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<chapter id='Attaching_Xkb_Actions_to_X_Input_Extension_Devices'>
<title>Attaching Xkb Actions to X Input Extension Devices</title>

The X input extension allows an X server to support multiple keyboards, as well
as other input devices, in addition to the core X keyboard and pointer. The
input extension categorizes devices by grouping them into classes. Keyboards
and other input devices with keys are classified as KeyClass devices by the
input extension. Other types of devices supported by the input extension
include, but are not limited to: mice, tablets, touchscreens, barcode readers,
button boxes, trackballs, identifier devices, data gloves, and eye trackers.
Xkb provides additional control over all X input extension devices, whether
they are <symbol>KeyClass</symbol>
devices or not, as well as the core keyboard and pointer.

If an X server implements support for both the input extension and Xkb, the
server implementor determines whether interaction between Xkb and the input
extension is allowed. Implementors are free to restrict the effects of Xkb to
only the core X keyboard device or allow interaction between Xkb and the input

Several types of interaction between Xkb and the input extension are defined by
Xkb. Some or all may be allowed by the X server implementation.

Regardless of whether the server allows interaction between Xkb and the input
extension, the following access is provided:

Xkb functionality for the core X keyboard device and its mapping is accessed
via the functions described in the other chapters of this specification.
Xkb functionality for the core X pointer device is accessed via the
XkbGetDeviceInfo and XkbSetDeviceInfo functions described in this chapter.

If all types of interaction are allowed between Xkb and the input extension,
the following additional access is provided:

If allowed, Xkb functionality for additional
devices supported by the input extension is accessed via those same functions.
If allowed, Xkb functionality for non-
devices supported by the input extension is also accessed via the
XkbGetDeviceInfo and XkbSetDeviceInfo functions described in this chapter.

Each device has an X Input Extension device ID. Each device may have several
classes of feedback. For example, there are two types of feedbacks that can
generate bells: bell feedback and keyboard feedback
A device can have more than one feedback of each type; the feedback ID
identifies the particular feedback within its class.

A keyboard feedback has:

Auto-repeat status (global and per key)
32 LEDs
A bell

An indicator feedback has:

Up to 32 LEDs

If the input extension is present and the server allows interaction between the
input extension and Xkb, then the core keyboard, the core keyboard indicators,
and the core keyboard bells may each be addressed using an appropriate device
spec, class, and ID. The constant
may be used as the device ID to specify the core keyboard indicators for the
core indicator feedback. The particular device ID corresponding to the core
keyboard feedback and the core indicator feedback may be obtained by calling
and specifying
as the
the values will be returned in

If the server does not allow Xkb access to input extension
devices, attempts to use Xkb requests with those devices fail with a
error. Attempts to access non-
input extension devices via XkbGetDeviceInfo and XkbSetDeviceInfo fail
silently if Xkb access to those devices is not supported by the X server.

<sect1 id='XkbDeviceInfoRec'>
<indexterm significance="preferred" zone="XkbDeviceInfoRec">
<indexterm significance="preferred" zone="XkbDeviceInfoRec">

Information about X Input Extension devices is transferred between a client
program and the Xkb extension in an

typedef struct {
    char *          name;          /* name for device */
    Atom            type;          /* name for class of devices */
    unsigned short  device_spec;   /* device of interest */
    Bool            has_own_state; /* <symbol>True</symbol> &rArr; this device has
                                      its own state */
    unsigned short  supported;     /* bits indicating supported capabilities */
    unsigned short  unsupported;   /* bits indicating unsupported capabilities */
    unsigned short  num_btns;      /* number of entries in <structfield>btn_acts</structfield> */
    XkbAction *     btn_acts;      /* button actions */
    unsigned short  sz_leds;       /* total number of entries in LEDs vector */
    unsigned short  num_leds;      /* number of valid entries in LEDs vector */
    unsigned short  dflt_kbd_fb;   /* input extension ID of default
                                      (core kbd) indicator */
    unsigned short  dflt_led_fb;   /* input extension ID of default
                                      indicator feedback */
    XkbDeviceLedInfoPtr  leds;     /* LED descriptions */
} <structname>XkbDeviceInfoRec</structname>, *XkbDeviceInfoPtr;

typedef struct {
    unsigned short  led_class;     /* class for this LED device */
    unsigned short  led_id;        /* ID for this LED device */
    unsigned int    phys_indicators; /* bits for which LEDs physically present */
    unsigned int    maps_present;  /* bits for which LEDs have maps in <structfield>maps</structfield> */
    unsigned int    names_present; /* bits for which LEDs are in <structfield>names</structfield> */
    unsigned int    state;         /* 1 bit &rArr; corresponding LED is on */
    Atom            names[XkbNumIndicators]; /* names for LEDs */
    XkbIndicatorMapRec  maps;      /* indicator maps for each LED */
} <structname>XkbDeviceLedInfoRec</structname>, *XkbDeviceLedInfoPtr;

field is a registered symbolic name for a class of devices (for example,
"TABLET"). If a device is a keyboard (that is, is a member of
it has its own state, and
the state of the core keyboard is used. The
fields are masks where each bit indicates a capability. The meaning of the
mask bits is listed in <link linkend="table21.1">Table 21.1</link>,
together with the fields in the
structure that are associated with the capability represented by each bit. The
same bits are used to indicate the specific information desired in many of the
functions described subsequently in this section.

<table id='table21.1' frame='topbot'>
<title>XkbDeviceInfoRec Mask Bits</title>
<?dbfo keep-together="always" ?>
<tgroup cols='4' align='left' colsep='0' rowsep='0'>
<colspec colname='c1' colwidth='2.9*'/>
<colspec colname='c2' colwidth='2.0*'/>
<colspec colname='c3' colwidth='0.9*'/>
<colspec colname='c4' colwidth='2.0*'/>
  <row rowsep='1'>
    <entry>XkbDeviceInfoRec Fields Effected</entry>
    <entry>Capability If Set</entry>
    <entry>(1L &lt;&lt; 0)</entry>
Clients can use all Xkb requests and events with
devices supported by the input device extension.
    <entry>(1L &lt;&lt;1)</entry>
Clients can assign key actions to buttons on non-
input extension devices.
    <entry>(1L &lt;&lt;2)</entry>
Clients can assign names to indicators on non-
input extension devices.
    <entry>(1L &lt;&lt;3)</entry>
Clients can assign indicator maps to indicators on non-
input extension devices.
    <entry>(1L &lt;&lt;4)</entry>
Clients can request the status of indicators on non-
input extension devices.
<para><symbol>XkbXI_IndicatorNames&#xAD;Mask</symbol> |</para>
<para><symbol>XkbXI_IndicatorMaps&#xAD;Mask</symbol> |</para>
    <entry>(1L &lt;&lt;15)</entry>
    <entry>Those selected by Value column masks</entry>
<para><symbol>XkbXI_Indicators&#xAD;Mask</symbol> | </para>
<para><symbol>XkbXI_ButtonActions&#xAD;Mask</symbol> </para>
    <entry>Those selected by Value column masks</entry>
<para><symbol>XkbXI_AllDevice&#xAD;FeaturesMask</symbol> | </para>
<para><symbol>XkbXI_Keyboards&#xAD;Mask</symbol> </para>
    <entry>Those selected by Value column masks</entry>
<para><symbol>XkbXI_AllFeatures&#xAD;Mask</symbol> | </para>

fields are always filled in when a valid reply is returned from the server
involving an
All of the other fields are modified only if the particular function asks for

<sect1 id='Querying_Xkb_Features_for_Non_KeyClass_Input_Extension_Devices'>
<title>Querying Xkb Features for Non-KeyClass Input Extension Devices</title>

To determine whether the X server allows Xkb access to particular capabilities
of input devices other than the core X keyboard, or to determine the status of
indicator maps, indicator names or button actions on a non-
extension device, use XkbGetDeviceInfo.

<indexterm significance="preferred" zone="XkbGetDeviceInfo"><primary><function>XkbGetDeviceInfo</function></primary></indexterm>
<funcsynopsis id="XkbGetDeviceInfo">
    <funcdef>XkbDeviceInfoPtr <function>XkbGetDeviceInfo</function></funcdef>
<!-- (
which, device_spec, ind_class, ind_id) -->

    <paramdef>Display *<parameter>dpy</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>unsigned int <parameter>which</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>unsigned int <parameter>device_spec</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>unsigned int <parameter>ind_class</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>unsigned int <parameter>ind_id</parameter></paramdef>
        connection to X server
        mask indicating information to return
        device ID, or <symbol>XkbUseCoreKbd</symbol>
        feedback class for indicator requests
        feedback ID for indicator requests

returns information about the input device specified by
Unlike the
parameter of most Xkb functions,
does not need to be a keyboard device. It must, however, indicate either the
core keyboard or a valid X Input Extension device.

is a mask specifying optional information to be returned. It is an inclusive OR
of one or more of the values from <link linkend="table21.1">Table 21.1</link>
and causes the returned
to contain values for the corresponding fields specified in the table.

returned by
always has values for
(may be a null string, ""),
Other fields are filled in as specified by

Upon return, the
field will be set to the inclusive OR of zero or more bits from
<link linkend="table21.1">Table 21.1</link>;
each bit set indicates an optional Xkb extension device feature supported by
the server implementation, and a client may modify the associated behavior.

If the
bit is set in
returned will have the button actions
field) filled in for all buttons.

includes one of the bits in <symbol>XkbXI_IndicatorsMask</symbol>,
the feedback class of the
indicators must be specified in ind_class, and the feedback ID of the
indicators must be specified in ind_id. If the request does not include any of
the bits in <symbol>XkbXI_IndicatorsMask</symbol>,
the ind_class and ind_id parameters are
ignored. The class and ID can be obtained via the input device extension
XListInputDevices request.

If any of the
bits are set in
returned will have filled in the portions of the
structure corresponding to the indicator feedback identified by
vector of the
is allocated if necessary and
filled in. The
fields of the
entry corresponding to
are always filled in. If
fields of the
structure corresponding to
are returned.
the corresponding
field is updated. If
fields are updated.

Xkb provides convenience functions to request subsets of the information
available via
These convenience functions mirror some of the mask bits. The functions all
take an
as an input argument and operate on the X Input Extension device specified by
field of the structure. Only the parts of the structure indicated in the
function description are updated. The
structure used in the function call can be obtained by calling
XkbGetDeviceInfo or can be allocated by calling XkbAllocDeviceInfo
(see <link linkend="Allocating_Initializing_and_Freeing_the_XkbDeviceInfoRecStructure">section 21.3</link>).

These convenience functions are described as follows.

To query the button actions associated with an X Input Extension device, use

<indexterm significance="preferred" zone="XkbGetDeviceButtonActions"><primary><function>XkbGetDeviceButtonActions</function></primary></indexterm>
<funcsynopsis id="XkbGetDeviceButtonActions">
    <funcdef>Status <function>XkbGetDeviceButtonActions</function></funcdef>
<!-- (
<parameter>dpy, device_info, all_buttons, first_button, num_buttons</parameter>
) -->

    <paramdef>Display *<parameter>dpy</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>XkbDeviceInfoPtr <parameter>device_info</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>Bool <parameter>all_buttons</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>unsigned int <parameter>first_button</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>unsigned int <parameter>num_buttons</parameter></paramdef>
        connection to X server
        structure to update with results
        <symbol>True</symbol> &rArr; get information for all buttons
        number of first button for which info is desired
        number of buttons for which info is desired

queries the server for the desired button information for the device indicated
by the
field of
and waits for a reply. If successful,
backfills the button actions
field of
for only the requested buttons, updates the
fields, and returns

specify the device buttons for which actions should be returned. Setting
requests actions for all device buttons; if
specify a range of buttons for which actions are requested.

If a compatible version of Xkb is not available in the server or the Xkb
extension has not been properly initialized, XkbGetDeviceButtonActions returns
If allocation errors occur, a
status is returned. If the specified device
is invalid, a
status is returned. If the device has no buttons, a
status is returned. If
specify illegal buttons, a
status is returned.

To query the indicator names, maps, and state associated with an LED feedback
of an input extension device, use XkbGetDeviceLedInfo.

<indexterm significance="preferred" zone="XkbGetDeviceLedInfo"><primary><function>XkbGetDeviceLedInfo</function></primary></indexterm>
<funcsynopsis id="XkbGetDeviceLedInfo">
    <funcdef>Status <function>XkbGetDeviceLedInfo</function></funcdef>
<!-- (
<parameter>dpy, device_i</parameter>
nfo, led_class, led_id, which) -->

    <paramdef>Display *<parameter>dpy</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>XkbDeviceInfoPtr <parameter>device_info</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>unsigned int <parameter>led_class</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>unsigned int <parameter>led_id</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>unsigned int <parameter>which</parameter></paramdef>
        connection to X server
        structure to update with results
        LED feedback class assigned by input extension
        LED feedback ID assigned by input extension
        mask indicating desired information

queries the server for the desired LED information for the feedback specified
for the X input extension device indicated by
and waits for a reply. If successful,
backfills the relevant fields of
as determined by
with the results and returns
Valid values for
are the inclusive OR of any of

The fields of
that are filled in when this request succeeds are
and portions of the
structure corresponding to
as indicated by the bits set in
vector is allocated if necessary and
filled in. The
fields of the
entry corresponding to
are always filled in.

fields of the
structure corresponding to
are updated, if
the corresponding
field is updated, and if
fields are updated.

If a compatible version of Xkb is not available in the server or the Xkb
extension has not been properly initialized,
If allocation errors occur, a
status is returned. If the device has no indicators, a
error is returned. If
have illegal values, a
error is returned. If they have legal values but do not specify a feedback
that contains LEDs and is associated with the specified device, a
error is returned.

<sect1 id='Allocating_Initializing_and_Freeing_the_XkbDeviceInfoRecStructure'>
<title>Allocating, Initializing, and Freeing the XkbDeviceInfoRec

To obtain an
structure, use XkbGetDeviceInfo or XkbAllocDeviceInfo.

<indexterm significance="preferred" zone="XkbAllocDeviceInfo"><primary><function>XkbAllocDeviceInfo</function></primary></indexterm>
<funcsynopsis id="XkbAllocDeviceInfo">
    <funcdef>XkbDeviceInfoPtr <function>XkbAllocDeviceInfo</function></funcdef>
<!-- (device_spec, n_buttons, sz_leds) -->

    <paramdef>unsigned int <parameter>device_spec</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>unsigned int <parameter>n_buttons</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>unsigned int <parameter>sz_leds</parameter></paramdef>
        device ID with which structure will be used
        number of button actions to allocate space for
        number of LED feedbacks to allocate space for

allocates space for an
structure and initializes that structure’s
field with the device ID specified by device_spec. If
is nonzero,
are linked into the
structure and initialized to zero. If sz_leds is nonzero,
structures are also allocated and linked into the
structure. If you request
structures be allocated using this request, you must initialize them

To obtain an
structure, use XkbAllocDeviceLedInfo.

<indexterm significance="preferred" zone="XkbAllocDeviceLedInfo"><primary><function>XkbAllocDeviceLedInfo</function></primary></indexterm>
<funcsynopsis id="XkbAllocDeviceLedInfo">
    <funcdef>Status <function>XkbAllocDeviceLedInfo</function></funcdef>
<!-- (devi, num_needed) -->

    <paramdef>XkbDeviceInfoPtr <parameter>device_info</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>int <parameter>num_needed</parameter></paramdef>
        structure in which to allocate LED space
        number of indicators to allocate space for

allocates space for an
and places it in
If num_needed is nonzero,
structures are also allocated and linked into the
structure. If you request
structures be allocated using this request, you must initialize them
explicitly. All other fields are initialized to zero.

To initialize an
structure, use XkbAddDeviceLedInfo.

<indexterm significance="preferred" zone="XkbAddDeviceLedInfo"><primary><function>XkbAddDeviceLedInfo</function></primary></indexterm>
<funcsynopsis id="XkbAddDeviceLedInfo">
    <funcdef>XkbDeviceLedInfoPtr <function>XkbAddDeviceLedInfo</function></funcdef>
<!-- (device_info, led_class, led_id) -->

    <paramdef>XkbDeviceInfoPtr <parameter>device_info</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>unsigned int <parameter>led_class</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>unsigned int <parameter>led_id</parameter></paramdef>
        structure in which to add LED info
        input extension class for LED device of interest
        input extension ID for LED device of interest

first checks to see whether an entry matching
already exists in the
array. If it finds a matching entry, it returns a pointer to that entry.
Otherwise, it checks to be sure there is at least one empty entry in
and extends it if there is not enough room. It then increments
and fills in the next available entry in

If successful,
returns a pointer to the
structure that was initialized. If unable to allocate sufficient storage, or
points to an invalid
structure, or if
are inappropriate,

To allocate additional space for button actions in an
structure, use XkbResizeDeviceButtonActions.

<indexterm significance="preferred" zone="XkbResizeDeviceButtonActions"><primary><function>XkbResizeDeviceButtonActions</function></primary></indexterm>
<funcsynopsis id="XkbResizeDeviceButtonActions">
    <funcdef>Status <function>XkbResizeDeviceButtonActions</function></funcdef>
<!-- (device_info, new_total) -->

    <paramdef>XkbDeviceInfoPtr <parameter>device_info</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>unsigned int <parameter>new_total</parameter></paramdef>
        structure in which to allocate button actions
        new total number of button actions needed

reallocates space, if necessary, to make sure there is room for a total of
button actions in the
structure. Any new entries allocated are zeroed. If successful,
returns Success. If new_total is zero, all button actions are deleted,
is set to zero, and
is set to
If device_info is invalid or new_total is greater than 255,
is returned. If a memory allocation failure occurs, a
is returned.

To free an
structure, use XkbFreeDeviceInfo.

<indexterm significance="preferred" zone="XkbFreeDeviceInfo"><primary><function>XkbFreeDeviceInfo</function></primary></indexterm>
<funcsynopsis id="XkbFreeDeviceInfo">
    <funcdef>void <function>XkbFreeDeviceInfo</function></funcdef>
<!-- (device_info, which, free_all) -->

    <paramdef>XkbDeviceInfoPtr <parameter>device_info</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>unsigned int <parameter>which</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>Bool <parameter>free_all</parameter></paramdef>
        pointer to <structname>XkbDeviceInfoRec</structname> in which to free items
        mask of components of <parameter>device_info</parameter> to free
        <symbol>True</symbol> &rArr; free everything, including device_info

If free_all is
frees all components of
and the
structure pointed to by
itself. If free_all is
the value of which determines which subcomponents are freed.
is an inclusive OR of one or more of the values from
<link linkend="table21.1">Table 21.1</link>. If which
contains <symbol>XkbXI_ButtonActionsMask</symbol>,
all button actions associated with
are freed,
is set to
is set to zero. If which contains all bits in
<symbol>XkbXI_IndicatorsMask</symbol>, all
structures associated with
are freed,
is set to
are set to zero. If which contains <symbol>XkbXI_IndicatorMapsMask</symbol>,
all indicator maps associated with
are cleared, but the number of LEDs and the leds structures themselves are
preserved. If which contains <symbol>XkbXI_IndicatorNamesMask</symbol>,
all indicator names
associated with device_info are cleared, but the number of LEDs and the leds
structures themselves are preserved. If which contains
the indicator state associated with the
leds are set to zeros but the number of LEDs and the leds structures
themselves are preserved.

<sect1 id='Setting_Xkb_Features_for_Non_KeyClass_Input_Extension_Devices'>
<title>Setting Xkb Features for Non-KeyClass Input Extension Devices</title>

The Xkb extension allows clients to assign any key action to either core
pointer or input extension device buttons. This makes it possible to control
the keyboard or generate keyboard key events from extension devices or from the
core pointer.

Key actions assigned to core X pointer buttons or input extension device
buttons cause key events to be generated as if they had originated from the
core X keyboard.

Xkb implementations are required to support key actions for the buttons of the
core pointer device, but support for actions on extension devices is optional.
Implementations that do not support button actions for extension devices must
not set the
bit in the
field of an

If a client attempts to modify valid characteristics of a device using an
implementation that does not support modification of those characteristics, no
protocol error is generated. Instead, the server reports a failure for the
request; it also sends an
event to the client that issued the request if the client has selected to
receive these events.

To change characteristics of an X Input Extension device in the server, first
modify a local copy of the device structure and then use either
or, to save network traffic, use an
structure (see <link linkend="Tracking_Changes_to_Extension_Devices">section 21.6</link>) and call
to download the changes to the server.

To modify some or all of the characteristics of an X Input Extension device,
use XkbSetDeviceInfo.

<indexterm significance="preferred" zone="XkbSetDeviceInfo"><primary><function>XkbSetDeviceInfo</function></primary></indexterm>
<funcsynopsis id="XkbSetDeviceInfo">
    <funcdef>Bool <function>XkbSetDeviceInfo</function></funcdef>
<!-- (
which, device_info) -->

    <paramdef>Display *<parameter>dpy</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>unsigned int <parameter>which</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>XkbDeviceInfoPtr <parameter>device_info</parameter></paramdef>
        connection to X server
        mask indicating characteristics to modify
        structure defining the device and modifications

sends a request to the server to modify the characteristics of the device
specified in the
structure. The particular characteristics modified are identified by the bits
set in
and take their values from the relevant fields in
(see <link linkend="table21.1">Table 21.1</link>).
if the request was successfully sent to the server. If the X server
implementation does not allow interaction between the X input extension and the
Xkb Extension, the function does nothing and returns

parameter specifies which aspects of the device should be changed and is a
bitmask composed of an inclusive OR or one or more of the following bits:
If the features requested to be manipulated in
are valid for the device, but the server does not support assignment of one or
more of them, that particular portion of the request is ignored.

If the device specified in
does not contain buttons and a request affecting buttons is made, or the
device does not contain indicators and a request affecting indicators is made,
protocol error results.

If the
bit is set in the supported mask returned by XkbGetDeviceInfo, the Xkb
extension allows applications to assign key actions to buttons on input
extension devices other than the core keyboard device. If the
is set in
the actions for all buttons specified in device_info are set to the
specified in
If the number of buttons requested to be updated is not valid for the device,
and a
protocol error results.

If the
and / or
bit is set in the supported mask returned by XkbGetDeviceInfo, the Xkb
extension allows applications to assign maps and / or names to the indicators
of nonkeyboard extension devices. If supported, maps and / or names can be
assigned to all extension device indicators, whether they are part of a
keyboard feedback or part of an indicator feedback.

If the
and / or
flag is set in
the indicator maps and / or names for all
indicator devices specified in
are set to the maps and / or names specified in
specify the input extension class and device ID for each indicator device to
modify; if they have invalid values, a
protocol error results and
If they have legal values but do not specify a keyboard or indicator class
feedback for the device in question, a
error results. If any of the values in
are not a valid Atom or
protocol error results.

Xkb provides convenience functions to modify subsets of the information
accessible via
Only the parts of the structure indicated in the function description are
modified. These convenience functions are described as follows.

To change only the button actions for an input extension device, use

<indexterm significance="preferred" zone="XkbSetDeviceButtonActions"><primary><function>XkbSetDeviceButtonActions</function></primary></indexterm>
<funcsynopsis id="XkbSetDeviceButtonActions">
    <funcdef>Bool <function>XkbSetDeviceButtonActions</function></funcdef>
<!-- (
device, first_button, num_buttons, actions) -->

    <paramdef>Display *<parameter>dpy</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>XkbDeviceInfoPtr <parameter>device_info</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>unsigned int <parameter>first_button</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>unsigned int <parameter>num_buttons</parameter></paramdef>
        connection to X server
        structure defining the device and modifications
        number of first button to update, 0 relative
        number of buttons to update

assigns actions to the buttons of the device specified in
Actions are assigned to
buttons beginning with
and are taken from the actions specified in

If the server does not support assignment of Xkb actions to extension device
has no effect and returns
If the device has no buttons or if
specify buttons outside of the valid range as determined by
the function has no effect and returns
sends a request to the server to change the actions for the specified buttons
and returns

If the actual request sent to the server involved illegal button numbers, a
protocol error is generated. If an invalid device identifier is specified in
a <errorname>BadKeyboard</errorname>
protocol error results. If the actual device specified in
does not contain buttons and a request affecting buttons is made, a
protocol error is generated.

<sect1 id='XkbExtensionDeviceNotify_Event'>
<title>XkbExtensionDeviceNotify Event</title>
<indexterm significance="preferred" zone="XkbExtensionDeviceNotify_Event">
<indexterm significance="preferred" zone="XkbExtensionDeviceNotify_Event">

The Xkb extension generates
events when the status of an input extension device changes or when an attempt
is made to use an Xkb feature that is not supported by a particular device.

<note><para>Events indicating an attempt to use an unsupported feature are
delivered only to the client requesting the event.</para></note>

To track changes to the status of input extension devices or attempts to use
unsupported features of a device, select to receive
events by calling either
(see <link linkend="Selecting_Xkb_Events">section 4.3</link>).

To receive
events under all possible conditions, call
and pass
in both

event has no event details. However, you can call
as the
and specifying
This has the same effect as a call to

The structure for
events is:

typedef struct {
    int            type;           /* Xkb extension base event code */
    unsigned long  serial;         /* X server serial number for event */
    Bool           send_event;     /* <symbol>True</symbol> &rArr; synthetically generated */
    Display *      display;        /* server connection where event generated */
    Time           time;           /* server time when event generated */
    int            xkb_type;       /* <structname>XkbExtensionDeviceNotifyEvent</structname> */
    int            device;         /* Xkb device ID, will not be <symbol>XkbUseCoreKbd</symbol> */
    unsigned int   reason;         /* reason for the event */
    unsigned int   supported;      /* mask of supported features */
    unsigned int   unsupported;    /* unsupported features this client
                                      attempted to use */
    int            first_btn;      /* first button that changed */
    int            num_btns;       /* number of buttons that changed */
    unsigned int   leds_defined;   /* indicators with names or maps */
    unsigned int   led_state;      /* current state of the indicators */
    int            led_class;      /* feedback class for LED changes */
    int            led_id;         /* feedback ID for LED changes */
} <structname>XkbExtensionDeviceNotifyEvent</structname>;

event has fields enabling it to report changes in the state (on/off) of all of
the buttons for a device, but only for one LED feedback associated with a
device. You will get multiple events when more than one LED feedback changes
state or configuration.

<sect1 id='Tracking_Changes_to_Extension_Devices'>
<title>Tracking Changes to Extension Devices</title>
<indexterm significance="preferred" zone="Tracking_Changes_to_Extension_Devices">
<indexterm significance="preferred" zone="Tracking_Changes_to_Extension_Devices">

Changes to an Xkb extension device may be tracked by listening to
events and accumulating the changes in an
structure. The changes noted in the structure may then be used in subsequent
operations to update either a server configuration or a local copy of an Xkb
extension device configuration. The changes structure is defined as follows:

typedef struct _XkbDeviceChanges {
    unsigned int    changed;      /* bits indicating what has changed */
    unsigned short  first_btn;    /* number of first button which changed,
                                     if any */
    unsigned short  num_btns;     /* number of buttons that have changed */
    XkbDeviceLedChangesRec leds;
} <structname>XkbDeviceChangesRec</structname>, *XkbDeviceChangesPtr;

typedef struct _XkbDeviceLedChanges {
    unsigned short  led_class;    /* class of this indicator feedback bundle */
    unsigned short  led_id;       /* ID of this indicator feedback bundle */
    unsigned int    names;        /* bits indicating which names have changed */
    unsigned int    maps;         /* bits indicating which maps have changed */
    struct _XkbDeviceLedChanges *next; /* link to indicator change record
                                          for next set */
} <structname>XkbDeviceLedChangesRec</structname>, *XkbDeviceLedChangesPtr;

A local description of the configuration and state of a device may be kept in
structure. The actual state or configuration of the device may change because
of XkbSetDeviceInfo and XkbSetButtonActions requests made by clients or by user
interaction with the device. The X server sends an XkbExtensionDeviceNotify
event to all interested clients when the state of any buttons or indicators or
the configuration of the buttons or indicators on the core keyboard or any
input extension device changes. The event reports the state of indicators for a
single indicator feedback, and the state of up to 128 buttons. If more than 128
buttons or more than one indicator feedback are changed, the additional buttons
and indicator feedbacks are reported in subsequent events. Xkb provides
functions with which you can track changes to input extension devices by noting
the changes that were made and then requesting the changed information from the

To note device changes reported in an
event, use XkbNoteDeviceChanges.

<indexterm significance="preferred" zone="XkbNoteDeviceChanges"><primary><function>XkbNoteDeviceChanges</function></primary></indexterm>
<funcsynopsis id="XkbNoteDeviceChanges">
    <funcdef>void <function>XkbNoteDeviceChanges</function></funcdef>
<!-- (
<parameter>old, new, wanted</parameter>
) -->

    <paramdef>XkbDeviceChangesPtr <parameter>old</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>XkbExtensionDeviceNotifyEvent             *<parameter>new</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>unsigned int <parameter>wanted</parameter></paramdef>
        structure tracking state changes
        event indicating state changes
        mask indicating changes to note

The wanted field specifies the changes that should be noted in
and is composed of the bitwise inclusive OR of one or more of the masks from
<link linkend="table21.1">Table 21.1</link>.
field of the event in
indicates the types of changes the event is reporting.
updates the
specified by
with the changes that are both specified in
and contained in

To update a local copy of the state and configuration of an X input extension
device with the changes previously noted in an
structure, use XkbGetDeviceInfoChanges.

To query the changes that have occurred in the button actions or indicator
names and indicator maps associated with an input extension device, use

<indexterm significance="preferred" zone="XkbGetDeviceInfoChanges"><primary><function>XkbGetDeviceInfoChanges</function></primary></indexterm>
<funcsynopsis id="XkbGetDeviceInfoChanges">
    <funcdef>Status <function>XkbGetDeviceInfoChanges</function></funcdef>
<!-- (
changes) -->

    <paramdef>Display *<parameter>dpy</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>XkbDeviceInfoPtr <parameter>device_info</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>XkbDeviceChangesPtr <parameter>changes</parameter></paramdef>
        connection to X server
        structure to update with results
        contains notes of changes that have occurred

The changes-&gt;changed field indicates which attributes of the device
specified in
have changed. The parameters describing the changes are contained in the other
fields of
uses that information to call XkbGetDeviceInfo to obtain the current status of
those attributes that have changed. It then updates the local description of
the device in
with the new information.

To update the server’s description of a device with the changes noted in an
XkbDeviceChangesRec, use XkbChangeDeviceInfo.

<indexterm significance="preferred" zone="XkbChangeDeviceInfo"><primary><function>XkbChangeDeviceInfo</function></primary></indexterm>
<funcsynopsis id="XkbChangeDeviceInfo">
    <funcdef>Bool <function>XkbChangeDeviceInfo</function></funcdef>
<!-- (
<parameter>dpy, device_info, changes</parameter>
) -->

    <paramdef>Display *<parameter>dpy</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>XkbDeviceInfoPtr <parameter>device_info</parameter></paramdef>
    <paramdef>XkbDeviceChangesPtr <parameter>changes</parameter></paramdef>
        connection to X server
        local copy of device state and configuration
        note specifying changes in <parameter>device_info</parameter>

updates the server’s description of the device specified in
with the changes specified in
and contained in
The update is made by an XkbSetDeviceInfo request.
