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<a name="Function-Overloading-1"></a>
<h4 class="subsection">34.4.1 Function Overloading</h4>

<p>Any Octave function can be overloaded, and this allows an object-specific
version of a function to be called as needed.  A pertinent example for the
polynomial class might be to overload the <code>polyval</code> function.
<div class="example">
<pre class="verbatim">function [y, dy] = polyval (p, varargin)

  if (nargout &gt; 1)
    [y, dy] = polyval (fliplr (p.poly), varargin{:});
    y = polyval (fliplr (p.poly), varargin{:});


<p>This function just hands off the work to the normal Octave <code>polyval</code>
function.  Another interesting example of an overloaded function for the
polynomial class is the <code>plot</code> function.
<div class="example">
<pre class="verbatim">function h = plot (p, varargin)

  n = 128;
  rmax = max (abs (roots (p.poly)));
  x = [0 : (n - 1)] / (n - 1) * 2.2 * rmax - 1.1 * rmax;
  if (nargout &gt; 0)
    h = plot (x, polyval (p, x), varargin{:});
    plot (x, polyval (p, x), varargin{:});


<p>which allows polynomials to be plotted in the domain near the region of the
roots of the polynomial.
<p>Functions that are of particular interest for overloading are the class
conversion functions such as <code>double</code>.  Overloading these functions allows
the <code>cast</code> function to work with a user class.  It can also aid in the
use of a class object with methods and functions from other classes since the
object can be transformed to the requisite input form for the new function.
An example <code>double</code> function for the polynomial class might look like
<div class="example">
<pre class="verbatim">function a = double (p)
  a = p.poly;
