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  <title>Runtime Configuration</title>

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 <h2 class="title">Runtime Configuration</h2>
 <p class="simpara">
The behaviour of these functions is affected by settings in <var class="filename">php.ini</var>.
 <p class="para">
  <table class="doctable table">
   <caption><strong>Errors and Logging Configuration Options</strong></caption>


    <tbody class="tbody">
     <td><a href="errorfunc.configuration.html#ini.error-reporting" class="link">error_reporting</a></td>
     <td class="empty">&nbsp;</td>

     <td><a href="errorfunc.configuration.html#ini.display-errors" class="link">display_errors</a></td>
     <td class="empty">&nbsp;</td>

     <td><a href="errorfunc.configuration.html#ini.display-startup-errors" class="link">display_startup_errors</a></td>
     <td class="empty">&nbsp;</td>

     <td><a href="errorfunc.configuration.html#ini.log-errors" class="link">log_errors</a></td>
     <td class="empty">&nbsp;</td>

     <td><a href="errorfunc.configuration.html#ini.log-errors-max-len" class="link">log_errors_max_len</a></td>
     <td>Available since PHP 4.3.0.</td>

     <td><a href="errorfunc.configuration.html#ini.ignore-repeated-errors" class="link">ignore_repeated_errors</a></td>
     <td>Available since PHP 4.3.0.</td>

     <td><a href="errorfunc.configuration.html#ini.ignore-repeated-source" class="link">ignore_repeated_source</a></td>
     <td>Available since PHP 4.3.0.</td>

     <td><a href="" class="link">report_memleaks</a></td>
     <td>Available since PHP 4.3.0.</td>

     <td><a href="errorfunc.configuration.html#ini.track-errors" class="link">track_errors</a></td>
     <td class="empty">&nbsp;</td>

     <td><a href="errorfunc.configuration.html#ini.html-errors" class="link">html_errors</a></td>
     <td>PHP_INI_SYSTEM in PHP &lt;= 4.2.3.</td>

     <td><a href="errorfunc.configuration.html#ini.xmlrpc-errors" class="link">xmlrpc_errors</a></td>
     <td>Available since PHP 4.1.0.</td>

     <td><a href="errorfunc.configuration.html#ini.xmlrpc-error-number" class="link">xmlrpc_error_number</a></td>
     <td>Available since PHP 4.1.0.</td>

     <td><a href="errorfunc.configuration.html#ini.docref-root" class="link">docref_root</a></td>
     <td>Available since PHP 4.3.0.</td>

     <td><a href="errorfunc.configuration.html#ini.docref-ext" class="link">docref_ext</a></td>
     <td>Available since PHP 4.3.2.</td>

     <td><a href="errorfunc.configuration.html#ini.error-prepend-string" class="link">error_prepend_string</a></td>
     <td class="empty">&nbsp;</td>

     <td><a href="errorfunc.configuration.html#ini.error-append-string" class="link">error_append_string</a></td>
     <td class="empty">&nbsp;</td>

     <td><a href="errorfunc.configuration.html#ini.error-log" class="link">error_log</a></td>
     <td class="empty">&nbsp;</td>


  For further details and definitions of the
PHP_INI_* modes, see the <a href="configuration.changes.modes.html" class="xref">Where a configuration setting may be set</a>.

 <p class="para">Here&#039;s a short explanation of
the configuration directives.</p>

 <p class="para">

    <dt id="ini.error-reporting">
     <code class="parameter">error_reporting</code>
     <span class="type"><a href="language.types.integer.html" class="type integer">integer</a></span>


     <p class="para">
      Set the error reporting level. The parameter is either an integer
      representing a bit field, or named constants. The error_reporting
      levels and constants are described in
      <a href="errorfunc.constants.html" class="link">Predefined Constants</a>,
      and in <var class="filename">php.ini</var>. To set at runtime, use the
      <span class="function"><a href="function.error-reporting.html" class="function">error_reporting()</a></span> function. See also the
      <a href="errorfunc.configuration.html#ini.display-errors" class="link">display_errors</a> directive.
     <p class="para">
      PHP 5.3 or later, the default value
      is <strong><code>E_ALL</code></strong> &amp;
      ~<strong><code>E_NOTICE</code></strong> &amp;
      ~<strong><code>E_STRICT</code></strong> &amp;
      ~<strong><code>E_DEPRECATED</code></strong>. This setting does not
      show <strong><code>E_NOTICE</code></strong>, <strong><code>E_STRICT</code></strong>
      and <strong><code>E_DEPRECATED</code></strong> level errors. You may want
      to show them during development. 
      Prior to PHP 5.3.0, the default value
      is <strong><code>E_ALL</code></strong> &amp;
      ~<strong><code>E_NOTICE</code></strong> &amp;
      In PHP 4 the default value is <strong><code>E_ALL</code></strong>
      &amp; ~<strong><code>E_NOTICE</code></strong>.
     <blockquote class="note"><p><strong class="note">Note</strong>: 
      <p class="para">Enabling <strong><code>E_NOTICE</code></strong> during development has
      some benefits. For debugging purposes: NOTICE messages will warn you
      about possible bugs in your code. For example, use of unassigned values
      is warned. It is extremely useful to find typos and
      to save time for debugging. NOTICE messages will warn you about bad style.
      For example, <em>$arr[item]</em> is better to be written as
      <em>$arr[&#039;item&#039;]</em> since PHP tries to treat
      <em>&quot;item&quot;</em> as constant. If it is not a constant, PHP assumes
      it is a string index for the array.
     <blockquote class="note"><p><strong class="note">Note</strong>: 
      <p class="para">
       In PHP 5 a new error level <strong><code>E_STRICT</code></strong> is available.
       Prior to PHP 5.4.0 <strong><code>E_STRICT</code></strong> was not included within
       <strong><code>E_ALL</code></strong>, so you would have to explicitly enable this kind of
       error level in PHP &lt; 5.4.0. Enabling <strong><code>E_STRICT</code></strong> during development
       has some benefits. STRICT messages provide suggestions that can help
       ensure the best interoperability and forward compatibility of your code.
       These messages may include things such as calling non-static methods
       statically, defining properties in a compatible class definition while
       defined in a used trait, and prior to PHP 5.3 some deprecated features
       would issue <strong><code>E_STRICT</code></strong> errors such as assigning
       objects by reference upon instantiation.
     <blockquote class="note"><p><strong class="note">Note</strong>: 
      <strong>PHP Constants outside of PHP</strong><br />
      <p class="para">
       Using PHP Constants outside of PHP, like in <var class="filename">httpd.conf</var>,
       will have no useful meaning so in such cases the <span class="type"><a href="language.types.integer.html" class="type integer">integer</a></span> values 
       are required. And since error levels will be added over time, the maximum
       value (for <strong><code>E_ALL</code></strong>) will likely change. So in place of
       <strong><code>E_ALL</code></strong> consider using a larger value to cover all bit
       fields from now and well into the future, a numeric value like
       <em>2147483647</em> (includes all errors, not just


    <dt id="ini.display-errors">
     <code class="parameter">display_errors</code>
     <span class="type"><a href="language.types.string.html" class="type string">string</a></span>


     <p class="para">
      This determines whether errors should be printed to the screen
      as part of the output or if they should be hidden from the user.
     <p class="para">
      Value <em>&quot;stderr&quot;</em> sends the errors to <em>stderr</em>
      instead of <em>stdout</em>. The value is available as of PHP
      5.2.4. In earlier versions, this directive was of type <span class="type"><a href="language.types.boolean.html" class="type boolean">boolean</a></span>.
     <blockquote class="note"><p><strong class="note">Note</strong>: 
      <p class="para">
      This is a feature to support your development and should never be used 
      on production systems (e.g. systems connected to the internet).
     <blockquote class="note"><p><strong class="note">Note</strong>: 
      <p class="para">
       Although display_errors may be set at runtime (with <span class="function"><a href="function.ini-set.html" class="function">ini_set()</a></span>),
       it won&#039;t have any effect if the script has fatal errors.
       This is because the desired runtime action does not get executed.


    <dt id="ini.display-startup-errors">
     <code class="parameter">display_startup_errors</code>
     <span class="type"><a href="language.types.boolean.html" class="type boolean">boolean</a></span>


     <p class="para">
      Even when display_errors is on, errors that occur during PHP&#039;s startup
      sequence are not displayed. It&#039;s strongly recommended to keep
      display_startup_errors off, except for debugging.


    <dt id="ini.log-errors">
     <code class="parameter">log_errors</code>
     <span class="type"><a href="language.types.boolean.html" class="type boolean">boolean</a></span>


     <p class="para">
      Tells whether script error messages should be logged to the
      server&#039;s error log or <a href="errorfunc.configuration.html#ini.error-log" class="link">error_log</a>.
      This option is thus server-specific.
     <blockquote class="note"><p><strong class="note">Note</strong>: 
      <p class="para">
       You&#039;re strongly advised to use error logging in place of
       error displaying on production web sites.


    <dt id="ini.log-errors-max-len">
     <code class="parameter">log_errors_max_len</code>
     <span class="type"><a href="language.types.integer.html" class="type integer">integer</a></span>


     <p class="para">
      Set the maximum length of log_errors in bytes. In
      <a href="errorfunc.configuration.html#ini.error-log" class="link">error_log</a> information about
      the source is added. The default is 1024 and 0 allows to not apply
      any maximum length at all.
      This length is applied to logged errors, displayed errors and also to
      <var class="varname"><var class="varname"><a href="reserved.variables.phperrormsg.html" class="classname">$php_errormsg</a></var></var>, but not to explicitly called functions
      such as <span class="function"><a href="function.error-log.html" class="function">error_log()</a></span>.

     <span class="simpara">When an <span class="type"><a href="language.types.integer.html" class="type integer">integer</a></span> is used, the
value is measured in bytes. Shorthand notation, as described
in <a href="faq.using.html#faq.using.shorthandbytes" class="link">this FAQ</a>, may also be used.



    <dt id="ini.ignore-repeated-errors">
     <code class="parameter">ignore_repeated_errors</code>
     <span class="type"><a href="language.types.boolean.html" class="type boolean">boolean</a></span>


     <p class="para">
      Do not log repeated messages. Repeated errors must occur in the same
      file on the same line unless
      <a href="errorfunc.configuration.html#ini.ignore-repeated-source" class="link">ignore_repeated_source</a>
      is set true.


    <dt id="ini.ignore-repeated-source">
     <code class="parameter">ignore_repeated_source</code>
     <span class="type"><a href="language.types.boolean.html" class="type boolean">boolean</a></span>


     <p class="para">
      Ignore source of message when ignoring repeated messages. When this setting
      is On you will not log errors with repeated messages from different files or


    <dt id="">
     <code class="parameter">report_memleaks</code>
     <span class="type"><a href="language.types.boolean.html" class="type boolean">boolean</a></span>


     <p class="para">
      If this parameter is set to On (the default), this parameter will show a
      report of memory leaks detected by the Zend memory manager. This report
      will be send to stderr on Posix platforms. On Windows, it will be send
      to the debugger using OutputDebugString(), and can be viewed with tools
      like <a href="" class="link external">&raquo;&nbsp;DbgView</a>.
      This parameter only has effect in a debug build, and if
      error_reporting includes <strong><code>E_WARNING</code></strong> in the allowed


    <dt id="ini.track-errors">
     <code class="parameter">track_errors</code>
     <span class="type"><a href="language.types.boolean.html" class="type boolean">boolean</a></span>


     <p class="para">
      If enabled, the last error message will always be present in the
      variable <var class="varname"><var class="varname"><a href="reserved.variables.phperrormsg.html" class="classname">$php_errormsg</a></var></var>.


    <dt id="ini.html-errors">
     <code class="parameter">html_errors</code>
     <span class="type"><a href="language.types.boolean.html" class="type boolean">boolean</a></span>


     <p class="para">
      If enabled, error messages will include HTML tags. The format for HTML
      errors produces clickable messages that direct the user to a page
      describing the error or function in causing the error. These references
      are affected by
      <a href="errorfunc.configuration.html#ini.docref-root" class="link">docref_root</a> and
      <a href="errorfunc.configuration.html#ini.docref-ext" class="link">docref_ext</a>.
     <p class="para">
      If disabled, error message will be solely plain text.


    <dt id="ini.xmlrpc-errors">
     <code class="parameter">xmlrpc_errors</code>
     <span class="type"><a href="language.types.boolean.html" class="type boolean">boolean</a></span>


     <p class="para">
      If enabled, turns off normal error reporting and formats errors as
      XML-RPC error message.


    <dt id="ini.xmlrpc-error-number">
     <code class="parameter">xmlrpc_error_number</code>
     <span class="type"><a href="language.types.integer.html" class="type integer">integer</a></span>


     <p class="para">
      Used as the value of the XML-RPC faultCode element.


    <dt id="ini.docref-root">
     <code class="parameter">docref_root</code>
     <span class="type"><a href="language.types.string.html" class="type string">string</a></span>


     <p class="para">
      The new error format contains a reference to a page describing the error or 
      function causing the error. In case of manual pages you can download the 
      manual in your language and set this ini directive to the URL of your local
      copy. If your local copy of the manual can be reached by <em>&quot;/manual/&quot;</em>
      you can simply use <strong class="userinput"><code>docref_root=/manual/</code></strong>. Additional you have 
      to set docref_ext to match the fileextensions of your copy 
      <strong class="userinput"><code>docref_ext=.html</code></strong>. It is possible to use external 
      references. For example you can use 
      <strong class="userinput"><code>docref_root=http://manual/en/</code></strong> or
      <strong class="userinput"><code>docref_root=&quot;;theme=classic&amp;filter=Landon
     <p class="para">
      Most of the time you want the docref_root value to end with a slash <em>&quot;/&quot;</em>.
      But see the second example above which does not have nor need it.
     <blockquote class="note"><p><strong class="note">Note</strong>: 
      <p class="para">
       This is a feature to support your development since it makes it easy to 
       lookup a function description. However it should never be used on 
       production systems (e.g. systems connected to the internet).


    <dt id="ini.docref-ext">
     <code class="parameter">docref_ext</code>
     <span class="type"><a href="language.types.string.html" class="type string">string</a></span>


     <p class="para">
      See <a href="errorfunc.configuration.html#ini.docref-root" class="link">docref_root</a>.
     <blockquote class="note"><p><strong class="note">Note</strong>: 
      <p class="para">
       The value of docref_ext must begin with a dot <em>&quot;.&quot;</em>.


    <dt id="ini.error-prepend-string">
     <code class="parameter">error_prepend_string</code>
     <span class="type"><a href="language.types.string.html" class="type string">string</a></span>


     <p class="para">
      String to output before an error message.


    <dt id="ini.error-append-string">
     <code class="parameter">error_append_string</code>
     <span class="type"><a href="language.types.string.html" class="type string">string</a></span>


     <p class="para">
      String to output after an error message.


    <dt id="ini.error-log">
     <code class="parameter">error_log</code>
     <span class="type"><a href="language.types.string.html" class="type string">string</a></span>


     <p class="para">
      Name of the file where script errors should be logged. The file should
      be writable by the web server&#039;s user. If the
      special value <em>syslog</em> is used, the errors
      are sent to the system logger instead. On Unix, this means
      syslog(3) and on Windows it means the event log. See also:
      <span class="function"><a href="function.syslog.html" class="function">syslog()</a></span>.
      If this directive is not set, errors are sent to the SAPI error logger. 
      For example, it is an error log in Apache or <em>stderr</em>
      in CLI.
      See also <span class="function"><a href="function.error-log.html" class="function">error_log()</a></span>.



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