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  <title>Attach a filter to a stream</title>

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 <div class="refnamediv">
  <h1 class="refname">stream_filter_prepend</h1>
  <p class="verinfo">(PHP 4 &gt;= 4.3.0, PHP 5, PHP 7)</p><p class="refpurpose"><span class="refname">stream_filter_prepend</span> &mdash; <span class="dc-title">Attach a filter to a stream</span></p>

 <div class="refsect1 description" id="">
  <h3 class="title">Description</h3>
  <div class="methodsynopsis dc-description">
   <span class="type">resource</span> <span class="methodname"><strong>stream_filter_prepend</strong></span>
    ( <span class="methodparam"><span class="type">resource</span> <code class="parameter">$stream</code></span>
   , <span class="methodparam"><span class="type">string</span> <code class="parameter">$filtername</code></span>
   [, <span class="methodparam"><span class="type">int</span> <code class="parameter">$read_write</code></span>
   [, <span class="methodparam"><span class="type"><a href="language.pseudo-types.html#language.types.mixed" class="type mixed">mixed</a></span> <code class="parameter">$params</code></span>
  ]] )</div>

  <p class="para rdfs-comment">
   Adds <code class="parameter">filtername</code> to the list of filters
   attached to <code class="parameter">stream</code>.

 <div class="refsect1 parameters" id="">
  <h3 class="title">Parameters</h3>
  <p class="para">

<code class="parameter">stream</code></dt>


      <p class="para">
       The target stream.

<code class="parameter">filtername</code></dt>


      <p class="para">
       The filter name.

<code class="parameter">read_write</code></dt>


      <p class="para">
       By default, <span class="function"><strong>stream_filter_prepend()</strong></span> will
       attach the filter to the <em>read filter chain</em>
       if the file was opened for reading (i.e. File Mode:
       <em>r</em>, and/or <em>+</em>).  The filter
       will also be attached to the <em>write filter chain</em>
       if the file was opened for writing (i.e. File Mode:
       <em>w</em>, <em>a</em>, and/or <em>+</em>).
       <strong><code>STREAM_FILTER_WRITE</code></strong>, and/or
       <strong><code>STREAM_FILTER_ALL</code></strong> can also be passed to the
       <code class="parameter">read_write</code> parameter to override this behavior.
       See <span class="function"><a href="" class="function">stream_filter_append()</a></span> for an example of
       using this parameter.

<code class="parameter">params</code></dt>


      <p class="para">
       This filter will be added with the specified <code class="parameter">params</code>
       to the <em class="emphasis">beginning</em> of the list and will therefore be
       called first during stream operations.  To add a filter to the end of the
       list, use <span class="function"><a href="" class="function">stream_filter_append()</a></span>.



 <div class="refsect1 returnvalues" id="">
  <h3 class="title">Return Values</h3>
  <p class="para">
   Returns a resource on success or <strong><code>FALSE</code></strong> on failure. The resource can be
   used to refer to this filter instance during a call to
   <span class="function"><a href="" class="function">stream_filter_remove()</a></span>.

  <p class="para">
   <strong><code>FALSE</code></strong> is returned if <code class="parameter">stream</code> is not a resource or
   if <code class="parameter">filtername</code> cannot be located.

 <div class="refsect1 changelog" id="">
  <h3 class="title">Changelog</h3>
  <p class="para">
   <table class="doctable informaltable">


     <tbody class="tbody">
        Prior to PHP 5.1.0, this function returns <strong><code>TRUE</code></strong> on success
        or <strong><code>FALSE</code></strong> on failure.



 <div class="refsect1 notes" id="">
  <h3 class="title">Notes</h3>
  <blockquote class="note"><p><strong class="note">Note</strong>: 
   <strong>When using custom (user) filters</strong><br />
   <span class="simpara">
    <span class="function"><a href="" class="function">stream_filter_register()</a></span> must be called first
    in order to register the desired user filter to <code class="parameter">filtername</code>.
  <blockquote class="note"><p><strong class="note">Note</strong>: 
   <span class="simpara">
    Stream data is read from resources (both local and remote) in chunks,
    with any unconsumed data kept in internal buffers.  When a new
    filter is prepended to a stream, data in the internal buffers,
    which has already been processed through other filters will
    <em class="emphasis">not</em> be reprocessed through the new filter
    at that time.  This differs from the behavior of
    <span class="function"><a href="" class="function">stream_filter_append()</a></span>.
  <blockquote class="note"><p><strong class="note">Note</strong>: 
   <span class="simpara">
    When a filter is added for read and write, two instances of the filter
    are created. <span class="function"><strong>stream_filter_prepend()</strong></span> must be called twice 
    with <strong><code>STREAM_FILTER_READ</code></strong> and 
    <strong><code>STREAM_FILTER_WRITE</code></strong> to get both filter resources.

 <div class="refsect1 seealso" id="">
  <h3 class="title">See Also</h3>
  <ul class="simplelist">
   <li class="member"><span class="function"><a href="" class="function" rel="rdfs-seeAlso">stream_filter_register()</a> - Register a user defined stream filter</span></li>
   <li class="member"><span class="function"><a href="" class="function" rel="rdfs-seeAlso">stream_filter_append()</a> - Attach a filter to a stream</span></li>

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