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    <div class="sect1" title="Server Optimization">
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            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="svn.serverconfig.optimization"></a>Server Optimization</h2>
      <p>Part of the due diligence when offering a service such as a
      Subversion server involves capacity planning and performance
      tuning.  Subversion doesn't tend to be particularly greedy in
      terms of server resources such as CPU cycles and memory, but any
      service can benefit from optimizations, especially when usage of
      the service skyrockets<sup>[<a id="idp17016096" href="#ftn.idp17016096" class="footnote">75</a>]</sup>.  In this section, we'll discuss
      some ways you can tweak your Subversion server configuration
      to offer even better performance and scalability.</p>
      <div class="sect2" title="Data Caching">
        <div class="titlepage">
              <h3 class="title"><a id="svn.serverconfig.optimization.caching"></a>Data Caching</h3>
        <p>Generally speaking, the most expensive part of a
        Subversion server's job is fetching data from the repository.
        Subversion 1.6 attempted to offset this cost by introducing
        some in-memory caching of certain classes of data read from
        the repository.  But Subversion 1.7 takes this a step further,
        not only caching the results of some of the more costly
        operations, but also by providing in each of the available
        servers the means by which fine-tune the size and some
        behaviors of the cache.</p>
        <p>For <span class="command"><strong>svnserve</strong></span>, you can specify the size
        of the cache using the <code class="option">--memory-cache-size</code>
        (<code class="option">-M</code>) command-line option.  You can also
        dictate whether <span class="command"><strong>svnserve</strong></span> should attempt to
        cache content fulltexts and deltas via the
        boolean <code class="option">--cache-fulltexts</code>
        and <code class="option">--cache-txdeltas</code> options,
        <div class="informalexample">
          <pre class="screen">
$ svnserve -d -r /path/to/repositories \
           --memory-cache-size 1024 \
           --cache-txdeltas yes \
           --cache-fulltexts yes
        <p><span class="command"><strong>mod_dav_svn</strong></span> provides the same degree of
        cache configurability via <code class="filename">httpd.conf</code>
        The <code class="literal">SVNInMemoryCacheSize</code>,
        <code class="literal">SVNCacheFullTexts</code>,
        and <code class="literal">SVNCacheTextDeltas</code> directives may be
        used at the server configuration level to control Subversion's
        data cache characteristics:</p>
        <div class="informalexample">
          <pre class="programlisting">
&lt;IfModule dav_svn_module&gt;
  # Enable a 1 Gb Subversion data cache for both fulltext and deltas.
  SVNInMemoryCacheSize 1048576
  SVNCacheTextDeltas On
  SVNCacheFullTexts On
        <p>So what settings should you use?  Certainly you need to
        consider what resources are available on your server.  To get
        any benefit out of the cache at all, you'll probably want to
        let the cache be at least large enough to hold all the files
        which are most commonly accessed in your repository (for
        example, your project's <code class="filename">trunk</code> directory
        <div class="tip" title="Tip" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
          <table border="0" summary="Tip">
              <td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="25">
                <img alt="[Tip]" src="images/tip.png" />
              <th align="left">Tip</th>
              <td align="left" valign="top">
                <p>Setting the memory cache size to <code class="literal">0</code>
          will disable this enhanced caching mechanism and cause
          Subversion to fall back to using the older cache mechanisms
          introduced in Subversion 1.6.</p>
        <div class="note" title="Note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
          <table border="0" summary="Note">
              <td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="25">
                <img alt="[Note]" src="images/note.png" />
              <th align="left">Note</th>
              <td align="left" valign="top">
                <p>Currently, only repositories which make use of the FSFS
          backend data store make use of this data caching
      <div class="sect2" title="Network Compression of Data">
        <div class="titlepage">
              <h3 class="title"><a id="svn.serverconfig.optimization.compression"></a>Network Compression of Data</h3>
        <p>Compressing the data transmitted across the wire can
        greatly reduce the size of those network transmissions, but
        comes at the cost of server (and client) CPU cycles.
        Depending on your server's CPU capacity, the typical access
        patterns of the clients who use your servers, and the
        bandwidth of the networks between them, you might wish to fine
        tune just how hard your server will work to compress the data
        it sends across the wire.  To assist with this fine tuning
        process, Subversion 1.7 offers
        the <code class="option">--compression</code> (<code class="option">-c</code>)
        option to <span class="command"><strong>svnserve</strong></span> and
        the <code class="literal">SVNCompressionLevel</code> directive
        for <span class="command"><strong>mod_dav_svn</strong></span>.  Both accept a value which
        is an integer between 0 and 9 (inclusive), where 9 offers the
        best compression of wire data, and 0 disables compression
        <p>For example, on a local area network (LAN) with 1-Gigabit
        connections, it might not make sense to have the server
        compress its network transmissions (which also forces the
        clients to decompress them), as the network itself is so fast
        that users won't really benefit from the smaller overall
        network payload.  On the other hand, servers which are
        accessed primarily by clients with low-bandwidth connections
        would be doing those clients a favor by minimizing the overall
        size of its network communications.</p>
      <div class="footnotes">
        <br />
        <hr width="100" align="left" />
        <div class="footnote">
          <p><sup>[<a id="ftn.idp17016096" href="#idp17016096" class="para">75</a>] </sup>In Subversion's case, the
      skyrocketing affect is, of course, due to its cool name.  Well,
      that and its popularity, reliability, ease of
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      <p>You are reading <em>Version Control with Subversion</em> (for
       Subversion 1.8), by Ben Collins-Sussman, Brian W. Fitzpatrick,
       and C. Michael Pilato.</p>
      <p>This work is licensed under
       the <a href="">Creative Commons Attribution License v2.0</a>.</p>
      <p>To submit comments, corrections, or other contributions to the
       text, please visit <a href=""></a>.</p>