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  <title>Import Task</title>
  <h2 id="import">Import</h2>
  <p>Imports another build file into the current project.</p>

  <p>On execution it will select the proper ProjectHelper to parse the imported file, using the same
    algorithm as the one executed at <a href="../projecthelper.html">startup</a>. The selected
    ProjectHelper instance will then be responsible to actually parse the imported file.</p>

  <p><strong>Note</strong> as seen above, this task heavily relies on the ProjectHelper
    implementation and doesn't really perform any work of its own.  If you have configured Apache
    Ant to use a ProjectHelper other than Ant's default, this task may or may not work.</p>

  <p>In the common use case where only Ant's default project helper is used, it basically works like
    the <a href="" target="_top">Entity Includes
    as explained in the Ant FAQ</a>, as if the imported file was contained in the importing file,
    minus the top <code>&lt;project&gt;</code> tag.</p>

  <p>The <code>import</code> task may only be used as a top-level task. This means that it may not
    be used in a target.</p>

  <p>There are two further functional aspects that pertain to this task and that are not possible
    with entity includes:</p>
    <li>target overriding</li>
    <li>special properties</li>
  <h4>Target overriding</h4>

  <p>If a target in the main file is also present in at least one of the imported files, the one
    from the main file takes precedence.</p>

  <p>So if I import for example a <samp>docsbuild.xml</samp> file containing a project
    named <q>builddocs</q> that contains a <q>docs</q> target, I can define a <q>docs</q> target in
    my main buildfile and that is the one that will be called. This makes it easy to keep the same
    target name, so that the overriding target is still called by any other targets&mdash;in either
    the main or imported buildfile(s)&mdash;for which it is a dependency, with a different
    implementation. The target from <samp>docsbuild.xml</samp> is made available by the
    name <q></q>. This enables the new implementation to call the old target,
    thus <em>enhancing</em> it with tasks called before or after it.</p>

  <p>If you use the <var>as</var> attribute of the task, its value will be used to prefix the
    overridden target's name instead of the <var>name</var> attribute of the <code>project</code>

  <h4>Special properties</h4>

  <p>Imported files are treated as they are present in the main buildfile. This makes it easy to
    understand, but it makes it impossible for them to reference files and resources relative to
    their path.  Because of this, for every imported file, Ant adds a property that contains the
    path to the imported buildfile. With this path, the imported buildfile can keep resources and be
    able to reference them relative to its position.</p>

  <p>So if I import for example a <samp>docsbuild.xml</samp> file named <q>builddocs</q>, I can get
    its path as <code>ant.file.builddocs</code>, similarly to the <code>ant.file</code> property of
    the main buildfile.</p>

  <p>Note that <q>builddocs</q> is not the filename, but the <var>name</var> attribute present in
    the imported <code>project</code> tag.</p>

  <p>If the imported file does not have a <var>name</var> attribute,
    the <code>ant.file.<i>projectname</i></code> property will not be set.</p>

  <p><em>Since Ant 1.8.0</em>, the task can also import resources from URLs or classpath resources
    (which are URLs, really).  If you need to know whether the current build file's source has been
    a file or an URL you can consult the property <code>ant.file.type.<i>projectname</i></code>
    (using the same example as above <code>ant.file.type.builddocs</code>) which either have the
    value <q>file</q> or <q>url</q>.</p>

  <h4>Resolving files against the imported file</h4>

  <p>Suppose your main build file called <samp>importing.xml</samp> imports a build
    file <samp>imported.xml</samp>, located anywhere on the file system,
    and <samp>imported.xml</samp> reads a set of properties
    from <samp></samp>:</p>

&lt;!-- importing.xml --&gt;
&lt;project name="importing" basedir="." default="..."&gt;
  &lt;import file="${path_to_imported}/imported.xml"/&gt;

&lt;!-- imported.xml --&gt;
&lt;project name="imported" basedir="." default="..."&gt;
  &lt;property file=""/&gt;

  <p>This snippet however will resolve <samp></samp> against
  the <var>basedir</var> of <samp>importing.xml</samp>, because the <var>basedir</var>
  of <samp>imported.xml</samp> is ignored by Ant. The right way to
  use <samp></samp> is:</p>

&lt;!-- imported.xml --&gt;
&lt;project name="imported" basedir="." default="..."&gt;
  &lt;dirname property="imported.basedir" file="${ant.file.imported}"/&gt;
  &lt;property file="${imported.basedir}/"/&gt;

  <p>As explained above <code>ant.file.imported</code> stores the path of the build script, that
    defines the project called <q>imported</q>, (in short it stores the path
    to <samp>imported.xml</samp>) and <a href="dirname.html"><code>&lt;dirname&gt;</code></a> takes
    its directory. This technique also allows <samp>imported.xml</samp> to be used as a standalone
    file (without being imported in other project).</p>

  <p>The above description only works for imported files that actually are imported from files and
    not from URLs.  For files imported from URLs using resources relative to the imported file
    requires you to use tasks that can work on non-file resources in the first place.  To create a
    relative resource you'd use something like:</p>

  &lt;url baseUrl="${ant.file.imported}"

<table class="attr">
      <th scope="col">Attribute</th>
      <th scope="col">Description</th>
      <th scope="col">Required</th>
      <td>The file to import. If this is a relative file name, the file name will be resolved
        relative to the <em>importing</em> file. <strong>Note</strong>: this is unlike most other
        Ant file attributes, where relative files are resolved relative to <var>basedir</var>.</td>
      <td>Yes or a nested resource collection</td>
      <td>If <q>true</q>, do not stop the build if the file does not exist.</td>
      <td>No; default is <q>false</q></td>
      <td>Specifies the prefix prepended to the target names.</td>
      <td>No; defaults to <var>name</var> attribute of the <code>project</code> tag of the imported
      <td>Specifies the separator to be used between the prefix and the target name.</td>
      <td>No; defaults to <q>.</q></td>

<h3>Parameters specified as nested elements</h3>

<h4>any <a href="../Types/resources.html">resource</a> or resource collection</h4>
<p><em>Since Ant 1.8.0</em></p>
<p>The specified resources will be imported.</p>

<pre>&lt;import file=&quot;../common-targets.xml&quot;/&gt;</pre>

<p>Imports targets from the <samp>common-targets.xml</samp> file that is in a parent directory.</p>

<pre>&lt;import file=&quot;${deploy-platform}.xml&quot;/&gt;</pre>

<p>Imports the project defined by the property <code>deploy-platform</code></p>

  &lt;javaresource name="common/targets.xml"&gt;
    &lt;classpath location="common.jar"/&gt;

<p>Imports targets from the <samp>targets.xml</samp> file that is inside the
directory <samp>common</samp> inside the jar file <samp>common.jar</samp>.</p>

<h3>How is &lt;import&gt; different from <a href="include.html">&lt;include&gt;</a>?</h3>

<p>The short version: Use <code>import</code> if you intend to override a target, otherwise
use <code>include</code>.</p>

<p>When <code>import</code> is used, the imported targets are available by up to two names: their
"normal" name without any prefix and potentially with a prefixed name (the value of
the <var>as</var> attribute or the imported project's <var>name</var> attribute, if any).</p>

<p>When <code>include</code> is used, the included targets are only available in the prefixed form.</p>

<p>When <code>import</code> is used, the imported target's <var>depends</var> attribute remains
unchanged, i.e. it uses "normal" names and allows you to override targets in the dependency

<p>When <code>include</code> is used, the included targets cannot be overridden and
their <var>depends</var> attributes are rewritten so that prefixed names are used.  This allows
writers of the included file to control which target is invoked as part of the dependencies.</p>

<p>It is possible to <code>include</code> the same file more than once by using different prefixes;
it is not possible to <code>import</code> the same file more than once.</p>


<p><samp>nested.xml</samp> shall be:</p>

  &lt;target name="setUp"&gt;
    &lt;property name="prop" value="in nested"/&gt;

  &lt;target name="echo" depends="setUp"&gt;
    &lt;echo&gt;prop has the value ${prop}&lt;/echo&gt;

<p>When using <code>import</code> like in</p>

&lt;project default="test"&gt;
  &lt;target name="setUp"&gt;
    &lt;property name="prop" value="in importing"/&gt;

  &lt;import file="nested.xml" as="nested"/&gt;

  &lt;target name="test" depends="nested.echo"/&gt;

<p>Running the build file will emit:</p>

<pre class="output">

     [echo] prop has the value in importing



<p>When using <code>include</code> like in</p>

&lt;project default="test"&gt;
  &lt;target name="setUp"&gt;
    &lt;property name="prop" value="in importing"/&gt;

  &lt;include file="nested.xml" as="nested"/&gt;

  &lt;target name="test" depends="nested.echo"/&gt;

<p>Running the target build file will emit:</p>

<pre class="output">

     [echo] prop has the value in nested



<p>and there won't be any target named <q>echo</q> on the including build file.</p>
