will be
cleared and replaced with the new name. Likewise, the <b>Format</b>
and <b>Colors</b> selections will reflect the currently loaded
image. This behavior can be annoying if you are using <i>xv</i>
to do file format conversion, or are routinely typing the same
filename (a piped command, for instance). </p>

    <dt><img src="images/fig-171.gif" width="81" height="25"></dt>
    <dd>The <b>Prev Set</b> button restores the <b>Format</b> and
        <b>Colors</b> choices to the settings that were used the
        last time a file was saved during this particular run of <i>xv</i>.
    <dt><img src="images/fig-172.gif" width="81" height="25"></dt>
    <dd>Likewise, the <b>Prev Name</b> button restores the
        filename string to the value it had the last time a file
        was saved. </dd>

<p>At the top of the window are a pair of pull-down menus, <b>Format</b>
and <b>Colors</b> . These menus let you choose the image file
format and color settings that will be used when you save the
image. Normally, they display the format that the current image
is already in. If you change formats, and your filename has a
recognized suffix (i.e., '.gif', '.GIF', '.pbm', etc.), the
suffix portion of your filename will be replaced with the new,
appropriate suffix for the selected format.</p>

<p>You can pipe output from <i>xv</i> to other programs by using
the <i>xv save</i> window. If the first character of the
specified filename is '!' or '|', the rest of the filename is
interpreted as a command to pipe output to, in the currently
selected image format. A fine use for this feature is directly
printing images to a PostScript printer by selecting 'PostScript'
in the formats list, and typing something like &quot; <tt>| lpr</tt>
&quot; as the filename. In this case, <i>xv</i> will create a
temporary file, write the PostScript to that file, and cat the
contents of that file to the entered command. <i>xv</i> will wait
for the command to complete. If the command completed
successfully, the <i>xv save</i> window will disappear. If the
command was unsuccessful, the window will remain visible. In any
event, the temporary file will be deleted. </p>

    <dt><a name="normal-size"><img src="images/fig-173.gif"
        width="94" height="17"></a></dt>
    <dd>Normally, when you save an image, it will be saved at the
        current expansion (i.e., one screen pixel will map to one
        image pixel in the saved file). Sometimes, however, it's
        desirable to save an image at its original size. This is
        particularly relevant when you're viewing images larger
        than your screen. By default, <i>xv</i> will
        automatically shrink images so that they fit on the
        screen. If you save these images, you'll find that you've
        lost a lot of data, that maybe you wanted to keep. That's
        what this checkbox is here for. Note: certain operations,
        most notably the <b>Smooth</b> and <b>Dither</b>
        commands, only affect the 'displayed' image. If you
        choose to save an image at its normal size, these effects
        will not be in the saved image. </dd>
    <dt><a name="selected-area"><img src="images/fig-174.gif"
        width="104" height="17"></a></dt>
    <dd>If you have a selection rectangle drawn on the image,
        this control can be used. When enabled, only the contents
        of the selection will be saved. This can be very useful
        if you want to break parts of an image out into their own
        files, as was done <i>extensively</i> to put together
        this documentation. (i.e. I <b>Grab</b>'bed an <i>xv</i>
        window, such as this <i>save</i> window, moved the
        selection rectangle around so that it contained various
        parts of the image (such as the 'Selected Area' button to
        the left), and saved these parts in their own separate
        files, for use with Microsoft Word.) </dd>

<p>One important note: If your selection goes 'off-screen'
(beyond the boundaries of the <i>xv image</i> window), as can
happen when you zoom-in to fine-tune the position of the
selection rectangle, your selection will be <i>cropped</i> to the
window when you save it, <i>unless</i> you also turn on the <b>Normal</b>
checkbox. You can not save expanded areas of the image that are
not visible in the <i>xv image</i> window, as such areas don't
really exist (they aren't computed).</p>

<h2><a name="color-choices">Color Choices</a></h2>

<p>At the top of the <i>xv save </i>window there is the <b>Colors
</b>menu, which contains a list of possible color styles to use
when saving the image.. Most file formats support different
'sub-formats' for 24-bit color, 8-bit greyscale, 1-bit B/W
stippled, etc. Not all of them do. Likewise, not all 'Color'
choices are available in all formats.</p>

<p>In general, the choices in the <b>Colors</b> menu do the

    <dt><img src="images/fig-175.gif" width="151" height="16"></dt>
    <dd>Saves the image as currently shown with all color
        modifications, cropping, rotation, flipping, resizing,
        and smoothing. The image will be saved with all of its
        colors, even if you weren't able to display them all on
        your screen. For example, you can load a color image on a
        1-bit B/W display, modify it, and write it back. The
        saved image will still be full color, even though all you
        could see on your screen was some B/W-dithered nightmare.</dd>
    <dt><img src="images/fig-176.gif" width="151" height="16"></dt>
    <dd>Like <b>Full Color</b> , but saves the image in a
        greyscale format.</dd>
    <dt><img src="images/fig-177.gif" width="151" height="16"></dt>
    <dd>Like <b>Full Color</b> , but before saving the image <i>xv</i>
        generates a 1-bit-per- pixel, black-and-white dithered
        version of the image, and saves that, instead.</dd>
    <dt><img src="images/fig-178.gif" width="151" height="16"></dt>
    <dd>Saves the image as currently shown, with all color
        modifications, cropping, rotation, flipping, resizing,
        and smoothing. The image will be saved as shown on the
        screen, <i>with as many or few colors</i> as <i>xv</i>
        was able to use on the display. The major purpose of this
        is to allow special effects (color reduction) to be
        saved, in conjunction with the '-ncols' command line
        option. You will probably never need to use this.</dd>

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