

distrib > Mageia > 7 > aarch64 > by-pkgid > a0a4c80c02104187cac2cc02230e14be > files > 8


//This file was conributed by Indrek Mandree.

// This is a demonstration grammar file with transformation rules for the
// new SableCC3 parser generator (rel sablecc-3-beta.3.altgen.20040327)
// Points to remember:
//  * Why CST and AST? Due to limitations of parser technology the
//    human described grammar does not represent the "perfect" abstract
//    form of the language parsed. To get the AST transformations are done.
//    (AST - Abstract Syntax Tree; CST - Concrete Syntax Tree)
//  * The AST section must be complete, nothing from Productions is
//    automatically placed there.
//  * In curly braces are things related to AST, eg. we built the AST in
//    those things, so everything is built/transformed from the leaves to
//    root.
//  * Transformation is divided into two parts - product transformation
//    declaration that declares what the alternatives should be
//    transformed to and alternatives transformations definitions that
//    define how the transform is actually done.
//  * A production can be transformed to multiple elements as seen in the
//    'random_x2' rule.
//  * Productions with same structure as in the AST can be directly
//    transformed to AST - see the 'textual' rule. What really happens is
//    that for productions and alternatives without transform specification
//    default transformation rules are generated. This also means that you
//    could omit the transform declaration at exp rule.
//  * Lists it seems are represented with brackets '[ elem1, elem2, .. ]' and
//    not parenthesis as described in the doc. If element is also a list it
//    is automatically expanded and used. Empty list is [].
//  * The output we get from the parser is as described in the AST. We only
//    have to work with that. The productions section is no longer used.
//  * When you just want to get rid of a production declare and define
//    it and its alternatives as {-> } or with the newer sablecc release
//    you can just leave it without any rules. See the 'separator' rule.
//  * You can't place null-s into lists. When the expression is null
//    (either by ?) or directly set in transformation and is later added
//    to a list - it is eliminated by SableCC.
//  * With the latest sablecc release '?' and '+' are supported in
//    the AST section. They are also enforced from productions.
//    You'll see when errors start popping up.
//  * In the product transformation declaration you can similarily use
//    renaming in the style 'productname { .. [use_name]:name .. } = ..'
//    This can be very useful when using multiple elements of the same type
//    at transform. See the 'random_x2' rule for example.
//  Written by Indrek Mandre <indrek (at) mare . ee> in July-August 2003
//  Example constructed from the SableCC docs/Kevin Agbakpem and
//  Etienne Bergeron e-mail.

Package expression;


    digit = ['0' .. '9'];
    tab = 9;
    cr = 13;
    lf = 10;
    eol = cr lf | cr | lf;

    blank = (' ' | tab | eol)+;

    l_par = '(';
    r_par = ')';
    plus = '+';
    minus = '-';
    mult = '*';
    div = '/';
    semi = ';';

    blank = blank;
    number = digit+;

    one = 'one';
    two = 'two';
    three = 'three';

    random = 'random_digit';

Ignored Tokens



    grammar           = exp_list                    {-> New grammar ([exp_list.exp])}

    exp_list          {-> exp*} =
                        {list}    exp_list separator exp {-> [exp_list.exp, exp.exp] }
                      | {single}  exp               {-> [exp.exp] }

    exp               {-> exp} =  
                        {plus}    exp plus factor   {-> New (exp.exp, factor.exp) }
                      | {minus}   exp minus factor  {-> New exp.minus (exp.exp, factor.exp) }
                      | {factor}  factor            {-> factor.exp }

    factor            {-> exp} =
                        {mult}    factor mult term  {-> New exp.mult (factor.exp, term.exp) }
                      | {div}     factor div term   {-> New exp.div (factor.exp, term.exp) }
                      | {term}    term              {-> term.exp }

    term              {-> exp} =
                        {number}  number            {-> New exp.number(number) }
                      | {exp}     l_par exp r_par   {-> exp.exp }
                      | {textual} textual+          {-> New exp.textual ([textual]) }
                      | {random_x2} random_x2       {-> New exp.random_x2 (random_x2.ran1, random_x2.ran2) }

    textual           =
                        {t1}      one
                      | {t2}      two
                      | {t3}      three

    random_x2         {-> [ran1]:random [ran2]:random} =
                        [ran1]:random [ran2]:random {-> ran1 ran2 }

    separator  {-> } =
                        {semicolon} semi {-> }

Abstract Syntax Tree

    grammar           = exp+

    exp               =
                        {plus}    [l]:exp  [r]:exp |
                        {minus}   [l]:exp  [r]:exp |
                        {div}     [l]:exp  [r]:exp |
                        {mult}    [l]:exp  [r]:exp |
                        {textual} textual+ |
                        {random_x2} [r1]:random [r2]:random |
                        {number}  number

    textual            =
                        {t1}      one
                      | {t2}      two
                      | {t3}      three

// A few words about this grammar itself:
//  - It is supposed to be a little integer based calculator with a few odd
//    extensions to demonstrate sablecc transformations
//  - You can use textual words to build up numbers (two one three -> 213)
//    I didn't really bother to specify all the decimal textual numbers
//  - The random number rule is a bit superficial, it just expects user to
//    type 'random_digit random_digit' and produces a two-digit random
//    number.  I didn't figure out any better way to make the multiple
//    element transform rule "interesting" ;)
//  Valid expressions:
//    (1 + 14  / (3 + 4)) * 14          -> 42
//    one + 3 - two                     -> 2
//    two one + three                   -> 24
//    random_digit random_digit         -> ??
//    random_digit random_digit + 1     -> ??
//    1 + 3 ; 1 ; 4 + 5                 -> 4; 1; 9
// In the is the implementation of the tree visitor that
// calculates the values.