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<h1>Branches Out of Sync<a class="headerlink" href="#branches-out-of-sync" title="Permalink to this headline">ΒΆ</a></h1>
<p>When reconfiguring a checkout, tree or branch into a lightweight checkout,
a local branch must be destroyed.  (For checkouts, this is the local branch
that serves primarily as a cache.)  If the branch-to-be-destroyed does not
have the same last revision as the new reference branch for the lightweight
checkout, data could be lost, so Bazaar refuses.</p>
<p>How you deal with this depends on <em>why</em> the branches are out of sync.</p>
<p>If you have a checkout and have done local commits, you can get back in sync
by running &#8220;bzr update&#8221; (and possibly &#8220;bzr commit&#8221;).</p>
<p>If you have a branch and the remote branch is out-of-date, you can push
the local changes using &#8220;bzr push&#8221;.  If the local branch is out of date, you
can do &#8220;bzr pull&#8221;.  If both branches have had changes, you can merge, commit
and then push your changes.  If you decide that some of the changes aren&#8217;t
useful, you can &#8220;push &#8211;overwrite&#8221; or &#8220;pull &#8211;overwrite&#8221; instead.</p>

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