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<title>XV: The Control Window, part 3/6</title>
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<h2><a name="bit-menu">The 24/8 Bit Menu</a></h2>

<p><i>xv </i>has a whopping grand total of <i>two</i> internal
image formats: 8-bit colormapped, and 24-bit RGB. Every image you
load is converted to one of these two formats, as part of the
image loading procedure, before you ever get to see the image.</p>

<p>There are a few crucial differences between these two modes.
In 8-bit mode, you have a colormap, and thus color-editing
changes (see &quot;<a href="color-editor-1.html">The Color Editor</a>&quot;
) can happen much more quickly. On the downside, most of the
image editing functions only actually operate on 24-bit images.
(Such as the <b>Algorithms</b> menu, described later in this
section.) If you use these functions, <i>xv</i> will convert the
8-bit image into a 24-bit image, operate on the 24-bit data, and
convert the result back to an 8-bit image. As a result, artifacts
can be introduced from the image conversions. As such, if you're
going to be doing a lot of this sort of thing, switch to 24-bit
mode first.</p>

<p>But I digress...</p>

<table border="0" cellpadding="4">
        <td><img src="images/fig-044.gif" width="132"
        <td>This menu lets you see which mode <i>xv</i> is
        currently operating in, and lets you change modes. You
        can also force <i>xv</i> to remain in the current mode,
        and select how the program will convert 24-bit images
        into 8-bit images. </td>

    <dt><a name="8-bit-mode"><img src="images/fig-045.gif"
        width="128" height="16"></a></dt>
    <dd>Forces the program into <b>8-bit mode</b> when selected.
        If you are currently working on a 24-bit image, it will
        be converted into an 8-bit image using the selected
        conversion algorithm (see below), and the 24-bit data
        will be thrown away. </dd>
    <dt><a name="24-bit-mode"><img src="images/fig-046.gif"
        width="128" height="16"></a></dt>
    <dd>Forces the program into <b>24-bit mode</b> when selected.
        If you currently working on an 8-bit image, it will be
        converted into a 24-bit image and the 8-bit image will be
        thrown away. Note that if you are working on a 24-bit
        image, switch to <b>8-bit mode</b>, and switch back to <b>24-bit
        mode</b>, your 24-bit data will have been lost in the
        conversions. A dialog box will pop up to alert you of
        this potential problem. </dd>
    <dt><a name="lock-current-mode"><img src="images/fig-047.gif"
        width="128" height="16"></a></dt>
    <dd>Normally, <i>xv</i> will switch between 8 and 24-bit
        modes based on the image type (if you load a 24-bit
        image, it'll switch to <b>24-bit mode</b>, otherwise it
        will use <b>8-bit mode</b> ). Turning this option on will
        force <i>xv</i> to remain in the current mode. One reason
        that you might wish to this would be to lock <i>xv</i>
        into <b>8-bit mode</b> so that 24-bit images are shown
        dithered with the 'Slow' algorithm (see below), which
        produces better looking images on 8-bit displays. (Just
        don't try to save the image afterwards!) </dd>
    <dt><a name="quick-24-8"><img src="images/fig-048.gif"
        width="128" height="16"></a></dt>
    <dd>Converts 24-bit images to 8-bit images by dithering with
        a fixed 6x6x6 RGB colormap. It is the quickest of the
        three algorithms, but also generally produces the worst
        images. It can also be selected via the '-quick24'
        command-line option or X resource. </dd>
    <dt><a name="slow-24-8"><img src="images/fig-049.gif"
        width="128" height="16"></a></dt>
    <dd>The default algorithm. Takes about twice as long as the
        Fast algorithm. Uses the median-cut algorithm to pick a
        set of 256 colors, and then dithers with these colors. It
        can be selected via the '-slow24' command-line option or
        X resource. </dd>
    <dt><a name="best-24-8"><img src="images/fig-050.gif"
        width="128" height="15"></a></dt>
    <dd>By far and away the slowest of the algorithms. Can take
        up to ten times as long as the Slow algorithm. Uses a
        cleverer version of the median-cut algorithm to pick a
        better set of 256 colors than the slow algorithm. Does
        not dither. This might look best if you're going to be
        expanding the image by very much, as the dithering in the
        other two algorithms becomes very noticeable. You can
        also select this option via the '-best24' command-line
        option or X resource. </dd>

<p>Note that none of the three 24-&gt;8 algorithm choices
immediately <i>does</i> anything. They merely select which
algorithm will be used the next time <i>xv</i> feels a need to
convert a 24-bit image into an 8-bit image. </p>

<h2><a name="algorithms">Image Algorithms</a></h2>

<table border="0" cellpadding="4">
        <td valign="top"><a name="algorithms-menu"><img
        src="images/fig-054.gif" width="120" height="233"></a></td>
        <td valign="top"><i>xv</i> now has the ability to run a
        number of standard image-processing algorithms on the
        current image, or any rectangular portion of the current
        image. If there is a current selection rectangle (See
        &quot;<a href="image-window.html#selection-rectangle">Selection
        Rectangle</a>&quot; ), the algorithm will only affect the
        selected area. Otherwise, the algorithms operate on the
        entire image.<p>Algorithms are chosen via the <b>Algorithms</b>
        menu, and are executed immediately. Algorithms are
        cumulative, in that if you run an algorithm on an image,
        and then run a second algorithm, the second algorithm
        operates on the modified image produced by the first
        algorithm. And so on.</p>
        <p>See &quot;<a href="adding-algorithms.html">Adding
        Algorithms to <i>xv</i></a><i>&quot;</i> for information
        on how you can add additional algorithms to this menu.</p>

<p>Also, it should be noted that the algorithms operate on 24-bit
images. If you are currently operating on an 8-bit image, and you
run an algorithm, the image will be converted up to 24-bits, the
algorithm will be run, and the result will be converted back to
8-bits using the currently selected 24-&gt;8 algorithm. As such,
if you're going to be doing a lot of algorithm-ing, you may find
it faster to temporarily switch to <b>24-bit mode</b>. Likewise,
if you intend to run multiple algorithms on the same image (say,
a <b>Blur</b> followed by an <b>Emboss</b> ), you should <i>definitely</i>
switch to <b>24-bit mode</b>, to maintain full 24-bit precision
on the intermediate images (i.e., to prevent noise from being
added to the image by any intermediate 24-&gt;8 conversions). </p>

    <dt><a name="undo-all"><img src="images/fig-051.gif"
        width="116" height="16"></a></dt>
    <dd>The (normally dimmed-out) <b>Undo All</b> selection
        undoes any and all algorithms that have been run on the
        current image. It restores the image to the state it was
        in when the first algorithm was executed, and it also
        puts <i>xv</i> back into the 8/24-bit mode it <i>was</i>
        Keyboard Equivalent: <b>&lt;Meta&gt; u</b> </dd>
    <dt><a name="blur"><img src="images/fig-052.gif" width="116"
    <dd>Runs a convolution over each plane (red, green, blue) of
        the image, using a <i>n*n</i> convolution mask consisting
        of all 1's. It has the effect of, for each pixel in the
        image, replacing it with the average value of all the
        pixels in the <i>n*n</i> rectangle centered around the
        pixel in question. When you select this command, a dialog
        box is opened up to request the value for '<i>n</i>'.
        Values must be greater than or equal to '3', and they
        must also be odd (e.g. 3,7,5,9,11). Larger values blur
        the image to a greater extent. <p><b>Warning!</b> This
        algorithm, due to its <i>n</i>^2 nature, can get very
        slow as <i>n</i> is increased. Values above '15' aren't
        particularly recommended.</p>
        <p>Note: This command is a reasonable way to turn
        dithered black-and-white images back into some semblance
        of the greyscale that they probably originally started
        Keyboard Equivalent: <b>&lt;Meta&gt; b</b> </p>
    <dt><a name="sharpen"><img src="images/fig-053.gif"
        width="116" height="16"></a></dt>
    <dd>Runs an edge-sharpening algorithm on the image, which
        attempts to maximize contrast between adjacent pixels.
        Prompts for a 'strength' value of 0% through 99%.<br>
        Keyboard Equivalent: <b>&lt;Meta&gt; s</b> </dd>
    <dt><a name="edge-detect"><img src="images/fig-055.gif"
        width="116" height="16"></a></dt>
    <dd>Runs a convolution using a pair of convolutions, one
        which detects horizontal edges, and one which detects
        vertical edges. The convolution is done separately for
        each plane (red, green, blue) of the image. It is only
        done for pixels that have the 3x3 mask fully contained
        within the image, to avoid pesky edge conditions. One
        note: since it runs an edge detection separately for each
        plane of the image, the results are colorful. You'll get
        red edges when there are edges in the red plane, yellow
        edges when there are edges in the red and green planes,
        and so on. If you'd like a traditional grey edge
        detection (based on the overall intensity of each pixel),
        you should use the <b>Saturation</b> dial in the <i>xv
        color editor</i> (See &quot;<a
        Saturation Control</a>&quot; ) to completely desaturate
        all the colors in the image (turning it grey) first.
        Then, the results will also be grey.<br>
        Keyboard Equivalent: <b>&lt;Meta&gt; e</b> </dd>
    <dt><a name="emboss"><img src="images/fig-056.gif"
        width="116" height="16"></a></dt>
    <dd>Runs an algorithm that produces nifty 'embossed' images
        by using a variation of the edge detection algorithm. It
        produces greyscale (8-bit) images where most of the image
        is shown as a medium gray. 'Leading' edges (edges found
        on the top and left sides) are shown as a lighter gray,
        and 'trailing' edges (bottom and right edges) are shown
        as a darker gray. The image wind up looking like
        pseudo-3-d, sort of like the Motif toolkit. You can then
        use the <b>White</b> dial in the <i>xv color editor</i>
        (See &quot;<a
        White Remapping Control</a>&quot; ) to colorize the image
        as you see fit<br>
        Keyboard Equivalent: <b>&lt;Meta&gt; m</b> </dd>
    <dt><a name="oil-painting"><img src="images/fig-057.gif"
        width="116" height="16"></a></dt>
    <dd>Does an 'oil transfer', as described in the book
        &quot;Beyond Photography&quot;, by Holzman. It is a sort
        of localized smearing. The basic algorithm is to take a
        rectangle (7x7 in this case) centered around the current
        pixel, compute a histogram of these (49) pixels, and
        replace the current pixel with the 'most popular' pixel
        as determined by the histogram.<br>
        Keyboard Equivalent: <b>&lt;Meta&gt; o</b> </dd>
    <dt><a name="blend"><img src="images/fig-058.gif" width="116"
    <dd>Blends a rectangular selection out of existence by
        replacing the selected area with a radial gradient fill.
        Each pixel on the edge of the selection retains its
        original color, the pixel in the center is replaced by
        the average of all the edge pixels, and all remaining
        pixels are replaced by the weighted average of the center
        pixel and the edge pixel (along the line that runs
        through the center pixel and the pixel being computed). <p>This
        is much easier to see than it is to explain.<br>
        Keyboard Equivalent: <b>&lt;Meta&gt; B</b> </p>
    <dt><a name="copy-rotate"><img src="images/fig-059.gif"
        width="116" height="16"></a></dt>
    <dd>Does arbitrary (smooth) rotation of the entire image (or
        the selected region). You will be prompted to enter a
        rotation amount, in degrees. Positive values rotate the
        image counter-clockwise, negative values rotate the image
        clockwise. The <b>Copy Rotate</b> function makes a copy
        of the selection, rotates it, and pastes it back on top
        of the original.<br>
        Keyboard Equivalent: <b>&lt;Meta&gt; t</b> </dd>
    <dt><a name="clear-rotate"><img src="images/fig-060.gif"
        width="116" height="16"></a></dt>
    <dd>Also does arbitrary smooth rotation, as with the <b>Copy
        Rotate </b>command, but this version clears the original
        image (using the 'current color', see &quot;<a
        Pixel Values</a>&quot; ) before pasting the rotated
        Keyboard Equivalent: <b>&lt;Meta&gt; T</b> </dd>
    <dt><a name="pixelize"><img src="images/fig-061.gif"
        width="116" height="16"></a></dt>
    <dd>Runs a 'pixelization' algorithm, suitable for obscuring
        sensitive and/or naughty parts of an image. Pops open a
        dialog box which prompts for either a single value '<i>m</i>',
        or a pair of values '<i>m</i><font size="2">x</font><i>n</i>'.
        Divides the image (or the selected region) up into <i>m</i>-by-<i>m</i>
        squares (if a single value was entered) or <i>m</i>-by-<i>n</i>
        rectangles (if a pair of values were entered). Each area
        is filled with the average color of all pixels contained
        within the area.<br>
        Keyboard Equivalent: <b>&lt;Meta&gt; p</b> </dd>
    <dt><a name="spread"><img src="images/fig-062.gif"
        width="116" height="16"></a></dt>
    <dd>Runs a 'random spread' algorithm on the selected area of
        the image (or the entire image). Pops up a dialog box
        which prompts for either a single value '<i>m</i>', or a
        pair of values '<i>m</i><font size="2">x</font><em>n</em>'.
        In the case of the single value, each pixel in the image
        is swapped with some other random pixel located within a
        distance of <i>m</i> pixels from the first pixel. If two
        values are entered, each pixel is swapped with another
        pixel located within <i>m</i>,<i>n</i> of the original
        pixel. This can produce an interesting 'de-rez' effect.
        Whether it's useful or not is for you to decide.<br>
        Keyboard Equivalent: <b>&lt;Meta&gt; S</b> </dd>
    <dt><a name="despeckle"><img src="images/fig-063.gif"
        width="116" height="16"></a></dt>
    <dd>Runs a despeckling algorithm, also known as a <i>median
        filter</i> among image-processing circles. This algorithm
        is good at removing minor noise from an image, such as
        you'll normally find on scanned-in faxes and the like. It
        may also prove useful for de-dithering images, turning
        black-and-white dithered images into greyscale images,
        and dithered color images into undithered color images.
        Note that the <b>Blur</b> algorithm can also be used in
        the same way, and may do a better job of un-dithering.
        However, the <b>DeSpeckle</b> algorithm generally leaves
        edges alone, unlike the <b>Blur</b> algorithm, which
        blurs everything uniformly. <p>This algorithm runs
        through the selected area of the image, and for each
        pixel in the image, looks at the <i>m</i>-by-<i>m</i>
        square centered around the pixel. It replaces the pixel
        with the median value of the pixels found in the square.
        As with the <b>Blur</b> algorithm, you will be prompted
        for a value of '<i>m</i>'. The value must not be less
        than '3', and it must be odd. Larger values have a
        greater effect, though '3' should be sufficient for most
        Keyboard Equivalent: <b>&lt;Meta&gt; k</b></p>

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