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	<title>Copyright Notice and Publication License</title>
<h2>Copyright Notice and Publication License</h2>

<p>This copyright notice concerns the online and packaged version of the Scribus Online Help, written by the Scribus Team, composed of Franz Schmid, Peter Linnell, Craig Bradney, Jean Ghali, Hermann Kraus, Riku Leino, Oleksandr Moskalenko, Craig Ringer, Christoph Sch&auml;fer, Petr Van&#283;k, Andreas Vox and Jain Basil with major contributions from Gregory Pittman and additional documentation by Maciej Hanski.</p>
<p>Documentation in the Scribus Online Help related to the Galaxy Gauge&trade; color matching system has been contributed by and is copyrighted by Scientific Illustration Services, Inc., and is also distributed under the license below.</p> 

<p>The Scribus Online Help is distributed under the Open Publication License guidelines described at <a href=""></a>.</p>

<p>The following is the text of the license as it applies to this work:</p>


<p>This online help manual &ldquo;Scribus Online Help&rdquo; may be reproduced and distributed in whole or in part, in any medium physical or electronic, provided that the terms of this license are adhered to, and that this license or an incorporation of it by reference is displayed in the reproduction.

<p>Proper form for an incorporation by reference is as follows:

<p>Copyright &copy; 2003&ndash;2016 the Scribus Team composed of Franz Schmid, Peter Linnell, Craig Bradney, Jean Ghali, Hermann Kraus, Riku Leino, Oleksandr Moskalenko, Craig Ringer, Christoph Sch&auml;fer, Petr Van&#283;k, Andreas Vox and Jain Basil, as well as Gregory Pittman and Maciej Hanski. Copyright &copy; 2013 Scientific Illustration Services, Inc. for the documentation related to the Galaxy Gauge&trade; color matching system. The material may be distributed only subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Open Publication License, v1.0 or later (the latest version is presently available at <a href=""></a>).

<p>The reference must be immediately followed with the elected options (see section VI).

<p>Commercial redistribution of Open Publication-licensed material is permitted.

<h3>II. COPYRIGHT</h3>

<p>The copyright is owned by Franz Schmid, Peter Linnell, Craig Bradney, Jean Ghali, Hermann Kraus, Riku Leino, Oleksandr Moskalenko, Craig Ringer, Christoph Sch&auml;fer, Petr Van&#283;k, Andreas Vox and Jain Basil, as well as Gregory Pittman and Maciej Hanski. The copyright for documentation related to the Galaxy Gauge&trade; color matching system is owned by Scientific Illustration Services, Inc.</p>


<p>Mere aggregation of this work or a portion of this work with other works or programs on the same media shall not cause this license to apply to those other works. The aggregate work shall contain a notice specifying the inclusion of the Open Publication material and appropriate copyright notice.</p>

<p>SEVERABILITY. If any part of this license is found to be unenforceable in any jurisdiction, the remaining portions of the license remain in force.</p>

<p>NO WARRANTY. Open Publication works are licensed and provided &ldquo;as is&rdquo; without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose or a warranty of non-infringement.</p>


<p>All modified versions of documents covered by this license, including translations, anthologies, compilations and partial documents, must meet the following requirements:</p>

<p>1) The modified version must be labeled as such.</p>

<p>2) The person making the modifications must be identified and the modifications dated.</p>

<p>3) Acknowledgement of the original author and publisher if applicable must be retained according to normal academic citation practices.</p>

<p>4) The location of the original unmodified document must be identified.</p>

<p>5) The original author&rsquo;s name may not be used to assert or imply endorsement of the resulting document without the original author&rsquo;s (or authors&rsquo;) permission.</p>


<p>In addition to the requirements of this license, it is requested from and strongly recommended of redistributors that:</p>

<p>1) If you are distributing Open Publication works on hardcopy or CD-ROM, you provide email notification to the authors of your intent to redistribute at least thirty days before your manuscript or media freeze, to give the authors time to provide updated documents. This notification should describe modifications, if any, made to the document.</p>

<p>2) All substantive modifications (including deletions) be either clearly marked up in the document or else described in an attachment to the document.</p>

<p>Finally, while it is not mandatory under this license, it is considered good form to offer a free copy of any hardcopy and CD-ROM expression of an Open Publication-licensed work to its author.</p>


<p>1) Distribution of the work or derivative of the work in any standard (paper) book form is prohibited unless prior permission is obtained from the copyright holder. Other forms of distribution including CD-ROM, electronic, and magnetic media are permitted.</p>
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