

distrib > Mageia > 6 > x86_64 > media > core-updates > by-pkgid > a5ad95f51f9f5da3b968eaeeb848d5ff > files > 27


Installation instructions for Unix
1) Install the wxwidgets library either by compiling it yourself or using apt/rpm (2.6.0 is needed)
   + compile it yourself:
     - Download wxWidgets 2.6.1 from (wxGTK package)
     - Untar it to a folder and cd into the main dir.
     - Make a directory called "buildgtk". Cd into buildgtk
     - Run: ../configure --disable-debug --enable-gtk2 --enable-monolithic --enable-shared
     - Run: make
     - Run: sudo make install (library and developer files are installed to /usr/local)
2) Install at least automake 1.82 and libtool 1.4
3) download plplot 5.5.3 from cvs
4) build plplot library
   - cd into plplot main directory
   - run: cf/
   - run: ./configure --enable-wxwidgets
   - run: make
   - run: sudo make install
   - run: cd examples/c
   - run: make x01c
   - run: ./x01c

Installation instructions for Mac OS X
1) Install the wxwidgets library either by compiling it yourself or using the opendarwin port
   + Mac OS X G++ Compiler
     - Download wxWidgets 2.6.1 from (wxMAC package).
     - Untar it to a folder and cd into the main dir.
     - Make a directory called "buildosx". cd into "buildosx".
     - Run: ../configure --disable-debug --enable-monolithic --enable-shared
     - Run: make
     - Run: sudo make install (library and developer files are installed to /usr/local)
     - download and install the port package from
     - add
	  	 to your ".profile" file in your home directory.
  	 - run: sudo port -d selfupdate
	   - run: sudo port install wxWidgets (library and developer files are installed to /opt/local)
2) Install at least automake 1.82 and libtool 1.4, e.g. via opendarwin port:
   - download and install the port package from
   - add
		 to your ".profile" file in your home directory.
	 - run: sudo port -d selfupdate
	 - run: sudo port install automake
	 - run: sudo port install libtool
	 - run: sudo ln -s /opt/local/bin/glibtool /opt/local/bin/libtool
	 - run: sudo ln -s /opt/local/bin/glibtoolize /opt/local/bin/libtoolize
3) download plplot 5.5.3 from cvs
4) build plplot library
   - cd into plplot main directory
   - run: cf/
   - run: ./configure --enable-wxwidgets --with-wxwidgets-bindir=/opt/local/bin (port)
     run: ./configure --enable-wxwidgets (self compiled in /usr/local)
   - run: make
   - run: sudo make install
   - run: cd examples/c
   - run: make x01c
   - run: ./x01c

--------- Using the driver in a wxWidgets Application -------------------------------------

The wxWidgets driver is already capable of redirecting the plot to any canvas (wxDC), which can also be provided by a wxApp. The API is not quite ready for release, but it's easy to implement. First we need to inherit a class from plstream

#include "plplotP.h"
#include "plstream.h"
#include "wx/dc.h"

class wxPLplotstream : public plstream
  wxPLplotstream( wxDC *dc, int width, int height );  //!< Constructor.
  void set_stream();   //!< Calls some code before every PLplot command.
	void SetSize( int width, int height );   //!< Set new size of plot area.
	void RenewPlot();   //!< Redo plot.
	wxDC* m_dc;   //!< Pointer to wxDC to plot into.
	int m_width;   //!< Width of dc/plot area.
	int m_height;   //!< Height of dc/plot area.

wxPLplotstream::wxPLplotstream( wxDC *dc, int width, int height ) :
                m_dc(dc), m_width(width), m_height(height)
  sdev( "wxwidgets" );
  spage( 0.0, 0.0, m_width, m_height, 0, 0 );
  SetOpt( "text", "1" ); // use freetype?
  SetOpt( "smooth", "1" );  // antialiased text?
  plP_esc( PLESC_DEVINIT, (void*)m_dc );

void wxPLplotstream::set_stream()

void wxPLplotstream::SetSize( int width, int height )
  plP_esc( PLESC_CLEAR, NULL );
  wxSize size( m_width, m_height );
  plP_esc( PLESC_RESIZE, (void*)&size );

void wxPLplotstream::RenewPlot()
  plP_esc( PLESC_CLEAR, NULL );

In the wxWidgets application a wxMemoryDC must be created (e.g. in the constructor of a wxWindow) and made known to the driver, e.g.

	MemPlotDC = new wxMemoryDC;
  MemPlotDCBitmap = new wxBitmap( 640, 400, -1 );
  MemPlotDC->SelectObject( *MemPlotDCBitmap );
	my_stream = new wxPLplotstream( (wxDC*)MemPlotDC, MemPlotDC_width, MemPlotDC_height );

The OnPaint() event handler looks like this (double buffering is used here)

void plotwindow::OnPaint( wxPaintEvent &WXUNUSED(event) )
  int width, height;
  GetSize( &width, &height );

	// Check if we window was resized (or dc is invalid)
	if( (my_stream == NULL) || (MemPlotDC_width!=width) || (MemPlotDC_height!=height) ) {
    MemPlotDC->SelectObject( wxNullBitmap );
    if( MemPlotDCBitmap )
      delete MemPlotDCBitmap;
    MemPlotDCBitmap = new wxBitmap( width, height, -1 );
    MemPlotDC->SelectObject( *MemPlotDCBitmap );
		my_stream->SetSize( width, height );
    MemPlotDC_width = width;
    MemPlotDC_height = height;

  wxPaintDC dc( this );
	dc.SetClippingRegion( GetUpdateRegion() );
  dc.Blit( 0, 0, width, height, MemPlotDC, 0, 0 );

The whole PLplot API is then available via the my_stream object.

--------- don't bother with stuff below this line -----------------------------------------

Installation instructions for Win32

- install wxWidgets 2.6.1 (see instructions below)
- NOT WORKING NOW: install gd library and/or freetype library (see instructions below)
- download the PLplot library from (version 5.5.3)
- Remark (Mac OS X): You need automake 1.8.2 and libtool 1.4 in order to compile PLplot.
                     Download and install fink ( and install these programs.
- untar or unzip it in a suitable directory
- unzip or untar the wxPLplot package in sys/win32
- cd into sys/win32/wxplplot

- WIN32:
  . Set WXWIN environment variable (see wxWidgets instructions).
  . For all compilers you need the mingw32-make program (
  . Check the settings in config.mak.
  . Run: mingw32-make COMPILER=bcc
  .  or: mingw32-make COMPILER=gcc
  . Run: cd examples
  . Run: mingw32-make COMPILER=bcc
  .  or: mingw32-make COMPILER=gcc

Install the gd library for png, gif and jpeg drivers (Win32, NOT WORKING NOW)

- goto and download the precompiled Windows DLL at
  the bottom ( )
- extract to sys/win32/wxplplot
- enter sys/win32/wxplplot/gdwin32 and make a library from the dll
  Borland BCC 5.5: implib -a bgd_bcc.lib bgd.dll
  VC++: lib /machine:i386 /def:bgd.def
  MingW: already in gdwin32 (libbgd.a)

Install the freetype library (Win32, NOT WORKING NOW)

Install wxWidgets 2.6.1

 + Win32 MingW Compiler
 - Download the necessary files from Either the whole package mingw-3.1.0 or
   the canditate releases from at least gcc-core, gcc-g++, binutils, mingw-runtime, w32api,
   mingw-utils, mingw32-make and gdb. Install them in a directory and set the path file accordingly.
 - Download wxWidgets 2.6.1 from (wxMSW package).
 -  Unzip it to a folder and set the WXWIN variable accordingly (system wide in System Settings/System).
 - Goto %WXWIN%/build/msw.
 - Run all or some of the following commands:
   mingw32-make -f makefile.gcc BUILD=debug MONOLITHIC=1 SHARED=1
     The wxWidgets (debug, shared) library will be build.
   mingw32-make -f makefile.gcc BUILD=release MONOLITHIC=1 SHARED=1
     The wxWidgets (release, shared) library will be build.
   mingw32-make -f makefile.gcc BUILD=debug MONOLITHIC=1 SHARED=0
     The wxWidgets (debug, static) library will be build.
   mingw32-make -f makefile.gcc BUILD=release MONOLITHIC=1 SHARED=0.
     The wxWidgets (release, static) library will be build.
 - Copy both dlls from %%WXWIN%/lib/gcc_dll to a directory, where they can be found (e.g. sys/win32/wxplplot/examples directory).
 - The same WXWIN variable must than be set for the wxplplot makefile.

 + Win32 Borland free command line tools (BCC 5.5.2)
 - Install the Borland Compiler.
 - Download wxWidgets 2.6.1 from (wxMSW package)
 -  Unzip it to a folder and set the WXWIN variable accordingly (system wide in System Settings/System).
 - Goto %WXWIN%/build/msw.
 - Run all or some of the following commands:
   make -f makefile.bcc -DBUILD=debug -DMONOLITHIC=1 -DSHARED=1
     The wxWidgets (debug, shared) library will be build.
   make -f makefile.bcc -DBUILD=release -DMONOLITHIC=1 -DSHARED=1
     The wxWidgets (release, shared) library will be build.
   make -f makefile.bcc -DBUILD=debug -DMONOLITHIC=1 -DSHARED=0
     The wxWidgets (debug, static) library will be build.
   make -f makefile.bcc -DBUILD=release -DMONOLITHIC=1 -DSHARED=0.
     The wxWidgets (release, static) library will be build.
 - Copy both dlls from %%WXWIN%/lib/gcc_dll to a directory, where they can be found (e.g. sys/win32/wxplplot/examples directory).
 - The same WXWIN variable must than be set for the wxplplot makefile.