

distrib > Mageia > 6 > x86_64 > media > core-updates > by-pkgid > c40b79f4da04a2c62ea75fd4439877c3 > files > 184


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<book id="katepart" lang="&language;">

<title>The &katepart; Handbook</title>
<author>&Thad.McGinnis; &Thad.McGinnis.mail;</author>
<author>&Anne-Marie.Mahfouf; &Anne-Marie.Mahfouf.mail;</author>
<author>&Anders.Lund; &Anders.Lund.mail;</author>
<author>&TC.Hollingsworth; &TC.Hollingsworth.mail;</author>
<othercredit role="developer">
&Christoph.Cullmann; &Christoph.Cullmann.mail;
<!-- <contrib>Core Developer and Maintainer</contrib> -->

<othercredit role="reviewer">
&Lauri.Watts; &Lauri.Watts.mail;
<!-- <contrib>Reviewer</contrib> -->



<holder>&Anne-Marie.Mahfouf; &Anne-Marie.Mahfouf.mail;</holder>
<holder>&Anders.Lund; &Anders.Lund.mail;</holder>
<holder>&TC.Hollingsworth; &TC.Hollingsworth.mail;</holder>

<releaseinfo>Frameworks 5.31</releaseinfo>

<para>&katepart; is a fully featured editor component by &kde;.</para>



<chapter id="introduction">

&katepart; is a fully featured text editor component used by many &Qt; and &kde;
&katepart; is more than a text editor; it is meant to be a programmer's editor,
and could be considered as at least a partial alternative to more powerful
editors. One of &katepart;'s main features is the colorized syntax, customized
for many different programming languages such as: C/C++, &Java;, Python, Perl,
Bash, Modula 2, &HTML;, and Ada.
<para>&kwrite; is a simple text editor application based on &katepart;.  It has
a single document interface (<acronym>SDI</acronym>) allowing you to edit one
file at the time per window.  Since &kwrite; is a very simple implementation of
&katepart;, it does not require its own documentation.  If you know how to use
&kwrite;, you can use &katepart; anywhere!







<chapter id="credits">
<title>Credits and License</title>

<para>&katepart; and &kwrite; Copyright 2001-2014 by the &kate; team.</para>

Based on the original &kwrite;, which was Copyright 2000 by Jochen Wilhelmy


<para>&Christoph.Cullmann; &Christoph.Cullmann.mail;</para>

<para>Michael Bartl <email></email></para>

<para>Phlip <email></email></para>

<para>&Anders.Lund; &Anders.Lund.mail;</para>

<para>Matt Newell <email></email></para>

<para>&Joseph.Wenninger; &Joseph.Wenninger.mail;</para>

<para>Jochen Wilhelmy <email></email></para>

<para>&Michael.Koch; &Michael.Koch.mail;</para>

<para>&Christian.Gebauer; &Christian.Gebauer.mail;</para>

<para>&Simon.Hausmann; &Simon.Hausmann.mail;</para>

<para>Glen Parker <email></email></para>

<para>Scott Manson <email></email></para>

<para>&John.Firebaugh; &John.Firebaugh.mail;</para>

The &katepart; documentation is based on the original &kwrite; documentation,
modified to be relevant to all &katepart; consumers.

The original &kwrite; documentation was written by &Thad.McGinnis;
&Thad.McGinnis.mail;, with lots of modifications from
&Cristian.Tibirna; &Cristian.Tibirna.mail;. Converted to docbook/proofreading by
&Lauri.Watts; &Lauri.Watts.mail; and updated by &Anne-Marie.Mahfouf;
&Anne-Marie.Mahfouf.mail; and &Anders.Lund; &Anders.Lund.mail;

<para>The current &katepart; documentation is maintained by &TC.Hollingsworth;
&TC.Hollingsworth.mail;.  Please send comments or suggestions to the &katepart;
development mailing list at <email></email> or file a bug
in the <ulink url="">KDE Bugtracking System</ulink>.</para>





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