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<chapter id='Interpreting_Key_Events'>
<title>Interpreting Key Events</title>

Xkb provides functions to help developers interpret key events without having
to directly interpret Xkb data structures. Xkb also modifies the behavior of
several core X library functions.

<sect1 id='Effects_of_Xkb_on_the_Core_X_Library'>
<title>Effects of Xkb on the Core X Library</title>

When support for Xkb is built into the X library, the
function looks for a compatible version of Xkb on the server. If it finds a
compatible version, it initializes the extension and enables
<firstterm>implicit support</firstterm>
for Xkb in a number of X library functions. This makes it possible for clients
to take advantage of nearly all Xkb features without having to be rewritten or
even recompiled, if they are built with shared libraries. This implicit support
is invisible to most clients, but it can have side effects, so the extension
includes ways to control or disable it.

<sect2 id='Effects_of_Xkb_on_Event_State'>
<title>Effects of Xkb on Event State</title>

initializes Xkb, some events contain an Xkb description of the keyboard state
instead of that normally used by the core protocol. See <link linkend="Xkb_State_to_Core_Protocol_State_Transformation">section 17.1.1</link> for more
information about the differences between Xkb keyboard state and that reported
by the core protocol.

<sect2 id='Effects_of_Xkb_on_MappingNotify_Events'>
<title>Effects of Xkb on MappingNotify Events</title>

<indexterm zone="Effects_of_Xkb_on_MappingNotify_Events">

When Xkb is missing or disabled, the X library tracks changes to the keyboard
mapping using
events. Whenever the keyboard mapping is changed, the server sends all clients
event to report the change. When a client receives a
event, it is supposed to call
to update the keyboard description used internally by the X library.

The X Keyboard Extension uses
events to track changes to the keyboard mapping. When an Xkb-aware client
receives either event, it should call
to update the keyboard description used internally by the X library. To avoid
duplicate events, the X server does not send core protocol
events to a client that has selected for

The implicit support for Xkb selects for
events. This means that clients that do not explicitly use Xkb but that are
using a version of the X library that has implicit support for Xkb do not
events over the wire. Clients that were not written with Xkb in mind do not
recognize or properly handle the new Xkb events, so the implicit support
converts them to
events that report approximately the same information, unless the client has
explicitly selected for the Xkb version of the event.

An Xkb-capable X server does not send events from keys that fall outside the
legal range of keycodes expected by that client. Once the server sends a client
event, it reports events from all keys because it assumes that any client that
has received an
event expects key events from the new range of keycodes. The implicit support
for Xkb asks for
events, so the range of keycodes reported to the client might vary without the
client’s knowledge. Most clients don’t really care about the range of legal
keycodes, but some clients maintain information about each key and might have
problems with events that come from unexpected keys. Such clients can set the
library control (see <link linkend="IgnoreNewKeyboards">section 11.3.1</link>) to prevent the implicit support from
requesting notification of changes to the legal range of keycodes.

<sect2 id='X_Library_Functions_Affected_by_Xkb'>
<title>X Library Functions Affected by Xkb</title>

The following X library functions are modified by Xkb:

  <simplelist type='vert' columns='1'>

The implicit support for Xkb replaces a number of X library functions with
versions that understand and use the X Keyboard Extension. In most cases, the
semantics of the new versions are identical to those of the old, but there are
occasional visible differences. This section lists all of the functions that
are affected and the differences in behavior, if any, that are visible to

<para id='XKeycodeToKeysym'>
<olink targetdoc='libX11' targetptr='XKeycodeToKeysym'><function>XKeycodeToKeysym</function></olink>
<indexterm significance="preferred" zone="XKeycodeToKeysym"><primary><function>XKeycodeToKeysym</function></primary></indexterm>
function reports the keysym associated with a particular index for a single
key. The index specifies a column of symbols in the core keyboard mapping (that
is, as reported by the core protocol
request). The order of the symbols in the core mapping does not necessarily
correspond to the order of the symbols used by Xkb; <link linkend="Xkb_Keyboard_Mapping_to_Core_Keyboard_Mapping_Transformations">section 17.1.3</link> describes
the differences.

<para id='XKeysymToKeycode'>
<olink targetdoc='libX11' targetptr='XKeysymToKeycode'><function>XKeysymToKeycode</function></olink>
<indexterm significance="preferred" zone="XKeysymToKeycode"><primary><function>XKeysymToKeycode</function></primary></indexterm>
function reports a keycode to which a particular keysym is bound. When Xkb is
missing or disabled, this function looks in each column of the core keyboard
mapping in turn and returns the lowest numbered key that matches in the lowest
numbered group. When Xkb is present, this function uses the Xkb ordering for
symbols instead.

<para id='XLookupKeysym'>
<olink targetdoc='libX11' targetptr='XLookupKeysym'><function>XLookupKeysym</function></olink>
<indexterm significance="preferred" zone="XLookupKeysym"><primary><function>XLookupKeysym</function></primary></indexterm>
function reports the symbol in a specific column of the key associated with an
event. Whether or not Xkb is present, the column specifies an index into the
core symbol mapping.

<para id='XLookupString'>
<olink targetdoc='libX11' targetptr='XLookupString'><function>XLookupString</function></olink>
<indexterm significance="preferred" zone="XLookupString"><primary><function>XLookupString</function></primary></indexterm>
function reports the symbol and string associated with a key event, taking
into account the keycode and keyboard state as reported in the event. When Xkb
is disabled or missing,
uses the rules specified by the core protocol and reports only ISO Latin-1
characters. When Xkb is present,
uses the explicit keyboard group, key types, and rules specified by Xkb. When
Xkb is present,
is allowed, but not required, to return strings in character sets other than
ISO Latin-1, depending on the current locale. If any key bindings are defined,
does not use any consumed modifiers (see <link linkend="ConsumeLookupMods">section 11.1.2</link> and <link linkend="Key_Types">section 15.2</link>) to
determine matching bindings.

<para id='XRefreshKeyboardMapping'>
<olink targetdoc='libX11' targetptr='XRefreshKeyboardMapping'><function>XRefreshKeyboardMapping</function></olink>
<indexterm significance="preferred" zone="XRefreshKeyboardMapping"><primary><function>XRefreshKeyboardMapping</function></primary></indexterm>
function updates the X library’s internal representation of the keyboard to
reflect changes reported via
events. When Xkb is missing or disabled, this function reloads the entire
modifier map or keyboard mapping. When Xkb is present, the implicit Xkb support
keeps track of the changed components reported by each
event and updates only those pieces of the keyboard description that have
changed. If the implicit support has not noted any keyboard mapping changes,
updates the entire keyboard description.

<para id='XRebindKeysym'>
<olink targetdoc='libX11' targetptr='XRebindKeysym'><function>XRebindKeysym</function></olink>
<indexterm significance="preferred" zone="XRebindKeysym"><primary><function>XRebindKeysym</function></primary></indexterm>
function associates a string with a keysym and a set of modifiers. Xkb does
not directly change this function, but it does affect the way that the state
reported in the event is compared to the state specified to
When Xkb is missing or disabled,
returns the specified string if the modifiers in the event exactly match the
modifiers from this call. When Xkb is present, any modifiers used to determine
the keysym are consumed and are not used to look up the string.

<sect1 id='Xkb_Event_and_Keymap_Functions'>
<title>Xkb Event and Keymap Functions</title>

To find the keysym bound to a particular key at a specified group and shift
level, use <function>XkbKeycodeToKeysym</function>.

<indexterm significance="preferred" zone="XkbKeycodeToKeysym"><primary><function>XkbKeycodeToKeysym</function></primary></indexterm>
<funcsynopsis id="XkbKeycodeToKeysym">
    <funcdef>KeySym <function>XkbKeycodeToKeysym</function></funcdef>
<!-- (
<parameter>dpy, kc, group, level</parameter>
) -->

    <paramdef>Display *<parameter>dpy</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>KeyCode <parameter>kc</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>unsigned int <parameter>group</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>unsigned int <parameter>level</parameter></paramdef>
        connection to X server
        key of interest
        group of interest
        shift level of interest

returns the keysym bound to a particular group and shift level for a
particular key on the core keyboard. If
is not a legal keycode for the core keyboard, or if
are out of range for the specified key,

To find the set of modifiers bound to a particular keysym on the core keyboard,

<indexterm significance="preferred" zone="XkbKeysymToModifiers"><primary><function>XkbKeysymToModifiers</function></primary></indexterm>
<funcsynopsis id="XkbKeysymToModifiers">
    <funcdef>unsigned int <function>XkbKeysymToModifiers</function></funcdef>
<!-- (
) -->

    <paramdef>Display *<parameter>dpy</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>KeySym <parameter>ks</parameter></paramdef>
        connection to X server
        keysym of interest

finds the set of modifiers currently bound to the keysym
on the core keyboard. The value returned is the mask of modifiers bound to the
If no modifiers are bound to the keysym,
returns zero; otherwise, it returns the inclusive OR of zero or more of the

to find the symbol associated with a key for a particular state.

<indexterm significance="preferred" zone="XkbLookupKeySym"><primary><function>XkbLookupKeySym</function></primary></indexterm>
<funcsynopsis id="XkbLookupKeySym">
    <funcdef>Bool <function>XkbLookupKeySym</function></funcdef>
<!-- (
) -->

    <paramdef>Display *<parameter>dpy</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>KeyCode <parameter>key</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>unsigned int <parameter>state</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>unsigned int *<parameter>mods_rtrn</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>KeySym *<parameter>sym_rtrn</parameter></paramdef>
        connection to X server
        key for which symbols are to be found
        state for which symbol should be found
        backfilled with consumed modifiers
        backfilled with symbol associated with key + state

is the equivalent of the core
function. For the core keyboard, given a keycode
and an Xkb state
returns the symbol associated with the key  in
and the list of modifiers that should still be applied in
parameter is the state from a
if it succeeds.

to find the string bound to a key by
is the equivalent of the core

<indexterm significance="preferred" zone="XkbLookupKeyBinding"><primary><function>XkbLookupKeyBinding</function></primary></indexterm>
<funcsynopsis id="XkbLookupKeyBinding">
    <funcdef>int <function>XkbLookupKeyBinding</function></funcdef>
<!-- (
) -->

    <paramdef>Display *<parameter>dpy</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>KeySym <parameter>sym</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>unsigned int <parameter>state</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>char *<parameter>buf</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>int <parameter>nbytes</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>int *<parameter>extra_rtrn</parameter></paramdef>
        connection to server
        symbol to be looked up
        state for which string is to be looked up
        buffer into which returned string is written
        size of buffer in bytes
        backfilled with number bytes overflow

binds an ASCII string to a specified keysym, so that the string and keysym are
returned when the key is pressed and a specified list of modifiers are also
being held down.
returns in
the string associated with the keysym
and modifier state
terminated unless there’s an overflow. If the string returned is larger than
a count of bytes that does not fit into the buffer is returned in extra_rtrn.
returns the number of bytes that it placed into

To find the string and symbol associated with a keysym for a given keyboard
state, use

<indexterm significance="preferred" zone="XkbTranslateKeySym"><primary><function>XkbTranslateKeySym</function></primary></indexterm>
<funcsynopsis id="XkbTranslateKeySym">
    <funcdef>int <function>XkbTranslateKeySym</function></funcdef>
<!-- (
) -->

    <paramdef>Display *<parameter>dpy</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>KeySym *<parameter>sym_inout</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>unsigned int <parameter>mods</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>char *<parameter>buf</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>int <parameter>nbytes</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>int *<parameter>extra_rtrn</parameter></paramdef>
        connection to X server
        symbol to be translated; result of translation
        modifiers to apply to <parameter>sym_inout</parameter>
        buffer into which returned string is written
        size of buffer in bytes
        number of bytes overflow

applies the transformations specified in
to the symbol specified by
It returns in
the string, if any, associated with the keysym for the current locale. If the
transformations in
changes the keysym,
is updated accordingly. If the string returned is larger than
a count of bytes that does not fit into the buffer is returned in extra_rtrn.
returns the number of bytes it placed into

To update the keyboard description that is internal to the X library, use

<indexterm significance="preferred" zone="XkbRefreshKeyboardMapping"><primary><function>XkbRefreshKeyboardMapping</function></primary></indexterm>
<funcsynopsis id="XkbRefreshKeyboardMapping">
    <funcdef>Status <function>XkbRefreshKeyboardMapping</function></funcdef>
<!-- (
<parameter>event)</parameter> -->

    <paramdef>XkbMapNotifyEvent *<parameter>event</parameter></paramdef>
        event initiating remapping

is the Xkb equivalent of the core
function. It requests that the X server send the current key mapping
information to this client. A client usually invokes
after receiving an
if it succeeds and
if the event is not an Xkb event.

event can be generated when some client calls
or any of the standard X library functions that change the keyboard mapping
or modifier mapping.

To translate a keycode to a key symbol and modifiers, use

<indexterm significance="preferred" zone="XkbTranslateKeyCode"><primary><function>XkbTranslateKeyCode</function></primary></indexterm>
<funcsynopsis id="XkbTranslateKeyCode">
    <funcdef>Bool <function>XkbTranslateKeyCode</function></funcdef>
<!-- (
<parameter>xkb, key, mods, mods_rtrn, keysym_rtrn)</parameter> -->

    <paramdef>XkbDescPtr <parameter>xkb</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>KeyCode <parameter>key</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>unsigned int <parameter>mods</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>unsigned int *<parameter>mods_rtrn</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>KeySym *<parameter>keysym_rtrn</parameter></paramdef>
        keyboard description to use for translation
        keycode to translate
        modifiers to apply when translating <parameter>key</parameter>
        backfilled with consumed modifiers
        keysym resulting from translation

is backfilled with the modifiers consumed by the translation process.
is a bitwise inclusive OR of the legal modifier masks:
library control (see <link linkend="AlwaysConsumeShiftAndLock">section 11.1.3</link>), if enabled, causes
to consume shift and lock.
if the translation resulted in a keysym, and
if it resulted in