

distrib > Mageia > 6 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 09408f3c1571cbb746da49a1d2f22702 > files > 3082


<mingus> emacs is /da-bomb/
<mingus> it's exactly all the things i wanted vim to be but never was
<glyph> mingus: the sad part is, it's exactly all the things bram wanted vim to be but never was; vim is the trophy of ignorance's triumph over laziness
<glyph> but hey, it's, uh, faster to start
<dash> slyphon: sure, but this has happened before
<slyphon> dash: when?
<symbiont> glyph: such as the working people paying off debt
<slyphon> dash: and how many vetoes
<dash> slyphon: dagnab it
<dash> slyphon: you're harshing my rhetorical buzz
<slyphon> dash: you have taught me well
<slyphon> ;)
<dash> hracht! i gotta stop teaching you stuff.
<slyphon> why is it that when women get pms and they give you a hard time about nothing that the _LAST_ thing on _EARTH_ you can suggest to them is that they might be the teensiest, weensiest bit on edge because they have PMS?
<Yosomono> slyphon: Because you are basically telling them that their feelings are the result of chemical imbalance, and therefore unimportant.
<slyphon> BUT THEY ARE!
<saph_w> slyphon: because it belittles what they're feeling to being simply a hormonal response
<Yosomono> slyphon: Good luck buddy.
<MFen> i think i've finally become an abstronaut
<MFen> i'm able to break source into its fundamental abstractinos
<MFen> pretty soon i'll be writing a mud engine just so i can rewrite it again from scratch
<dash> what the heck, i think i pushed the wrong button in emacs
<dash> "Pinging (Paraguay)..."
<symbiont> btw, i've noticed that the word "federated" is not in the Twisted source tree, should i file a roundup on this issue?
<saph_w> i suppose he would have to find a good contact to the underground prior to his cat transformation so he can purchase a wig there
<cyli> Is Michael Eisner Trent Eisner's son?
        [Since people keep asking about this one, say it slowly:
         Trent Reznor.  Trent rEznor.  Trent Eizner.  Get it? -ed]
<Yosomono> You guys need to stream pycon online.
<dash> Yosomono: all the other people trying to use the wifi would hate us
<Yosomono> dash: It should be a standard feature of the con.
<dash> Yosomono: Maybe so.
<Yosomono> dash: This is the year 2004 for cripesake.
<saph_w> Yosomono: maybe the japs should give us our fucking flying cars, then we'll talk about streaming video!
<jml> there's a book out called 'implementing CIFS'
<jml> anyone want to buy it for me?
<exarkun> why didn't they just implement CIFS and sell a CD containing the implementation?
<jml> because people like me would re-implement it anyway
<lemonodor> it's canadian, you know.
<lemonodor> er, i mean, written in lisp.
* radix sads at spacelessness
<moshez> radix: don't sad
<moshez> radix: happy at contentfulness
<phobos> but like, when you were 16-22, (maybe you still are), most sexual contact you obtained was through just 'hooking up', i.e. meeting someone at a party, stoned and/or drunk, and doing things for the night only, right?
<maciej> phobos:  no, most sexual contact I obtained was with myself
<maciej> and that was a long-term relationship
* radix remembers twisted.web.html.Interface, feels nostalgia
<radix> wait, no. that's not nostalgia, that's horror
<exarkun> chrchr: A great man once called cotton the fabric of our lives.  Is that not more important than the fabric of our society?
<exarkun> chrchr: For what is society without livelyhood?
<jml> exarkun: IRC?
<saph> what is gentoo again?
<MFen> exceptions.ImportError No module named win32com.gen_py.565783C6-CB41-11D1-8B02-00600806D9B6x0x1x2
<czth> i wouldn't name a _dog_ win32com.gen_py.565783C6-CB41-11D1-8B02-00600806D9B6x0x1x2
<etrepum> Jokes around here tend to get followed by implementations.
<dreid> jml: i thought warner wanted to be a Problem object that can be passed via jelly
<chrchr> PenguinOfDoom: Also, what non-sucky HTTP server? What would you use, besides twisted.web?
<glyphG4> chrchr: roxen!
<chrchr> glyphG4: Roxen? Really??
<glyphG4> chrchr: no, not really
<glyphG4> chrchr: I write all my own crap so I don't have to deal with questions like this
<radix> INSTALL says that panda will take 1-2 hours to compile
<radix> <3 C++
<dash> c++, it gives you free time!
<PenguinOfDoom> omfg yes, another weapon to stab radix when he claims that X is useful.
<dash> PenguinOfDoom: what's useful-er
<MFen> flash cards
<MFen> and a rotor to display them very quickly
<KevinMarks> I really like that unicode has a code point for 'snowman with a hat on'
<moshez> but yes, theoretically Ogg could replace tar :)
<MFen> you could have subtitles while you're untarring
<MFen> "Look! another directory!"
<redheadatwork> Well, our seder consists mainly of the four questions, which I do twice (once the real ones, once a set I make up on the fly), and a lot of food.  Sometimes a song.
<redheadatwork> And an orange on the seder plate.
<furan> Before you you see:
<furan>   An orange on a cedar plate.
<furan> take orange
<furan> You cannot take the orange.  It is firmly fastened to the cedar plate.
<furan> Take plate
<furan> You successfully take the cedar plate.
<furan> #joiito: the adventure game
<furan> "now with graphics!"
<Suw> oh, i'm having problems thinking in english.
<Suw> i keep wanting ot type in welsh instead
<ChrisDodo> pobol y cwm?
<Suw> lol
<Suw> dw i'm yn edrych pobol y cwm
<Suw> cachu ydy o
* ChrisDodo turns on english subtitles
<jeanniecool> "probably you'll come?"
<jeanniecool> "lol"
<jeanniecool> "duh I'm probably about ready to come"
<jeanniecool> "catch yo daddy"
* shiruken sniffles
<shiruken> welsh is such a beautiful language
<cablehead> who would win in a fight between a lion and a monkey ( with a bag of rocks )
<dash> that's boring
<dash> ask who would win in a fight between a monkey and a pirate
<exarkun> that's boring
<exarkun> ask who would win in a fight between a pirate monkey and a bag of lions
<dash> i am trying to get Asterisk to work
<dash> it is stabbing me in the face
<dreid> yes ... i seem to recall that feature in the documentation
<radix> it's stupid
<slyphon> it is?
<radix> the proper solution is to use an alternative implementation of time
<radix> So, I guess the reason you chose ftp as a discovery protocol is because it's a semi-ubiquitous anonymous protocol that allows people to communicate?
<edsuom> No, because I was stupid
<riptor> flashback to 1945, nazi makes portal (how? who cares), demon pops out, us troops find demon, give it a candybar, name it hellboy <- plot
<dash> i think i want to implement simulacrum in common lisp
<exarkun> no
<exarkun> go away
<dash> i know i know
<dash> it's a personal problem 
<dash> but therapy is expensive
<warner> although.. actually several of my projects are violently battling for the dubious honor of being the least likely to turn into cash
<PenguinOfDoom> saph: What did you write to your mom?
<saph> PenguinOfDoom: about being happy that she's home fine from the hospital and how i feel lucky she's ok and stuff
<saph> PenguinOfDoom: and i told her that her bonsai will eventually give fruit, but i don't know if she can eat it
<itamar> saph: is that a metaphor for grandchildren?
<MFen> exarkun: my brain is the size of a pickup truck
<slyphon> HAH
<exarkun> MFen: ah!
<slyphon> MFen: that's nothin, Jesus built my hot rod!
<MFen> hehe
<radix> psh
<radix> satan *is* my motor!
<slyphon> :D
<MFen> radix: you HAVE been practicing!
<Logan> Although I'm fighting for it, my boss thinks the customer wants it done in C++ or, even worse, Java.
<Logan> But I told him it'd quadruple the cost. :P
<PenguinOfDoom> Logan: What does the customer care, anyway?
<Logan> PenguinOfDoom: That's what I said.  It's like dictating what brand of toothpaste your plumber brushes his teeth with.
<radix> A VoIP server "powered entirely by stabbing, that I made out of this gun I had"
<exarkun> I can't tell if HP-UX sucks /even more/ than last time I used it or if somehow my terminal settings are causing non-deterministic behavior
<exarkun> For example!
<exarkun> T.................................................................................SSSS........Changing password for jcalder9 on NIS server
<exarkun> Old NIS password:
<exarkun> I hit <enter> and the tests proceeded
<exarkun> Do we call passwd in our tests or something? :)
<itamar> 22 bugs and I'm a free man
<PenguinOfDoom> A slave contract under an entymologist?
<slyphon> slyphon: mock mock mock
<PenguinOfDoom> slyphon: Did you grab the wrong end of a mockery gun?
<PenguinOfDoom> Being enlightened gentlemen, we split all programming languages into two groups, sucks and doesn't-suck and put all of them into the first group.
<itamar> what are you going to do at cisco?
<exarkun> rot and die, I bet
<PenguinOfDoom> itamar: IOS debuggery.
<exarkun> woo I win
<SamB> what do interfaces do when you call them? is that even allowed?
<exarkun> welcome to the year 1973.
<exarkun> callable interfaces roam the surface of the earth
<exarkun> humanity has fled underground
<dash> consumption does not create wealth, production does
<dash> people in China have noticed this, people in America have not
<moshez> consumption is good
<moshez> dash: creating wealth is not an intristic value
<dash> moshez: being naked, cold, hungry, and defenseless isn't either
<dash> moshez: but if you don't create wealth, you will be those things!
<moshez> dash: are you naked ?
<moshez> dash: wait, that came out wrong
* moshez hides
<dash> i am not h3x
<moshez> anyone adds this to quotes, I hunt you down and kill you
* kev wonders if having people checking output by eye counts as a valid unit test
<MFen> if you can attach electrodes to them and force them to do it every time
<exarkun> and they have to turn red when it fails
<RemyWork> I love having to use the wayback machine to see what my rights are
<exarkun> I suspect the performance of this irrelevant task is highly sensitive to implementation decisions
<radix> I just downloaded the fruitiest anime ever
<radix> it's .. girly
<radix> it's about a girl's school, and about a "sister" system between upperclassmen and lowerclassmen, and .. and... *twitch*
<radix> there isn't any hitting!
<mwh> i wonder if i should post an "are you serious" comment
<radix> mwh: that's a lot nicer than the comment I was thinking up
<radix> which was something along the lines of "Holy shit, I'm sick of the horrible crap that's showing up in this God-forsaken cookbook."
<mamamusings> grades are due by saturday
<mamamusings> that means i have to at least pretend to evaluate them
<crw> i KNEW teachers talked like this when students weren't around :P
<mamamusings> hell, i talk like this when they *are* around
<mamamusings> it's good to be tenured
<moshez>    On January 8th, 1977, Amber Nicole Benson came into this world -- more
<moshez>    specifically, she was born in Birmingham, Alabama.
<radix> who the heck is she, anyway?
<moshez> radix: you know what's shocking? technically, you and I share the same universe
<radix> moshez: I fight to make that untrue every day