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<title>XV: The Control Window, part 5/6</title>
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<h2><a name="text-annotation">Text Annotation</a></h2>

<p>Starting in <i>xv</i> version 3.10, it is now possible to do <i>text
annotation</i>, or what we in the business call &quot;putting
words on the picture&quot;. There is one thing to note, before
you go diving in: <i>xv</i>'s text annotation ability is Really
Lame. I mean, <i>Big Time</i> Lame. It's awkward to use (to say
the least), and not very powerful. Frankly, it's an
embarrassment. But <i>maybe</i> it'll be useful to someone.</p>

<p>Now that your expectations are suitably low, here's how it

<table border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="4">
        <td valign="top"><img src="images/fig-079.gif" width="36"
        <td><b>Text Annotation</b> . First, if you have a
        selection rectangle drawn, get rid of it. Click this
        button to bring up a dialog box, where you can enter a
        single-line string. After you enter the string and press <b>&lt;Return</b>
        &gt; (or the <b>Ok</b> button in the dialog box), you
        will be presented with an appropriately-sized selection
        rectangle. You may reposition and resize this rectangle
        as you see fit. When you have the rectangle <i>just so</i>,
        use the <b>Paste</b> command to put the text on the
        image. The text will be pasted in the <i>current color</i>
        (See &quot;<a
        Pixel Values</a>&quot; ). The text will be stretched to
        fit the selection rectangle.<br>
        Keyboard Equivalent: <b>A</b></td>

<p>Note: if you want to change the color of the pasted text, pick
a new color (via the 'eyedropper' described in &quot;<a
href="image-window.html#displaying-pixel-values">Displaying Pixel
Values</a>&quot; ), and issue the <b>Text Annotation</b> command
again. (It is not sufficient to simply <b>Paste</b> again.) Note
that if you have a selection rectangle drawn, the <b>Text
Annotation</b> command will not change the position or shape of
the rectangle to reflect the new text, which lets you easily re-<b>Paste</b>
over your last attempt.</p>

<h2><a name="grab-command">The Grab Command</a></h2>

<p>The <b>Grab</b> command in <i>xv</i> version 3.10 has been
extensively improved. It is now possible to do <i>delayed grabs</i>,
which can give you time to shuffle some windows around before the
grab takes place. You can also do <i>delayed auto-grabs</i>,
which gives you a way to grab pull-down menus and other actions
that take place while a mouse-button is being held down.</p>

<table border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="4">
        <td valign="top"><img src="images/fig-080.gif" width="72"
        <td valign="top"><b>Grab</b> command. Clicking this
        button brings up the <i>xv grab</i> dialog box shown (and
        described) below.<br>
        Keyboard Equivalent: <b>&lt;Ctrl&gt; g</b></td>

<p><a name="grab-window"><img src="images/fig-081.gif"
width="414" height="200"> </a></p>

<p>A normal grab operation (issued by hitting the <b>Grab</b>
button in the <i>xv grab</i> dialog box) operates as follows:</p>

<p>You can grab the entire contents of a window (including its
frame) by clicking the Left mouse button in a window. If you
click the Left button somewhere on the root window, the entire
screen will be loaded into <i>xv</i>. Note: if you Left- click
somewhere inside a window whose contents are drawn in a different
visual than the frame (as happens on many 24-bit graphics
systems, where the default visual is an 8-bit PseudoColor, but
the window contents may be drawn in 24-bit TrueColor), the window
frame will <i>not</i> be included in the grabbed image. (It is
not possible to grab data from two different visuals

<p>You can grab an arbitrary region of the screen by clicking the
Middle mouse button and dragging a rectangle in exactly the same
way you draw a cropping rectangle. When you release the mouse
button, the contents of this rectangle will be read from the
screen and loaded into <i>xv</i>. Note: the image will be grabbed
with respect to the visual of the outermost window that
completely encloses the grabbed rectangle. (Practical upshot: on
24-bit systems, if you try to grab the contents of a 24-bit
window, plus some of the (8-bit) root window, window frames,
etc., you will <i>not</i> get what you probably wanted. Sorry.) </p>

<p>Or, alternately, you can simply abort the <b>Grab</b> command
by clicking the Right mouse button anywhere on the screen.</p>

<p>A <i>delayed grab</i> is very similar to a normal grab, except
that <i>xv</i> will wait for the specified number of seconds, and
then beep once to signify the start of the grab. You can then
press the Left, Middle, or Right mouse buttons, as described
above. To do a delayed grab, simply enter a non-zero number in
the 'Delay' field, and press the <b>Grab</b> button in the <i>xv
grab</i> dialog box.</p>

<p>A <i>delayed auto-grab</i> is another matter entirely. When
you issue this command (by entering a non-zero number in the
'Delay' field, and pressing the <b>AutoGrab</b> button), <i>xv</i>
will sleep for the specified number of seconds, and then <i>automatically</i>
grab the full contents of whatever top-level window the mouse is
positioned inside of. This makes it possible to grab things like
pull-down menus that cannot be captured using the normal grab
method. For example, to grab a pull-down menu in another program,
set the 'Delay' field to something small (say, '5' seconds), hit
the <b>AutoGrab</b> button, go to your other program, and open up
the pull-down menu. Continue holding the menu open until <i>xv</i>
beeps once (signifying the start of the grab), and then beeps
twice (signifying the end of the grab). The entire top-level
window containing your menu will be copied into <i>xv</i>. If you
get more than you want, you can easily crop off the rest, using
the cropping commands. (See &quot;<a
href="image-window.html#cropping">Cropping</a>&quot; )</p>

<p>Note: You may not be able to <b>Grab</b> all of the <i>xv</i>
windows, at least not windows owned by the <i>xv</i> doing the
grabbing. If you run into this minor inconvenience, simply start
a second copy of <i>xv</i> and use it to grab the windows from
the first <i>xv</i> (or vice-versa).</p>

<p>You can use the <b>Grab</b> command for a wide variety of
purposes. For example, you can use it to print the contents of
any window (or the whole screen) by grabbing the appropriate
image, and then saving it as a PostScript file.</p>

<p>You can use the <b>Grab</b> command, in conjunction with <i>xv's</i>
<b>Zoom</b> and <b>UnZoom</b> commands, as a reasonable, albeit
overpowered and none-too-quick, replacement for the <i>xmag</i>

<p>You can also use the <b>Grab</b> command to pick 'just the
right colors' for any application. Simply start the application
in question, <b>Grab</b> the window into <i>xv</i>, and use the <i>xv
color editor</i> to twiddle the colors around to your heart's

<p>Note: the <b>Grab</b> command does not work on Macintoshes
running <i>MacX</i> in a 'rootless' mode, which isn't too
surprising, if you think about it...</p>

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