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2013-02-08  1.0.9-2 Cristy  <omicronpersei8@image...>
  * Add support for MagickStatisticImage() (reference

2013-01-22  1.0.9-2 Mikko Koppanen  <mikko.koppanen@gmail...>
  * Fixes build with newer ImageMagick
  * Fixes build when ImageMagick is installed in non-standard location

2012-10-25  1.0.9-1 Cristy  <omicronpersei8@image...>
  * Add support for MagickSetImageEndian().

2011-11-26  1.0.9-1 Remi Collet <fedora@famil...>
  * MagickWand for PHP no longer fails to build in ZTS mode.

2011-11-13  1.0.9-0 Herve Seignole  <herve.seignole@gmail...>
  * PHP > 5.3.0 does not define safe mode or php_checkuid (see
  * Use zend_function_entry rather than function_entry.

2009-10-21  1.0.9-0 Cristy  <omicronpersei8@image...>
  * Update to replace deprecated methods.

2009-02-18  1.0.8-1 Mikko Koppanen  <mikko.koppanen@gmail...>
  * Add MagickReadImageFile functionality.
  * Support reading files from ftp, http, and https.

2008-04-13  1.0.7-1 Cristy  <omicronpersei8@image...>
  * Improved configure script (reference

2008-02-02  1.0.7-0 Cristy  <omicronpersei8@image...>
  * Update configure scripts to find/link to MagickCore/MagickWand.

2007-12-10  1.0.4-0 Cristy  <omicronpersei8@image...>
  * Add MagickSetImageBias() to the MagickWand for PHP API.

2007-09-10  1.0.4-0 Cristy  <omicronpersei8@image...>
  * The MagickWand author improperly used private data structures.  We
    instead call MagickGetExceptionType() directly rather than the problematic

2007-04-08  1.0.4-0 Cristy  <omicronpersei8@image...>
  * Permit all pseudo-image formats except X:.

2007-03-08  1.0.4-0 Cristy  <omicronpersei8@image...>
  * MagickReadImages() no longer returns a fatal error when a file cannot be

2007-02-24  1.0.2-0 Cristy  <omicronpersei8@image...>
  * Add MagickResetImagePage() to reset the image page canvas and position

2007-02-12  1.0.0-0 Cristy  <omicronpersei8@image...>
  * Deprecate MagickGetImageProperty()/MagickSetImageAttribute(), use
    MagickGetImageProperty()/MagickSetImageProperty() instead.

2007-02-08  1.0.0-0 Cristy  <omicronpersei8@image...>
  * PRV_INIT_RET_STR() macro return NULL terminated strings.

2007-01-08  1.0.0-0 Cristy  <omicronpersei8@image...>
  * Add MagickOrderedPosterizeImage() method.

2006-12-31  0.1.9-0 Cristy  <omicronpersei8@image...>
  * Add MagickRecolorImage() method.
  * Requires ImageMagick 6.3.1 or above.


Sometime in April 2004...

- Created "MagickWand :: PHP ImageMagick 6.0+ API" v0.0.1 by using Perl (yes,
  I am aware of the irony) to scan the Wand C API for any exported functions,
  and doing some rough substitutions to set up the associated  PHP functions

- Created the 4 main MagickWand resource types:
  - MagickWand
  - DrawingWand
  - PixelWand
  - PixelIterator

- Scanned the C API functions for the several enum types (constants) that the
  functions return or require as arguments, and declared the requisite PHP
  constants. The MagickWand constants in PHP have a "MW_" tacked on to the
  beginning of their names (fine... "prepended" ;) but are otherwise referred
  to with the same names as their ImageMagick API counterparts.

- Removed references to X-Windows (various constants and a few functions) from
  the PHP API -- unless PHP has an interface to X-windows that I haven't heard
  about yet (lol).

- Cleaned up the bugs in my roughly auto-generated source.


Late August - early October 2004

- MagickWand for PHP v0.0.5

- Shortened module's name to MagickWand for PHP -- see above ;) the internal
  name (i.e. for use in dl() function) is "magickwand"

- Created several (maybe too many :) macros to make the various repetitive
  operations less error prone and easier to code and debug... most of the time

- Standardized (hopefully) the return values of the various wand functions,
  as follows.

  If a C API function returns:

  - an integer constant, the corresponding PHP function returns an int or
    FALSE (for faster error verification via === operator), IF the
    corresponding C API function can set an error

  - an unsigned long or a double, its PHP function returns a float or FALSE,
    (if the corresponding C API function can set an error)

  - a string, its PHP function returns a string (possibly empty) or FALSE,
    (if the corresponding C API function can set an error)

  - a Wand/Iterator, its PHP function returns the associated resource type,
    or FALSE (generally as a result of a (WandType *) NULL being returned)

  - an array of Wands, its PHP function returns the individual wands as
    elements in a PHP array of Wand resources, or FALSE if (Wand **) NULL
    was returned, or if the Wand/Iterator the array was retrieved from
    contained an error condition.

  - void, its PHP function "returns" void

  - Quantum, its PHP function returns a float (this is due to MaxRGB
    potentially being larger than PHP's int datatype, which corresponds to
    C's signed long. If ImageMagick has a Quantum depth of 32 bits, the
    Quantum datatype is actually "unsigned int", and MaxRGB is 4294967295U, a
    value greater than PHP's int maximum (at least on most machines).
    For proof, run the PHP script:

    <?php    $MaxRGB = 4294967295;    var_dump( $MaxRGB );    ?>

    The result should be "float(4294967295)". (Also, functions that accept
    Quantums in C, are set to accept floats in PHP, which are then cast to
    Quantum, after a check of whether their value is in the correct range is
    done -- i.e. 0 <= value <= MaxRGB).

    - uses pointers, (or pointers and return values), in order to set multiple
      (useful) values, those values are returned in a numerically indexed array
      from the corresponding PHP function, IN C API FUNCTION ARGUMENT ORDER. If
      the function returns MagickBooleanType or NULL/!NULL, in order to
      indicate success or failure/error, that value is checked; if it
      indicates failure/error, the corresponding PHP function returns FALSE.
      By useful values, I basically mean that boolean return values will not
      be included in the return array, since the array's existence (or rather
      the fact that the returned value was NOT explicit PHP FALSE, suitable for
      === / !== PHP operator testing), will be enough to guage whether there
      were any errors or failures.

      The following is a direct-from-source example, with added clarification
      /* Start C code ********************************/
      /* MagickCompareImages() returns MagickWand structure, and sets the
         "distortion" variable
      comp_wnd = (MagickWand *) MagickCompareImages( mgck_wnd,
                                                      (MetricType) metric,
                                                      &distortion );

      /* Check if MagickCompareImages() succeeded, and, if so, try to register
         the MagickWand, "comp_wnd", as a PHP resource;
         MW_ZEND_REGISTER_RESOURCE() is a custom macro that does this
      if (   comp_wnd == (MagickWand *) NULL
          || MW_ZEND_REGISTER_RESOURCE( MagickWand,
                                        (zval *) NULL,
                                        &comp_wnd_rsrc_id ) == MagickFalse )
           /* If MagickCompareImages() failed, or "comp_wnd" could not be
              registered as a PHP resource, return false to the script;
              RETURN_FALSE is a PHP API macro that does this
      /* If all is successful...
      /* Set up value returned to script to be an array; array_init() is
         a PHP API function that does this
      array_init( return_value );

      /* MW_SET_2_RET_ARR_VALS() is a custom macro that adds 2 values to the
         array to be returned to the script; the values here are the PHP
         internal resource id of the newly registered comp_wnd MagickWand, and
         the computed distortion "returned", via pointer,from
          add_next_index_resource( return_value, comp_wnd_rsrc_id ),
          add_next_index_double( return_value, distortion ) );

      /******************************** End code */

- Modified the functions which accept the complex ImageMagick types
  AffineMatrix, PointInfo, and PixelPacket; any functions which would have
  accepted them now accept their members directly, as follows:

    C:   DrawAffine( (DrawingWand *) drw_wnd, (AffineMatrix *) affine )
    PHP: DrawAffine( $drw_wnd, (float) $sx, (float) $sy,
                               (float) $rx, (float) $ry,
                               (float) $tx, (float) $ty )

    the associated PHP functions accept any EVEN amount of numbers over a
    specified minimum amount -- a six (6) number minumum for DrawBezier() and
    DrawPolygon() (3 coordinates), and a four (4) number minumum for
    DrawPolyline() (2 coordinates)

    C:   DrawBezier( (DrawingWand *) drw_wnd,
                     (unsigned long) num_coords,
                     (PointInfo *) coordinates )
    PHP: DrawBezier( $drw_wnd, (float) $x1, (float) $y1,
                               (float) $x2, (float) $y2,
                               (float) $x3, (float) $y3 )

    (IMPORTANT NOTE: This has been changed -- see version 0.0.9 notes below)

    there are only two functions that "do" anything with a PixelPacket --
    PixelGetQuantumColor() and PixelSetQuantumColor().

    C:   PixelSetQuantumColor( (PixelWand *) pxl_wnd,
                               (PixelPacket *) pxl_pckt )
    PHP: PixelSetQuantumColor( $pxl_wnd,
                               (float) red, (float) green,
                               (float) blue [, (float) opacity] )
         (Entering opacity is OPTIONAL)

    C:   PixelGetQuantumColor( (PixelWand *) pxl_wnd,
                               (PixelPacket *) pxl_pckt )
    PHP: PixelGetQuantumColor( $pxl_wnd )
         returns Array
                     "r" => red Quantum
                     "g" => green Quantum
                     "b" => blue Quantum
                     "a" => alpha/opacity Quantum
- Created a new PixelIteratorPixelWand "type", so to speak...
  Here's the issue:

  The C API's
    PixelWand **PixelGetNextIteratorRow( PixelIterator *iterator )

  returns an array of PixelWands. This has to be translated into a PHP array of
  PixelWands, for use in the Pixel*() functions -- done.

  Unfortunately, when the script ended, or the requisite PixelWand destruction
  functions were called on any member of that original array, the
  DestroyPixelIterator() function (from the C API), which would eventually be
  called by PHP to destroy a PixelIterator, would cause a really nasty PHP
  program crash.

  So, the PixelIteratorPixelWand type, which only "exists" in PHP, (and only
  as le_PixelIteratorPixelWand, [a PHP internal resource type specifier]
  really), was created. Its PHP (auto) destruction function, which is supposed
  to be called from the PHP internals when the reference count of
  le_PixelIteratorPixelWand's associated resources reaches 0, actually does
  nothing and returns. This is explained in the comments I wrote in the
  funtion itself, so I cut an pasted it below:

    NOTE: the reason this function does nothing and returns, is due to the
    fact that the resource this function is supposed to destroy is a PixelWand
    that was returned as part of an array of PixelWands that were returned by
    PixelGetNextIteratorRow( pixel_iterator ). The particular PixelWand that
    this function is supposed to destroy (via the same method as
    PixelWand_destruction_handler() above) is actually DIRECTLY linked to the
    PixelIterator that the array it was in, came from.
    (This, I realized, is because a PixelIterator's PixelWands are ONLY
    created once, and the array they are in is a set size, and when you
    request different rows of an image, you actually get the exact same
    PixelWands, just with different colors, repesenting the colors of the
    requested row of the image.)
    As a result, destroying it now, would cause ImageMagick to try to destroy
    it twice, once now, and once when the PixelIterator_destruction_handler()
    above is called to destroy the PixelIterator it actually belongs to. This
    causes ImageMagick to cause a KING KAH-MEHA-MEHA SIZED ERROR, (since it
    will not destroy what does not exist, i.e. what it has already destroyed)
    which aborts the entire program, (via an assert() call), in the middle of
    PHP script execution.

  So, enter the PixelIteratorPixelWand "type", and it's associated handler,
  which does absolutely nothing!

  'Nuff (maybe too much ;) said. (As a side note.. the Pixel*() functions in
  PHP will take a tiny bit longer, albeit in C time, to execute than they
  otherwise might, since they each have to check for PixelWands of both types,
  i.e. for le_PixelWand and le_PixelIteratorPixelWand type PixelWands.)

- Fixed nasty error with ALL the functions that accepted PHP arrays (I hereby
  officially curse and damn all ampersands to hell! ;) -- created
  MW_ITERATE_OVER_PHP_ARRAY macro to avoid said problem in the future.

- Changed the functionality of some of the C-API-connected PHP functions, and
  added several convenience functions. See the descriptions that follow.

  - DrawBezier(), DrawPolygon(), DrawPolyline(): changed. They now accept
    even-length lists of numbers, which represent ordinates in co-ordinate
    space, instead of PointInfo resources/structures; See above.

    (IMPORTANT NOTE: This has been changed -- see version 0.0.9 notes below)

  - DrawSetStrokeDashArray(): (slightly) changed. You can now call it in PHP
    with nothing or the constant NULL as the value of the array (instead of
    needing to send an empty array, although you can), in order to clear the
    stroke dashes like so:

      DrawSetStrokeDashArray( $drw_wnd );
      DrawSetStrokeDashArray( $drw_wnd, NULL );
      DrawSetStrokeDashArray( $drw_wnd, array() );

  - DrawGetException(), MagickGetException(), PixelGetIteratorException(),
    PixelGetException(): (slightly) changed. these functions return a two (2)
    index array like so:

      list( $error_string, $exception_type ) = DrawGetException( $drw_wnd );

    However, the returned array values will either be:

      [0] => (string) ""
      [1] => (ExceptionType constant) MW_UndefinedException


      [0] => (string) "Error string here"
      [1] => (ExceptionType constant) MW_*Exception

    so the returned array will ALWAYS have values, which means testing it for
    TRUE/FALSE or empty() will not give you the intuitively obvious results
    (ie: if there are no errors, the array is NOT empty). Please keep that in

    ExceptionType is a C enum constant type whose members are available in PHP
    for comparisons, i.e. (continuing from code above):

    if ( $exception_type != MW_UndefinedException )/* Note the "MW_" here */
      /* Do something */

    And FYI: "MW_UndefinedException" is the "everything is OK" ExceptionType;
    it is the returned ExceptionType if there are no exceptions.

  - DrawGetExceptionString(), MagickGetExceptionString(),
    PixelGetIteratorExceptionString(), PixelGetExceptionString(): added. These
    functions only return the error string or "" (empty string) if no errors.

  - DrawGetExceptionType(), MagickGetExceptionType(),
    PixelGetExceptionType(), PixelGetIteratorExceptionType(): added.
    Similar reasoning to the *GetExceptionString() functions above, except
    that these functions return the ExceptionType:

      ExceptionType DrawGetExceptionType( DrawingWand drw_wnd )

  - WandGetException(), WandGetExceptionString(), WandGetExceptionType() :
    added. Does the same thing as the standard exception functions listed
    above, except that these functions, accept ANY TYPE of Wand/Iterator as an
    argument! Makes setting up functions that check for exceptions easier to

  - WandHasException(): added. Checks ANY TYPE of Wand/Iterator for an
    exception - returns TRUE if the Wand/Iterator has an exception type other
    than UndefinedException, FALSE otherwise. Defined in PHP as:

      bool WandHasException( AnyWand wnd_or_iter )

    (NOTE: The AnyWand type specifier is NOT a valid type of any kind -- it
    just indicates that any Wand/Iterator can be supplied as an argument.)

  - DrawGetFillColor(), DrawGetStrokeColor(), DrawGetTextUnderColor(),
    MagickGetImageColormapColor(): changed.
    They are defined in the C API similar to the following:

      void DrawGetFillColor( DrawingWand *wand, PixelWand *color )

    meaning you have to pass an already initialized PixelWand as color.
    This bugged me, so I changed the associated PHP function to

      PixelWand DrawGetFillColor( DrawingWand wand )

    which sounds more like what the function actually does, and follows the
    form of all the other *Get*() methods, which return what was asked for

for an explanation of why the last issue mentioned above (re:
DrawGet*Color()) exists

  - DrawSetTextAntialias(): (slightly) changed. Declared in PHP as:

      DrawSetTextAntialias( DrawingWand drw_wnd [, bool anti_alias] )

    where (unlike C API) the anti_alias parameter is not required, and will
    turn on anti-aliasing if it is NOT set.

  - DrawSetFont(): (slightly) changed. Now requires a FULL FONT PATH! It can
    be a relative path, but it the parameter can not be just a font name
    that ImageMagick (should) recognize. Here is the C API version:

      void DrawSetFont( DrawingWand *wand, char *font_name )

    But in PHP it is:
                                           /* NOTE: $font_file_path */
      bool DrawSetFont( DrawingWand $wand, string $font_file_path )

    If the $font_file_path is NOT

    1) readable
    2) accessible to the script, (function obeys PHP Safe Mode rules as well),

    the function will output an error and halt script processing.

  - MagickAppendImages(): (slightly) changed. Declared (PHP):

      MagickAppendImages( MagickWand mgck_wnd [, bool stack_vertical] )

    If stack_vertical is not set, or it is FALSE, stack_vertical is set to
    FALSE (the default) in the call to the C API's MagickAppendImages(),
    meaning images are stacked left-to-right (horizontally). Set
    stack_vertical to TRUE to stack them top-to-bottom (vertically).

  - MagickClipPathImage(): (slightly) changed. Declared (PHP):

        MagickWand mgck_wnd, string path_name [, bool clip_inside] )

    If clip_inside is not set, or it is FALSE, clip_inside is set to FALSE
    (the default) in the call to the C API's MagickAppendImages(), meaning
    later operations take effect inside clipping path. Set clip_inside to TRUE
    to have later operations take effect outside clipping path.

  - MagickCompareImages(), MagickCompareImageChannels(): returns array with
    the returned MagickWand as index 0, and the computed distortion metric as
    index 1.
    I did NOT like this, but I really don't want a situation where this kind
    of operation would be done twice, which is what would happen if there were
    separate functions to get the returned MagickWand and to get the
    distortion. Fortunately, in PHP separating the returned values into
    variables isn't really that hard:

      list( $dist_wnd, $distortion ) = MagickCompareImageChannels(
                                          MW_MeanAbsoluteErrorMetric );

    where the returned wand gets put into $dist_wnd and the computed
    distortion between $mgck_wnd and $ref_wnd goes into $distortion.

  - MagickGetImageChannelExtrema(), MagickGetImageExtrema(): changed...
    slightly. They return an indexed array (PHP) with index 0 = min and
    index 1 = max, representing the minima and maxima values that the C API
    functions set.

  - MagickReadImageFile(): changed. These methods set the filename of the
    image created in the MagickWand to ""; the C API would set the image
    filename to a temporary file's name.

  - MagickWriteImage(): changed. The return value is NOT a boolean, as in the
    C API; in PHP it returns a string containing the name of the file
    written, or FALSE, if an error occurs. (Warning messages are output if
    errors occur)

    (IMPORTANT NOTE: This has been changed -- see version 0.0.9 notes below)

  - MagickWriteImages(): changed. The return value is NOT a boolean, as in the
    C API; in PHP it returns an array containing the names of the files
    written, or FALSE, if an error occurs before any files are written. If an
    individual file could not be written, the element at its position in the
    return array will be FALSE as well. (Warning messages are output if errors

    (IMPORTANT NOTE: This has been changed -- see version 0.0.9 notes below)

  - DestroyPixelWands(): changed. (PHP's) DestroyPixelWands() accepts a
    variable argument list, that can contain EITHER individual PixelWands, or
    arrays of PixelWands. It is defined (PHP!):
      bool DestroyPixelWands( mixed pxl_wnd_or_pxl_wnd_array1
                              [, mixed pxl_wnd_or_pxl_wnd_array2 [, ...]] )

    In other words, you can destroy as many PixelWands, including those that
    might be in arrays, as you want, at once.
    The C API's DestroyPixelWands() acted only on an ARRAY of PixelWands.
    NOTE: PHP's DestroyPixelWands() is actually an alias of
          DestroyPixelWandArray(), named to match with NewPixelWandArray()

  - NewPixelWand(): changed. You can now specify an optional ImageMagick
    color string, of the type you would supply to PixelSetColor(). C API

      PixelWand *NewPixelWand( void )

    PHP definition:

      PixelWand NewPixelWand( [string imagemagick_col_str] )

  - NewPixelWandArray(): added; this function IS equivalent to ImageMagick's
    NewPixelWands(), in that they both return an array of PixelWands --
    NewPixelWandArray() just sounds like what it returns. (I found that
    NewPixelWands() sounded too much like something that returned a unit, i.e.
    a whole resource, instead of a collection of individual resources, as
    NewPixelWandArray() implies, so it was actually confusing me, since I
    could find no functions, save DestroyPixelWands() which required a
    PixelWand array as an argument, hence the addition).
    See DestroyPixelWands() above for the accompanying change in the array
    destructor's name.
    NOTE: NewPixelWands() still exists, buy it as an alias to

  - PixelGetQuantumColor(): changed. returns an array containing the
    PixelPacket's, members.
    So instead of the C API's:
      void PixelGetQuantumColor( PixelWand *wand, PixelPacket *color )

    it is defined in PHP as
      array PixelGetQuantumColor( PixelWand wand )

    See "Standardized ..." above for the contents of the returned array.

- Asked for, received and PHP implemented IsDrawingWand(), IsMagickWand(),
  IsPixelIterator(), IsPixelWand(). Useful for determining what type of
  Wand/Iterator one is dealing with, and whether it is any good (VERY
  USEFUL, thanks magick). See:
  for more information.

- Set up several aliases:
  Functions in PHP can have a "pseudonym", an alternate name by which they
  can be called. The aliases I have set up are mostly to maintain
  compatibilty with the calling conventions of the MagickWand C API, as I
  have changed a few function names in order to clarify their purposes to
  PHP programmers.

    Alias                      Implemented PHP function
    MagickGetSize              MagickGetWandSize
    MagickSetSize              MagickSetWandSize
    DestroyPixelWands          DestroyPixelWandArray
    NewPixelWands              NewPixelWandArray

- Several functions in MagickWand for PHP do argument verifications.
  For example, in the PixelSet[colorname]() functions, which accept normalized
  "0 <= color_val <= 1" color values, the C API functions do the following:

  - if the color_val argument is greater than 1.0, set the internal color
    value to 1.0;

  - if the color_val argument is less than 0.0, set the internal color value
    to 0.0;

  - otherwise set the internal color value to color_val, as it is in the
    right range.

  MagickWand for PHP does the same checks, but if the values are NOT in the
  right range, an informative, but fatal, error will be output, and script
  processing will halt.
  Why have I chosen to be so seemingly "cruel"? Well, since the error messages
  describe what the problem was, I figure that it will serve to minimize
  errors in general, plus educate programmers on what sort of inputs various
  functions require. Plus, the behaviour exhibited in the example above was
  totally unexpected when I first encountered it, (before I became intimately
  acquainted with the source and had only skimmed the documentation), so I was
  trying values like 30, 55, etc., all to no avail. PHP programmers, since the
  language is so forgiving, and so easy to develop in (relatively), often
  learn via experimentation / immersion / on-the-fly; I felt that argument
  verification / helpful error messages would help smooth the
  ImageMagick / MagickWand for PHP learning curve.


Sunday, 2004-10-17

- MagickWand for PHP v0.0.6

- Changed / added some functions; See the descriptions that follow.

  - MagickGetImageMimeType(): added. Returns the HTTP MIME media-type of the
    MagickWand's current image.

  - MagickEchoImageBlob(): added. Outputs the current image's BLOB to stdout,
    which on the web whould be the user's browser. Returns TRUE on success,
    FALSE (logging a warning message), on BLOB/output error (i.e., if the BLOB
    was invalid, or there was a problem outputting it).

  - MagickRemoveImageProfiles(): added. Implements MagickProfileImage()'s
    functionality of being able to remove all profiles in an image.

  - MagickGetCharWidth(), MagickGetCharHeight(), MagickGetTextAscent(),
    MagickGetTextDescent(), MagickGetStringWidth(), MagickGetStringHeight(),
    MagickGetMaxTextAdvance(): added. I implemented these convenience
    functions as alternatives to calling MagickQueryFontMetrics(); called in
    the same fashion as MagickQueryFontMetrics().

  - MagickGetVersionNumber, MagickGetVersionString(): added. Added for
    convenience in getting the API version as a number or string.


Monday, 2004-10-18

- MagickWand for PHP v0.0.7

- Made several changes to source which *should* allow for direct compilation
  under Windows. (Need someone to develop a Windows compilation guide.)


Friday, 2004-10-22

- MagickWand for PHP v0.0.8

- Requested, received and have implemented the following functions:

  - DrawClearException(), MagickClearException(), PixelClearException(),
    PixelClearIteratorException(). These functions are NOT user visible; they
    are called each time the requisite wand / iterator is sent to / retrieved
    by a PHP function (except the *Exception() functions, of course). They are
    called to ensure that any exceptions that are "reported" by a PHP function
    (generally via the return value FALSE), occurred as a result of the
    particular actions the functions took, not as a result of prior actions
    by other functions.
  - MagickGetImagesBlob() -- In PHP it returns the BLOB of the MagickWand's
    image sequence, or explicit FALSE (suitable for === testing), if an error

- Changed the functionality of some of the C-API-connected PHP functions, and
  added some convenience functions. See the descriptions that follow:

  - MagickSetFilename(), MagickSetImageFilename(): changed. The filename
    argument can be left out, or specified as NULL; this sets the
    corresponding filename to "" (empty string).

  - MagickEchoImagesBlob(): outputs the BLOB of the MagickWand's image
    sequence to stdout (which is the user's browser on the web). Returns TRUE
    on success, or FALSE if an error occurred.

      header( 'Content-type: ' . MagickGetImageMimeType( $mgck_wand ) );
      MagickEchoImageBlob( $mgck_wand );

  - The following Magick*Channel*() functions have been removed from the PHP
    extension; their C API namesakes are instead called by their "sister" PHP
    functions, once an optional ChannelType constant is supplied as the last

      C API functions that have         PHP equivalents, once optional
      been removed                      channel_type argument is supplied
      MagickBlurImageChannel()          MagickBlurImage()
      MagickCompareImageChannels()      MagickCompareImages()
      MagickConvolveImageChannel()      MagickConvolveImage()
      MagickEvaluateImageChannel()      MagickEvaluateImage()
      MagickFxImageChannel()            MagickFxImage()
      MagickGammaImageChannel()         MagickGammaImage()
      MagickGaussianBlurImageChannel()  MagickGaussianBlurImage()
      MagickGetImageChannelDepth()      MagickGetImageDepth()
      MagickGetImageChannelExtrema()    MagickGetImageExtrema()
      MagickLevelImageChannel()         MagickLevelImage()
      MagickNegateImageChannel()        MagickNegateImage()
      MagickSetImageChannelDepth()      MagickSetImageDepth()
      MagickSharpenImageChannel()       MagickSharpenImage()
      MagickThresholdImageChannel()     MagickThresholdImage()
      MagickUnsharpMaskImageChannel()   MagickUnsharpMaskImage()

    For example:
      MagickBlurImageChannel( mgck_wnd, BlueChannel, radius, sigma );

    is equivalent to

      MagickBlurImage( $mgck_wnd, $radius, $sigma, MW_BlueChannel );

    The ChannelType constant argument, if supplied to the PHP function, "turns
    on" a call to MagickBlurImageChannel(), in the C API underlying the PHP
    extension -- MagickBlurImageChannel() just can't be called by name in PHP.

    Calling MagickBlurImage() itself, i.e.:
      MagickBlurImage( mgck_wnd, radius, sigma );

    is still equivalent to 

      MagickBlurImage( $mgck_wnd, $radius, $sigma );

    That has NOT changed.

  - MagickNegateImage(): changed. Its definition in PHP is now as follows:

      bool MagickNegateImage( MagickWand mgck_wnd
                              [, bool only_the_gray [, int channel_type]] )

    The only_the_gray parameter is FALSE by default (i.e., if it is not
    specified); if set to TRUE, only grayscale pixels within the image will be
    negated, e.g.:
      MagickNegateImage( mgck_wnd, MagickFalse );
    is equivalent to

      MagickNegateImage( $mgck_wnd, FALSE );
      MagickNegateImage( $mgck_wnd );

    The optional channel_type parameter enables a call to
    MagickNegateImageChannel(), as was discussed above.

    If one wants to MagickNegateImageChannel() an image in PHP, one MUST
    specify the value of only_the_gray, e.g.:
      MagickNegateImageChannel( mgck_wnd, RedChannel, MagickFalse );
    is equivalent to

      MagickNegateImage( $mgck_wnd, FALSE, MW_RedChannel );

  - Finished approximately 1/3 of the function documentation.


Tuesday, 2004-11-09

- MagickWand for PHP v0.0.9

- MagickWand for PHP v0.0.9 has a minimum requirement of ImageMagick-6.1.3-6;
  several of the output functions will not work correctly otherwise.

- MagickWand for PHP v0.0.8 was never announced due to the discovery of a bug:
  the PHP API functions which were supposed to return exception information,
  all cleared the exceptions when the wand pointers were retrieved from PHP's
  internals, and as a result, always returned "all clear", (i.e. no exceptions
  found), so to speak.

- Above bug FIXED.

- Removed the following aliases:
  - MagickGetSamplingFactorsArray() (alias of MagickGetSamplingFactors())
  - MagickSetSamplingFactorsArray() (alias of MagickSetSamplingFactors())
  - MagickGetImageBlobSize() (alias of MagickGetImageSize())

- Implemented the following functions directly, in order to keep up with the C
  - DrawGetTextAlignment()
  - DrawSetTextAlignment()
  - MagickGetFormat() - NOTE: the format returned by this function must be
                        explicitly set but MagickSetFormat(), before it will
                        return a value; it is NOT automatically set, unlike
                        the format returned by MagickGetImageFormat().
  - MagickSetFormat()
  - MagickWriteImagesFile()

- Indirectly implemented the new MagickQueryMultilineFontMetrics(). It can be
  called in PHP by supplying an optional boolean TRUE as the 4th argument to
  MagickQueryFontMetrics() and it's kin, like so:

  MagickQueryFontMetrics( MagickWand mgck_wnd, DrawingWand drw_wnd,
                          string txt [, bool multiline] )

  MagickGetCharWidth( MagickWand mgck_wnd, DrawingWand drw_wnd,
                      string txt [, bool multiline] )

  MagickGetCharHeight( MagickWand mgck_wnd, DrawingWand drw_wnd,
                       string txt [, bool multiline] )

  MagickGetTextAscent( MagickWand mgck_wnd, DrawingWand drw_wnd,
                       string txt [, bool multiline] )

  MagickGetTextDescent( MagickWand mgck_wnd, DrawingWand drw_wnd,
                        string txt [, bool multiline] )

  MagickGetStringWidth( MagickWand mgck_wnd, DrawingWand drw_wnd,
                        string txt [, bool multiline] )

  MagickGetStringHeight( MagickWand mgck_wnd, DrawingWand drw_wnd,
                         string txt [, bool multiline] )

  MagickGetMaxTextAdvance( MagickWand mgck_wnd, DrawingWand drw_wnd,
                           string txt [, bool multiline] )

- Added the AlignType constants (used by DrawGetTextAlignment() and
  - MW_UndefinedAlign
  - MW_LeftAlign
  - MW_CenterAlign
  - MW_RightAlign

- Added MagickGetMimeType(). Returns the HTTP MIME media-type of the
  MagickWand; the MagickWand's format must be set with MagickSetFormat()
  BEFORE this function is called, otherwise, an error will occur. Use with
  MagickEchoImagesBlob() to output the BLOB of all the images in a MagickWand,
  if the format supports multi-image images.

    MagickSetFormat( $mgck_wand, 'JPEG' );
    header( 'Content-type: ' . MagickGetMimeType( $mgck_wand ) );
    MagickEchoImagesBlob( $mgck_wand );

- Added MagickReadImages(). Calls the equivalent of MagickReadImage() on each
  filename in a numerically indexed array of filenames. Returns TRUE if all
  reads have been successful.

    MagickReadImages( $mgck_wand, array( '1.jpg', '2.gif', '3.png' ) );

    MagickReadImages( $mgck_wand, glob( './*.jpg' ) );

  ("glob" function is present in PHP 5+).

- MagickWriteImage(), MagickWriteImageFile(), MagickWriteImages(),
  MagickWriteImagesFile(): changed. They now return TRUE if image(s) written
  successfully, FALSE if the MagickWand contains no images, and will output
  fatal errors (halting script execution), describing any errors which
  occur during image writing.

- Flux in PHP API (mostly programmer [me] caused) should now be over; no more
  major changes will be made.

- DrawBezier(), DrawPolygon(), DrawPolyline(): changed (again, but for the
  last time). They now accept even-length ARRAYS of numbers, over a specified
  minimum amount, which represent ordinates in co-ordinate space, instead of
  the list of numbers, as was the case previously.


    DrawBezier( $d_wnd, array( $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $x3, $y3 ) )


    DrawPolygon( $d_wnd, array( $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $x3, $y3 ) )

  require an array with at least six (6) elements (3 coordinates), and
    DrawPolyline( $d_wnd, array( $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2 ) )
  require an array with at least four (4) elements (2 coordinates).


Wednesday, 2004-12-01

- MagickWand for PHP v0.1.0

- MagickWand for PHP v0.1.0 has a minimum requirement of ImageMagick-6.1.5-4.

- Added MagickNewImage(). It differs from its C API counterpart in that it
  accepts an ImageMagick color string, instead of a PixelWand.


    bool MagickNewImage( MagickWand mgck_wnd,
                         float width, float height
                         [, string imagemagick_col_str] )

  It adds a blank image canvas of the specified size and background color to a
  MagickWand's image list.

- Completed the MagickWand For PHP Manual; it is in HTML format, and is
  included in HTML format, in the "docs" folder of the source distribution

  There is also a Windows help file (.chm) version of the documentation
  available from:

- Fixed error where functions that were supposed to return "" (empty string),
  were actually returning explicit FALSE, which was only supposed to be the
  return value if an error occurred.


Monday, 2004-12-28

- MagickWand for PHP v0.1.1

- MagickWand for PHP v0.1.1 has a minimum requirement of ImageMagick-6.1.7-5.

- Enabled MagickWand for PHP support for the ImageMagick pseudo-formats

  the 4 ImageMagick built-in image formats:

  and the approx. 50 ImageMagick built-in image patterns:

  See the 2nd, 3rd and 4th tables on the "ImageMagick - Image Formats" page:

  Note: case is irrelevant in the various ImageMagick image formats/patterns,
        unless you are referring to a file, as in

  Further note: all files referred to in any ImageMagick image formats/patterns
                must pass php.ini's safe_mode, open_basedir, etc. restrictions,
                or script will fail.

  Their functionality is accessed as follows:

    $mgck_wnd = NewMagickWand();
    MagickSetWandSize($mgck_wnd, 100, 125);
    MagickReadImage($mgck_wnd, 'gradient:#FF6600-#990000');

  which creates a dark-orange to maroon vertical gradient.

- Functions which accept a PixelWand resource as an argument can now also accept
  a valid ImageMagick color string, and the MagickWand for PHP API will create
  the neccessary PixelWand, set it to the desired color, use it in the desired
  function, and then destroy it.

  Because of the behind the scenes PixelWand memory allocation/deallocation, it
  is likely (but unproven), that, for repeated color setting (as in
  DrawSetFillColor(), etc.), using one PixelWand resource in PHP and just
  setting it to the various different colors you might need in a script, may be
  faster (and certainly less memory intensive), than constantly using color

  This is just a supposition, however, and the difference is only likely to
  become obvious with multiple requests occurring at once to larger scripts.

- Requested that the developers implement a function to clear DrawingWands of
  their associated commands, so that they could be reused without having to
  destroy them, and now, all the resources have such functions associated with
  their APIs.

  So, enter: 


  I don't really see the purpose of ClearMagickWand(), ClearPixelIterator(), or
  ClearPixelWand(), but they are included in the MagickWand for PHP API for

- Two minor semantic changes, but original funtionality proved annoying in
  actual usage:

    - Changed MagickAddImage(): it now adds only the current active image of
      its second MagickWand argument to the image list of the first MagickWand
      argument, instead of the entire image list, as in the C API's version.
    - Added MagickAddImages(): replicates the functionality of the C API's
      MagickAddImage(), noted as changed in the PHP API above.


Wednesday, 2005-01-06

- MagickWand for PHP v0.1.2

- MagickWand for PHP v0.1.2 has a minimum requirement of ImageMagick-6.1.7-6.

- Fixed some annoying logic in the way MagickWand for PHP writes image files /
  outputs image BLOBs (Binary Large OBjects).

  MagickWand for PHP now EXPLICITLY follows this logic when writing files /
  returning BLOBs:

  - For the MagickWand's image sequence

    - the MagickWand's image format, and ONLY the image format determines the
      format of the output / returned image

    - if the format is not set, a fatal PHP error occurs

    - this applies to MagickWriteImages() (when join_images is TRUE),
      MagickWriteImagesFile(), MagickGetImagesBlob(), and

  - For an individual image

    - first the image's image format is checked, and, if it is not set, the
      MagickWand's image format is checked. If there is a MagickWand image
      format set, the image's format is set to that; if the MagickWand's image
      format is not set, (i.e. no MagickWand format and no image format), a
      fatal PHP error will occur.

    - the image's image format, (and if it is not set, the MagickWand's), and
      ONLY those image formats determine the format of the output / returned

    - this applies to MagickWriteImages() (when join_images is FALSE -- the
      default), MagickWriteImageFile(), MagickGetImageBlob(), and


Monday, 2005-01-11

- MagickWand for PHP v0.1.3

- MagickWand for PHP v0.1.3 has a minimum requirement of ImageMagick-6.1.8-4

- MagickSetFormat() and MagickSetImageFormat() now check the image format
  before setting it, and if it is not an available format, a fatal PHP error
  occurs. (Previously, the error arising from the setting of an unavailable
  format would only be "realized" by the API when an attempt to write an image
  or a BLOB in the non-existent format was made.)

- Added the new MagickWand C API functions MagickShadowImage() and

  (NOTE: The new MagickGetImageChannelDistortion() can be called by supplying
         the desired channel (as a ChannelType constant), as the fourth
	 parameter to MagickGetImageDistortion().
	 MagickGetImageDistortion() is declared as follows (PHP):

         MagickGetImageDistortion( MagickWand mgck_wnd, MagickWand ref_wnd,
	                           MetricType metric [, ChannelType channel] )
         where "channel" is optional and causes the function to call the C
	 API's MagickGetImageChannelDistortion() if supplied as a valid
	 ChannelType constant.


Thursday, 2005-03-31

- MagickWand for PHP v0.1.4

- MagickWand for PHP v0.1.4 has a minimum requirement of ImageMagick-6.2.1-1

- Added the new MagickWand C API functions MagickGetImageProperty(),
  MagickIdentifyImage() and MagickSepiaToneImage().


Thursday, 2005-04-28

- MagickWand for PHP v0.1.5

- MagickWand for PHP v0.1.5 has a minimum requirement of ImageMagick-6.2.2

- Modified the MagickWandForPHP source to call the PHP API function
  expand_filepath() to retrieve the full path of any file before the
  ImageMagick API accesses it. Added to resolve an issue ImageMagick was
  having with the relative paths "./" and "../"

- MagickWriteImageFile() and MagickWriteImagesFile() have been temporarily
  disabled due to Windows issues with their ImageMagick counterparts.


Sunday, 2005-08-02

- MagickWand for PHP v0.1.6

- MagickWand for PHP v0.1.6 has a minimum requirement of ImageMagick-6.2.4-0

- Added: IsPixelWandSimilar(), MagickGetCompression(),
  MagickGetCompressionQuality(), MagickGetImagePage(),
  MagickGetImagePixelColor(), MagickGetImageRegion(),
  MagickGetImageTotalInkDensity(), MagickGetOption(), MagickGetPage(),
  MagickGetQuantumRange(), MagickSetBackgroundColor(), MagickSetCompression(),
  MagickSetImageAttribute(), MagickSetImageExtent(), MagickSetImagePage(),
  MagickSetOption(), MagickSetPage(), MagickSetType(),
  PixelGetPreviousIteratorRow(), PixelSetFirstIteratorRow(),


Wednesday, 2005-08-17

- MagickWand for PHP v0.1.7

- MagickWand for PHP v0.1.7 has a minimum requirement of ImageMagick-6.2.4-1

- Fixed MagickModulateImage() bug referenced here:

- MagickWand for PHP now causes a MagickWand's image format to be set to the
  image format of the first image that is read into it. Ensures that the
  MagickGetMimeType(), MagickEchoImagesBlob(), and MagickGetImagesBlob()
  functions handle multiple-frame image formats automatically, without the
  user having to specify the MagickWand's format.
  If the MagickWand's images are removed,  and other images read into it, the
  MagickWand's format becomes that of the first image read into it (again).

  Please note that this in NOT how the C API functions, but that this change
  is ONLY made in the MagickWand for PHP interface.


Tuesday, 2005-09-12

- MagickWand for PHP v0.1.8

- MagickWand for PHP v0.1.8 has a minimum requirement of ImageMagick-6.2.4-5

- Added the MagickGetResource(), MagickGetImageTicksPerSecond(),
  MagickSetImageTicksPerSecond(), and MagickThumbnailImage() functions

- Updated the MagickRadialBlurImage() function; it is now defined as follows:

    bool MagickRadialBlurImage( MagickWand mgck_wnd, float angle
                                                        [, int channel_type] )

  where if the optional channel_type argument (one of the ChannelType
  constants), is specified, the new MagickWand C API function
  MagickRadialBlurImageChannel() will be called.

- Added the MagickDisplayImage() and MagickDisplayImages() funtions as odes to

  is equivalent to the following code:

    header('Content-Type: ' . MagickGetImageMimeType($mgck_wnd));

  Ditto MagickDisplayImages();

- Fixed bug on Windows where users would get error about disallowed format
  when reading a file with a full path name.