

distrib > Mageia > 6 > armv5tl > by-pkgid > c90756b99f406a9a2bf74918ce58b582 > files > 21


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<title>The &kdiskfree; Handbook</title>

&Jonathan.Singer; &Jonathan.Singer.mail;

&Michael.Kropfberger; &Michael.Kropfberger.mail;





<releaseinfo>Applications 16.08</releaseinfo>

<abstract><para>&kdiskfree; displays available file devices, along with
information about them.</para>




<chapter id="introduction">

<para>&kdiskfree; displays the available file devices (hard drive
partitions, floppy and &CD; drives, USB sticks &etc;) along with information on
their capacity, free space, type and mount point. It also allows you
to mount and unmount drives and view them in a file manager.</para>

<para>&kdiskfree; is similar to the &systemsettings; Storage Devices module, 
but takes up less screen
space. It is useful if you want to keep a &kdiskfree; window available at
all times.</para>


<chapter id="using-kdf">
<title>Using &kdiskfree;</title>

<sect1 id="starting-kdf">
<title>Starting &kdiskfree;</title> 

<para>Type <userinput><command>kdf</command></userinput> at a command
prompt or select <guimenuitem>KDiskFree</guimenuitem> from the
<guisubmenu>System</guisubmenu> group in the application 
launcher. The standard &Qt; and &kde; command options are available, and
can be listed by entering <userinput><command>kdf</command>
<option>--help</option></userinput> at the command prompt.</para>

<para>To run the application as an applet in the systemtray, use 
in application launcher.</para>

<para>The features of &kdiskfree; are also available in the &systemsettings; module
<guilabel>Storage Devices</guilabel>.</para>

<sect1 id="main-window">
<title>The Main window</title>

<para>The main &kdiskfree; window displays the available file devices.</para>

<para>Normally, the following pieces of information are included:</para>
<screeninfo>&kdiskfree; Screen</screeninfo>
            <imagedata fileref="kdf.png" format="PNG"/>
            <phrase>&kdiskfree; Screen</phrase>

<listitem><para>an icon depicting the type of storage</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>device name</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>filesystem type</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>total size</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>mount point</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>free disk space</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>the percentage of space used as a number and as a

<para><mousebutton>Left</mousebutton> clicking on the header of a
particular column sorts the devices according to that variable. A
second <mousebutton>left</mousebutton> click sorts in the opposite

<para>Clicking with the &RMB; on a row pops up a menu. If that device is not
currently mounted, the <guimenuitem>Mount Device</guimenuitem> option
is available. If the device is mounted, it can be unmounted by
choosing <guimenuitem>Unmount Device</guimenuitem>. Selecting
<guimenuitem>Open in File Manager</guimenuitem> opens a new window with a
graphical view of the files on that device.</para>
<para>The setting for the file manager used by &kdiskfree; is independent from the choice
in the &systemsettings; module <guilabel>Default Applications</guilabel>.</para>

<sect1 id="menus-and-configuration">
<title>Menu Bar and Configuration</title>

<title>The File Menu</title>

<listitem><para><action>Immediately updates the display to reflect the current

<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>Q</keycap></keycombo>
<listitem><para><action>Closes</action> &kdiskfree;</para></listitem>

Additionally &kdiskfree; has some common &kde; <guimenu>Settings</guimenu> and <guimenu>Help</guimenu>
menu items, for more information read the sections about the <ulink url="help:/fundamentals/ui.html#menus-settings"
>Settings Menu</ulink> and <ulink url="help:/fundamentals/ui.html#menus-help">Help Menu</ulink>
of the &kde; Fundamentals.


<title>The Settings Dialog</title>

<screeninfo>Configure &kdiskfree; Screen</screeninfo>
            <imagedata fileref="kdf_config.png" format="PNG"/>
            <phrase>Configure &kdiskfree; Screen</phrase>

<para>This dialog has two tabbed windows, <guilabel>General Settings</guilabel>
and <guilabel>Mount Commands</guilabel></para>
<term>General Settings</term> <listitem><para>Click on the word
<guilabel>visible</guilabel> or <guilabel>hidden</guilabel> to turn
display of an data field on or off.</para> <para>Change the update
frequency by editing the value. The value in the box is
the interval (in seconds) between updates of the &kdiskfree; display to
reflect the current status.</para> <para>The <guilabel>File Manager</guilabel> setting
controls the command executed when the <guimenuitem>Open
Filemanager</guimenuitem> popup menu item is selected.</para>
<para>There are also two check boxes. One controls if a file manager
window will be automatically opened when a device is mounted. The
other causes an alert window to pop up if a disk gets critically
<term><guilabel>Mount Commands</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para>Allows the user to specify the mount and unmount commands for a
given device, as well as the icon used to represent it. More information on
these commands can be found on the man page for <application>mount</application> (type
<userinput><command>man</command> <option>mount</option></userinput> at the
command prompt).</para></listitem>



<chapter id="credits">
<title>Credits and License</title>


<para>Program Copyright &copy; 1998-2000 &Michael.Kropfberger; &Michael.Kropfberger.mail;</para>

<para>Documentation Copyright &copy; 2000 &Jonathan.Singer; &Jonathan.Singer.mail;</para>




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