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<a name="Issuing-Warnings"></a>
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<a name="Issuing-Warnings-1"></a>
<h4 class="subsection">12.2.1 Issuing Warnings</h4>

<p>It is possible to issue warnings from any code using the <code>warning</code>
function.  In its most simple form, the <code>warning</code> function takes a
string describing the warning as its input argument.  As an example,
the following code controls if the variable &lsquo;<samp>a</samp>&rsquo; is non-negative,
and if not issues a warning and sets &lsquo;<samp>a</samp>&rsquo; to zero.
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">a = -1;
if (a &lt; 0)
  warning (&quot;'a' must be non-negative.  Setting 'a' to zero.&quot;);
  a = 0;
     -| 'a' must be non-negative.  Setting 'a' to zero.

<p>Since warnings aren&rsquo;t fatal to a running program, it is not possible
to catch a warning using the <code>try</code> statement or something similar.
It is however possible to access the last warning as a string using the
<code>lastwarn</code> function.
<p>It is also possible to assign an identification string to a warning.
If a warning has such an ID the user can enable and disable this warning
as will be described in the next section.  To assign an ID to a warning,
simply call <code>warning</code> with two string arguments, where the first
is the identification string, and the second is the actual warning.  Note
that warning IDs are in the format <code>&quot;NAMESPACE:WARNING-NAME&quot;</code>.  The
namespace <code>&quot;Octave&quot;</code> is used for Octave&rsquo;s own warnings.  Any other string
is available as a namespace for user&rsquo;s own warnings.
<a name="XREFwarning"></a><dl>
<dt><a name="index-warning"></a><em></em> <strong>warning</strong> <em>(<var>template</var>, &hellip;)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-warning-1"></a><em></em> <strong>warning</strong> <em>(<var>id</var>, <var>template</var>, &hellip;)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-warning-2"></a><em></em> <strong>warning</strong> <em>(&quot;on&quot;, <var>id</var>)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-warning-3"></a><em></em> <strong>warning</strong> <em>(&quot;off&quot;, <var>id</var>)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-warning-4"></a><em></em> <strong>warning</strong> <em>(&quot;error&quot;, <var>id</var>)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-warning-5"></a><em></em> <strong>warning</strong> <em>(&quot;query&quot;, <var>id</var>)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-warning-6"></a><em></em> <strong>warning</strong> <em>(<var>state</var>, <var>id</var>, &quot;local&quot;)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-warning-7"></a><em></em> <strong>warning</strong> <em>(<var>warning_struct</var>)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-warning-8"></a><em><var>warning_struct</var> =</em> <strong>warning</strong> <em>(&hellip;)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-warning-9"></a><em></em> <strong>warning</strong> <em>(<var>state</var>, <var>mode</var>)</em></dt>
<p>Display a warning message or control the behavior of Octave&rsquo;s warning system.
<p>The first call form uses a template <var>template</var> and optional additional
arguments to display a message on the <code>stderr</code> stream.  The message is
formatted using the same rules as the <code>printf</code> family of functions
(see <a href="Formatted-Output.html#Formatted-Output">Formatted Output</a>) and prefixed by the character string
&lsquo;<samp>warning:&nbsp;</samp>&rsquo;<!-- /@w -->.  You should use this function when you want to notify the
user of an unusual condition, but only when it makes sense for your program to
go on.  For example:
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">warning (&quot;foo: maybe something wrong here&quot;);

<p>The optional warning identifier <var>id</var> allows users to enable or disable
warnings tagged by this identifier.  A message identifier is a string of the
form <code>&quot;NAMESPACE:WARNING-NAME&quot;</code>.  Octave&rsquo;s own warnings use the
<code>&quot;Octave&quot;</code> namespace (see <a href="#XREFwarning_005fids">warning_ids</a>).  For
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">warning (&quot;MyNameSpace:check-something&quot;,
         &quot;foo: maybe something wrong here&quot;);

<p>The second call form is meant to change and/or query the state of warnings.
The first input argument must be a string <var>state</var> (<code>&quot;on&quot;</code>,
<code>&quot;off&quot;</code>, <code>&quot;error&quot;</code>, or <code>&quot;query&quot;</code>) followed by an optional
warning identifier <var>id</var> or <code>&quot;all&quot;</code> (default).
<p>The optional output argument <var>warning_struct</var> is a structure or structure
array with fields <code>&quot;state&quot;</code> and <code>&quot;identifier&quot;</code>.  The <var>state</var>
argument may have the following values:
<dl compact="compact">
<dd><p>Enable or disable the display of warnings identified by <var>id</var> and optionally
return their previous state <var>stout</var>.
<dd><p>Turn warnings identified by <var>id</var> into errors and optionally return their
previous state <var>stout</var>.
<dd><p>Return the current state of warnings identified by <var>id</var>.

<p>A structure or structure array <var>warning_struct</var>, with fields
<code>&quot;state&quot;</code> and <code>&quot;identifier&quot;</code>, may be given as an input to achieve
equivalent results.  The following example shows how to temporarily disable a
warning and then restore its original state:
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">loglog (-1:10);
## Disable the previous warning and save its original state
[~, id] = lastwarn ();
warnstate = warning (&quot;off&quot;, id);
loglog (-1:10);
## Restore its original state
warning (warnstate);

<p>If a final argument <code>&quot;local&quot;</code> is provided then the warning state will be
set temporarily until the end of the current function.  Changes to warning
states that are set locally affect the current function and all functions
called from the current scope.  The previous warning state is restored on
return from the current function.  The <code>&quot;local&quot;</code> option is ignored if
used in the top-level workspace.
<p>With no input argument <code>warning ()</code> is equivalent to
<code>warning (&quot;query&quot;, &quot;all&quot;)</code> except that in the absence of an output
argument, the state of warnings is displayed on <code>stderr</code>.
<p>The level of verbosity of the warning system may also be controlled by two
modes <var>mode</var>:
<dl compact="compact">
<dd><p>enable/disable the display of the stack trace after the warning message
<dd><p>enable/disable the display of additional information after the warning message

<p>In this case the <var>state</var> argument may only be <code>&quot;on&quot;</code> or
<p>Implementation Note: For compatibility with <small>MATLAB</small>, escape sequences in
<var>template</var> (e.g., <code>&quot;\n&quot;</code> =&gt; newline) are processed
regardless of whether <var>template</var> has been defined with single quotes, as
long as there are two or more input arguments.  To disable escape sequence
expansion use a second backslash before the sequence (e.g.,
<code>&quot;\\n&quot;</code>) or use the
<code>regexptranslate</code> function.
<p><strong>See also:</strong> <a href="#XREFwarning_005fids">warning_ids</a>, <a href="#XREFlastwarn">lastwarn</a>, <a href="Raising-Errors.html#XREFerror">error</a>.

<a name="XREFlastwarn"></a><dl>
<dt><a name="index-lastwarn"></a><em>[<var>msg</var>, <var>msgid</var>] =</em> <strong>lastwarn</strong> <em>()</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-lastwarn-1"></a><em></em> <strong>lastwarn</strong> <em>(<var>msg</var>)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-lastwarn-2"></a><em></em> <strong>lastwarn</strong> <em>(<var>msg</var>, <var>msgid</var>)</em></dt>
<dd><p>Query or set the last warning message.
<p>When called without input arguments, return the last warning message and
message identifier.
<p>With one argument, set the last warning message to <var>msg</var>.
<p>With two arguments, also set the last message identifier.
<p><strong>See also:</strong> <a href="#XREFwarning">warning</a>, <a href="Catching-Errors.html#XREFlasterror">lasterror</a>, <a href="Catching-Errors.html#XREFlasterr">lasterr</a>.

<p>The functions distributed with Octave can issue one of the following
<a name="XREFwarning_005fids"></a><a name="index-warning-ids"></a>

<dl compact="compact">
<dd><p>By default, the <code>Octave:abbreviated-property-match</code> warning is enabled.
<dd><p>If the <code>Octave:addpath-pkg</code> warning is enabled,
Octave will warn when a package directory (i.e., +package_name) is added
to the <code>path</code>.  Typically, only the parent directory which contains the
package directory should be added to the load path.
By default, the <code>Octave:addpath-pkg</code> warning is enabled.
<dd><p>If the <code>Octave:array-as-logical</code> warning is enabled,
Octave will warn when an array of size greater than 1x1 is used
as a truth value in an if, while or until statement.
By default, the <code>Octave:array-as-logical</code> warning is disabled.
<dd><p>If the <code>Octave:array-to-scalar</code> warning is enabled, Octave will
warn when an implicit conversion from an array to a scalar value is
By default, the <code>Octave:array-to-scalar</code> warning is disabled.
<dd><p>If the <code>Octave:array-to-vector</code> warning is enabled, Octave will
warn when an implicit conversion from an array to a vector value is
By default, the <code>Octave:array-to-vector</code> warning is disabled.
<dd><p>If the <code>Octave:assign-as-truth-value</code> warning is
enabled, a warning is issued for statements like
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">if (s = t)

<p>since such statements are not common, and it is likely that the intent
was to write
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">if (s == t)

<p>There are times when it is useful to write code that contains
assignments within the condition of a <code>while</code> or <code>if</code>
statement.  For example, statements like
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">while (c = getc ())

<p>are common in C programming.
<p>It is possible to avoid all warnings about such statements by
disabling the <code>Octave:assign-as-truth-value</code> warning,
but that may also let real errors like
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">if (x = 1)  # intended to test (x == 1)!

<p>slip by.
<p>In such cases, it is possible suppress errors for specific statements by
writing them with an extra set of parentheses.  For example, writing the
previous example as
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">while ((c = getc ()))

<p>will prevent the warning from being printed for this statement, while
allowing Octave to warn about other assignments used in conditional
<p>By default, the <code>Octave:assign-as-truth-value</code> warning is enabled.
<dd><p>If the <code>Octave:associativity-change</code> warning is
enabled, Octave will warn about possible changes in the meaning of
some code due to changes in associativity for some operators.
Associativity changes have typically been made for <small>MATLAB</small>
By default, the <code>Octave:associativity-change</code> warning is enabled.
<dd><p>If the <code>Octave:autoload-relative-file-name</code> is enabled,
Octave will warn when parsing autoload() function calls with relative
paths to function files.  This usually happens when using autoload()
calls in PKG_ADD files, when the PKG_ADD file is not in the same
directory as the .oct file referred to by the autoload() command.
By default, the <code>Octave:autoload-relative-file-name</code> warning is
<dd><p>By default, the <code>Octave:built-in-variable-assignment</code> warning is
<dd><p>If the <code>Octave:deprecated-function</code> warning is enabled, a
warning is issued when Octave encounters a function that is obsolete and
scheduled for removal from Octave.
By default, the <code>Octave:deprecated-function</code> warning is enabled.
<dd><p>If the <code>Octave:deprecated-keyword</code> warning is enabled, a
warning is issued when Octave encounters a keyword that is obsolete and
scheduled for removal from Octave.
By default, the <code>Octave:deprecated-keyword</code> warning is enabled.
<dd><p>If the <code>Octave:deprecated-property</code> warning is enabled, a
warning is issued when Octave encounters a graphics property that
is obsolete and scheduled for removal from Octave.
By default, the <code>Octave:deprecated-property</code> warning is enabled.
<dd><p>If the <code>Octave:divide-by-zero</code> warning is enabled, a
warning is issued when Octave encounters a division by zero.
By default, the <code>Octave:divide-by-zero</code> warning is enabled.
<dd><p>If the <code>Octave:eigs:UnconvergedEigenvalues</code> warning is enabled then
the eigs function will issue a warning if the number of calculated
eigenvalues is less than the number of requested eigenvalues.
By default, the <code>Octave:eigs:UnconvergedEigenvalues</code> warning is
<dd><p>If the <code>Octave:erase:chararray</code> warning is enabled then the erase
function will issue a warning if the input pattern is a character array
rather than a string or cell array of strings.
By default, the <code>Octave:erase:chararray</code> warning is enabled.
<dd><p>If the <code>Octave:data-file-in-path</code> warning is enabled, a warning is
issued when Octave does not find the target of a file operation such as
<code>load</code> or <code>fopen</code> directly, but is able to locate the file in
Octave&rsquo;s search <code>path</code> for files.  The warning could indicate that a
different file target than the programmer intended is being used.
By default, the <code>Octave:data-file-in-path</code> warning is enabled.
<dd><p>If the <code>Octave:function-name-clash</code> warning is enabled, a
warning is issued when Octave finds that the name of a function
defined in a function file differs from the name of the file.  (If
the names disagree, the name declared inside the file is ignored.)
By default, the <code>Octave:function-name-clash</code> warning is enabled.
<dd><p>If the <code>Octave:future-time-stamp</code> warning is enabled, Octave
will print a warning if it finds a function file with a time stamp
that is in the future.
By default, the <code>Octave:future-time-stamp</code> warning is enabled.
<dd><p>By default, the <code>Octave:glyph-render</code> warning is enabled.
<dd><p>If the <code>Octave:imag-to-real</code> warning is enabled, a warning is
printed for implicit conversions of complex numbers to real numbers.
By default, the <code>Octave:imag-to-real</code> warning is disabled.
<dd><p>Print warnings when using features that are unique to the Octave
language and that may still be missing in <small>MATLAB</small>.
By default, the <code>Octave:language-extension</code> warning is disabled.
The <samp>--traditional</samp> or <samp>--braindead</samp> startup options for
Octave may also be of use, see <a href="Command-Line-Options.html#Command-Line-Options">Command Line Options</a>.
<dd><p>If the <code>Octave:legacy-function</code> warning is enabled, a
warning is issued when Octave encounters a function that <small>MATLAB</small> has
suggested should be avoided.  The function may become obsolete at some
point in the future and removed, in which case the warning will change to
<code>Octave:deprecated-function</code>, and the function will continue to exist
for two further versions of Octave before being removed.
By default, the <code>Octave:legacy-function</code> warning is enabled.
<dd><p>By default, the <code>Octave:logical-conversion</code> warning is enabled.
<dd><p>If the <code>Octave:lu:sparse_input</code> warning is enabled, Octave
will warn when the lu function is called with a sparse input and less than
four output arguments.  In this case, sparsity-preserving column
permutations are not performed and the result may be inaccurate.
By default, the <code>Octave:lu:sparse_input</code> warning is enabled.
<dd><p>By default, the <code>Octave:missing-glyph</code> warning is enabled.
<dd><p>If the <code>Octave:missing-semicolon</code> warning is enabled, Octave
will warn when statements in function definitions don&rsquo;t end in
By default the <code>Octave:missing-semicolon</code> warning is disabled.
<dd><p>If the <code>Octave:mixed-string-concat</code> warning is enabled, print a
warning when concatenating a mixture of double and single quoted strings.
By default, the <code>Octave:mixed-string-concat</code> warning is disabled.
<dd><p>These warnings are emitted if a (nearly) singular matrix is inverted.
By default, the <code>Octave:nearly-singular-matrix</code> and
<code>Octave:singular-matrix</code> warnings are enabled.
<dd><p>If the <code>Octave:neg-dim-as-zero</code> warning is enabled, print a warning
for expressions like
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">eye (-1)

<p>By default, the <code>Octave:neg-dim-as-zero</code> warning is disabled.
<dd><p>By default, the <code>Octave:nested-functions-coerced</code> warning is enabled.
<dd><p>By default, the <code>Octave:noninteger-range-as-index</code> warning is enabled.
<dd><p>If the <code>Octave:num-to-str</code> warning is enable, a warning is
printed for implicit conversions of numbers to their UTF-8 encoded character
equivalents when strings are constructed using a mixture of strings and
numbers in matrix notation.  For example,
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">[ &quot;f&quot;, 111, 111 ]
&rArr; &quot;foo&quot;

<p>elicits a warning if the <code>Octave:num-to-str</code> warning is
enabled.  By default, the <code>Octave:num-to-str</code> warning is enabled.
<dd><p>If the <code>Octave:possible-matlab-short-circuit-operator</code> warning
is enabled, Octave will warn about using the not short circuiting
operators <code>&amp;</code> and <code>|</code> inside <code>if</code> or <code>while</code>
conditions.  They normally never short circuit, but they do short
circuit when used in a condition.
By default, the <code>Octave:possible-matlab-short-circuit-operator</code> warning
is enabled.
<dd><p>If the <code>Octave:precedence-change</code> warning is enabled, Octave
will warn about possible changes in the meaning of some code due to
changes in precedence for some operators.  Precedence changes have
typically been made for <small>MATLAB</small> compatibility.
By default, the <code>Octave:precedence-change</code> warning is enabled.
<dd><p>By default, the <code>Octave:recursive-path-search</code> warning is enabled.
<dd><p>The <code>path</code> function changes the search path that Octave uses
to find functions.  It is possible to set the path to a value which
excludes Octave&rsquo;s own built-in functions.  If the
<code>Octave:remove-init-dir</code> warning is enabled then Octave will warn
when the <code>path</code> function has been used in a way that may render
Octave unworkable.
By default, the <code>Octave:remove-init-dir</code> warning is enabled.
<dd><p>If several functions have been loaded from the same file, Octave must
clear all the functions before any one of them can be reloaded.  If
the <code>Octave:reload-forces-clear</code> warning is enabled, Octave will
warn you when this happens, and print a list of the additional
functions that it is forced to clear.
By default, the <code>Octave:reload-forces-clear</code> warning is enabled.
<dd><p>If the <code>Octave:resize-on-range-error</code> warning is enabled, print a
warning when a matrix is resized by an indexed assignment with
indices outside the current bounds.
By default, the <code>Octave:resize-on-range-error</code> warning is disabled.
<dd><p>Print warning if commas or semicolons might be inserted
automatically in literal matrices.
By default, the <code>Octave:separator-insert</code> warning is disabled.
<dd><p>By default, the <code>Octave:shadowed-function</code> warning is enabled.
<dd><p>Print warning if a single quote character is used to introduce a
string constant.
By default, the <code>Octave:single-quote-string</code> warning is disabled.
<dd><p>By default, the <code>Octave:sqrtm:SingularMatrix</code> warning is enabled.
<dd><p>If the <code>Octave:str-to-num</code> warning is enabled, a warning is printed
for implicit conversions of strings to their numeric UTF-8 encoded byte
sequences.  For example,
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">&quot;abc&quot; + 0
&rArr; 97 98 99

<p>elicits a warning if the <code>Octave:str-to-num</code> warning is enabled.
By default, the <code>Octave:str-to-num</code> warning is disabled.
<dd><p>If the <code>Octave:variable-switch-label</code> warning is enabled, Octave
will print a warning if a switch label is not a constant or constant
By default, the <code>Octave:variable-switch-label</code> warning is disabled.

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