

distrib > Mageia > 6 > x86_64 > media > core-updates > by-pkgid > d101e610fd84625a2ee270bff5b65713 > files > 4


# Taisei environment variables

## Introduction

Some of Taisei's more advanced configuration options are delegated to [environment variables]( This document attempts to describe them all.

Generally you don't need to set any of them. They are intended for developers and advanced users only. Therefore, familiarity with the concept is assumed.

In addition to the variables listed here, those processed by our runtime dependencies (such as SDL) also take effect, unless stated otherwise.

## Variables

### Virtual filesystem

* **TAISEI_RES_PATH** *(default: unset)*: if set, overrides the default **resource directory** path. This is where Taisei looks for game data. The default path is platform- and build-specific:
    * On **macOS**, it will be the `Contents/Resources/data` directory inside of the `` bundle.
    * On **Linux**, **\*BSD**, and most other **Unix**-like systems (without -DRELATIVE), it will be `$prefix/share/taisei`. This path is static and determined at compile time.
    * On **Windows** and other platforms when built with -DRELATIVE, it will be the `data` directory relative to the executable (or to whatever `SDL_GetBasePath` returns on the given platform).

* **TAISEI_STORAGE_PATH** *(default: unset)*: if set, overrides the default **storage directory** path. This is where Taisei saves your configuration, progress, screenshots and replays. Taisei also loads custom data from the `resources` subdirectory in there, if any, in addition to the stock assets. The custom resources shadow the default ones if the names clash. The default path is platform specific, and is equivalent to the return value of `SDL_GetPrefPath("", "taisei")`:
    * On **Windows**, it's `%APPDATA%\taisei`.
    * On **macOS**, it's `$HOME/Library/Application Support/taisei`.
    * On **Linux**, **\*BSD**, and most other **Unix**-like systems, it's `$XDG_DATA_HOME/taisei` or `$HOME/.local/share/taisei`.

### Resources

* **TAISEI_NOASYNC** *(default: `0`)*: if `1`, disables asynchronous loading. Increases loading times, might slightly reduce CPU and memory usage during loads. Generally not recommended unless you encounter a race condition bug, in which case you should report it.

* **TAISEI_NOUNLOAD** *(default: `0`)*: if `1`, loaded resources are never unloaded. Increases memory usage, reduces filesystem reads and loading times over time.

* **TAISEI_NOPRELOAD** *(default: `0`)*: if `1`, disables preloading. All resources are only loaded as they are needed. Reduces loading times and memory usage, but may cause stuttering during gameplay.

* **TAISEI_PRELOAD_REQUIRED** *(default: `0`)*: if `1`, the game will crash with an error message when it attempts to use a resource that hasn't been previously preloaded. Useful for developers to debug missing preloads. Doesn't affect optional resources.

### Video and OpenGL

* **TAISEI_PREFER_SDL_VIDEODRIVERS** *(default: wayland,mir,cocoa,windows,x11)*: List of SDL video backends that Taisei will attempt to use, in the specified order, before falling back to SDL's default. Entries may be separated by spaces, commas, colons, and semicolons. This variable is ignored if `SDL_VIDEODRIVER` is set.

* **TAISEI_VIDEO_DRIVER** *(**deprecated**; default: unset)*: Use `SDL_VIDEODRIVER` instead.

* **TAISEI_LIBGL** *(default: unset)*: OpenGL library to load instead of the default. The value has a platform-specific meaning (it's passed to the equivalent of `dlopen`). Takes precedence over `SDL_OPENGL_LIBRARY` if set. Has no effect if Taisei is linked to libgl (which is not recommended, because it's not portable).

* **TAISEI_GL_EXT_OVERRIDES** *(default: unset)*: Space-separated list of OpenGL extensions that are assumed to be supported, even if the driver says they aren't. Prefix an extension with `-` to invert this behaviour. Might be used to work around bugs in some weird/ancient/broken drivers, but your chances are slim. Also note that Taisei assumes many extensions to be available on any sane OpenGL 2.1+ implementation and doesn't test for them, so you can't disable code that uses those this way.

### Timing

* **TAISEI_HIRES_TIMER** *(default value: `1`)*: if `1`, try to use the system's high resolution timer to limit the game's framerate. Disabling this is not recommended; it will likely make Taisei run slower or faster than intended and the reported FPS will be less accurate.

* **TAISEI_FRAMELIMITER_SLEEP** *(default value: `0`)*: if over `0`, try to sleep this many milliseconds after every frame if it was processed quickly enough. This reduces CPU usage by having the game spend less time in a busy loop, but may hurt framerate stability if set too high, especially if the high resolution timer is disabled or not available.

* **TAISEI_FRAMELIMITER_SLEEP_EXACT** *(default value: `1`)*: if `1`, the framerate limiter will either try to sleep the exact amount of time set in `TAISEI_FRAMELIMITER_SLEEP`, or none at all. Mitigates the aforementioned framerate stability issues by effectively making `TAISEI_FRAMELIMITER_SLEEP` do nothing if the value is too high for your system.

### Logging

Taisei's logging system currently has four basic levels and works by dispatching messages to a few output handlers. Each handler has a level filter, which is configured by a separate environment variable. All of those variables work the same way: their value looks like an IRC mode string, and represents a modification of the handler's default settings. If this doesn't make sense, take a look at the *Examples* section.

#### The levels

* **Debug** (*d*) is the most verbose level. It contains random information about internal workings of the game and is disabled for release builds at source level.
* **Info** (*i*) logs some events that are expected to occur during normal operation, for example when a spell is unlocked or a screenshot is taken.
* **Warning** (*w*) alerts of non-critical errors, for example a missing optional resource, corrupted progress data, or failure to save a replay due to insufficient storage space or privileges.
* **Fatal Error** (*e*) is an irrecoverable failure condition. Such an event most likely signifies a programming error or a broken installation. The game will immediately crash after writing a message with this log level. On some platforms, it will also display a graphical message box.
* **All** (*a*): this is not a real log level, but a shortcut directive representing all possible log levels. See *Examples* for usage.

#### The variables

* **TAISEI_LOGLVLS_CONSOLE**: controls what goes to the console, both `stdout` and `stderr`. Defaults to *All* (`+a`). This is a master switch for the two variables below:
    * **TAISEI_LOGLVLS_STDOUT**: controls what goes to standard output. Defaults to *Debug and Info* (`+di`).
    * **TAISEI_LOGLVLS_STDERR**: controls what goes to standard error. Defaults to *Warning and Fatal Error* (`+we`).

* **TAISEI_LOGLVLS_FILE**: controls what goes into the log file (`{storage directory}/log.txt`). Defaults to *All* (`+a`).

* **TAISEI_LOGLVLS_BACKTRACE**: affects all outputs and controls which log levels produce a call stack trace upon printing a message. Only supported in Debug builds with glibc. Defaults to *Fatal Error* (`+e`).

#### Examples

* In release builds: print *Info* messages to stdout, in addition to *Warning*s and *Fatal Error*s as per default:

* In Debug builds: remove *Debug* and *Info* output from the console:

* Don't save anything to the log file:

* Don't print anything to the console:

* Don't save anything to the log file, except for *Warning*s:

* Print everything except *Debug* to `stderr`, nothing to `stdout`:

* In Debug builds: produce a stack trace for every *Warning* message, in addition to *Fatal Error*s as per default: