

distrib > Mageia > 6 > armv7hl > by-pkgid > 24925b3b5fdaed1849fd7e3d9845cd5d > files > 7


%define pre	%nil

Name:		bugzilla
Version:	5.0.4
#define subrel 1
Release:	%mkrel 1

Summary:	A bug tracking system developed by
License:	MPL
Group:		Networking/WWW
Patch0:		%{name}-fhs.patch
Patch1:		bugzilla-5.0.3-convert-absolute-paths.patch
Patch2:		bugzilla-4.0.2-fix-permissions.patch
Patch3:		bugzilla-4.0.2-recommend-urpmi.patch
Requires:	apache
Requires:	perl(CGI)                 >= 1:3.510.0
Requires:	perl(Digest::SHA)
Requires:	perl(Date::Format)        >= 2.230.0
Requires:	perl(DateTime)            >= 0.750.0
Requires:	perl(DateTime::TimeZone)  >= 1.640.0
Requires:	perl(DBI)                 >= 1.614.0
Requires:	perl(Template)            >= 2.240.0
Requires:	perl(Email::Sender)       >= 1.300.11
Requires:	perl(Email::MIME)         >= 1.904.0
Requires:	perl(URI)                 >= 1.550.0
Requires:	perl(List::MoreUtils)     >= 0.320.0
Requires:	perl(Math::Random::ISAAC) >= 1.1.0
Requires:	perl(Math::Random::ISAAC::XS)
Requires:	perl(File::Slurp)         >= 9999.130.0
Requires:	perl(JSON::XS)            >= 2.10.0
Requires:	sendmail-command
Recommends:	diffutils
Recommends:	graphviz
Recommends:	patchutils
Recommends:	perl(DBD::mysql) >= 4.10.0
Recommends:	perl(DBD::Pg)    >= 2.7.0
Recommends:	perl(GD)
Recommends:	perl(GD::Graph)
Recommends:	perl(GD::TextUtil)
Recommends:	perl(Chart::Base)
Recommends:	perl(Template::GD)
Recommends:	perl(Net::LDAP)
Recommends:	perl(PatchReader)
Recommends:	perl(Authen::SASL)
Recommends:	perl(Net::SMTP::SSL)
Recommends:	perl(JSON::RPC)
Recommends:	perl(Test::Taint)
Recommends:	perl(Encode)
Recommends:	perl(Encode::Detect)
Recommends:	perl(File::MimeInfo::Magic)
Recommends:	perl(IO::Scalar)
BuildArch:	noarch


# Remove private modules from the requires stream
%global __requires_exclude %__requires_exclude|^perl\\(sanitycheck.cgi\\)$
%global __requires_exclude %__requires_exclude|^perl\\(Bugzilla\\)$
%global __requires_exclude %__requires_exclude|^perl\\(Bugzilla::

# Remove all optional modules from the requires stream
# mod_perl modules
%global __requires_exclude %__requires_exclude|^perl\\(Apache2::
%global __requires_exclude %__requires_exclude|^perl\\(ModPerl::
# authentification modules
%global __requires_exclude %__requires_exclude|^perl\\(Authen::Radius\\)$
%global __requires_exclude %__requires_exclude|^perl\\(Net::LDAP\\)$
# database modules
%global __requires_exclude %__requires_exclude|^perl\\(DBD::Oracle\\)$
%global __requires_exclude %__requires_exclude|^perl\\(DBD::Pg\\)$
%global __requires_exclude %__requires_exclude|^perl\\(DBI::db\\)$
%global __requires_exclude %__requires_exclude|^perl\\(DBI::st\\)$
# inbound email modules
%global __requires_exclude %__requires_exclude|^perl\\(Email::MIME::Attachment::Stripper\\)$
%global __requires_exclude %__requires_exclude|^perl\\(Email::Reply\\)$
# bug moving modules
%global __requires_exclude %__requires_exclude|^perl\\(MIME::Parser\\)$
%global __requires_exclude %__requires_exclude|^perl\\(XML::Twig\\)$
# xml-rpc and json-rpc modules
%global __requires_exclude %__requires_exclude|^perl\\(XMLRPC::
%global __requires_exclude %__requires_exclude|^perl\\(HTTP::Message\\)$
%global __requires_exclude %__requires_exclude|^perl\\(Test::Taint\\)$
# mail queueing modules
%global __requires_exclude %__requires_exclude|^perl\\(TheSchwartz\\)$
# extension modules
%global __requires_exclude %__requires_exclude|^perl\\(Image::Magick\\)$
# contrib scripts
%global __requires_exclude %__requires_exclude|^python

# and remove the extensions from the provides stream
%global __provides_exclude %__provides_exclude|^perl\\(Bugzilla::Extension::BmpConvert\\)$
%global __provides_exclude %__provides_exclude|^perl\\(Bugzilla::Extension::Example\\)$
%global __provides_exclude %__provides_exclude|^perl\\(Bugzilla::Extension::Example::Auth::Login\\)$
%global __provides_exclude %__provides_exclude|^perl\\(Bugzilla::Extension::Example::Auth::Verify\\)$
%global __provides_exclude %__provides_exclude|^perl\\(Bugzilla::Extension::Example::Config\\)$
%global __provides_exclude %__provides_exclude|^perl\\(Bugzilla::Extension::Example::WebService\\)$
%global __provides_exclude %__provides_exclude|^perl\\(Bugzilla::Extension::OldBugMove\\)$
%global __provides_exclude %__provides_exclude|^perl\\(Bugzilla::Extension::OldBugMove::Params\\)$
%global __provides_exclude %__provides_exclude|^perl\\(Bugzilla::Extension::Voting\\)$

Bugzilla is one example of a class of programs called "Defect Tracking
Systems", or, more commonly, "Bug-Tracking Systems". Defect Tracking Systems
allow individual or groups of developers to keep track of outstanding bugs
in their product effectively.

%package contrib
Summary:	Additional tools for %{name}
Group:		Networking/WWW

%description contrib
This package contains additional tools for %{name}.

%setup -q -n %{name}-%{version}%{pre}
find . -name CVS -o -name .cvsignore -delete

# fix perms
chmod -R go=u-w .
chmod 644 Bugzilla/
chmod 644 template/en/default/admin/keywords/*
chmod 755 docs/

# fix paths
find . -type f | xargs perl -pi -e "s|/usr/local/bin|%{_bindir}|g"

# fix contrib documentation files names
(cd contrib/bugzilla-submit && mv README README.bugzilla-submit)

%patch0 -p1
%patch1 -p1
%patch2 -p1
%patch3 -p1


%__mkdir_p %{buildroot}%{perl_sitelib}
install -m644 %{SOURCE1} %{buildroot}%{perl_sitelib}

install -d -m 755 %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}

install -d -m 755 %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}/www
install -m 755 *.cgi %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}/www
cp -pr js skins images robots.txt %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}/www
install -d -m 755 %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}/extensions
install -d -m 755 %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}/www/skins/custom
install -d -m 755 %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}/www/skins/contrib

install -d -m 755 %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}/lib
install -d -m 755 %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}/bin

# only install english templates (bug #61555)
install -d -m 755 %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}/template
cp -pr template/en %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}/template

cp -pr Bugzilla %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}/lib
install -m 644 \
install -m 755 \ \ \ \ \ \
	contrib/ \
	contrib/ \
	contrib/ \
	contrib/ \
	contrib/ \
	contrib/ \
	contrib/ \
	contrib/bugzilla-submit/bugzilla-submit \
	contrib/cmdline/buglist \
	contrib/cmdline/bugs \

install -d -m 755 %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/lib/%{name}
install -d -m 755 %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/%{name}
install -m 644 contrib/cmdline/query.conf %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/%{name}

install -d -m 755 %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/%{name}

# apache configuration
install -d -m 755 %{buildroot}%{_webappconfdir}
cat > %{buildroot}%{_webappconfdir}/%{name}.conf <<EOF
# Bugzilla Apache configuration
Alias /%{name}/data %{_localstatedir}/lib/%{name}
Alias /%{name}/graphs %{_localstatedir}/lib/%{name}/graphs
Alias /%{name}/images %{_datadir}/%{name}/www/images
Alias /%{name}/js %{_datadir}/%{name}/www/js
Alias /%{name}/skins %{_datadir}/%{name}/www/skins
Alias /%{name}/webdot %{_localstatedir}/lib/%{name}/webdot
ScriptAlias /%{name} %{_datadir}/%{name}/www

<Directory %{_datadir}/%{name}/www>
    Require all granted
    DirectoryIndex index.cgi

<Directory %{_localstatedir}/lib/%{name}>
    AllowOverride All

# cron task
install -d -m 755 %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/cron.d
cat > %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/cron.d/%{name} <<EOF
0 0 * * *     apache     %{_datadir}/%{name}/bin/ > /dev/null 2>&1
0 0 * * *     apache     %{_datadir}/%{name}/bin/ > /dev/null 2>&1
*/15 * * * *  apache     %{_datadir}/%{name}/bin/ > /dev/null 2>&1

cat > README.urpmi <<EOF
Mageia RPM specific notes

The setup used here differs from default one, to achieve better FHS compliance.
- the constant files are in %{_datadir}/%{name}
- the variables files are in %{_localstatedir}/lib/%{name}
- the configuration file will be generated in %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}

 - create a database in one of: MySQL/MariaDB/PostgreSQL
 - run %{_datadir}/%{name}/bin/

Additional useful packages
- perl-GD, perl-GDGraph, perl-GDTextUtil and perl-Template-GD for graphical reports
- perl-XML-Twig and perl-MIME-tools for importing XML bugs
- perl-Net-LDAP for LDAP authentication
- perl-PatchReader, diffutils and patchutils for patch viewer
- graphviz for graphical view of dependency relationships
- a MySQL/MariaDB/PostgreSQL database, either locale or remote

%doc README README.urpmi docs
%config(noreplace) %{_webappconfdir}/%{name}.conf
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/cron.d/%{name}
%attr(-,apache,apache) %{_localstatedir}/lib/%{name}
%exclude %{_datadir}/%{name}/bin/
%exclude %{_datadir}/%{name}/bin/
%exclude %{_datadir}/%{name}/bin/
%exclude %{_datadir}/%{name}/bin/
%exclude %{_datadir}/%{name}/bin/
%exclude %{_datadir}/%{name}/bin/bugzilla-submit
%exclude %{_datadir}/%{name}/bin/buglist
%exclude %{_datadir}/%{name}/bin/bugs
%exclude %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/query.conf

%files contrib
%doc contrib/README
%doc contrib/bugzilla-submit/README.bugzilla-submit
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/query.conf


* Mon Mar 12 2018 shlomif <shlomif> 5.0.4-1.mga6
  (not released yet)
+ Revision: 1208624
- New version 5.0.4 ( MGA#22735 )
+ neoclust <neoclust>
- Fix path of skin css (mga#21561)

* Tue May 17 2016 tmb <tmb> 5.0.3-1.mga6
+ Revision: 1016287
- 5.0.3 (CVE-2016-2803)

* Wed Dec 23 2015 luigiwalser <luigiwalser> 5.0.2-1.mga6
+ Revision: 913798
- 5.0.2 (fixes CVE-2015-8508 and CVE-2015-8509)
- attempt to fix broken apache config

* Fri Sep 18 2015 luigiwalser <luigiwalser> 5.0.1-1.mga6
+ Revision: 880345
- 5.0.1 (fixes CVE-2015-4499)

* Sun Aug 02 2015 neoclust <neoclust> 5.0-2.mga6
+ Revision: 860824
- Bugzilla now uses perl(Email::Sender)

* Sun Aug 02 2015 neoclust <neoclust> 5.0-1.mga6
+ Revision: 860818
- New version 5.0

* Fri May 15 2015 neoclust <neoclust> 4.4.9-1.mga5
+ Revision: 822096
- 4.4.9 (regression fix release)

* Wed Jan 28 2015 luigiwalser <luigiwalser> 4.4.8-1.mga5
+ Revision: 812593
- 4.4.8
- 4.4.7

* Wed Oct 15 2014 umeabot <umeabot> 4.4.6-2.mga5
+ Revision: 744047
- Second Mageia 5 Mass Rebuild

* Mon Oct 06 2014 luigiwalser <luigiwalser> 4.4.6-1.mga5
+ Revision: 737201
- 4.4.6 (fixes CVE-2014-157[1-3])

* Sat Sep 27 2014 tv <tv> 4.4.5-3.mga5
+ Revision: 730845
- add exclude from FC

* Tue Sep 16 2014 umeabot <umeabot> 4.4.5-2.mga5
+ Revision: 678242
- Mageia 5 Mass Rebuild
+ tv <tv>
- use %%global for req/prov exclude
- autoconvert to new prov/req excludes
- s/uggests:/Recommends:/

* Tue Aug 12 2014 luigiwalser <luigiwalser> 4.4.5-1.mga5
+ Revision: 662117
- 4.4.5 (fixes CVE-2014-1546)

* Thu May 01 2014 tmb <tmb> 4.4.4-3.mga5
+ Revision: 619355
- enable cgi-script handler

* Wed Apr 30 2014 tmb <tmb> 4.4.4-2.mga5
+ Revision: 619056
- update to 4.4.4

* Mon Apr 07 2014 guillomovitch <guillomovitch> 4.4.2-2.mga5
+ Revision: 612614
- use ScriptAlias instead of Alias in apache configuration, as there is no global handler for CGI scripts defined anymore by default
+ dmorgan <dmorgan>
- New bugfix/regressionfix release

* Sat Oct 19 2013 umeabot <umeabot> 4.4.1-2.mga4
+ Revision: 526523
- Mageia 4 Mass Rebuild

* Thu Oct 17 2013 ovitters <ovitters> 4.4.1-1.mga4
+ Revision: 502183
- new version 4.4.1

* Tue Jun 04 2013 dmorgan <dmorgan> 4.4-1.mga4
+ Revision: 437226
- New version

* Wed Feb 20 2013 dmorgan <dmorgan> 4.4-0.rc2.3.mga3
+ Revision: 399542
- Add more versions
- Update needed deps
- New version
+ oden <oden>
- 4.2.5 (fixes CVE-2013-0785, CVE-2013-0786)
- 4.2.4 (fixes CVE-2012-4199,4198,4189,4197,5475)

* Fri Jan 11 2013 umeabot <umeabot> 4.2.3-4.mga3
+ Revision: 347218
- Mass Rebuild -

* Sat Sep 08 2012 guillomovitch <guillomovitch> 4.2.3-3.mga3
+ Revision: 290479
- make webapp configuration file compatible with apache 2.4

* Thu Aug 30 2012 ovitters <ovitters> 4.2.3-2.mga3
+ Revision: 285919
- bump release to ensure higher than Mageia 2 updates version

* Thu Aug 30 2012 ovitters <ovitters> 4.2.3-1.mga3
+ Revision: 285903
- new version 4.2.3

* Tue Aug 07 2012 guillomovitch <guillomovitch> 4.2.2-1.mga3
+ Revision: 279830
- new version

* Sun Aug 05 2012 ovitters <ovitters> 4.2.1-2.mga3
+ Revision: 278582
- fix requires (mga#6093)

* Sun Apr 29 2012 fwang <fwang> 4.2.1-1.mga2
+ Revision: 234164
- new version 4.2.1

* Sat Feb 25 2012 ovitters <ovitters> 4.2-3.mga2
+ Revision: 214705
- make README.urpmi work
- don't only suggest MySQL, also mention MariaDB+PostgreSQL

* Sat Feb 25 2012 ovitters <ovitters> 4.2-2.mga2
+ Revision: 214656
- make bugzilla actually work (mga#4676)

* Wed Feb 22 2012 ovitters <ovitters> 4.2-1.mga2
+ Revision: 212425
- update file list
- fix accidental tabs
- new version
- update patch0

* Wed Feb 22 2012 ovitters <ovitters> 4.0.5-2.mga2
+ Revision: 212401
- new version

* Wed Feb 01 2012 ovitters <ovitters> 4.0.4-2.mga2
+ Revision: 203853
- new version
- drop jsonrpc patch
- retab! spec file
+ guillomovitch <guillomovitch>
- keep %%files sections at the end of file

* Sun Jan 01 2012 ovitters <ovitters> 4.0.3-2.mga2
+ Revision: 189444
- add patch for new perl-JSON-RPC (mga#3906)

* Thu Dec 29 2011 ovitters <ovitters> 4.0.3-1.mga2
+ Revision: 188612
- new version 4.0.3
- drop patch1 (merged)

* Mon Sep 19 2011 ovitters <ovitters> 4.0.2-8.mga2
+ Revision: 145611
- ensure release is newer than 1

* Sun Sep 18 2011 ovitters <ovitters> 4.0.2-7.mga2
+ Revision: 145108
- add patch to ensure optional dependencies are installed using urpmi

* Sun Sep 18 2011 ovitters <ovitters> 4.0.2-6.mga2
+ Revision: 144986
- remove duplicates.rdf apache config as upstream removed it in 3.4

* Sun Sep 18 2011 ovitters <ovitters> 4.0.2-5.mga2
+ Revision: 144980
- add patch to make work (bug 1040)

* Sun Sep 18 2011 ovitters <ovitters> 4.0.2-4.mga2
+ Revision: 144954
- update file to make it work with mod_perl
  update fhs patch per suggestions upstream
+ dmorgan <dmorgan>
- Fix path in checksetup
  Really remove ruby file
- Fix path to bugzilla ( mga #1040)
- we remove bugzilla_ldapsync.rb because it does not work and add dep on ruby ( mga #1776)
- Add upstream patch to fix a check with new perl-version
- Fix $bz_root_dir thanks to LpSolit
- New version  4.0.2
  Add Upstream ( allow to remove P2 )

* Fri Feb 18 2011 dmorgan <dmorgan> 4.0-1.mga1
+ Revision: 53387
- New version 4.0

* Fri Feb 04 2011 dmorgan <dmorgan> 4.0-0.rc2.1.mga1
+ Revision: 46840
- Update to bugzilla 4.0 RC2
- imported package bugzilla