

distrib > Mageia > 6 > armv5tl > by-pkgid > e37dff71c983ab6cce5a5adccef2041e > files > 456



.. module:: settings.dialog
	:synopsis: Dialog used to set preferences

.. figure:: figures/settings.png
	:alt: Settings dialog

	Settings dialog

The Settings dialog is used to configure both TortoiseHg and the
underlying Mercurial DVCS.  Since TortoiseHg uses Mercurial's underlying
configuration system to store and retrieve its settings, these are
essentially the same thing.

Mercurial on Windows has a three-tier configuration system.

1) A site-wide configuration file in
   :file:`C:\\Program Files\\TortoiseHg\\Mercurial.ini`
   This file is read first and thus has the lowest priority.
2) A per-user configuration file in
   :file:`C:\\Documents and Settings\\username\\Mercurial.ini`
   This file is read second and thus can override settings in the
   site-wide configuration file.
3) A per-repository configuration file in :file:`repo-root\\.hg\\hgrc` This
   file is read last and can override site-wide and user global settings.

The site-wide file can be overwritten on upgrades so it is recommended
that you do not make changes to this file.  Instead, you should make
changes to your user :file:`Mercurial.ini` and/or the repository
:file:`hgrc` file.  The TortoiseHg Settings dialog enforces this
suggestion by only operating in two modes:

	edits your user :file:`Mercurial.ini` file
	edits a repository :file:`.hg/hgrc` file

You may toggle between the two modes using the combo box at the top of
the dialog, or directly edit the file in your configured visual editor.

Most TortoiseHg users will want to store all configurables in their
global user settings, and only use the repository hgrc to store paths
(remote repository aliases) and web settings, though it is possible to
override many configurables per-repository (a common example is to
configure a username for use in a specific repository).  Also note that
the user and repository configuration files may not exist until you run
the Settings dialog for the first time.


The Settings tool is a tabbed application.

Each tab corresponds roughly to a section of your :file:`Mercurial.ini`
file, though there is a certain amount of overlap. Some sections were
split across multiple tabs for clarity.

Every tab but :guilabel:`Sync` has the same format, a list of
configurable options with a drop-down combo box with possible values and
a history of options you have used for that setting. The configurable
name (label) has a tooltip which describes in more detail what you are
configuring and its default value.  The description of the currently
focused configurable is also shown in a text box at the bottom of the

Please consult the Mercurial wiki for more detailed information about
these configurables (except for the first three tabs:
:guilabel:`TortoiseHg`, :guilabel:`Commit`, :guilabel:`Changelog`, which
are specific to TortoiseHg).

.. module:: TortoiseHg.settings
	:synopsis: Dialog used to set general TortoiseHg preferences


:guilabel:`UI Language:`
	Specify your preferred user interface language (restart needed)

:guilabel:`3-way Merge Tool:`
	Graphical merge program for resolving merge conflicts.  If left
	unspecified, Mercurial will use the first applicable tool it finds
	on your system or use its internal merge tool that leaves conflict
	markers in place.  Chose :guilabel:`internal:merge` to force
	conflict markers, :guilabel:`internal:prompt` to always select local
	or other, or :guilabel:`internal:dump` to leave files in the working
	directory for manual merging.

:guilabel:`Visual Diff Tool:`
	Specify visual diff tool as described in the [merge-tools] section
	of your Mercurial configuration files.  If left unspecified,
	TortoiseHg will use the selected merge tool. Failing that it uses
	the first applicable tool it finds.

:guilabel:`Visual Editor:`
	Specify visual editor, as described in the ``[editor-tools]`` section
	of your Mercurial configuration files.  If left unspecified, TortoiseHg
	will use the first applicable tool it finds.

:guilabel:`CLI Editor:`
	The editor used by Mercurial command line commands to collect
	multiline input from the user.  Most notably, commit messages.

	Specify the command to launch your preferred terminal shell
	application. If the value includes the string ``%(reponame)s``, the
	name of the repository will be substituted in place of
	``%(reponame)s``. Similarly, ``%(root)s`` will be the full path to
	the repository. (restart needed)

	Default, Windows:
	  ``cmd.exe /K title %(reponame)s``
	Default, OS X:
	  not set
	Default, other:
	  ``xterm -T "%(reponame)s"``

:guilabel:`Immediate Operations:`
	Space separated list of shell operations you would like to be
	performed immediately, without user interaction. Commands are "add
	remove revert forget". Default: None (leave blank)

:guilabel:`Tab Width:`
	Specify the number of spaces that tabs expand to in various
	TortoiseHg windows. Default: 8

:guilabel:`Force Repo Tab:`
	Always show repo tabs, even for a single repo. Default: False

:guilabel:`Monitor Repo Changes:`
	Specify the target filesystem where TortoiseHg monitors changes.
	Default: localonly

:guilabel:`Max Diff Size:`
	The maximum size file (in KB) that TortoiseHg will
	show changes for in the changelog, status, and commit windows.
	A value of zero implies no limit.  Default: 1024 (1MB).

:guilabel:`Fork GUI:`
	When running thg from the command line, fork a background process
	to run graphical dialogs. Default: True.

:guilabel:`Full Path Title:`
	Show a full directory path of the repository in the dialog title
	instead of just the root directory name.  Default: False

:guilabel:`Auto-resolve merges:`
	Indicates whether TortoiseHg should attempt to automatically resolve
	changes from both sides to the same file, and only report merge
	conflicts when this is not possible. When False, all files with
	changes on both sides of the merge will report as conflicting, even
	if the edits are to different parts of the file. In either case, when
	conflicts occur, the user will be invited to review and resolve
	changes manually. Default: True.

:guilabel:`New Repo Skeleton:`
	If specified, files in the directory, e.g. ``.hgignore``, are copied
	to the newly-created repository.

.. module:: workbench.settings
	:synopsis: Dialog used to set workbench specific preferences


:guilabel:`Single Workbench Window:`
	Select whether you want to have a single workbench window. If you
	disable this setting you will get a new workbench window everytime
	that you use the "Hg Workbench" command on the explorer context menu.
	Default: True

:guilabel:`Default widget:`
	Select the initial widget that will be shown when opening a
	repository. Default: revdetails

:guilabel:`Initial revision:`
	Select the initial revision that will be selected when opening a
	repository.  You can select the "current" (i.e. the working directory
	parent), the current "tip" or the working directory ("workingdir").
	Default: current

:guilabel:`Open new tabs next to the current tab:`
	Should new tabs be open next to the current tab? If False new tabs
	will be open after the last tab. Default: True

:guilabel:`Author Coloring:`
	Color changesets by author name. Default: False

:guilabel:`Full Authorname:`
	Show full authorname in Logview. If not enabled, only a short part,
	usually name without email is shown. Default: False

:guilabel:`Task Tabs:`
	Show tabs along the side of the bottom half of each repo widget
	allowing one to switch task tabs without using the toolbar. Default:

:guilabel:`Task Toolbar Order:`
	Specify which task buttons you want to show on the task toolbar and
	in which order.
	Type a list of the task button names. Add separators by putting "|"
	between task button names.
	Valid names are: log commit sync grep and pbranch.
	Default: log commit grep pbranch | sync

:guilabel:`Long Summary:`
	If true, concatenate multiple lines of changeset summary and truncate
	them at 80 characters as necessary. Default: False

:guilabel:`Log Batch Size:`
	The number of revisions to read and display in the changelog viewer
	in a single batch. Default: 500

:guilabel:`Dead Branches:`
	Comma separated list of branch names that should be ignored when
	building a list of branch names for a repository. Default: None
	(leave blank)

:guilabel:`Branch Colors:`
	Space separated list of branch names and colors of the form
	``branch:#XXXXXX``. Spaces and colons in the branch name must be
	escaped using a backslash (``\``). Likewise some other characters can
	be escaped in this way, e.g. ``\u0040`` will be decoded to the ``@``
	haracter, and ``\n`` to a linefeed. Default: None (leave blank)

:guilabel:`Hide Tags:`
	Space separated list of tags that will not be shown. Useful example:
	Specify "qbase qparent qtip" to hide the standard tags inserted by
	the Mercurial Queues Extension. Default: None (leave blank)

:guilabel:`Activate Bookmarks:`
	Select when TortoiseHg will show a prompt to activate a bookmark when
	updating to a revision that has one or more

	``auto`` :
	  Try to automatically activate bookmarks. When updating to a revision
	  that has a single bookmark it will be activated automatically. Show
	  a prompt if there is more than one bookmark on the revision that is
	  being updated to.
	``prompt`` :
	  The default. Show a prompt when updating to a revision that has one
	   or more bookmarks.
	``never`` :
	  Never show any prompt to activate any bookmarks.

	Default: prompt

:guilabel:`Show Family Line:`
	Show indirect revision dependency on the revision graph when filtered
	by revset. Default: True

	.. note::
	   Calculating family line may be slow in some cases. This option is
	   expected to be removed if the performance issue is solved.

.. module:: commit.settings
	:synopsis: Dialog used to set commit specific preferences


	Name associated with commits.  The common format is:
	``Full Name <>``

:guilabel:`Ask Username:`
	If no username has been specified, the user will be prompted to enter
	a username.  Default: False

:guilabel:`Summary Line Length:`
	Suggested length of commit message lines. A red vertical line will
	mark this length.  :guilabel:`CTRL-E` will reflow the current
	paragraph to the specified line length. Default: 80

:guilabel:`Close After Commit:`
	Close the commit tool after every successful commit.  Default: False

:guilabel:`Push After Commit:`
	Attempt to push to default push target after every successful
	commit.  Default: No push

:guilabel:`Auto Commit List:`
	Comma separated list of files that are automatically included in
	every commit.  Intended for use only as a repository setting.
	Default: None (leave blank)

:guilabel:`Auto Exclude List:`
	Comma separated list of files that are automatically unchecked when
	the status, and commit dialogs are opened. Default: None (leave

:guilabel:`English Messages:`
	Generate English commit messages even if :envvar:`LANGUAGE` or
	:envvar:`LANG` environment variables are set to a non-English
	language. This setting is used by the Merge, Tag and Backout dialogs.
	Default: False

:guilabel:`New Commit Phase:`
	The phase of new commits. Default: draft

:guilabel:`Secret MQ Patches:`
	Make MQ patches secret (instead of draft). Default: False

:guilabel:`Check Subrepo Phase:`
	Check the phase of the current revision of each subrepository.  For
	settings other than "ignore", the phase of the current revision of
	each subrepository is checked before committing the parent
	repository.  Default: follow

:guilabel:`Monitor working directory changes:`
	Select when the working directory status list will be refreshed:

	``auto`` : default
	  let TortoiseHg decide when to refresh the working directory status
	  list. TortoiseHg will refresh the status list whenever it performs
	  an action that may potentially modify the working directory.
	  *This may miss any changes that happen outside of TortoiseHg's
	``always`` :
	  in addition to the automatic updates above, also refresh the status
	  list whenever the user clicks on the "working dir revision" or on
	  the "Commit icon" on the workbench task bar;
	``alwayslocal`` :
	  same as ``always`` but restricts forced refreshes to *local repos*.

	Default: auto

:guilabel:`Confirm adding unknown files:`
	Determines if TortoiseHg should show a confirmation dialog before
	adding new files in a commit. If True, a confirmation dialog will be
	shown. If False, selected new files will be included in the commit
	with no confirmation dialog.  Default: True

:guilabel:`Confirm deleting files:`
	Determines if TortoiseHg should show a confirmation dialog before
	removing files in a commit. If True, a confirmation dialog will be
	shown. If False, selected deleted files will be included in the
	commit with no confirmation dialog.  Default: True

.. module:: sync.settings
	:synopsis: Dialog used to set sync specific preferences


:guilabel:`After Pull Operation:`
	Operation which is performed directly after a successful pull. update
	equates to ``pull --update``, fetch equates to the fetch extension,
	rebase equates to ``pull --rebase``, updateorrebase equates to ``pull
	-u --rebase``.  Default: none

:guilabel:`Default Push:`
	Select the revisions that will be pushed by default, whenever you
	click the Push button.

	``all`` :
	  The default. Push all changes in *all branches*.
	``branch`` :
	  Push all changes in the *current branch*.
	``revision`` :
	  Push the changes in the current branch *up to the current revision*.

	Default: all

:guilabel:`Confirm Push:`
	Determines if TortoiseHg should show a confirmation dialog before
	pushing changesets. If False, push will be performed without any
	confirmation dialog. Default: True

:guilabel:`Target Combo:`
	Select if TortoiseHg will show a target combo in the sync toolbar.

	``auto`` :
	  The default. Show the combo if more than one target configured.
	  Always show the combo.

	Default: auto

:guilabel:`SSH Command:`
	Command to use for SSH connections.

	Default: ``ssh`` or ``TortoisePlink.exe -ssh -2`` (Windows)

.. module:: server.settings
	:synopsis: Dialog used to set web server specific preferences


**Repository Details:**

	Repository name to use in the web interface, and by TortoiseHg as a
	shorthand name.  Default is the working directory.

	Character encoding of files in the repository, used by the web
	interface and TortoiseHg.

:guilabel:`'Publishing' repository:`
	Controls draft phase behavior when working as a server. When true,
	pushed changesets are set to public in both client and server and
	pulled or cloned changesets are set to public in the client. Default:

**Web Server:**

	Textual description of the repository's purpose or

	Name or email address of the person in charge of the

	Which template map style to use.

:guilabel:`Archive Formats:`
	Comma separated list of archive formats allowed for

	Port to listen on.

:guilabel:`Push Requires SSL:`
	Whether to require that inbound pushes be transported
	over SSL to prevent password sniffing.

	How many lines a "zebra stripe" should span in multiline output.
	Default is 1; set to 0 to disable.

:guilabel:`Max Files:`
	Maximum number of files to list per changeset.

:guilabel:`Max Changes:`
	Maximum number of changes to list on the changelog.

:guilabel:`Allow Push:`
	Whether to allow pushing to the repository. If empty or not
	set, push is not allowed. If the special value "*", any remote
	user can push, including unauthenticated users. Otherwise, the
	remote user must have been authenticated, and the authenticated
	user name must be present in this list (separated by whitespace
	or ","). The contents of the allow_push list are examined after
	the deny_push list.

:guilabel:`Deny Push:`
	Whether to deny pushing to the repository. If empty or not set,
	push is not denied. If the special value "*", all remote users
	are denied push. Otherwise, unauthenticated users are all
	denied, and any authenticated user name present in this list
	(separated by whitespace or ",") is also denied. The contents
	of the deny_push list are examined before the allow_push list.

.. module:: proxy.settings
	:synopsis: Dialog used to set proxy specific preferences


	Host name and (optional) port of proxy server, for
	example ``myproxy:8000``.

:guilabel:`Bypass List:`
	Optional. Comma-separated list of host names that
	should bypass the proxy.

	Optional. User name to authenticate with at the
	proxy server.

	Optional. Password to authenticate with at the
	proxy server.

.. module:: email.settings
	:synopsis: Dialog used to set email specific preferences


	Email address to use in the "From" header and for the SMTP envelope.

	Comma-separated list of recipient email addresses.

	Comma-separated list of carbon copy recipient email

	Comma-separated list of blind carbon copy recipient
	email addresses.

	Optional. Method to use to send email messages. If value is "smtp" (default),
	use SMTP (configured below).  Otherwise, use as name of program to run that
	acts like sendmail (takes :command:`-f` option for sender, list of recipients on
	command line, message on stdin). Normally, setting this to ``sendmail`` or
	``/usr/sbin/sendmail`` is enough to use sendmail to send messages.

:guilabel:`SMTP Host:`
	Host name of mail server.

:guilabel:`SMTP Port:`
	Port to connect to on mail server.
	Default: 25.

:guilabel:`SMTP TLS:`
	Method to enable TLS when connecting to mail server. Default: none

:guilabel:`SMTP Username:`
	Username to authenticate to mail server with.

:guilabel:`SMTP Password:`
	Password to authenticate to mail server with.

:guilabel:`Local Hostname:`
	Hostname the sender can use to identify itself to the mail server.

.. module:: diff.settings
	:synopsis: Dialog used to set diff specific preferences

Diff and Annotate

:guilabel:`Patch EOL:`
	Normalize file line endings during and after patch to lf or crlf.
	Strict does no normalization.  Auto does per-file detection, and is
	the recommended setting. Default: strict

:guilabel:`Git Format:`
	Use git extended diff header format.
	Default: False.

:guilabel:`MQ Git Format:`
	When set to ``auto``, mq will automatically use git patches when
	required  to avoid losing changes to file modes, copy records or
	binary files. If set to ``keep``, mq will obey the ``[diff]`` section
	configuration while preserving existing git patches upon qrefresh. If
	set to ``yes`` or ``no``, mq will override the ``[diff]`` section and
	always generate git or regular patches, possibly losing data in the
	second case. Default: auto

:guilabel:`No Dates:`
	Do not include modification dates in diff headers.
	Default: False.

:guilabel:`Show Function:`
	Show which function each change is in.
	Default: False.

:guilabel:`Ignore White Space:`
	Ignore white space when comparing lines.
	Default: False.

:guilabel:`Ignore WS Amount:`
	Ignore changes in the amount of white space.
	Default: False.

:guilabel:`Ignore Blank Lines:`
	Ignore changes whose lines are all blank.
	Default: False.


:guilabel:`Ignore White Space:`
	Ignore white space when comparing lines in the annotate view.
	Default: False

:guilabel:`Ignore WS Amount:`
	Ignore changes in the amount of white space in the annotate view.
	Default: False

:guilabel:`Ignore Blank Lines:`
	Ignore changes whose lines are all blank in the annotate view.
	Default: False

.. module:: font.settings
	:synopsis: Dialog used to set font specific preferences


:guilabel:`Message Font:`
	Font used to display commit messages. Default: monospace 10

:guilabel:`Diff Font:`
	Font used to display text differences. Default: monospace 10

:guilabel:`List Font:`
	Font used to display file lists. Default: sans 9

:guilabel:`ChangeLog Font:`
	Font used to display changelog data. Default: monospace 10

:guilabel:`Output Font:`
	Font used to display output messages. Default: sans 8

.. module:: issue.settings
	:synopsis: Dialog used to set issue tracking specific preferences

Issue Tracking

:guilabel:`Issue Regex:`
	Defines the regex to match when picking up issue numbers.

:guilabel:`Issue Link:`
	Defines the command to run when an issue number is recognized. You
	may include groups in issue.regex, and corresponding ``{n}`` tokens in (where n is a non-negative integer). ``{0}`` refers to the
	entire string matched by issue.regex, while ``{1}`` refers to the
	first group and so on. If no ``{n}`` tokens are found in,
	the entire matched string is appended instead.

:guilabel:`Inline Tags:`
	Show tags at start of commit message.

:guilabel:`Mandatory Issue Reference:`
	When committing, require that a reference to an issue be specified.
	If enabled, the regex configured in 'Issue Regex' must find a match
	in the commit message.

:guilabel:`Issue Tracker Plugin:`
	Configures a COM ``IBugTraqProvider`` or ``IBugTrackProvider2`` issue
	tracking plugin.

:guilabel:`Configure Issue Tracker:`
	Configure the selected COM Bug Tracker plugin.

:guilabel:`Issue Tracker Trigger:`
	Determines when the issue tracker state will be updated by
	TortoiseHg. Valid settings values are:

	``never`` :
	  Do not update the Issue Tracker state automatically.
	``commit`` :
	  Update the Issue Tracker state after a successful commit.

	Default: never

:guilabel:`Changeset Link:`
	A "template string" that, when set, turns the revision number and
	short hashes that are shown on the revision panels into links.
	The "template string" uses a "mercurial template"-like syntax that
	currently accepts two template expressions:

	``{node|short}`` :
	  replaced by the 12 digit revision id (note that ``{node}`` on its
	  own is currently unsupported).
	``{rev}`` :
	  replaced by the revision number.

	For example, in order to link to bitbucket commit pages you can set
	this to: ``{node|short}``

.. module:: reviewboard.settings
	:synopsis: Dialog used to set review board specific preferences

Review Board

	Path to review board example ````

	User name to authenticate with review board

	Password to authenticate with review board

:guilabel:`Server Repository ID:`
	The default repository id for this repo on the review board server

:guilabel:`Target Groups:`
	A comma separated list of target groups

:guilabel:`Target People:`
	A comma separated list of target people

.. module:: largefiles.settings
	:synopsis: Dialog used to set largefiles specific preferences


	Files with names meeting the specified patterns will be automatically
	added as largefiles

:guilabel:`Minimum Size:`
	Files of at least the specified size (in megabytes) will be added as

:guilabel:`User Cache:`
	Path to the directory where a user's cache of largefiles will be

.. module:: projrc.settings
	:synopsis: Dialog used to set projrc specific preferences


:guilabel:`Require confirmation:`
	When to ask the user to confirm the update of the local "projrc"
	configuration file when the remote projrc file changes. Possible
	values are:

	``always`` : default
	  Always show a confirmation prompt before updating the local
	  ``.hg/projrc`` file.
	``first`` :
	  Show a confirmation dialog when the repository is cloned or when a
	  remote projrc file is found for the first time.
	``never`` :
	  Update the local ``.hg/projrc`` file automatically, without
	  requiring any user confirmation.

	List of Servers from which "projrc" configuration files must be
	pulled. Set it to "*" to pull from all servers. Set it to "default"
	to pull from the default sync path. Default is pull from NO servers.

	List of settings that will be pulled from the project configuration
	file. Default is include NO settings.

	List of settings that will NOT be pulled from the project
	configuration file. Default is exclude none of the included settings.

:guilabel:`Update on incoming:`
	Let the user update the projrc on incoming:

	``never`` : default
	  Show whether the remote projrc file has changed, but do not update
	  (nor ask to update) the local projrc file.
	``prompt`` :
	  Look for changes to the projrc file. If there are changes *always*
	  show a confirmation prompt, asking the user if it wants to update
	  its local projrc file.
	``auto`` :
	  Look for changes to the projrc file. Use the value of the
	  "projrc.confirm" configuration key to determine whether to show a
	  confirmation dialog or not before updating the local projrc file.

	Default: never

.. module:: gpg.settings
	:synopsis: Dialog used to set gpg specific preferences


	Specify the path to GPG. Default: gpg

:guilabel:`Key ID:`
	GPG key ID associated with user. Default: None (leave blank)

Keyboard navigation

	Apply changes and close the tool, the equivalent of pressing the
	'Ok' button.

From command line

The setting dialog can be started from command line ::

	thg repoconfig

for the repository settings (:file:`.hg/hgrc` file) or ::

	thg userconfig

for the user configuration (:file:`Mercurial.ini` file).

The syntax is simple, no options or parameters are needed, except the global

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