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    <div class="sect1" title="Vendor Branches">
      <div class="titlepage">
            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="svn.advanced.vendorbr"></a>Vendor Branches</h2>
      <a id="idp12960016" class="indexterm"></a>
      <a id="idp12961504" class="indexterm"></a>As is especially the case when developing software, the data
      that you maintain under version control is often closely related
      to, or perhaps dependent upon, someone else's data.  Generally,
      the needs of your project will dictate that you stay as
      up to date as possible with the data provided by that external
      entity without sacrificing the stability of your own project.
      This scenario plays itself out all the time—anywhere that
      the information generated by one group of people has a direct
      effect on that which is generated by another group.</p>
      <p>For example, software developers might be working on an
      application that makes use of a third-party library.  Subversion
      has just such a relationship with the Apache Portable Runtime (APR)
      library (see <a class="xref" href="svn.developer.usingapi.html#svn.developer.usingapi.apr" title="The Apache Portable Runtime Library">the section called “The Apache Portable Runtime Library”</a>).
      The Subversion source code depends on the APR library for all
      its portability needs.  In earlier stages of Subversion's
      development, the project closely tracked APR's changing API,
      always sticking to the <span class="quote">“<span class="quote">bleeding edge</span>”</span> of the
      library's code churn.  Now that both APR and Subversion have
      matured, Subversion attempts to synchronize with APR's library
      API only at well-tested, stable release points.</p>
      <p>Now, if your project depends on someone else's information,
      you could attempt to synchronize that information with your own
      in several ways.  Most painfully, you could issue oral or
      written instructions to all the contributors of your project,
      telling them to make sure they have the specific versions of
      that third-party information that your project needs.  If the
      third-party information is maintained in a Subversion
      repository, you could also use Subversion's externals
      definitions to effectively <span class="quote">“<span class="quote">pin down</span>”</span> specific
      versions of that information to some location in your own
      working copy (see <a class="xref" href="svn.advanced.externals.html" title="Externals Definitions">the section called “Externals Definitions”</a>).</p>
      <p>But sometimes you want to maintain custom modifications to
      third-party code in your own version control system.  Returning
      to the software development example, programmers might need to
      make modifications to that third-party library for their own
      purposes.  These modifications might include new functionality
      or bug fixes, maintained internally only until they become part
      of an official release of the third-party library.  Or the
      changes might never be relayed back to the library maintainers,
      existing solely as custom tweaks to make the library further
      suit the needs of the software developers.</p>
      <p>Now you face an interesting situation.  Your project could
      house its custom modifications to the third-party data in some
      disjointed fashion, such as using patch files or full-fledged
      alternative versions of files and directories.  But these quickly
      become maintenance headaches, requiring some mechanism by which
      to apply your custom changes to the third-party code and
      necessitating regeneration of those changes with each successive
      version of the third-party code that you track.</p>
      <a id="idp12970944" class="indexterm"></a>The solution to this problem is to
      use <em class="firstterm">vendor branches</em>.  A vendor branch is
      a directory tree in your own version control system that
      contains information provided by a third-party entity, or
      vendor.  Each version of the vendor's data that you decide to
      absorb into your project is called a <em class="firstterm">vendor
      <p>Vendor branches provide two benefits.  First, by storing the
      currently supported vendor drop in your own version control
      system, you ensure that the members of your project never need
      to question whether they have the right version of the vendor's
      data.  They simply receive that correct version as part of their
      regular working copy updates.  Second, because the data lives in
      your own Subversion repository, you can store your custom
      changes to it in-place—you have no more need of an
      automated (or worse, manual) method for swapping in your
      <p>Unfortunately, there is no single best way to manage vendor
      branches in Subversion.  The flexibility of the system offers
      several different approaches, each of which has its advantages
      and disadvantages, and none of which can be clearly considered
      a <span class="quote">“<span class="quote">silver bullet</span>”</span> for the problem.  We'll cover a
      few of these approaches at a high level in the following
      sections, using the common example of a software project which
      depends on a third-party library.</p>
      <div class="sect2" title="General Vendor Branch Management Procedure">
        <div class="titlepage">
              <h3 class="title"><a id="svn.advanced.vendorbr.general"></a>General Vendor Branch Management Procedure</h3>
        <p>Maintaining customizations to a third-party library
        involves three data sources: the version of the third-party
        library upon which your modifications were last based, the
        customized version (that is, the actual vendor branch) of that
        library which is used by your project, and any new version of
        the vendor's library to which you may be hoping to upgrade.
        Managing the vendor branch (which should live within your
        source code repository per our definition of the thing), then,
        essentially boils down to performing merge operations (in the
        general sense).  But different teams take different approaches
        to the other data sources—the pristine versions of the
        third-party library code.  Thus, there are likewise different
        specific ways to perform the requisite merges.</p>
        <p>Strictly speaking, there are a couple of different ways
        that those merges can be performed in the general sense.  For
        the sake of simplicity and with the goal of at least providing
        <span class="emphasis"><em>something</em></span> concrete in this section of the
        book, we'll assume that there is but a single vendor branch
        which is upgraded to each successive new release of the
        third-party library by receiving updates that describe the
        differences between the current and new pristine versions of
        that library.</p>
        <div class="note" title="Note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
          <table border="0" summary="Note">
              <td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="25">
                <img alt="[Note]" src="images/note.png" />
              <th align="left">Note</th>
              <td align="left" valign="top">
                <p>Another approach is to create new vendor branches for
          each successive pristine library version, applying the
          differences between the current pristine library and the
          customized version thereof (from the current vendor branch)
          to the new branch.  There's nothing wrong with that
          approach—we just don't feel compelled to document
          every legitimate possibility in this space.</p>
        <p>The following sections examine how to create and manage a
        vendor branch in a few different scenarios.  In the examples
        which follow, we'll assume that the third-party library is
        called libcomplex, and that we will be implementing a vendor
        branch based on libcomplex 1.0.0 which lives in our repository
        at <code class="filename">^/vendor/libcomplex-custom</code>.  We'll
        then look at how we can upgrade to libcomplex 1.0.1 while
        still preserving our customizations to the library.</p>
      <div class="sect2" title="Vendor Branches from Foreign Repositories">
        <div class="titlepage">
              <h3 class="title"><a id="svn.advanced.vendorbr.foreign-repos"></a>Vendor Branches from Foreign Repositories</h3>
        <p>Let's look first at a vendor branch management approach
        that is possible when the original third-party library is
        itself Subversion-accessible.  For the sake of the example,
        we'll assume that the libcomplex library we previously
        discussed is developed in a publicly accessible Subversion
        repository, and that its developers use sane release
        procedures which include the creation of tags for each stable
        release version.</p>
        <a id="idp12985408" class="indexterm"></a>
        <a id="idp12986864" class="indexterm"></a>
        <a id="idp12988384" class="indexterm"></a>
        <a id="idp12989888" class="indexterm"></a>Since Subversion 1.5, <span class="command"><strong>svn merge</strong></span>
        has been able to perform so-called <em class="firstterm">foreign
        repository merges</em>, where the sources of the merge
        live in a different repository than the repository from which
        the merge target working copy was checked out.  And in
        Subversion 1.8, the behavior of <span class="command"><strong>svn copy</strong></span>
        was changed so that when you perform a copy from a foreign
        repository into an existing working copy, the resulting tree
        is incorporated into that working copy and scheduled for
        addition.  It's this <em class="firstterm">foreign repository
        copy</em> functionality that we'll use to bootstrap our
        vendor branch.</p>
        <p>So let's create our vendor branch.  We'll begin by
        creating a placeholder directory for all such vendor branches
        in our repository, and then checking out a working copy of
        that location.</p>
        <div class="informalexample">
          <pre class="screen">
$ svn mkdir \
            -m "Create a container for vendor branches."
Committed revision 1160.
$ svn checkout \
Checked out revision 1160.
        <p>Now, we'll take advantage of Subversion's foreign
        repository copy support to get an exact copy of libcomplex
        1.0.0—including any Subversion properties stored on its
        files and directories—from the vendor repository.</p>
        <div class="informalexample">
          <pre class="screen">
$ cd /path/to/vendor
$ svn copy \
--- Copying from foreign repository URL '\
A    libcomplex-custom
A    libcomplex-custom/README
A    libcomplex-custom/LICENSE
A    libcomplex-custom/src/code.c
A    libcomplex-custom/tests
A    libcomplex-custom/tests/TODO
$ svn commit -m "Initialize libcomplex vendor branch from libcomplex 1.0.0."
Adding         libcomplex-custom
Adding         libcomplex-custom/README
Adding         libcomplex-custom/LICENSE
Adding         libcomplex-custom/src
Adding         libcomplex-custom/src/code.h
Adding         libcomplex-custom/src/code.c
Transmitting file data .......................................
Committed revision 1161.
        <div class="note" title="Note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
          <table border="0" summary="Note">
              <td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="25">
                <img alt="[Note]" src="images/note.png" />
              <th align="left">Note</th>
              <td align="left" valign="top">
                <p>If you happen to be using an older version of
          Subversion, the closest available approximation of the new
          foreign repository copy support in <span class="command"><strong>svn
          copy</strong></span> is to instead import (via <span class="command"><strong>svn
          import</strong></span>) a working copy of the vendor's tag,
          including the <code class="option">--no-auto-props</code>
          and <code class="option">--no-ignore</code> options so that the
          complete tree and any of its versioned properties are
          accurately replicated in your own repository.</p>
        <p>Now that we have a vendor branch based on libcomplex 1.0.0,
        we can begin making the customizations to libcomplex required
        for our purposes, committing them directly to the vendor
        branch we've created.  And of course, we can begin using
        libcomplex in our own application.</p>
        <p>Some time later, libcomplex 1.0.1 is released.  After
        reviewing its changes, we decide we'd like to upgrade our
        vendor branch to the new version.  Here is where Subversion's
        foreign repository merge operation is useful.  We have in our
        vendor branch the original libcomplex 1.0.0 plus our
        customizations to it.  What we need now is to get the set of
        changes the vendor has made between 1.0.0 and 1.0.1 into our
        vendor branch, ideally without clobbering our own
        customizations.  This is precisely what the 2-URL form of
        the <span class="command"><strong>svn merge</strong></span> command is for.</p>
        <div class="informalexample">
          <pre class="screen">
$ cd /path/to/vendor
$ svn merge \
--- Merging differences between foreign repository URLs into '.':
U    libcomplex-custom/src/code.h
C    libcomplex-custom/src/code.c
U    libcomplex-custom/README
Summary of conflicts:
  Text conflicts: 1
Conflict discovered in file 'libcomplex-custom/src/code.c'.
Select: (p) postpone, (df) diff-full, (e) edit, (m) merge,
        (mc) mine-conflict, (tc) theirs-conflict, (s) show all options: 
        <p>As you can see, <span class="command"><strong>svn merge</strong></span> has merged
        the changes required to make libcomplex 1.0.0 look like
        libcomplex 1.0.1 into our working copy.  In our example, it has
        even noticed and flagged a conflict on one file.   It seems
        the vendor modified a region of one of the files we also
        customized.  Subversion safely detects this conflict, and
        gives us the opportunity to resolve it so that our
        customizations to what is now libcomplex 1.0.1 continue to
        make sense.  (See <a class="xref" href="svn.tour.cycle.html#svn.tour.cycle.resolve" title="Resolve Any Conflicts">the section called “Resolve Any Conflicts”</a>
        for more on resolving conflicts of this sort.)</p>
        <p>Once we've resolved the conflicts and performed any
        testing or review we need, we can commit the changes to our
        vendor branch.</p>
        <div class="informalexample">
          <pre class="screen">
$ svn status libcomplex-custom
M       libcomplex-custom/src/code.h
M       libcomplex-custom/src/code.c
M       libcomplex-custom/README
$ svn commit -m "Upgrade vendor branch to libcomplex 1.0.1." \
Sending        libcomplex-custom/README
Sending        libcomplex-custom/src/code.h
Sending        libcomplex-custom/src/code.c
Transmitting file data ...
Committed revision 1282.
        <p>That, in a nutshell, is how to manage vendor branches when
        the original source is Subversion-accessible.  There are some
        notable shortcomings, though.  First, foreign repository
        merges are not automatically tracked by Subversion itself like
        same-repository merges are.  This means the burden falls to
        the user to know which merges have been performed on their
        vendor branch, and just how to construct the next merge when
        upgrading that branch.  Also, as is the case for all of
        Subversion's merge support, renames in the merge sources can
        cause no small amount of complication and frustration.
        Unfortunately, at this time, we don't have a particularly
        solid recommendation to offer to alleviate that pain.</p>
      <div class="sect2" title="Vendor Branches from Mirrored Sources">
        <div class="titlepage">
              <h3 class="title"><a id="svn.advanced.vendorbr.mirrored-sources"></a>Vendor Branches from Mirrored Sources</h3>
        <p>In the previous section
        (<a class="xref" href="svn.advanced.vendorbr.html#svn.advanced.vendorbr.foreign-repos" title="Vendor Branches from Foreign Repositories">the section called “Vendor Branches from Foreign Repositories”</a>) we
        looked at how to implement and maintain a vendor branch when
        the vendor drops are accessible via Subversion, which is the
        ideal scenario when it comes to vendor branches.  Subversion
        is pretty good at handling merges of stuff that's been
        Subversion-managed.  Unfortunately, it's not always the case
        that third-party libraries are publicly accessible via
        Subversion.  Many times, a project depends on a library which
        is delivered via only non-Subversion mechanisms, such as a
        source code release distribution tarball.  In such
        circumstances, we strongly recommend that you do all you can
        to get that non-Subversion information into Subversion as
        cleanly as possible.  So let's examine an approach to vendor
        branches in which the third-party library's various releases
        are mirrored within our own repository.</p>
        <p>Setting up the vendor branch the first time is pretty
        simple, really.  For our example, we'll assume that libcomplex
        1.0.0 is delivered via the common tarball mechanism.  To
        create our vendor branch, we'll first get the contents of the
        libcomplex 1.0.0 tarball into our repository as a read-only
        (by convention only) vendor tag of sorts.</p>
        <div class="informalexample">
          <pre class="screen">
$ tar xvfz libcomplex-1.0.0.tar.gz
$ svn import libcomplex-1.0.0 \
             --no-ignore --no-auto-props \
             -m "Import libcomplex 1.0.0 sources."
Adding         libcomplex-custom
Adding         libcomplex-custom/README
Adding         libcomplex-custom/LICENSE
Adding         libcomplex-custom/src
Adding         libcomplex-custom/src/code.h
Adding         libcomplex-custom/src/code.c
Transmitting file data .......................................
Committed revision 1160.
        <p>Note that in our example, we used
        the <code class="option">--no-ignore</code> option during import so that
        Subversion is sure to pick up every file in the vendor drop
        and not to omit any of them.  We also supply
        the <code class="option">--no-auto-props</code> option so that our client
        doesn't manufacture property information which isn't present
        in the vendor drop.<sup>[<a id="idp13019936" href="#ftn.idp13019936" class="footnote">44</a>]</sup>.</p>
        <p>Now that the first vendor release drop is present in our
        repository, we can create our vendor branch from it just as we
        would create any other branch—using <span class="command"><strong>svn
        <div class="informalexample">
          <pre class="screen">
$ svn copy \
           -m "Initialize libcomplex vendor branch from libcomplex 1.0.0."
Committed revision 1161.
        <p>Okay.  At this point we have a vendor branch based on
        libcomplex 1.0.0.  We are now poised to begin making the
        customizations to libcomplex required for our
        purposes—committing them directly to the vendor branch
        we've created—and then to start using our customized
        libcomplex in our own application.</p>
        <p>Some time later, libcomplex 1.0.1 is released.  After
        reviewing its changes, we decide we'd like to upgrade our
        vendor branch to the new version.  In order to perform that
        upgrade on our branch, we need to essentially apply the same
        set of changes the vendor has made between 1.0.0 and 1.0.1 to
        our vendor branch without clobbering our own customizations.
        The safest way to perform that application is to first get
        libcomplex 1.0.1 into our repository <span class="emphasis"><em>as a delta
        against the libcomplex 1.0.0 code in our
        repository</em></span>.  Afterwards, we'll use the 2-URL form
        of the <span class="command"><strong>svn merge</strong></span> command to replicate those
        same changes into our vendor branch.</p>
        <p>As it turns out, there are several different approaches we
        can take to to get libcomplex 1.0.1 into our repository in the
        right way.<sup>[<a id="idp13026656" href="#ftn.idp13026656" class="footnote">45</a>]</sup>  The approach we'll describe here
        is relatively rudimentary, but it will serve our illustrative
        <p>Remember, we want our mirror of the libcomplex 1.0.1
        vendor drop to share ancestry with our 1.0.0 vendor drop,
        which will produce the best results later when we need to
        merge the changes between those drops to our vendor branch.
        So we'll start by creating a libcomplex-1.0.1 branch as copy
        of our previously created libcomplex-1.0.0 <span class="quote">“<span class="quote">vendor
        tag</span>”</span>—a copy which will eventually become a
        replica of libcomplex 1.0.1.</p>
        <div class="informalexample">
          <pre class="screen">
$ svn copy \
           -m "Setup a construction zone for libcomplex 1.0.1."
Committed revision 1282.
        <p>What we need now is to make a working copy of our
        libcomplex-1.0.1 branch, and then to make it actually look
        like libcomplex 1.0.1.  To do this, we'll take advantage of
        the fact that <span class="command"><strong>svn checkout</strong></span> can overlay an
        existing directory and, if the <code class="option">--force</code> option
        is provided, do so in manner that allows the differences
        between the checked-out tree and the target tree that the
        checkout overlayed to remain as local modifications in the new
        working copy.</p>
        <div class="informalexample">
          <pre class="screen">
$ tar xvfz libcomplex-1.0.1.tar.gz
$ svn checkout \
               libcomplex-1.0.1 \
E    libcomplex-1.0.1/README
E    libcomplex-1.0.1/LICENSE
E    libcomplex-1.0.1/INSTALL
E    libcomplex-1.0.1/src/code.c
E    libcomplex-1.0.1/tests
E    libcomplex-1.0.1/tests/TODO
Checked out revision 1282.
$ svn status libcomplex-1.0.1
M       libcomplex-1.0.1/src/code.h
M       libcomplex-1.0.1/src/code.c
M       libcomplex-1.0.1/README
        <p>As you can see, after checking out what was really
        libcomplex 1.0.0 atop the libcomplex 1.0.1 exploded tarball,
        we are left with a working copy that contains local
        modifications—those modifications required to morph our
        previous vendor release drop into our new one.</p>
        <p>Admittedly, this is a pretty simple example.  The changes
        required to perform this particular upgrade involved merely
        content changes to existing files.  In reality, new versions
        of third-party libraries might also add or remove files or
        directories, might rename files or directories, and so on.  In
        those situations, it can be much more challenging to morph the
        new vendor tag into a state where it accurately reflects the
        vendor drop it claims to reflect.  We'll leave the details of
        such transformations as an exercise to the
        reader.<sup>[<a id="idp13036816" href="#ftn.idp13036816" class="footnote">46</a>]</sup></p>
        <p>However we make it happen, once our new vendor tag working
        copy is reconciled with the original source distribution, we
        can commit those changes to our repository.</p>
        <div class="informalexample">
          <pre class="screen">
$ svn commit -m "Upgrade vendor branch to libcomplex 1.0.1." \
Sending        libcomplex-custom/README
Sending        libcomplex-custom/src/code.h
Sending        libcomplex-custom/src/code.c
Transmitting file data ...
Committed revision 1283.
        <p>We're finally ready to upgrade our vendor branch.
        Remember, our goal is to get the changes made by the vendor
        between the 1.0.0 and 1.0.1 releases of their library into our
        vendor branch.  There is where a 2-URL <span class="command"><strong>svn
        merge</strong></span> operation, applied to a working copy of our
        vendor branch, comes into play.</p>
        <div class="informalexample">
          <pre class="screen">
$ svn checkout \
E    libcomplex-custom/README
E    libcomplex-custom/LICENSE
E    libcomplex-custom/INSTALL
E    libcomplex-custom/src/code.c
E    libcomplex-custom/tests
E    libcomplex-custom/tests/TODO
Checked out revision 1283.
$ cd libcomplex-custom
$ svn merge ^/vendor/libcomplex-1.0.0 \
--- Merging differences between URLs into '.':
U    src/code.h
C    src/code.c
Summary of conflicts:
  Text conflicts: 1
Conflict discovered in file 'src/code.c'.
Select: (p) postpone, (df) diff-full, (e) edit, (m) merge,
        (mc) mine-conflict, (tc) theirs-conflict, (s) show all options: 
        <p>As you can see, <span class="command"><strong>svn merge</strong></span> has merged
        the requisite changes into our working copy, flagging a
        conflict where the vendor modified the same region of one of
        the files as we did during our customizations.  Subversion
        detects this conflict, and gives us the opportunity to resolve
        it (using the methods described in
        <a class="xref" href="svn.tour.cycle.html#svn.tour.cycle.resolve" title="Resolve Any Conflicts">the section called “Resolve Any Conflicts”</a>) so that our
        customizations to what is now libcomplex 1.0.1 continue to
        make sense.  Once we've resolved the conflicts and performed
        any testing or review we need, we can commit the changes to
        our vendor branch.</p>
        <div class="informalexample">
          <pre class="screen">
$ svn status
M       src/code.h
M       src/code.c
M       README
$ svn commit -m "Upgrade vendor branch to libcomplex 1.0.1."
Sending        README
Sending        src/code.h
Sending        src/code.c
Transmitting file data ...
Committed revision 1284.
        <p>Our vendor branch upgrade is complete.  And the next time
        we need to upgrade that branch, we'll follow the same
        procedure we used to upgrade it this time.</p>
      <div class="footnotes">
        <br />
        <hr width="100" align="left" />
        <div class="footnote">
          <p><sup>[<a id="ftn.idp13019936" href="#idp13019936" class="para">44</a>] </sup>Technically, we could let
        the auto-props feature do its thing, but the key to making
        that work well is ensuring that each vendor drop gets
        identical auto-prop treatment.</p>
        <div class="footnote">
          <p><sup>[<a id="ftn.idp13026656" href="#idp13026656" class="para">45</a>] </sup>Using another <span class="command"><strong>svn
        import</strong></span> operation would be
        an <span class="emphasis"><em>incorrect</em></span> approach, as the libcomplex
        1.0.0 and 1.0.1 branches would not have any common
        <div class="footnote">
          <p><sup>[<a id="ftn.idp13036816" href="#idp13036816" class="para">46</a>] </sup>Here's a hint, though: <strong class="userinput"><code>svn
        add --force /path/to/working-copy --no-ignore
        --no-auto-props</code></strong> is super handy for adding any new
        vendor drop items to version control in this
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      <p>You are reading <em>Version Control with Subversion</em> (for
       Subversion 1.8), by Ben Collins-Sussman, Brian W. Fitzpatrick,
       and C. Michael Pilato.</p>
      <p>This work is licensed under
       the <a href="">Creative Commons Attribution License v2.0</a>.</p>
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