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<a name="File-Archiving-Utilities-1"></a>
<h3 class="section">36.3 File Archiving Utilities</h3>

<a name="XREFbunzip2"></a><dl>
<dt><a name="index-bunzip2"></a><em></em> <strong>bunzip2</strong> <em>(<var>bzfile</var>)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-bunzip2-1"></a><em></em> <strong>bunzip2</strong> <em>(<var>bzfile</var>, <var>dir</var>)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-bunzip2-2"></a><em><var>filelist</var> =</em> <strong>bunzip2</strong> <em>(&hellip;)</em></dt>
<dd><p>Unpack the bzip2 archive <var>bzfile</var>.
<p>If <var>dir</var> is specified the files are unpacked in this directory rather
than the one where <var>bzfile</var> is located.
<p>The optional output <var>filelist</var> is a list of the uncompressed files.
<p><strong>See also:</strong> <a href="#XREFbzip2">bzip2</a>, <a href="#XREFunpack">unpack</a>, <a href="#XREFgunzip">gunzip</a>, <a href="#XREFunzip">unzip</a>, <a href="#XREFuntar">untar</a>.

<a name="XREFgzip"></a><dl>
<dt><a name="index-gzip"></a><em><var>filelist</var> =</em> <strong>gzip</strong> <em>(<var>files</var>)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-gzip-1"></a><em><var>filelist</var> =</em> <strong>gzip</strong> <em>(<var>files</var>, <var>dir</var>)</em></dt>
<dd><p>Compress the list of files and directories specified in <var>files</var>.
<p><var>files</var> is a character array or cell array of strings.  Shell wildcards
in the filename such as &lsquo;<samp>*</samp>&rsquo; or &lsquo;<samp>?</samp>&rsquo; are accepted and expanded.
Each file is compressed separately and a new file with a <samp>&quot;.gz&quot;</samp>
extension is created.  The original files are not modified, but existing
compressed files will be silently overwritten.  If a directory is
specified then <code>gzip</code> recursively compresses all files in the
<p>If <var>dir</var> is defined the compressed files are placed in this directory,
rather than the original directory where the uncompressed file resides.
Note that this does not replicate a directory tree in <var>dir</var> which may
lead to files overwriting each other if there are multiple files with the
same name.
<p>If <var>dir</var> does not exist it is created.
<p>The optional output <var>filelist</var> is a list of the compressed files.
<p><strong>See also:</strong> <a href="#XREFgunzip">gunzip</a>, <a href="#XREFunpack">unpack</a>, <a href="#XREFbzip2">bzip2</a>, <a href="#XREFzip">zip</a>, <a href="#XREFtar">tar</a>.

<a name="XREFgunzip"></a><dl>
<dt><a name="index-gunzip"></a><em></em> <strong>gunzip</strong> <em>(<var>gzfile</var>)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-gunzip-1"></a><em></em> <strong>gunzip</strong> <em>(<var>gzfile</var>, <var>dir</var>)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-gunzip-2"></a><em><var>filelist</var> =</em> <strong>gunzip</strong> <em>(&hellip;)</em></dt>
<dd><p>Unpack the gzip archive <var>gzfile</var>.
<p>If <var>gzfile</var> is a directory, all gzfiles in the directory will be
recursively unpacked.
<p>If <var>dir</var> is specified the files are unpacked in this directory rather
than the one where <var>gzfile</var> is located.
<p>The optional output <var>filelist</var> is a list of the uncompressed files.
<p><strong>See also:</strong> <a href="#XREFgzip">gzip</a>, <a href="#XREFunpack">unpack</a>, <a href="#XREFbunzip2">bunzip2</a>, <a href="#XREFunzip">unzip</a>, <a href="#XREFuntar">untar</a>.

<a name="XREFtar"></a><dl>
<dt><a name="index-tar"></a><em><var>filelist</var> =</em> <strong>tar</strong> <em>(<var>tarfile</var>, <var>files</var>)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-tar-1"></a><em><var>filelist</var> =</em> <strong>tar</strong> <em>(<var>tarfile</var>, <var>files</var>, <var>rootdir</var>)</em></dt>
<dd><p>Pack the list of files and directories specified in <var>files</var> into the
TAR archive <var>tarfile</var>.
<p><var>files</var> is a character array or cell array of strings.  Shell wildcards
in the filename such as &lsquo;<samp>*</samp>&rsquo; or &lsquo;<samp>?</samp>&rsquo; are accepted and expanded.
Directories are recursively traversed and all files are added to the
<p>If <var>rootdir</var> is defined then any files without absolute pathnames are
located relative to <var>rootdir</var> rather than the current directory.
<p>The optional output <var>filelist</var> is a list of the files that were included
in the archive.
<p><strong>See also:</strong> <a href="#XREFuntar">untar</a>, <a href="#XREFunpack">unpack</a>, <a href="#XREFbzip2">bzip2</a>, <a href="#XREFgzip">gzip</a>, <a href="#XREFzip">zip</a>.

<a name="XREFuntar"></a><dl>
<dt><a name="index-untar"></a><em></em> <strong>untar</strong> <em>(<var>tarfile</var>)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-untar-1"></a><em></em> <strong>untar</strong> <em>(<var>tarfile</var>, <var>dir</var>)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-untar-2"></a><em><var>filelist</var> =</em> <strong>untar</strong> <em>(&hellip;)</em></dt>
<dd><p>Unpack the TAR archive <var>tarfile</var>.
<p>If <var>dir</var> is specified the files are unpacked in this directory rather
than the one where <var>tarfile</var> is located.
<p>The optional output <var>filelist</var> is a list of the uncompressed files.
<p><strong>See also:</strong> <a href="#XREFtar">tar</a>, <a href="#XREFunpack">unpack</a>, <a href="#XREFbunzip2">bunzip2</a>, <a href="#XREFgunzip">gunzip</a>, <a href="#XREFunzip">unzip</a>.

<a name="XREFzip"></a><dl>
<dt><a name="index-zip"></a><em><var>filelist</var> =</em> <strong>zip</strong> <em>(<var>zipfile</var>, <var>files</var>)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-zip-1"></a><em><var>filelist</var> =</em> <strong>zip</strong> <em>(<var>zipfile</var>, <var>files</var>, <var>rootdir</var>)</em></dt>
<dd><p>Compress the list of files and directories specified in <var>files</var> into the
ZIP archive <var>zipfile</var>.
<p><var>files</var> is a character array or cell array of strings.  Shell
wildcards in the filename such as &lsquo;<samp>*</samp>&rsquo; or &lsquo;<samp>?</samp>&rsquo; are accepted and
expanded.  Directories are recursively traversed and all files are
compressed and added to the archive.
<p>If <var>rootdir</var> is defined then any files without absolute pathnames are
located relative to <var>rootdir</var> rather than the current directory.
<p>The optional output <var>filelist</var> is a list of the files that were included
in the archive.
<p><strong>See also:</strong> <a href="#XREFunzip">unzip</a>, <a href="#XREFunpack">unpack</a>, <a href="#XREFbzip2">bzip2</a>, <a href="#XREFgzip">gzip</a>, <a href="#XREFtar">tar</a>.

<a name="XREFunzip"></a><dl>
<dt><a name="index-unzip"></a><em></em> <strong>unzip</strong> <em>(<var>zipfile</var>)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-unzip-1"></a><em></em> <strong>unzip</strong> <em>(<var>zipfile</var>, <var>dir</var>)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-unzip-2"></a><em><var>filelist</var> =</em> <strong>unzip</strong> <em>(&hellip;)</em></dt>
<dd><p>Unpack the ZIP archive <var>zipfile</var>.
<p>If <var>dir</var> is specified the files are unpacked in this directory rather
than the one where <var>zipfile</var> is located.
<p>The optional output <var>filelist</var> is a list of the uncompressed files.
<p><strong>See also:</strong> <a href="#XREFzip">zip</a>, <a href="#XREFunpack">unpack</a>, <a href="#XREFbunzip2">bunzip2</a>, <a href="#XREFgunzip">gunzip</a>, <a href="#XREFuntar">untar</a>.

<a name="XREFunpack"></a><dl>
<dt><a name="index-unpack"></a><em><var>files</var> =</em> <strong>unpack</strong> <em>(<var>file</var>)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-unpack-1"></a><em><var>files</var> =</em> <strong>unpack</strong> <em>(<var>file</var>, <var>dir</var>)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-unpack-2"></a><em><var>files</var> =</em> <strong>unpack</strong> <em>(<var>file</var>, <var>dir</var>, <var>filetype</var>)</em></dt>
<dd><p>Unpack the archive <var>file</var> based on its extension to the directory
<p>If <var>file</var> is a list of strings, then each file is unpacked
individually.  Shell wildcards in the filename such as &lsquo;<samp>*</samp>&rsquo; or
&lsquo;<samp>?</samp>&rsquo; are accepted and expanded.
<p>If <var>dir</var> is not specified or is empty (<code>[]</code>), it defaults to the
current directory.  If a directory is in the file list, then <var>filetype</var>
must also be specified.
<p>The specific archive filetype is inferred from the extension of the file.
The <var>filetype</var> may also be specified directly using a string which
corresponds to a known extension.
<p>Valid filetype extensions:
<dl compact="compact">
<dd><p>bzip archive
<dd><p>gzip archive
<dd><p>tar archive
<dd><p>tar + bzip archive
<dd><p>tar + gzip archive
<dd><p>compress archive
<dd><p>zip archive

<p>The optional return value is a list of <var>files</var> unpacked.
<p><strong>See also:</strong> <a href="#XREFbunzip2">bunzip2</a>, <a href="#XREFgunzip">gunzip</a>, <a href="#XREFunzip">unzip</a>, <a href="#XREFuntar">untar</a>, <a href="#XREFbzip2">bzip2</a>, <a href="#XREFgzip">gzip</a>, <a href="#XREFzip">zip</a>, <a href="#XREFtar">tar</a>.

<a name="XREFbzip2"></a><dl>
<dt><a name="index-bzip2"></a><em><var>filelist</var> =</em> <strong>bzip2</strong> <em>(<var>files</var>)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-bzip2-1"></a><em><var>filelist</var> =</em> <strong>bzip2</strong> <em>(<var>files</var>, <var>dir</var>)</em></dt>
<dd><p>Compress the list of files specified in <var>files</var>.
<p><var>files</var> is a character array or cell array of strings.  Shell wildcards
in the filename such as &lsquo;<samp>*</samp>&rsquo; or &lsquo;<samp>?</samp>&rsquo; are accepted and expanded.
Each file is compressed separately and a new file with a <samp>&quot;.bz2&quot;</samp>
extension is created.  The original files are not modified, but existing
compressed files will be silently overwritten.
<p>If <var>dir</var> is defined the compressed files are placed in this directory,
rather than the original directory where the uncompressed file resides.
Note that this does not replicate a directory tree in <var>dir</var> which may
lead to files overwriting each other if there are multiple files with the
same name.
<p>If <var>dir</var> does not exist it is created.
<p>The optional output <var>filelist</var> is a list of the compressed files.
<p><strong>See also:</strong> <a href="#XREFbunzip2">bunzip2</a>, <a href="#XREFunpack">unpack</a>, <a href="#XREFgzip">gzip</a>, <a href="#XREFzip">zip</a>, <a href="#XREFtar">tar</a>.

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