

distrib > Mageia > 6 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 09408f3c1571cbb746da49a1d2f22702 > files > 2697


# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.

Benchmarks comparing the write performance of a "normal" Protocol instance
and an instance of a Protocol class which has had L{twisted.conch.mixin}'s
L{BufferingMixin<twisted.conch.mixin.BufferingMixin>} mixed in to perform
Nagle-like write coalescing.
from __future__ import print_function

from sys import stdout
from pprint import pprint
from time import time

from twisted.python.usage import Options
from twisted.python.log import startLogging

from twisted.internet.protocol import ServerFactory, Protocol, ClientCreator
from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred
from twisted.internet import reactor

from twisted.conch.mixin import BufferingMixin

class BufferingBenchmark(Options):
    Options for configuring the execution parameters of a benchmark run.

    optParameters = [
        ('scale', 's', '1',
         'Work multiplier (bigger takes longer, might resist noise better)')]

    def postOptions(self):
        self['scale'] = int(self['scale'])

class ServerProtocol(Protocol):
    A silent protocol which only waits for a particular amount of input and
    then fires a Deferred.
    def __init__(self, expected, finished):
        self.expected = expected
        self.finished = finished

    def dataReceived(self, bytes):
        self.expected -= len(bytes)
        if self.expected == 0:
            finished, self.finished = self.finished, None

class BufferingProtocol(Protocol, BufferingMixin):
    A protocol which uses the buffering mixin to provide a write method.

class UnbufferingProtocol(Protocol):
    A protocol which provides a naive write method which simply passes through
    to the transport.

    def connectionMade(self):
        Bind write to the transport's write method and flush to a no-op
        function in order to provide the same API as is provided by
        self.write = self.transport.write
        self.flush = lambda: None

def _write(proto, byteCount):
    write = proto.write
    flush = proto.flush

    for i in range(byteCount):

def _benchmark(byteCount, clientProtocol):
    result = {}
    finished = Deferred()
    def cbFinished(ignored):
        result[u'disconnected'] = time()
        result[u'duration'] = result[u'disconnected'] - result[u'connected']
        return result

    f = ServerFactory()
    f.protocol = lambda: ServerProtocol(byteCount, finished)
    server = reactor.listenTCP(0, f)

    f2 = ClientCreator(reactor, clientProtocol)
    proto = f2.connectTCP('', server.getHost().port)
    def connected(proto):
        result[u'connected'] = time()
        return proto
    proto.addCallback(_write, byteCount)
    return finished

def _benchmarkBuffered(byteCount):
    return _benchmark(byteCount, BufferingProtocol)

def _benchmarkUnbuffered(byteCount):
    return _benchmark(byteCount, UnbufferingProtocol)

def benchmark(scale=1):
    Benchmark and return information regarding the relative performance of a
    protocol which does not use the buffering mixin and a protocol which

    @type scale: C{int}
    @param scale: A multiplier to the amount of work to perform

    @return: A Deferred which will fire with a dictionary mapping each of
    the two unicode strings C{u'buffered'} and C{u'unbuffered'} to
    dictionaries describing the performance of a protocol of each type. 
    These value dictionaries will map the unicode strings C{u'connected'}
    and C{u'disconnected'} to the times at which each of those events
    occurred and C{u'duration'} two the difference between these two values.
    overallResult = {}

    byteCount = 1024

    bufferedDeferred = _benchmarkBuffered(byteCount * scale)
    def didBuffered(bufferedResult):
        overallResult[u'buffered'] = bufferedResult
        unbufferedDeferred =  _benchmarkUnbuffered(byteCount * scale)
        def didUnbuffered(unbufferedResult):
            overallResult[u'unbuffered'] = unbufferedResult
            return overallResult
        return unbufferedDeferred
    return bufferedDeferred

def main(args=None):
    Perform a single benchmark run, starting and stopping the reactor and
    logging system as necessary.

    options = BufferingBenchmark()

    d = benchmark(options['scale'])
    def cbBenchmark(result):
    def ebBenchmark(err):
    d.addCallbacks(cbBenchmark, ebBenchmark)
    def stopReactor(ign):

if __name__ == '__main__':