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    <div class="sect1" title="Externals Definitions">
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            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="svn.advanced.externals"></a>Externals Definitions</h2>
      <p>Sometimes it is useful to construct a working copy that is
      made out of a number of different checkouts.  For example, you
      may want different subdirectories to come from different
      locations in a repository or perhaps from different
      repositories altogether.  You could certainly set up such a
      scenario by hand—using <span class="command"><strong>svn checkout</strong></span> to
      create the sort of nested working copy structure you are trying
      to achieve.  But if this layout is important for everyone who
      uses your repository, every other user will need to perform the
      same checkout operations that you did.</p>
      <a id="idp10254784" class="indexterm"></a>
      <a id="idp10255792" class="indexterm"></a>
      <a id="idp10257280" class="indexterm"></a>Fortunately, Subversion provides support for
      <em class="firstterm">externals definitions</em>.  An externals
      definition is a mapping of a local directory to the
      URL—and ideally a particular revision—of a versioned
      directory.  In Subversion, you declare externals definitions in
      groups using the <code class="literal">svn:externals</code> property.  You
      can create or modify this property using <span class="command"><strong>svn
      propset</strong></span> or <span class="command"><strong>svn propedit</strong></span> (see <a class="xref" href="svn.advanced.props.html#svn.advanced.props.manip" title="Manipulating Properties">the section called “Manipulating Properties”</a>).  It can be set on any
      versioned directory, and its value describes both the external
      repository location and the client-side directory to which that
      location should be checked out.</p>
      <p>The convenience of the <code class="literal">svn:externals</code>
      property is that once it is set on a versioned directory,
      everyone who checks out a working copy with that directory also
      gets the benefit of the externals definition.  In other words,
      once one person has made the effort to define the nested working
      copy structure, no one else has to bother—Subversion will,
      after checking out the original working copy, automatically also
      check out the external working copies.</p>
      <div class="warning" title="Warning" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
        <table border="0" summary="Warning">
            <td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="25">
              <img alt="[Warning]" src="images/warning.png" />
            <th align="left">Warning</th>
            <td align="left" valign="top">
              <p>The relative target subdirectories of externals
        definitions <span class="emphasis"><em>must not</em></span> already exist on
        your or other users' systems—Subversion will create them
        when it checks out the external working copy.</p>
      <p>You also get in the externals definition design all the
      regular benefits of Subversion properties.  The definitions are
      versioned.  If you need to change an externals definition, you
      can do so using the regular property modification subcommands.
      When you commit a change to the <code class="literal">svn:externals</code>
      property, Subversion will synchronize the checked-out items
      against the changed externals definition when you next run
      <strong class="userinput"><code>svn update</code></strong>.  The same thing will happen when
      others update their working copies and receive your changes to
      the externals definition.</p>
      <div class="tip" title="Tip" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
        <table border="0" summary="Tip">
            <td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="25">
              <img alt="[Tip]" src="images/tip.png" />
            <th align="left">Tip</th>
            <td align="left" valign="top">
              <p>Because the <code class="literal">svn:externals</code> property has
        a multiline value, we strongly recommend that you use
        <span class="command"><strong>svn propedit</strong></span> instead of <span class="command"><strong>svn
      <p>Subversion releases prior to 1.5 honor an externals
      definition format that is a multiline table of subdirectories
      (relative to the versioned directory on which the property is
      set), optional revision flags, and fully qualified, absolute
      Subversion repository URLs.  An example of this might look as
      <div class="informalexample">
        <pre class="screen">
$ svn propget svn:externals calc
third-party/skins -r148
third-party/skins/toolkit -r21
      <p>When someone checks out a working copy of the
      <code class="filename">calc</code> directory referred to in the previous
      example, Subversion also continues to check out the items found
      in its externals definition.</p>
      <div class="informalexample">
        <pre class="screen">
$ svn checkout
A    calc
A    calc/Makefile
A    calc/integer.c
A    calc/button.c
Checked out revision 148.

Fetching external item into calc/third-party/sounds
A    calc/third-party/sounds/ding.ogg
A    calc/third-party/sounds/dong.ogg
A    calc/third-party/sounds/clang.ogg
A    calc/third-party/sounds/bang.ogg
A    calc/third-party/sounds/twang.ogg
Checked out revision 14.

Fetching external item into calc/third-party/skins
      <p>As of Subversion 1.5, though, a new format of the
      <code class="literal">svn:externals</code> property is supported.
      Externals definitions are still multiline, but the order and
      format of the various pieces of information have changed.  The
      new syntax more closely mimics the order of arguments you might
      pass to <span class="command"><strong>svn checkout</strong></span>: the optional revision
      flags come first, then the external Subversion repository URL,
      and finally the relative local subdirectory.  Notice, though,
      that this time we didn't say <span class="quote">“<span class="quote">fully qualified, absolute
      Subversion repository URLs.</span>”</span> That's because the new
      format supports relative URLs and URLs that carry peg revisions.
      The previous example of an externals definition might, in
      Subversion 1.5, look like the following:</p>
      <div class="informalexample">
        <pre class="screen">
$ svn propget svn:externals calc third-party/sounds
-r148 third-party/skins
-r21 third-party/skins/toolkit
      <p>Or, making use of the peg revision syntax (which we describe
      in detail in <a class="xref" href="svn.advanced.pegrevs.html" title="Peg and Operative Revisions">the section called “Peg and Operative Revisions”</a>), it might
      appear as:</p>
      <div class="informalexample">
        <pre class="screen">
$ svn propget svn:externals calc third-party/sounds third-party/skins third-party/skins/toolkit
      <div class="tip" title="Tip" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
        <table border="0" summary="Tip">
            <td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="25">
              <img alt="[Tip]" src="images/tip.png" />
            <th align="left">Tip</th>
            <td align="left" valign="top">
              <p>You should seriously consider using explicit revision
        numbers in all of your externals definitions.  Doing so means
        that you get to decide when to pull down a different snapshot
        of external information, and exactly which snapshot to pull.
        Besides avoiding the surprise of getting changes to
        third-party repositories that you might not have any control
        over, using explicit revision numbers also means that as you
        backdate your working copy to a previous revision, your
        externals definitions will also revert to the way they looked
        in that previous revision, which in turn means that the
        external working copies will be updated to match the way
        <span class="emphasis"><em>they</em></span> looked back when your repository was
        at that previous revision.  For software projects, this could
        be the difference between a successful and a failed build of
        an older snapshot of your complex codebase.</p>
      <p>For most repositories, these three ways of formatting the
      externals definitions have the same ultimate effect.  They all
      bring the same benefits.  Unfortunately, they all bring the same
      annoyances, too.  Since the definitions shown use absolute URLs,
      moving or copying a directory to which they are attached will
      not affect what gets checked out as an external (though the
      relative local target subdirectory will, of course, move with the
      renamed directory).  This can be confusing—even
      frustrating—in certain situations.  For example, say you
      have a top-level directory named
      <code class="filename">my-project</code>, and you've created an externals
      definition on one of its subdirectories
      (<code class="filename">my-project/some-dir</code>) that tracks the
      latest revision of another of its subdirectories
      (<code class="filename">my-project/external-dir</code>).</p>
      <div class="informalexample">
        <pre class="screen">
$ svn checkout .
A    my-project
A    my-project/some-dir
A    my-project/external-dir
Fetching external item into 'my-project/some-dir/subdir'
Checked out external at revision 11.

Checked out revision 11.
$ svn propget svn:externals my-project/some-dir

      <p>Now you use <span class="command"><strong>svn move</strong></span> to rename the
      <code class="filename">my-project</code> directory.  At this point, your
      externals definition will still refer to a path under the
      <code class="filename">my-project</code> directory, even though that
      directory no longer exists.</p>
      <div class="informalexample">
        <pre class="screen">
$ svn move -q my-project renamed-project
$ svn commit -m "Rename my-project to renamed-project."
Deleting       my-project
Adding         renamed-project

Committed revision 12.
$ svn update
Updating '.':

svn: warning: W200000: Error handling externals definition for 'renamed-projec
svn: warning: W170000: URL '
l-dir' at revision 12 doesn't exist
At revision 12.
svn: E205011: Failure occurred processing one or more externals definitions
      <p>Also, absolute URLs can cause problems with repositories
      that are available via multiple URL schemes.  For example, if
      your Subversion server is configured to allow everyone to check
      out the repository over <code class="literal">http://</code> or
      <code class="literal">https://</code>, but only allow commits to come in
      via <code class="literal">https://</code>, you have an interesting problem
      on your hands.  If your externals definitions use the
      <code class="literal">http://</code> form of the repository URLs, you
      won't be able to commit anything from the working copies created
      by those externals.  On the other hand, if they use the
      <code class="literal">https://</code> form of the URLs, anyone who might
      be checking out via <code class="literal">http://</code> because his
      client doesn't support <code class="literal">https://</code> will be
      unable to fetch the external items.  Be aware, too, that if you
      need to reparent your working copy (using <span class="command"><strong>svn
      relocate</strong></span>), externals definitions will
      <span class="emphasis"><em>not</em></span> also be reparented.</p>
      <p>Subversion 1.5 takes a huge step in relieving these
     frustrations.  As mentioned earlier, the URLs used in the new
     externals definition format can be relative, and Subversion
     provides syntax magic for specifying multiple flavors of URL
      <div class="variablelist">
        <a id="svn.advanced.externals.urlmagic"></a>
        <a id="idp10303216" class="indexterm"></a>
            <span class="term">
              <code class="literal">../</code>
            <p>Relative to the URL of the directory on which
          the <code class="literal">svn:externals</code> property is
            <span class="term">
              <code class="literal">^/</code>
            <p>Relative to the root of the repository in
          which the <code class="literal">svn:externals</code> property is
            <span class="term">
              <code class="literal">//</code>
            <p>Relative to the scheme of the URL of the
          directory on which the <code class="literal">svn:externals</code>
          property is set</p>
            <span class="term">
              <code class="literal">/</code>
            <p>Relative to the root URL of the server on
          which the <code class="literal">svn:externals</code> property is
            <span class="term">
              <code class="literal">^/../<em class="replaceable"><code>REPO-NAME</code></em></code>
            <p>Relative to a sibling repository beneath the
          same <code class="literal">SVNParentPath</code> location as the
          repository in which the <code class="literal">svn:externals</code> is
      <p>So, looking a fourth time at our previous externals
      definition example, and making use of the new absolute URL
      syntax in various ways, we might now see:</p>
      <div class="informalexample">
        <pre class="screen">
$ svn propget svn:externals calc
^/sounds third-party/sounds
/skinproj@148 third-party/skins
// third-party/skins/toolkit
      <p>Subversion 1.6 brought two more improvements to externals
      definitions.  First, it added a quoting and escape mechanism to
      the syntax so that the path of the external working copy may
      contain whitespace.  This was previously problematic, of course,
      because whitespace is used to delimit the fields in an externals
      definition.  Now you need only wrap such a path specification in
      double-quote (<code class="literal">"</code>) characters or
      escape the problematic characters in the path with a backslash
      (<code class="literal">\</code>) character.  Of course, if you have spaces
      in the <span class="emphasis"><em>URL</em></span> portion of the external
      definition, you should use the standard URI-encoding mechanism
      to represent those.</p>
      <div class="informalexample">
        <pre class="screen">
$ svn propget svn:externals paint "My Project" \"Quotes\ Too\"
      <a id="idp10324304" class="indexterm"></a>Subversion 1.6 also introduced support for external
      definitions for files.  <em class="firstterm">File externals</em>
      are configured just like externals for directories and appear as
      a versioned file in the working copy.</p>
      <p>For example, let's say you had the file
      <code class="filename">/trunk/bikeshed/blue.html</code> in your repository,
      and you wanted this file, as it appeared in revision 40,
      to appear in your working copy of <code class="filename">/trunk/www/</code>
      as <code class="filename">green.html</code>.</p>
      <p>The externals definition required to achieve this should
      look familiar by now:</p>
      <div class="informalexample">
        <pre class="screen">
$ svn propget svn:externals www/
^/trunk/bikeshed/blue.html@40 green.html
$ svn update
Updating '.':

Fetching external item into 'www'
E    www/green.html
Updated external to revision 40.

Update to revision 103.
$ svn status
    X   www/green.html
      <p>As you can see in the previous output, Subversion denotes file
      externals with the letter <code class="literal">E</code> when they are
      fetched into the working copy, and with the letter
      <code class="literal">X</code> when showing the working copy status.</p>
      <div class="warning" title="Warning" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
        <table border="0" summary="Warning">
            <td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="25">
              <img alt="[Warning]" src="images/warning.png" />
            <th align="left">Warning</th>
            <td align="left" valign="top">
              <p>While directory externals can place the external
        directory at any depth, and any missing intermediate
        directories will be created, file externals must be placed
        into a working copy that is already checked out.</p>
      <p>When examining the file external with
      <span class="command"><strong>svn info</strong></span>, you can see the URL and revision
      the external is coming from:</p>
      <div class="informalexample">
        <pre class="screen">
$ svn info www/green.html 
Path: www/green.html
Name: green.html
Working Copy Root Path: /home/harry/projects/my-project
Repository Root:
Repository UUID: b2a368dc-7564-11de-bb2b-113435390e17
Revision: 40
Node kind: file
Schedule: normal
Last Changed Author: harry
Last Changed Rev: 40
Last Changed Date: 2009-07-20 20:38:20 +0100 (Mon, 20 Jul 2009)
Text Last Updated: 2009-07-20 23:22:36 +0100 (Mon, 20 Jul 2009)
Checksum: 01a58b04617b92492d99662c3837b33b
      <p>Because file externals appear in the working copy as
      versioned files, they can be modified and even committed
      if they reference a file at the HEAD revision. The committed
      changes will then appear in the external as well as the file
      referenced by the external. However, in our example, we pinned
      the external to an older revision, so attempting to commit
      the external fails:</p>
      <div class="informalexample">
        <pre class="screen">
$ svn status
M   X   www/green.html
$ svn commit -m "change the color" www/green.html
Sending        www/green.html
svn: E155011: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: E155011: File '/trunk/bikeshed/blue.html' is out of date
      <p>Keep this in mind when defining file externals.
      If you need the external to refer to a certain revision
      of a file you will not be able to modify the external.
      If you want to be able to modify the external, you cannot
      specify a revision other than the <code class="literal">HEAD</code>
      revision, which is implied if no revision is specified.</p>
      <p>Unfortunately, the support which exists for externals definitions
      in Subversion remains less than ideal.  Both file and directory
      externals have shortcomings. For either type of external, the
      local subdirectory part of the definition cannot contain
      <code class="literal">..</code> parent directory indicators (such as
      <code class="filename">../../skins/myskin</code>).  File externals cannot
      refer to files from other repositories. A file external's URL
      must always be in the same repository as the URL that the file
      external will be inserted into. Also, file externals cannot be
      moved or deleted. The <code class="literal">svn:externals</code> property
      must be modified instead. However, file externals can be copied.</p>
      <p>Perhaps most disappointingly, the working copies created via the
      externals definition support are still disconnected from the primary
      working copy (on whose versioned directories the
      <code class="literal">svn:externals</code> property was actually set).
      And Subversion still truly operates only on nondisjoint working
      copies.  So, for example, if you want to commit changes that
      you've made in one or more of those external working copies, you
      must run <span class="command"><strong>svn commit</strong></span> explicitly on those
      working copies—committing on the primary working copy will
      not recurse into any external ones.</p>
      <p>We've already mentioned some of the additional shortcomings
      of the old <code class="literal">svn:externals</code> format and how the
      newer Subversion 1.5 format improves upon it.  But be careful
      when making use of the new format that you don't inadvertently
      introduce new problems.  For example, while the latest clients
      will continue to recognize and support the original externals
      definition format, pre-1.5 clients will <span class="emphasis"><em>not</em></span>
      be able to correctly parse the new format.  If you change all
      your externals definitions to the newer format, you effectively
      force everyone who uses those externals to upgrade their
      Subversion clients to a version that can parse them.  Also, be
      careful to avoid naively relocating
      the <code class="literal">-r<em class="replaceable"><code>NNN</code></em></code> portion
      of the definition—the older format uses that revision as a
      peg revision, but the newer format uses it as an operative
      revision (with a peg revision of <code class="literal">HEAD</code> unless
      otherwise specified; see <a class="xref" href="svn.advanced.pegrevs.html" title="Peg and Operative Revisions">the section called “Peg and Operative Revisions”</a>
      for a full explanation of the distinction here).</p>
      <div class="warning" title="Warning" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
        <table border="0" summary="Warning">
            <td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="25">
              <img alt="[Warning]" src="images/warning.png" />
            <th align="left">Warning</th>
            <td align="left" valign="top">
              <p>External working copies are still completely
        self-sufficient working copies.  You can operate directly on
        them as you would any other working copy.  This can be a handy
        feature, allowing you to examine an external working copy
        independently of any primary working copy
        whose <code class="literal">svn:externals</code> property caused its
        instantiation.  Be careful, though, that you don't
        inadvertently modify your external working copy in subtle ways
        that cause problems.  For example, while an externals
        definition might specify that the external working copy should
        be held at a particular revision number, if you
        run <span class="command"><strong>svn update</strong></span> directly on the external
        working copy, Subversion will oblige, and now your external
        working copy is out of sync with its declaration in the
        primary working copy.  Using <span class="command"><strong>svn switch</strong></span> to
        directly switch the external working copy (or some portion
        thereof) to another URL could cause similar problems if the
        contents of the primary working copy are expecting particular
        contents in the external content.</p>
      <a id="idp10355648" class="indexterm"></a>Besides the <span class="command"><strong>svn checkout</strong></span>, <span class="command"><strong>svn
      update</strong></span>, <span class="command"><strong>svn switch</strong></span>, and
      <span class="command"><strong>svn export</strong></span> commands which actually manage the
      <em class="firstterm">disjoint</em> (or disconnected) subdirectories
      into which externals are checked out, the <span class="command"><strong>svn
      status</strong></span> command also recognizes externals definitions.
      It displays a status code of <code class="literal">X</code> for the
      disjoint external subdirectories, and then recurses into those
      subdirectories to display the status of the external items
      themselves.  You can pass the
      <code class="option">--ignore-externals</code> option to any of these
      subcommands to disable externals definition processing.</p>
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      <p>You are reading <em>Version Control with Subversion</em> (for
       Subversion 1.8), by Ben Collins-Sussman, Brian W. Fitzpatrick,
       and C. Michael Pilato.</p>
      <p>This work is licensed under
       the <a href="">Creative Commons Attribution License v2.0</a>.</p>
      <p>To submit comments, corrections, or other contributions to the
       text, please visit <a href=""></a>.</p>