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		<li class="L2"><a href="#index1h2">OPTIONS</a>
		<li class="L2"><a href="#index2h2">TEMPLATE PARAMETERS</a>

<p>The <code>report</code> directive is supplied by the <a href="">report</a> plugin.</p>

<p>This enables one to report on the structured data ("field" values) of
multiple pages; the output is formatted via a template.  This depends
on the <a href="../../../field.html">field</a> plugin.</p>

<p>The pages to report on are selected by a PageSpec given by the "pages"
parameter.  The template is given by the "template" parameter.
The template expects the data from a single page; it is applied
to each matching page separately, one after the other.</p>

<p>Additional parameters can be used to fill out the template, in
addition to the "field" values.  Passed-in values override the
"field" values.</p>

<p>There are two places where template files can live.  One is in the
/templates directory on the wiki.  These templates are wiki pages, and
can be edited from the web like other wiki pages.</p>

<p>The second place where template files can live is in the global
templates directory (the same place where the page.tmpl template lives).
This is a useful place to put template files if you want to prevent
them being edited from the web, and you don't want to have to make
them work as wiki pages.</p>

<h2><a name="index1h2"></a>OPTIONS</h2>

<p><strong>template</strong>: The template to use for the report.</p>

<p><strong>pages</strong>: A PageSpec to determine the pages to report on.</p>

<p><strong>pagenames</strong>: If given instead of pages, this is interpreted as a
space-separated list of links to pages, and they are shown in exactly the order
given: the sort and pages parameters cannot be used in conjunction with this
one.  If they are used, they will be ignored.</p>

<p><strong>trail</strong>: A page or pages to use as a "trail" page.</p>

<p>When a trail page is used, the matching pages are limited to (a subset
of) the pages which that page links to; the "pages" pagespec in this
case, rather than selecting pages from the entire wiki, will select
pages from within the set of pages given by the trail page.</p>

<p>Additional space-separated trail pages can be given in this option.
For example:</p>

<pre><code>trail="animals/cats animals/dogs"

<p>This will take the links from both the "animals/cats" page and the
"animals/dogs" page as the set of pages to apply the PageSpec to.</p>

<p><strong>start</strong>: Start the report at the given page-index; the index starts
from zero.</p>

<p><strong>count</strong>: Report only on N pages where count=N.</p>

<p><strong>sort</strong>: A SortSpec to determine how the matching pages should be sorted.</p>

<p><strong>here_only</strong>: Report on the current page only.</p>

<p>This is useful in combination with "prev_" and "next_" variables to
make a navigation trail.
If the current page doesn't match the pagespec, then no pages will
be reported on.</p>

<h3><a name="index1h3"></a>Headers</h3>

<p>An additional option is the "headers" option.  This is a space-separated
list of field names which are to be used as headers in the report.  This
is a way of getting around one of the limitations of HTML::Template, that
is, not being able to do tests such as
"if this-header is not equal to previous-header".</p>

<p>Instead, that logic is performed inside the plugin.  The template is
given parameters "HEADER1", "HEADER2" and so on, for each header.
If the value of a header field is the same as the previous value,
then HEADER*<em>N</em>* is set to be empty, but if the value of the header
field is new, then HEADER*<em>N</em>* is given that value.</p>

<h4><a name="index1h4"></a>Example</h4>

<p>Suppose you're writing a blog in which you record "moods", and you
want to display your blog posts by mood.</p>

<pre><code>[[!report  template="mood_summary"
sort="Mood Date title"

<p>The "mood_summary" template might be like this:</p>

<pre><code>&lt;TMPL_IF NAME="HEADER1"&gt;
## &lt;TMPL_VAR NAME="HEADER1"&gt;
### &lt;TMPL_VAR NAME="TITLE"&gt;
(&lt;TMPL_VAR NAME="DATE"&gt;) [[&lt;TMPL_VAR NAME="PAGE"&gt;]]

<h3><a name="index2h3"></a>Multi-page Reports</h3>

<p>Reports can now be split over multiple pages, so that there aren't
too many items per report-page.</p>

<p><strong>per_page</strong>: how many items to show per report-page.</p>

<p><strong>first_page_is_index</strong>: If true, the first page of the report is just
an index which contains links to the other report pages.
If false, the first page will contain report-content as well as links
to the other pages.</p>

<h3><a name="index3h3"></a>Advanced Options</h3>

<p>The following options are used to improve efficiency when dealing
with large numbers of pages; most people probably won't need them.</p>


<p>Make a trail; if true, then this report is called in "scan" mode and the
pages which match the pagespec are added to the list of links from this
page.  This can be used by <em>another</em> report by setting this page to be a
"trail" page in <em>that</em> report.</p>

<p>It is not possible to use "trail" and "maketrail" at the same time.
By default, "maketrail" is false.</p>

<h2><a name="index2h2"></a>TEMPLATE PARAMETERS</h2>

<p>The templates are in HTML::Template format, just as <a href="../../../../template.html">template</a> and
<a href="../../../ftemplate.html">ftemplate</a> are.  The parameters passed in to the template are as follows:</p>

<h3><a name="index4h3"></a>Fields</h3>

<p>The structured data from the current matching page.  This includes
"title" and "description" if they are defined.</p>

<h3><a name="index5h3"></a>Common values</h3>

<p>Values known for all pages:</p>

<li>page (the current page)</li>
<li>destpage (the destination page)</li>
<li>basename (the base name of the page)</li>
<li>recno (N if the page is the Nth page in the report)</li>

<h3><a name="index6h3"></a>Prev_Page And Next_Page</h3>

<p>The "prev_page" and "next_page" variables will give the value of the
previous page in the matching pages, or the next page in the matching pages.
This is mainly useful for a "here_only" report.</p>

<h3><a name="index7h3"></a>Passed-in values</h3>

<p>Any additional parameters to the report directive are passed to the
template; a parameter will override the matching "field" value.
For example, if you have a "Mood" field, and you pass Mood="bad" to
the report, then that will be the Mood which is given for the whole

<p>Generally this is useful if one wishes to make a more generic
template and hide or show portions of it depending on what
values are passed in the report directive call.</p>

<p>For example, one could have a "hide_mood" parameter which would hide
the "Mood" section of your template when it is true, which one could
use when the Mood is one of the headers.</p>

<h3><a name="index8h3"></a>Headers</h3>

<p>See the section on Headers.</p>

<h3><a name="index9h3"></a>First and Last</h3>

<p>If this is the first page-record in the report, then "first" is true.
If this is the last page-record in the report, then "last" is true.</p>



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Last edited <span class="date">Tue Feb 26 23:01:54 2019</span>
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