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<a name="Iterative-Techniques-Applied-to-Sparse-Matrices"></a>
<h3 class="section">22.3 Iterative Techniques Applied to Sparse Matrices</h3>

<p>The left division <code>\</code> and right division <code>/</code> operators,
discussed in the previous section, use direct solvers to resolve a
linear equation of the form <code><var>x</var> = <var>A</var> \ <var>b</var></code> or
<code><var>x</var> = <var>b</var> / <var>A</var></code>.  Octave also includes a number of
functions to solve sparse linear equations using iterative techniques.
<a name="XREFpcg"></a><dl>
<dt><a name="index-pcg"></a><em><var>x</var> =</em> <strong>pcg</strong> <em>(<var>A</var>, <var>b</var>, <var>tol</var>, <var>maxit</var>, <var>m1</var>, <var>m2</var>, <var>x0</var>, &hellip;)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-pcg-1"></a><em><var>x</var> =</em> <strong>pcg</strong> <em>(<var>A</var>, <var>b</var>, <var>tol</var>, <var>maxit</var>, <var>M</var>, [], <var>x0</var>, &hellip;)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-pcg-2"></a><em>[<var>x</var>, <var>flag</var>, <var>relres</var>, <var>iter</var>, <var>resvec</var>, <var>eigest</var>] =</em> <strong>pcg</strong> <em>(<var>A</var>, <var>b</var>, &hellip;)</em></dt>
<p>Solve the linear system of equations <code><var>A</var>&nbsp;*&nbsp;<var>x</var>&nbsp;=&nbsp;<var>b</var></code><!-- /@w -->
by means of the Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient iterative method.
<p>The input arguments are:
<li> <var>A</var> is the matrix of the linear system and it must be square.
<var>A</var> can be passed as a matrix, function handle, or inline function
<code>Afun</code> such that <code>Afun(x) = A * x</code>.  Additional parameters to
<code>Afun</code> may be passed after <var>x0</var>.

<p><var>A</var> has to be Hermitian and Positive Definite (HPD).  If
<code>pcg</code> detects <var>A</var> not to be positive definite, a warning is printed
and the <var>flag</var> output is set.
</li><li> <var>b</var> is the right-hand side vector.

</li><li> <var>tol</var> is the required relative tolerance for the residual error,
<code><var>b</var>&nbsp;<span class="nolinebreak">-</span>&nbsp;<var>A</var>&nbsp;*&nbsp;<var>x</var></code><!-- /@w -->.  The iteration stops if
<code>norm&nbsp;(<var>b</var>&nbsp;<span class="nolinebreak">-</span>&nbsp;<var>A</var>&nbsp;*&nbsp;<var>x</var>)</code>&nbsp;&le;&nbsp;<code><var>tol</var>&nbsp;*&nbsp;norm&nbsp;(<var>b</var>)</code><!-- /@w --><!-- /@w -->.
If <var>tol</var> is omitted or empty, then a tolerance of 1e-6 is used.

</li><li> <var>maxit</var> is the maximum allowed number of iterations; if <var>maxit</var>
is omitted or empty then a value of 20 is used.

</li><li> <var>m</var> is a HPD preconditioning matrix.  For any decomposition
<code><var>m</var> = <var>p1</var> * <var>p2</var></code> such that
<code>inv&nbsp;(<var>p1</var>)&nbsp;*&nbsp;<var>A</var>&nbsp;*&nbsp;inv&nbsp;(<var>p2</var>)</code><!-- /@w --> is HPD, the
conjugate gradient method is formally applied to the linear system
<code>inv&nbsp;(<var>p1</var>)&nbsp;*&nbsp;<var>A</var>&nbsp;*&nbsp;inv&nbsp;(<var>p2</var>)&nbsp;*&nbsp;<var>y</var>&nbsp;=&nbsp;inv&nbsp;(<var>p1</var>)&nbsp;*&nbsp;<var>b</var></code><!-- /@w -->,
with <code><var>x</var> = inv (<var>p2</var>) * <var>y</var></code> (split preconditioning).
In practice, at each iteration of the conjugate gradient method a
linear system with matrix <var>m</var> is solved with <code>mldivide</code>.
If a particular factorization
<code><var>m</var> = <var>m1</var> * <var>m2</var></code> is available (for instance, an
incomplete Cholesky factorization of <var>a</var>), the two matrices
<var>m1</var> and <var>m2</var> can be passed and the relative linear systems
are solved with the <code>mldivide</code> operator.
Note that a proper choice of the preconditioner may dramatically improve
the overall performance of the method.  Instead of matrices <var>m1</var> and
<var>m2</var>, the user may pass two functions which return the results of
applying the inverse of <var>m1</var> and <var>m2</var> to a vector.
If <var>m1</var> is omitted or empty <code>[]</code>, then no preconditioning
is applied.  If no factorization of <var>m</var> is available, <var>m2</var>
can be omitted or left [], and the input variable <var>m1</var> can be
used to pass the preconditioner <var>m</var>.

</li><li> <var>x0</var> is the initial guess.  If <var>x0</var> is omitted or empty then the
function sets <var>x0</var> to a zero vector by default.

<p>The arguments which follow <var>x0</var> are treated as parameters, and passed in
an appropriate manner to any of the functions (<var>A</var> or <var>m1</var> or
<var>m2</var>) that have been given to <code>pcg</code>.
See the examples below for further details.
<p>The output arguments are:
<li> <var>x</var> is the computed approximation to the solution of
<code><var>A</var>&nbsp;*&nbsp;<var>x</var>&nbsp;=&nbsp;<var>b</var></code><!-- /@w -->.  If the algorithm did not converge,
then <var>x</var> is the iteration which has the minimum residual.

</li><li> <var>flag</var> reports on the convergence:

<li> 0: The algorithm converged to within the prescribed tolerance.

</li><li> 1: The algorithm did not converge and it reached the maximum
number of iterations.

</li><li> 2: The preconditioner matrix is singular.

</li><li> 3: The algorithm stagnated, i.e., the absolute value of the
difference between the current iteration <var>x</var> and the previous is less
than <code><var>eps</var> * norm (<var>x</var>,2)</code>.

</li><li> 4: The algorithm detects that the input (preconditioned) matrix is not

</li><li> <var>relres</var> is the ratio of the final residual to its initial value,
measured in the Euclidean norm.

</li><li> <var>iter</var> indicates the iteration of <var>x</var> which it was
computed.  Since the output <var>x</var> corresponds to the minimal
residual solution, the total number of iterations that
the method performed is given by <code>length(resvec) - 1</code>.

</li><li> <var>resvec</var> describes the convergence history of the method.
<code><var>resvec</var> (<var>i</var>, 1)</code> is the Euclidean norm of the residual, and
<code><var>resvec</var> (<var>i</var>, 2)</code> is the preconditioned residual
norm, after the
(<var>i</var>-1)-th iteration, <code><var>i</var> = 1, 2, &hellip;, <var>iter</var>+1</code>.
The preconditioned residual norm is defined as
<code><var>r</var>' * (<var>m</var> \ <var>r</var>)</code> where
<code><var>r</var> = <var>b</var> - <var>A</var> * <var>x</var></code>, see also the
description of <var>m</var>.  If <var>eigest</var> is not required, only
<code><var>resvec</var> (:, 1)</code> is returned.

</li><li> <var>eigest</var> returns the estimate for the smallest <code><var>eigest</var>(1)</code>
and largest <code><var>eigest</var>(2)</code> eigenvalues of the preconditioned matrix
<code><var>P</var>&nbsp;=&nbsp;<var>m</var>&nbsp;\&nbsp;<var>A</var></code><!-- /@w -->.  In particular, if no
preconditioning is used, the estimates for the extreme eigenvalues of
<var>A</var> are returned.  <code><var>eigest</var>(1)</code> is an overestimate and
<code><var>eigest</var>(2)</code> is an underestimate, so that
<code><var>eigest</var>(2) / <var>eigest</var>(1)</code> is a lower bound for
<code>cond (<var>P</var>, 2)</code>, which nevertheless in the limit should
theoretically be equal to the actual value of the condition number.

<p>Let us consider a trivial problem with a tridiagonal matrix
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">n = 10;
A = toeplitz (sparse ([1, 1], [1, 2], [2, 1], 1, n));
b = A * ones (n, 1);
M1 = ichol (A); # in this tridiagonal case it corresponds to chol (A)'
M2 = M1';
M = M1 * M2;
Afun = @(x) A * x;
Mfun = @(x) M \ x;
M1fun = @(x) M1 \ x;
M2fun = @(x) M2 \ x;

<p><small>EXAMPLE 1:</small> Simplest use of <code>pcg</code>
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">x = pcg (A, b)

<p><small>EXAMPLE 2:</small> <code>pcg</code> with a function which computes
<code><var>A</var> * <var>x</var></code>
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">x = pcg (Afun, b)

<p><small>EXAMPLE 3:</small> <code>pcg</code> with a preconditioner matrix <var>M</var>
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">x = pcg (A, b, 1e-06, 100, M)

<p><small>EXAMPLE 4:</small> <code>pcg</code> with a function as preconditioner
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">x = pcg (Afun, b, 1e-6, 100, Mfun)

<p><small>EXAMPLE 5:</small> <code>pcg</code> with preconditioner matrices <var>M1</var>
and <var>M2</var>
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">x = pcg (A, b, 1e-6, 100, M1, M2)

<p><small>EXAMPLE 6:</small> <code>pcg</code> with functions as preconditioners
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">x = pcg (Afun, b, 1e-6, 100, M1fun, M2fun)

<p><small>EXAMPLE 7:</small> <code>pcg</code> with as input a function requiring an argument
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">  function y = Ap (A, x, p) # compute A^p * x
     y = x;
     for i = 1:p
       y = A * y;
Apfun = @(x, p) Ap (A, x, p);
x = pcg (Apfun, b, [], [], [], [], [], 2);

<p><small>EXAMPLE 8:</small> explicit example to show that <code>pcg</code> uses a
split preconditioner
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">M1 = ichol (A + 0.1 * eye (n)); # factorization of A perturbed
M2 = M1';
M = M1 * M2;

## reference solution computed by pcg after two iterations
[x_ref, fl] = pcg (A, b, [], 2, M)

## split preconditioning
[y, fl] = pcg ((M1 \ A) / M2, M1 \ b, [], 2)
x = M2 \ y # compare x and x_ref


<li> C.T. Kelley, <cite>Iterative Methods for Linear and Nonlinear Equations</cite>,
SIAM, 1995. (the base PCG algorithm)

</li><li> Y. Saad, <cite>Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems</cite>,
PWS 1996. (condition number estimate from PCG)
Revised version of this book is available online at
<a href=""></a>

<p><strong>See also:</strong> <a href="Creating-Sparse-Matrices.html#XREFsparse">sparse</a>, <a href="#XREFpcr">pcr</a>, <a href="Specialized-Solvers.html#XREFgmres">gmres</a>, <a href="Specialized-Solvers.html#XREFbicg">bicg</a>, <a href="Specialized-Solvers.html#XREFbicgstab">bicgstab</a>, <a href="Specialized-Solvers.html#XREFcgs">cgs</a>.

<a name="XREFpcr"></a><dl>
<dt><a name="index-pcr"></a><em><var>x</var> =</em> <strong>pcr</strong> <em>(<var>A</var>, <var>b</var>, <var>tol</var>, <var>maxit</var>, <var>m</var>, <var>x0</var>, &hellip;)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-pcr-1"></a><em>[<var>x</var>, <var>flag</var>, <var>relres</var>, <var>iter</var>, <var>resvec</var>] =</em> <strong>pcr</strong> <em>(&hellip;)</em></dt>
<p>Solve the linear system of equations <code><var>A</var> * <var>x</var> = <var>b</var></code> by
means of the Preconditioned Conjugate Residuals iterative method.
<p>The input arguments are
<li> <var>A</var> can be either a square (preferably sparse) matrix or a function
handle, inline function or string containing the name of a function which
computes <code><var>A</var> * <var>x</var></code>.  In principle <var>A</var> should be
symmetric and non-singular; if <code>pcr</code> finds <var>A</var> to be numerically
singular, you will get a warning message and the <var>flag</var> output
parameter will be set.

</li><li> <var>b</var> is the right hand side vector.

</li><li> <var>tol</var> is the required relative tolerance for the residual error,
<code><var>b</var> - <var>A</var> * <var>x</var></code>.  The iteration stops if
<code>norm (<var>b</var> - <var>A</var> * <var>x</var>) &lt;=
<var>tol</var> * norm (<var>b</var> - <var>A</var> * <var>x0</var>)</code>.
If <var>tol</var> is empty or is omitted, the function sets
<code><var>tol</var> = 1e-6</code> by default.

</li><li> <var>maxit</var> is the maximum allowable number of iterations; if <code>[]</code> is
supplied for <var>maxit</var>, or <code>pcr</code> has less arguments, a default
value equal to 20 is used.

</li><li> <var>m</var> is the (left) preconditioning matrix, so that the iteration is
(theoretically) equivalent to solving by
<code>pcr</code> <code><var>P</var> * <var>x</var> = <var>m</var> \ <var>b</var></code>, with
<code><var>P</var> = <var>m</var> \ <var>A</var></code>.  Note that a proper choice of the
preconditioner may dramatically improve the overall performance of the
method.  Instead of matrix <var>m</var>, the user may pass a function which
returns the results of applying the inverse of <var>m</var> to a vector
(usually this is the preferred way of using the preconditioner).  If
<code>[]</code> is supplied for <var>m</var>, or <var>m</var> is omitted, no
preconditioning is applied.

</li><li> <var>x0</var> is the initial guess.  If <var>x0</var> is empty or omitted, the
function sets <var>x0</var> to a zero vector by default.

<p>The arguments which follow <var>x0</var> are treated as parameters, and passed
in a proper way to any of the functions (<var>A</var> or <var>m</var>) which are
passed to <code>pcr</code>.  See the examples below for further details.
<p>The output arguments are
<li> <var>x</var> is the computed approximation to the solution of
<code><var>A</var> * <var>x</var> = <var>b</var></code>.

</li><li> <var>flag</var> reports on the convergence.  <code><var>flag</var> = 0</code> means the
solution converged and the tolerance criterion given by <var>tol</var> is
satisfied.  <code><var>flag</var> = 1</code> means that the <var>maxit</var> limit for the
iteration count was reached.  <code><var>flag</var> = 3</code> reports a <code>pcr</code>
breakdown, see [1] for details.

</li><li> <var>relres</var> is the ratio of the final residual to its initial value,
measured in the Euclidean norm.

</li><li> <var>iter</var> is the actual number of iterations performed.

</li><li> <var>resvec</var> describes the convergence history of the method, so that
<code><var>resvec</var> (i)</code> contains the Euclidean norms of the residual after
the (<var>i</var>-1)-th iteration, <code><var>i</var> = 1,2, &hellip;, <var>iter</var>+1</code>.

<p>Let us consider a trivial problem with a diagonal matrix (we exploit the
sparsity of A)
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">n = 10;
A = sparse (diag (1:n));
b = rand (N, 1);

<p><small>EXAMPLE 1:</small> Simplest use of <code>pcr</code>
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">x = pcr (A, b)

<p><small>EXAMPLE 2:</small> <code>pcr</code> with a function which computes
<code><var>A</var> * <var>x</var></code>.
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">function y = apply_a (x)
  y = [1:10]' .* x;

x = pcr (&quot;apply_a&quot;, b)

<p><small>EXAMPLE 3:</small>  Preconditioned iteration, with full diagnostics.  The
preconditioner (quite strange, because even the original matrix
<var>A</var> is trivial) is defined as a function
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">function y = apply_m (x)
  k = floor (length (x) - 2);
  y = x;
  y(1:k) = x(1:k) ./ [1:k]';

[x, flag, relres, iter, resvec] = ...
                   pcr (A, b, [], [], &quot;apply_m&quot;)
semilogy ([1:iter+1], resvec);

<p><small>EXAMPLE 4:</small> Finally, a preconditioner which depends on a
parameter <var>k</var>.
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">function y = apply_m (x, varargin)
  k = varargin{1};
  y = x;
  y(1:k) = x(1:k) ./ [1:k]';

[x, flag, relres, iter, resvec] = ...
                   pcr (A, b, [], [], &quot;apply_m&quot;', [], 3)

<p>[1] W. Hackbusch, <cite>Iterative Solution of Large Sparse
Systems of Equations</cite>, section 9.5.4; Springer, 1994

<p><strong>See also:</strong> <a href="Creating-Sparse-Matrices.html#XREFsparse">sparse</a>, <a href="#XREFpcg">pcg</a>.

<p>The speed with which an iterative solver converges to a solution can be
accelerated with the use of a pre-conditioning matrix <var>M</var>.  In this
case the linear equation <code><var>M</var>^-1 * <var>x</var> = <var>M</var>^-1 *
<var>A</var> \ <var>b</var></code> is solved instead.  Typical pre-conditioning matrices
are partial factorizations of the original matrix.
<a name="XREFichol"></a><dl>
<dt><a name="index-ichol"></a><em><var>L</var> =</em> <strong>ichol</strong> <em>(<var>A</var>)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-ichol-1"></a><em><var>L</var> =</em> <strong>ichol</strong> <em>(<var>A</var>, <var>opts</var>)</em></dt>
<p>Compute the incomplete Cholesky factorization of the sparse square matrix
<p>By default, <code>ichol</code> uses only the lower triangle of <var>A</var> and
produces a lower triangular factor <var>L</var> such that <code>L*L'</code>
approximates <var>A</var>.
<p>The factor given by this routine may be useful as a preconditioner for a
system of linear equations being solved by iterative methods such as
PCG (Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient).
<p>The factorization may be modified by passing options in a structure
<var>opts</var>.  The option name is a field of the structure and the setting
is the value of field.  Names and specifiers are case sensitive.
<dl compact="compact">
<dd><p>Type of factorization.
<dl compact="compact">
<dt><code>&quot;nofill&quot;</code> (default)</dt>
<dd><p>Incomplete Cholesky factorization with no fill-in (IC(0)).
<dd><p>Incomplete Cholesky factorization with threshold dropping (ICT).

<dd><p>A non-negative scalar <var>alpha</var> for incomplete Cholesky factorization of
<code><var>A</var> + <var>alpha</var> * diag (diag (<var>A</var>))</code> instead of <var>A</var>.
This can be useful when <var>A</var> is not positive definite.  The default value
is 0.
<dd><p>A non-negative scalar specifying the drop tolerance for factorization if
performing ICT.  The default value is 0 which produces the
complete Cholesky factorization.
<p>Non-diagonal entries of <var>L</var> are set to 0 unless
<p><code>abs (<var>L</var>(i,j)) &gt;= droptol * norm (<var>A</var>(j:end, j), 1)</code>.
<dd><p>Modified incomplete Cholesky factorization:
<dl compact="compact">
<dt><code>&quot;off&quot;</code> (default)</dt>
<dd><p>Row and column sums are not necessarily preserved.
<dd><p>The diagonal of <var>L</var> is modified so that row (and column) sums are
preserved even when elements have been dropped during the factorization.
The relationship preserved is: <code><var>A</var> * e = <var>L</var> * <var>L</var>' * e</code>,
where e is a vector of ones.

<dl compact="compact">
<dt><code>&quot;lower&quot;</code> (default)</dt>
<dd><p>Use only the lower triangle of <var>A</var> and return a lower triangular factor
<var>L</var> such that <code>L*L'</code> approximates <var>A</var>.
<dd><p>Use only the upper triangle of <var>A</var> and return an upper triangular factor
<var>U</var> such that <code>U'*U</code> approximates <var>A</var>.

<p>The following problem demonstrates how to factorize a sample symmetric
positive definite matrix with the full Cholesky decomposition and with the
incomplete one.
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">A = [ 0.37, -0.05,  -0.05,  -0.07;
     -0.05,  0.116,  0.0,   -0.05;
     -0.05,  0.0,    0.116, -0.05;
     -0.07, -0.05,  -0.05,   0.202];
A = sparse (A);
nnz (tril (A))
ans =  9
L = chol (A, &quot;lower&quot;);
nnz (L)
ans =  10
norm (A - L * L', &quot;fro&quot;) / norm (A, &quot;fro&quot;)
ans =  1.1993e-16
opts.type = &quot;nofill&quot;;
L = ichol (A, opts);
nnz (L)
ans =  9
norm (A - L * L', &quot;fro&quot;) / norm (A, &quot;fro&quot;)
ans =  0.019736

<p>Another example for decomposition is a finite difference matrix used to
solve a boundary value problem on the unit square.
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">nx = 400; ny = 200;
hx = 1 / (nx + 1); hy = 1 / (ny + 1);
Dxx = spdiags ([ones(nx, 1), -2*ones(nx, 1), ones(nx, 1)],
               [-1 0 1 ], nx, nx) / (hx ^ 2);
Dyy = spdiags ([ones(ny, 1), -2*ones(ny, 1), ones(ny, 1)],
               [-1 0 1 ], ny, ny) / (hy ^ 2);
A = -kron (Dxx, speye (ny)) - kron (speye (nx), Dyy);
nnz (tril (A))
ans =  239400
opts.type = &quot;nofill&quot;;
L = ichol (A, opts);
nnz (tril (A))
ans =  239400
norm (A - L * L', &quot;fro&quot;) / norm (A, &quot;fro&quot;)
ans =  0.062327

<p>References for implemented algorithms:
<p>[1] Y. Saad. &quot;Preconditioning Techniques.&quot; <cite>Iterative
Methods for Sparse Linear Systems</cite>, PWS Publishing Company, 1996.
<p>[2] M. Jones, P. Plassmann: <cite>An Improved Incomplete
Cholesky Factorization</cite>, 1992.
<p><strong>See also:</strong> <a href="Matrix-Factorizations.html#XREFchol">chol</a>, <a href="#XREFilu">ilu</a>, <a href="#XREFpcg">pcg</a>.

<a name="XREFilu"></a><dl>
<dt><a name="index-ilu"></a><em></em> <strong>ilu</strong> <em>(<var>A</var>)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-ilu-1"></a><em></em> <strong>ilu</strong> <em>(<var>A</var>, <var>opts</var>)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-ilu-2"></a><em>[<var>L</var>, <var>U</var>] =</em> <strong>ilu</strong> <em>(&hellip;)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-ilu-3"></a><em>[<var>L</var>, <var>U</var>, <var>P</var>] =</em> <strong>ilu</strong> <em>(&hellip;)</em></dt>
<p>Compute the incomplete LU factorization of the sparse square matrix <var>A</var>.
<p><code>ilu</code> returns a unit lower triangular matrix <var>L</var>, an upper
triangular matrix <var>U</var>, and optionally a permutation matrix <var>P</var>, such
that <code><var>L</var>*<var>U</var></code> approximates <code><var>P</var>*<var>A</var></code>.
<p>The factors given by this routine may be useful as preconditioners for a
system of linear equations being solved by iterative methods such as BICG
(BiConjugate Gradients) or GMRES (Generalized Minimum Residual Method).
<p>The factorization may be modified by passing options in a structure
<var>opts</var>.  The option name is a field of the structure and the setting
is the value of field.  Names and specifiers are case sensitive.
<dl compact="compact">
<dd><p>Type of factorization.
<dl compact="compact">
<dt><code>&quot;nofill&quot;</code> (default)</dt>
<dd><p>ILU factorization with no fill-in (ILU(0)).
<p>Additional supported options: <code>milu</code>.
<dd><p>Crout version of ILU factorization (ILUC).
<p>Additional supported options: <code>milu</code>, <code>droptol</code>.
<dd><p>ILU factorization with threshold and pivoting.
<p>Additional supported options: <code>milu</code>, <code>droptol</code>, <code>udiag</code>,

<dd><p>A non-negative scalar specifying the drop tolerance for factorization.  The
default value is 0 which produces the complete LU factorization.
<p>Non-diagonal entries of <var>U</var> are set to 0 unless
<p><code>abs (<var>U</var>(i,j)) &gt;= droptol * norm (<var>A</var>(:,j))</code>.
<p>Non-diagonal entries of <var>L</var> are set to 0 unless
<p><code>abs (<var>L</var>(i,j)) &gt;= droptol * norm (<var>A</var>(:,j))/<var>U</var>(j,j)</code>.
<dd><p>Modified incomplete LU factorization:
<dl compact="compact">
<dd><p>Row-sum modified incomplete LU factorization.
The factorization preserves row sums:
<code><var>A</var> * e = <var>L</var> * <var>U</var> * e</code>, where e is a vector of ones.
<dd><p>Column-sum modified incomplete LU factorization.
The factorization preserves column sums:
<code>e' * <var>A</var> = e' * <var>L</var> * <var>U</var></code>.
<dt><code>&quot;off&quot;</code> (default)</dt>
<dd><p>Row and column sums are not necessarily preserved.

<dd><p>If true, any zeros on the diagonal of the upper triangular factor are
replaced by the local drop tolerance
<code>droptol * norm (<var>A</var>(:,j))/<var>U</var>(j,j)</code>.  The default is false.
<dd><p>Pivot threshold for factorization.  It can range between 0 (diagonal
pivoting) and 1 (default), where the maximum magnitude entry in the column
is chosen to be the pivot.

<p>If <code>ilu</code> is called with just one output, the returned matrix is
<code><var>L</var> + <var>U</var> - speye (size (<var>A</var>))</code>, where <var>L</var> is unit
lower triangular and <var>U</var> is upper triangular.
<p>With two outputs, <code>ilu</code> returns a unit lower triangular matrix <var>L</var>
and an upper triangular matrix <var>U</var>.  For <var>opts</var>.type ==
<code>&quot;ilutp&quot;</code>, one of the factors is permuted based on the value of
<var>opts</var>.milu.  When <var>opts</var>.milu == <code>&quot;row&quot;</code>, <var>U</var> is a
column permuted upper triangular factor.  Otherwise, <var>L</var> is a
row-permuted unit lower triangular factor.
<p>If there are three named outputs and <var>opts</var>.milu != <code>&quot;row&quot;</code>,
<var>P</var> is returned such that <var>L</var> and <var>U</var> are incomplete factors
of <code><var>P</var>*<var>A</var></code>.  When <var>opts</var>.milu == <code>&quot;row&quot;</code>, <var>P</var>
is returned such that <var>L</var> and <var>U</var> are incomplete factors of
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">A = gallery (&quot;neumann&quot;, 1600) + speye (1600);
opts.type = &quot;nofill&quot;;
nnz (A)
ans = 7840

nnz (lu (A))
ans = 126478

nnz (ilu (A, opts))
ans = 7840

<p>This shows that <var>A</var> has 7,840 nonzeros, the complete LU factorization
has 126,478 nonzeros, and the incomplete LU factorization, with 0 level of
fill-in, has 7,840 nonzeros, the same amount as <var>A</var>.  Taken from:
<a href=""></a>
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">A = gallery (&quot;wathen&quot;, 10, 10);
b = sum (A, 2);
tol = 1e-8;
maxit = 50;
opts.type = &quot;crout&quot;;
opts.droptol = 1e-4;
[L, U] = ilu (A, opts);
x = bicg (A, b, tol, maxit, L, U);
norm (A * x - b, inf)

<p>This example uses ILU as preconditioner for a random FEM-Matrix, which has a
large condition number.  Without <var>L</var> and <var>U</var> BICG would not

<p><strong>See also:</strong> <a href="Matrix-Factorizations.html#XREFlu">lu</a>, <a href="#XREFichol">ichol</a>, <a href="Specialized-Solvers.html#XREFbicg">bicg</a>, <a href="Specialized-Solvers.html#XREFgmres">gmres</a>.

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