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<h1>External Programs</h1>

<h2><a name="bggen">bggen</a></h2>

<p>Syntax: <b>bggen</b> [-h <i>high</i>] [-w <i>wide</i>] [-b <i>bits</i>]
[-g <i>geom</i>] [-d <i>disp</i>] [-a] [-r <i>rot</i>] [-G <i>rptgeom</i>]
<i>color1 </i>[<i>color2</i> ... <i>colorN</i>]</p>

<p><i>bggen</i> generates background gradients for use with <i>xv</i>.
It does not directly display anything itself. Instead, it
generates an appropriately sized PPM file, which <i>xv</i> can
display. It is also used by the <i>xv</i>'s <b>Pad</b> command,
for a similar purpose.</p>

<p>By default, <i>bggen </i>will generate a screen-sized PPM file
with a vertical color gradient. The top of the image will be in <i>color1</i>,
the bottom of the image will be in <i>colorN</i>, and
intermediate positions will have an appropriate intermediate
color. You can list as many colors as you'd like. If you only
list one color, the entire image will be that single color.</p>

<p>Color specifications can be in one of three formats:</p>

    <li>A color name (e.g. 'lightblue') known to your X server.
        Use the <i>showrgb</i> command to get a (gigantic) list
        of known colors.</li>
    <li>An X11-style hexadecimal RGB color specification (e.g.
        '#00ff00'), where the first two hex digits specify the
        red value, the middle two specify the green value, and
        the last two specify the blue value. Note that the '#'
        character is treated specially in some shells, and to be
        on the safe side you should either protect it by putting
        a '\\' character in front of it, or wrap the whole color
        specification in single-quotes.</li>
    <li>Three integers, in the 0-255 range, separated by spaces
        (e.g. 0 255 0). This is mainly for backward
        compatibility, as it was the only format understood by
        previous versions of <i>bggen</i>.</li>


    <dt>-d <i>disp</i></dt>
    <dd>Specifies the name of the X display that the program
        should talk to. <i>bggen</i> needs to connect to an X
        display to determine the screen size (which is used as
        the default image size), and to parse color names. It is
        not <i>necessary</i> for <i>bggen</i> to connect to an X
        display. If it can't, you will have to specify an image
        size (see below), and you'll have to use the numeric
        format to enter color specifications.</dd>
    <dt>-g <i>geom</i></dt>
    <dd>Specifies the size of the generated image. <i>geom</i>
        should be in the format: <i>wide</i> <b>x</b> <i>high</i>
        (e.g. '1024x768'). If you don't specify a size, the image
        will default to the size of your display, assuming it was
        able to connect to your display.</dd>
    <dt>-w <i>wide</i> -h <i>high</i></dt>
    <dd>Another way to specify the size of the generated image.
        Provided for backward compatibility.</dd>
    <dt>-G <i>rptgeom</i></dt>
    <dd>Sets the size of the gradient. Normally, the gradient
        will be the size of the image. However, if you wish, you
        make the gradient smaller than the image; the gradient
        will repeat as often as necessary to fill the image</dd>
    <dt>-r <i>rot</i></dt>
    <dd>Lets you rotate the gradient. Normally, the gradient is
        aligned vertically, with the first color at the top, and
        the last color at the bottom. Using this option, you can
        rotate the whole mess by an arbitrary amount. <i>rot</i>
        should be specified in degrees. Positive values rotate
        the gradient counter- clockwise. </dd>
    <dd>If supplied, <i>bggen</i> will generate a PPM 'ascii'
        file, rather than the default PPM 'raw' format.</dd>
    <dt>-b <i>bits</i></dt>
    <dd>Specifies the number of significant bits to use in the
        RGB color specifications in the output image. It must
        range between 1 and 8, inclusive. Use values less than 8
        (the default) to limit color use by increasing the color
        granularity. Since <i>xv</i> can do this sort of thing
        better, this is of dubious value.</dd>

<h2><a name="xcmap">xcmap</a></h2>

<p>This is a little X program I wrote years ago to help me debug <i>xv</i>'s
color allocation code. It displays the contents of the default
colormap as (typically) a 16x16 grid of colored rectangles. Run
it, and then run something that allocates colors (such as <i>xv</i>),
and you'll see the color cells changing color. It can give you an
indication of how full your colortable is, and whatnot. It only
works on displays where the default visual is a PseudoColor
visual, but that's nearly all of them, so it shouldn't be a

<p>There are two standard X options: '-d <i>display</i>' to set
the X display, and '-g <i>geom</i>', to set the default window
size and position.</p>

<p>You can click in the window to examine the RGB values of
various color cells. I have not found a useful purpose for this
feature, but there must have been one at one time...</p>

<p>Type 'q' in the window to exit the program.</p>

<h2><a name="pictoppm">xvpictoppm</a></h2>

<p>This program is a standard Unix filter that reads the
'thumbnail' files created by the <i>visual schnauzer</i> (from <tt>stdin</tt>)
and writes standard PPM versions of same (to <tt>stdout</tt>).
The thumbnail files are small (80x60 maximum) 8-bit versions of
your image files and are used as the icons in the <i>visual
schnauzer</i>. These files are stored in my own weird format (one
optimized for my purposes), but many folks have asked for a way
to turn them into standard image files, for use on their WWW
pages, or whatever.</p>

<p>Anyway, assuming you've done an <b>Update</b> or <b>Generate
Icons</b> command in the <i>visual schnauzer</i>, you'll find the
thumbnail version of an image stored with the same name in the '<tt>.xvpics</tt>'
subdirectory. For example, if you have a file '<tt>/pics/gif/foobie.gif</tt>',
you would find the thumbnail version of it in the file '<tt>/pics/gif/.xvpics/foobie.gif</tt>

<h2><a name="cjpeg-djpeg">cjpeg and djpeg</a></h2>

<p>These two programs are distributed as part of the Independent
JPEG Group's software, located in the <tt>jpeg</tt> subdirectory
of the <i>xv</i> source. They perform command-line conversion
between JPEG and the PPM/PGM, GIF, BMP and Targa formats. Since <i>xv</i>
has absolutely no command-line or 'batch' conversion abilities,
you may find these useful if you want to convert a lot of images,
or automatically convert images from a script. If this is the
case, you should probably get Jef Poskanzer's most-excellent <i>netpbm</i>
package, which you can get via anonymous ftp on <a
and elsewhere..</p>

<h2><a name="vdcomp">vdcomp</a></h2>

<p>Uncompresses compressed PDS and VICAR images. Beyond that, I
know nothing.</p>

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