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<h1>The Diversity Algorithm</h1>

<p>The problem: You want to display an image that has <i>n</i>
colors in it. You can only get <i>m</i> colors, where <i>m</i>&lt;<i>n</i>.
What colors do you use?</p>

<p>As explained in &quot;<a href="color-allocation.html">Color
Allocation in <i>xv</i></a>&quot; , colors on a non- <i>TrueColor</i>
X display are a scarce resource. You can't guarantee that you'll
get as many colors as you might like. You can't even know ahead
of time how many colors you will succeed in getting. As such, the
first step of all of the color allocation algorithms is to sort
the colors in order of decreasing 'importance'. The colors are
then allocated in this order, so that if the color allocation
fails after <i>m</i> colors, then at least we allocated the <i>m</i>
most 'important' colors.</p>

<p>This sorting algorithm is called the <i>Diversity Algorithm</i>,
and is described in detail here. While the algorithms described
in &quot;<a href="color-allocation.html">Color Allocation in <i>xv</i></a>&quot;
are probably only of use to other X programmers (or programmers
using other windowing systems with shared colormap resources),
the Diversity Algorithm should be of use to anyone who has to
display an image using fewer colors than they'd like to have. As
far as I know, the Diversity Algorithm is an original algorithm
designed for this program.</p>

<h2><a name="picking-most-important-colors">Picking the Most
'Important' Colors</a></h2>

<p>There are many different criteria that one could use to define
which colors in an image are 'important'.</p>

<p>The most naive approach would be to simply ignore the
question, and just use the first <i>m</i> colors from the
colormap. This is clearly unacceptable. The entries in a colormap
are generally not sorted in any order whatsoever. Even when the
colors <i>are</i> sorted in some order, it's not likely that it
will be a useful order.</p>

<p>For example, in a normal greyscale picture, there is an
implied colormap consisting of a continuous collection of greys,
with black at the beginning, and white at the end. If a program
were to only use the first few colors from this colormap, it
would have several shades of <i>black</i>, but no <i>whites</i>,
or even <i>middle greys</i>.</p>

<p>A method of determining a color's importance to the overall
picture quality is needed.</p>

<p>A color's 'importance' can be determined intuitively by asking
the question &quot;If we can only use one of these two colors,
which one would make the picture look better?&quot;. The goal is
to have the picture be recognizable with very few colors.
Additional colors should smooth out color gradation, but should
not add significant detail, nor change the color balance of the
overall picture.</p>

<p>Picking colors in this order is not a trivial task, and is
open to some degree of subjectivity. One method might involve
calculating a histogram of the data to find out which colors are
used the most often (i.e., which colors have the greatest number
of pixels associated with them), and using those colors first.
This is certainly a valid approach, but it places too much
emphasis on large, uniformly colored regions, such as
backgrounds. This is not generally where the 'interesting'
portion of the picture is found.</p>

<p>For example, assume a picture that consists of a blue
background, with a relatively small <i>red</i> square on it.
Furthermore, suppose that the background isn't just one solid
shade of blue, but is actually made up of three shades of blue ( <i>light
blue</i>, <i>dark blue</i>, and <i>medium blue</i>, to give them
names). Finally, assume that a histogram has been computed, and <i>light
blue</i> has been found to be the most prevalent color, followed
by <i>medium blue</i>, <i>dark blue</i>, and <i>red</i>, in that

<p>Now, attempt to display this picture using only two colors.
Which two should be used? If the selection criteria is simply 'in
order of decreasing usage', <i>light blue</i> and <i>medium blue</i>
would be picked. However, if this is done the <i>red</i> square
will disappear completely (as <i>red</i> will wind up being
'approximated' by one of the two blues). Clearly the solution is
to use <i>red</i> and one of the blues. Which blue, though? It
could be argued that since there are three blues and only one of
them can be used, <i>middle blue</i> should be selected, since it
is the 'average' blue. This is where it gets somewhat subjective.
The Diversity Algorithm would pick <i>light blue</i>, since it is
used more than the others. When possible, the algorithm will try
to maximize the number of pixels that are 'correct' (i.e. exactly
what was asked for), rather than trying to minimize the total
error of the picture. This way, additional colors smooth out
gradations, rather than changing the overall color balance of the

<p>Suppose that a small <i>yellow</i> circle is added to the
picture described above. If the problem is still 'display this
picture using only two colors', then it cannot be resolved in any
satisfactory method. There are no two colors that will adequately
display <i>red</i>, <i>yellow</i>, and <i>blue</i> simultaneously
. No matter what colors are used, one of the three major colors
will be lost. As this is now a no-win scenario, it is no longer
very interesting. It doesn't matter what colors are picked, since
it will look bad regardless. However, if the problem is changed,
and <i>three</i> colors can now be selected, it is intuitively
obvious that <i>yellow</i>, <i>red</i>, and one of the blues
should be selected.</p>

<p>So, the question is, &quot;what is being maximized when colors
are selected in this manner?&quot; Certainly, since the blue
regions are so much larger than the <i>red</i> and <i>yellow</i>
regions, any rule based on the number of pixels satisfied by the
color choice is irrelevant. What <i>is</i> being maximized is the
<i>diversity</i> of the colors. By picking colors that are as
unlike each other as possible, we wind up covering the
'inhabited' portion of the RGB color space as quickly as

<p>As a general rule, this tends to bring out the major details
(such as objects) in the picture first, since the details are
likely to involve contrasting colors. As more colors are picked,
gaps in the RGB space are filled in. This smoothes out the color
gradations, and brings out lesser detail (such as texture).</p>

<h2><a name="original-diversity-algorithm">The Original Diversity

<p>The algorithm operates as follows:</p>

    <li>Run a histogram on the entire picture to determine 'pixel
        counts' for each desired color in the colormap. Important
        point: throw away any colors that have a 'pixel count' of
        0. These colors are never actually used in the image, and
        it's important that we not waste valuable colorcells
        allocating unused colors.</li>
    <li>Pick the color with the highest pixel count. This is the
        'overall' color of the picture.</li>
    <li>Run through the list of un-picked colors, and find the
        one with the greatest 'distance' from the first color.
        This is the color that is most diverse from the 'overall'
        color. Distance is defined by the traditional 'Euclidean'
        formula: <p><i>d</i> = [ (r1 - r2)^2 + (g1 - g2)^2 + (b1
        - b2)^2 ]^1/2</p>
        <p>where r1,g1,b1 are the RGB components of one color,
        and r2,g2,b2 are the RGB components of another color. <i>d</i>
        is the computed distance between the two colors.</p>
    <li>For each color remaining in the 'unpicked' list, compute
        the distance from it to each of the colors in the
        'picked' list. Find the color in the unpicked list that
        is furthest from all of the colors in the picked list.
        Pick this color. Repeat until all colors have been

<h2><a name="modified-diversity-algorithm">The Modified Diversity

<p>Tom Lane of the Independent JPEG Group came up with a couple
of improvements to the Diversity Algorithm, resulting in the
Modified Diversity Algorithm, which is what <i>xv</i> currently
uses. He rightly pointed out that, on displays with an
intermediate number of colors (~64), too much emphasis was being
placed on getting 'different' colors, and not enough emphasis was
placed on getting the 'correct' colors. His idea was to modify
the sorting criteria slightly, to better balance the allocation
between diverse colors and 'popular' colors (colors with high
'pixel counts'). His solution to the problem was to alternate
between picking colors based on diversity and based on

<p>In the Modified Diversity Algorithm, as implemented in <i>xv</i>,
the first color picked is the most-popular color. The second
color picked is the color furthest away from the first color. The
third through tenth colors picked are all picked using the normal
Diversity Algorithm. The eleventh color picked is picked on
popularity, (the un-picked color with the highest 'pixel count'
is chosen). The twelfth color is once again picked on diversity.
The thirteenth color is chosen on popularity, and so on,
alternating, until all the colors have been picked.</p>

<p>It should be pointed out that there's a fair amount of
subjectivity here, and certainly different fine-tunings of the
color picking order will make some pictures look better, and
other pictures look worse. Tom originally had the algorithm pick
colors alternately based on diversity and popularity right from
the first color. (The first color picked on popularity, the
second on diversity, the third on popularity, etc.) I felt that
this broke the algorithm for displays with very few colors
(&lt;16), and proposed the strategy described above. (First color
picked on popularity, the next ten colors picked on diversity,
remaining colors alternately picked on popularity and diversity.)</p>

<p>Tom's other major modification to the Diversity Algorithm was
to rewrite it so that 'diverse' colors are picked in O(<i>n</i>^2)
time, instead of O(<i>n^</i>3) time. Applied cleverness is a
useful thing!</p>

<p>For further information, consult the source code. (The
function '<tt>SortColors()</tt>' in the file '<tt>xvcolor.c</tt>'.)

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