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<h1>Missing<a class="headerlink" href="#missing" title="Permalink to this headline">ΒΆ</a></h1>
<p>Missing is used to find out the differences between the current branch and
another branch.</p>
<p>The performance analysis itself brings no further points than the
incremental-push-pull one.</p>
<p>More importantly, the UI have been considered not optimal: missing finds and
displays the differences between two branches, presenting the revisions that
are not common to both branches as two sets:</p>
<ul class="simple">
<li>the revisions that are present only in the current branch,</li>
<li>the revisions that are present only in the other branch.</li>
<p>A quick and dirty survey indicates that most of the users are interested in
only one set of revisions at a time.</p>
<p>From a performance point of view, it may be more appropriate to calculate only
the set the user is asking for.</p>
<p>It has been proposed that the missing command be deprecated in favor of a
&#8211;dry-run option for the push, pull, merge commands.</p>
<p>In the mean time, the missing command stays interesting as it provides an easy
way to test, measure and optimize graph differences processing.</p>

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