

distrib > Mageia > 6 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 5666af12c81722be4cae7e8925fad2c6 > files > 23


[Quoting from a C/370 manual, courtesy of Carl Forde.]

  C/370 supports three types of input and output: text streams, binary
  streams, and record I/O.  Text and binary streams are both ANSI
  standards; record I/O is a C/370 extension.


  Record I/O is a C/370 extension to the ANSI standard.  For files
  opened in record format, C/370 reads and writes one record at a
  time.  If you try to write more data to a record than the record
  can hold, the data is truncated.  For record I/O, C/370 only allows
  the use of fread() and fwrite() to read and write to the files.  Any
  other functions (such as fprintf(), fscanf(), getc(), and putc())
  fail.  For record-orientated files, records do not change size when
  you update them.  If the new data has fewer characters than the
  original record, the new data fills the first n characters, where
  n is the number of characters of the new data.  The record will
  remain the same size, and the old characters (those after) n are
  left unchanged.  A subsequent update begins at the next boundary.
  For example, if you have the string "abcdefgh":


  and you overwrite it with the string "1234", the record will look
  like this:


  C/370 record I/O is binary.  That is, it does not interpret any of
  the data in a record file and therefore does not recognize control

  The record model consists of:

  * A record, which is the unit of data transmitted to and from a
  * A block, which is the unit of data transmitted to and from a
    device.  Each block may contain one or more records.

  In the record model of I/O, records and blocks have the following

  RECFM   Specifies the format of the data or how the data is organized
          on the physical device.
  LRECL   Specifies the length of logical records (as opposed to
          physical ones).

  BLKSIZE Specifies the length of physical records (blocks on the
          physical device).

  Opening a File by Filename

  The filename that you specify on the call to fopen() or freopen()
  must be in the following format:

  >> ----filename---- ----filetype--------------------
                   |   |             |             |
                   --.--             -- --filemode--
                                     |   |

  filename is a 1- to 8-character string of any of the characters,
  A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and +, -, $, #, @, :, and _.  You can separate it
  from the filetype with one or more spaces, or with a period.
  [Further note:  filenames are fully case-sensitive, as in Unix.]

  filetype is a 1- to 8-character string of any of the characters,
  A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and +, -, $, #, @, :, and _.  You can separate it
  from the filemode with one or more spaces, or with a period. The
  separator between filetype and filemode must be the same as the
  one between filename and filetype.

  filemode is a 1- to 2-character string.  The first must be any of
  the characters A-Z, a-z, or *.  If you use the asis parameter on
  the fopen() or freopen() call, the first character of the filemode
  must be a capital letter or an asterisk.  Otherwise, the function
  call fails.  The second character of filemode is optional; if you
  specify it, it must be any of the digits 0-6.  You cannot specify
  the second character if you have specified * for the first one.

  If you do not use periods as separators, there is no limit to how
  much whitespace you can have before and after the filename, the
  filetype, and filemode.

  Opening a File without a File Mode Specified

  If you omit the file mode or specify * for it, C/370 does one
  of the following when you call fopen() or freopen():

  * If you have specified a read mode, C/370 looks for the named file
    on all the accessed readable disks, in order.  If it does not find
    the file, the fopen() or freopen() call fails.
  * If you have specified any of the write modes, C/370 writes the file
    on the first writable disk you have accessed.  Specifying a write
    mode on an fopen() or freopen() call that contains the filename of
    an existing file destroys that file.  If you do not have any
    writable disks accessed, the call fails.

  fopen() and freopen() parameters

     CMS supports only two RECFMs, V and F.  [note that MVS supports
     27(!) different RECFMs.]  If you do not specify the RECFM for a
     file, C/370 determines whether is is in fixed or variable format.

  lrecl and blksize
     For files in fixed format, CMS allows records to be read and
     written in blocks.  To have a fixed format CMS file treated as a
     fixed blocked CMS file, you can open the file with recfm=fb and
     specify the lrecl and blksize.  If you do not specify a recfm on
     the open, the blksize can be a multiple of the lrecl, and the
     file is treated as if it were blocked.

     For files in variable format, the CMS LRECL is different from the
     LRECL for the record model.  In the record model, the LRECL is
     equal to the data length plus 4 bytes (for the record descriptor
     word), and the BLKSIZE  is equal to the LRECL plus 4 bytes (for
     the block descriptor word).  In CMS, BDWs and RDWs do not exist,
     but because CMS follows the record model, you must still account
     for them.  When you specify V, you must still allocate the record
     descriptor word and block descriptor word.  That is, if you want
     a maximum of n bytes per record, you must specify a minimum LRECL
     of n+4 and a minimum BLKSIZE of n+8.

     When you are appending to V files, you can enlarge the record size
     dynamically, but only if you have not specified LRECL or BLKSIZE
     on the fopen() or freopen() command that opened the file.

     If you specify this parameter, the only valid value for CMS disk
     files is type =record. This opens a file for record I/O.

     If you use this parameter, you can open files with mixed-case
     filenames such as JaMeS dAtA or pErCy.FILE.  If you specify this
     parameter, the file mode that you specify must be a capital letter
     (if it is not an asterisk); otherwise; the function call fails and
     the value returned is NULL.

  Reading from Record I/O Files
     fread() is the only interface allowed for reading record I/O files.
     Each time you call fread() for a record I/O file, fread() reads
     one record from the system.  If you call fread() with a request for
     less than a complete record, the requested bytes are copied to your
     buffer, and the file position is set to the start fo the next
     record.  If the request is for more bytes that are in the record,
     one record is read and the position is set to the start of the next
     record.  C/370 does not strip any blank characters or interpret any

     fread() returns the number of items read successfully, so if you
     pass a size argument equal to 1 and a count argument equal to the
     maximum expected length of the record, fread() returns the length,
     in bytes, of the record read.  If you pass a size argument equal
     to the maximum expected length of the record, and a count argument
     equal to 1, fread() returns either 0 or 1, indicating whether a
     record of length size read.  If a record is read successfully but
     is less than size bytes long, fread() returns 0.

  Writing to Record I/O Files
     fwrite() is the only interface allowed for writing to a file
     opened for record I/O.  Only one record is written at a time.  If
     you attempt to write more new data than a full record can hold or
     try to update a record with more data than it currently has, C/370
     truncates your output at the record boundary.  When C/370 performs
     a truncation, it sets errno and raises SIGIOERR, if SIGIOERR is not
     set to SIG_IGN.

     When you are writing new records to a fixed-record I/O file, if you
     try to write a short record, C/370 pads the record with nulls out
     to LRECL.

     At the completion of an fwrite(), the file position is at the start
     of the next record.  For new data, the block is flushed out to the
     system as soon as it is full.

  fldata() Behavior
     When you call the fldata() function for an open CMS minidisk file,
     it returns a data structure that looks like this:

     struct __filedata {
          unsigned int   __recfmF      : 1, /* fixed length records */
                         __recfmV      : 1, /* variable length records */
                         __recfmU      : 1, /* n/a */
                         __recfmS      : 1, /* n/a */
                         __recfmBlk    : 1, /* n/a */
                         __recfmASA    : 1, /* text mode and ASA */
                         __recfmM      : 1, /* n/a */
                         __dsorgPO     : 1, /* n/a */
                         __dsorgPDSmem : 1, /* n/a */
                         __dsorgPDSdir : 1, /* n/a */
                         __dsorgPS     : 1, /* sequential data set */
                         __dsorgConcat : 1, /* n/a */
                         __dsorgMem    : 1, /* n/a */
                         __dsorgHiper  : 1, /* n/a */
                         __dsorgTemp   : 1, /* created with tmpfile() */
                         __dsorgVSAM   : 1, /* n/a */
                         __reserve1    : 1, /* n/a */
                         __openmode    : 2, /* see below 1 */
                         __modeflag    : 4, /* see below 2 */
                         __reserve2    : 9, /* n/a */

          char           __device;  __DISK
          unsigned long  __blksize,         /* see below 3 */
                         __maxreclen;       /* see below 4 */
          unsigned short __vsamtype;        /* n/a */
          unsigned long  __vsamkeylen;      /* n/a */
          unsigned long  __vsamRKP;         /* n/a */
          char *         __dsname;          /* fname ftype fmode */
          unsigned int   __reserve4;        /* n/a */

          /* note 1: values are: __TEXT, __BINARY, __RECORD
             note 2: values are: __READ, __WRITE, __APPEND, __UPDATE
                     these values can be added together to determine
                     the return value; for example, a file opened with
                     a+ will have the value __READ + __APPEND.
             note 3: total block size of the file, including ASA
                     characters as well as RDW information
             note 4: maximum record length of the data only (includes
                     ASA characters but excludes RDW information).