

distrib > Mageia > 6 > x86_64 > media > core-updates > by-pkgid > bb289dcb70c77851f7fd9cf8aa0cb919 > files > 2584




:Date: 2007-07-08

This document describes the services repositories offer and need to offer
within bzrlib.

.. contents::


To provide clarity to API and performance tradeoff decisions by
centralising the requirements placed upon repositories.


A **repository** is a store of historical data for bzr.

Command Requirements

==================  ====================
Command             Needed services
==================  ====================
Add                 None
Annotate            Annotated file texts, revision details
Branch              Fetch, Revision parents, Inventory contents, All file texts
Bundle              Maximally compact diffs (file and inventory), Revision graph
                    difference, Revision texts.
Commit              Insert new texts, insert new inventory via delta, insert
                    revision, insert signature
Fetching            Revision graph difference, ghost identification, stream data
                    introduced by a set of revisions in some cheap form, insert
                    data from a stream, validate data during insertion.
Garbage Collection  Exclusive lock the repository preventing readers.
Revert              Delta from working tree to historical tree, and then
                    arbitrary file access to obtain the texts of differing
Uncommit            Revision graph access.
Status              Revision graph access, revision text access, file
                    fingerprint information, inventory differencing.
Diff                As status but also file text access.
Merge               As diff but needs up to twice as many file texts -
                    base and other for each changed file. Also an initial
                    fetch is needed.
Log                 Revision graph (entire at the moment) access,
                    sometimes status between adjacent revisions. Log of a
                    file needs per-file-graph. Dominator caching or
                    similar tools may be needed to prevent entire graph
Missing             Revision graph access, and revision texts to show
Update              As for merge, but twice.
==================  ====================

Data access patterns

Ideally we can make our data access for commands such as branch to
dovetail well with the native storage in the repository, in the common
case. Doing this may require choosing the behaviour of some commands to
allow us to have a smaller range of access patterns which we can optimise
more heavily. Alternatively if each command is very predicable in its
data access pattern we may be able to hint to the low level layers which
pattern is needed on a per command basis to get efficient behaviour.

===================  ===================================================
Command              Data access pattern
===================  ===================================================
Annotate-cached      Find text name in an inventory, Recreate one text,
                     recreate annotation regions
Annotate-on demand   Find file id from name, then breadth-first pre-order
                     traversal of versions-of-the-file until the annotation
                     is complete.
Branch               Fetch, possibly taking a copy of any file present in a
                     nominated revision when it is validated during fetch.
Bundle               Revision-graph as for fetch; then inventories for
                     selected revision_ids to determine file texts, then
                     mp-parent deltas for all determined file texts.
Commit               Something like basis-inventories read to determine
                     per-file graphs, insertion of new texts (which may
                     be delta compressed), generation of annotation
                     regions if the repository is configured to do so,
                     finalisation of the inventory pointing at all the new
                     texts and finally a revision and possibly signature.
Fetching             Revision-graph searching to find the graph difference.
                     Scan the inventory data introduced during the selected
                     revisions, and grab the on disk data for the found
                     file texts, annotation region data, per-file-graph
                     data, piling all this into a stream.
Garbage Collection   Basically a mass fetch of all the revisions which
                     branches point at, then a bait and switch with the old
                     repository thus removing unreferenced data.
Revert               Revision graph access for the revision being reverted
                     to, inventory extraction of that revision,
                     dirblock-order file text extract for files that were
Uncommit             Revision graph access to synthesise pending-merges
                     linear access down left-hand-side, with is_ancestor
                     checks between all the found non-left-hand-side
Status               Lookup the revisions added by pending merges and their
                     commit messages. Then an inventory difference between
                     the trees involved, which may include a working tree.
                     If there is a working tree involved then the file
                     fingerprint for cache-misses on files will be needed.
                     Note that dirstate caches most of this making
                     repository performance largely irrelevant: but if it
                     was fast enough dirstate might be able to be simpler/
Diff                 As status but also file text access for every file
                     that is different - either one text (working tree
                     diff) or a diff of two (revision to revision diff).
Merge                As diff but needs up to twice as many file texts -
                     base and other for each changed file. Also an initial
                     fetch is needed. Note that the access pattern is
                     probably id-based at the moment, but that may be
                     'fixed' with the iter_changes based merge. Also note
                     that while the texts from OTHER are the ones accessed,
                     this is equivalent to the **newest** form of each text
                     changed from BASE to OTHER. And as the repository
                     looks at when data is introduced, this should be the
                     pattern we focus on for merge.
Log                  Revision graph (entire at the moment) access, log of a
                     file wants a per-file-graph. Log -v will want
                     newest-first inventory deltas between revisions.
Missing              Revision graph access, breadth-first pre-order.
Update               As for merge, but twice.
===================  ===================================================

Patterns used

Note that these are able to be changed by changing what we store. For
instance if the repository satisfies mpdiff requests, then bundle can be
defined in terms of mpdiff lookups rather than file text lookups
appropriate to create mpdiffs. If the repository satisfies full text
requests only, then you need the topological access to build up the
desired mpdiffs.

=========================================== =========
Pattern                                     Commands
=========================================== =========
Single file text                            annotate, diff
Files present in one revision               branch
Newest form of files altered by revisions   merge, update?
Topological access to file versions/deltas  annotate-uncached
Stream all data required to recreate revs   branch (lightweight)
Stream file texts in topological order      bundle
Write full versions of files, inv, rev, sig commit
Write deltas of files, inv for one tree     commit
Stream all data introduced by revs          fetch
Regenerate/combine deltas of many trees     fetch, pack
Reconstruct all texts and validate trees    check, fetch
Revision graph walk                         fetch, pack, uncommit,
                                            merge, log, missing
Top down access multiple invs concurrently  status, diff, merge?, update?
Concurrent access to N file texts           diff, merge
Iteration of inventory deltas               log -v, fetch?
=========================================== =========

Facilities to scale well


We want < linear access to all data in the repository. This suggests
everything is indexed to some degree.

Often we know the kind of data we are accessing; which allows us to
partition our indices if that will help (e.g. by reducing the total index
size for queries that only care about the revision graph).

Indices that support our data access patterns will usually display
increased locality of reference, reducing the impact of a large indices
without needing careful page size management or other tricks.

We need repository wide indices. For the current repositories this is
achieved by dividing the keyspace (revisions, signatures, inventories,
per-fileid) and then having an append only index within each keyspace.
For pack based repositories we will want some means to query the index of
each component pack, presumably as a single logical index.

It would be nice if indexing was made cleanly separate from storage. So
that suggests indices don't know the meaning of the lookup; indices which
offer particular ordering, or graph walking facilities will clearly need
that information, but perhaps they don't need to know the semantics ?

Index size

Smaller indexes are good. We could go with one big index, or a different
index for different operation styles. As multiple indices will occupy more
space in total we should consider carefully about adding indices.

Index ordering

Looking at the data access patterns some operations such as graph walking
can clearly be made more efficient by offering direct iteration rather
than repeated reentry into the index - so having indices that support
iteration in such a style would be useful eventually.

Changing our current indexes

We can consider introducing cleaner indices in advance of a full pack
based repository.

There are many possibilities for this, but I've chosen one that seems ok
to me for illustration.

A key element is to consider when indices are updated. I think that the
update style proposed for pack based repositories - write once, then when
we group data again rewrite a new single index - is sufficent.

Replace .kndx

We could discard the per-knit .kndx by writing a new index at the end of
every bzr transaction indexing the new data introduced by the bzr
operation. e.g. at the end of fetch. This can be based on the new
``GraphIndex`` index type.

Encoding a knit entry into a ``GraphIndex`` can be done as follows:

* Change the key to include a prefix of the knit name, to allow filtering
  out of data from different knits.
* Encode the parents from the knit as the zeroth node reference list.
* If the knit hunk was delta compressed encode the node it was delta
  compressed against as the 1st node reference list (otherwise the 1st
  node reference list will be empty to indicate no compression parents).
* For the value encode similarly to the current knit format the byte
  offset for the data record in the knit, the byte length for the data
  record in the knit and the no-end-of-line flag.

It's important to note that knit repositories cannot be regenerated by
scanning .knits, so a mapped index is still irreplaceable and must be
transmitted on push/pull.

A potential improvement exists by specialising this further to not record
data that is not needed - e.g. an index of revisions does not need to
support a pointer to a parent compressed text as revisions.knit is not
delta-compressed ever. Likewise signatures do not need the parent pointers
at all as there is no 'signature graph'.


Moving to pack based repositories

We have a number of challenges to solve.

Naming of files

As long as the file name is unique it does not really matter. It might be
interesting to have it be deterministic based on content, but there are no
specific problems we have solved by doing that, and doing so would require
hashing the full file. OTOH hashing the full file is a cheap way to detect
bit-errors in transfer (such as windows corruption). Non-reused file names
are required for data integrity, as clients having read an index will
readv at arbitrary times later.

Discovery of files

With non-listable transports how should the collection of pack/index files
be found ? Initially record a list of all the pack/index files from
write actions. (Require writable transports to be listable). We can then
use a heuristic to statically combine pack/index files later.

Housing files

Combining indices on demand

Merging data on push

A trivial implementation would be to make a pack which has just the data
needed for the push, then send that. More sophisticated things would be
streaming single-pass creation, and also using this as an opportunity to
increase the packedness of the local repo.

Choosing compression/delta support

Caching and writeing of data

Repositories try to provide a consistent view of the data within them
within a 'lock context'.


Locks come in two flavours - read locks and write locks. Read locks allow
data to be read from the repository. Write locks allow data to be read and
signal that you intend to write data at some point. The actual writing of
data must take place within a Write Group.

Write locks provide a cache of repository data during the period of the
write lock, and allow write_groups to be acquired. For some repositories
the presence of a write lock is exclusive to a single client, for others
which are lock free or use server side locks (e.g.  svn), the write lock
simply provides the cache context.

Write Groups

Write groups are the only allowed means for inserting data into a
repository.  These are created by ``start_write_group``, and concluded by
either ``commit_write_group`` or ``abort_write_group``.  A write lock must
be held on the repository for the entire duration.  At most one write
group can be active on a repository at a time.

Write groups signal to the repository the window during which data is
actively being inserted. Several write groups could be committed during a
single lock.

There is no guarantee that data inserted during a write group will be
invisible in the repository if the write group is not committed.
Specifically repositories without atomic insertion facilities will be
writing data as it is inserted within the write group, and may not be able
to revert that data - e.g. in the event of a dropped SFTP connection in a
knit repository, inserted file data will be visible in the repository. Some
repositories have an atomic insertion facility, and for those
all-or-nothing will apply.

The precise meaning of a write group is format specific. For instance a
knit based repository treats the write group methods as dummy calls,
simply meeting the api that clients will use. A pack based repository will
open a new pack container at the start of a write group, and rename it
into place at commit time.

   vim: ft=rst tw=74 ai