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<h1 class='fqn'><span class='in-band'>Trait <a href='../index.html'>core</a>::<wbr><a href='index.html'>ops</a>::<wbr><a class="trait" href=''>Place</a></span><span class='out-of-band'><span class='since' title='Stable since Rust version '></span><span id='render-detail'>
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<pre class='rust trait'>pub trait Place&lt;Data:&nbsp;?<a class="trait" href="../../core/marker/trait.Sized.html" title="trait core::marker::Sized">Sized</a>&gt; {
    fn <a href='#tymethod.pointer' class='fnname'>pointer</a>(&amp;mut self) -&gt; *mut Data;
}</pre><div class='stability'><div class='stab unstable'><span class=microscope>🔬</span> This is a nightly-only experimental API.  (<code>placement_new_protocol </code><a href="">#27779</a>)</div></div><div class='docblock'><p>Both <code>PLACE &lt;- EXPR</code> and <code>box EXPR</code> desugar into expressions
that allocate an intermediate &quot;place&quot; that holds uninitialized
state.  The desugaring evaluates EXPR, and writes the result at
the address returned by the <code>pointer</code> method of this trait.</p>

<p>A <code>Place</code> can be thought of as a special representation for a
hypothetical <code>&amp;uninit</code> reference (which Rust cannot currently
express directly). That is, it represents a pointer to
uninitialized storage.</p>

<p>The client is responsible for two steps: First, initializing the
payload (it can access its address via <code>pointer</code>). Second,
converting the agent to an instance of the owning pointer, via the
appropriate <code>finalize</code> method (see the <code>InPlace</code>.</p>

<p>If evaluating EXPR fails, then it is up to the destructor for the
implementation of Place to clean up any intermediate state
(e.g. deallocate box storage, pop a stack, etc).</p>
            <h2 id='required-methods'>Required Methods</h2>
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        <h3 id='tymethod.pointer' class='method'><span id='pointer.v' class='invisible'><code>fn <a href='#tymethod.pointer' class='fnname'>pointer</a>(&amp;mut self) -&gt; *mut Data</code></span></h3><div class='stability'><div class='stab unstable'><span class=microscope>🔬</span> This is a nightly-only experimental API.  (<code>placement_new_protocol </code><a href="">#27779</a>)</div></div><div class='docblock'><p>Returns the address where the input value will be written.
Note that the data at this address is generally uninitialized,
and thus one should use <code>ptr::write</code> for initializing it.</p>
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