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<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a name="sec-cairo-drawing-arcs"></a>Drawing Arcs and Circles</h2></div></div></div>
          With Cairo, the same function is used to draw arcs, circles, or
          ellipses: <code class="methodname">Cairo::Context::arc()</code>. This function
          takes five arguments. The first two are the coordinates of the
          center point of the arc, the third argument is the radius of the arc,
          and the final two arguments define the start and end angle of the
          arc. All angles are defined in radians, so drawing a circle is the
          same as drawing an arc from 0 to 2 * M_PI radians.
          An angle of 0 is in the direction of the positive X axis (in user-space). An
          angle of M_PI/2 radians (90 degrees) is in the direction of the positive Y axis
          (in user-space). Angles increase in the direction from the positive X axis
          toward the positive Y axis. So with the default transformation matrix, angles
          increase in a clockwise direction. (Remember that the positive Y axis
          points downwards.)
          To draw an ellipse, you can scale the current transformation matrix
          by different amounts in the X and Y directions. For example, to draw
          an ellipse with center at <code class="varname">x</code>, <code class="varname">y</code>
          and size <code class="varname">width</code>, <code class="varname">height</code>:

<pre class="programlisting">context-&gt;save();
context-&gt;translate(x, y);
context-&gt;scale(width / 2.0, height / 2.0);
context-&gt;arc(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2 * M_PI);
<div class="sect2">
<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
<a name="cairo-example-arcs"></a>Example</h3></div></div></div>
              Here's an example of a simple program that draws an arc, a circle
              and an ellipse into a drawing area.
<div class="figure">
<a name="figure-drawingarea-arc"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 17.5. Drawing Area - Arcs</b></p>
<div class="figure-contents"><div class="screenshot"><div><img src="figures/drawingarea_arcs.png" alt="Drawing Area - Arcs"></div></div></div>
<br class="figure-break"><p><a class="ulink" href="" target="_top">Source Code</a></p>
<p>File: <code class="filename">myarea.h</code> (For use with gtkmm 3, not gtkmm 2)
<pre class="programlisting">

#include &lt;gtkmm/drawingarea.h&gt;

class MyArea : public Gtk::DrawingArea
  virtual ~MyArea();

  //Override default signal handler:
  bool on_draw(const Cairo::RefPtr&lt;Cairo::Context&gt;&amp; cr) override;

<p>File: <code class="filename"></code> (For use with gtkmm 3, not gtkmm 2)
<pre class="programlisting">
#include "myarea.h"
#include &lt;gtkmm/application.h&gt;
#include &lt;gtkmm/window.h&gt;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
   auto app = Gtk::Application::create(argc, argv, "org.gtkmm.example");

   Gtk::Window win;

   MyArea area;

   return app-&gt;run(win);
<p>File: <code class="filename"></code> (For use with gtkmm 3, not gtkmm 2)
<pre class="programlisting">
#include "myarea.h"
#include &lt;cairomm/context.h&gt;
#include &lt;cmath&gt;



bool MyArea::on_draw(const Cairo::RefPtr&lt;Cairo::Context&gt;&amp; cr)
  // This is where we draw on the window
  Gtk::Allocation allocation = get_allocation();
  const int width = allocation.get_width();
  const int height = allocation.get_height();
  const int lesser = MIN(width, height);

  // coordinates for the center of the window
  int xc, yc;
  xc = width / 2;
  yc = height / 2;

  cr-&gt;set_line_width(lesser * 0.02);  // outline thickness changes
                                      // with window size

  // first draw a simple unclosed arc
  cr-&gt;arc(width / 3.0, height / 4.0, lesser / 4.0, -(M_PI / 5.0), M_PI);
  cr-&gt;close_path();   // line back to start point
  cr-&gt;set_source_rgb(0.0, 0.8, 0.0);
  cr-&gt;restore();  // back to opaque black
  cr-&gt;stroke();   // outline it

  // now draw a circle
  cr-&gt;arc(xc, yc, lesser / 4.0, 0.0, 2.0 * M_PI); // full circle
  cr-&gt;set_source_rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.8, 0.6);    // partially translucent
  cr-&gt;restore();  // back to opaque black

  // and finally an ellipse
  double ex, ey, ew, eh;
  // center of ellipse
  ex = xc;
  ey = 3.0 * height / 4.0;
  // ellipse dimensions
  ew = 3.0 * width / 4.0;
  eh = height / 3.0;


  cr-&gt;translate(ex, ey);  // make (ex, ey) == (0, 0)
  cr-&gt;scale(ew / 2.0, eh / 2.0);  // for width: ew / 2.0 == 1.0
                                  // for height: eh / 2.0 == 1.0

  cr-&gt;arc(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2 * M_PI);  // 'circle' centered at (0, 0)
                                          // with 'radius' of 1.0

  cr-&gt;set_source_rgba(0.8, 0.0, 0.0, 0.7);
  cr-&gt;restore();  // back to opaque black

  return true;
              There are a couple of things to note about this example code.
              Again, the only real difference between this example and the
              previous ones is the <code class="methodname">on_draw()</code>
              function, so we'll limit our focus to that function. In
              addition, the first part of the function is nearly identical to
              the previous examples, so we'll skip that portion.
              Note that in this case, we've expressed nearly everything in
              terms of the height and width of the window, including the width
              of the lines. Because of this, when you resize the window,
              everything scales with the window. Also note that there are
              three drawing sections in the function and each is wrapped with a
              <code class="methodname">save()</code>/<code class="methodname">restore()</code> pair
              so that we're back at a known state after each drawing.
              The section for drawing an arc introduces one new function,
              <code class="methodname">close_path()</code>. This function will in effect
              draw a straight line from the current point back to the first
              point in the path. There is a significant difference between
              calling <code class="methodname">close_path()</code> and manually drawing a
              line back to the starting point, however. If you use
              <code class="methodname">close_path()</code>, the lines will be nicely
              joined together. If you use <code class="methodname">line_to()</code>
              instead, the lines will end at the same point, but Cairo won't do
              any special joining.
<div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;"><table border="0" summary="Note: Drawing counter-clockwise">
<td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="25"><img alt="[Note]" src="icons/note.png"></td>
<th align="left">Drawing counter-clockwise</th>
<tr><td align="left" valign="top"><p>
                  The function
                  <code class="methodname">Cairo::Context::arc_negative()</code> is
                  exactly the same as
                  <code class="methodname">Cairo::Context::arc()</code> but the angles go
                  the opposite direction.
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