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<td >Qt 5.9</td><td ><a href="qtquick-index.html">Qt Quick</a></td><td >Qt Quick Local Storage QML Types</td></tr></table><table class="buildversion"><tr>
<td id="buildversion" width="100%" align="right">Qt 5.9.4 Reference Documentation</td>
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<h3><a name="toc">Contents</a></h3>
<li class="level1"><a href="#methods">Methods</a></li>
<li class="level1"><a href="#detailed-description">Detailed Description</a></li>
<li class="level1"><a href="#method-documentation">Method Documentation</a></li>
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<h1 class="title">Qt Quick Local Storage QML Types</h1>
<span class="subtitle"></span>
<!-- $$$QtQuick.LocalStorage-description -->
<div class="descr"> <a name="details"></a>
<p>This is a singleton type for reading and writing to SQLite databases.</p>
<a name="methods"></a>
<h2 id="methods">Methods</h2>
<li>object <b><a href="qtquick-localstorage-qmlmodule.html#opendatabasesync">openDatabaseSync</a></b>(string name, string version, string description, int estimated_size, jsobject callback(db))</li>
<a name="detailed-description"></a>
<h2 id="detailed-description">Detailed Description</h2>
<p>To use the types in this module, import the module and call the relevant functions using the <code>LocalStorage</code> type:</p>
<pre class="cpp">

  import <span class="type"><a href="qtquick-qmlmodule.html">QtQuick</a></span><span class="operator">.</span>LocalStorage <span class="number">2.0</span>
  import <span class="type"><a href="qtquick-qmlmodule.html">QtQuick</a></span> <span class="number">2.0</span>

  Item {
      Component<span class="operator">.</span>onCompleted: {
          var db <span class="operator">=</span> LocalStorage<span class="operator">.</span>openDatabaseSync(<span class="operator">.</span><span class="operator">.</span><span class="operator">.</span>)

<p>These databases are user-specific and QML-specific, but accessible to all QML applications. They are stored in the <code>Databases</code> subdirectory of QQmlEngine::offlineStoragePath(), currently as SQLite databases.</p>
<p>Database connections are automatically closed during Javascript garbage collection.</p>
<p>The API can be used from JavaScript functions in your QML:</p>
<pre class="qml">

  import QtQuick 2.0

  <span class="type"><a href="qml-qtquick-rectangle.html">Rectangle</a></span> {
      <span class="name">color</span>: <span class="string">&quot;white&quot;</span>
      <span class="name">width</span>: <span class="number">200</span>
      <span class="name">height</span>: <span class="number">100</span>

      <span class="type"><a href="qml-qtquick-text.html">Text</a></span> {
          <span class="name">text</span>: <span class="string">&quot;?&quot;</span>
          <span class="name">anchors</span>.horizontalCenter: <span class="name">parent</span>.<span class="name">horizontalCenter</span>
          <span class="keyword">function</span> <span class="name">findGreetings</span>() {
              var <span class="name">db</span> = <span class="name">openDatabaseSync</span>(<span class="string">&quot;QDeclarativeExampleDB&quot;</span>, <span class="string">&quot;1.0&quot;</span>, <span class="string">&quot;The Example QML SQL!&quot;</span>, <span class="number">1000000</span>);

              <span class="name">db</span>.<span class="name">transaction</span>(
                  <span class="keyword">function</span>(<span class="name">tx</span>) {
                      <span class="comment">// Create the database if it doesn't already exist</span>
                      <span class="name">tx</span>.<span class="name">executeSql</span>(<span class="string">'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Greeting(salutation TEXT, salutee TEXT)'</span>);

                      <span class="comment">// Add (another) greeting row</span>
                      <span class="name">tx</span>.<span class="name">executeSql</span>(<span class="string">'INSERT INTO Greeting VALUES(?, ?)'</span>, [ <span class="string">'hello'</span>, <span class="string">'world'</span> ]);

                      <span class="comment">// Show all added greetings</span>
                      var <span class="name">rs</span> = <span class="name">tx</span>.<span class="name">executeSql</span>(<span class="string">'SELECT * FROM Greeting'</span>);

                      var <span class="name">r</span> = <span class="string">&quot;&quot;</span>
                      <span class="keyword">for</span> (<span class="keyword">var</span> <span class="name">i</span> = <span class="number">0</span>; <span class="name">i</span> <span class="operator">&lt;</span> <span class="name">rs</span>.<span class="name">rows</span>.<span class="name">length</span>; i++) {
                          <span class="name">r</span> <span class="operator">+=</span> <span class="name">rs</span>.<span class="name">rows</span>.<span class="name">item</span>(<span class="name">i</span>).<span class="name">salutation</span> <span class="operator">+</span> <span class="string">&quot;, &quot;</span> <span class="operator">+</span> <span class="name">rs</span>.<span class="name">rows</span>.<span class="name">item</span>(<span class="name">i</span>).<span class="name">salutee</span> <span class="operator">+</span> <span class="string">&quot;\n&quot;</span>
                      <span class="name">text</span> <span class="operator">=</span> <span class="name">r</span>
          <span class="name">Component</span>.onCompleted: <span class="name">findGreetings</span>()

<p>The API conforms to the Synchronous API of the HTML5 Web Database API, <a href="">W3C Working Draft 29 October 2009</a>.</p>
<p>The <a href="qtquick-localstorage-example.html">SQL Local Storage example</a> demonstrates the basics of using the Offline Storage API.</p>
<a name="open-or-create-a-database"></a>
<h4 >Open or Create a Database</h4>
<pre class="cpp">

  import <span class="type"><a href="qtquick-qmlmodule.html">QtQuick</a></span><span class="operator">.</span>LocalStorage <span class="number">2.0</span> as Sql

  db <span class="operator">=</span> Sql<span class="operator">.</span>openDatabaseSync(identifier<span class="operator">,</span> version<span class="operator">,</span> description<span class="operator">,</span> estimated_size<span class="operator">,</span> callback(db))

<p>The above code returns the database identified by <i>identifier</i>. If the database does not already exist, it is created, and the function <i>callback</i> is called with the database as a parameter. <i>identifier</i> is the name of the physical file (with or without full path) containing the database. <i>description</i> and <i>estimated_size</i> are written to the INI file (described below), but are currently unused.</p>
<p>May throw exception with code property SQLException.DATABASE_ERR, or SQLException.VERSION_ERR.</p>
<p>When a database is first created, an INI file is also created specifying its characteristics:</p>
<div class="table"><table class="generic">
 <thead><tr class="qt-style"><th ><b>Key</b></th><th ><b>Value</b></th></tr></thead>
<tr valign="top" class="odd"><td >Identifier</td><td >The name of the database passed to <code>openDatabase()</code></td></tr>
<tr valign="top" class="even"><td >Version</td><td >The version of the database passed to <code>openDatabase()</code></td></tr>
<tr valign="top" class="odd"><td >Description</td><td >The description of the database passed to <code>openDatabase()</code></td></tr>
<tr valign="top" class="even"><td >EstimatedSize</td><td >The estimated size (in bytes) of the database passed to <code>openDatabase()</code></td></tr>
<tr valign="top" class="odd"><td >Driver</td><td >Currently &quot;QSQLITE&quot;</td></tr>
<p>This data can be used by application tools.</p>
<a name="db-changeversion-from-to-callback-tx"></a>
<h4 >db.changeVersion(from, to, callback(tx))</h4>
<p>This method allows you to perform a <i>Scheme Upgrade</i>.</p>
<p>If the current version of <i>db</i> is not <i>from</i>, then an exception is thrown.</p>
<p>Otherwise, a database transaction is created and passed to <i>callback</i>. In this function, you can call <i>executeSql</i> on <i>tx</i> to upgrade the database.</p>
<p>May throw exception with code property SQLException.DATABASE_ERR or SQLException.UNKNOWN_ERR.</p>
<p>See example below.</p>
<pre class="js">

  var db = LocalStorage.openDatabaseSync(&quot;ActivityTrackDB&quot;, &quot;&quot;, &quot;Database tracking sports activities&quot;, 1000000);
  if (db.version == &quot;0.1&quot;) {
      db.changeVersion(&quot;0.1&quot;, &quot;0.2&quot;, function(tx) {
          tx.executeSql(&quot;INSERT INTO trip_log VALUES(?, ?, ?)&quot;,
                      [ &quot;01/10/2016&quot;,&quot;Sylling - Vikersund&quot;, &quot;53&quot; ]);

<a name="db-transaction-callback-tx"></a>
<h4 >db.transaction(callback(tx))</h4>
<p>This method creates a read/write transaction and passed to <i>callback</i>. In this function, you can call <i>executeSql</i> on <i>tx</i> to read and modify the database.</p>
<p>If the callback throws exceptions, the transaction is rolled back. Below you will find an example of a database transaction which catches exceptions.</p>
<pre class="js">

  var db = LocalStorage.openDatabaseSync(&quot;ActivityTrackDB&quot;, &quot;&quot;, &quot;Database tracking sports activities&quot;, 1000000);
      try {
          function(tx) {
              tx.executeSql(&quot;INSERT INTO trip_log VALUES(?, ?, ?)&quot;,
                            [ &quot;01/10/2016&quot;,&quot;Sylling - Vikersund&quot;, &quot;53&quot; ]);
      }   catch (err) {
              console.log(&quot;Error inserting into table trip_log: &quot; + err);

<p>In the example you can see an <code>insert</code> statement where values are assigned to the fields, and the record is written into the table. That is an <code>insert</code> statement with a syntax that is usual for a relational database. It is however also possible to work with JSON objects and store them in a table.</p>
<p>Let's suppose a simple example where we store trips in JSON format using <code>date</code> as the unique key. An example of a table that could be used for that purpose:</p>
<pre class="js">

  create table trip_log(date text, data text)

<p>The assignment of values to a JSON object:</p>
<pre class="js">

  var obj = {description = &quot;Vikersund - Noresund&quot;, distance = &quot;60&quot;}

<p>In that case, the data could be saved in the following way:</p>
<pre class="js">

  db.transaction(function(tx) {
      result = tx.executeSQL(&quot;insert into trip_log values (?,?)&quot;,
                             [&quot;01/11/2016&quot;, JSON.stringify(obj)])

<a name="db-readtransaction-callback-tx"></a>
<h4 >db.readTransaction(callback(tx))</h4>
<p>This method creates a read-only transaction and passed to <i>callback</i>. In this function, you can call <i>executeSql</i> on <i>tx</i> to read the database (with <code>select</code> statements).</p>
<a name="results-tx-executesql-statement-values"></a>
<h4 >results = tx.executeSql(statement, values)</h4>
<p>This method executes an SQL <i>statement</i>, binding the list of <i>values</i> to SQL positional parameters (&quot;?&quot;).</p>
<p>It returns a results object, with the following properties:</p>
<div class="table"><table class="generic">
 <thead><tr class="qt-style"><th ><b>Type</b></th><th ><b>Property</b></th><th ><b>Value</b></th><th ><b>Applicability</b></th></tr></thead>
<tr valign="top" class="odd"><td >int</td><td >rows.length</td><td >The number of rows in the result</td><td >SELECT</td></tr>
<tr valign="top" class="even"><td >var</td><td >rows.item(i)</td><td >Function that returns row <i>i</i> of the result</td><td >SELECT</td></tr>
<tr valign="top" class="odd"><td >int</td><td >rowsAffected</td><td >The number of rows affected by a modification</td><td >UPDATE, DELETE</td></tr>
<tr valign="top" class="even"><td >string</td><td >insertId</td><td >The id of the row inserted</td><td >INSERT</td></tr>
<p>May throw exception with code property SQLException.DATABASE_ERR, SQLException.SYNTAX_ERR, or SQLException.UNKNOWN_ERR.</p>
<p>See below for an example:</p>
<pre class="js">

  // Retrieve activity date, description and distance based on minimum
  // distance parameter Pdistance
  function db_distance_select(Pdistance)
  var db = LocalStorage.openDatabaseSync(&quot;ActivityTrackDB&quot;, &quot;&quot;, &quot;Database tracking sports activities&quot;, 1000000);
      function(tx) {
          var results = tx.executeSql(&quot;SELECT rowid,
                                              distance FROM trip_log
                                       where distance &gt;= ?&quot;,[Pdistance]);
          for (var i = 0; i &lt; results.rows.length; i++) {
              listModel.append({&quot;id&quot;: results.rows.item(i).rowid,
                                &quot;date&quot;: results.rows.item(i).date,
                                &quot;trip_desc&quot;: results.rows.item(i).trip_desc,
                                &quot;distance&quot;: results.rows.item(i).distance});

<a name="method-documentation"></a>
<h2 id="method-documentation">Method Documentation</h2>
<a name="opendatabasesync"></a><pre class="cpp">

  object openDatabaseSync(string name<span class="operator">,</span> string version<span class="operator">,</span> string description<span class="operator">,</span> <span class="type">int</span> estimated_size<span class="operator">,</span> jsobject callback(db))

<p>Opens or creates a local storage sql database by the given parameters.</p>
<li><code>name</code> is the database name</li>
<li><code>version</code> is the database version</li>
<li><code>description</code> is the database display name</li>
<li><code>estimated_size</code> is the database's estimated size, in bytes</li>
<li><code>callback</code> is an optional parameter, which is invoked if the database has not yet been created.</li>
<p>Returns the created database object.</p>
<!-- @@@QtQuick.LocalStorage -->
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