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<h1>Branches Out of Sync<a class="headerlink" href="#branches-out-of-sync" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1>
<p>When reconfiguring a checkout, tree or branch into a lightweight checkout,
a local branch must be destroyed.  (For checkouts, this is the local branch
that serves primarily as a cache.)  If the branch-to-be-destroyed does not
have the same last revision as the new reference branch for the lightweight
checkout, data could be lost, so Bazaar refuses.</p>
<p>How you deal with this depends on <em>why</em> the branches are out of sync.</p>
<p>If you have a checkout and have done local commits, you can get back in sync
by running “bzr update” (and possibly “bzr commit”).</p>
<p>If you have a branch and the remote branch is out-of-date, you can push
the local changes using “bzr push”.  If the local branch is out of date, you
can do “bzr pull”.  If both branches have had changes, you can merge, commit
and then push your changes.  If you decide that some of the changes aren’t
useful, you can “push –overwrite” or “pull –overwrite” instead.</p>

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