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<a name="Compiling-Octave-with-64_002dbit-Indexing"></a>
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<a name="Compiling-Octave-with-64_002dbit-Indexing-1"></a>
<h3 class="section">E.3 Compiling Octave with 64-bit Indexing</h3>

<p>Note: the following only applies to systems that have 64-bit pointers.
Configuring Octave with <samp>--enable-64</samp> cannot magically make a
32-bit system have a 64-bit address space.
<p>On 64-bit systems, Octave uses 64-bit integers for indexing arrays
by default.  If the configure script determines that your <small>BLAS</small>
library uses 32-bit integers, then operations using the following
libraries are limited to arrays with dimensions that are smaller than
<em>2^{31}</em> elements:
<li> <small>BLAS</small>

</li><li> <small>LAPACK</small>

</li><li> QRUPDATE

</li><li> SuiteSparse

</li><li> <small>ARPACK</small>

<p>Additionally, the following libraries use <code>int</code> internally, so
maximum problem sizes are always limited:
<li> <small>GLPK</small>

</li><li> Qhull

<p>Except for <small>GLPK</small> and Qhull, these libraries may also be configured
to use 64-bit integers, but most systems do not provide packages built
this way.  If you wish to experiment with large arrays, the following
information may be helpful.
<p>The following instructions were tested with the development version of
Octave and GCC 4.3.4 on an x86_64 Debian system and may be out of date
now.  Please report any problems or corrections on the Octave bug
<p>The versions listed below are the versions used for testing.  If newer
versions of these packages are available, you should try to use them,
although there may be some differences.
<p>All libraries and header files will be installed in subdirectories of
<code>$prefix64</code> (you must choose the location of this directory).
<li> <small>BLAS</small> and <small>LAPACK</small> (<a href=""></a>)

<p>Reference versions for both libraries are included in the reference
<small>LAPACK</small> 3.2.1 distribution from <a href=""></a>.
<ul class="no-bullet">
<li>- Copy the file <samp></samp> and name it <samp></samp>.
The options <samp>-fdefault-integer-8</samp> and <samp>-fPIC</samp> (on 64-bit
CPU) have to be added to the variable <code>OPTS</code> and <code>NOOPT</code>.

</li><li>- Once you have compiled this library make sure that you use it for
compiling Suite Sparse and Octave.  In the following we assume that
you installed the <small>LAPACK</small> library as $prefix64/lib/liblapack.a.

</li><li> QRUPDATE (<a href=""></a>)

<p>In the <samp>Makeconf</samp> file:
<ul class="no-bullet">
<li>- Add <samp>-fdefault-integer-8</samp> to <code>FFLAGS</code>.

</li><li>- Adjust the <small>BLAS</small> and <small>LAPACK</small> variables as needed if your 64-bit
aware <small>BLAS</small> and <small>LAPACK</small> libraries are in a non-standard

</li><li>- Set <code>PREFIX</code> to the top-level directory of your install tree.

</li><li>- Run <code>make solib</code> to make a shared library.

</li><li>- Run <code>make install</code> to install the library.

</li><li> SuiteSparse (<a href=""></a>)

<p>Pass the following options to <code>make</code> to enable 64-bit integers
for <small>BLAS</small> library calls.  On 64-bit Windows systems, use
<code>-DLONGBLAS=&quot;long long&quot;</code> instead.
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">CFLAGS='-DLONGBLAS=long'

<p>The SuiteSparse makefiles don&rsquo;t generate shared libraries.  On some
systems, you can generate them by doing something as simple as
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">top=$(pwd)
for f in *.a; do
  mkdir tmp
  cd tmp
  ar vx ../$f
  gcc -shared -o ../${f%%.a}.so *.o
  cd $top
  rm -rf tmp

<p>Other systems may require a different solution.
</li><li> <small>ARPACK</small> (<a href=""></a>)

<ul class="no-bullet">
<li>- Add <samp>-fdefault-integer-8</samp> to <code>FFLAGS</code> when running configure.

</li><li>- Run <code>make</code> to build the library.

</li><li>- Run <code>make install</code> to install the library.

</li><li> ATLAS instead of reference <small>BLAS</small> and <small>LAPACK</small>

<p>Suggestions on how to compile ATLAS would be most welcome.
</li><li> <small>GLPK</small>

</li><li> Qhull (<a href=""></a>)

<p>Both <small>GLPK</small> and Qhull use <code>int</code> internally so maximum problem
sizes may be limited.
</li><li> Octave

<p>Octave&rsquo;s 64-bit index support is activated with the configure option
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">./configure \
  LD_LIBRARY_PATH=&quot;$prefix64/lib&quot; \
  CPPFLAGS=&quot;-I$prefix64/include&quot; LDFLAGS=&quot;-L$prefix64/lib&quot; \

<p>You must ensure that all Fortran sources except those in the
<samp>liboctave/external/ranlib</samp> directory are compiled such that INTEGERS are
8-bytes wide.  If you are using gfortran, the configure script should
automatically set the Makefile variable <code><span class="nolinebreak">F77_INTEGER_8_FLAG</span></code><!-- /@w --> to
<samp>-fdefault-integer-8</samp>.  If you are using another compiler, you
must set this variable yourself.  You should NOT set this flag in
<code>FFLAGS</code>, otherwise the files in <samp>liboctave/external/ranlib</samp> will be
</li><li> Other dependencies

<p>Probably nothing special needs to be done for the following
dependencies.  If you discover that something does need to be done,
please submit a bug report.
<ul class="no-bullet">
<li>- pcre

</li><li>- zlib

</li><li>- hdf5

</li><li>- fftw3

</li><li>- cURL

</li><li>- GraphicsMagick++

</li><li>- OpenGL

</li><li>- freetype

</li><li>- fontconfig

</li><li>- fltk


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