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      <p>This text is a work in progress—highly subject to
       change—and may not accurately describe any released
       version of the Apache™ Subversion® software.
       Bookmarking or otherwise referring others to this page is
       probably not such a smart idea.  Please visit
       <a href=""></a>
       for stable versions of this book.</p>
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            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id=""></a>Help!</h2>
      <a id="idm917" class="indexterm"></a>
      <p>It goes without saying that this book exists to be a source
      of information and assistance for Subversion users new and old.
      Conveniently, though, the Subversion command-line is
      self-documenting, alleviating the need to grab a book off the
      shelf (wooden, virtual, or otherwise).  The <span class="command"><strong>svn
      help</strong></span> command is your gateway to that built-in
      <div class="informalexample">
        <pre class="screen">
$ svn help
usage: svn &lt;subcommand&gt; [options] [args]
Subversion command-line client, version 1.8.13.
Type 'svn help &lt;subcommand&gt;' for help on a specific subcommand.
Type 'svn --version' to see the program version and RA modules
  or 'svn --version --quiet' to see just the version number.

Most subcommands take file and/or directory arguments, recursing
on the directories.  If no arguments are supplied to such a
command, it recurses on the current directory (inclusive) by default.

Available subcommands:
   blame (praise, annotate, ann)
      <p>As described in the previous output, you can ask for help on
      a particular subcommand by running <strong class="userinput"><code>svn help
      <em class="replaceable"><code>SUBCOMMAND</code></em></code></strong>.  Subversion
      will respond with the full usage message for that subcommand,
      including its syntax, options, and behavior:</p>
      <div class="informalexample">
        <pre class="screen">
$ svn help help
help (?, h): Describe the usage of this program or its subcommands.
usage: help [SUBCOMMAND...]

Global options:
  --username ARG           : specify a username ARG
  --password ARG           : specify a password ARG
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                <strong>Options and Switches and Flags, Oh My!</strong>
        <a id="idm932" class="indexterm"></a>
        <p>The Subversion command-line client has numerous command
        modifiers.  Some folks refer to such things
        as <span class="quote">“<span class="quote">switches</span>”</span> or <span class="quote">“<span class="quote">flags</span>”</span>—in
        this book, we'll call them <span class="quote">“<span class="quote">options</span>”</span>.  You'll
        find the options supported by a given <span class="command"><strong>svn</strong></span>
        subcommand, plus a set of options which are globally supported
        by all subcommands, listed near the bottom of the built-in
        usage message for that subcommand.</p>
        <p>Subversion's options have two distinct forms:  short
        options are a single hyphen followed by a single letter, and
        long options consist of two hyphens followed by several
        letters and hyphens (e.g., <code class="literal">-s</code>
        and <code class="literal">--this-is-a-long-option</code>, respectively).
        Every option has at least one long format.  Some, such as
        the <code class="option">--changelist</code> option, feature an
        abbreviated long-format alias (<code class="option">--cl</code>, in this
        case).  Only certain options—generally the most-used
        ones—have an additional short format.  To maintain
        clarity in this book, we usually use the long form in code
        examples, but when describing options, if there's a short
        form, we'll provide the long form (to improve clarity) and the
        short form (to make it easier to remember).  Use the form
        you're more comfortable with when executing your own
        Subversion commands.</p>
      <p>Many Unix-based distributions of Subversion include manual
      pages of the sort that can be invoked using
      the <span class="command"><strong>man</strong></span> program, but those tend to carry only
      pointers to other sources of real help, such as the project's
      website and to the website which hosts this book.  Also, several
      companies offer Subversion help and support, too, usually via a
      mixture of web-based discussion forums and fee-based consulting.
      And of course, the Internet holds a decade's worth of
      Subversion-related discussions just begging to be located by
      your favorite search engine.  Subversion help is never too far
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      <p>You are reading <em>Version Control with Subversion</em> (for
       Subversion 1.8), by Ben Collins-Sussman, Brian W. Fitzpatrick,
       and C. Michael Pilato.</p>
      <p>This work is licensed under
       the <a href="">Creative Commons Attribution License v2.0</a>.</p>
      <p>To submit comments, corrections, or other contributions to the
       text, please visit <a href=""></a>.</p>