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The XIM Transport Specification

Revision 0.1

Takashi Fujiwara


   X Version 11, Release 7.7

   Copyright © 1994 FUJITSU LIMITED

   Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
   documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby
   granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this
   permission notice appear in all copies. Fujitsu makes no
   representations about the suitability for any purpose of the
   information in this document. This documentation is provided as
   is without express or implied warranty.

   Copyright © 1994 X Consortium

   Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
   obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
   files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
   restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
   copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
   sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
   Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following

   The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
   included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


   Except as contained in this notice, the name of the X
   Consortium shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to
   promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software
   without prior written authorization from the X Consortium.

   X Window System is a trademark of The Open Group.

   This specification describes the transport layer interfaces
   between Xlib and IM Server, which makes various channels usable
   such as X protocol or TCP/IP, DECnet and etc.

   Table of Contents

   1. X Transport Specification


              Registering structure to initialize
              Initialization function

        The interface/transport layer functions

              Opening connection
              Closing connection
              Writing data
              Reading data
              Flushing buffer
              Registering asynchronous data handler
              Calling dispatcher

        Sample implementations for the Transport Layer

              X Transport


   List of Tables

   1.1. The Transport Layer Functions
   1.2. The ClientMessage sent to the IMS window.
   1.3. The ClientMessage sent by IM Server.
   1.4. The read/write method and the

   1.5. The ClientMessage event's format (first or middle)
   1.6. The ClientMessage event's format (only or last)
   1.7. The XChangeProperty event's format
   1.8. The ClientMessage event's format to send Atom of property
   1.9. The ClientMessage event's format (first or middle)
   1.10. The ClientMessage event's format (only or last)
   1.11. The XChangeProperty event's format
   1.12. The ClientMessage event's format to send Atom of property

Chapter 1. X Transport Specification

   Table of Contents


        Registering structure to initialize
        Initialization function

   The interface/transport layer functions

        Opening connection
        Closing connection
        Writing data
        Reading data
        Flushing buffer
        Registering asynchronous data handler
        Calling dispatcher

   Sample implementations for the Transport Layer

        X Transport



   The Xlib XIM implementation is layered into three functions, a
   protocol layer, an interface layer and a transport layer. The
   purpose of this layering is to make the protocol independent of
   transport implementation. Each function of these layers are:

   The protocol layer

   implements overall function of XIM and calls the interface
   layer functions when it needs to communicate to IM Server.

   The interface layer

   separates the implementation of the transport layer from the
   protocol layer, in other words, it provides implementation
   independent hook for the transport layer functions.

   The transport layer

   handles actual data communication with IM Server. It is done by
   a set of several functions named transporters.

   This specification describes the interface layer and the
   transport layer, which makes various communication channels
   usable such as X protocol or, TCP/IP, DECnet, STREAM, etc., and
   provides the information needed for adding another new
   transport layer. In addition, sample implementations for the
   transporter using the X connection is described in section 4.


Registering structure to initialize

   The structure typed as TransportSW contains the list of the
   transport layer the specific implementations supports.
typedef struct {
      char *transport_name;
      Bool (*config);
} TransportSW;

   transport_name name of transport^[a]
   config         initial configuration function

   ^[a] Refer to "The Input Method Protocol: Appendix B

   A sample entry for the Xlib supporting transporters is shown
TransportSW _XimTransportRec[] = {
/*     char *:
 *     transport_name,     Bool (*config)()
      "X",             _XimXConf,
      "tcp",           _XimTransConf,
      "local",         _XimTransConf,
      "decnet",        _XimTransConf,
      "streams",       _XimTransConf,
      (char *)NULL,    (Bool (*)())NULL,

Initialization function

   The following function will be called once when Xlib configures
   the transporter functions.

   Bool (*config)(XIM im, char *transport_data);


   Specifies XIM structure address.


   Specifies the data specific to the transporter, in IM Server

   This function must setup the transporter function pointers.

   The actual config function will be chosen by IM Server at the
   pre-connection time, matching by the transport_name specified
   in the _XimTransportRec array; The specific members of XimProto
   structure listed below must be initialized so that point they
   appropriate transporter functions.

   If the specified transporter has been configured successfully,
   this function returns True. There is no Alternative Entry for
   config function itself.

   The structure XimProto contains the following function
Bool (*connect)();               /* Open connection */
Bool (*shutdown)();              /* Close connection */
Bool (*write)();                 /* Write data */
Bool (*read)();                  /* Read data */
Bool (*flush)();                 /* Flush data buffer */
Bool (*register_dispatcher)();   /* Register asynchronous data handler *
Bool (*call_dispatcher)();       /* Call dispatcher */

   These functions are called when Xlib needs to communicate the
   IM Server. These functions must process the appropriate
   procedure described below.

The interface/transport layer functions

   Following functions are used for the transport interface.

   Table 1.1. The Transport Layer Functions
   Alternate Entry (Interface Layer) XimProto member (Transport
                                     Layer)                    Section
   _XimConnect                       connect                   3.1
   _XimShutdown                      shutdown                  3.2
   _XimWrite                         write                     3.3
   _XimRead                          read                      3.4
   _XimFlush                         flush                     3.5
   _XimRegisterDispatcher            register_dispatcher       3.6
   _XimCallDispatcher                call_dispatcher           3.7

   The Protocol layer calls the above functions using the
   Alternative Entry in the left column. The transport
   implementation defines XimProto member function in the right
   column. The Alternative Entry is provided so as to make easier
   to implement the Protocol Layer.

Opening connection

   When XOpenIM is called, the following function is called to
   connect with the IM Server.

   Bool (*connect)(XIM im);


     Specifies XIM structure address.

   This function must establishes the connection to the IM Server.
   If the connection is established successfully, this function
   returns True. The Alternative Entry for this function is:

   Bool _XimConnect(XIM im);


     Specifies XIM structure address.

Closing connection

   When XCloseIM is called, the following function is called to
   disconnect the connection with the IM Server. The Alternative
   Entry for this function is:

   Bool (*shutdown)(XIM im);


     Specifies XIM structure address.

   This function must close connection with the IM Server. If the
   connection is closed successfully, this function returns True.
   The Alternative Entry for this function is:

   Bool _XimShutdown(XIM im);


     Specifies XIM structure address.

Writing data

   The following function is called, when Xlib needs to write data
   to the IM Server.

   Bool _XimWrite(XIM im, INT16 len, XPointer data);


       Specifies XIM structure address.


       Specifies the length of writing data.


       Specifies the writing data.

   This function writes the data to the IM Server, regardless of
   the contents. The number of bytes is passed to len. The writing
   data is passed to data. If data is sent successfully, the
   function returns True. Refer to "The Input Method Protocol" for
   the contents of the writing data. The Alternative Entry for
   this function is:

   Bool _XimWrite(XIM im, INT16 len, XPointer data);


       Specifies XIM structure address.


       Specifies the length of writing data.


       Specifies the writing data.

Reading data

   The following function is called when Xlib waits for response
   from IM server synchronously.

   Bool _XimRead(XIM im, XPointer read_buf, int buf_len, int


           Specifies XIM structure address.


           Specifies the buffer to store data.


           Specifies the size of the buffer


           Specifies the length of stored data.

   This function stores the read data in read_buf, which size is
   specified as buf_len. The size of data is set to ret_len. This
   function return True, if the data is read normally or reading
   data is completed.

   The Alternative Entry for this function is:

   Bool _XimRead(XIM im, INT16 *ret_len, XPointer buf, int
   buf_len, Bool (*predicate)(), XPointer predicate_arg);


                Specifies XIM structure address.


                Specifies the size of the data buffer.


                Specifies the buffer to store data.


                Specifies the length of buffer.


                Specifies the predicate for the XIM data.


                Specifies the predicate specific data.

   The predicate procedure indicates whether the data is for the
   XIM or not. len This function stores the read data in buf,
   which size is specified as buf_len. The size of data is set to
   ret_len. If preedicate() returns True, this function returns
   True. If not, it calls the registered callback function.

   The procedure and its arguments are:

   void (*predicate)(XIM im, INT16 len, XPointer data, XPointer


                Specifies XIM structure address.


                Specifies the size of the data buffer.


                Specifies the buffer to store data.


                Specifies the predicate specific data.

Flushing buffer

   The following function is called when Xlib needs to flush the

   void (*flush)(XIM im);


     Specifies XIM structure address.

   This function must flush the data stored in internal buffer on
   the transport layer. If data transfer is completed, the
   function returns True. The Alternative Entry for this function

   void _XimFlush(XIM im);


     Specifies XIM structure address.

Registering asynchronous data handler

   Xlib needs to handle asynchronous response from IM Server. This
   is because some of the XIM data occur asynchronously to X

   Those data will be handled in the Filter, and the Filter will
   call asynchronous data handler in the protocol layer. Then it
   calls dispatchers in the transport layer. The dispatchers are
   implemented by the protocol layer. This function must store the
   information and prepare for later call of the dispatchers using

   When multiple dispatchers are registered, they will be called
   sequentially in order of registration, on arrival of
   asynchronous data. The register_dispatcher is declared as

   Bool (*register_dispatcher)(XIM im, Bool (*dispatcher)(),
   XPointer call_data);


             Specifies XIM structure address.


             Specifies the dispatcher function to register.


             Specifies a parameter for the dispatcher.

   The dispatcher is a function of the following type:

   Bool (*dispatcher)(XIM im, INT16 len, XPointer data, XPointer


            Specifies XIM structure address.


            Specifies the size of the data buffer.


            Specifies the buffer to store data.


            Specifies a parameter passed to the register_dispatcher.

   The dispatcher is provided by the protocol layer. They are
   called once for every asynchronous data, in order of
   registration. If the data is used, it must return True.
   otherwise, it must return False.

   If the dispatcher function returns True, the Transport Layer
   assume that the data has been processed by the upper layer. The
   Alternative Entry for this function is:

   Bool _XimRegisterDispatcher(XIM im, Bool (*dispatcher)(),
   XPointer call_data);


             Specifies XIM structure address.


             Specifies the dispatcher function to register.


             Specifies a parameter for the dispatcher.

Calling dispatcher

   The following function is used to call the registered
   dispatcher function, when the asynchronous response from IM
   Server has arrived.

   Bool (*call_dispatcher)(XIM im, INT16 len, XPointer data);


       Specifies XIM structure address.


       Specifies the size of data buffer.


       Specifies the buffer to store data.

   The call_dispatcher must call the dispatcher function, in order
   of their registration. len and data are the data passed to

   The return values are checked at each invocation, and if it
   finds True, it immediately return with true for its return

   It is depend on the upper layer whether the read data is XIM
   Protocol packet unit or not. The Alternative Entry for this
   function is:

   Bool _XimCallDispatcher(XIM im, INT16 len, XPointer call_data);

Sample implementations for the Transport Layer

   Sample implementations for the transporter using the X
   connection is described here.

X Transport

   At the beginning of the X Transport connection for the XIM
   transport mechanism, two different windows must be created
   either in an Xlib XIM or in an IM Server, with which the Xlib
   and the IM Server exchange the XIM transports by using the
   ClientMessage events and Window Properties. In the following,
   the window created by the Xlib is referred as the "client
   communication window", and on the other hand, the window
   created by the IM Server is referred as the "IMS communication


   In order to establish a connection, a communication window is
   created. A ClientMessage in the following event's format is
   sent to the owner window of XIM_SERVER selection, which the IM
   Server has created.

   Refer to "The Input Method Protocol" for the XIM_SERVER atom.

   Table 1.2. The ClientMessage sent to the IMS window.
   Structure Member     Contents
   int     type         ClientMessage
   u_long  serial       Set by the X Window System
   Bool    send_event   Set by the X Window System
   Display *display     The display to which connects
   Window  window       IMS Window ID
   Atom    message_type XInternAtom(display, "_XIM_CONNECT", false)
   int     format       32
   long    data.1[0]    client communication window ID
   long    data.1[1]    client-major-transport-version(*1)
   long    data.1[2]    client-major-transport-version(*1)

   In order to establish the connection (to notify the IM Server
   communication window), the IM Server sends a ClientMessage in
   the following event's format to the client communication

   Table 1.3. The ClientMessage sent by IM Server.
     Structure Member                    Contents
   int     type         ClientMessage
   u_long  serial       Set by the X Window System
   Bool    send_event   Set by the X Window System
   Display *display     The display to which connects
   Window  window       IMS Window ID
   Atom    message_type XInternAtom(display, "_XIM_CONNECT", false)
   int     format       32
   long    data.1[0]    client communication window ID
   long    data.1[1]    client-major-transport-version(*1)
   long    data.1[2]    client-major-transport-version(*1)
   long    data.1[3]    dividing size between ClientMessage and

   (*1) major/minor-transport-version

   The read/write method is decided by the combination of
   major/minor-transport-version, as follows:

   Table 1.4. The read/write method and the
   Transport-version               read/write
   major    minor
   0     0            only-CM & Property-with-CM
         1            only-CM & multi-CM
         2            only-CM & multi-CM & Property-with-CM
   1     0            PropertyNotify
   2     0            only-CM & PropertyNotify
         1            only-CM & multi-CM & PropertyNotify
only-CM            :    data is sent via a ClientMessage
multi-CM           :    data is sent via multiple ClientMessages
Property-with-CM   :    data is written in Property, and its Atom
                        is send via ClientMessage
PropertyNotify     :    data is written in Property, and its Atom
                        is send via PropertyNotify

   The method to decide major/minor-transport-version is as
     * The client sends 0 as major/minor-transport-version to the
       IM Server. The client must support all methods in Table
       4-3. The client may send another number as
       major/minor-transport-version to use other method than the
       above in the future.
     * The IM Server sends its major/minor-transport-version
       number to the client. The client sends data using the
       method specified by the IM Server.
     * If major/minor-transport-version number is not available,
       it is regarded as 0.

   (*2) dividing size between ClientMessage and Property

   If data is sent via both of multi-CM and Property, specify the
   dividing size between ClientMessage and Property. The data,
   which is smaller than this size, is sent via multi-CM (or
   only-CM), and the data, which is lager than this size, is sent
   via Property.


   The data is transferred via either ClientMessage or Window
   Property in the X Window System.

Format for the data from the Client to the IM Server


   If data is sent via ClientMessage event, the format is as

   Table 1.5. The ClientMessage event's format (first or middle)
   Structure Member     Contents
   int     type         ClientMessage
   u_long  serial       Set by the X Window System
   Bool    send_event   Set by the X Window System
   Display *display     The display to which connects
   Window  window       IMS Window ID
   Atom    message_type XInternAtom(display, "_XIM_MOREDATA", False)
   int     format       8
   char    data.b[20]   (read/write DATA : 20 byte)

   Table 1.6. The ClientMessage event's format (only or last)
   Structure Member     Contents
   int     type         ClientMessage
   u_long  serial       Set by the X Window System
   Bool    send_event   Set by the X Window System
   Display *display     The display to which connects
   Window  window       IMS Window ID
   Atom    message_type XInternAtom(display, "_XIM_PROTOCOL", False)
   int     format       8
   char    data.b[20]   (read/write DATA : MAX 20 byte) ^[a]

   ^[a] If the data is smaller than 20 bytes, all data other than
   available data must be 0.


   In the case of large data, data will be sent via the Window
   Property for the efficiency. There are the following two
   methods to notify Property, and transport-version is decided
   which method is used.
     * The XChangeProperty function is used to store data in the
       client communication window, and Atom of the stored data is
       notified to the IM Server via ClientMessage event.
     * The XChangeProperty function is used to store data in the
       client communication window, and Atom of the stored data is
       notified to the IM Server via PropertyNotify event.

   The arguments of the XChangeProperty are as follows:

   Table 1.7. The XChangeProperty event's format
   Argument          Contents
   Display *display  The display to which connects
   Window  window    IMS communication window ID
   Atom    property  read/write property Atom (*1)
   int     format    8
   int     mode      PropModeAppend
   u_char  *data     read/write DATA
   int     nelements length of DATA

   (*1) The read/write property ATOM allocates the following
   strings by XInternAtom. "_clientXXX"

   The client changes the property with the mode of PropModeAppend
   and the IM Server will read it with the delete mode i.e.
   (delete = True).

   If Atom is notified via ClientMessage event, the format of the
   ClientMessage is as follows:

   Table 1.8. The ClientMessage event's format to send Atom of
   Structure Member     Contents
   int     type         ClientMessage
   u_long  serial       Set by the X Window System
   Bool    send_event   Set by the X Window System
   Display *display     The display to which connects
   Window  window       IMS Window ID
   Atom    message_type XInternAtom(display, "_XIM_PROTOCOL", False)
   int     format       8
   long    data.1[0]    length of read/write property Atom
   long    data.1[1]    read/write property Atom

Format for the data from the IM Server to the Client


   The format of the ClientMessage is as follows:

   Table 1.9. The ClientMessage event's format (first or middle)
   Structure Member     Contents
   int     type         ClientMessage
   u_long  serial       Set by the X Window System
   Bool    send_event   Set by the X Window System
   Display *display     The display to which connects
   Window  window       IMS Window ID
   Atom    message_type XInternAtom(display, "_XIM_MOREDATA", False)
   int     format       8
   char    data.b[20]   (read/write DATA : 20 byte)

   Table 1.10. The ClientMessage event's format (only or last)
   Structure Member     Contents
   int     type         ClientMessage
   u_long  serial       Set by the X Window System
   Bool    send_event   Set by the X Window System
   Display *display     The display to which connects
   Window  window       IMS Window ID
   Atom    message_type XInternAtom(display, "_XIM_PROTOCOL", False)
   int     format       8
   char    data.b[20]   (read/write DATA : MAX 20 byte) (*1)

   (*1) If the data size is smaller than 20 bytes, all data other
   than available data must be 0.


   In the case of large data, data will be sent via the Window
   Property for the efficiency. There are the following two
   methods to notify Property, and transport-version is decided
   which method is used.
     * The XChangeProperty function is used to store data in the
       IMS communication window, and Atom of the property is sent
       via the ClientMessage event.
     * The XChangeProperty function is used to store data in the
       IMS communication window, and Atom of the property is sent
       via PropertyNotify event.

   The arguments of the XChangeProperty are as follows:

   Table 1.11. The XChangeProperty event's format
   Argument          Contents
   Display *display  The display to which connects
   Window  window    IMS communication window ID
   Atom    property  read/write property Atom (*1)
   int     format    8
   int     mode      PropModeAppend
   u_char  *data     read/write DATA
   int     nelements length of DATA

   (*1) The read/write property ATOM allocates some strings, which
   are not allocated by the client, by XInternAtom.

   The IM Server changes the property with the mode of
   PropModeAppend and the client reads it with the delete mode,
   i.e. (delete = True).

   If Atom is notified via ClientMessage event, the format of the
   ClientMessage is as follows:

   Table 1.12. The ClientMessage event's format to send Atom of
   Structure Member     Contents
   int     type         ClientMessage
   u_long  serial       Set by the X Window System
   Bool    send_event   Set by the X Window System
   Display *display     The display to which connects
   Window  window       IMS Window ID
   Atom    message_type XInternAtom(display, "_XIM_PROTOCOL", False)
   int     format       8
   long    data.1[0]    length of read/write property Atom
   long    data.1[1]    read/write property Atom

Closing Connection

   If the client disconnect with the IM Server, shutdown function
   should free the communication window properties and etc..


   [1] Masahiko Narita and Hideki Hiura, "The Input Method

   ^[1] Refer to "The Input Method Protocol: Appendix B