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<title>XV: The Control Window, part 1/6</title>
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<h1><a name="control-window">The Control Window</a></h1>

<p><img src="images/fig-003.gif" width="454" height="378"></p>

<p>The <i>xv controls</i> window is the central point of control
for the program, which just goes to show how appropriately it was
named. It contains controls to resize the current image, flip and
rotate it, load and save different files, and bring up the other <i>xv</i>
windows. It can be brought up by clicking the Right mouse button
in the image window, or by pressing the <b>?</b> key inside any
open <i>xv</i> window. Doing either of these things while the <i>xv
controls</i> window is visible will hide it.</p>

<p>All of the following commands may be executed by either
clicking the appropriate command button, or typing the keyboard
equivalent (where given) into any open <i>xv</i> window.</p>

<h2><a name="resizing-commands">Resizing Commands</a></h2>

<table border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="4">
        <td valign="top"><a name="image-size-menu"><img
        src="images/fig-004.gif" width="117" height="217"></a></td>
        <td valign="top">The resizing commands have all been
        moved to the <b>Image Size </b>menu. Note that none of
        the 'resizing' commands modify the image in any way. They
        only affect how the image is displayed. The image remains
        at its original size. This allows you to arbitrarily
        stretch and compact the image without compounding error
        caused by earlier resizing. In each case, the displayed
        image is recomputed from the original internal image.<p>Note:
        The keyboard equivalents for each command are listed on
        the right side of the menu. These commands may be entered
        in the <i>xv image </i>window, the <i>xv controls </i>window,
        the <i>xv info</i> window, and the <i>xv color editor</i>
        window. They may <i>not </i>be entered in the <i>xv
        visual schnauzer </i>windows, the <i>xv load </i>window,
        or the <i>xv save </i>window. The same goes for all other
        commands listed in the <i>xv controls</i> window.</p>

    <dt><a name="normal"><img src="images/fig-005.gif"
        width="113" height="16"></a></dt>
    <dd>Attempts to return the image to its normal size, where
        one image pixel maps to one screen pixel. For example, if
        the image (or the current cropped portion of the image)
        has a size of 320x200, this command will attempt to make
        the image window 320 screen pixels wide by 200 screen
        pixels high. <p>This command may fail in two cases. If
        you're running a window manager (such as <i>mwm</i>) that
        enforces a minimum window size, and the 'normal' size is
        too small, the image may get distorted. See the note in
        &quot;<a href="image-window.html#cropping">Cropping</a>&quot;
        for more information.</p>
        <p>Also, if the image is larger than the size of your
        screen, it will be shrunk (preserving the aspect ratio)
        until it fits on the screen. For example, if you try to
        display a 1400x900 image on a 1280x1024 screen, the <b>Normal</b>
        command will display a 1280x823 image. (1400/900 =
    <dt><a name="max-size"><img src="images/fig-006.gif"
        width="113" height="16"></a></dt>
    <dd>This command will make the displayed image the same size
        as the screen. If you are running a window manager that
        puts up a title bar, you'll find that the title bar is
        now off the top of the screen. To get the title bar back,
        simply shrink the image to anything smaller than the size
        of the screen. The window will be moved so that the title
        bar is once again visible.</dd>
    <dt><a name="maxpect"><img src="images/fig-007.gif"
        width="113" height="16"></a></dt>
    <dd>Makes the image as large as possible, while preserving
        the aspect ratio. This avoids the generally unwanted
        image distortion that <b>Max Size</b> is capable of
        generating. For example, if you have a 320x200 image, and
        an 1280x1024 screen, doing the <b>Maxpect</b> command
        will result in an image that is 1280x800. <b>Max Size</b>
        , on the other hand, would've generated an image of size
        1280x1024, which would be appear 'stretched' vertically.</dd>
    <dt><a name="double-size"><img src="images/fig-008.gif"
        width="113" height="16"></a></dt>
    <dd>Doubles the current size of the image, with the
        constraint that neither axis is allowed to be larger than
        the screen. For example, given a 320x200 image and a
        1280x1024 screen, the image can be doubled once (to
        640x400), a second time (to 1280x800), but a third time
        would make the image 1280x1024. You'll note that on the
        third time, the width didn't change at all, since it was
        already at its maximum value. Also note that the height
        wasn't allowed to double (from 800 to 1600), but was
        truncated at its maximum value (1024).</dd>
    <dt><a name="half-size"><img src="images/fig-009.gif"
        width="113" height="16"></a></dt>
    <dd>Halves the current size of the image, with the constraint
        that neither axis is allowed to have a size less than 1
        pixel. Also, you may run into 'minimum size' problems
        with your window manager. See the note in &quot;<a
        href="image-window.html#cropping">Cropping</a>&quot; for
        more information. <p>Note that the window size is
        maintained as a pair of integers. As a result you may see
        some integer round-off problems. For example, if you
        halve a 265x185 image, you'll get a 132x92 image, which
        is just fine. However, if you <b>Double Size</b> this
        image, you'll get a 264x184 image, not the 265x185 image
        that you started with.</p>
    <dt><a name="10%-Larger"><img src="images/fig-010.gif"
        width="113" height="16"></a></dt>
    <dd>Increases the current size of the image by 10%, subject
        to the constraint that the image cannot be made larger
        than the screen size (in either axis). For example,
        issuing this command on a 320x200 image will result in a
        352x220 image. </dd>
    <dt><a name="10%-smaller"><img src="images/fig-011.gif"
        width="113" height="16"></a></dt>
    <dd>Decreases the current size of the image by 10%. Neither
        axis of the image is allowed to shrink below 1 pixel.
        Also, you run the risk of running into 'minimum window
        size' problems with your window manager. <p>It should be
        noted that the <b>10% Larger</b> and <b>10% Smaller</b>
        commands have no concept of an 'original size'. They
        simply increase or decrease the current image size by
        10%. As a result, they do not undo each other. For
        example, take a 320x200 image. Do a <b>10% Larger</b> and
        the image will be 352x220. If you issue the <b>10%
        Smaller</b> command now, the image will be made (352 -
        35.2)x(220 - 22), or 316x198.</p>
    <dt><a name="set-size"><img src="images/fig-012.gif"
        width="113" height="16"></a></dt>
    <dd>Lets you specify the exact size, or exact expansion, to
        display the image. Pops open a dialog box where you can
        type a string of the form &quot; <i>width </i>x <i>height&quot;</i>,
        &quot; <i>expansion</i>%&quot;, or &quot; <i>horiz-expansion</i>%
        x <i>vert-expansion</i>%&quot;. The spaces between
        numbers aren't necessary, but the 'x' and '%' characters
        are. </dd>
            <dd><img src="images/fig-013.gif" width="422"
    <dt><a name="re-aspect"><img src="images/fig-014.gif"
        width="113" height="16"></a></dt>
    <dd>Applies the 'default aspect ratio' to the image. This is
        done automatically when the image is first loaded.
        Normally, the default aspect ratio is '1:1', but certain
        GIF files may have an aspect ratio encoded in them. You
        can also set the default aspect ratio via a command-line
        argument or an X resource. See &quot;<a
        Sizing Options</a>&quot; for more info. The idea behind
        this command is that you'd stretch the image manually
        (via your window manager) to roughly the size you'd like,
        and then use the <b>Aspect</b> command to fix up the
        proportions. <p>Normally <b>Aspect</b> expands one axis
        of the image to correct the aspect ratio. If this would
        result in an image that is larger than the screen, the <b>Aspect</b>
        command will instead shrink one of the axes to correct
        the aspect ratio.</p>
    <dt><a name="4x3"><img src="images/fig-015.gif" width="113"
    <dd>Attempts to resize the image so that the ratio of width
        to height is equal to 4 to 3. (e.g., 320x240, 400x300,
        etc.) This is useful because many images were meant to
        fill the screen on whatever system they were generated,
        and nearly all video tubes have an aspect ratio of 4:3.
        This command will stretch the image so that things will
        probably look right on your X display (nearly all of
        which, thankfully, have square pixels). This command is
        particularly useful for images which have really bizarre
        sizes (such as the 600x200 images presumably meant for
        CGA, and the 640x350 16-color EGA images). </dd>
    <dt><a name="int-expand"><img src="images/fig-016.gif"
        width="113" height="16"></a></dt>
    <dd>Resizes the image to the nearest integral expansion or
        compression ratio. For example, if an image is currently
        being displayed at &quot;162.43% x 231%&quot;, the <b>IntExpnd</b>
        command will show the image at a &quot;200% x 200%&quot;
        expansion ratio. Likewise, if an image is being shown at
        a &quot;37% x 70%&quot; expansion ratio, <b>IntExpnd</b>
        will resize it to &quot;33% x 50%&quot;, the nearest
        integer compression ratios.</dd>

<table border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="4">
        <td valign="top"><img src="images/fig-017.gif"
        align="left" hspace="0" width="36" height="25"></td>
        <td valign="top">An alternate way of issuing the <b>10%
        Larger</b> command.</td>

<table border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="4">
        <td><img src="images/fig-018.gif" align="left" hspace="0"
        width="36" height="25"></td>
        <td>An alternate way of issuing the <b>10% Smaller</b>

<h2><a name="rotate-flip-commands">Rotate/Flip Commands</a></h2>

<table border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="4">
        <td><img src="images/fig-019.gif" align="left" hspace="0"
        width="36" height="25"></td>
        <td><a name="rotate-clockwise">Rotates</a> the <i>entire</i>
        image (not the selection) 90 clockwise.<br>
        Keyboard equivalent: <b>t</b></td>

<table border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="4">
        <td><img src="images/fig-020.gif" align="left" hspace="0"
        width="36" height="25"></td>
        <td><a name="rotate-counter-clockwise">Rotates</a> the <i>entire</i>
        image (not the selection) 90 counter-clockwise.<br>
        Keyboard Equivalent: <b>T</b></td>

<table border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="4">
        <td valign="top"><img src="images/fig-021.gif"
        align="left" hspace="0" width="36" height="25"></td>
        <td valign="top"><a name="flip-horizontal">Flips</a> the
        image (or the selected area of the image) horizontally
        (around the vertical center-line of the image).<br>
        Keyboard Equivalent: <b>h</b></td>

<table border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="4">
        <td valign="top"><img src="images/fig-022.gif"
        align="left" hspace="0" width="36" height="25"></td>
        <td valign="top"><a name="flip-vertical">Flips</a> the
        image (or the selected area of the image) vertically
        (around the horizontal center-line of the image).<br>
        Keyboard Equivalent: <b>v</b></td>

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