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  <div class="section" id="planned-changes-to-the-bzr-core">
<h1>Planned changes to the bzr core<a class="headerlink" href="#planned-changes-to-the-bzr-core" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1>
<p>Delivering the best possible performance requires changing the bzr core design
from that present in 0.16. Some of these changes are incremental and can be
done with no impact on disk format. Many of them however do require changes to
the disk format, and these can be broken into two sets of changes, those which
are sufficiently close to the model bzr uses today to interoperate with the
0.16 disk formats, and those that are not able to interoperate with the 0.16
disk formats - specifically some planned changes may result in data which
cannot be exported to bzr 0.16&#8217;s disk formats and then imported back to the new
format without losing critical information. If/when this takes place it will be
essentially a migration for users to switch from their bzr 0.16 repository to a
bzr that supports them. We plan to batch all such changes into one large
&#8216;experimental&#8217; repository format, which will be complete stable and usable
before we migrate it to become a supported format. Getting new versions of bzr
in widespread use at that time will be very important, otherwise the user base
may be split in two - users that have upgraded and users that have not.</p>
<p>The following changes are grouped according to their compatability impact:
library only, disk format but interoperable, disk format interoperability
unknown, and disk format, not interoperable.</p>
<div class="section" id="library-changes">
<h2>Library changes<a class="headerlink" href="#library-changes" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
<p>These changes will change bzrlib&#8217;s API but will not affect the disk format and
thus do not pose a significant migration issue.</p>
<div><ul class="simple">
<li>For our 20 core use cases, we plan to add targeted API&#8217;s to bzrlib that are
repository-representation agnostic. These will instead reflect the shape of
data access most optimal for that case.</li>
<li>Deprecate &#8216;versioned files&#8217; as a library concept. Instead of asking for
information about a file-over-time as a special case, we will move to an API
that assumes less coupling between the historical information and the
ability to obtain texts/deltas etc. Specifically, we need to remove all
API&#8217;s that act in terms of on disk representation except those within a
given repository implementation.</li>
<li>Create a validator for revisions that is more amenable to use by other parts
of the code base than just the gpg signing facility. This can be done today
without changing disk, possibly with a performance hit until the disk
formats match the validatory logic. It will be hard to tell if we have the
right routine for that until all the disk changes are complete, so while
this is a library only change, it&#8217;s likely one that will be delayed to near
the end of the process.</li>
<li>Add an explicit API for managing cached annotations. While annotations are
considered a cache this is not exposed in such a way that cache operations
like &#8216;drop the cache&#8217; can be performed. On current disk formats the cache is
mandatory, but an API to manage would allow refreshing of the cache (e.g.
after ghosts are filled in during baz conversions).</li>
<li>Use the _iter_changes API to perform merges. This is a small change that may
remove the need to use inventories in merge, making a dramatic difference to
merge performance once the tree shape comparison optimisations are
<li>Create a network-efficient revision graph API. This is the logic at the
start of push and pull operations, which currently scales O(graph size).
Fixing the scaling can be done, but there are tradeoffs to latency and
performance to consider, making it a little tricky to get right.</li>
<li>Working tree disk operation ordering. We plan to change the order in which
some operations are done (specifically TreeTransform ones) to improve
performance. There is already a 66% performance boost in that area going
through review.</li>
<li>Stop requiring full memory copies of files. Currently bzr requires that it
can hold 3 copies of any file it&#8217;s versioning in memory. Solving this is
tricky, particularly without performance regressions on small files, but
without solving it versioning of .iso and other large objects will continue
to be extremely painful.</li>
<li>Add an API for per-file graph access that alllows incremental access and is
suitable for on-demand generation if desired.</li>
<li>Repository stacking API. Allowing multiple databases to be stacked to give a
single &#8216;repository&#8217; will allow implementation of some long desired features
like history horizons, and bundle usage where the bundle is not added to the
local repository just to examine its contents.</li>
<li>Revision data manipulation API. We need a single streaming API for adding
data to or getting it from a repository. This will need to allow hints such
as &#8216;optimise for size&#8217;, or &#8216;optimise for fast-addition&#8217; to meet the various
users planned, but it is a core part of the library today, and it&#8217;s not
sufficiently clean to let us simplify/remove a lot of related code today.</li>
<div class="section" id="interoperable-disk-changes">
<h2>Interoperable disk changes<a class="headerlink" href="#interoperable-disk-changes" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
<div><ul class="simple">
<li>New container format to allow single-file description of multiple named
objects. This will provide the basis for transmission of revisions over the
network, the new bundle format, and possibly a new repository format as
well. [Core implemented]</li>
<li>Separate the annotation cache from the storage of actual file texts and make
the annotation style, and when to do it, configurable. This will reduce data
sent over the wire when repositories have had &#8216;needs-annotations&#8217; turned
off, which very large trees may choose to do - generating just-in-time
annotations may be desirable for those trees (even when performing
annotation based merges).</li>
<li>Repository disk operation ordering. The order that tasks access data within
the repository and the layout of the data should be harmonised. This will
require disk format changes but does not inherently alter the model, so it&#8217;s
straight forward to export from a repository that has been optimised in this
way to a 0.16 based repository.</li>
<li>Inventory representation. An inventory is a logical description of the shape
of a version controlled tree. Currently we operate on the whole inventory as
a tree broken down per directory, but we store it as a flat file. This scale
very poorly as even a minor change between inventories requires us to scan
the entire file, and in large trees this is many megabytes of data to
consider. We are investigating the exact form, but the intent is to change
the serialisation of inventories so that comparing two inventories can be
done in some smaller time - e.g. O(log N) scaling. Whatever form this takes,
a repository that can export it directly will be able to perform operations
between two historical trees much more efficiently than the current
<li>Greatest distance from origin cache. This is a possible change to introduce,
but it may be unnecessary - listed here for completeness till it has been
established as [un]needed.</li>
<div class="section" id="possibly-non-interoperable-disk-changes">
<h2>Possibly non-interoperable disk changes<a class="headerlink" href="#possibly-non-interoperable-disk-changes" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
<li><p class="first">Removing of derivable data from the core of bzr. Much of the data that bzr
stores is derivable from the users source files. For instance the
annotations that record who introduced a line. Given the full history for a
repository we can recreate that at any time. We want to remove the
dependence of the core of bzr on any data that is derivable, because doing
this will give us the freedom to:</p>
<ul class="simple">
<li>Improve the derivation algorithm over time.</li>
<li>Deal with bugs in the derivation algorithms without having &#8216;corrupt
repositories&#8217; or such things.</li>
<p>However, some of the data that is technically derived, like the per-file
merge graph, is both considered core, and can be generated differently when
certain circumstances arive, by bzr 0.16. Any change to the &#8216;core&#8217; status of
that data will discard data that cannot be recreated and thus lead to the
inability to export from a format where that is derived data to bzr 0.16&#8217;s
formats without errors occuring in those circumstances. Some of the data
that may be considered for this includes:</p>
<ul class="simple">
<li>Per file merge graphs</li>
<div class="section" id="non-interoperable-disk-changes">
<h2>Non-interoperable disk changes<a class="headerlink" href="#non-interoperable-disk-changes" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
<div><ul class="simple">
<li>Drop the per-file merge graph &#8216;cache&#8217; currently held in the FILE-ID.kndx
files. A specific case of removing derivable data, this may allow smaller
inventory metadata and also make it easier to allow two different trees (in
terms of last-change made, e.g. if one is a working tree) to be compared
using a hash-tree style approach.</li>
<li>Use hash based names for some objects in the bzr database. Because it would force
total-knowledge-of-history on the graph revision objects will not be namable
via hash&#8217;s and neither will revisio signatures. Other than that though we
can in principle use hash&#8217;s e.g. SHA1 for everything else. There are many
unanswered questions about hash based naming related to locality of
reference impacts, which need to be answered before this becomes a definite

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<li><a class="reference internal" href="#">Planned changes to the bzr core</a><ul>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#library-changes">Library changes</a></li>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#interoperable-disk-changes">Interoperable disk changes</a></li>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#possibly-non-interoperable-disk-changes">Possibly non-interoperable disk changes</a></li>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#non-interoperable-disk-changes">Non-interoperable disk changes</a></li>

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