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<span id="django-1-2-2-release-notes"></span><h1>Django 1.2.2 release notes<a class="headerlink" href="#django-1-2-2-release-notes" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1>
<p>Welcome to Django 1.2.2!</p>
<p>This is the second “bugfix” release in the Django 1.2 series,
improving the stability and performance of the Django 1.2 codebase.</p>
<p>Django 1.2.2 maintains backwards compatibility with Django
1.2.1, but contain a number of fixes and other
improvements. Django 1.2.2 is a recommended upgrade for any
development or deployment currently using or targeting Django 1.2.</p>
<p>For full details on the new features, backwards incompatibilities, and
deprecated features in the 1.2 branch, see the <a class="reference internal" href="1.2.html"><span class="doc">Django 1.2 release notes</span></a>.</p>
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<span id="one-new-feature"></span><h2>One new feature<a class="headerlink" href="#one-new-feature" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
<p>Ordinarily, a point release would not include new features, but in the
case of Django 1.2.2, we have made an exception to this rule.</p>
<p>In order to test a bug fix that forms part of the 1.2.2 release, it
was necessary to add a feature – the <code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">enforce_csrf_checks</span></code> flag –
to the <a class="reference internal" href="../topics/testing/tools.html#test-client"><span class="std std-ref">test client</span></a>. This flag forces
the test client to perform full CSRF checks on forms. The default
behavior of the test client hasn’t changed, but if you want to do
CSRF checks with the test client, it is now possible to do so.</p>

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              <h3>Last update:</h3>
              <p class="topless">Feb 11, 2019</p>

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